How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (2024)

Cauliflower is a nutritious, versatile vegetable that offers so many possibilities in the kitchen and is satisfying to grow. If you want to grow cauliflower in your garden, here’s everything you need to know to keep it thriving from planting to harvest.

You can also download my How Do I Grow Cauliflower? one-sheet and keep the free resource handy for your reference.

Cauliflower is a cole crop — a cultivar of wild cabbage, just like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, kohlrabi and, yes, cabbage. Also known as brassicas, they are a cold-hardy group of vegetables.

Cauliflower has a reputation for being fussy, but despite its quirks, it’s definitely a crop worth growing. You’ll enjoy cauliflower’s great taste and can also revel in the thrill of successfully growing it to harvest.

Raw cauliflower is great for dipping. When cooking cauliflower, you can’t go wrong by roasting it, and there are countless ways to season it. You can also steam or saute cauliflower, or include it in curry. In recent years, cauliflower has grown in popularity as a replacement for other ingredients, such as riced cauliflower instead of white rice. Buffalo cauliflower replaces buffalo boneless wings, and cauliflower crust replaces traditional pizza crust.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (1)

Cauliflower and broccoli are both cultivars of cabbage.

Where, When and How to Plant Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of those crops for which the importance of getting a soil test is especially true. Cauliflower requires a soil pH of between 6.5 to 7.5 to discourage a disease known as clubroot. And if you find your soil falls outside of that range, the soil test results will tell you what to do to bring it in line.

When planning on growing cauliflower, don’t delay. You should start as early as possible to ensure it matures before the heat of summer sets in. Heat will cause cauliflower to bolt, which means the plant has focused its energies on seed production. Bolted cauliflower has a bitter taste and should be pulled and composted.

You can start cauliflower seeds indoors in sterile seed-starting mix under grow lights about four to five weeks before the last frost or sow directly outdoors after that. Cauliflower will germinate best in soil that is 80° so use a seed-starting heating mat if working indoors. Outdoors, seeds will sprout in soil temperatures as low as 50°. Germination will occur after eight to 10 days.

Or simply purchase pre-started seedlings and plant them in spring about the time of the last frost. Just be sure seedlings have a chance to gradually adjust to the outdoor light and climate (a process known as hardening off) for at least a week before planting out. And space your plants in the ground about 18 inches apart and 30 inches between rows.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (2)

Start cauliflower indoors or simply by a tray of starts from a nursery.

Cauliflower is a heavy feeder that requires full sun (at least six hours of direct sunlight per day) and fertile, well-drained soil. Prior to planting, amend the planting bed with plenty of compost to improve fertility and drainage.

Shielding cauliflower with row cover as soon as it is planted will save a lot of trouble later. Cauliflower is a magnet for brassica pests, but row cover will prevent many insects from ever laying their eggs on or near your plants.

In the North, you can plant a second crop of cauliflower in July for a fall harvest. Get seeds or transplants in the ground eight weeks before the average first frost date for your area. If daytime temperatures are still 75° or warmer, give the seedlings some protection by covering them with shade cloth.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (3)

Shade cloth reduced the temperature around cauliflower crops to stop bolting once summer heat sets in.

Cauliflower Varieties

Cauliflower traditionally has a white head but these days you can also find yellow, green, purple and even orange. Choose a variety that is suited to your growing region to give your crop the best opportunity for success.

Amazing is an open-pollinated white cauliflower that is self-blanching and tolerant of both heat and cold. Self-blanching means the leaves wrap around the head to protect it from an abundance of sun. It matures in 68 days.

Andes is a white cauliflower that is both heat and cold tolerant. It matures in 65 days.

Cheddar is a bright orange hybrid cauliflower that matures in 58 days. It is best for a fall harvest but can also be grown in spring. It does not have great heat tolerance.

Clementine Hybrid is an orange cauliflower with medium-sized heads. It matures in 67 days. It tolerates both cold and heat well.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (4)

Self-blanching varieties require less work from you. They naturally close up to protect themselves from excessive sun.

Depurple Hybrid has a lavender-blue head. It matures in 80 to 100 days with 5-inch heads.

Flame Star is a heat-tolerant orange hybrid cauliflower with 7-inch heads. It matures in 55 days.

Graffiti is a dark purple hybrid cauliflower that is best for fall harvest. It matures in 80 days.

Lavender is a bright purple hybrid cauliflower that is best grown as a fall-harvested crop, though it can grow in spring as well. It matures in 70 days.

Snowball Self-Blanching is a white heirloom cauliflower with approximately 7-inch heads. Its leaves wrap around the head in colder weather. It matures in approximately 70 days.

Snow Crown is a white hybrid cauliflower known for unusual vigor. It matures in 50 days and tolerates frost down to 25°.

Romanesco is a cross between cauliflower and broccoli. Two reliable varieties are Puntoverde and Veronica.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (5)

Purple is just one of the colors that you can find cauliflower in.

Watering Cauliflower

Cauliflower needs consistent moisture to succeed. One to two inches of water per week — including rainfall — is best. Consider installing a drip irrigation system to keep the soil moist but not drench.

To retain moisture between rain and supplemental watering, apply 2–3 inches of organic mulch around the plants, such as shredded leaves or straw. The mulch will also suppress weeds and keep the soil cool.

Fertilizing Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a heavy feeder for its entire growing cycle, so regularly apply a nitrogen-rich organic liquid fertilizer, such as fish emulsion. Organic fertilizers are best because they won’t cause nitrogen burn as chemical fertilizers can.

Never exceed the manufacturer’s instructions when applying fertilizer. You can use less than the manufacturer recommends, but never more. Overfertlized cauliflower can grow hollow stems and it will be more vulnerable to pests.

Cauliflower that is underwatered or grown in low-fertility soil may have a purple tinge on the underside of the head. It is still safe to eat, but the flavor may be affected.

Cauliflower Pests & Diseases

Because cauliflower is a cole crop, it is affected by the same pests as cabbage, such as cabbage loopers and cabbage worms. You may see small white cabbage butterflies in your garden in mid-spring and early fall. When you see them, you know it’s time to install floating row cover, if you haven’t already. As you find cabbage worms, cabbage loopers and other caterpillars, you can handpick them or apply Bacillus thuringiensis, a biological control also known as Bt.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (6)

Cauliflower attracts a number of pest insects, including cabbage worms and cabbage loopers.

Aphids are sucking insects that spread plant diseases. As they feed on leaves they excrete honeydew, which attracts ants and other insects. They are easily controlled by knocking them off plants with a sharp stream of water. You can also apply insecticidal soap.

The flea beetle is a small black or bronze jumping leaf beetle that is just an eighth of an inch long. Cauliflower should be able to shrug off the damage. You can draw them away by planting a trap crop of radishes, which flea beetles prefer over brassicas.

Cabbage root maggots are fly larvae. Affected plants will wilt and have stunted growth. Use floating row cover before the flies have the opportunity to lay their eggs.

Diseases affecting broccoli include clubroot, black leg, ring spot, Botrytis stem blightand downy mildew. To lessen the occurrence of cauliflower diseases, refrain from overhead watering. Wet foliage provides an ideal environment for many of these pathogens, so watering around the base of the plants is the preferred method.

The best control method for cauliflower diseases is to remove the affected plants to reduce the spread. Pathogens can persist in soil for several years, so practice crop rotation — don’t plant any brassicas in the same spot for the next three years, at least.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (7)

Floating row cover is a physical barrier that prevents pests from laying their eggs on plants.

Harvesting Cauliflower

As cauliflower matures, you’ll want to keep the sun off the developing heads so they stay white (or whatever color that variety is supposed to be). Some varieties naturally wrap their leaves over the head, but others will need your intervention. To protect the head, use a clothespin, rubber band or string to hold the leaves around it. Covering the head in this way is a technique known as “blanching.”

Harvest cauliflower when the heads are still compact. The average target size for harvesting is between 6 and 8 inches, though it’s far better to harvest too soon rather than too late. To harvest, cut the plant at the base of the neck.

Cauliflower can be stored whole in the refrigerator in an unsealed bag for up to two weeks. It can also be chopped up, blanched and frozen.

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (8)

Harvest cauliflower when the heads are still compact by cutting the plant at the base of the neck.

What are your secrets to grow cauliflower successfully? Let us know in the comments below.

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Links & Resources

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Episode 094: How to Start and Care for Seedlings Indoors: My Steps for Success

Episode 099: Understanding Crop Rotation: The Basics and Beyond, with Jack Algiere

Episode 122: Fall Vegetable Garden Success: Best Plants and Tips for Cool-Season Growing

Episode 195: Identifying and Controlling Garden Pests Organically

Episode 204: Hardening Off and Setting Plants Up for Success in Spring

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Artichokes?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Broccoli?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Brussels Sprouts?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Cabbage?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Herbs?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Melons?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Onions?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Peas?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Peppers?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Spinach?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Strawberries?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Summer Squash?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Tomatoes?

joegardener blog: How Do I Grow Winter Squash?

How Do I Grow Cauliflower? one-sheet

joegardenerTV YouTube: How to Protect Cool-Season Crops in Hot Weather

joegardener Online Gardening Academy™: Three popular courses on gardening fundamentals; managing pests, diseases & weeds; and seed starting!

joegardener Online Gardening Academy Beginning Gardener Fundamentals: Essential principles to know to create a thriving garden.

joegardener Online Gardening Academy Growing Epic Tomatoes: Tomato expert Craig LeHoullier joins me in leading this course on how to grow healthier, productive tomato plants and how to overcome tomato-growing challenges.

joegardener Online Gardening Academy Perfect Soil Recipe Master Class: Learn how to create the perfect soil environment for thriving plants.

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Growing a Greener World®


Liquid fish fertilizer

Floating row cover

Frost blanket


Shade cloth

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How Do I Grow Cauliflower? | Planting & Harvesting Guide | joegardener® (2024)


How do you harvest cauliflower so it keeps growing? ›

To harvest your cauliflower, make a cut at a 45-degree angle close to the bottom of the plant. You can leave 4–6 in (10–15 cm) of stalk with your cauliflower so it's easier to prepare. The plant will continue to grow small cauliflower heads where you make your cut. You can harvest these, as well.

How many heads of cauliflower do you get from one plant? ›

How many heads of cauliflower does one plant produce? Unlike broccoli, cauliflower only produces one compact head called a curd. The average head of cauliflower is 6 to 7 inches in diameter and weighs about 2 pounds but some varieties grow larger heads than others.

What kind of fertilizer does cauliflower need? ›

Fertilization. Apply 1/2 cup per 10 feet of row of a nitrogen based fertilizer (21-0-0) 4 weeks after transplanting or thinning. This encourages vigorous leaf growth which is necessary for high yields. Place the fertilizer 6 inches to the side of the plants and irrigate it into the soil.

How do I know when my cauliflower is ready to pick? ›

Cauliflower heads that are ready to be harvested should be compact, uniformly colored, and feel firm to the touch. If cauliflower “curds” start to separate from each other, the cauliflower is becoming overly ripe. Harvest it right away so it doesn't become bitter.

What is the best month to plant cauliflower? ›

Cauliflower seeds are usually sown indoors, but can also be sown outdoors from mid- to late spring. The main sowing season is March to May, although you can sow in January or February indoors – or even the previous autumn – for earlier harvests.

How big do you let cauliflower grow? ›

Plants are usually ready to harvest in about 50 to 100 days, depending on variety, or 7 to 12 days after blanching. When the heads are compact, white, and firm, then it is time to harvest them. Ideally, the heads will grow to 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Cut the heads off the plant with a large knife.

Why is cauliflower difficult growing? ›

Cauliflower is a cool-weather crop in the Brassica family (which includes cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts). It's trickier to grow than its relatives because it doesn't like it too hot … or too cold. It is also very sensitive to moisture and doesn't like to have soggy roots or dry out.

What to plant next to cauliflower? ›

Allium plants, like garlic, onions, and chives, are top-notch cauliflower companion plants if you want to keep pests at bay. These plants contain sulfur compounds that mask the scent of nearby cauliflower and other crops that pests love. The scent of alliums also repels deer, aphids, and cabbage loopers.

Why is my cauliflower not forming heads? ›

This is usually caused by one of two things - damage to the growing tip of the plant, or fluctuating temperature. Cauliflower heads grow from the top of the plant, known botanically as the terminal bud. If the terminal bud is damaged or removed the plant will not form a head.

Is Miracle Grow good for cauliflower plants? ›

You'll get the best results if, in addition to providing the best soil environment for plant roots, you give your growing cauliflower plants regular feedings of a continuous-release fertilizer like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules, which feeds the beneficial microbes in the soil as ...

Are coffee grounds good for cauliflower plants? ›

Cauliflower needs very fertile soil, with plenty of nitrogen. You can do this by providing your cauliflower bed with lots of high-nitrogen compost (well-rotted and made with lots of coffee grounds or some manure) and giving it a higher-nitrogen organic fertilizer once or twice during its life.

What is the maintenance for cauliflower? ›

You can expect to grow one cauliflower head per plant. Ensure the soil is moist before planting – dry soil could lead to a check in growth which can cause cauliflowers to bolt or bear deformed heads. Firm soil around the plants and water thoroughly. Add a collar to prevent cabbage fly if needed.

Does cauliflower produce more than once? ›

Harvest & Storage

Full-sized heads may be 6 to 8 inches across. Over-mature heads will begin to open up and become “ricey.” Unlike broccoli which produces side shoots for additional harvests, each cauliflower plant produces only one head.

How do you keep cauliflower from bolting? ›

Bolting is usually caused by sudden changes in temperature early in the plant's life, but it can also be due to inconsistent watering. To avoid this issue, plant cauliflower at the recommended time for your climate, water consistently, and maintain even temperatures by mulching plants and shading them on hot days.

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