Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (2024)

Gym overview

Gyms are locations found throughout the world where you can battle the Pokémon of rival teams. Trainers from opposing teams battle for control of the Gyms. Each Gym has up to six Pokémon assigned to defend it. Trainers from an opposing team can bring six of their own Pokémon to battle against the defenders, in hopes of claiming the Gym for their own team.

A Pokémon’s ability to be successful in battle is primarily influenced by its Hit Points (HP) and Combat Power (CP). HP is a measurement of the Pokémon’s health, and CP is a measurement of the strength of their attacks. Pokémon with high CP and high HP have powerful attacks as well as the ability to withstand attacks from opponents.

Every Pokémon on a Gym has motivation, a measurement of the Pokémon’s desire to defend the location. Trainers from opposing teams battle to reduce the motivation of the Pokémon on the Gym. Pokémon gradually lose motivation over time and by losing battles against opposing team members. As a Pokémon loses motivation, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it weaker in battle. When a Pokémon’s motivation reaches zero, it leaves the Gym and returns to its Trainer the next time it loses a battle.

For Gyms controlled by your team, your goal is to keep motivation up by giving the Pokémon treats. For Gyms controlled by opposing teams, your goal is to gain control of the Gym by depleting the motivation of opposing team’s Pokémon.

Battle at Gyms

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (1)A Gym controlled by a rival team can be claimed by defeating the Pokémon on the Gym. Each time you defeat a rival Pokémon, you reduce its motivation. When a Pokémon’s motivation is reduced to zero, it will leave the Gym and return to its Trainer the next time it loses a battle. When all the Pokémon leave the Gym, the Gym becomes open for you to claim.

For Gyms with more powerful Pokémon, you want to work with other Trainers to defeat them. Gyms can be challenged by multiple Trainers at the same time. Trainers from two teams can even come together to take down a Gym controlled by a third team.

When battling Pokémon, you battle Pokémon in the order they were assigned to the Gym; the Pokémon on the Gym for the longest time will battle first.

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (2)

Join a battle

Walk up to a Gym controlled by an opposing team and touch it to enter. Touch the Battle button Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (3) to select your Pokémon for battle. You can bring a group of up to six Pokémon to battle against your opponents.

Generally, Pokémon with high CP and HP make great additions to your group. Some Pokémon types and move types fair better against other Pokémon. For example, a Pokémon with Water-type attacks like Vaporeon will deal significant damage against Fire-type Pokémon like Arcanine.

To help you pick a strong group to bring to battle, six Pokémon will automatically be recommended to use in the battle based your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses. You may customize the group or use one of your pre-selected Battle parties. Once you are happy with your selection, touch the GO Battle button to start battling your opponent.

Moves and Attacks

Once in the battle, you can perform one of three different actions:

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (4)

Fast Attack

Tap anywhere on the screen to perform a Fast Attack. Fast Attacks recharge your Charged Attack meter.

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (5)

Charged Attack

Once your Charged Attack meter is full, the Charged Attack button will become enabled. Touch the button to perform a Charged Attack. Charged Attack causes large amounts of damage.

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (6)


Swipe to the left or right to dodge incoming attacks from the opponent.

If you are able to reduce your opponent's HP to zero, the opponent will faint and you will win the round. After each round you win, you have the option to continue to the next round or end the battle.

If all six of your Pokémon faint, you’ll lose the battle. To bring your Pokémon back to health, use Revives to restore fainted Pokémon and use Potions to restore any HP lost in battle. If you lose a battle, don’t feel discouraged. You can always battle again.

Claim an open Gym for your team

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (7) Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (8)

Open Gyms are available for Trainers of any team to take. If you see an open Gym on the Map, walk up to it and assign a Pokémon to claim it for your team.

Teams are able to assign up to 6 Pokémon to a Gym, but a single Trainer can only assign one Pokémon to the Gym — so you’ll need your teammates’ help in filling up the Gym. Only one Pokémon of a single species can be assigned to a Gym at one time. So if there’s a Pikachu assigned to a Gym, you won’t be able to assign another Pikachu.

To capture an open Gym:

  1. Walk up to a gray-colored Gym.
  2. Touch the Gym to enter it.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, touch the Add PokémonBattling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (9) Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (10) button.
  4. Select a Pokémon to add to the Gym. Your Pokémon won't be returned to your collection until it's knocked off the Gym, so choose carefully!

Once your Pokémon is on the Gym, the Gym changes from gray to the color of your team. Your Pokémon will only stay on the Gym if it is happy, so be sure to keep your Pokémon’s motivation up by giving it treats often.

Give treats to Pokémon on friendly Gyms

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (11)

Gyms that match your Trainer’s team color are controlled by your teammates and are known as friendly Gyms. Reinforce a friendly Gym by giving Berries to the Pokémon, increasing the Pokémon’s motivation and making it harder for rival teams to capture the location.

You can give Berries to any Pokémon on Gyms controlled by your team. You can give any kind of Berry to Pokémon - Golden Razz Berries, Razz Berries, Nanab Berries, and Pinap Berries. All Berries provide the same increase in motivation, with the exception of the Golden Razz Berry, which fully restores motivation. In addition to keeping your Pokémon happy and strong for battle, you’ll earn Stardust and XP for giving Berries to Pokémon defending Gyms.

To give a Berry to Pokémon:

  1. Visit a Gym controlled by your team. You’ll see that each Pokémon has a motivation meter.
  2. Touch a Pokémon you would like to give a Berry.
  3. Touch the Berry to give it to the Pokémon. With each Berry, the Pokémon’s motivation meter will increase.

To give a Berry to Pokémon from afar:

You can give your Pokémon treats even when you're not at the Gym, although your treats are less effective at long distances.

  1. In Map View, touch theMain MenuBattling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (12)button.
  2. Touch thePokémon Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (13) button.
  3. Locate a Pokémon that is assigned to a Gym. Touch the Pokémon.
  4. Touch theGo to Gymbutton to give the Pokémon a Berry from afar.

Tip: you can check your Pokémon’s motivation meter anytime by viewing your Badge for the Gym.

Other Gym features:

Raid Battles: When a Boss Pokémon takes over a Gym, you can participate in a Raid Battle to defeat this powerful Pokémon.

Gym Badges: When battling in the Gym, defending the Gym for certain periods of time, or by giving Pokémon treats, you’ll receive recognition in the form of a Badge

Collecting items: You can collect Poké Balls, Potions, and other items by spinning the Photo Disc at Gyms.

Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center (2024)


Battling at Gyms — Pokémon GO Help Center? ›

Walk up to a Gym controlled by an opposing team and touch it to enter. Touch the Battle button to select your Pokémon for battle. You can bring a group of up to six Pokémon to battle against your opponents. Generally, Pokémon with high CP and HP make great additions to your group.

How many coins do you get for defending a gym for 2 days? ›

Keep in mind that there is a daily limit of 50 PokéCoins regardless of how long your Pokémon has been defending a Gym or how many Pokémon return from defending Gyms in the same day.

How do gym battles work in Pokemon GO? ›

Unlike in the original series, Pokemon GO gyms are under partial user control. Members of the team that is in control of a gym can assign their own Pokemon to help defend the gym, but they cannot actually control their Pokemon in combat. This design choice leads to some peculiarities of the gym combat system.

Can I call my Pokémon back from a gym? ›

Sadly, there is no manual command a player can input to instantly transfer a monster from a Gym back to their collection.

How long does a Pokémon stay in a gym to get 50 coins? ›

After 8 hours and 20 minutes in a gym, a pokemon has accrued 50 coins and can never accrue more. But the trainer does not get the coins until the pokemon is ejected from the gym, and even then the coins may do no good if the trainer has already received 50 coins from other gyms that day.

What is the maximum time a Pokémon can be in a gym? ›

A Pokemon will stay in a gym until its “motivation" hits “0” - or until it is knocked out by a trainer of a different team. If you find an unpopular gym (with no nearby trainers), and drop the right defender into it, your defender may stay indefinitely, with regular feeding of golden berries.

How to remove Pokémon from gym? ›

Pokemon are only removed from gyms when the gym's level decreases. The maximum number of Pokemon assigned to a gym corresponds with the level of the gym. This can only happen when you fight a rival gym and win.

Why am I not getting PokeCoins from Gyms? ›

Once you've reached the daily Defender bonus limit of 50 PokéCoins, you won't be able to earn any more PokéCoins by defending Gyms until the next day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from defending Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins.

What's the point of putting Pokémon in Gyms? ›

If your Pokémon is in a gym, you can grab up to 50 coins per day. Your Pokémon will earn six coins per hour its in a gym, but you'll only see those coins once your Pokémon gets defeated and returns home. Even if you have multiple Pokémon in gyms, you won't be able to earn more than 50 coins a day.

Does battling in Gyms increase CP? ›

Trainers from opposing teams battle to reduce the motivation of the Pokémon on the Gym. Pokémon gradually lose motivation over time and by losing battles against opposing team members. As a Pokémon loses motivation, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it weaker in battle.

What is the point of battling trainers in Pokemon GO? ›

Participating in as many battles as possible each day is a great way to learn and to earn rewards, like Stardust and TMs, that will help you prepare your Pokémon for future battles. You can also battle outside of the GO Battle League, which can provide you with great opportunities for practice.

Can pokestops be removed? ›

Request modification or removal of a PokéStop or Gym – Pokémon GO. If you believe a PokéStop or Gym should be modified or removed, you can submit a request for us to review the location. The vast majority of PokéStops or Gyms in Pokémon GO were submitted by users to be included in our games.

Can I request a PokéStop location? ›

First, go to an object or location that you think would make a good Wayspot. Tap the Main Menu button. Tap the Settings button. Tap the New PokéStop button to start the nomination.

How to get free PokeCoins? ›

Once you've found a Gym, you can either destroy it or fortify it so that you can place your Pokemon there. You will be given the chance to walk into the Shop and "cash in" every 21 hours. Based on how many Pokemon you have on a Gym, you will receive a predetermined number of Pokecoins.

How to farm PokeCoins in Pokemon GO? ›

How to Get PokeCoins in Pokemon GO. The main way players earn PokeCoins in-game is by having their Pokemon stay at gyms that their team has taken over. If players can't find a gym occupied by their team, players will have to challenge one and take it over themselves.

Is there a way to get more than 50 PokeCoins a day? ›

You place your Pokemon in a Gym, and for every 10 minutes it defends the Gym, you earn one PokeCoin. Simple, right? But remember, you can only rake in a maximum of 50 PokeCoins per day, no matter how many Gyms you're defending or how long your Pokemon stand their ground.

Can you put mythical Pokémon in Gyms? ›

Legendary Pokemon Deserve a Pedestal

At the moment, Legendary and Mythical Pokemon can't be used in Gyms. This is likely because maxed-out Legendaries and Mythicals are bound to be far more powerful than normal Pokemon, so they would make Gyms much harder to contest.

How fast does a Pokemon lose motivation? ›

Motivation lowers much faster for Pokémon that have a CP of 3000 or higher - those with 2999 CP or lower decrease in Motivation at a rate of 1 per cent of the max per hour; those at 3000 CP or above decrease Motivation ten times faster, at a rate of 10 per cent per hour.

Do Pokemon GO Gyms reset? ›

If a Pokémon is thrown out of a Gym, there will be a cool-down period of 10 minutes before the defending team can add new Pokémon to the Gym. This cool-down does not reset back to its full duration if another Pokémon is thrown out of the Gym before the 10 minutes have elapsed.

How do you get rid of unwanted Pokémon in Pokemon go? ›

Getting rid of Pokémon in Pokémon GO is as simple as using the Transfer feature. Just open up your Pokémon collection, tap on the Pokémon you want to say goodbye to, and scroll down until you see the 'Transfer' button. Hit that, and wave goodbye to your selected Pokémon!

Why does Pokemon go remove Gyms? ›

We will remove PokéStops or Gyms from Pokémon GO for a very specific and limited set of reasons: There's no longer safe pedestrian access to the location. The PokéStop or Gym obstructs or interferes with Emergency Services' ability to perform normal operations.

How many coins do you get per day in a gym? ›

In addition, players will only get the PokeCoins from their Pokemon after being defeated and forced out of the Pokemon gym. The 50 coin limit also spans multiple Pokemon per day, so if two Pokemon have reached the limit and are kicked out the same day, players will only get 50 coins.

How many coins do you get from 1 hour in gym? ›

You will get six PokéCoins per hour while your Pokémon is in a gym, but you'll only get the coins when your Pokémon gets knocked out. You can also only get 50 PokéCoins per day, adding a cap to how many freebies you can grab.

Can you earn more than 50 PokeCoins a day? ›

Short Answer: No. Unfortunately, the daily limit for earning PokeCoins in Pokemon GO is set at 50.

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