Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (2024)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (1)

The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake recipe is made using Any Fruit (2-3 types), Tabantha Wheat, Cane Sugar. When you consume the Fruit Cake you will gain the following effects: Recover Hearts.

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (2)Recover Hearts

How To Make Fruit Cake Recipe

You can make an Fruit Cake by selecting Any Fruit (2-3 types), Tabantha Wheat, Cane Sugar in your inventory to hold. Then using a cooking pot to drop them in and cook.

Fruit Cake Recipe Guide
Ingredient What To Use Effects

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (4)

Any Fruit (2-3 types)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (5)

Shock Fruit

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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (7)

Fire Fruit

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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (9)

Ice Fruit

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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (11)


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (12)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (13)


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (14)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (15)


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (16)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (17)


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (18)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (19)

Palm Fruit

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (20)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (21)

Mighty Bananas

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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (23)

Golden Apple

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (24)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (25)


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (26)

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (27)

Splash Fruit

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (28)

Varying Effects

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (29)

Tabantha Wheat

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (30)

Tabantha Wheat

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (31)

Hit Points Recover: Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (32) 4

Time Boost: 30 Seconds

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (33)

Cane Sugar

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Cane Sugar

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (35)

Time Boost: 50 Seconds

You can add additional ingredients to make different versions of the Fruit Cake recipe. Such as a Spicy Fruit Cake or a Chilly Fruit Cake version.

Fruit Cake Recipe Versions
Versions Effect Added Ingredient

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (36) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (37)


Fruit Cake

Grants temporary bonus hearts

Hearty Bass
Hearty Salmon
Hearty Truffle
Big Hearty Truffle
Hearty Radish
Big Hearty Radish

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (44) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (45)


Fruit Cake

Grants temporary bonus stamina

Endura Shroom
Endura Carrot

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (48) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (49)


Fruit Cake

Restores stamina

Courser Bee Honey
Staminoka Bass
Bright-Eyed Crab
Stamella Shroom

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (55) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (56)


Fruit Cake

Repairs Broken Hearts (Heals Gloom Damage)

Sun Pumpkin

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (59) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (60)


Fruit Cake

Increases attack power

Mighty Carp
Mighty Porgy
Mighty Bananas
Razorclaw Crab
Mighty Thistle

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (67) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (68)


Fruit Cake

Increases defense

Armored Porgy
Armored Carp
Fortified Pumpkin
Ironshell Crab

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (75) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (76)


Fruit Cake

Increases movement speed

Fleet-Lotus Seeds
Swift Carrot
Swift Violet

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (81) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (82)


Fruit Cake

Increases stealth

Sneaky River Snail
Stealthfin Trout
Silent Shroom
Blue Nightshade
Silent Princess

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (88) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (89)


Fruit Cake

Increases heat resistance

Chillfin Trout
Cool Safflina

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (94) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (95)


Fruit Cake

Increases cold resistance

Sizzlefin Trout
Spicy Pepper
Warm Safflina

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (100) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (101)


Fruit Cake

Increases shock resistance

Voltfin Trout
Electric Safflina

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (106) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (107)


Fruit Cake

Causes a glow effect

Glowing Cave Fish

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (111) Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (112)


Fruit Cake

Increase attack power during hot weather

Fire Fruit

Where To Find Fruit Cake Ingredients

Fruit Cake Map contents
Location Type Subtype Description Show on map
`, iconSize: customIcon.options.iconSize, iconAnchor: customIcon.options.iconAnchor, zIndexOffset: zIndexOffset }); var markerOptions = { markerId: markerData.markerId, icon: customDivIcon }; var marker = L.marker(latLng, markerOptions).addTo(map); //var markerOptions = { markerId: markerData.markerId, zIndexOffset: zIndexOffset, icon: customIcon }; //var marker = L.marker(latLng, markerOptions).addTo(map); // This should ensure that the feature object is only created if it doesn't already exist and updates the properties correctly for both new and updated markers. if (!marker.feature) { marker.feature = { properties: { markerId: markerData.markerId, objectName: markerData.objectName, description: markerData.description, category: markerData.category, subtype: markerData.subtype, }, }; } else { marker.feature.properties.objectName = markerData.objectName; marker.feature.properties.description = markerData.description; marker.feature.properties.category = markerData.category; marker.feature.properties.subtype = markerData.subtype; } // var popupContent = '

Object Name: ' + markerData.objectName + '

'; // popupContent += '

Description: ' + markerData.description + '

'; // popupContent += '

Category: ' + markerData.category + '

'; // popupContent += '

Subtype: ' + markerData.subtype + '

'; /* // Decode the encoded popupContent from the markerData object var decodedPopupContent = decodeURIComponent(markerData.popupContent); // popupContent += decodedPopupContent; var popupContent = decodedPopupContent; */// reminder, adding a div to this, broke funtionality.// popupContent += "";// marker.bindPopup(popupContent);// bind popup, use L.point to adjust where popup appears on marker/*// Check if the category is not "Material" before binding the popupif (markerData.category !== "Material") { marker.bindPopup(popupContent, { offset: L.point(-2, -20) });} */ var popupContent = ""; // Check if markerData.objectName exists in contentMap and is not null or undefined if (markerData.objectName && contentMap[markerData.objectName]) { var decodedPopupContent = decodeURIComponent(contentMap[markerData.objectName]); popupContent = decodedPopupContent; } if (popupContent && markerData.category !== "Material") { marker.bindPopup(popupContent, { offset: L.point(-2, -20) }); }// toggle pulse effects// add click event listener to markermarker.on('click', function () { // check if popup is open if (marker.isPopupOpen()) { // toggle pulse effect with false parameter toggleMarkerPulse(marker, true); } else { // toggle pulse effect with true parameter toggleMarkerPulse(marker, false); }});marker.on('popupclose', function () { toggleMarkerPulse(marker, false);}); // Make marker have highest z-index upon hovering it // Store the original zIndexOffset value marker.originalZIndexOffset = zIndexOffset; // Make marker have highest z-index upon hovering it // Add a mouseover event listener to the marker marker.on('mouseover', function () { marker.setZIndexOffset(15000); // Set the zIndexOffset to 15000 when hovering }); // Add a mouseout event listener to the marker marker.on('mouseout', function () { marker.setZIndexOffset(marker.originalZIndexOffset); // Reset the zIndexOffset to its original value when not hovering }); // Store the marker in the markers object markers[markerData.markerId] = marker;}// The findMarkerById function iterates through the layers on the map and returns the marker with the specified markerId. function findMarkerById(markerId) { var marker; map.eachLayer(function(layer) { if (layer instanceof L.Marker) { if (layer.options.markerId === markerId) { marker = layer; } } }); return marker;}

', });} else { return L.icon({ iconUrl: iconUrl, iconSize: [25, 41], // (these are default size for leaflet marker) iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [1, -34], // how var the popup appears from marker className: 'custom-icon', // Add a custom class to the icon html: '

', });} }// Filters and displays markers on the map based on the given mapId. This function hides existing markers and shows markers that match the mapId. If a marker is not in the markers object, it creates and adds the marker to the map.function applyFilters() { // Switch to showing all markers when 'Apply Filters' button is clicked showCustomListOnly = false; displayMarkersForMap(activeMap, selectedCategories, customList);}function displayMarkersForMap(mapId, selectedCategories, customList) { // Check if mapId is valid if (!activeMap) { ///console.error("Error in displayMarkersForMap: Invalid mapId", mapId); return; } // Hide existing markers for (var markerId in markers) { map.removeLayer(markers[markerId]); } // Filter the markers by map_id and add them to the map allMarkersData.forEach(function (markerData) { if (markerData && markerData.mapId && markerData.markerId) { const shouldDisplayMarker = markerData.mapId.toString() === mapId.toString() && ((typeof selectedCategories === 'undefined' || selectedCategories.includes(markerData.category)) && !showCustomListOnly || (typeof customList !== 'undefined' && customList.includes(markerData.objectName)) && showCustomListOnly); if (shouldDisplayMarker) { // Check if the marker is already in the markers object if (markers[markerData.markerId]) { // Add the marker back to the map markers[markerData.markerId].addTo(map); } else { // If the marker is not in the markers object, add it to the map addMarkerToMap(markerData); } } } else { ///console.error("Error in displayMarkersForMap: Invalid markerData", markerData); } });}document.getElementById('applyFiltersBtn').addEventListener('click', applyFilters);// Global variable to store the circle markerslet circleMarkers = [];function displayCircleMarkersForMap(mapKey, categoriesFilter = []) { // Reset the existing circle markers on the map existingCircleMarkers.forEach(circleMarker => { if (circleMarker) { // Check if the circleMarker is not null map.removeLayer(circleMarker); } }); // Reset the array existingCircleMarkers = []; // Filter the circleMarkers based on the mapKey and categoriesFilter const filteredCircleMarkers = customMarkers.filter(markerData => { // Using customMarkers array instead of circleMarkers if (markerData.mapId !== mapKey) { return false; } if (categoriesFilter.length > 0 && !categoriesFilter.includes(markerData.category)) { return false; } return true; }); // Draw the circle markers on the map filteredCircleMarkers.forEach(markerData => { const circleMarker = drawCircleRadius(markerData); if (circleMarker) { // Check if the circleMarker is not null circleMarker.addTo(map); // Adding circleMarker to the map existingCircleMarkers.push(circleMarker); } });}// Call the new function when switching mapsdocument.getElementById('mapSelect').addEventListener('change', function (event) { const selectedMapKey = event.target.value; const selectedMapData = mapsData[selectedMapKey]; if (selectedMapData) { activeMap = selectedMapKey; // Update the active map // ... displayCircleMarkersForMap(selectedMapKey); // Call this after switching the map tileset // ... }});let boundariesVisible = false;function toggleBoundaries() { boundariesVisible = !boundariesVisible; if (boundariesVisible) { // Show all boundaries for (const boundaryId in boundaries) { boundaries[boundaryId].addTo(map); } document.getElementById('toggleBoundariesBtn').textContent = "Hide Regions"; } else { // Hide all boundaries for (const boundaryId in boundaries) { map.removeLayer(boundaries[boundaryId]); } document.getElementById('toggleBoundariesBtn').textContent = "Show Regions"; }}function displayBoundariesForMap(mapId) { // Hide existing boundaries for (var boundaryId in boundaries) { map.removeLayer(boundaries[boundaryId]); } if (boundariesVisible) { // Filter the boundaries by map_id and add them to the map allBoundariesData.forEach(function (boundaryData) { if (boundaryData.mapId.toString() === mapId.toString()) { // Check if the boundary is already in the boundaries object if (boundaries[boundaryData.boundaryId]) { // Add the boundary back to the map ONLY if it belongs to the current mapId if (boundaryData.mapId.toString() === mapId.toString()) { boundaries[boundaryData.boundaryId].addTo(map); } } else { // If the boundary is not in the boundaries object, add it to the map addBoundaryToMap(boundaryData); } } }); }}// The button for toggling the visibility of the boundariesconst toggleBoundariesButton = document.getElementById('toggleBoundariesBtn');toggleBoundariesButton.addEventListener('click', function() { boundariesVisible = !boundariesVisible; // Toggle the boundariesVisible variable // Change the button text based on whether the boundaries are currently visible toggleBoundariesButton.textContent = boundariesVisible ? "Hide Regions" : "Show Regions"; // Call the displayBoundariesForMap function for the current active map displayBoundariesForMap(activeMap);});// New functions to bind and unbind boundary popups (special case because we needed to add markers inside boundaries after disabling the popup.)function bindBoundaryPopups() { for (var boundaryId in boundaries) { if (boundaries.hasOwnProperty(boundaryId)) { var boundary = boundaries[boundaryId]; boundary.bindPopup(boundary.customPopupContent); } }}function unbindBoundaryPopups() { for (var boundaryId in boundaries) { if (boundaries.hasOwnProperty(boundaryId)) { var boundary = boundaries[boundaryId]; boundary.unbindPopup(); } }}// Stops markers from showing popups, probably anything else that has a binded popupvar shouldShowPopups = true;function bindPopups() { shouldShowPopups = true;}function unbindPopups() { shouldShowPopups = false;}map.on('popupopen', function (e) { if (!shouldShowPopups) { map.closePopup(e.popup); }});

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Fruit Cake Recipe & Where To Find Ingredients (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 5565

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.