Synoid Simulor (2024)

Cephalon Suda's custom issue Synoid Simulor was built to satisfy her curiosity.

The Synoid Simulor is the Cephalon Suda variant of the Synoid Simulor (4)Simulor, Featuring overall improved stats, the Synoid Simulor also features an innate Entropy effect.

  • 1 Characteristics
  • 2 Acquisition
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Tips
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Media
  • 7 Synoid Simulor Skins
  • 8 Patch History
  • 9 See Also


  • This weapon deals Synoid Simulor (5)Magnetic damage, and shooting through orbs grants bonus Synoid Simulor (6)Electricity damage.
  • This weapon fires bouncing orbs that can merge for explosive damage, and will expire after 20 seconds.
  • Merging increases the damage of subsequent explosions.
  • Merging three orbs creates a singularity that deals damage over time and pulls items.
  • Alternative fire detonates the orbs.
  • Expired or detonated orbs explode, dealing damage.
  • Shots through the orb deal increased Synoid Simulor (7)Electricity damage with increased critical chance and critical multiplier Firing through more than one orb will accumulate some of these effects.
  • This weapon has an innate Entropy effect.

Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • The orbs can be used as a damage buffer by shooting through them.
  • Detonation nature of the weapon allows for setting up traps for your enemies.
  • Innate Entropy effect provides additional AoE damage, an energy restore, and an energy increase.
  • Orb Launch (wiki attack index 1)
    • No numerical advantages.
  • Orb Merging Damage (wiki attack index 2)
    • Above average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
    • High status chance (35.00%)
  • Orb Explosion (wiki attack index 3)
    • Above average total damage (240)
    • Above average status chance (35.00%)
  • Singularity (wiki attack index 4)
    • Above average fire rate (4.00 attacks/sec)
    • Above average disposition (●●●●○ (1.20x))

Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Direct impacts with the orbs with enemies do not deal any damage, and must be combined at least once to deal any damage.
  • Explosion inflicts self-stagger.
  • Extremely ammo inefficient; requires just 5 reloads to fully deplete all ammo reserves.
  • Orb Launch (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very low crit chance (0.00%)
    • Below average magazine (16)
    • Very low total damage (0)
    • Below average ammo max (96)
    • Below average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
    • Very low status chance (0.00%)
    • Very low crit multiplier (1.00x)
  • Orb Merging Damage (wiki attack index 2)
    • Very low active falloff slope (-infm/%)
    • Low crit chance (14.00%)
    • Very low maximum falloff distance (4.0 m)
    • Below average magazine (16)
    • Below average ammo max (96)
    • Below average crit multiplier (2.00x)
  • Orb Explosion (wiki attack index 3)
    • Very low active falloff slope (5.0m/%)
    • Low crit chance (14.00%)
    • Low maximum falloff distance (5.0 m)
    • Below average ammo max (96)
    • Low crit multiplier (2.00x)
  • Singularity (wiki attack index 4)
    • Very low active falloff slope (-infm/%)
    • Very low crit chance (0.00%)
    • Below average maximum falloff distance (5.0 m)
    • Below average reload speed (2.00 s)
    • Very low total damage (50)
    • Below average ammo max (96)
    • Very low status chance (0.00%)
    • Low crit multiplier (0.00x)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.



  • The Synoid Simulor can be acquired by reaching the Rank of Genius with Cephalon Suda, and spending Synoid Simulor (18)125,000 to purchase. As with all Syndicate Weapons, the Synoid Simulor cannot be chosen as the free offering upon ranking up to Genius rank.
  • Syndicate weapons can also be acquired via Trading, but only for unranked copies without Forma and Orokin Catalyst installed.
  • Players must have a Mastery Rank of at least 12 to acquire the Synoid Simulor, either through trading or through the Syndicates themselves.


  • Only 4 orbs can be deployed by one Simulor at a time. It cannot fire more until one expires or is manually detonated using Alternative Fire (Default Mouse3 /R.Thumbstick ).
  • Orb explosions have a guaranteed Synoid Simulor (19)Electricity proc. It is affected by electricity mods even if they have combined into other elements like Synoid Simulor (20)Corrosive
  • Orbs bounce harmlessly off of enemies, allies, and terrain before floating to a stop.
    • Orbs travel 12 meters, affected by Projectile Speed. Bouncing halves their velocity and potential distance.
  • Orbs are attracted to each other for the purpose of stacking them. Stacking orbs increases their attraction.
  • Orbs have 3 states: Unstacked, Partially Stacked, and Fully Stacked.
    • Unstacked orbs are always fired from the Simulor regardless of multishot level.
      • Lifespan of 1 second.
      • Explosion radius of 5 meters +1 meter per multishot (uncapped).
      • Deals 240 / 480 / 720 / 960 Synoid Simulor (21)Magnetic damage depending on multishot (capped at 960).
      • Explosion has 100% falloff despite the UI listing 60% falloff.
      • Attraction radius of 4m from other orbs.
      • Orbs with a multishot value of 5 or higher are unable to stack into their higher-duration forms.
    • Stacking orbs will produce one of two types depending on the value of orbs that stack. A full stack needs an orb value of 4.
      • The act of stacking creates a small explosion of typically 125 Synoid Simulor (22)Magnetic damage in a 4m radius with 0% falloff despite the UI listing 60% falloff. If two orbs with values of 2 combine, it will instead deal 150 damage in 5 meters. Despite the UI listing that "Per Stack" damage can go up to 175, it is not possible.
    • Partially Stacked orbs are an uncommon product of two orbs that were not strong enough to create a Fully Stacked orb. They only exist with orb values of 2 or 3.
      • Lifespan of 20 seconds. Resets if orb value increases from 2 to 3.
      • Deals 480 or 720 Synoid Simulor (23)Magnetic damage upon exploding.
      • Explosion radius of 6 or 7 meters.
      • Explosion has 100% falloff despite the UI listing 60% falloff.
      • Attracted less to other orbs. Attraction radius of 5 or 8 meters from other orbs.
    • Fully Stacked orbs are created by stacking orbs to a minimum orb value of 4. It will continue to attract and consume additional orbs, but they will only be deleted with no added effects.
      • Enemies within 5m of the orb, not affected by Synoid Simulor (24)Firestorm, are dealt 50 Synoid Simulor (25)Magnetic damage every 0.25s that cannot crit or inflict status. It has 0% falloff despite the UI listing 60% falloff.
      • Lifespan reset to 20 seconds. Does not refresh with added orbs.
      • Deals 960 Synoid Simulor (26)Magnetic Damage upon exploding.
      • Explosion radius of 8 meters.
      • Explosion has 100% falloff despite the UI listing 60% falloff.
      • Not attracted to other orbs. Other orbs within 8 meters are very attracted.
      • Attracts Pickups that have not yet settled on the ground.
  • Orbs have a physical 0.5m radius that obstructs enemy fire.
  • Friendly shots fired through the orb are modified. Firing through more than one orb will accumulate some of these effects.
    • Shots fired through the orb deal 66%n (with n being the number of orbs the shot passes through) of their base damage, reducing damage.
    • Firing through an unstacked orb will grant +100% Synoid Simulor (27)Electricity damage, a double-stacked orb will grant +300% Synoid Simulor (28)Electricity damage, a triple stacked orb will grant +400% Synoid Simulor (29)Electricity damage, and a fully stacked orb will grant +500% Synoid Simulor (30)Electricity damage. Buff stacks with multiple orbs.
    • Shots fired through orbs will gain additional +25% × n flat critical chance, unaffected by critical chance mods (with n being the number of orbs the shot passes through).
    • Shots fired through the orb will also receive a 25% increase to critical damage, additive to critical damage mods. This applies only once.


  • Increasing projectile travel distance using Synoid Simulor (31)JetStream can be used to shoot orbs further, allowing singularities to be set up at longer distances. This may be counterproductive however, as it causes singularities to become increasingly less controllable, potentially overshooting their intended targets or bouncing out of reach. Depending on how the Synoid Simulor is intended to be used, consider using Synoid Simulor (32)Overextended to adjust Jet Stream's Projectile Speed bonus to a manageable level.
  • Detonating orbs manually can be used for crowd control, as their guaranteed Synoid Simulor (33)Electricity status can stun enemies even if they don't deal enough damage to kill them.
  • Adding Multishot above 100% is unadvised, unless 300% Multishot can be reached. This is because having anywhere between 100-200% Multishot, will still require that 2 shots be fired in order to gain 4 stacks and form a singularity. This wastes the additional 3rd pre-merged orb generated from the Multishot, unless the orbs are detonated individually after every shot without merging into a singularity.
  • Synoid Simulor (34)Mirage is the only Warframe who can exceed the orb limit by using Synoid Simulor (35)HallofMirrors, theoretically able to sustain 19 full stacks at once if cleverly rotated between the holograms.
    • Any projectiles that were fired by a hologram will explode when the hologram expires.


  • Being a weapon created by Cephalons, the Synoid Simulor has a similar design aesthetic to the Synoid Simulor (36)SynoidGammacor, with both being research devices that also double as weapons.
  • The Synoid version replaces the holographic orb formed in its center with the Cephalon Suda emblem.
  • The word 'Synoid' is likely a corruption of the word 'synod', which is an assembly of the clergy under a church, a reference to the word 'synapse', a biological term defining the gap between two neurons, or a shortening of 'sinusoid', an important concept in mathematics and science referring to a shape like a sine-wave.


Synoid Simulor (37)

Synoid Simulor in Codex.

Synoid Simulor (38)

Synoid Simulor, as shown in the arsenal

Synoid Simulor Skins


Patch History[]

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Ammo Changes

We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.

Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.

Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides

15 Ammo per Pick Up:

  • Synoid Simulor

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • We have made the following changes to the Simulor:
    • Increased per stack damage for stacked orbs:
      • Synoid Simulor: 20 to 80
    • Increased damage of exploding vortexes:
      • Synoid Simulor: 75 to 240
  • Increased the duration of active vortexes to 20 seconds before they explode (unless done so manually).
  • Reduced the lifetime duration of a single Orb before it explodes.
    • This allows single projectiles to be used offensively as they now detonate quickly and have had their damage increased significantly.
    • Creating vortexes now happens rather quickly. Shoot 4 orbs in quick succession to create a fully powered vortex. With this we also added a max number of active Orbs to 4.
  • Added a max number of active vortexes at a time to 3 and increased the orb stack count to reach a fully powered vortex from 3 to 4.
    • With the significant increase in damage and lifetime of active vortexes, and with the added bonus of individual orbs providing more utility, adding a cap to the number of active vortexes and increasing the orb count for maxed vortexes felt appropriate to strike balance with the changes.
    • Once 3 fully maxed vortexes are active, the Simulor will now default to single-shot orbs - with the reduced lifetime of a single orb, there are now more ways to use the Simulor against enemies!
  • Removed the initial stagger on enemies that would occur on vortex creation.
    • We removed this effect so that enemies aren’t pushed out of range of the vortex as much.
  • Updated Simulor's FX!

Hotfix 27.2.2 (2020-03-06)
Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central impact that were all previously 90%:

  • Synoid Simulor: 60%

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

Self Damage Changes

We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. This change completely removes the chance of killing yourself, and instead now creates scenarios where you will interrupt yourself - or ‘Stagger’ - to varying degrees if you aren’t careful.

The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger.

With this Self-Interrupt system, we have added dozens of new recovery animations that harness a ninja-like recovery experience. By pressing ‘Jump’ at the correct time, you can execute a ninja-skill-based knockdown recovery to ALL in-game knockdowns. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe.

In addition to Self Damage being removed, some of the more powerful AOE weapons without Self Damage presently will have the Stagger added, but it should only be noticeable in cases of extreme inaccuracy on the player’s part. The Weapons include:

  • Synoid Simulor

In the original Dev Workshop, we said:
As a result of this overall systemic change, Weapons with Stagger will be getting approximately a 20% buff in Damage, with any weapons with AOE receiving a 50% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact.

This is no longer accurate after continued testing. What we are doing now is:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno.

Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices.

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
  • Simulor: 1->1.1

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Simulor series changes:
    • Changed from semi-auto to automatic.
    • Added a small amount of recoil for feedback when firing.
    • Now has proper accuracy stats so mods will effect it.
    • Firestorm and Terminal Velocity Mods can now be equipped.
    • Reduced Aim Zoom from 2.23 to 1.6x.
    • Damage-over-time damage is now affected by damage mods.
    • Updated the overall FX.
  • Synoid Simulor
    • Fire Rate increased from 2.67 to 3.33.
    • Ammo capacity increased from 75 to 96.
    • Clip size increased from 15 to 16.
    • Critical Chance increased from 5% to 14%.

Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

  • The Status Chance increased to 35%
  • The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased - it used to take 5, now it takes 4.
  • A critical chance of 5% has been added.
  • The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-8 meters.
  • The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 per orb to 75 (300 at full stack).
  • On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-8 from 3-8
  • On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from 150-250 to 20-50
  • The Synoid Simulor has had its max Ammo Capacity reduced to 75.

Hotfix 19.5.4 (2017-01-03)

  • Reduced volume and cleaned up audio of Synoid Simulor when being used by other players.

Update 18.8 (2016-04-06)

  • Tweaked the Stug and Simulor projectiles to properly appear stacked instead of hovering over each other. This also improves the projectiles landing position on objects.

Update 17.3 (2015-09-02)

  • Introduced

See Also[]

WeaponsDamageIncarnonCompare AllCosmetics
  • Primary

  • Secondary

  • Melee

  • Archwing

  • Robotic

  • Modular

  • Railjack

Arm Cannon
AutoSynoid Simulor (44)BubonicoSynoid Simulor (45)Shedu
ChargeSynoid Simulor (46)CernosSynoid Simulor (47)CernosPrimeSynoid Simulor (48)CintaSynoid Simulor (49)DaikyuSynoid Simulor (50)DreadSynoid Simulor (51)KuvaBrammaSynoid Simulor (52)LenzSynoid Simulor (53)MK1-ParisSynoid Simulor (54)MutalistCernosSynoid Simulor (55)NatarukSynoid Simulor (56)ParisSynoid Simulor (57)ParisPrimeSynoid Simulor (58)PrismaLenzSynoid Simulor (59)ProboscisCernosSynoid Simulor (60)RaktaCernos
AutoSynoid Simulor (61)AtticaSynoid Simulor (62)ZhugeSynoid Simulor (63)ZhugePrime
Semi / Mag BurstSynoid Simulor (64)NagantakaSynoid Simulor (65)NagantakaPrime
Exalted Weapon
ChargeSynoid Simulor (66)ArtemisBowSynoid Simulor (67)ArtemisBowPrime
ActiveSynoid Simulor (68)CarminePentaSynoid Simulor (69)PentaSynoid Simulor (70)SecuraPenta
AutoSynoid Simulor (71)TenetEnvoy
ChargeSynoid Simulor (72)Ogris
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (73)KuvaOgrisSynoid Simulor (74)KuvaTonkorSynoid Simulor (75)KuvaZarrSynoid Simulor (76)TonkorSynoid Simulor (77)ToridSynoid Simulor (78)Zarr
ActiveSynoid Simulor (79)SimulorSynoid Simulor (80)SynoidSimulor
AutoSynoid Simulor (81)AcceltraSynoid Simulor (82)AcceltraPrimeSynoid Simulor (83)BasmuSynoid Simulor (84)BazaSynoid Simulor (85)BazaPrimeSynoid Simulor (86)BoltorSynoid Simulor (87)BoltorPrimeSynoid Simulor (88)BratonSynoid Simulor (89)BratonPrimeSynoid Simulor (90)BratonVandalSynoid Simulor (91)BuzlokSynoid Simulor (92)DeraSynoid Simulor (93)DeraVandalSynoid Simulor (94)GotvaPrimeSynoid Simulor (95)GrakataSynoid Simulor (96)KarakSynoid Simulor (97)KarakWraithSynoid Simulor (98)KuvaKarakSynoid Simulor (99)MK1-BratonSynoid Simulor (100)MutalistQuantaSynoid Simulor (101)PantheraSynoid Simulor (102)PantheraPrimeSynoid Simulor (103)PrismaGrakataSynoid Simulor (104)PrismaTetraSynoid Simulor (105)TelosBoltorSynoid Simulor (106)TenetFluxRifleSynoid Simulor (107)Tetra
Auto / ActiveSynoid Simulor (108)Alternox
Auto / ChargeSynoid Simulor (109)AeolakSynoid Simulor (110)AmbassadorSynoid Simulor (111)QuellorSynoid Simulor (112)Stahlta
Auto / SemiSynoid Simulor (113)ArgonakSynoid Simulor (114)FulminSynoid Simulor (115)FulminPrimeSynoid Simulor (116)PhenmorSynoid Simulor (117)StradavarSynoid Simulor (118)StradavarPrimeSynoid Simulor (119)TenetTetraSynoid Simulor (120)TrumnaSynoid Simulor (121)Zenith
Auto BurstSynoid Simulor (122)Battacor
Auto-SpoolSynoid Simulor (123)GorgonSynoid Simulor (124)GorgonWraithSynoid Simulor (125)PrismaGorgonSynoid Simulor (126)SomaSynoid Simulor (127)SomaPrimeSynoid Simulor (128)SupraSynoid Simulor (129)SupraVandalSynoid Simulor (130)TenoraSynoid Simulor (131)TenoraPrime
BurstSynoid Simulor (132)BurstonSynoid Simulor (133)BurstonPrimeSynoid Simulor (134)DexSybarisSynoid Simulor (135)HarpakSynoid Simulor (136)HemaSynoid Simulor (137)KuvaQuartakkSynoid Simulor (138)ParacystSynoid Simulor (139)QuartakkSynoid Simulor (140)SybarisSynoid Simulor (141)SybarisPrimeSynoid Simulor (142)Tiberon
Burst / SemiSynoid Simulor (143)Hind
Burst / Semi / AutoSynoid Simulor (144)KuvaHindSynoid Simulor (145)TiberonPrime
ChargeSynoid Simulor (146)MiterSynoid Simulor (147)OpticorSynoid Simulor (148)OpticorVandal
HeldSynoid Simulor (149)AmprexSynoid Simulor (150)FluxRifleSynoid Simulor (151)GlaxionSynoid Simulor (152)GlaxionVandalSynoid Simulor (153)IgnisSynoid Simulor (154)IgnisWraithSynoid Simulor (155)QuantaSynoid Simulor (156)QuantaVandalSynoid Simulor (157)SynapseSynoid Simulor (158)TenetGlaxion
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (159)GrinlokSynoid Simulor (160)KuvaChakkhurrSynoid Simulor (161)LatronSynoid Simulor (162)LatronPrimeSynoid Simulor (163)LatronWraithSynoid Simulor (164)PrismaGrinlokSynoid Simulor (165)Veldt
AutoSynoid Simulor (166)AstillaSynoid Simulor (167)AstillaPrimeSynoid Simulor (168)BoarSynoid Simulor (169)BoarPrimeSynoid Simulor (170)KuvaSobekSynoid Simulor (171)Sobek
Auto / SemiSynoid Simulor (172)CedoSynoid Simulor (173)Felarx
Auto-SpoolSynoid Simulor (174)KohmSynoid Simulor (175)KuvaKohm
ChargeSynoid Simulor (176)DrakgoonSynoid Simulor (177)KuvaDrakgoon
DuplexSynoid Simulor (178)SanctiTigrisSynoid Simulor (179)TigrisSynoid Simulor (180)TigrisPrime
HeldSynoid Simulor (181)ConvectrixSynoid Simulor (182)PhageSynoid Simulor (183)PhantasmaSynoid Simulor (184)PhantasmaPrime
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (185)ArcaPlasmorSynoid Simulor (186)CorinthSynoid Simulor (187)CorinthPrimeSynoid Simulor (188)ExergisSynoid Simulor (189)HekSynoid Simulor (190)KuvaHekSynoid Simulor (191)MK1-StrunSynoid Simulor (192)RautaSynoid Simulor (193)SteflosSynoid Simulor (194)StrunSynoid Simulor (195)StrunPrimeSynoid Simulor (196)StrunWraithSynoid Simulor (197)TenetArcaPlasmorSynoid Simulor (198)VaykorHek
Sniper Rifle
BurstSynoid Simulor (199)Perigale
ChargeSynoid Simulor (200)Lanka
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (201)KomorexSynoid Simulor (202)RubicoSynoid Simulor (203)RubicoPrimeSynoid Simulor (204)SnipetronSynoid Simulor (205)SnipetronVandalSynoid Simulor (206)SporothrixSynoid Simulor (207)VectisSynoid Simulor (208)VectisPrimeSynoid Simulor (209)VulkarSynoid Simulor (210)VulkarWraith
AutoSynoid Simulor (211)ScourgeSynoid Simulor (212)ScourgePrime
Auto ChargeSynoid Simulor (213)Javlok
ChargeSynoid Simulor (214)Ferrox
Charged AutoSynoid Simulor (215)TenetFerrox
SemiSynoid Simulor (216)Afentis
Burst / ChargeSynoid Simulor (217)BallisticaSynoid Simulor (218)RaktaBallistica
ChargeSynoid Simulor (219)BallisticaPrime
Dual Pistols
AutoSynoid Simulor (220)AfurisSynoid Simulor (221)AfurisPrimeSynoid Simulor (222)AkstilettoSynoid Simulor (223)AkstilettoPrimeSynoid Simulor (224)AkzaniSynoid Simulor (225)DexFurisSynoid Simulor (226)DualCestraSynoid Simulor (227)KuvaTwinStubbasSynoid Simulor (228)PrismaTwinGremlinsSynoid Simulor (229)TwinGrakatasSynoid Simulor (230)TwinGremlinsSynoid Simulor (231)TwinVipersSynoid Simulor (232)TwinVipersWraith
Auto / BurstSynoid Simulor (233)TenetDiplos
Auto-SpoolSynoid Simulor (234)AksomatiSynoid Simulor (235)AksomatiPrimeSynoid Simulor (236)SecuraDualCestra
BurstSynoid Simulor (237)AkariusSynoid Simulor (238)AkariusPrimeSynoid Simulor (239)AkjagaraSynoid Simulor (240)AkjagaraPrime
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (241)AkboltoSynoid Simulor (242)AkboltoPrimeSynoid Simulor (243)AklatoSynoid Simulor (244)AklexSynoid Simulor (245)AklexPrimeSynoid Simulor (246)AkmagnusSynoid Simulor (247)AkvastoSynoid Simulor (248)AkvastoPrimeSynoid Simulor (249)DualToxocystSynoid Simulor (250)TelosAkbolto
Dual Shotguns
Auto-SpoolSynoid Simulor (251)TwinKohmak
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (252)AkbroncoSynoid Simulor (253)AkbroncoPrimeSynoid Simulor (254)TwinRogga
Exalted Weapon
AutoSynoid Simulor (255)DexPixiaSynoid Simulor (256)DexPixiaPrimeSynoid Simulor (257)NoctuaSynoid Simulor (258)RegulatorsSynoid Simulor (259)RegulatorsPrime
ChargeSynoid Simulor (260)BalefireChargerSynoid Simulor (261)BalefireChargerPrime
AutoSynoid Simulor (262)AzimaSynoid Simulor (263)CestraSynoid Simulor (264)FurisSynoid Simulor (265)HystrixSynoid Simulor (266)HystrixPrimeSynoid Simulor (267)KnellSynoid Simulor (268)KnellPrimeSynoid Simulor (269)KompressaSynoid Simulor (270)MK1-FurisSynoid Simulor (271)OnosSynoid Simulor (272)StubbaSynoid Simulor (273)VeloxSynoid Simulor (274)VeloxPrimeSynoid Simulor (275)ViperSynoid Simulor (276)ViperWraith
Auto / BurstSynoid Simulor (277)AthodaiSynoid Simulor (278)Quatz
Auto / Mag BurstSynoid Simulor (279)Cyanex
BurstSynoid Simulor (280)KrakenSynoid Simulor (281)SepulcrumSynoid Simulor (282)SicarusSynoid Simulor (283)SicarusPrime
Burst / Mag BurstSynoid Simulor (284)KuvaKraken
ChargeSynoid Simulor (285)AngstrumSynoid Simulor (286)PrismaAngstrumSynoid Simulor (287)Stug
DuplexSynoid Simulor (288)ZylokSynoid Simulor (289)ZylokPrime
HeldSynoid Simulor (290)AtomosSynoid Simulor (291)CatabolystSynoid Simulor (292)CycronSynoid Simulor (293)EmbolistSynoid Simulor (294)GammacorSynoid Simulor (295)KuvaNukorSynoid Simulor (296)NukorSynoid Simulor (297)OcucorSynoid Simulor (298)SpectraSynoid Simulor (299)SpectraVandalSynoid Simulor (300)SynoidGammacorSynoid Simulor (301)TenetCycron
Semi / AutoSynoid Simulor (302)Laetum
Semi / ChargeSynoid Simulor (303)EpitaphSynoid Simulor (304)TenetPlinx
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (305)AcridSynoid Simulor (306)ArcaSciscoSynoid Simulor (307)BoltoSynoid Simulor (308)KulstarSynoid Simulor (309)KuvaSeerSynoid Simulor (310)LatoSynoid Simulor (311)LatoPrimeSynoid Simulor (312)LatoVandalSynoid Simulor (313)LexSynoid Simulor (314)LexPrimeSynoid Simulor (315)MagnusSynoid Simulor (316)MagnusPrimeSynoid Simulor (317)MarelokSynoid Simulor (318)PlinxSynoid Simulor (319)SeerSynoid Simulor (320)SonicorSynoid Simulor (321)TenetSpirexSynoid Simulor (322)TysisSynoid Simulor (323)VastoSynoid Simulor (324)VastoPrimeSynoid Simulor (325)VaykorMarelokSynoid Simulor (326)ZaktiSynoid Simulor (327)ZaktiPrimeSynoid Simulor (328)Zymos
Semi-Auto / Mag BurstSynoid Simulor (329)PanderoSynoid Simulor (330)PanderoPrime
Shotgun Sidearm
AutoSynoid Simulor (331)PyranaSynoid Simulor (332)PyranaPrime
Auto-SpoolSynoid Simulor (333)Kohmak
Semi-AutoSynoid Simulor (334)BrakkSynoid Simulor (335)BroncoSynoid Simulor (336)BroncoPrimeSynoid Simulor (337)DetronSynoid Simulor (338)EuphonaPrimeSynoid Simulor (339)KuvaBrakkSynoid Simulor (340)MaraDetron
Semi-Auto / Mag BurstSynoid Simulor (341)TenetDetron
ActiveSynoid Simulor (342)AegritSynoid Simulor (343)CastanasSynoid Simulor (344)SanctiCastanasSynoid Simulor (345)Talons
AutoSynoid Simulor (346)DespairSynoid Simulor (347)HikouSynoid Simulor (348)HikouPrimeSynoid Simulor (349)KunaiSynoid Simulor (350)MK1-KunaiSynoid Simulor (351)PoxSynoid Simulor (352)SpiraSynoid Simulor (353)SpiraPrime
Auto / SemiSynoid Simulor (354)Fusilai
ChargeSynoid Simulor (355)Staticor
AutoSynoid Simulor (356)Grimoire
Assault SawSynoid Simulor (357)Ghoulsaw
Blade and WhipSynoid Simulor (358)CetiLaceraSynoid Simulor (359)DorrclaveSynoid Simulor (360)JatKusarSynoid Simulor (361)LaceraSynoid Simulor (362)Mios
ClawsSynoid Simulor (363)GarudaPrimeTalonsSynoid Simulor (364)GarudaTalonsSynoid Simulor (365)KeratinosSynoid Simulor (366)RipkasSynoid Simulor (367)VenkaSynoid Simulor (368)VenkaPrime
DaggerSynoid Simulor (369)CeramicDaggerSynoid Simulor (370)DarkDaggerSynoid Simulor (371)HeatDaggerSynoid Simulor (372)InnodemSynoid Simulor (373)KarystSynoid Simulor (374)KarystPrimeSynoid Simulor (375)RaktaDarkDaggerSynoid Simulor (376)RumblejackSynoid Simulor (377)Sheev
Dual DaggersSynoid Simulor (378)EtherDaggersSynoid Simulor (379)FangSynoid Simulor (380)FangPrimeSynoid Simulor (381)NepheriSynoid Simulor (382)OkinaSynoid Simulor (383)OkinaPrime
Dual NikanasSynoid Simulor (384)Sun&Moon
Dual SwordsSynoid Simulor (385)DarkSplit-Sword(DualSwords)Synoid Simulor (386)DexDakraSynoid Simulor (387)DualCleaversSynoid Simulor (388)DualEtherSynoid Simulor (389)DualHeatSwordsSynoid Simulor (390)DualIchorSynoid Simulor (391)DualKamasSynoid Simulor (392)DualKamasPrimeSynoid Simulor (393)DualKeresSynoid Simulor (394)DualKeresPrimeSynoid Simulor (395)DualRazaSynoid Simulor (396)DualSkanaSynoid Simulor (397)DualZorenSynoid Simulor (398)NamiSkylaSynoid Simulor (399)NamiSkylaPrimeSynoid Simulor (400)PrismaDualCleaversSynoid Simulor (401)TwinBasolkSynoid Simulor (402)TwinKrohkur
Exalted WeaponSynoid Simulor (403)DesertWindSynoid Simulor (404)DesertWindPrimeSynoid Simulor (405)DiwataSynoid Simulor (406)DiwataPrimeSynoid Simulor (407)ExaltedBladeSynoid Simulor (408)ExaltedPrimeBladeSynoid Simulor (409)ExaltedUmbraBladeSynoid Simulor (410)IronStaffSynoid Simulor (411)IronStaffPrimeSynoid Simulor (412)ShadowClawsSynoid Simulor (413)ValkyrPrimeTalonsSynoid Simulor (414)ValkyrTalons
FistSynoid Simulor (415)AnkyrosSynoid Simulor (416)AnkyrosPrimeSynoid Simulor (417)FuraxSynoid Simulor (418)FuraxWraithSynoid Simulor (419)MK1-FuraxSynoid Simulor (420)RuvoxSynoid Simulor (421)TekkoSynoid Simulor (422)TekkoPrime
GlaiveSynoid Simulor (423)CerataSynoid Simulor (424)FalcorSynoid Simulor (425)GlaiveSynoid Simulor (426)GlaivePrimeSynoid Simulor (427)HalikarSynoid Simulor (428)HalikarWraithSynoid Simulor (429)KestrelSynoid Simulor (430)OrviusSynoid Simulor (431)PathocystSynoid Simulor (432)Xoris
GunbladeSynoid Simulor (433)RedeemerSynoid Simulor (434)RedeemerPrimeSynoid Simulor (435)SarpaSynoid Simulor (436)StrophaSynoid Simulor (437)Vastilok
HammerSynoid Simulor (438)ArcaTitronSynoid Simulor (439)EkheinSynoid Simulor (440)FragorSynoid Simulor (441)FragorPrimeSynoid Simulor (442)HeliocorSynoid Simulor (443)JatKittagSynoid Simulor (444)KuvaShildegSynoid Simulor (445)MagistarSynoid Simulor (446)SampotesSynoid Simulor (447)SanctiMagistarSynoid Simulor (448)SibearSynoid Simulor (449)SynoidHeliocorSynoid Simulor (450)VolnusSynoid Simulor (451)VolnusPrimeSynoid Simulor (452)WolfSledge
Heavy BladeSynoid Simulor (453)DarkSplit-Sword(HeavyBlade)Synoid Simulor (454)GalatineSynoid Simulor (455)GalatinePrimeSynoid Simulor (456)GramSynoid Simulor (457)GramPrimeSynoid Simulor (458)MasseterSynoid Simulor (459)MasseterPrimeSynoid Simulor (460)ParacesisSynoid Simulor (461)SarofangSynoid Simulor (462)ScindoSynoid Simulor (463)ScindoPrimeSynoid Simulor (464)TenetExecSynoid Simulor (465)VitricaSynoid Simulor (466)WarSynoid Simulor (467)Zenistar
Heavy ScytheSynoid Simulor (468)CorufellSynoid Simulor (469)Hespar
MacheteSynoid Simulor (470)GazalMacheteSynoid Simulor (471)KamaSynoid Simulor (472)KreskaSynoid Simulor (473)MacheteSynoid Simulor (474)MacheteWraithSynoid Simulor (475)NamiSoloSynoid Simulor (476)PrismaMacheteSynoid Simulor (477)ProvaSynoid Simulor (478)ProvaVandalSynoid Simulor (479)Slaytra
NikanaSynoid Simulor (480)DexNikanaSynoid Simulor (481)DragonNikanaSynoid Simulor (482)NikanaSynoid Simulor (483)NikanaPrimeSynoid Simulor (484)SkiajatiSynoid Simulor (485)Syam
NunchakuSynoid Simulor (486)NinkondiSynoid Simulor (487)NinkondiPrimeSynoid Simulor (488)PulmonarsSynoid Simulor (489)Shaku
PolearmSynoid Simulor (490)CassowarSynoid Simulor (491)EdunSynoid Simulor (492)GuandaoSynoid Simulor (493)GuandaoPrimeSynoid Simulor (494)KeshegSynoid Simulor (495)KorummSynoid Simulor (496)LesionSynoid Simulor (497)OrthosSynoid Simulor (498)OrthosPrimeSynoid Simulor (499)PupacystSynoid Simulor (500)SerroSynoid Simulor (501)SydonSynoid Simulor (502)TonboSynoid Simulor (503)VaykorSydon
RapierSynoid Simulor (504)DestrezaSynoid Simulor (505)DestrezaPrimeSynoid Simulor (506)Endura
ScytheSynoid Simulor (507)AnkuSynoid Simulor (508)CaustacystSynoid Simulor (509)EtherReaperSynoid Simulor (510)HateSynoid Simulor (511)ReaperPrimeSynoid Simulor (512)TenetGrigoriSynoid Simulor (513)Venato
SparringSynoid Simulor (514)HirudoSynoid Simulor (515)KogakeSynoid Simulor (516)KogakePrimeSynoid Simulor (517)KorrudoSynoid Simulor (518)ObexSynoid Simulor (519)PrismaObex
StaffSynoid Simulor (520)AmphisSynoid Simulor (521)BoSynoid Simulor (522)BoPrimeSynoid Simulor (523)BrokenScepterSynoid Simulor (524)CadusSynoid Simulor (525)MK1-BoSynoid Simulor (526)TipedoSynoid Simulor (527)TipedoPrime
Sword and ShieldSynoid Simulor (528)Ack&BruntSynoid Simulor (529)Argo&VelSynoid Simulor (530)Cobra&CraneSynoid Simulor (531)Cobra&CranePrimeSynoid Simulor (532)Sigma&OctantisSynoid Simulor (533)Silva&AegisSynoid Simulor (534)Silva&AegisPrimeSynoid Simulor (535)TenetAgendus
SwordSynoid Simulor (536)BrokenWarSynoid Simulor (537)CronusSynoid Simulor (538)DakraPrimeSynoid Simulor (539)DarkSwordSynoid Simulor (540)EtherSwordSynoid Simulor (541)HeatSwordSynoid Simulor (542)JawSwordSynoid Simulor (543)KrohkurSynoid Simulor (544)MireSynoid Simulor (545)PangolinPrimeSynoid Simulor (546)PangolinSwordSynoid Simulor (547)PlasmaSwordSynoid Simulor (548)PrismaSkanaSynoid Simulor (549)SkanaSynoid Simulor (550)SkanaPrime
TonfaSynoid Simulor (551)BoltaceSynoid Simulor (552)KronenSynoid Simulor (553)KronenPrimeSynoid Simulor (554)OhmaSynoid Simulor (555)PraedosSynoid Simulor (556)PrismaOhmaSynoid Simulor (557)TelosBoltace
Two-Handed NikanaSynoid Simulor (558)AzothaneSynoid Simulor (559)PennantSynoid Simulor (560)TatsuSynoid Simulor (561)TatsuPrimeSynoid Simulor (562)TenetLivia
WarfanSynoid Simulor (563)ArumSpinosaSynoid Simulor (564)GunsenSynoid Simulor (565)GunsenPrimeSynoid Simulor (566)QuassusSynoid Simulor (567)Vericres
WhipSynoid Simulor (568)AtteraxSynoid Simulor (569)GalvacordSynoid Simulor (570)LectaSynoid Simulor (571)ScoliacSynoid Simulor (572)SecuraLectaSynoid Simulor (573)Verdilac
Synoid Simulor (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.