This is why the number 57 is on every Heinz Ketchup bottle | Virgin Radio UK (2024)

Virgin Radio

6 Sep 2022, 15:32

This is why the number 57 is on every Heinz Ketchup bottle | Virgin Radio UK (1)

Credit: Getty

Have you ever wondered if there's a reason why the number 57 is on each and every bottle of Heinz ketchup?

Now you have the answer!

On the label, it mentions '57 varieties', which you might have noticed if scanning the bottle while cooking dinner.

Many people assume it means there are 57 different herbs and spices, or even 57 different types of tomato in Heinz ketchup.

It has been revealed that Heinz founder Henry J Heinzhad the idea when he was on a train in New York in 1896.

He saw a sign advertising ’21 styles of shoes’, and liked the usage of an odd number.

Heinz now has a whopping 5,000 different products.

However, at the time Heinz saw the sign, they were offering 60 products.

Henry decided the number 57 sounded better, and it became part of their branding and has stuck ever since.

You can find it on all bottles and cans, not just ketchup.

There was recent news that some bottles will be changed for paper ones instead of plastic.

Heinz also settled an age old debate of whether ketchup should be kept in the fridge.

One person asked on Reddit: "My girlfriend's family doesn't refrigerate their ketchup. That is all."

Another argued: "I refrigerate because if the bottle says refrigerate after opening, I'm doing that, but I could see putting them back in the pantry if being cold is not necessary."

Someone agreed: "The bottle does say for it to be its best, refrigerate after opening."

Heinz themselves advise: "Because of its natural acidity, Heinz Ketchup is shelf-stable. However, its stability after opening can be affected by storage conditions. We recommend that this product, like any processed food, be refrigerated after opening. Refrigeration will maintain the best product quality after opening," they said.

Fans have also been going mad for baked bean hash browns.


This is why the number 57 is on every Heinz Ketchup bottle | Virgin Radio UK (2024)


This is why the number 57 is on every Heinz Ketchup bottle | Virgin Radio UK? ›

Heinz's lucky number. According to the company's website, in 1896, the founder was inspired by an advertisem*nt he saw for “21 styles of shoes.” He considered 57 to be magical and lucky, so he came up with the slogan “57 Varieties” despite the fact the company offered more than 60 products at the time.

Why does Heinz have 57 on the label? ›

The '57 varieties' label represents the variety of products that Heinz has, but the number was actually selected at random by founder Henry Heinz himself. He didn't have 57 varieties when the brand began. Instead, it was a clever way to create authenticity and attract customers.

What happens when you hit the 57 on a ketchup bottle? ›

“The sweet spot to tap on the Heinz bottle is the 57 on the neck,” a Heinz spokesperson explained to TODAY Food. “All you need to do is apply a firm tap where the bottle narrows, and the ketchup will come out easier.”

Where did Heinz get their 57 varieties slogan from? ›

at the time the number 57 slogan launched and was added to the bottle in 1896. Inspired by an advertisem*nt he saw promoting 21 styles of shoes, Heinz knew he needed a slogan with the same intrigue. So, he chose his lucky number, five, along with his wife's favorite number, seven, and he married the two.

What are the 57 ingredients in Heinz ketchup? ›


What does the 57 on ketchup mean? ›

Heinz's lucky number. According to the company's website, in 1896, the founder was inspired by an advertisem*nt he saw for “21 styles of shoes.” He considered 57 to be magical and lucky, so he came up with the slogan “57 Varieties” despite the fact the company offered more than 60 products at the time.

Is Heinz 57 British? ›

Heinz Company, an American food processing company. The company was founded by Henry J. Heinz in the United States in the late 19th century. While Heinz is an American company, it introduced its iconic baked beans to the United Kingdom in 1901.

Is 57 on all Heinz products? ›

The number isn't just featured on Heinz ketchup; it also appears on the brand's mustard, mayonnaise, baked beans and cream of tomato soup. Much like the Heinz logo, the "57 varieties" mark has become a way for customers to recognize the brand and it's really nostalgic for fans of the company.

Is Heinz British or American? ›

The H. J. Heinz Company (/haɪnz/) is an American food processing company headquartered at One PPG Place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company was founded by Henry J. Heinz in 1869.

Did McDonald's ever use Heinz? ›

The first McDonald's opened in 1955 and in the 1970s, Mickey D's struck up a partnership with the ketchup giant Heinz. Heinz supplied McDonald's customers with its fan-favorite ketchup packets for more than 40 years.

What is the Heinz 57 slang? ›

(sometimes derogatory) A person of mixed ethnic or racial ancestry.

Do you refrigerate Heinz 57 sauce? ›

Heinz bottle labels in the U.S. clearly state, "For Best Results, Refrigerate After Opening."

Does Heinz still make 57 sauce? ›

Zesty multi use sauce uses delicious ingredients

A secret blend of spices has made Heinz 57 Sauce an American favorite for over 100 years. With a unique rich flavor unequaled by any other steak sauce, it's no wonder that Heinz 57 is served in America's greatest steak houses.

Why is it called Heinz 58? ›

Heinz's brand director, Ashleigh Gibson, told CNN that the company's founder settled on the number 57 because it was “mystical, magical and memorable” — a combination of his own lucky number (5) and his wife's (7).

What do the numbers on Heinz ketchup packets mean? ›

In 2015, Heinz revealed in the post that “the numbers on the sachets relates to the filling line which the sachet was filled on. “

Who is the owner of Heinz 57? ›

In February 2013, Heinz agreed to be purchased by Berkshire Hathaway and the Brazilian investment firm 3G Capital for $23 billion. On March 25, 2015, Kraft announced its merger with Heinz, arranged by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital. The resulting Kraft Heinz Company is the fifth largest food company in the world.

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