Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic (2024)

When you’re trying to eat healthier, you often focus on the source of protein that you are including in your meals and what fruits and vegetables are good for you. But, we tend to forget how important the type of flour we use in our everyday cooking can be. The flour we choose affects our diet, as roti and bread are staples in most Indian homes, along with baked goods.

Different flours have different nutrients, which can impact our overall health. This guide will help you discover various healthy flour options and how to use them in different recipes.

Exploring these flours can help you make better dietary choices, feel better, and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle as per your and your family’s nutritional needs.

Healthy Flours Options

Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic (1)

Choosing the right flour can significantly impact the nutritional value and texture of your favorite baked goods. Discover the healthiest flours tailored for diverse culinary needs and dietary preferences.

Whole Wheat Flour

Whole wheat flour is produced by grinding the entire wheat kernel, which includes important parts like the germ and bran. These components bring valuable protein, fiber, minerals, vitamin B, and antioxidants to the table. Whole wheat flour is a cornerstone in bread-making, ensuring a hearty and nutritious foundation for various baked goods. For Indian diets, it is an essential choice to make rotis and the most common flour used to make rotis.

Multigrain Atta

Multigrain flour is packed with nutrition, making it a great addition to your diet. Its dietary fiber content acts as a natural laxative, benefiting digestive health, enhancing energy levels, and preventing constipation. Multigrain atta's applications extend to a variety of dishes, including rotis, breads, cookies, cakes, and savory creations.

Sorghum Flour (Jowar Atta)

Sorghum or Jowar, an ancient Indian cereal grain, is a nutritional gem when milled into flour. This flour is rich in protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, making it a key player in promoting growth and development. When incorporated into diets alongside other whole grains, sorghum can help regulate blood sugar levels and support weight management. In addition to its carbohydrate content, sorghum flour is packed with essential minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. It also offers a range of vitamins, including thiamine, niacin, folate, and riboflavin, which contribute to immunity and heart health. Sorghum flour shines in crafting traditional Indian flatbreads and snacks such as rotis, crackers, nimki, cheela, dosa, and more.

Pearl Millet Flour (Bajra Atta)

Bajra, known as Pearl Millet flour globally, is gluten-free and offers a multitude of health benefits. These include aiding weight loss, managing diabetes, and providing essential nutrients for healthy hair, nails, and skin. Bajra flour's versatility is evident in its application in khichdi, rotis, and even laddus.

Barley Flour (Jau Atta)

Barley flour contributes to a healthy diet through the presence of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber derived from barley's cell walls. This substance becomes gel-like in the digestive tract, improving digestion and nutrient absorption. When you eat foods with beta-glucan, it makes you feel fuller, so you end up eating less during your meals. Barley's tough, non-dissolving fibers help prevent constipation and digestive issues by encouraging regular bowel movements. Furthermore, these fibers help in blood sugar management, potentially reducing diabetes risk. Barley flour is used in various bread preparations and may be malted to create malt flour for specific bread types. Additionally, barley flakes can be incorporated into porridge, soups, and other dishes.

Finger Millet Flour (Ragi Flour)

Ragi flour is a dietary powerhouse, originating from ground finger millet. Loaded with essential nutrients, it contains dietary fibers, proteins, potassium, carbohydrates, minerals like calcium and iron, and vitamins such as riboflavin and thiamine. Ragi flour's benefits include improved digestion, reduced heart disease risk, anti-aging properties, and diabetes control. It can easily be used in a wide range of recipes, such as ragi roti, ragi porridge, dosa, idli, and papad, making it a great alternative to wheat in many different dishes.

Gram Flour (Besan Atta)

Gram flour, known as besan atta, shines as a high-protein, gluten-free ingredient that finds application as a flour alternative in recipes. It surpasses wheat flour in protein content and boasts a rich mineral profile essential for strong bones, teeth, immune system function, and muscle health. Consumption of besan flour products may reduce diabetes risk due to its high fiber content, which aids in blood sugar regulation. Besan flour helps with the creation of various Indian flatbreads, such as dosa and paratha, while also serving as a reliable thickener for curries.

Almond Flour

Almond flour comes from peeled almonds and is a great healthy option. Making it involves taking off the almond skins, carefully drying the nuts, and grinding them finely. There are two main types of almond flour, each with its own special qualities. The finely ground kind is smooth as it doesn't have almond skins, while the coarser type, with skins included, has a nice rustic feel. Almond flour is full of good stuff like healthy fats, folic acid, and iron. It's also high in protein and fiber. You can use it in all sorts of recipes, like pies, cookies, pancakes, and more.

Oat Flour

Oat flour, milled from high-quality whole oats, is renowned for its abundant fiber content. Beyond fiber, oat flour offers numerous nutritional benefits. A standout feature is beta-glucan, a unique fiber that helps in the digestion of insoluble fats. Oat flour is a versatile ingredient, finding its place in pancakes, muffins, waffles, and more.

Coconut Flour

Coconut flour, prepared by thoroughly drying coconut meat and milling it into a fine-textured flour, serves as a gluten-free alternative to all-purpose flour. This flour is a powerhouse of nutrients, including fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, and various minerals. Its utility extends across a wide spectrum of recipes, from baked goods to pizza crusts, soups, stews, burgers, and meat and veggie loaves.

Quinoa Flour

Quinoa, often consumed as a whole grain, takes on a new form as quinoa flour, milled from high-quality quinoa grains. This gluten-free flour boasts a distinctive fruity or nutty aroma. Rich in nine different amino acids, it substantially contributes to overall health. In addition to amino acids, quinoa flour is a source of essential minerals, dietary fiber, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. Its flexibility shines through in its ability to blend seamlessly with maize or wheat flour for bread and pasta making. It also finds a place in crafting biscuits, cakes, and pastries, among other delights.

Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour, also called gram flour, is packed with good stuff like fibers, healthy proteins, iron, and important vitamins. It's super flexible in cooking, used a lot in classic Indian recipes, can thicken up soups and curries naturally, and even helps make yummy crepes!

Rye Flour

Rye flour comes from rye grains and has a unique earthy taste and smell. Its light texture and high nutritional value make it an excellent choice for digestion-friendly foods. Rye flour includes a range of nutritional elements, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fibers, and is commonly used in baking artisanal bread in light, medium, and dark variants.

Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat flour is popular for its gluten-free status and impressive nutritional profile. It offers a wealth of nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, iron, protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Traditionally employed in dishes like pancakes, noodles, and unleavened bread in regions spanning Asia, Eastern Europe, and the United States.

Millet Flour

Millet flour derives from millet grains, renowned for their nutritional attributes. The grains resemble buckwheat in appearance and nutritional properties. Millet flour stands as a versatile substitute for all-purpose flour and is used in the preparation of cookies, pancakes, cakes, and more.

Spelt Flour

Spelt is a type of wheat that's known for the healthy flour it produces. It boosts protein levels without inducing adverse side effects, making it an appealing choice for those who lack whole wheat flour. Spelt flour carries the promise of wholesome and healthy baking.

Corn Flour

Corn flour, also known as maize flour, offers numerous health benefits. Rich in magnesium, it supports a steady heartbeat and normal blood pressure levels. The fiber in corn flour binds with bile salts, aiding cholesterol regulation and heart health. It is a versatile ingredient used to thicken soups, stews, sauces, and more. Additionally, it doubles as a coating for foods like pizza dough and fried fish.

Water Chestnut Flour (Singhara Atta)

Singhara flour, made from water chestnuts, is packed with nutrients like fiber, potassium, manganese, copper, and various vitamins. It holds the promise of supporting weight loss due to its fiber content's promotion of bowel movements and reduction of blood cholesterol levels. The high water content in water chestnuts categorizes them as high-volume foods, facilitating weight loss goals. Singhara atta plays a pivotal role in the creation of rotis, puri, samosas, papdi chaat, halwa, matthi, and an array of flavorful dishes.

Cassava Flour

Cassava flour comes from the cassava plant, a common crop in South America, Asia, and Africa. This plant produces cassava roots, also called yuca, which are starchy tubers similar to plantains and potatoes. These roots are peeled, dried, and ground to create cassava flour. Unlike wheat flour, cassava flour is gluten-free and has a good amount of dietary fiber, even though it's higher in carbohydrates. It has a mild taste and a soft texture, which makes it great for making homemade tortillas and grain-free flatbreads. Some bakers suggest using it as a 1-to-1 substitute for wheat flour because of its versatility. In savory dishes, it can be used as a coating for meat or fish and as a binding agent for meatballs and veggie patties.

Healthy Flours Used to Make Rotis in Rotimatic

Rotimatic is an innovative kitchen appliance designed to simplify the preparation of rotis, the Indian flatbreads that accompany many meals. It offers a remarkable feature - the ability to use various healthy flours to make rotis. With flour settings that allow you to customize the type of flour you prefer, Rotimatic can handle a range of flours, from traditional wheat flour to gluten-free and nutritious options. Let's delve into some of the healthy flours that can be seamlessly incorporated into your Rotimatic:

  1. Whole Wheat Flour

  2. Jowar Flour

  3. Bajra Flour

  4. Ragi Flour

  5. Multigrain Flour

To get a better understanding of Rotimatic's flour settings, you can watch this video. The video will provide you with a visual demonstration of Rotimatic in action.Using Rotimatic, you have the freedom to opt for flours that complement your dietary preferences and nutritional necessities, making it a versatile and convenient kitchen companion.

Upgrade your everyday roti to various rotis made with healthy flour alternatives with Rotimatic, and enjoy hot, fresh, and healthy rotis that are ready in 90 seconds.

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Healthy Flours for Losing Weight

Looking to shed a few pounds while still enjoying your favorite baked goods? Consider incorporating these nutrient-rich, waistline-friendly flours into your diet:

  • Jowar Flour
  • Ragi Flour
  • Bajra Flour
  • Oats Flour
  • Quinoa Flour
  • Buckwheat Flour

Healthy Flours for Diabetes

Choosing the right flour can significantly help manage the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Hence, try incorporating these healthy flours into your diet that are diabetes-friendly as well:

  • Almond flour
  • Chickpea flour
  • Oat flour
  • Spelt flour
  • ​Amaranth Flour​
  • Ragi Flour​
  • Whole-Grain Barley Flour​
  • Soy Flour

Healthy Flours for Baking

Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic (2)

If you're into baking, then you know picking the perfect flour is key to whipping up those mouthwatering, healthy goodies. Try incorporating these options:

  • Almond Flour
  • Oat Flour
  • Coconut Flour
  • Chickpea Flour
  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Quinoa Flour
  • Sourdough Starters

Healthy Flours for Pancakes

Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic (3)

Everyone loves a good pancake and hence, to make sure it turns out perfect, we recommend these flours:

  • Buckwheat Flour
  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Almond Flour
  • Brown Rice flour

Healthy Flours for a Pizza Dough

When it comes to crafting a pizza dough, choosing the right flour is the crucial first step. Try these options for getting that pizza dough right:

  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Semolina Flour
  • Rye Flour
  • Cornmeal
  • Almond Flour
  • Chickpea Flour
  • Coconut Flour
  • Spelt Flour

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How to store flour?

To keep your flour fresh, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. A dark cupboard or pantry works best, shielding it from light. Consider refrigerating or freezing the flour for an extended shelf life.

  1. Is wheat flour healthy in your daily diet?

Wheat flour can be a wholesome part of your diet, especially if you opt for healthy whole wheat flour. It packs more nutrients and fiber compared to refined white flour. Like everything, moderation is key to a balanced diet.

  1. Which is healthier, corn, or flour tortillas?

In the clash of the tortillas, whole-grain corn tortillas generally emerge as the healthier option. They boast lower calorie and fat content and are often gluten-free. Additionally, they offer more fiber and a distinctive taste. Your selection depends on your dietary needs and taste preferences.

  1. What is the healthiest flour to bake with?

For a nutritious baking experience, whole wheat flour steals the show. With its retained bran and germ, it's packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, if you're looking for alternatives, almond flour, coconut flour, and oat flour can cater to your specific dietary requirements, offering a delicious and wholesome baking experience.

  1. What is the healthiest flour to bake bread with?

When you're making bread, go for whole wheat flour or other whole-grain options like spelt, rye, or oat flour. These choices not only make your bread healthier but also give it a heartier texture, making it stand out from regular white flour.

  1. What is the healthiest flour for diabetics?

For those managing diabetes, it's wise to opt for flours with a lower glycemic index (GI). Almond flour, coconut flour, and whole grain flours like almond flour and flaxseed meal are solid choices as they have a lesser impact on blood sugar levels. Remember, always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

  1. What is the healthiest all-purpose flour?

Almond flour, whole grain flour, and whole wheat flour are often considered the healthiest all-purpose flour. Nevertheless, what qualifies as the "healthiest" flour may vary depending on your dietary requirements and taste preferences. You must remember that each flour offers varied nutritional


These flour alternatives we've been talking about aren't just tasty; they can help you cook better and live healthier. Using these better-for-you flours in your everyday recipes can improve your diet, assist with weight management, and lead you toward a more balanced, healthier lifestyle. So why not start your cooking adventure today and give these healthy flours a try? Choosing the right flour can be the first step on your journey to a healthier life.

Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic (2024)


Healthy Flour Choices for a Healthier You - Rotimatic? ›

Thus, whole wheat flour is widely considered healthier. It's a good source of protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. As it contains gluten, it isn't appropriate for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What type of flour is the healthiest? ›

Thus, whole wheat flour is widely considered healthier. It's a good source of protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. As it contains gluten, it isn't appropriate for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Which flour can be used in Rotimatic? ›

Flour consistency is an important factor in flour brands and though Rotimatic works well with many different flour brands, Aashirvaad Select and Pillsbury/Sujata Gold have been customer favorites.

What is a healthier alternative for plain flour? ›

Dr Veronica Giacintucci, Teaching Fellow in Food Science, shares her top 4 alternatives using ingredients found in your cupboards. Rice, quinoa, almond and pulse flours are great alternatives when you're running low on your usual supplies.

What flour is best for gut health? ›

What flours include prebiotics and fibre for gut health?
  • Buckwheat – a source of resistant starch and polyphenols.
  • Rye – a source of arabinoxylan, beta-glucan, galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, resistant starch and polyphenols.
  • Sorghum – a source of arabinoxylan, resistant starch and polyphenols.

What is the best flour for the human body? ›

Most people regularly enjoy flour-containing products, like bread, pastries, and pasta. While all-purpose flour is a useful kitchen ingredient, other flours, such as coconut flour, almond flour, and chickpea flour are more nutritious and may offer more health benefits.

Which flour is the healthiest for roti? ›

Bajra, known as Pearl Millet flour globally, is gluten-free and offers a multitude of health benefits. These include aiding weight loss, managing diabetes, and providing essential nutrients for healthy hair, nails, and skin. Bajra flour's versatility is evident in its application in khichdi, rotis, and even laddus.

Is Rotimatic safe for health? ›

To ensure the safety of each roti Rotimatic makes, all materials in contact with food are safe and FDA compliant.

Why is my Rotimatic dough not perfect? ›

The imperfect dough can be due to the following reasons: Wrong flour or wrong flour option selected on the screen. Flour container or the tunnel has moisture and insufficient amount of flour is dispensed.

Which flour is easiest to digest? ›

It is one of the most easily digestible flours. Rice flour is loaded with Fibers, Proteins, Carbohydrates, minerals like Magnesium, Copper, Thiamin etc. Its nutritional component makes it a great source of nutrition. However, the best thing about this flour is that it is gluten free.

What is the healthiest flour for diabetics? ›

The 5 Best Flour Options for Diabetes
  • Almond flour.
  • Coconut flour.
  • Chickpea flour.
  • Oat flour.
  • Spelt flour.
  • Flours to use less often.
May 6, 2021

What healthy flour is closest to white flour? ›

  • 01 of 04. Whole Wheat Flour. Whole wheat flour is ideal for enjoying homemade bread and baked goods without sacrificing a commitment to eating whole foods. ...
  • 02 of 04. Spelt Flour. Spelt is a pure non-hybridized, nutritious ancient grain. ...
  • 03 of 04. Rye Flour. ...
  • 04 of 04. Brown Rice Flour.
Jan 17, 2023

Which flour is best for belly fat loss? ›

Best flour for weight loss
  • 1/6. Almond flour. The flour is high in minerals like vitamin E, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and calcium and has a low G.I. ...
  • 2/6. Bajra flour. Bajra flour is a very healthy alternative to wheat for making roti. ...
  • 3/6. Brown rice flour. ...
  • 4/6. Coconut flour. ...
  • 5/6. Oats flour. ...
  • 6/6. Ragi flour.
Sep 29, 2023

What is the healthiest flour to make bread with? ›

The healthiest bread flour is 100% whole grain flour. Whole grain flour could be rye, barley, spelt, oat, or wheat flour - the key is that the flour is made from 100% whole grains. Whole grain breads provide essential nutrients that are lacking in bread made from white flour.

Which flour is high in protein and low carb? ›

With 8 grams of protein and just 4.7 grams of net carbs per serving, the high protein Soya Atta serves as the best multipurpose flour alternative for those who are following a keto or ketogenic diet, high protein diet, low carb diet, weight loss diet, LCHF diet or Paleo diet.

Which flour is healthier, bleached or unbleached? ›

Bleached and unbleached white flours are nearly identical in terms of nutrition. Other varieties of unbleached flour, such as whole-wheat flour, may contain more fiber, vitamin E, manganese, copper, and antioxidants.

Why is all-purpose flour not healthy? ›

Refined flour promotes fat and prevents the body from burning fat for fuel. It may also promote inflammation in the gut, which damages your metabolic system and lead to weight gain. Type 2 diabetes. Refined carbohydrates increase the chance of getting insulin resistance, followed by diabetes.

Is almond flour actually healthy? ›

Almond flour is rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It's also an excellent source of: Manganese. Magnesium.

Why is Italian flour better than American flour? ›

To sum up, Italian flours allow the cook to choose both the composition (gluten or protein content) and how finely ground the flour is. Italian flour grades are simply more specialized, thereby providing the cook with more choice!

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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