The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY MARCH 2 1958 Politics Nixon Stays Controversy in fr rom Page 1 mower of the future the Won hit 8:30 pm tnn Infltipnrps Your Thomas Organ Hdqtrs quick lunch while dictating to ompai'e a loose Big 14 Home of Work Hungry Poles jf rom Page 1 ceremonial oc the first lice North Korea Set to ree 34 on Plane Americans and any of the 32 Korean air liner who wish to Crowds PLEXTONE Lawnmower? Plain Dealer reporter Jan Mellow tries out 695 Si another instance deco of the model home has uns BBS MS for hisnever so far ambi turnpike type lawn not attract the ex that always go to instance power equip (the 100 again) has more space and atten NO PRIMER ODORLESS TYPE QUICK DRYING OR INTERIOR EXTERIOR USE Crowd is illustrated by the line outside the model home furnished this year in EarlyInterScan I Snow Cuts Coal Mining WASHINGTON March 1 The National Coal Assn today' estimated bituminous produc 1 eb 22 Now! Spray 2 3 or more different colors at one time into one spray coat! You got professional results on furniture walls or woodwork All you need is a tank typo vacuum cleaner with spray attachment Long lasting easy to clean 56000 lawnmower opening of the 15th ltln Desire Suit Photos Ai of oreign Wars built their active Post 2361 ew in the early years went into business education politics or the professions That was the time of work ing The time of owning came later Warszawa worked reared children taught them the old language respect for elders the fear of God and the value of money Wealthy Offshoots Ry 1918 it was a monolithic group green with wealthy offshoots and politically ac tive Money and men poured to the Polish Legions Volun teers for American armies trooped from Warszawa They were to repeat the record in World War II When the veterans re turned the face of Warszawa changed It became sedate Children here would go to college Then came the second wave of immigrants smaller than the first and different It was composed of farmers fleeing from war ruined Poland and of disillusioned intellectuals seeking new illusions The last immgration after 1950 never became fully as similated It was a purely political exodus which sought not so much the fumes of Cleveland industry as free air to breathe Tire three waves combined Into a deep and turbulent pool in which there are now more doctors teachers en gineers lawyers bankers owners of small industry ex ecutives and businessmen than its total traditional la bor force Not all of these professional men live in Warszawa There are two other Polish islands in the city Many one time Varsovians resent grouping nationalities or races in one area Young couples in par ticular are prone to set up homes outside traditional boundaries Loyal to But the majority of War szawa remains loyal to Ward 14 the earliest Cleveland Polish settlement In percentile density of Polish population it ranks fifth after South Side Hamtramck Mich Buf falo Latrobe Pa and Pitts burgh's New Kensington and Homestead sections But its character the oc cupations of the inhabitants and total assets place it sec ond only to the famous De troit Polish capital sei on domestic issue and a international in foreign affairs Senate associates expect Nixon would a tighter than Eisenhower should he succeed him They say he would be tougher in dealing with rival ries in the armed services and would see to it that his top aides hew closely to White House policy instead of off in all direc as seme of Eisenhow er's cabinet members have done Nixon himself is under standably tight mouthed on the subject out of loyalty to Eisenhower but he has said presidential advisers should present their views with full vigor and should end when the decision is inuuences JL puuin uuhv van be seen in the exhibits which cannot increase in number be cause of size limits in the hall but can and do improve in quality every year I or raent milch tion or ration gone away from the extremely modern Complaints had been re ceived that too much contem porary decor was used This year there is one com plete home in Early American plus a series of rooms in styles! varying from an austere Japa ncse living room to the most traditional Even the 'mower did cause of the jam ot visitors in the lobby and out on the street There was also for some rea son a gold plated sewing ma chine worth 810000 Attendance was 17217 for the UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY! Look for it at The Home lower Show Booth 602 MULTI COLOR DECORATOR EECTS NEVER BEORE POSSIBLE! Leather Granite Mahogany and Other Textured Designs with OneiSpray Coat day almost as good as last first day crowd of 19000 The show continues through next Sunday Hours will be 11 a to 10:30 pm except on the final day when it closes By JAN MELLOW Cleveland's Home and lower Show added a third dimension yesterday an automobile And what an automobile! Or as most of the 17000 visitors said: An auto Among the flowers furniture fertilizer and fixtures through out Public Hall was a lawn Unmatched Versatility Magnificent Tone a equally at home on the Ohio Turnpike at the annual Cleveland Home and lower Show A) really showed we had explained John Krasowki an old timer whose enormous hands belie his frail shoulders Not a Joiner Krasowski is one of the few Cleveland Poles who never joined anything He had no particular group to plug "When they made Bronis (Klementowicz) the boss there in the he said grinning "Well that showed it eh?" Krasowski is typical He walks alone But he is as fiercely Polish as he was hen lie sought work in 1922 at the Republic Steel Corp gate He watched Warszawa grow into a single minded unit revolving briskly around its four parishes 10 school halls and nearly' two dozen major lodges groups were added after World War I The American Legion never made much headway Warszawa founded its own powerful Polish Legion of American Veterans Later the Veterans der Boy 100 It can be used for mowing weeding spraying plowing snow or covering a golf course and then it can be driven dow to the supermarket Its speedometer indicates a top rate of 100 miles an hour though the Simplicity Manufac turing Co admits that is opti mistic Includes Phone Not available yet the plastic domed experiment is priced at 86000 One of its best features is a radio telephone so the mower can call his wife and announce: "Approaching kitchen window put can of beer on Besides it is air conditioned The dream lawnmower is just one of the marvels of the show which opened early be qather at the Plain Dealer News booth at the SW rum Ddler StU Photo rf 1 PLEXTON MULTI COLORED TEXTURED PAINT KG A wtws'irj THE DECORATING SUPPLY CO 2050 LEE ROAD HEiftHTso YE 2 2700 however he still drives a not too shuiy 1955 Oldsmobile and only recently Airs Nixon for the first time hired a domestic couple to help her in the household chores Their daughters attend Horace Mann Public School which like al) schools in the District of Columbia is de segregated though Nixon says he know if col ored children go there An outspoken advocate ot civil rights Nixon has been hotly attacked by pre segre gation southerners call myself a moderate on civil he says "I believe we must have steady determined progress toward guaranteeing the rights and equal opportunities of our citizens" Politically Nixon describeshimself as a "moderate con DEALER WB I AMAZING PAINT DISCOVERT! SEE IT DEMONSTRATED AT THE HOME LOWER SHOW IN BOOTH 614 I ln IVnct Germans would lonigni 11 is nauj iv vv De turned over "at an appro priate at the truce vil lage of Panmunjom or some place inside North Korea "mu tually agreed The announcement was a sharp reversal of the stand Pyongyang took shortly after the plane landed two weeks ago near the North Korean capital North Korea said then it would free those aboard only if the South Korean government would negotiate for their re lease Now Pyongyang said it even would free any of the 30 Koreans aboard who want to return The announcement said the Communist government was complying with requests made through Moscow by the United States and West German gov ernments The American pilots of the South Korean DC3 are Willis vsuilldtcu uiiuiiuirouo Hobbs Of allCjO allf dnd fnw thn waalr ondnH Air orce Lt Col Howard Was abollt 6795000 tons against McClelland of Buchanan Mich 1 9850000 tons for lhe cories A UN spokesman said the pondinng per iod last year UN Command in Korea is will Heavy snow in some producing ing to meet the Communists areas was blamed for the low half way in arranging lor ine production we fish We just sit there and enjoy the eyes get a faraway look when he contemplates the bliss of three men alone in a boat unmolested by the chatter of lion hunting social ites i thing I like is too much social life all the he says "The hardest thing is a big formal dinner I get bored 1 found when you get bored you get tired so I just take it in and at this his voice becomes emphatic "I like to do business at these Writes Own Speeches Nixon writes all his own speeches: A painful long drawn process unusually per formed in his hideaway around the corner from the floor Though he fre quently speaks for the admin istration on major issues his speeches are not cleared by the White House! Under the Constitution his only official chore is to pre side'over the and in quire each morning as a wag put it about the health of the President But Nixon has made the vice presidency a full time job Aside from being his workhorse Nixon wears half a dozen different hats He is the legis lative trouble shooter and globe trptting ambassador of goodwill He is trie stand in on endless casions And he is president to preside over meetings of the cabinet and lhe policy shaping National Security Council in the Presi absence Despite bis schedule as his aides decribe it Nixon manages to work out in the Senate gym two or three times a week Other wise his chief exercise is walking By following a Spartan diet he has scaled down from 186 to 168 pounds in the last year but he explains: diet to lose weight My interest was in keeping sharp When you have a lot of work to do the worst thing in the world is to eat heavy No Boyhood Dreams Nixon says that in his boy hood days in Whittier when he delivered groceries father's market he dreamed he would go had no grandiose tions I wanted to enter the law but I a youngster who set out to be president of the United Nixon who arrived in Washington as a freshman member of Congress in 1946 less than a year ago moved into a stately 875000 Eng lish fieldstone mansion in suburban Wesley Heights Aside from his official chauffeur driven Cadillac Grasscutting Auto Wows Home Show and uou tui THOMAS Electronic Organs The Only Spinet Organ With All These eatures Pre set controls Repetitive percussion 2 expression pedals (I for great I for swell) Built for stereophonic sound Remarkable Low Price TOKYO March 1 Coni I A broadcast from Pyongyang return of the Americans and munist North Korea announced! said the two American pilots the Germans tonivlit it is rcadv to free two I and two West Germans w'ouldl wife who flew from Hong Kong to Seoul after her husband disappeared into North Korea said the announcement so good and I hope the news turns out teal this The plane took off from Pusan in southeast Korea eb 16 but flew past Seoul its des tination South Korean officials charged that Communist agents among the passengers seized the plane in the air and forced the pilots to fly to North Korea The North Korean announce ment repeated an earlier Com munist statement that persons on the plane over to thC north to find a way of living in opposition to the outrageous oppression and tyranny of the US imperialists and the Syng mah Rhee clique" eoUfcX fl ttltlUtl uUl Since 1913 Open Evening fill 9 Closed All Day Wed aniraay thi 5800 Broadway Ml iZ5z5 Vir i Procirlenl Nixon eats secretary Miss Rose Mary Woods in his office in the Capitol 2 AP Photo Man 61 Cut by Dad Won't Prosecute James Grivas 61 of 1510 Brainard Avenue was in fair condition last night in Deaconess Hospital after being cut across the throat Police said Grivas told them he was slashed by a knife held by his father George Grivas 87 during an argument The son said he would not prose The father who disappeared others aboard a kidnaped South hoc not vo 1 aiivr tfie iigiii 1103 turned home police reported go home Carnations the flowers enough this year for funerals of a dozen gang sters Results of judging on the main floor were: LARGE Kurt Laubinger of Macedonia first red Schneider Sons Co Rockv River second Greenhouses of Strongsville and Merkel Sons Co of Mentor honorable mention I All the Way from snowy MEDIUM Ston haired US Sen rank Acre 9ardGs 01 C1e Lausche to recipes for two person meals the Plain Dealer News booth at the Home lower Show entertains itors The senator is there in of the 1 graphs as part of the display Parma spcond Sunbeam varm The recipes are among re Weslake and Lieuhaven prints of articles from both Gardens of Westlake honorable papers covering flowers gar Lmcntjon dening oecoraring ano nuinc economics Besse Howells Dealer garden editor was there yes terday in person to answer questions A revolving parade fasci nates children It circles through cutout doors in a large photographic reproduction of the Superior A enue home of the papers The figures that march around and around represent the wide variety of subjects treated in the Plain Dealer and from Blondie and Dag wood Bumstead to a high style lashion model in a sack dress ai PD News Booth Entertains Home Show Visitors MEDIUM GARDENS ova rlonr rtf Acre jiiGcns 01 first Hi Vay Nursery of West Jake second Gali Greenhouses 14 15 onaKcr rteigriis anu iv v's Perkins Sons of Westlake jhonorable mention I SMALL a ck 4 4 ifCt prize winning Photo iParmaSchlcgei Greenhouse of rtf rtcniav I 0 1 It iiir 'c st' JI his 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I II Erda Jm iOTl nl ESS LL S2HKW fk R93 R1 31 ii £4 tfSUM fn I JLaVt "1 iioar hi I Vj 1 iVL i KB i i i nnaa wj i 1 1 i i ui irj ni A A'Jl iwl MIK Jium XjWiWT IB MB JW ir wfflB aniui was i 1 hm 1 SMB in EL 5 7f III HS tWiiig Bli iWIBinf "fl Br 'V AJBixiiiS WWtflg Hl Ullin ttoi MMB thy mmb bkiw 1 i li MM MW wlMM 'WOBasi lpf WSa MndU ir in tj r' inix BMMBBMBBhMMki4BMwKJBMBMMBBSMnHMQHMNMMMBvURMMMB 6 rv.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Where is The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Home. Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Are the flats in Cleveland still open? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

How do I contact the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The former Plain Dealer building is owned by Industrial Commercial Properties (ICP) LLC of Solon.

What was invented in Cleveland? ›

Brush brought us the first electric streetlight and streetcar in 1879. Inventor Garrett Morgan added the first gas mask in 1914 and the first traffic signal in 1923. Not to mention, Glenville residents Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created the world's first superhero when Superman debuted in 1933's “Action Comics” #1.

Where is the RV show in Cleveland Ohio? ›

Welcome to the Ohio RV Supershow, presented by Progressive, returning from January 10-14, 2024, at the I-X Center in Cleveland.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

Is the same as The Plain Dealer? ›

Though separate, content from the Plain Dealer and its writers became part of's content. The Plain Dealer started seeing financial problems in the early 2000s, so it reduced $20 million in costs from 2001-2003, by trimming utility, nonessential travel, and hardcopy production expenses.

Where is the boat show in Cleveland? ›

1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland, OH 44135

Join us for the 67th anniversary of Ohio's largest and longest-running boat show – the Progressive Cleveland Boat Show!

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.