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      • Nerf Mantra Mesmers and Revenants

        in Player vs. Player

        Posted June 15, 2019

        @praqtos.9035 said:

        @Megametzler.5729 said:Please don't nerf power mesmer. It is more or less fine as it is, minor changes for more fun to play and play against would be nice (CI, damage mantra...). It can be countered easily - with sage's weaver, I have no issues with them. More so with revenants, but I think, everybody thinks they need minor nerfs - better than buffing condi to counter them, probably.

        Apart from that, wow, I agree with mostly everything @"bravan.3876" says.Weavers are one of the classes that extremely unfun to fight against: lots of evades,sustain,stability (burns/lrod) despite it not being meta level. (...)

        I should've said "relevant skill activation" and "not randomly spammable". :smile: I would agree weaver should get changes, but right now, I am just happy it doesn't get nerfed too harshly every patch anymore.

        But let's not focus too much on weaver in this thread. I'd be happy to discuss those problems in another thread though!

        • Nerf Mantra Mesmers and Revenants

          in Player vs. Player

          Posted June 15, 2019

          Please don't nerf power mesmer. It is more or less fine as it is, minor changes for more fun to play and play against would be nice (CI, damage mantra...). It can be countered easily - with sage's weaver, I have no issues with them. More so with revenants, but I think, everybody thinks they need minor nerfs - better than buffing condi to counter them, probably.

          Apart from that, wow, I agree with mostly everything @bravan.3876 says.

          • It is better not to interrupt an enemy stomp

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted June 15, 2019

            Haha, I agree. While I let people bleed in more serious matches, after a good fight I stomp or kill them quickly (usually).

            However, if he tries to interrupt or anything, I leave them...

            Would it be a solution to revive downed players more quickly if they get out of fight? Or the opponents he fought? This way the stomp would become necessary and bleeding out would stop... it really is an awful mechanic of an otherise nice idea (the downed mechanic itself).

            Hmm, people could still atack with weak skills to prevent ressing... not a good idea, I guess.

            • The new sides king after the update (if nerfs for holo, spb, sb, herald, and scrap come through)

              in Player vs. Player

              Posted June 14, 2019

              Any other weaver build falls asleep fighting this. Also, guards, clever scourges and mirages, scrappers, prot holos.

              This build hits a ceiling at some level. I agree it might become problematic, but right now, it is worse than water weaver at Plat2+ and I doubt that will change - except for some compositions where you can troll bad warriors and thieves and such.

              • The amount of toxicity in pvp games today is mind-boggling

                in Player vs. Player

                Posted June 14, 2019

                I am having as much good experiences as bad ones. Try to be positive, give constructive suggestions, talk to your teammates... of course, sometimes people do get mad - myself included -, but making a plan at the beginning of a game can really help. Not only the match result, but also friendlier behavior as far as I can say.

                Just yesterday I had a game where our matchup wasn't quite optimal. But we made a good plan, everybody listened and did their part and after a great opening, we won easily. Several people didn't expect the outcome, but were very positive during and after the game.

                TLDR: Try to be a good example, I think it helps a lot. :smile:

                €: I noticed a lot more flaming on NA when watching streams over there. Here in EU, I don't think it's as bad - or it might be my own biased view.

                • A Public Apology

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted June 13, 2019

                  Honestly, I feel like it'd be better in some non-PVP-section. It sounds like an encouragement for other players not to be too quickly annoyed by general toxicity.

                  I like it and I agree. :smile:

                  • PvP Mesmer Out of META

                    in Mesmer

                    Posted June 11, 2019

                    Mesmer is a little underpowered compared to the meta builds right now indeed. There are better side noders and better +1s and better hybrids.

                    But condi mirage is definitely not trash. Ele and thief are in a worse situation. If the dominating meta builds get nerfed, condi mirage might be fine again without buffs.

                    • Pvp misery

                      in Elementalist

                      Posted June 7, 2019

                      Ele currently is one of the hardest classes to get into PvP, along with thief. Both have the issue of being incredibly squishy if you don't know defensive rotations, map awarness and stuff.

                      I can only recommend: If you can, learn the skills in PvE. :tongue: A good build to get going in PVP is either:


                      This is a bunker for solo play. You don't have that much health, but you have good healing, many evades and can therefor learn how to play against single opponents and when and where to disengage and kite.



                      This is more of a team support build. You can stick with others and focus on healing and reviving and using terrain.

                      Both are subpar in their roles though, so you have to live with your life being a bit harder than when playing other builds. But ele is still great fun once you get the hang of it so don't give up! :smile:

                      • HIgh elo players plat 2+ What classes/build do you think is currently "busted" in this season?

                        in Player vs. Player

                        Posted May 26, 2019

                        @DanAlcedo.3281 said:

                        @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                        @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                        @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                        @"bOTEB.1573" said:How can you guys suggest nerfs of SLB in plat 2+??This spec is absolutely hilarious and easy to avoid its super obvious telegraphed skills. Once avoided the SLB is as good as dead.Look the meta comps, where is SLB?

                        Its in WvW, dealing 10-12k unblockable auto hits from 1800+ range while having stealth and very good mobility.

                        Getting Slb nerfed in pvp is one step closer to nerfs in WvW.

                        Do you play the mode (WvW)? Do you realize that no reasonable and good commander will take a SLB in his squad? I hope you don't need the reasons why they don't take it? Really, why do we have to talk about this when everyone knows that SLB is not preferred choice for WvW?

                        10-12k Unblockable Autohits



                        range"!!!! When you show me 1800+ range autohit of 10-12k in WvW I will give you 1000 gold.

                        Wvw is not about zerging, there is also thing as roaming. And do not make so brave bets, cuz I think u can lose it

                        Basically, for anyone who's confused between 1500 and 1800 range, autoattack fails and does not activate. Reason being you're out of autoattack range. But you can still land arrows.Please, educate yourself :)

                        Barrage is 1500 range skill. Middle of the paw is 1500 range. Radius of the skill is 360. Still doesnt touch the golem and still some range left for it. Do the math or "educate yourself please :) "

                        I respond only coz i see 2 likes of your post and I will repeat:"10-12k Unblockable Autohits from 1800+ range"Now, what do you miss here? Is it the dmg, is it the range or is it the autohits.Can we stop?

                        Just give WvW the same build limitations as PvP.

                        Don't mention this in the WvW forum, they love their imbalance. :tongue:

                        Im a main WvW player and i would love the PvP Gear System in WvW.

                        Better Balance + easy access for new players.

                        I'd love it too. But every time this was mouthed in that forum, the majority was against it. Many people love their build optimizing, spending days and days crafting and spending money... well, to each their own.

                        • HIgh elo players plat 2+ What classes/build do you think is currently "busted" in this season?

                          in Player vs. Player

                          Posted May 26, 2019

                          @Faux Play.6104 said:

                          @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                          @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                          @"bOTEB.1573" said:

                          @"bOTEB.1573" said:How can you guys suggest nerfs of SLB in plat 2+??This spec is absolutely hilarious and easy to avoid its super obvious telegraphed skills. Once avoided the SLB is as good as dead.Look the meta comps, where is SLB?

                          Its in WvW, dealing 10-12k unblockable auto hits from 1800+ range while having stealth and very good mobility.

                          Getting Slb nerfed in pvp is one step closer to nerfs in WvW.

                          Do you play the mode (WvW)? Do you realize that no reasonable and good commander will take a SLB in his squad? I hope you don't need the reasons why they don't take it? Really, why do we have to talk about this when everyone knows that SLB is not preferred choice for WvW?

                          EDIT: ROFL ahahahah "

                          10-12k Unblockable Autohits



                          range"!!!! When you show me 1800+ range autohit of 10-12k in WvW I will give you 1000 gold.

                          Wvw is not about zerging, there is also thing as roaming. And do not make so brave bets, cuz I think u can lose it

                          Basically, for anyone who's confused between 1500 and 1800 range, autoattack fails and does not activate. Reason being you're out of autoattack range. But you can still land arrows.Please, educate yourself :)

                          Barrage is 1500 range skill. Middle of the paw is 1500 range. Radius of the skill is 360. Still doesnt touch the golem and still some range left for it. Do the math or "educate yourself please :) "

                          I respond only coz i see 2 likes of your post and I will repeat:"10-12k Unblockable Autohits from 1800+ range"Now, what do you miss here? Is it the dmg, is it the range or is it the autohits.Can we stop?

                          Just give WvW the same build limitations as PvP.

                          Don't mention this in the WvW forum, they love their imbalance. :tongue:

                          • HIgh elo players plat 2+ What classes/build do you think is currently "busted" in this season?

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted May 22, 2019

                            Plat3 here.

                            • Strongest: Rev.

                            • Strong: FB+Scourge combo, Warrior, Holosmith.

                            • Composition dependant Fine or Strong: Soulbeasts.

                            • Fine: Mesmer, Scrapper.

                            • Buff needed: Ele, Thief.

                            Generalizing a little of course, compositions can change a lot and make classes more or less viable. Builds too, I just felt I should mention Scrapper next to Holosmith. They usually get outrotatet or killed by Revs or Warriors.

                            Adding some more condi builds could actually improve the Rev-situation. As everyone expected, mesmer nerfs have brought Rev out on top, but well...

                            • With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

                              in Player vs. Player

                              Posted May 19, 2019

                              @rng.1024 said:

                              @rng.1024 said:

                              @rng.1024 said:

                              @rng.1024 said:(...) Also avoid his elite, you can blind it or simply sidestep.(...)

                              It follows you even when you port. You need to dodge, blind it or have stab.#

                              Holo is not the biggest offender right now. It is great and there is a gap between it and several other less viable classes, but there are some being more annoying. Holo comes next.

                              Yeah it follows if he releases awsd - which already alot of people don't know. Then it activates, leaving you a very slight delay which takes a split second to reach you where you can simply walk out of the incoming field.

                              You can try it yourself, by having a friend fire it towards you and the walk away at the end of his cast. It's nothing new, alot of skills function like this and they've always countered ports.

                              If you want to check it out Boyce does exactly this on several streams, also check out Jazz Man's guide on youtube against holosmith to see different ways it can be countered.

                              What exactly is it that makes holo such a big offender in your opinion?

                              The sustain with such an offensive amulet, the damage for such sustainy traitlines. But I said it is


                              the biggest offender right now. :smile:

                              Thought you meant the projectile. But this skill is fine, I think. It simply sucks compared to Rampage for example.

                              Sure the sustain is decent in a 1v1, but the damage doesn't really rack that much up until they get good might going which already takes alot more than f.ex a warrior needs to do. On top of that they have barely 16000 hp, leaving them extremely vulnerable to a +1 and they need to avoid conditon bombs like everyone else. Way I see it is people get caught in an immob/cc chain and believe holo is op - however the same goes f.ex Rampage where if you dodge the boulder you will in 9/10 cases be fine.

                              The problem arises when people try to facetank holo and believe they should win, but the entire point of holo forge is for it to be a window of high pressure just like we saw with reaper, take away either core traitline and the sustain/damage ratio of holo becomes terrible. If you avoid key skills (Forge 3, Forge 5, elite) then it's east to see that holo doesn't really have that many tricks up it's sleeve. It's a high risk high reward type of play which I am in favour of, even in it's current tanky state. Again compare it to Defense Spellbreaker.

                              I should mention I am maining Ele, so I have a different view on what needs balancing than - for example - Spellbreaker. :wink: I would rather see both brought down (Spellbreaker first) than Ele buffed to their levels.

                              Cookie for you, way to few ele mains around! :)

                              I don't know, once you get to terms with being squishier and how ele is supposed to be hazing enemies with frequent bursts, then the matchups aren't too bad. I for one love fighting warriors because it's a clean cut fight I can win as long as I don't proc their tether.

                              I also realized what you run matters alot, I used to run with only 1 stunbreak and everything was hardmode, with tempest f.ex they are soo abundant with overloads. Another issue arose with the change to Arcane Fury where necro's can really get value from their corrupts constantly, which makes that matchup trickier. Also core guard before the nerf with their blocks and AoE, however not as bad as of right now.

                              I actually believe all matchups to be fair, but I am a glasscannon so I expect to have little defence, but the burst is magnificent meaning I can swing the fight against anything except firebrands and scrappers.

                              Also as an ele I've come to realise 90% of what decides the fights are what you do during dodges, as you need to think ahead constantly - which is why I enjoy playing it, however already there other professions have an easier time without even counting in power-differences.

                              Sounds like we should share those cookies. :wink:

                              Yeah, I don't believe ele is all that far behind viability. It is just that all its roles are filled better by other classes. And it's been like this since PoF (and before we were condemned to heal botting only). That's a shame, but at least we can feel unique. :tongue:

                              • With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

                                in Player vs. Player

                                Posted May 19, 2019

                                @rng.1024 said:

                                @rng.1024 said:

                                @rng.1024 said:(...) Also avoid his elite, you can blind it or simply sidestep.(...)

                                It follows you even when you port. You need to dodge, blind it or have stab.#

                                Holo is not the biggest offender right now. It is great and there is a gap between it and several other less viable classes, but there are some being more annoying. Holo comes next.

                                Yeah it follows if he releases awsd - which already alot of people don't know. Then it activates, leaving you a very slight delay which takes a split second to reach you where you can simply walk out of the incoming field.

                                You can try it yourself, by having a friend fire it towards you and the walk away at the end of his cast. It's nothing new, alot of skills function like this and they've always countered ports.

                                If you want to check it out Boyce does exactly this on several streams, also check out Jazz Man's guide on youtube against holosmith to see different ways it can be countered.

                                What exactly is it that makes holo such a big offender in your opinion?

                                The sustain with such an offensive amulet, the damage for such sustainy traitlines. But I said it is


                                the biggest offender right now. :smile:

                                Thought you meant the projectile. But this skill is fine, I think. It simply sucks compared to Rampage for example.

                                Sure the sustain is decent in a 1v1, but the damage doesn't really rack that much up until they get good might going which already takes alot more than f.ex a warrior needs to do. On top of that they have barely 16000 hp, leaving them extremely vulnerable to a +1 and they need to avoid conditon bombs like everyone else. Way I see it is people get caught in an immob/cc chain and believe holo is op - however the same goes f.ex Rampage where if you dodge the boulder you will in 9/10 cases be fine.

                                The problem arises when people try to facetank holo and believe they should win, but the entire point of holo forge is for it to be a window of high pressure just like we saw with reaper, take away either core traitline and the sustain/damage ratio of holo becomes terrible. If you avoid key skills (Forge 3, Forge 5, elite) then it's east to see that holo doesn't really have that many tricks up it's sleeve. It's a high risk high reward type of play which I am in favour of, even in it's current tanky state. Again compare it to Defense Spellbreaker.

                                I should mention I am maining Ele, so I have a different view on what needs balancing than - for example - Spellbreaker. :wink: I would rather see both brought down (Spellbreaker first) than Ele buffed to their levels.

                                • With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

                                  in Player vs. Player

                                  Posted May 18, 2019

                                  @rng.1024 said:

                                  @rng.1024 said:(...) Also avoid his elite, you can blind it or simply sidestep.(...)

                                  It follows you even when you port. You need to dodge, blind it or have stab.#

                                  Holo is not the biggest offender right now. It is great and there is a gap between it and several other less viable classes, but there are some being more annoying. Holo comes next.

                                  Yeah it follows if he releases awsd - which already alot of people don't know. Then it activates, leaving you a very slight delay which takes a split second to reach you where you can simply walk out of the incoming field.

                                  You can try it yourself, by having a friend fire it towards you and the walk away at the end of his cast. It's nothing new, alot of skills function like this and they've always countered ports.

                                  If you want to check it out Boyce does exactly this on several streams, also check out Jazz Man's guide on youtube against holosmith to see different ways it can be countered.

                                  What exactly is it that makes holo such a big offender in your opinion?

                                  The sustain with such an offensive amulet, the damage for such sustainy traitlines. But I said it is not the biggest offender right now. :smile:

                                  Thought you meant the projectile. But this skill is fine, I think. It simply sucks compared to Rampage for example.

                                  • How PvP matching algorythm works

                                    in Player vs. Player

                                    Posted May 18, 2019

                                    @StevieB.7495 said:A Bad player here. I love the GW2 PvE and hate the PvP. The GW2 PvP is so toxic and frustrating. When the other team is up 300 points and my own team is saying terrible things about each other's mothers, I quit. I usually just stand there or go explore the maps (which are beautiful). Just a thought OP, some of us are bad. Maybe we don't like playing just as much as you.

                                    I really really really would like to encourage you to keep playing and not getting too mixed up in the toxicity. :smile: You are not bad, you are new - and there is nothing wrong with that. Insults in the game are always awful, I hope you are also having good experiences and fun in PVP!

                                    • With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

                                      in Player vs. Player

                                      Posted May 18, 2019

                                      @Arheundel.6451 said:

                                      @"rng.1024" said:I have to agree with engi mains, at this point holosmith is more of a l2p issue. Trust me I know, been running scholar core ele with no toughness, and daggers to boot.

                                      All you really need to do is kite and LoS during forge, and make sure you dodge his stab skill. The rest of their damage isn't that great, however the range of the Holographic Shockwave could use som reduction to about 360, as currently it's a little to easy to get cc'ed by it even if you are not participating in the fight. Also avoid his elite, you can blind it or simply sidestep.

                                      Out of all the matchups that are currently meta I would say holosmith is the easiest if you play a power variant, so nerfing them any further would just push them straight out in favor of warriors.

                                      The real l2p issue is for an ele to lose to a ranger..the pewpew all like to cry about is only good as +1 (unless you find rangers of ROM level) , while the soulbeast does close to half the dmg of a warrior strength or rev sword burst,all the while the "non engi" mains forget about the quickness uptime and 25 might with which even forge skill 1 starts to deal huge dmg, not counting then all the sustain a holosmith has

                                      Despite all the l2p claims at the high end of pvp( AT monthly EU/NA) you find holosmiths/scrappers and certainly not soulbeast of any variant, it tells everything the real l2p issue

                                      There are several in Plat3. The issue with - especially Sic' em! - is that it gets basically hardcountered by revs. And those are quite popular indeed.

                                      • With the focus on Soulbeast, did we forget about Holo?

                                        in Player vs. Player

                                        Posted May 18, 2019

                                        @rng.1024 said:(...) Also avoid his elite, you can blind it or simply sidestep.(...)

                                        It follows you even when you port. You need to dodge, blind it or have stab.#

                                        Holo is not the biggest offender right now. It is great and there is a gap between it and several other less viable classes, but there are some being more annoying. Holo comes next.

                                        • Soulbeast Needs Some Genuine Nerf Bat Love in the Next Balance Update

                                          in Player vs. Player

                                          Posted May 17, 2019

                                          @"Asuran.5469" said:This one was funny.

                                          About as funny as a Formula 1 driver making fun of people driving VW Polos after a race, yeah.

                                          • Soulbeast Needs Some Genuine Nerf Bat Love in the Next Balance Update

                                            in Player vs. Player

                                            Posted May 17, 2019

                                            Yes, Soulbeast should get nerfs.Yes, several other builds as well.Yes, there will be minor adjustments.Yes, ele still forgotten.Yes, nerf teef.No, the situation will not change (significantly).

                                            On a constructive note: What was valid for DE, is also valid for Soulbeast. A build being able to burst this hard, should have to worry about not hitting their burst. Rev and thief need to go right into the action to burst and can be attacked accordingly. Bursting from 1500 range (or more), missing it and walking away without any fear is nothing that should exist.

                                            Yes, I do think GS is more or less fine. As long as Sic' em gets changed and the one-hit capabilities reduced. It's not that supressing, it's just cheap and annoying.

                                            • How many meta builds were nerfed?

                                              in Player vs. Player

                                              Posted April 23, 2019

                                              @Quadox.7834 said:

                                              @"Falan.1839" said:The problem is that the Anet balance team is somehow madly in love with underplayed garbage builds and puts 80% of its effort into buffing them (usually either with no impact at all or overdoing it as on Scrapper) (...)

                                              Except ele.

                                              I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time.

                                              No, that also goes for ele.

                                              You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then...

                                              He said they in love with underplayed things and ignore relevant things, which is exactly what they did with ele (e.g. tempest buffs and d/d changes).

                                              But... you know those (very very few) changes did nothing at all and definitely not required 80% of their effort? More like 0.1%?That's the entire point, the exact problem that falan was talking about. If things like this were 80% of changes then it clearly required 80% of effort. The fact that their total effort is super low is irrelevant to that point.

                                              Like buffing Cleansing wave's base healing by 20%. Nois. Took me 5 seconds to change the value, if my database is slow.

                                              Maybe I understod his words differently, but:

                                              Ele got nothing. Like, basically absolutely nothing. For 1.5 years. "Wash the pain away clears one condition" was the biggest PVP change we had since then. Ele's balance change list has been among the shortest for the same time. It very obviously is not only not worked on, it doesn't need changes according to Anet. Who got reworks meanwhile? Deadeye, mesmer, scrapper, now berserker... they do put in a lot of effort. Often on specs not needing them.

                                              But never on ele. Noone there even plays ele at this point, a lot of us believe. And there certainly is not many changes nor the slightest bit of love.

                                              • How many meta builds were nerfed?

                                                in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted April 23, 2019

                                                @Quadox.7834 said:

                                                @"Falan.1839" said:The problem is that the Anet balance team is somehow madly in love with underplayed garbage builds and puts 80% of its effort into buffing them (usually either with no impact at all or overdoing it as on Scrapper) (...)

                                                Except ele.

                                                I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time.

                                                No, that also goes for ele.

                                                You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then...

                                                He said they in love with underplayed things and ignore relevant things, which is exactly what they did with ele (e.g. tempest buffs and d/d changes).

                                                But... you know those (very very few) changes did nothing at all and definitely not required 80% of their effort? More like 0.1%?

                                                Like buffing Cleansing wave's base healing by 20%. Nois. Took me 5 seconds to change the value, if my database is slow.

                                                • How many meta builds were nerfed?

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted April 23, 2019

                                                  @Quadox.7834 said:

                                                  @"Falan.1839" said:The problem is that the Anet balance team is somehow madly in love with underplayed garbage builds and puts 80% of its effort into buffing them (usually either with no impact at all or overdoing it as on Scrapper) (...)

                                                  Except ele.

                                                  I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time.

                                                  No, that also goes for ele.

                                                  You seem to have a different definition of being "madly in love" then...

                                                  • How many meta builds were nerfed?

                                                    in Player vs. Player

                                                    Posted April 23, 2019

                                                    @Falan.1839 said:The problem is that the Anet balance team is somehow madly in love with underplayed garbage builds and puts 80% of its effort into buffing them (usually either with no impact at all or overdoing it as on Scrapper) (...)

                                                    Except ele.

                                                    I am sad, angry and satisfied all at the same time.

                                                    • Consume Plasma --> BROKEN!!?? <--

                                                      in Player vs. Player

                                                      Posted April 12, 2019

                                                      I do agree Consume plasma is the best stolen skill (by far probably).

                                                      I do not think it makes thief overpowered though.

                                                      I would like to see the stolen skills brought more in line (the stolen skill from ele is as weak as the class lol).

                                                      Please rather nerf Consume plasma instead of buffing the others.

                                                      Only do this when all those other meta builds get nerfed too, thief doesn't need nerfs.

                                                      • Ultimate Weaver Guide (PvE Open World - PvP - WvW)

                                                        in Elementalist

                                                        Posted April 11, 2019

                                                        @"novas.1845" said:I plan to watch the video when I get home but curious, as a new ele player would it be better for me to try out core or tempest before diving into weaver? Right now my focus is getting caught up on the living story and eventually doing some wvw to get the warclaw mount. After that I would like to start working on getting into fractals/raiding so I'm not really sure what spec would be best to focus on for now.I don't have a lot of gold to keep buying new sets of gear so I'd like to just stick with one build that will work ok for what I'm doing at the moment.

                                                        You can start with core D/D, which has some kind of similarish aspects. :wink: It's both close combat, relies on combos and quick attunement switching and stuff. Weaver will need some getting used to because of the double attunement, the dual skills and the not-instand availability of the offhand skills though.

                                                        D/D is fine for the story too and you can maybe use a lot of the equipment if you go for zerker/marauder/maybe grieving stats. For WvW, it is quite tough, but you could switch to staff easily, core is more or less fine there too.

                                                        Tempest doesn't really help with weaver though. Fun too, but very different gameplay-wise. Well, which is mainly the "stay in one attunement for a long time to get overloads, which are again quite long channels". :tongue:

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                                                      Mega.5791's Content - Page 22 (2024)
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                                                      Author: Barbera Armstrong

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                                                      Name: Barbera Armstrong

                                                      Birthday: 1992-09-12

                                                      Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

                                                      Phone: +5026838435397

                                                      Job: National Engineer

                                                      Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

                                                      Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.