Is It Possible To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks? A 6-Step Guide (2024)

If you are looking for ways to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, first a word of caution, this may not be a safe or healthy goal. Weight loss is a complex issue and there are many factors involved that will determine how much and how fast an individual can lose weight. Today we are going to consider some factors that play a role in whether a goal of losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is possible.

What Factors Contribute To An Individual’s Potential To Lose Weight?

According to the CDC, to maintain a healthy weight we must burn more calories than we consume each day. To lose weight a calorie deficit must be created or we must burn significantly more calories than we do normally.

Current Body Weight
The more excess weight a person is carrying, the faster they burn calories. An individual who is carrying more body weight burns more calories when engaging in physical activity than a person carrying less body weight.

According to Harvard Medical School, if three individuals lifted weights for about 30 minutes, their calorie burn would vary by their current body mass.

  • A 125-pound person would burn 90 calories;
  • A 155-pound person would burn 112 calories;
  • A 185-pound person would burn 133 calories.
Muscle Mass
Similar to weight, the amount of muscle mass an individual has affects their rate of calorie burn. Muscle burns more calories than fat and muscle also weighs more than fat. This means that two individuals that weigh the same can have different calorie burn rates and you can not totally rely on your weight alone to provide an accurate reading of your calorie-burning potential.
Physical Fitness
The intensity of your exercise routine may determine the number of calories you burn. For example, a 200-pound person would burn around 115 calories walking a mile and 140 calories running that mile.

Someone in overall good physical shape may be able to burn more calories while running if going uphill or faster vs a heavier person who can not run as fast.

While this may be true in general, our bodies adapt, and as we get in better shape, our bodies figure out how to work more efficiently. It learns to do the same task and uses less energy to do it so it can actually slow your weight loss potential down.

What Can Inhibit Weight Loss?

There are many factors that can make it hard for an individual to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. If you are looking to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, you might want to consider if any of these factors will inhibit you from reaching your goal.

Genetics & Family History
Many times if both parents are overweight, the possibility of you being overweight is greater. Individuals can be genetically disposed to store extra fat and even the areas it accumulates.
Race or ethnicity
The rate of obesity for American Adults is the highest in African American adults, with the Hispanic/Latino population in 2nd place, and Caucasians in 3rd place. Asian Americans have the lowest rate of obesity in the United States but they can still be at risk if they carry visceral fat in their midsections.
It is normal to gain some weight as part of the natural aging process. Many adults with a normal BMI as young people begin to gain weight until about the age of 60 to 65 unless actively controlling it. Children who are obese are at higher risk of becoming obese adults.
Men and women store fat in different locations on their bodies. Women tend to store fat in their buttocks and hips while men usually gain in their bellies or abdomen. In the United States African American and Hispanic women are more prone to experience a build-up of excess fat.
Lifestyle Habits
An individual’s eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle can raise the risk of becoming overweight. Watching what you eat and drink and avoiding foods and beverages that are high in calories, fat, and sugar can cut down on your daily intake of calories. Many people drink several sodas or other sugary drinks each day. The calories from these sugary drinks add up fast and they can also create cravings for other sugar-filled foods.

Environment – Access to healthy food choices, areas for physical activity, work schedule, etc.

Lack Of Sleep
According to experts, adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each evening depending on their age.
Certain medications can cause weight gain or inhibit weight loss. Talk to your doctor about the medications you currently take and share your weight loss goals. They may be able to change your medication and find ways to help you.
Poor Stress Management
When we are stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called Cortisol. This is also called “the stress hormone” and it is part of the body’s defense system. Cortisol prompts the retention of fat which is counterproductive to weight loss. Finding ways to manage stress will help promote weight loss.
If you have ever tried to diet and lose weight but quickly gain it back or you only lose a small amount and then nothing you do seems to work and your weight loss plateaus, then you have experienced your body working against you.

Our bodies are designed to survive and so it stores energy so we have it to use later if we need it. Our metabolism is continually adjusting and this can be problematic for those trying to lose weight. When we try to reduce our calorie intake, our metabolism slows down the rate at which it burns calories. This means we need to modify what we are doing, eat even fewer calories or ramp up our physical activity, and even then, that may not be enough.

Strategies For Losing 10 Pounds In Two Weeks (More Realistically In A Month)

1. Eat Fewer Calories

One thing that is necessary if we are trying to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than we burn each day. To find out how many calories you should consume each day to maintain your current weight, check these guidelines. This will give you an idea of your calorie estimate based on your gender, age, and physical activity level. So if you are trying to lose weight, you would need to consume fewer calories than your estimated number.

If you choose to count calories, you may wish to use a calorie tracker application such as’s MyPlate.

According to Harvard Health, 3,500 calories equals one pound so it takes a deficiency of this many calories to lose a pound or you need to increase your activity so you are burning more calories.

The Mayo Clinic reports that a 500 – 1000 calorie deficit each day will help you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. An important thing to remember though is that you do not want to lose muscle or withhold certain nutrients from your body so you must eat enough of the right kinds of foods.

2. Avoid Processed Foods

Eat a healthy diet of veggies, fruits, and whole grains because they all contain fiber. This fills you up by using fewer calories and helps you stay full longer. Eating just 30 grams of fiber each day can help boost your weight loss.

Good sources of fiber include:

  • Berries;
  • Beans, lentils, and peas;
  • Avocados;
  • Sweet potatoes;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Pears;
  • Squash;
  • Oatmeal.

These foods should be in their “whole or natural” form (i.e. a real sweet potato rather than chips, and rolled oats, not the flavored instant oatmeal) Processed foods are full of sodium and other ingredients that promote weight gain.

3. Try Some High-Intensity Workouts

This is not as scary as it sounds. This just means short intense exercise bursts and then you slow things down for a bit and then repeat. This type of workout helps to reduce belly fat and your overall body fat percentage. The beauty of mixing in these short bursts of intense exercise is that even after your workout, your body will continue burning calories at a higher rate.

Try doing this type of workout just two times a week and other forms of exercise the rest of the time. Walking is a great way to exercise and it is low intensity and does not require any special equipment.

4. Try Intermittent Fasting

According to The New England Journal of Medicine, intermittent fasting can help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and promote weight loss. Intermittent fasting is where you would eat only during set hours and you would fast (abstain from eating) the rest of the time. You need to continue to drink water the entire day.

There are different intermittent fasting routines and a few of the most popular are:

  • 16/8 fasting – You eat during eight hours of the day and fast for the other 16 (including the time you are asleep);
  • 5/2 fasting – you eat for five days and fast for two eating only 500 – 600 calories on those two days.

Some of the benefits of intermittent fasting include

  • Weight Loss;
  • Improved Blood Sugar Control;
  • Anti-Aging.

5. Lower Your Intake Of Sodium

Excess sodium promotes high blood pressure which can lead to other health conditions and Sodium also causes our bodies to retain water. Sodium is everywhere, especially in foods we consume when we eat out or drive through our favorite fast food place.

If you are trying to get a good start at losing 10 pounds in two weeks:

  • Read food labels for sodium;
  • Avoid foods that are high in sodium (processed foods) such as pizza, deli meats, soups, bread, rolls, tacos, burritos, etc);
  • Choose foods that are fresh (fruits & vegetables);
  • Prepare food at home and limit eating out and fast food.

6. Get Some Expert Help

If you are serious about losing weight and want to do it safely, work with a doctor who is trained in obesity treatment. Doctors such as Dr. Stephen Batash of Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, a leading experts in non-surgical weight loss.

A trained expert like Dr. Batash will take the steps necessary to ensure you meet your weight loss goals whether you are aiming for 10 pounds in two weeks or 50 pounds in 6 months. The process will start by identifying any obstacles that are hindering your weight loss and they will find solutions to effectively address them.

How Long Does It Really Take To Lose 10 Pounds?

It is hard to give a precise or approximate time that you need to lose 10 pounds. While in this article we provided general tips for a healthy lifestyle that can be useful for weight loss, the reason why people gain weight can vary. There might be physiological disorders or psychological issues that will make it difficult to take away the extra layers of fat from your body.

To effectively address the issue of being 10 pounds overweight, a weight loss doctor will have a closer look at your medical history and discover the underlying cause. Depending on the results, the most optimal weight loss plan can be crafted for you by the weight loss specialist. The better the patient is at implementing the instructions and recommendations of the doctors, the faster he or she will achieve their goal and say bye to the extra pounds.

Solutions To Aid In Weight Loss Without Surgery

As we discussed earlier in the article, many factors can keep an individual from losing weight and if these inhibitors can be neutralized, it will make losing weight a reality.

Losing weight is hard, and with our bodies working against us, slowing down the burn rate of our calories, reminding us that we are hungry all the time, conjuring up crazy food cravings to throw at us, etc. We could all use a bit of help and Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center can provide you with the help you need.

Prescription weight loss medication or a non-surgical weight loss procedure may be exactly what you need to reach your weight loss goals.

The Orbera gastric balloon is a wonderful temporary weight-loss tool that has helped many people lose a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. A short 20-minute office procedure and you get help with some of the hardest things to deal with when you are trying to lose weight (feeling hungry all the time and overeating). Learn more about the Orbera balloon and what it can do for you.

Suture Sculpt ESG (endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty) is a procedure where your stomach is made smaller from the inside and there are no incisions necessary. The results are similar to gastric sleeve surgery but without any portion of the patient’s stomach being cut and removed. A smaller stomach helps patients to control their portions and they stay feeling full longer which helps promote weight loss. Learn more about Suture Sculpt ESG and if it may be right for you.

Prescription weight loss medication may be used with the Orbera balloon or Suture Sculpt ESG for optimal weight loss results. The injectable weight loss medications available today help suppress the appetite and enhance fat metabolism.

Non-surgical weight loss procedures and prescription weight loss medications are more effective when combined with a healthy low-calorie diet and an adequate amount of physical exercise.

This Is The Key To Losing Weight Successfully!

Having a 6-month weight loss plan can help you lose weight and form lifelong habits to sustain that weight loss after reaching your ideal weight.

If you are ready to lose weight, we would love to help support you as you achieve your weight loss goals. Set up a consultation today to learn more about how we can help lose weight and keep it off. We have many happy (and healthier) patients who lost weight with the Orbera balloon and Suture Sculpt ESG. Take a look at our YouTube shorts and see for yourself! Contact us today to learn more!

Is It Possible To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks? A 6-Step Guide (2024)


Is it realistic to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? ›

You should reduce your intake of processed, carb-heavy foods like cookies, chips and soda. Is is possible to lose between five to ten pounds in two weeks, although this weight loss will vary depending on each person's metabolism. Food intake should be carefully monitored and combined with regular physical activity.

How far do I have to walk each day to lose 10 pounds? ›

Since there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound, "this means to lose 1 pound, you'll need to walk roughly 35 miles or 70,000 steps. Over the course of a week, this means targeting 10,000 steps a day," says Davis. At this rate, you could lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks.

What to eat to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? ›

In addition to fruits and vegetables, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat are all recommended for rapid weight loss.

How many steps do I need to walk a day to lose 2 pounds a week? ›

“Taking 10,000 steps a day is a traditional goal in achieving fitness and lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke,” Dr. Liana Casusi, MD, a licensed physician, tells "However, studies have shown that at least 15,000 steps daily is optimal to shed a few pounds for weight loss.

What is the maximum amount of weight you can lose in 2 weeks? ›

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a safe and achievable weight loss goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. This means that in two weeks, you can safely lose between 2 to 4 pounds. However, this can vary depending on your current weight, diet, and level of physical activity.

How to drop 10lbs fast? ›

11 ways to lose 10 pounds safely
  1. Calorie deficit.
  2. Avoid junk food.
  3. Protein.
  4. Move more.
  5. High-intensity cardio.
  6. Resistance training.
  7. Intermittent fasting.
  8. Reduce bloating.
Nov 23, 2023

What is a flat tummy walk? ›

A “flat tummy walk” is a type of exercise that is intended to help tone and strengthen the. abdominal muscles, leading to a flatter stomach. This type of exercise typically involves engaging the core muscles and walking at a brisk pace. It can be done indoors or outdoors and doesn't require any equipment.

Can walking reduce belly fat? ›

One of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat is to regularly take part in aerobic exercise, such as walking ( 19 , 20 ). In one small study, women with obesity who walked for 50–70 minutes three times per week for 12 weeks, on average, reduced their waist circumference and their body fat.

What is the best exercise to lose belly fat? ›

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking, dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

How to lose 10 pounds of belly fat in 2 weeks? ›

Strategies For Losing 10 Pounds In Two Weeks (More Realistically In A Month)
  1. Eat Fewer Calories. ...
  2. Avoid Processed Foods. ...
  3. Try Some High-Intensity Workouts. ...
  4. Try Intermittent Fasting. ...
  5. Lower Your Intake Of Sodium. ...
  6. Get Some Expert Help.
Jan 14, 2023

How much water should I drink to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? ›

How much water should I drink each day to aid in weight loss? While the exact amount can vary depending on factors such as your size and activity level, a general guideline is to aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. Drinking water can help you feel full and may help prevent overeating.

How to lose 10 pounds in 7 days? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

Can I lose noticeable weight in 2 weeks? ›

Can You Lose Weight Fast in Two Weeks? Yes, it is possible to lose weight fast and within two weeks healthily and realistically. One way to do it is simply by reducing your calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories per day — you can create a calorie deficit to stimulate weight loss.

What is the secret to walking for weight loss? ›

Tips include:
  • Picking up the pace. Share on Pinterest Beatrix Boros/Stocksy. ...
  • Wearing a weighted vest. ...
  • Walking uphill. ...
  • Focusing on form and posture. ...
  • Incorporating resistance training intervals. ...
  • Power walking in intervals. ...
  • Doing three shorter walks a day. ...
  • Aiming for more steps each day.

Is losing 12 pounds noticeable? ›

A good rule of thumb is that people tend to notice your weight loss when you've lost around 10% of your starting weight, so if you started at 250lbs, people will start to notice when you've lost 25lbs. Naturally, the same amount of weight loss can look different on different people.

Is it possible to put on 10 pounds in 2 weeks? ›

Gained 10 pounds in a month? Or yet, gained 10 pounds in a week? Now that's cause for concern. This kind of totally unexplained weight gain can signal more serious health problems such as a hormone condition or a reaction to an Rx.

How much weight can I lose in 17 days? ›

Depending on your weight when you start out and your metabolism, you might expect to lose up to 10 to 12 pounds the first 17 days. Of course, the further you are from your ideal weight, the more you'll lose initially.

Can you lose 10 pounds in 20 days? ›

In 20 days you might lose 4–5 pounds in body weight that isn't strictly water (muscle, fat, glycogen, etc.), but you aren't going to get that other 5–6 pounds unless you shed water weight, too. Of course, there are some caveats. If you're extremely overweight and morbidly obese, it might be easy to lose 11lbs.

How many pounds can you realistically lose in 10 days? ›

So, in 10 days, you might aim to lose around 1-4 pounds, but this can vary widely from person to person. It's important to focus on healthy habits like eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly rather than aiming for rapid weight loss, which can be unhealthy and hard to maintain.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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