The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (2024)

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This gingerbread recipe is perfect to make with kids, and to eat with the rest of the family at Christmas or any time you fancy.

By The Good Housekeeping Cookery Team

Nothing says Christmas quite like the scent of gingerbread filling your kitchen or a quaint Christmassy scene made out of gingerbread on proud display. These simple gingerbread cookies not only taste delicious, but they are also really easy to make, perfect for keeping kids entertained during the Christmas holidays. Whether you are stamping out star shapes, gingerbread men, or constructing a Christmas gingerbread house, this classic recipe will be enjoyed by the whole family.

Follow our top tips and you'll be rewarded with perfect gingerbread dough every time!

Gingerbread recipe tips:

  • Make sure to melt your butter and sugar over a low heat in order to prevent the mixture from burning before the sugar has had time to dissolve
  • Chill your dough for at least 30min. It will make rolling the dough out much easier as it won't stick to the rolling pin or worktop. Alternatively roll your dough out between two sheets of baking parchment once chilled
  • Chilling your dough will also allow the dough to rest and therefore the gluten to rest, preventing your biscuits from being tough
  • Don't overwork your biscuit dough when bringing it together or rolling it out. Overworking will result in a tough biscuit
  • As per the tip above, be clever when stamping out your biscuits in order to prevent having to re-roll your dough out too many times. Pre-plan where your cutter will be go each time, in order to optimise the surface area of the dough
  • Spare biscuits will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Make sure it is truly airtight to prevent the biscuits from softening
  • You can freeze unbaked dough, wrapped in clingfilm, for up to one month. Defrost overnight in fridge and complete recipe

You can make plenty of things with gingerbread since it's very sturdy once baked. So, once you have perfected the recipe below, get creative with our other gingerbread recipes and build your own 3D constructions. Follow our template and guide to a gingerbread wreath, our Alpine Christmas cake, or draw up your own template to construct your favourite landscape!

Here's our foolproof gingerbread cookie recipe ready for the snuggly season ahead!

Ingredients for gingerbread

  • 75g unsalted butter
  • 100g light brown soft sugar
  • 100g golden syrup
  • 225g plain flour, plus extra to dust
  • 2tsp ground ginger
  • 1tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 8cm gingerbread man cutter
  • Coloured icing pens

      How to make gingerbread biscuits:

      1. In a small pan, heat the butter, sugar and golden syrup over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool for 5min.
      2. In a medium bowl, mix the flour, ginger and bicarbonate of soda. Make a well in the centre and pour in the butter mixture. Stir to combine. Using your hands, bring together to form a soft dough and knead briefly until smooth. Wrap and chill for 15min to firm up slightly.
      3. Line 2 large baking sheets with baking parchment. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to 3mm thick. Using the gingerbread man cutter, stamp out shapes, re-rolling trimmings as needed. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet, spacing apart. You should have about 20 biscuits. Chill for 30min.
      4. Preheat oven to 190°C (170°C fan) mark 5. Bake the biscuits for 10min, or until sandy to the touch. Leave to cool for 5min on the sheets, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
      5. Decorate with icing pens and serve.

      Per serving:

      • Calories: 96
      • Protein: 1g
      • Total fat: 2g
      • Saturates: 1g
      • Carbs: 18g
      • Total sugars: 9g
      • Fibre: 0g

        Gingerbread biscuit recipes to try

        If you would like to make a gingerbread house this gingerbread recipe is simple to assemble using our gingerbread house template which you can download. Or try this spooky gingerbread Haunted House around Halloween time! You can then decorate it however you like.

        The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (4)


        We also love these gingerbread wreaths. This recipe is enough to make a batch of gingerbread dough large enough for two wreaths. So you can keep on for yourself and give the other to a friend as a thought homemade Christmas gift.

        The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (5)


        A great Christmas activity for kids is our gingerbread advent mobile. This is an advent calendar in mobile form, iced with numbers counting down the days to Christmas.

        The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (6)


        These are our favourite Christmas biscuit recipes

        The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (7)

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        The only gingerbread recipe you need this Christmas (2024)


        What is the gingerbread man at Christmas? ›

        The Gingerbread man is one of England's most frequently used Christmas decorations. Its creation is attributed to Queen Elizabeth !, who is thought to have served the gingerbread figurines to visiting dignitaries. Lebkuchen, the German gingerbread, is likely to be the oldest Christmas gingerbread cookie.

        What is the significance of gingerbread at Christmas? ›

        In the late 17th century, gingerbread became associated with Christmas. Russian bakers prepared gingerbread men and women, usually as replicas of those people attending parties. Gingerbread houses were introduced about 200 years later, when the Grimm brothers wrote Hansel and Gretel. A new holiday tradition was born.

        What makes gingerbread taste like gingerbread? ›

        Spices give any gingerbread its delicious aroma and memorable taste. Ginger is the spice you will find in every gingerbread recipe. It comes from the knobby rhizome of a tropical plant and has a peppery zing and spicy scent.

        What is the best gingerbread in the world? ›

        Grasmere Gingerbread Shop. The World's Best Gingerbread. Victorian cook Sarah Nelson invented Grasmere Gingerbread® in 1854 in the English Lake District village from where it gets its name.

        What is the moral of the story of the gingerbread man? ›

        What's the Moral? The gingerbread man story's moral is slightly dark for a fable meant for children: Be careful who you trust. The cookie believed the fox when he said he wasn't tempted to eat him—this misguided trust led to the protagonist's downfall.

        Why is the gingerbread man a Christmas symbol? ›

        Well listen and I'll tell you the story of how gingerbread men became synonymous with Christmas. As the legend goes, Queen Elizabeth had these delicious cookies made for foreign diplomats who visited the palace at Christmas time. These specially designed cookies were a symbol of peace and love.

        What country did gingerbread come from? ›

        Food historians trace the origins of gingerbread back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it for ceremonial purposes. The ancient Greeks followed suit with the first known recipe for gingerbread around 2400 B.C.

        Is gingerbread just for Christmas? ›

        Gingerbread continued to flourish throughout Europe, in particular in Germany. The city of Nuremberg became associated with the treat, and while popular all year round, it became especially ubiquitous at Christmastime.

        What is the dark history of gingerbread? ›

        ​Superstitions about gingerbread flourished in the 17th century. Witches supposedly made gingerbread figures, ate them, and thereby caused the death of their enemies. Dutch magistrates went so far as to declare baking or eating molded cookies illegal.

        What are the three types of gingerbread? ›

        The three distinct types of gingerbread are brown gingerbread, wafer-based gingerbread and honey gingerbread.

        Can I use golden syrup instead of molasses? ›

        Golden syrup, also known as "light treacle," is made from the evaporation of sugarcane, which creates a light, golden syrup very reminiscent of honey. Lyle's is a popular brand of golden syrup. Try using 1 cup golden syrup for every 1 cup molasses in a recipe.

        What flavor goes best with gingerbread? ›

        Needing to be foiled, gingerbread loves whipped cream. But it also takes to tart winter fruits like a shortcake to strawberries. Poached or broiled pineapple sings alongside gingerbread, as do a few spoonfuls of pomelo curd, garnished with candied pomelo peel.

        What town is famous for gingerbread? ›

        Sarah couldn't know it at the time but Grasmere village would eventually become synonymous with her famous culinary delicacy and become known and celebrated throughout the world.

        What city is known for gingerbread? ›

        TORUN, Poland — This medieval city on the banks of the Vistula River is known for two things: astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and gingerbread cookies.

        Which country eats the most gingerbread? ›

        In 2018, the highest levels of gingerbread per capita consumption was registered in the Netherlands (2,361 kg per 1000 persons), followed by Germany (886 kg per 1000 persons), Belgium (799 kg per 1000 persons) and Spain (748 kg per 1000 persons), while the world average per capita consumption of gingerbread was ...

        What is the main point of the gingerbread man? ›

        In the 1875 St. Nicholas tale, a childless old woman bakes a gingerbread man, who leaps from her oven and runs away. The woman and her husband give chase, but are unable to catch him. The gingerbread man then outruns several farm workers, farm men, and farm animals.

        What is the gingerbread man known for? ›

        "The Gingerbread Man" is a fairy tale about a gingerbread man who comes to life, outruns an elderly couple and various animals, and is devoured by a fox in the end. Gingy is a talking gingerbread man character in the Shrek series of animated movies. He is derived from the fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man".

        Is the gingerbread man a fox or wolf? ›

        "A freshly bake gingerbread man escapes when he is taken out of the oven and eludes a number of pursuers until he meets a clever fox." "A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes when he is taken out of the oven and eludes a number of animals until he meets a clever fox."

        What is the Christmas story about the gingerbread house? ›

        According to certain researchers, the first gingerbread houses were the result of the well-known Grimm's fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" in which the two children abandoned in the forest found an edible house made of bread with sugar decorations.

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        Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.