What Is the Slimming World Diet? (2024)

At Verywell, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle. Successful eating plans need to be individualized and take the whole person into consideration. Prior to starting a new diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian, especially if you have an underlying health condition.

What Is the Slimming World Diet?

Slimming World is a weight loss programthat teaches members to shop for and eat whole, nutritious foods and limit their intake of fatty, sugary, or processed foods. Motivational support and guidance to encourage an active lifestyle are also vital components of the program.

The Slimming World program is based on the belief that confidence-building support and healthy food choices can produce weight loss without counting calories or severely restricting food intake.

What Experts Say

"The Slimming World diet promotes weight loss via filling 'free foods' and small treats. There is little emphasis on portion control of 'free foods,' though. While pasta and potatoes have a role in a balanced diet, experts agree the emphasis on unlimited amounts isn’t ideal."
Chrissy Carroll, RD, MPH

The 7-Day Diet Plan

While there are many different versions of the diet, here is one example:

  • Day 1: Poached eggs, whole-wheat English muffin, asparagus, and grape tomatoes sautéed with low-calorie cooking spray; carrot and red pepper soup, 60-gram whole-grain roll, apple; pasta with mushrooms, red peppers, skinless chicken breast, and tomato sauce, 30 grams of parmesan cheese, garden salad
  • Day 2: 40 grams oats, 200 grams fat-free Greek yogurt, mixed berries; crustless quiche, garden salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and balsamic vinegar; cod fillet, homemade potato wedges, peas and corn, small spoon of tartar sauce
  • Day 3: 2 slices whole-grain bread French toast made with low-fat milk, fat-free Greek yogurt, mixed berries, sweetener, and cinnamon; baby spinach salad with tuna, apples, cucumber, hard-boiled eggs, and herbs, fat-free vinaigrette; baked rainbow trout, mashed potatoes with chives, green beans
  • Day 4: Boiled eggs, small whole wheat tortilla, Greek yogurt, spinach, tomatoes; tomato soup, 60-gram whole-grain roll, orange; skinless chicken breast, roasted squash, broccoli, drizzle of olive oil
  • Day 5: Poached eggs, whole-wheat toast, zucchini, and grape tomatoes sautéed with low-calorie cooking spray; halibut fillet, baked sweet potato, green beans, small spoon of lemon butter sauce
  • Day 6: 2 slices whole-grain bread French toast made with low-fat milk, fat-free whipped ricotta, blueberries, sweetener, and cinnamon; cauliflower broccoli soup, 60-gram whole-grain roll, apple; baked salmon, mashed sweet potatoes with cinnamon, green beans
  • Day 7: 40 grams oats, 200 grams fat-free cottage cheese, raspberries; mixed greens salad with salmon, apples, cucumber, chickpeas, and herbs, fat-free vinaigrette; pasta with asparagus, red peppers, skinless chicken breast, and marinara sauce, 30 grams of parmesan cheese, spinach salad

What You Can Eat

A Slimming World membership includes three key components: a food plan, a support plan, and an activity plan. No foods or food groups are off-limits. Instead, foods are divided into three categories—Free Foods (unlimited), Healthy Extras (allowed in moderation), and Syns (to be eaten sparingly).

In general, Free Foods are high-nutrient, low-calorie offerings such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Some experts question whether starchy choices such as potatoes and pasta should be eaten in unlimited amounts (as they can be on this plan).

Fruits and Vegetables

Any fruits and vegetables are acceptable on the Slimming World diet. Produce is low calorie and high volume, meaning it fills you up for fewer calories.

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Grapes
  • Melons
  • Asparagus
  • Cucumber

Lean Protein

  • Chicken breast
  • Sirloin steak
  • Pork tenderloin
  • Shrimp
  • White fish
  • Beans and legumes

Healthy Fats

Nuts and seeds are healthy sources of fats and protein, but with Slimming World, you consume few portions of nuts and seeds because they are very calorie-dense. Fats are higher in calories, and although many oils and avocado are healthy foods, they are calorie-dense and so only consumed in smaller quantities on the Slimming World diet.

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Coconut oil

Starchy Foods

Starchier options are eaten in moderation. Choosing whole grains adds fiber to help keep you feeling full.

  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Whole grain bread
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal

What You Cannot Eat

There is little you cannot eat on the Slimming Diet. It is more about the moderation of certain foods. So these foods are to be eaten sparingly, but don't need to be avoided altogether.

Sugary and Starchy Foods

While the occasional small treat is acceptable, sugary foods are generally avoided.

  • Bread
  • Crackers
  • Candy
  • Soda
  • Desserts
  • Ice cream
  • Wine

Higher-Fat Foods

  • Deep-fried foods
  • Breaded fried foods
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Oils
  • Avocado

How to Prepare the Slimming World Diet & Tips

Slimming World members practice "food optimizing" to avoid hunger and stay satisfied. Food optimizing means building meals around foods that fall into one of three categories, including Free Foods, Healthy Extras, and Syns.

Free Foods

Members do not measure or restrict Free Foods. They includelean meat and poultry, fish and seafood, potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, beans and lentils, fruits and vegetables, and other foods that arelow energy-dense (low in calories).

Keep in mind that some of these foods are considered Free Foods for this specific diet, that they are not low in calories, and should be portion-controlled. Some Free Foods are considered "speed foods." Members are instructed to include a certain number of speed foods in each meal. Speed foods are those that are lower in calories but high in nutrition (like many fruits and vegetables).

Healthy Extras

Members will need to measure and limit foods in this category. Healthy extras include calcium-rich foods, such as cheese, yogurt, milk, and fiber-rich foods, like whole-grain cereal and whole-grain bread products. These foods provide nutrition and boost satiety but increase daily caloric intake. Healthy extras are enjoyed in smaller amounts.


These are foods that some might call indulgences. Syn stands for "synergy," and the word represents all of the treats that bring us enjoyment and help us stay on track with our diets. Syns include foods like sugary baked goods, candy, ice cream, or wine. This category also includes cooking oils, like olive oil, and other healthy fats like avocado. These foods make up a minor proportion of the diet.

Community Support

A vital component of the Slimming World plan is community support offered through meetings and online tools. During the first 12 weeks of the program, you'll have access to a structured program that helps you learn about the eating plan. You will also sign up for an online "Slimming Group" that meets at a convenient time for you. Participation in the Slimming Group is the cornerstone of this program.

According to a company statement, "the program is built upon a deep understanding that people who are overweight carry a double burden: The burden of weight itself and the far heavier burden of guilt, self-criticism, and low self-esteem."

For this reason, members support each other during the one-hour meeting where the focus is on growing self-efficacy and building confidence. Each session is directed by a Slimming World-trained consultant.Before eachsession, members may choose to log their weight change.

No one is required to reveal their progress or their weight to the other group members. However, if they do so, they can expect to get support and feedback regarding their success or struggles. Questions are answered during the meeting, and members share tips to help each other stay on track.

Physical Activity

Although physical activity is strongly encouraged, exercise is not required on the Slimming World plan. In fact, the company believes exercise is not necessary to lose weight. But they encourage members to boost daily activity to help with weight loss and keep the weight from coming back.

Slimming World promotes Body Magic, its program to burn more calories by incorporating more movement into your daily routine to increase physical activity. The program was developed in collaboration with Ken Fox, emeritus professor of exercise and health sciences at the University of Bristol in England.

As a Slimming World member, you'll use evidence-based strategies to gradually increase daily movement and build your sustainable activity plan. The goal of the program is to eventually participate in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.

Those who have certain medical conditions, such as high cholesterol or diabetes, may use the plan with guidance from a physician. Vegan and vegetarian eaters will also find support on the Slimming World diet. The program is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant or who has an eating disorder.

Members get an online interactive activity planner that comes with a series of rewards and are encouraged to explore physical activities that they already enjoy.

Pros of the Slimming World Diet

No diet or weight loss program works perfectly for everyone. So before you choose to invest in any commercial program, it's wise to evaluate the pros and cons of the program. Ask yourself key questions about your lifestyle, budget, and past dieting history to make sure you choose a program that will work for you.

  • Offers wide variety: No foods are off-limits on this plan, but many of the emphasized foods are nutritious and recognized by most health experts as essential for a healthy diet. They are also foods likely to help you feel full after eating, so you don't get hungry.
  • No calorie counting: Unlike many popular commercial diets, there are no packaged foods to buy, no shakes or meal-replacement drinks, and no specific calorie goals to meet on the Slimming World diet.
  • Includes community support: Access to a Slimming World consultant and fellow members is built into the program. Support like this can make a big difference. Several studies have supported Slimming World as an effective weight loss program.
  • Emphasis on healthy foods: To stay full, you'll be eating a lot of low-calorie foods. As well, Slimming World requires you to eat Speed foods that have a high nutrient content. Eating foods that fill you up with few calories is a highly effective weight loss strategy.
  • Not restrictive: Slimming World does not require you to completely give up any foods or eliminate any food groups. You won't need to completely forgo any foods, which means you will be less likely to quit the diet due to feeling deprived.
  • Effective: A study published in BMC Public Health evaluated weight change outcomes in more than 1.3 million participants during their first threemonths of participation in Slimming World. The average amount of weight lost was approximately 8.5 pounds. For participants attending at least 75% of possible weekly sessions, the average weight loss was nearly 15 pounds.

An older study published in theJournal of Human Nutrition and Dieteticsevaluated 67 male members of Slimming World and found that men who were members for 12 weeks lost an average of 9.2% of excess weight and at 24 weeks lost an average of 10% of excess weight.

Cons of the Slimming World Diet

  • Offers little portion control: The National Health Service in England has criticized the Slimming World programfor not providing enough information to members about calories and portion sizes.
  • Requires a time commitment: While the foundationunderlying Slimming World's food, support, and movement plan are sound, the program may take more work than other popular commercial programs like Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem. You also need to find the time and energy to create a program to increase daily movement for the activity plan to be effective.
  • Doesn't teach portion control: Even though the program promises that you don't have to measure foods, count calories, or eliminate certain foods, there are rules you need to follow if you want to be successful. So itis realistic that you may feel deprived or struggle as you adjust to eating new foods and limiting or avoiding certain comfort foods that are not on the Free Foods list.
  • May be difficult for new healthy eaters: No foods are provided, so members must learn to prepare their own meals and make numerous food choices throughout the day. For some, this approach may be overwhelming. In simple terms, this program doesn't provide the convenience or flexibility offered by other weight loss systems. Also, members need to have access to reasonably healthy groceries for this program to work.

If you don't have a market nearby where you can purchase nutritious food, and if you don't have time to prepare meals, you may have a hard time sticking to the plan.

Is Slimming World a Healthy Diet for You?

The Slimming World program is designed to support weight loss at a rate of one to two pounds per week. Most experts agree that this is a reasonable and sustainable rate.

The Slimming World eating plan structure follows similar guidelines as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Choose My Plate program, which encourages Americans to fill their plate with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein.

Additionally, the program encourages participants to limit intake of empty calories and fill up on satisfying whole foods (emphasizing fruits and vegetables) to promote wellness.

The Slimming World program differs from USDA recommendations in one key area—calorie counting. Slimming World doesn't require it, but the USDA (and many nutrition experts) suggests that being mindful of calorie intake may be necessary for weight loss. This calculator will help you determine about how many calories you should consume every day to reach a goal weight.

Slimming World encourages a steady rate of weight loss and the consumption of nutritious, low calorie foods. However, the lack of calorie counting and portion control education may make this diet harder to follow and be successful long-term.

A Word From Verywell

Many diet experts would argue that the key to sustainable weight loss is a strong personal commitment to healthy living and a foundation of nutritious food choices. So if you have the time and energy to learn about smarter eating, and if you have the motivation to build and sustain a pattern of daily movement, Slimming World may be a good choice for you.

Remember, following a long-term or short-term diet may not be necessary for you and many diets out there simply don’t work, especially long-term. While we do not endorse fad diet trends or unsustainable weight loss methods, we present the facts so you can make an informed decision that works best for your nutritional needs, genetic blueprint, budget, and goals.

If your goal is weight loss, remember that losing weight isn’t necessarily the same as being your healthiest self, and there are many other ways to pursue health. Exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors also play a major role in your overall health. The best diet is always the one that is balanced and fits your lifestyle.


What Is the Slimming World Diet? (2024)


What Is the Slimming World Diet? ›

The Slimming World diet is a flexible eating plan that discourages calorie counting and focuses on healthy foods, occasional indulgences, support through online or in-person meetings, and increased physical activity. Research shows that it may aid weight loss, encourage healthy habits, and improve overall health.

What food do you eat on Slimming World? ›

By filling up on unlimited Free Foods, you'll naturally reduce your calorie intake for a great weight loss result. Choose from a huge range of foods, including lean meat and fish (or meat alternatives), fruit, veg, eggs, pasta, potatoes and rice.

What are the rules of Slimming World diet? ›

Each day you can have:
  • As much FREE food as you want. No measuring, weighing or calorie counting.
  • A third of each meal should be made up of SPEED food.
  • 2 HEALTHY EXTRA A food.
  • 1 HEALTHY EXTRA B food.
  • Choose between 5-15 SYNS.
Jan 20, 2017

What is not allowed on Slimming World? ›

No food's off the menu at Slimming World! Anything that hasn't been designated a Slimming World Free Food will either be a Healthy Extra (for essential nutrients) or will have a Syn value (to help you tighten up on those foods that pose the biggest risk to your weight loss).

What are the negatives of Slimming World? ›

While the Slimming World diet emphasizes low-fat foods, the carb-heavy approach doesn't work for everyone. The limited food options may leave you feeling restricted, hungry and deprived over time.

What snack is free on Slimming World? ›

10 Free Food snack ideas:

cherry tomatoes. seafood sticks. hard-boiled eggs. fresh or frozen fruit.

Can I eat pasta on Slimming World? ›

At Slimming World, we don't believe in cutting out food groups. In fact, potatoes and dried plain pasta, rice, noodles and couscous are all Free Foods, which means that you can eat as much of them as you like! If you fancy some quick, comforting carbs, our healthy pasta and rice recipes will hit the spot.

Do doctors recommend Slimming World? ›

Many bodies are now using Slimming World on Referral to offer a weight loss management programme to a particular patient group e.g. people with diabetes, expectant mothers, patients identified as being at risk of developing heart disease / kidney disease / stroke or type 2 diabetes.

Can you eat eggs on Slimming World diet? ›

The long list of Slimming World Free Foods includes fruit and veg, lean meat and fish, eggs and poultry, beans and lentils – and even pasta and rice! Find out more about Slimming World Free Foods and try some of our fantastically filling, completely Free Slimming World recipes.

Are potatoes free on Slimming World? ›

What is Slimming World Free Food? The long list of Slimming World Free Food includes many of the satisfying staples of a healthy diet, including lean meat, fish, eggs, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, lentils, fruit and veg.

Are weight watchers better than Slimming World? ›

While WW is all about the needs of the individual, Slimming World takes a different and much more generalised approach with food optimising. This is based on everyday foods that are low in calories and high in nutrients, but the same system is applied to everyone.

Can you eat cheese on Slimming World? ›

Designed to help to provide a good balance of nutrients, alongside your Free Food, Healthy Extras include milk and cheese for calcium, wholemeal bread and breakfast cereals for fibre and other essential minerals, and nuts and seeds for healthy oils.

Can you really eat unlimited food on Slimming World? ›

I never, ever feel hungry. Slimming World Free Foods are the foundation of the plan – and the reason why they're called Free Foods is because you can eat them in unlimited amounts, with absolutely no restrictions. I'm a huge pasta fan, and I couldn't believe it when I discovered that pasta is on the Free Foods list!

What do nutritionists say about the Slimming World? ›

There's nothing particular about the Slimming World approach that makes it unsafe to follow in the short term, for most healthy people. That said, the dietary approach is definitely not one that we, as a team of qualified, experienced nutritionists, would recommend for effective weight loss or health optimisation.

Why do people lose so much weight on Slimming World? ›

It's based on nutrition science that shows that foods higher in protein and carbohydrate are more satiating than foods high in fat. Encouraging a higher intake of more satiating foods helps to limit energy intake and results in weight loss.

What is Slimming World in a nutshell? ›

With thousands of weekly groups held across the UK, we influence millions of people each year to eat more healthily and adopt a more active lifestyle. Slimming World's philosophy is based on a deep understanding of how people with a weight problem feel, coupled with a passionate desire to help them achieve their goals.

What's the quickest way to lose weight on Slimming World? ›

5 secrets to slimming success
  1. Never feel hungry or restricted.
  2. Follow a flexible plan that fits with your lifestyle.
  3. Increase activity – at your own pace.
  4. Change your mindset around food and drink.
  5. Find a supportive community to spur you on.
  6. Discover two great ways to join Slimming World.

What is the best food to eat for slimming? ›

These are mainly whole foods like fish, lean meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Eating these nutritious foods in moderation and staying physically active can support paving a path that leads to a health-promoting lifestyle.

What are super foods in Slimming World? ›

As above, Slimming World members can choose from a long list of Speed Foods in the Free Food category. Go big on lean meat, fish, fruit, veg, eggs, rice and potatoes.

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