Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste Better Than Others? (2024)

You may think it sounds crazy, but McDonald's food tastes different than most other fast food restaurants. Sure, most of them all have the same basic menu: burgers, chicken, and French fries. But there's something about the way McDonald's makes its food that makes it top tier.

We already know that the co*ke and apple pie from McDonald's are next level. But what about something that you probably enjoy more frequently than a soda or dessert? Ketchup.

That's right, McDonald's ketchup tastes different — and some may say, better — than what you get at the store. And, no, it's not just Heinz ketchup masquerading in a McDonald's packet. McDonald's actually makes its own ketchup.

The Sticky History of McDonald's Ketchup

The first McDonald's opened in 1955 and in the 1970s, Mickey D's struck up a partnership with the ketchup giant Heinz. Heinz supplied McDonald's customers with its fan-favorite ketchup packets for more than 40 years. However, in 2013 Heinz was acquired by a new company with a new CEO, Bernado Hees.

Hees was the former CEO of Burger King, McDonald's fast food rival. Because of Hees' history with Burger King, McDonald's decided to end its 40-year partnership with Heinz and produce its own ketchup instead. Thus, this new tomato gold was made.

How Is McDonald's Ketchup Different?

After the McDonald's-Heinz partnership ended in 2013, McDonald's began handing out its own "Fancy" ketchup. Fancy is a qualification from the USDA that certifies it as high-quality ketchup (Heinz is also considered Fancy ketchup).

Fancy ketchup is a U.S. grade A ketchup that has good color, good consistency, good flavor, and is free from defects, according to the USDA. Grade A ketchup must also have at least 33% tomato solids — making it thick enough to stay in place on your food.

Admittedly, there are only three differing ingredients between McDonald's ketchup and Heinz ketchup, but it makes a difference. McDonald's ketchup consists of tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, salt, and natural flavors. Heinz doesn't have the water, like McDonald's does, and Heinz contains onion powder and "spice," while McDonald's does not.

McDonald's Ketchup vs. Heinz Ketchup

To put the ketchups to the test, we performed a taste test between McDonald's ketchup and Heinz ketchup. We dipped McDonald's French fries in room-temperature McDonald's ketchup, then room-temperature Heinz ketchup (we wanted to keep the temperatures the same in case it changed the consistency or flavors). Here are the results:

Heinz: The Heinz ketchup was thick and coated the fries well. It tasted tomato-y but had a big punch of spice.

McDonald's: The McDonald's ketchup was a little thinner, so it didn't coat the fry as much. It tasted mostly like sweet tomatoes without much spice. Almost like a tomato soup.

Even though there are only minor differences in the ingredient list, these two ketchups taste noticeably different. And if you like a sweeter, more tomato-heavy flavor, then the McDonald's ketchup is the one for you.

OK, so, maybe you've never thought about this ketchup question before. But next time you order your Quarter Pounder, you'll definitely notice it.

Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste Better Than Others? (2024)


Why Does McDonald's Ketchup Taste Better Than Others? ›

McDonald's ketchup consists of tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, water, salt, and natural flavors. Heinz doesn't have the water, like McDonald's does, and Heinz contains onion powder and "spice," while McDonald's does not.

Why does McDonald's ketchup taste different? ›

According to the McDonald's website, its ketchup is made from "Tomato Concentrate From Red Ripe Tomatoes, Distilled Vinegar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water, Salt, and Natural Flavors." Meanwhile, the recipe on the back of the Heinz bottle includes all of the above, plus onion powder and an unnamed spice.

What brand of ketchup does McDonald's use? ›

The company may have a surprisingly tasty collection of dipping sauces, but their ketchup has a compelling quality of its own, too. In particular, McDonald's ketchup isn't a commercially-available brand like Heinz or Hunt's, it's their own proprietary blend -- and that makes all the difference.

Has McDonald's changed their ketchup recipe? ›

Although the ingredients of the chain's old ketchup and new ketchup are almost identical, there are a few ingredients that aren't shared between the two brands. The transition from Heinz to a new supplier is ultimately why the ketchup tastes so different.

Does McDonald's put sugar in their ketchup? ›

66% Tomato Puree (equivalent to 184g Tomatoes per 100g Ketchup), Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Spirit Vinegar, Salt, Spice Extracts.

Why does McDonald's taste different now? ›

Fewer burgers are placed on the grill, which somehow results in a hotter, juicier, tastier burger, and the diced white onions are added to the beef patties on the grill as they are cooking, rather than afterwards at the prep table. The cheese has been “tempered” longer to make it meltier as well, Schafer says.

Why did McDonald's stop Heinz ketchup? ›

However, in 2013 Heinz was acquired by a new company with a new CEO, Bernado Hees. Hees was the former CEO of Burger King, McDonald's fast food rival. Because of Hees' history with Burger King, McDonald's decided to end its 40-year partnership with Heinz and produce its own ketchup instead.

Can McDonald's charge for ketchup? ›

The reason is that a significant proportion of our restaurants are owned by franchisees who set their own prices - some charge for extra sauces if they are not part of a meal option.

Is Heinz or Hunts ketchup better? ›

That extra gram of sugar in Heinz is something that you can actually taste. Heinz ketchup is sweeter and more tomato-y, while Hunt's ketchup has a more vinegar-forward flavor. Personally, it seems pretty clear that Heinz is the winner (it also took the top spot in Sporked's best ketchup ranking).

Why did McDonald's stop using tomatoes? ›

McDonald's posted notices at some outlets in Delhi, saying, "For the time being, we are forced to serve you products without tomatoes." The US burger-and-fries chain attributed "temporary unavailability of tomatoes" to "seasonal crop issues arising out of farm fields" in a few regions.

What ketchup does Wendy's use? ›

We're thrilled that our fans now don't have to choose, because when it comes to ketchup, room temperature or cold, it has to be Heinz.”

Does ketchup need to be refrigerated? ›

Unless you're a busy diner going through and refilling ketchup bottles every day or two, you should store your ketchup in the fridge. This is because, just like pickles, the flavor and texture declines after you open the bottle or jar and the ketchup is exposed to air.

Why does McDonald's soak their fries in sugar? ›

The dextrose, a natural form of sugar, is to help achieve a uniform golden color and the sodium acid pyrophosphate prevents the potatoes from turning grayish after they are cooked, according to McDonald's. Fear said these ingredients are of no health concern.

What is one item on the McDonald's menu that contains no sugar? ›

The lowest-sugar option on McDonald's menu is an order of chicken McNuggets, with zero grams.

What is in McDonald's ketchup? ›

Ingredients: Tomato Concentrate From Red Ripe Tomatoes, Distilled Vinegar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water, Salt, Natural Flavors.

Why do McDonald's drinks taste different? ›

What sets McDonald's apart is not just the adherence to guidelines but also the delivery of the syrup in stainless steel tanks, in contrast to the plastic bags used by other fast-food chains. This distinction in storage might contribute to the unique taste experienced at McDonald's.

Does anyone know the difference between regular and fancy ketchup? ›

In other words, if you prefer your ketchup to have a slightly smoother consistency and prettier color, fancy ketchup is for you. Otherwise, regular ketchup will get the job done just fine. (Now you'll have a fun fact to share next time you ketchup with friends!)

Why does Heinz ketchup taste different? ›

Heinz's recipe also included a greater concentration of vinegar, which increased the acidity, making it more sour than its competitors. He also doubled the sugar, hitting the tongue's sweet spot.

Why does cafe ketchup taste better? ›

It is usually much fresher at the restaurant. They go through many bottles a day, while your bottle sits in your refrigerator for months. Theirs is constantly being used within a few days of being opened. Also note that they almost always have the 14 ounce bottles while we buy 24 to 32 ounce bottles for home.

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