Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste So Different From Heinz? (2024)

A former McDonald's chef spills the beans (or tomatoes).

ByLauren Breedlove

Published on September 8, 2023

Ever wondered why that McDonald’s cheeseburger seems to be on its own level when satisfying your cravings? It could all come down to its delicious, proprietary ketchup. But hang on. Why does McDonald’s ketchup taste different from brands like Heinz?

Mike Haracz, a former executive chef for McDonald’s, went on TikTok to answer that very question, posed by one of his followers, as well as debunk the theory that the fast food chain is putting honey in its ketchup.

“If you go on the McDonald’s website and look under their burgers and look at the ingredients statement of the ketchup on their burgers and compare that to Heinz, it is almost identical,” Haracz explains in his TikTok. “However, Heinz looks like it has some added ingredients.”

According to the McDonald's website, its ketchup is made from "Tomato Concentrate From Red Ripe Tomatoes, Distilled Vinegar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water, Salt, and Natural Flavors." Meanwhile, the recipe on the back of the Heinz bottle includes all of the above, plus onion powder and an unnamed spice. Since neither of the recipes shares precisely how much of each ingredient is used, it's entirely possible that the proportions play a role in the different tastes too.

Those additions, Haracz adds, could make Heinz “more flavorful,” and that it’s “up to you to decide whether it’s better or not, but the ingredients statements are almost identical, and I guarantee neither of them are putting honey in their ketchup.”

This isn’t the only one of Haracz’s videos to go viral of late. He regularly delights his followers by revealing the chain’s secrets on the regular, including sharing the best — and worst — times to visit each store for the fastest service.

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Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste So Different From Heinz? (2024)


Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste So Different From Heinz? ›

According to the McDonald's website, its ketchup is made from "Tomato Concentrate From Red Ripe Tomatoes, Distilled Vinegar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water, Salt, and Natural Flavors." Meanwhile, the recipe on the back of the Heinz bottle includes all of the above, plus onion powder and an unnamed spice.

Why does McDonald's ketchup taste different? ›

McDonald's ketchup consists of tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, salt, and natural flavors. Heinz doesn't have the water, like McDonald's does, and Heinz contains onion powder and "spice," while McDonald's does not.

What brand of ketchup does McDonald's use? ›

The company may have a surprisingly tasty collection of dipping sauces, but their ketchup has a compelling quality of its own, too. In particular, McDonald's ketchup isn't a commercially-available brand like Heinz or Hunt's, it's their own proprietary blend -- and that makes all the difference.

Why does Heinz ketchup taste different? ›

Heinz's recipe also included a greater concentration of vinegar, which increased the acidity, making it more sour than its competitors. He also doubled the sugar, hitting the tongue's sweet spot.

Has McDonald's changed their ketchup recipe? ›

Although the ingredients of the chain's old ketchup and new ketchup are almost identical, there are a few ingredients that aren't shared between the two brands. The transition from Heinz to a new supplier is ultimately why the ketchup tastes so different.

Does McDonald's put sugar in their ketchup? ›

66% Tomato Puree (equivalent to 184g Tomatoes per 100g Ketchup), Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Spirit Vinegar, Salt, Spice Extracts.

Why does McDonald's taste different now? ›

Fewer burgers are placed on the grill, which somehow results in a hotter, juicier, tastier burger, and the diced white onions are added to the beef patties on the grill as they are cooking, rather than afterwards at the prep table. The cheese has been “tempered” longer to make it meltier as well, Schafer says.

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