Apple - Ambrosia - tasting notes, identification, reviews (2024)

  • 02 Dec 2023Khashline@Gmail.ComNY,United States

    A pleasant flavor ( sweet ) and its crisp texture was a nice quality too.

  • 05 Jan 2023Christine

    No flavor; bland tasting

  • 16 Sep 2022Pam

    Juicy, crispy, supersweet and thin skinned... The perfect dessert!!!

  • 21 Apr 2022Robert

    I like this apple a lot. It's sweet, without being too sweet. Nice and crisp.

  • 23 Oct 2020MaryjaneONTARIO,Canada

    So disappointed with my current purchase of this variety of apples. When initially purchased I was greatly impressed and continued selecting this as my go to apple of choice. However, as late I find the flavour lacking in the sweetness I became accostumed to. Not sure if the current producers are following the same method of production - but it is no longer my go-to apple of choice.

  • 15 Apr 2020EricSOUTH DAKOTA,United States

    What an awsome apple mildly sweet, crispy, and the flavor just wow. I have yet to cook with it but am looking forward to trying a few favorite recipes with the ambrosia

  • 18 Feb 2020Sonny PandayONTARIO,Canada

    Frist Time Buying and Eating the Ambrosia Apples is the Best 100% Delicious and Crunchy. I would recommend other people to buy this Apple Ambrosia.

  • 05 Oct 2019Lois E. RayOREGON,United States

    I have purchased this variety from more than 3 stores and always find it juicy, aromatic, somewhat sweet, crisp, and wonderful. It is juicy and my husband likes it, too. I do not refrigerate my apples.

  • 28 Sep 2019Naseem BaluchNORTH CAROLINA,United States

    Me and my kids love apples. I’m always trying different apples. now I just had an ambrosia apple It has a very nice crunch, very sweet and juicy apple I had. I recommend this Apple try it.

  • 25 Feb 2019RayOH,United States

    My wife and I had our first Ambrosia apples several weeks ago and have been buying them ever since. They are incredible. We both feel they are superior to Honey Crisps. Highly recommend to keep them refrigerated.

  • 13 Feb 2019DavidVA,United States

    My go to apple when it is in season! Check them carefully for bruises and make sure they are fresh, not mealy. Ambrosia will be crisp, sweet, fruity and leave you wanting for more.

  • 30 Jan 2019MicaelaAZ,United States

    I just had my first Ambrosia apple today from Sprouts in Green Valley, Arizona. It was on sale for .99 cents a pound, and they looked beautiful so I figured I get some, and omg. It has got to be one of the best apples I have ever had. I did have it chilled from the fridge. It was so crisp, juicy, sweet, just delicious. I am on an extremely strict diet where I can basically only have two fruits a day and this was certainly a delight. I am very pleased with this variety of apple.

  • 27 Feb 2018Keren UnderwoodTN,United States

    This is the first apple (could be an imitation) that I flat do not like! Nothing sweet about it, just bitter. I don't mean sour, but BITTER. I love the crisp crunch, though!

  • 21 Feb 2018LeePA,United States

    Eating one now. I like the lighter crunch and sweetness, easier to eat in hand than some harder apples. Terrific right out of the fridge, but if you like a good panini, leave these in a bowl for a day or two, then slice thin and grill on a hearty bread with a good Raclette or Gruyere and sliced ham. Definitely a good pear substitute for any recipe.

  • 02 Jan 2018FredaWELLINGTON,New Zealand

    When you can find the authentic Ambrosia, it is truly worthy of its name ambrosia. Unfortunately, in recent years we have bought apples passed off as Ambrosia but are nothing like it. I don't know if it is the stores or the growers here. Ambrosia looks very similar to a few others varieties available in NZ.The real, or best, Ambrosia is short and round, compared to NZ's Royal Gala and other varieties. The pink-red stripes are more distinct and evenly distributed primarily around the belt and bottom of the apple, with the crown of the apple displaying a lot more yellow colour not covered by the stripes. The bottom of the fruit often has a visible hollow inside what is the remains of the opening of the flower. This hollow can sometimes be deep. The yellow colour of the skin is brighter than the other varieties, too, instead of having a green tint. Its flesh is honey-coloured or pale gold, not antique white. Its consistency is crisp but tender, not a strong crunchy like in a Braeburn.

  • 05 Dec 2017DaveON,Canada

    I have purchased Ambrosia apples for several years in a row, hoping I would discover the taste and texture that everyone says is so amazing; I have been disappointed every year. I find the apples hard, very crunchy (this seems to be the style of modern apples) and juicy. It is a beautiful looking apple, the flavour is sweet, similar to Red Delicious, but I find it has no counterbalance of sour, so for me, it's average. The flesh is much too crisp for my liking. It sits in the frig a long time, no-one else in the house seems to enjoy them either.

  • 19 Mar 2017ChristopherNEW JERSEY,United States

    Very crisp...texture is excellent....Best for eating out of hand...when eaten very fresh hands down my favorie.....nice and sweet...

  • 03 Dec 2016TrishCALIFORNIA,United States

    Saw these in the store about 5 yrs ago when they were on sale for $1.49 lb. Their firmness and aroma intrigued me so I bought a couple to taste. In my very first bite I knew this variety of apple was very different than any other apple I had ever tasted. Firm, crisp, sweet and juicy with a floral smell. And it actually reminded me of an ambrosia salad with its fruity flavors and sweetness. It is my favorite apple of all time and is great eaten raw, diced in salads or oatmeal or baked. I love love love this apple and can't get enough of them when they are in season. I am lucky that our Stater Bros grocery store carries them about 8 months out of the year. So when they go on sale I stock up, they keep up to 2 months in the crisper drawer in the fridge. The only drawback is that no one is offering the trees for sale. The demand is so high that they are only selling tree stock to orchards growing for resale. If you think all apples are boring, bland, dry, mealy and tasteless you have got to find and try Ambrosia apples you will be pleasantly surprised!

  • 20 Nov 2016Roger MacphersonB.C.,Canada

    This is one of my top 10 apple picks. Only Gala or Cox's Orange can beat or come near to it.I personally like to by them at the market and the leave them in the fruit bowl for several days.What a treat!

  • 22 Jan 2016GuestCALIFORNIA,United States

    Bought these by accident ($2.70 / lb kinda ritzy) but was blown away.I cook Red Delicious with ham and cheese. and eat Fuji fresh all the time, but these were really different.Crisp AND watery with subtle aromatic flavors and smells. Moderate sweetness, and zero tartness. Reminded me of eating a flowery (but crisp) watermelon.If you hate Granny Smith and other 'tarts' you will probably love these.Glad I bought them (once) but I'll stick with my 99 cent Fuji's.

  • 06 Nov 2015Erin BranchUTAH,United States

    Nice looking apple. Crisp, but not too firm. Juicy and exceptionally sweet with a pleasant flavor. The sweetness was almost overwhelming though as it had no tartness or acidity to counterbalance it, which I prefer in my apples. Very nice dessert apple nonetheless.

  • 26 Apr 2015Francoise & EmileeWA,United States

    Sweet and crunchy. Good flavor but no bite. Great for those who prefer sweet over sour.

  • 24 Feb 2015Larry PittsOK,United States

    Best apple I've ever ate! Can't imagine what happened with the 2 that said "tasteless", maybe got some that weren't ripe? Or maybe lacking the ambrosia taste bud! Lol, try them again.

  • 03 Feb 2015JohnNORTHUMBERLAND,United Kingdom

    Crisp, juicy and absolutely tasteless! If that's how you like your apples you'll love this, if not you won't.

  • 28 Oct 2014BrandiBRITISH COLUMBIA,Canada

    Yes! These apples are fabulous, crisp, sweet, pretty. Unfortunately, the ones at my local bodega often have stem holes from other apples, but you can't fault the apples for that. Double yes to Beverly - red delicious are mealy and yuck. I don't think ambrosia has RD parentage.

  • 06 Jun 2014JimAB,Canada

    The ones from BC are amazing, you have to refrigerate them and eat them cold. It's the perfect apple.

  • 04 Apr 2014Jean MarionIDAHO,United States

    I did a blind taste test of 12 apples available at our grocery store. The moment I felt the texture of Ambrosia I was hooked. I waited for the tartness and there was none. I was so relieved. Then the sweetness came and no icky aftertaste. My definite pick for #1.

  • 11 Mar 2014Elio EnidiasCA,United States

    I got two of these from the supermarket and was not impressed. A fairly crispy, but rather tasteless apple.

  • 18 Nov 2013Nell EmpringhamCA,United States

    Sweet, crispy, snappy, crunchy flavorful! What more could one ask of an Apple

  • 01 Nov 2013Lisa mILINOIS,United States

    Love the Ambrosia best of all the apples! Love the coloring and crispness and taste. (ssshhhh let them keep the honeycrisp, lets not spoil the secret!!)

  • 02 May 2013gHUGHES,United States

    More like Kiku than Golden Delicious to me. I liked it a lot.

  • 09 Apr 2013Missy LobaczWISCONSIN,United States

    Always been an apple eater but after having an ambrosia apple I was hooked! Now, nothing compares & find other varieties a disappointment when I can't find ambrosias. Our kwik trips are the only stores I've been able to find these at so I'm sure I haven't even gotten to enjoy a top quality one yet! Hands down the best apples I've ever eaten!

  • 26 Jan 2013EdWASHINGTON,United States

    Great texture; sweet, juicy, pretty. Decent apple for eating.

  • 29 Dec 2012JeffKANSAS,United States

    I've never done a review for a fruit, but I had one of these apples today and it was exceptionally delicious! I was at the store and saw all the different kinds of apples and thought i would try the one that cost more and looked appealing so I gave these a try and I am so glad I did. I recommend them 100%

  • 10 Nov 2012Becky LeeCALIFORNIA,United States

    Like, oh my goodness. This apple is, like, the best thing I've ever put in my mouth. My brother works in savromento and I can't wait to tell him about these apples. How you like dem apples? A lot!

  • 03 Nov 2012DebraWY,United States

    My daughter had brought home an ambrosia apple and she said ' here mom' i ate it and it was absoult the best apple i've ever had

  • 15 Oct 2012Beverly Jones RedekopBRITISH COLUMBIA,Canada

    I don't like golden delicious much at all, and I find red delicious mealy and awful, but I ADORE ambrosia. We used to buy "apples" but now we buy "ambrosia" and "pink lady" apples. Yum!I would love to learn how to get my own to plant.

  • 10 Jun 2012MichaelMI/MECOSTA,United States

    Yes, this apple is awesome, the taste is exceptional, the crispy snap when you bite into one is perfect, I am not a huge apple lover by any means but this apple is the bomb, and yes this is my first review on any kind of fruit, You just cant beat it, and as far as size ours in Michigan are huge !!! don't ask me why. AAA+ rating.

  • 24 Mar 2012BarbaraCA,United States

    I use to be a Golden Delicious fan, and then Gala, but now I don't bother to buy apples if the store doesn't have them. They just came in to the store in April, can't get enough!

  • 08 Feb 2012JessicaGEORGIA,United States

    Very good apple. Not too tart, but not too sweet. Crisp with a nice crunch.

  • 09 Nov 2011NormaCAMPBELL RIVER,Canada

    Happened across these two or three years ago and suffer greatly when they are not available. Have tried ALL the other varieties, but none come close to the Ambrosias. Very well named, truly a fruit of the gods!!!

  • 29 Oct 2011Raymond IrvingB C,Canada

    The best apple i have ever i grow different kinds but my ones cant compare with Ambrosia

  • 28 Jan 2011Sheri L. TaylorKANSAS, SHAWNEE,United States

    The Ambrosia apple is the best apple I have ever tasted. I too want my own tree!

  • 28 Jan 2011Sheri L. TaylorKANSAS, SHAWNEE,United States

    I have never been a person to just sit and eat an apple other than in something or cooked. Last year I happened across organic Ambrosia apples and loved them. This year I again looked for them and just recently found them in the store. They are hard to find and so good. I would love to plant a couple in my yard but I'm having a hard time finding where I could get a tree. Any suggestions?

  • 06 Oct 2010DaveWASHINGTON,United States

    Just picked some last week. Flavor is sweet and very crisp. However, the apples are quite small. Prefer Honeycrisp and Fuji for fresh eating. Auvil Early Fuji is excellent. For baking Jonaprince is the best.

  • 16 Sep 2010WesINVERCARGILL,New Zealand

    We agree this is definately one of the nicest tasting apples available at the moment. Would like to grow some ourselves .

  • 09 Apr 2010Caseynorfolk county,Canada

    yess ambrosia is one of the best !

  • 12 Nov 2009Claire LumiereLAKEWOOD, WASHINGTON,United States

    This is the best apple I've ever tasted. It's the sweetness, without any tart, that I prefer. For the last two years (2007/2008) I've been able to get the organic Canadian variety which far surpasses the taste of the organic American variety I've had this year (2009). I'm desperate to have a tree of my own.

  • 14 Feb 2009W A DawsonCAWSTON BC,Canada

    Ambrosia: I think there were also Red Delicious apples grown in the orchard where the chance seedling Ambrosia was found and judging by the distinctive "Red Delicious Bumps" on the bottom of Ambrosia apples and the long "Red Delicious Typiness" of Ambrosia I assume Ambrosia has Red Delicious as part of its parentage.

  • Apple - Ambrosia - tasting notes, identification, reviews (2024)
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