Blood Type A-Positive | Learn More (2024)

You Have the Power To Save Lives

As an A+ donor, your blood type is the second most common type. In fact, 34% of the population has this blood type.

Your platelets are the most powerful part of your A+ blood. Platelets can be donated as often as every seven days, recommended every 14, and up to 24 times a year. Platelets are in high demand by hospitals and help cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. However, depending on hospital need, a whole blood donation might be preferred.

Blood Type A-Positive | Learn More (2024)


What's so special about A+ blood? ›

Why is A positive blood important? A positive makes up almost a third of requests for blood from hospitals so we need to maintain a regular supply. A positive blood from male donors can also be made into special medicines to treat conditions such as Dry Eye Syndrome.

What are the disadvantages of blood group A positive? ›

Research has suggested that people with certain blood types may be at risk of developing specific diseases or conditions. People with type A blood also have a higher natural propensity for developing other diseases, such as cancer and diabetes.

How rare is blood type A positive? ›

1 in 3 people are A positive, which is why it is one of the most common blood types. As you can imagine A positive blood is in high demand, because it is present in a large percentage of the population.

Is avocado good for blood type A? ›

If you are blood type A:

Foods that are emphasized most are vegetables, fruits, legumes and gluten-free grains. Some of the best choices include apples, avocados, berries, figs, peaches, pears, plums, artichokes, broccoli, carrots and leafy greens.

What is the healthiest blood type? ›

Of the eight main blood types, people with Type O have the lowest risk for heart attacks and blood clots in the legs and lungs. This may be because people with other blood types have higher levels of certain clotting factors, which are proteins that cause blood to coagulate (solidify).

What is the personality of A+ person? ›

You usually keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself. You open up to people only those who trust a lot. A+ Blood Group Personality Traits: Pros: Excellent leader, Work in unity, Trustworthy, Intelligent/ Cons: Temperamental, and Targets of criticism.

What should blood type A-positive avoid? ›

Those with type A blood should choose fruit, vegetables, tofu, seafood, turkey, and whole grains but avoid meat. For weight loss, seafood, vegetables, pineapple, olive oil, and soy are best; dairy, wheat, corn, and kidney beans should be avoided.

Which blood type lives the longest? ›

Blood type B was observed more frequently in centenarians than in controls (χ2=8.41, P=0.04). This tendency also was true in comparison between centenarians and 118 elderly old individuals of the 7153.

What diseases are blood type A-positive prone to? ›

Diseases that were most common in people with type A blood were:
  • spondyloarthropathy.
  • vasculitis.
  • undifferentiated connective tissue disease.
  • Behçet's disease.
  • rheumatoid arthritis.
Jun 10, 2021

What blood type do mosquitoes like? ›

In a study published in the American Journal of Entomology in 2019, researchers conducted an experiment in which mosquitoes were given the option to feed on A, B, AB, and O blood types. The mosquitoes chose the Type O feeder more than any other.

What is the personality of a Type A blood? ›

Blood Type A: People with type A blood are often perceived as clever, passionate, sensitive, and cooperative. They typically have a patient temperament and are loyal and peace-loving. However, they might also be overly sensitive and cautious, adhering strictly to societal norms and etiquette.

What blood type is most in demand? ›

Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. Only 7% of the population are O negative. However, the need for O negative blood is the highest because it is used most often during emergencies. The need for O+ is high because it is the most frequently occurring blood type (37% of the population).

Should blood type A eat bananas? ›

A Blood Type – Foods to Avoid

Also if you're a fan of beer, liquor and soda, you may need to cut back on that as well, as they don't support the immune system for Type A blood. Tropical fruits such as coconuts, papaya, bananas, and orange may irritate the stomach and cause digestive problems.

Can type A+ eat eggs? ›

What diet is best for people with A+ blood type? The diet recommends eating protein at the start of the day. Canned sardines or a smoothie made with silken tofu and goat milk may be a good option. Limited amounts of animal protein, such as turkey and eggs, are allowed on this diet plan.

What vitamins should blood type A take? ›

In terms of supplements, Vitamin B12 is important especially since the Type A diet is low on animal proteins. As mentioned before, Vitamin C as well as E is important in protecting against stomach cancer and heart disease. Calcium, iron and small amount of zinc are helpful supplements.

Is A+ the oldest blood type? ›

There is evidence that the different blood types have evolved over millions of years, with type A being the most ancient. The difference between the various blood types comes down to sugars that cover the surface of red blood cells.

What does blood type A+ indicates? ›

Why is my blood type A-positive? Your red blood cells have the A antigen on their surface. You are considered positive because your red blood cells have the Rh factor.

What should A+ blood type eat? ›

Those with type A blood should choose fruit, vegetables, tofu, seafood, turkey, and whole grains but avoid meat. For weight loss, seafood, vegetables, pineapple, olive oil, and soy are best; dairy, wheat, corn, and kidney beans should be avoided.

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