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  • Whales in Fjords - University of California, San Diegoacsweb.ucsd.edu/~ekeen/resources/Keen_Bangarang_Methods.pdf· Whales in Fjords: ... North Coast Cetacean Society. ... How will


Project Overview Whales in Fjords: The pre-tanker ecology of inland whales, seabirds, & their prey in the northern Great Bear Fjordland, B.C. Eric Keen Scripps Institution of Oceanography 2013 Methods

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Project Overview

Whales in Fjords: The pre-tanker ecology of inland whales, seabirds, & their prey in the

northern Great Bear Fjordland, B.C.

Eric Keen Scripps Institution of Oceanography 2013 Methods

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Draft 13 November 2013.

To offer recommendations or concerns, please contact: Eric Keen Scripps Institution of Oceanography 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0208 La Jolla, CA 92093-0208 [emailprotected] 707.238.2232 Bottom cover image by Janie Wray, North Coast Cetacean Society. All photographs by Eric or the crew of the 2013 Bangarang field season unless otherwise noted.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



Synopsis ………………………………………………………………………. 4 Study Area …………………………………………………………………… 6 Methods ……………………………………………………………………….. 7 Study Plan ……………………………………………………………. 7 Vessel ………………………………………………………………… 11 Stations ……………………………………………………………….. 13 Meteorology…………………………………………………. 13

Water Column Sampling …………………………………………. 13 Zooplankton tows ………………………………………….. 15 Transects ……………………………………………………………... 19 Acoustic Surveys …………………………………………… 21 Visual Surveys …………………………………………….. 23 Bangarang Range Finder ………………………………… 25 Observer Positions ………………………………………… 26 Observer Training ………………………………………… 27

Data Management ………………………………………………….. 28 Logistics ……………………………………………………………..……….. 29 Protocols …………………………………………………………….. ………. 31 On Transect ………………………………………………………….. 31 Closing ………………………………………………………………… 32 With Whales …………………………………………………………. 33 Returning to the Trackline ………………………………………… 36 Literature Cited ……………………………………………………………. 37

Related Materials:

- 2013 Field Season Report & Preliminary Data - The “Bangarang Bible”: Standard Operating Procedures - Research Underway: Bangarang User’s Manual - RUB software and project files

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Project Synopsis

Endangered baleen whales are now reinvading the temperate fjords of British Columbia's north coast. There, at the interface of the Great Bear Fjordland and the subarctic Pacific, fin and humpback whales have begun to use the protected, productive waterways to forage intensively and socialize. Their return raises questions about the current and past importance of such fjords to species that have historically been considered offshore. As their populations continue to recover from 20th century whaling, how and to what extent will they come to rely on this habitat? Conversely, what is the potential importance of these whales to the ecological function of the north coast? These academic questions have become applied in light of proposed crude oil and natural gas tanker routes through the Great Bear waterways. How will unprecedented vessel noise, ship strikes, and possible spills impact these inland whales, and by extension the place as a whole? Answers here are difficult. As mobile predators whose habitat use depends entirely on transient prey conditions, the response of whales and seabirds to maritime development cannot be assessed by counting the predators alone. The biological oceanography of the place must be monitored on multiple trophic levels. I see my dissertation as an opportunity to study the foraging strategies and ecology of these inland whales while simultaneously collecting baseline data for the impact assessment of escalated resource trafficking in the Great Bear. In summer 2013, with support from the National Geographic Society and Waitt Foundation, I conducted 4 months of visual, acoustic, and oceanographic surveys within a broad transect of the northern fjords. Data were collected from the SV Bangarang, my 12m motorsailer, in close collaboration with the Gitga’at First Nation, the North Coast Cetacean Society, and Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans. My crew of three performed repeated circuits of the study area throughout the summer. In each circuit we conducted water column sampling (CTD, Secchi, and zooplankton net casts) at 24 stations. In transit between stations we conducted three line-transect surveys concurrently: 1) distance sampling for marine mammals and vessels; 2) strip-width sampling for seabirds, jumping salmon and tidal features; and 3) echosounder transects at 38 and 200 kHz to map schools of fish and zooplankton. When whales were seen, they were approached for detailed behavioral observations, photo-identification, fecal collection, passive acoustic recordings with a towed hydrophone array, and echosounder imagery of their surrounding prey field. Special focus was given to fin whales, the newest arrival species to the fjordland and the least studied. This study design, when replicated multiple times per season for multiple seasons, will allow me to broadly characterize the geographic and temporal dynamics of the Great Bear’s summer pelagic ecosystem. Several aspects of local oceanography, including water column structure, zooplankton diversity, and the seabird community, remain poorly studied. Moreover, I will be able to offer quantitative answers to questions regarding the relationship between fjordland tetrapods and their prey prior to any impacts imposed by tankers. These questions include:

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


- Local population geography: How many baleen whales and seabirds are using this habitat, and how does that use change spatially and behaviorally throughout the summer?

- Threshold foraging: What are the prey conditions (relative density, depth, and patchiness of schools) in which cetaceans and seabirds are foraging, and how do they compare to ambient conditions in the study area?

- Spatial foraging: At what spatial scales are whale and seabird predator distribution most tightly

coupled to prey conditions, and how is this influenced by their competition or cooperation during feeding?

- Fin whale acoustics: Are fin whales vocalizing in the study area? If so, what behaviors or conditions

are associated with their call rates? This will determine the potential efficacy of passive acoustic monitoring for mitigating ship strikes of this endangered species.

- Baseline for assessment, basis for mitigation: Are oceanographic changes within the study area,

and the response of whales to those changes, predictable enough to inform a policy of adaptive tanker traffic control that minimizes impacts to whales?

My first season of fieldwork has provided a proof of concept for this project, a fine-tuned survey design, and preliminary data with which to prepare my analytical approach. I now seek funding for summer 2014. A key advantage to small-craft research is its cost-effectiveness; my entire 2013 season cost less than one day on a Scripps research ship. In addition to improvements in vessel operations and equipment for next season, I hope to cover the subsistence costs of crew so that I can attract high-caliber researchers as well as host students from the local Gitga’at village of Hartley Bay. I believe this study has demonstrated potential, both academic and applied, and I’m looking forward to getting back out there.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Study Area The study area comprises a broad (1,220 km2) inshore-offshore transect of the inland waterways in northern British Columbia, Canada, where the northern Great Bear Fjordland meets the Pacific waters of Hecate Strait (Fig. 1). This area is 86.87 km long north-south and 37.59 km across at its widest. It extends from Caamano Sound to the north end of Gribbell Island, and is nested within the marine territory of the Gitga'at First Nation. This area was delineated as such to be (1) relevant to local management and impact assessment needs, (2) biologically relevant, comprising the typical inland range of baleen whales in this sector of BC’s north coast, and (3) practical, accounting for the potential range of our vessel, the interests of our collaborators, re-supply locations, safety concerns, sea state and weather patterns, and viable anchorages (after Dawson et al. 2008). While the entirety of British Columbia’s 27,000 km coastline is complex, this area comprises one of only its few deep fjordlands that open directly to the Pacific. These exposed archipelagoes are separated by relatively closed sections of shoreline, such that comparable habitats are a several days’ voyage to the north and south of the area (as the Bangarang flies): Dixon Entrance to the north and Fitz Hugh Sound to the south. The study area is therefore semi-enclosed by natural boundaries, rendering it an ideal system for focused study.

Figure 1. The study area.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



Study Plan We performed repeated circuits of the study area, consisting of systematic water column sampling at a psueod-systematic grid of stations, visual and acoustic transects between those stations, and thorough investigations of all marine mammal sightings whenever they occur. (Fig. 2) Our goal is to complete four “oceanographic” circuits and four additional “predator-prey” circuits of this area within the summer season. This distribution of effort allows for higher-quality, more intensive circuits at the calculated cost of less repetition. However, more intensive surveys at broader time intervals can remain effective at detecting trends (Dawson et al. 2008). We attempt to complete each circuit within two weeks, which normally allows ample time for weather, repairs, and recuperation between circuits. The circuit is partitioned into 9 geographic blocks, each of which we cover in a single day: Caamano Sound, Campania Sound, Squally Channel South, Squally Channel North, Whale Channel, Wright Sound, McKay Reach/UrsulaChannel, and Verney Passage (Table 1). We partitioned the study area as such acccording to natural patterns in geography, bathymetry, and human use. Blocking the study area like this, when appropriate, has many advantages in design, implementation, and analysis (Dawson et al. 2008). We aimed for an unstratified design, i.e., with roughly equal intensity of effort in all blocks (more on this on p. 19), because whale density hotspots and sighting conditions are not constant throughout the field season. In fact, the ability to document these drifting hotspots is a primary object of our study, and a simple unstratified design will be the most versatile in detecting such spatial and temporal trends (Dawson et al. 2008). Moreover, our design is such that transect results can be stratified retroactively according to factors that affect the probability of seeing distant groups, if that is deemed appropriate. “Oceanographic” Circuits: Every time we return to a block, we follow the same exact route through it, stopping at the same points ("stations") to conduct water column sampling (CTD, Secchi cast, and zooplankton tow). Each block contains 3 stations. Over the course of a circuit, we conduct roughly 351.85 km of transects and sample at 24 oceanographic stations. This mode of survey intensity is dubbed “Bangarang Lite”, because the original study plan, “Bangarang Stout”, was to conduct 9 stations per day for a total of 63 in a circuit. However, after completing one Stout circuit in summer 2013, I found this to be too ambitious, less valuable,

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Longitude (°)






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0 5 10 km

Figure 2. Study Design. Color assigned to each block will be used in results to assist readers.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


and too costly in terms of time lost with whales. “Predator-Prey” Circuits: Between oceanographic circuits, repairs permitting, we conduct a relatively quick circuit that consists of visual and acoustic surveys, no oceanographic stations, and more time “with whales”. This mode is referred to in the data collection program as “Bangarang Zero.” The study regime in both circuit types makes for relatively full survey days, but still provides adequate time for thorough “closing” with whales we see along the way. Because of diurnal variability, we endeavor to conduct the majority of our formal work consistently between 0600 and 1500 hrs. Time on the water before and after this window is dedicated to opportunistic surveys for whales, vessels, and bait balls. The 2013 field season verified that this design was at or near the maximum effort that crew and the vessel are able to sustain. Table 1. Description and station locations for the eight blocks of the study area. Stations are generally numbered from south to north. A note on “Mode”: In mode “Zero”, sampling within the block occurs only at the “Zero” (usually centroid) station. In Bangarang “Lite”, sampling occurs at the Zero station and two other Lite stations; “Lite” will be the primary mode of effort followed in 2014. In Bangarang “Stout”, which was only attempted during Circuit 1 of 2013, sampling occurs at all stations in the block.

Block Description Sta. #

Mode Category Location Latitude Longitude z (m)


226.2 km2

49.01 km

of transects

(06.5% Intensity of Effort, IE)

The most offshore block, fed by Hecate Strait, Estevan Ch., Loredo Ch., and Campania Sd.. A primary entry/exit point for several tanker routes. The location of a NCCS outcamp and hydrophone since 2006, as well as a Gitga’at Guardian Watchman Camp since 2010. A known hotspot for foraging fin whales, humpback whale bubble-net feeding groups. A common thoroughfare for northern resident orca.

1 Stout Slope Mouth of Surf Inlet 52.89065 -129.1702267

2 Lite Center Mouth of Loredo Ch. 52.85456


3 Stout Slope Ulric Point 52.85604


4 Zero Center Central Caamano Sd. 52.91711


5 Stout Center Entrance to Hecate Strait



6 Stout Slope Near Alexander Is. 52.97453


7 Lite Center Mouth of Estevan Sd. 53.00986



195.1 km2

44.52 km

of transects (10.9% IE)

A shallow and bathymetrically complex corridor between the two entrances to the study area’s inland waterways. Bordered by granitic mountains coated in muskeg, Estevan Sound is currently a heavily used shipping lane and is also a proposed route for Enbridge and LNG tankers. Preliminary results suggest that the Estevan shoreline is a hotspot for local aclids.

1 Stout Side Mouth of McMicking Inlet



2 Lite Side Shore of the Estevan Group



3 Stout Side Northwest Campania 53.12328


4 Stout Side The Nepean skerry 53.13422


5 Zero Center Nepean Sound 53.18622


6 Stout Slope S. Otter Ch. 53.18608


7 Lite Center E. Mouth of Otter Ch. 53.20303



122.3 km2

42.58 km of transects (06.5% IE)

The bottleneck waterway through which whales and tankers access inland channels from Caamano Sound. A relatively shallow shelf separates Campania from the channels radiating from it. A common foraging ground for large groups of fin and humpback whales. A large sein fishery occupies the eastern shore in the summer. A Gitga’at harvest camp is on the northeastern shore. A sea lion haul-out site and aggregations of seabirds can be found south of Ashdown Island, in north Campania.

1 Stout Side Clark Cove 52.93953


2 Lite Center South Campania Sd. 52.95790


3 Stout Side Eclipse Inlet 52.97647


4 Stout Center Central Campania Sd. 53.00379


5 Stout Side Seabrooke Pt. 53.01892


6 Zero Center North Campania Sd. 53.03357


7 Stout Side X Mountain 53.04223


8 Stout Center Northwest Ashdown Is.



9 Lite Slope Taylor Bight 53.08879


Squally A curvilinear channel between Gil and Campania Islands.

1 Lite Center Southern Squally Ch. 53.08333


“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


South: 113.9 km2

34 km of transects. (09.0% IE)

North: 83.22km2

31.67 km of transects. (11.4% IE)

Offshore waters flood into it via Campania Sound and Otter Channel. Inland waters enter Squally via Lewis Passage and Whale Channel. Exposed to strong winds, this channel is a deep and productive foraging hotspot for all resident cetaceans. Cruise liners access Grenville and Douglas Channels via Squally. Proposed tankers will be led down Squally as well. Two NCCS hydrophones are in Squally. This block is one of the most expansive; as such it is surveyed over the course of 2 days.

2 Stout Slope Campania Is. Shore 53.09233


3 Stout Slope NW of Skinner Is. 53.13849


4 Stout Slope Central Squally Ch. 53.15094


5 Zero Side NE Campania Is. 53.15747


6 Stout Slope McDonald Bay 53.18750


7 Stout Center Mouth of Lewis Ch. 53.22060


8 Stout Center N. Squally Expanse 53.21947


9 Lite Slope Shore of Pitt Isl. 53.25352


10 Stout Center N. Central Squally 53.26935


11 Stout Side Hawk Bay 53.25684


12 Stout Center Mouth of Cridge Pass 53.28662



131.5 km2

38.36 km of transects (08.7% IE)

A deep channel between Gil and Princess Royal Islands, proposed as an alternative route for the Northern Gateway Pipeline. The location of a NCCS hydrophone.

1 Stout Center Near Borde Is. 53.08651


2 Stout Slope Leading Point 53.10180


3 Lite Center South Central Whale Ch.



4 Stout Slope Gil Is. Shore 53.17357


5 Stout Center Central Whale Ch. 53.20130


6 Zero Slope Princess Royal Is. Inlet



7 Stout Center North Central Whale Ch.



8 Stout Side Northeast Gil Is. 53.28533


9 Lite Center Southeast Wright Sd. 53.30986



155.5 km2

41.54 km of transects (08.0% IE)

An inland confluence of various inland waterways, vessel traffic routes, and weather. This Sound is on the Inside Passage, and all proposed tanker routes pass through this sound. The waters of Grenville, Douglas, Verney, McKay, Whale, and Squally Channels are exchanged here.

1 Lite Center South Lewis Ch. 53.25000


2 Stout Slope Northeast Lewis Ch. 53.28670


3 Stout Slope Pitt Is. Shore 53.32413


4 Zero Slope Mouth of Grenville Ch. 53.35745


5 Stout Center Central Wright Sd. 53.33733


6 Stout Center Eastern Wright Sd. 53.35072


7 Stout Slope Promise Is. shore 53.37357


8 Stout Slope Hawksbury Is. Shore 53.41747


9 Lite Center Mouth of Douglas Ch. 53.44223



103.1 km2

35.06 km of transects (10.2% IE)

McKay and Ursula Channel are narrow fjord channels, buttressed by hanging valleys and high granite cliffs, that form the southeastern arm of the Gribbell Island loop. McKay, framed by underwater sills, connects the Inside Passage to the south in Fraser Reach to the passage north in Wright. Ursula is used by barges taking the inside route from Kitimat, and is a soundstage for singing humpback whales in the early fall.

1 Stout Center Mouth of McKay Reach



2 Lite Side Shore of Gribbell Is. 53.32433


3 Stout Side Shore of Princess Royal Is.



4 Stout Slope Southeast Shore of Gribbell Is.



5 Zero Center Mouth of Fraser Ch. 53.30039


6 Stout Center South Ursula Ch. 53.32553


7 Stout Slope West of Goat Harbor 53.35600


8 Stout Slope Central Ursula Ch. 53.38952


9 Lite Center Ursula Ch. Hydrophone



“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



87.71 km2

34.76 km of transects.


This narrow channel, the northwest section of the Gribbell Island loop, is the most classic fjord in the study area, framed by high granite mountain faces. The channel is partitioned by bathymetric features. Local knowledge holds that the channel is veritably unused by whales until the late summer. In the early fall, humpbacks forage intensively in Verney, and are also known to sing here.

1 Stout Center Mouth of Verney Ch. 53.37297


2 Stout Slope SE Hawksbury Is. 53.41917


3 Zero Slope Gribbell Is. Shore 53.43777


4 Stout Center Jenkinson Pt. 53.47114


5 Lite Slope E Hawksbury Is. 53.50289


6 Stout Center North tip of Gribbell Is.



7 Stout Center Mouth of Gardner C. 53.55622


8 Lite Side Mainland shore 53.49033


9 Stout Center Northern mouth of Bishop Bay



~ Tetrapods were found to associate strongly with debris aggregations in the study area. ~

Vessel The SV Bangarang is a 1980 Cooper Seabird 37' (12 m) center-cabin cutter (Fig. 3a,b). This is within the ideal size range (10 to 20m) for high quality line-transect surveys from smaller vessels (Dawson et al. 2008). Low-cost vessels are good for coastal research because they allow (i) much more survey effort to be expended for the same cost, (ii) surveys to be conducted in better sighting conditions (since vessel costs are low, you can afford to wait), and (iii) a significant amount of vessel time can be spent on observer training (Dawson et al. 2008). When conditions allow, sailing vessels also enable you to collect visual and acoustic data without the disturbance of engine noise (Fig. 3c). Motorsailers are not an uncommon platform for cetacean research (e.g. Papastavrou et al. 1989, Gordon et al. 1999, Dawson et al. 2008), including fin whales studies (Panigada et al. 2005). The Bangarang was built in Port Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. It was renamed by Eric and imported into the U.S. in 2013 and is now documented with the USCG. Her 3/4 keel draws 4.0 ft, her displacement is 18,000 lbs, and her cruising speed is 6 knots at 0.68 gal/hr. Her hull speed is approximately 6.6 knots. Her 1980 Perkins 4.108 diesel engine has 45 hp at 2200rpm, and an estimated 3,000 hours as of November 2013. Both her diesel and water tanks are 120 gallons. Her 3-blade prop is enclosed by the keel and a keg-hung rudder, providing protection against fouling in kelp and rendering her a relatively safe vessel for close whale interactions. Her anchor system (new 2013) includes 89’ of high-test G4 3/8” chain, 200’ of 7/16” double-braided nylon, and a 54 lb. Bruce-type anchor retrievable with a manual windlass at the bow. The battery bank includes two flooded deep-cycle lead-acid 12V batteries, one dedicated for starting the engine and the other used primarily for house electronics. Batteries are charged underway by a 70-amp Balmar alternator with an external multi-stage regulator (new 2013). The Bangarang has a dedicated 12V AGM research battery (2013), capable of isolation from other electronics and the engine, which ensures clean signals to sensitive acoustic instrumentation. Two inverters, one 1200-Watt pure sine wave and the other 1550-Watt square wave, power

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


AC electronics while underway. There are three VHF radios on board, an iCom 2200H (2103), a Standard Horizon unit (2013), and a handheld iCom. Navigation electronics include a Garmin 441s chartplotter/depthsounder and a Furuno 1623 radar system (both new 2013). Sail inventory includes a mainsail (original), staysail (original), yankee jib (2007), and a spare genoa (original). Headsails furl on a Cruising Designs roller furler. The mainsail is contained by a Doyle Cradle Cover and lazy jacks system (new 2013). Numerous improvements have been made to the Bangarang in the first year of this project (see 2013 Report). The vessel also features a co*ckpit fully protected by a dodger and bimini (new 2013), stateroom, kitchen, dinette, salon, and two heads. A 2013 8ft inflatable tender/liferaft, the Jangan Gila Dong II, is stowed onboard the aft swimbridge (Fig. 3d). Bangarang sleeps 3 quite comfortably, 4 comfortably if two are a couple, and 5 if needed. The aft head has a semi-functional shower. Engine-heated water flows to all faucets on board. The kitchen has an icebox and a gimbled stove; propane is stored under the helm seat in the co*ckpit. The water heater can use both the running engine and shorepower to function. An Espar heater provides forced-air ventilation for all cabin areas. The 4-speaker JVC KD-X200 stereo was new in 2013, and is used for live playback of hydrophone recordings. The Bangarang has a top-knotch library of regional natural history field guides, whale-oriented literature, adventure classics, sailboat maintenance manuals, and scientific publications. Her map drawer contains charts that cover the entirety of the southern Inside Passage in detail, from Olympia to Prince Rupert. Song books are also on board, and a ukelele, guitar, and banjo are stowed on the walls and ceiling of the salon with quick-release lashings. Harmonicas (keys G, C, F, D, and A) are also on board, along with a hands-free holder. Box wine and 20lbs of dark chocolate are stored under the salon's settees during the season.

Figure 3. a) S.V. Bangarang hauled out in Olympia, November 2013; b) with a humpback bubble-net feeding group; c) photo-identifying fin whales under sail.; d) presenting an aft view in Barnard Harbor in the study area.

a) b)

c) c)

Photo by NCCS

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Stations Stations were spaced in a pseudo-hom*ogeneous distribution. Their placement was informed to a degree by logistics (e.g., position relative to viable anchorages, protection from prevailing winds, etc.), which is an inevitable feature of working from a small vessel in a remote area. Nevertheless, stations were positioned randomly with respect to oceanography (Fig. 4). As such, they occur at a variety of depths and proximities to shore. This layout should representatively sample both the physical structure of the study area’s water column and the diversity and relative abundance of zooplankton. Meteorology At each station we conduct water column sampling and record meteorology. In 2013, we used a handheld Kestrel 2000 for meteorological readings. The following conditions are recorded at each station, as well as whenever any of them markedly change between stations: sea state using the Beaufort scale (Table 2); swell height, using binned height categories; estimated percent cloud cover; visibility, using binned distance categories; precipitation status; the bearing of the left and right extent of glare, if any; tidal current strength (weak, moderate, or strong) and direction; wind speed (mph, using Kestrel) and direction; temperature (Celsius, Kestrel); and barometric pressure (kPa, Kestrel).

Water Column Sampling At each station, we record Secchi depth and a CTD profile of the upper water column. This aspect of station work can take as little as 8 minutes with coordinated effort. Both the Secchi disk and the CTD are weighted with two 1-kg fishing weights each, to reduce the effect of wind and lateral tidal drift. To get a profile of the temperature, salinity and density of the upper water column (100m depth), we use a YSI Castaway CTD (Fig. 5). The CTD is paid out using the same line used by the zooplankton net (see below). The unit is turned on before we reach the station in order to give the unit time to acquire a GPS position to associate with the cast. The CTD is allowed to free-fall to 100m, then is retrieved by hand at approximately 1 meter per second.

To obtain an index of surface turbidity, we use a classic 20-cm diameter Secchi disk. The disk was dropped on the sunny side of the boat every time, from the same point on the gunwale aside the aft cabin. The Secchi disk line is spooled onto an extension cord reel for easy payout and retrieval. This line is marked every meter; the Secchi depth is then read to the nearest half centimeter using centimeter markings on the lifeline above the drop point on each side of the vessel. If the drop angle is greater than ~15 degrees, the angle is noted as “slight” in the data entry software. If it is greater than 30 degrees, it is noted as “acute” (this never happened in 2013).

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Longitude (°)









0 5 10 km

Table 2. Sea state conditions: the Beaufort scale (after Bowditch 1966)

Figure 4. Layout of stations (n=24).

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Tests of instrument precision and observer error were conducted for both the CTD and Secchi in 2013. For this reason, all three observers on board conducted a Secchi cast at each station. However, it is possible that the variation in Secchi depth observed among stations within and among blocks is less than that among observers at a single station. To address this, a trial was conducted in which 3 observers made 24 casts each while docked in 30m of water in Barnard Harbor, an anchorage centrally located in the study area at the southern end of Whale Channel, during which sea state and cloud cover conditions remained constant (Fig. 6a). The influence of external factors such as sea state and cloud cover can be assessed using all casts from the 2013 season (Fig. 6b,c). These data will be used to inform methodology for 2014, in the event that a transmissometer cannot be obtained.

Figure 5. The Castaway CTD being prepared for deployment.

Figure 6. a) To assess the within- and among-observer error in Secchi depth readings, three observers each conducted repeated casts (n=24 per observer) in rapid succession in 30m of water in Barnard Harbor, near the geographical center of the study area. ANOVA results are presented provided in the upper left. b) The weak affect of sea state on observed Secchi depth based on 219 readings throughout the 2013 season. c) The weak effect of percent cloud cover on perceived Secchi depth from the same 219 readings.








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0 1 2 3






hi d



Beaufort Scale

n= 333 castsr2 = .1084p < .0001





1 2 3







hi D







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0 20 40 60 80 100




hi d



% Cloud Cover

y = .00949x + 5.912

r2 = 0.039p < 0.001

a) b)


“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


For the CTD, 11 casts were made at Station 7 of the Wright Sound block to gauge the variance of readings among repeated casts in uniform conditions. The unit was deployed by each crew member repeated times, to introduce any user error that may arise from different retrieval styles. The consistency in results was satisfactory (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. To test the consistency and precision of our CTD, we conducted repeated CTD casts (n=12) to approx. 85m depth at Stout Station 7 in the Wright Sound block. Zooplankton Tows At all “Lite” stations, we also conduct a vertical zooplankton tow. We use a cylindrical-conical “plummet net” design, adapted from Heron (1982). The net samples as it descends, in free fall and without obstruction of its mouth, then is cinched shut and pulled back up (Fig. 8). This design was appropriate given the confined space onboard, the lack of a winch for retrieval, and the need to minimize net avoidance however possible (Clutter and Anraku 1968). Plummet nets have been used for neritic and oceanic studies of copepods (Bradford 1977), euphausiids (Bartle 1976, Daly 1990), and diverse zooplankton assemblages (Newell & Bulleid 1975, Hopkins et al. 1993) for both biomass and behavioral research (Pierson et al. 2009). Because euphausiid escape responses can have a significantly upward component (O’Brien 1987), they can be effectively captured by plummet nets. Moreover, the net can be weighted such that it samples at a relatively constant rate of free fall, eliminating the need for costly speed-controlled winches. Because the plummet net falls quickly, vertically, and begins sampling immediately once it hits the water, the problem of drift in strong currents is minimized; the boat may drift in relation to the net, but the net remains relatively stationary with respect to oceanography. The simplicity of this design is invaluable for small, man-powered sampling designs. However, as a plummet net, its samples are vertically integrated and possibly vulnerable to the lateral patchiness of zooplankters, some taxa more than others. Proper design of an equipment trial is still in development for 2014.

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5 10 15 20 25 30 35




Salinity (psu)


th (m













5 10 15 20

Temperature (C)

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1005 1015 1025

Density (kg/m3)

Figure 8. Design of the Heron-Bangarang net, in various stages of stowage, payout, and retrieval.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


The net itself was custom-manufactured by Aquatic Systems Designs for this project. The cylindrical portion of the net is non-porous black Dacron cloth, 70cm long. An elliptical band of webbing with nine equally spaced stainless steel caribeners runs from the mouth of one side of the Dacron to its opposite cone-ward side; these caribeners act as leads for the net’s choke lines. The conical section is 333 micrometer Nitex, 280cm long, for a total net length of 3.5m (Fig. 9). 3 bands of strength-bearing webbing run the length of the net and extend beyond the 3.5” diameter cod-end by 18”. These webbing bands terminate in 1” diameter stainless D-rings, which are held collectively by a large stainless caribener. The net is suspended by this caribener when being staged for a drop.

The porosity of our 333 micron mesh is 66% (according to the Dynamic Aqua website). Assuming a 100% sampling efficiency (which is a conservative estimate for a cyl-cone net, Tranter and Smith 1968), and given that a typical drop depth is 250m (seafloor depth permitting), the Heron-Bangarang net’s median sample volume in 2013 was 96.21 m3 (mean= 82.18 ± 26.42 m3). To prevent clogging, a net designed for this tow duration in green waters must have an Open Area Ratio (OAR) of 5.4:1 or greater. Our net design has an OAR of approx. 6.5:1. Clogging was not observed in any 2013 tow. See Keen (2013) for more on the design process. The 70cm-diameter mouth ring (area= 0.38 m2), made of solid ¾” 316 stainless steel, was manufactured at the SIO machine shop with 1/2” eye rings welded (with perpendicular orientation to ring, for hydrodynamics) at each quadrant of the ring, such that a bridle can be readily attached and used as a classic WP-2 oblique-tow net if needed. The ring weighs approximately 24 lbs. to ensure a sufficient drop speed. Retrieving the net is therefore difficult, especially when a moderate wind opposes a strong current, and all three researchers on board take turns pulling up the line. As the net descends, zooplankton are coalesced into the 3.5” OD two-piece cod-end bucket loaned from and designed by the SIO PIC. The two pieces are connected by quick-release butterfly shackles. 1”-diameter drainage holes with 333-micron mesh are drilled into its sides. For added security, the removable end is attached with a caribener to a thin line streaming from the net’s webbing tails. We kept a back-up net on board (333 micron, 0.7m diameter, 9:1 open-area ration, loaned from SIO PIC). The net is equipped with a flowmeter in order to determine the actual volume of water sampled during each tow. This flowmeter was calibrated in San Diego according to the protocols of the Scripps Pelagic Invertebrate Collection (SIO PIC), but problems occurred in the field that made 2013 flowmeter data unsuable. This will be remedied, with fall-baclk plans, in 2014. The cinching of the net upon retrieval should halt flowmeter spin. Sample volumes calculated from the flowmeter can be checked against expected values given messenger rope payout and drop duration. On average, the net free-fell at 0.785 ± 0.206 m/s (n=25, CV=26.18%), which is very close to the recommended speed for vertical tows outlined by UNESCO Working Party No. 2 (0.75 m/s, Tranter & Smith 1968). Effort was made to record the GPS speed of the vessel to correct for the effect of lateral drift in fall rate calculations. Fall rates were observed in two ways: 1) by measuring the time elapsed between the submersion of two marks (typically 25 or 50 m apart) on the line as it was paid out, and 2) noting the total time and length of line paid out for the cast (Fig. 10). As may be expected, these observations suggest that fall rate vary slightly between shallow (<100m) and deeper sections of the water column; mean fall rates calculated from shallow-water observations (mean=.713 ± 185 m/s, CV= 18.53%) differ significantly (Student’s t-test, n=41.934,p=.0416) from

Figure 9. The Heron-Bangarang Net, EMK for scale.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


those calculated with overall dive duration and pay out (mean=.683 ± 0.301 m/s, CV=32.15%).

The 250 meters of line for these tows are stuffed into a converted recycling bin lashed to the stern rail of the vessel; this ensures the line does not foul during pay-out (Fig. 11b). The line is marked and color-coded every 25m with permanent marker, and fed through a block suspended from a 72" stainless steel deck crane for obstruction-free pay-out over the stern. When the net is retrieved, the mouth ring is hung from a caribener on the crane so that the crew can work on the cod-end without bearing the weight of the net (Fig. 11a). It is important that each tow is rinsed and flushed with both thorough and consistent diligence. An advantage of the Heron-Bangarang design is that the net's contents are washed toward the cod-end as it is pulled up. Once out of the water, the cod-end is dunked in the water 4 times to wash contents down further into the bucket. Once on deck, the three sections of the net at the cod end are each washed with one thorough rinse from the seawater hose. This hose is powered by a manual bilge pump fastened to the transom rail. This pump draws water up from a weighted tube dangling in the water by the swimbridge. When not in use, the on-deck hose is coiled around the stern rail and the dangling tube is coiled and stored in a rack on the stern rail.

Samples are preserved immediately in a buffered 5% formaldehyde-seawater solution with a system modeled after that used by the SIO PIC (For details, see Box 1 below). The preservatives are stored on-deck above the aft cabin, contained in a shallow clear-plastic tote that is secured to the mainsheet traveler. 37% formaldehyde is drawn from a 10-L Nalgene carboy via a length of Tygon tubing connected to a 60mL syringe. The proper dosages for various sample volumes are pre-marked on the syringe, so that the correct amount is consistently and easily drawn from the carboy without exposure to the chemicals. To be cautious, however, rubber Atlas gloves are worn during the preservation process, and the formaldehyde is only transferred above a broad, flat Silicone baking sheet secured inside the "Preservation Station" tote; if a spill occurs, the container is removed and the spilled formaldehyde is funneled into a jug that is disposed of as hazardous waste in the fall. A three-way Luer valve is then used to redirect the drawn-out formaldehyde into the sample bag. Again, no exposure to the chemicals should occur. A separate, pre-marked syringe is then used to draw the correct volume of supersaturated borate solution and deposit it into the sample bag, to buffer the sample.

Figure 10. Fall rate of the Bangarang Heron net based on 50 time-depth observations from 25 drops. The lower left cluster of data was recorded using marks on the line as the net fell; the upper right cluster represents the end depth and duration of the tows. When possible, the lateral GPS speed of the drifting vessel was recorded as the net freefell; those data were used to correct the depth readings used in vertical fall rate calculations.

●● ●●●

● ●

●● ●

●●●● ●● ●●

● ●

● ●●


●● ●

50 100 200 500






log Duration (s)


th (m


y = .6589x

r2 = .9266

p < .001

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Box 1. Preservation Station A shallow rectangular plastic tote is secured to the mainsheet traveler on the topsides of the aft cabin. Holes are drilled into the lowest side of the tote, so that rainwater and condensation drain out. In the tote is a 10-L Nalgene carboy with handles, containing 37% formaldehyde from Dynamic Aqua supply of Vancouver and lashed thoroughly to the deck. The carboy is equipped with a Nalgene 83B lid with two nozzles that can quickly be sealed shut with a spring-loaded release. Only one nozzle is in use; under the cap, a length of Tygon tubing leads to the bottom of the carboy. On the outside of the lid’s, a length of tubing leads to a 3-way Luer valve zip-tied to the inside of the tote. On the opposite side of this valve, a length of tubing leads to a 60mL Formaldehyde syringe secured to the inside of the tote. Two lines are marked on this syringe using electrical tape (sharpie faded quickly in the sun). The third end of the valve has tubing leading to a flexible silicon baking pan in the floor of the tote. This tubing is inserted into the Whirl Pak bag and the syringe and valve are used to direct the proper dose of formaldehyde into the bag. Secured with Velcro to the inside of the tote is another 60 mL syringe reserved for transferring super saturated borate from its jar (also in the preservation tote, secured with Velcro to the floor) to the Whirl Pak sample. The super saturated borate solution (Alta Aecer Sodium tetraborate decahydrate 99+%) is from the UCSD chemistry supply department. A 16-oz squirt bottle, containing filtered seawater, is also Velcro’d to the bottom of the preservation station. Preservation is expedited using a draining sock with 248-micron mesh, loaned from SIO PIC in 2013. A caribiner provides a quick-and-easy way of securing the draining sock to the side of the preservation station during research hours.

Components of the Bangarang Preservation Station. From top, rotating counterclockwise: (i) quick-release cod-end of the net; (ii) a hose, powered by a manual bilge pump, that is filtered through the (iii) plankton sock; (iv) outside and inside archival labels are placed on a (v) double-bagged 27 oz. Whirl-Pak; (vi) a three-way Luer valve toggle directs 37% Formaldehyde to be sucked by a (vii) 60 mL syringe out of a (viii) 10L Nalgene carboy; (ix) another 60mL syringe is then used to deposit the proper dosage of super-saturated Borate into the Whirl Pak. The hose and plankton sock are then used to fill the Whirl-Pak to the appropriate mark with filtered seawater. Preservation Solution Calculations A 5% formaldehyde-seawater solution requires 1.5625 mL of 37% Formaldehyde per total fluid ounce of solution, a mixture derived from the convention of adding 50mL of 37% formaldehyde and 20mL of supersaturated buffer per quart of preserved sample (Linsey Sala, pers. comm. 2013). There are 32 ounces in a quart. If V is the desired volume (in fl ounces) of preserved sample, and F and B are the mL of Formaldehyde and supersaturated Borate solution, respectively, to add to the solution, F/V = 50 mL / 32 oz. B/V = 20 mL / 32 oz. Re-arrange this: F = 50*V / 32 B = 20*V / 32 oz. For a 25 oz solution of buffered 5% formaldehyde-seawater solution, add 39.1mL of 37% formaldehyde and 15.625 mL of supersaturated Borate. For a 20 oz solution, add 31.3 mL of 37% formaldehyde-seawater and 12.5 mL of super-saturated borate solution.




iv v)

vi) vii) viii)


“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Figure 11. a) The Heron-Bangarang in the stowed position onboard, suspended by a caribener on the crane. In this position, it is safely connected at three points to the boat. b) On deck, easy-access storage of 250m of line used in casts of the zooplankton net and CTD. b) A particularly dense zooplankton sample in a 27 oz Whirl-Pak bag, before it is split into multiple bags. Samples are stored in 27oz. Whirl-Pak bags, which are ideal for our circ*mstances because they are shatterproof, economical and space-efficient when not yet used (Fig. 11c). Samples will likely be transferred to jars in the fall. Before each circuit, we mark 20- and 25-oz. fill lines on 35 bags, then double-bag them for added security. An inner label of archival paper and an outer adhesive label is then applied to each sample bag, with the same data written (See right). Preserved samples are stored in a cooler in the forward head to await analysis in the fall. Samples are turned actively the evening they are collected. The rocking of the boat further helps to "turn" the preserved samples throughout the day.

a) b) c)

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



While underway between stations, we conduct full-effort transects. Dawson et al. (2008) wrote: “Unfortunately, the simple question of ‘how many are there?’ can be difficult to answer robustly. That challenge is particularly great for cetaceans in coastal and riverine habitats.” Designing transect surveys in complex coastal habitats is notoriously difficult (Dawson et al. 2008, Thomas et al. 2007), be it for hydroacoustics, distance sampling, or strip-width sampling. Designing to accommodate all three is a special challenge, but our objectives demand it: we want to investigate the predator density found within the prey fields of each study block and test how their overlap differs among blocks and throughout the season. A secondary objective is using these visual surveys to infer local predator population sizes for the study area as a whole. Achieving the former is paramount, achieving the latter as well would be great. Layout According to Thomas et al. (2007), a good design…

a) employs randomization in laying out transects b) is stratified if density is known to vary on a large scale c) ensures that each location within a stratum has equal coverage probability d) evenly distributes transects (systematic random design) e) contains 10-20 transects per stratum (if any) f) provides for maximum efficiency per unit effort (minimizing off effort time)

Transect lines must represent a sufficiently random sample of all habitat in the study area (Dawson et al. 2008). However, in simulation studies, truly random line placement has no clear advantage over pseudo-random placement in reducing bias (DuFresne, Fletcher and Dawson 2006), and practical considerations must inform design as long as the known or suspected distribution of the study’s target(s) plays no part (Dawson et al. 2008). In our study, both station and transects were positioned with the practicalities of swell, wind patterns, and viable anchorages in mind. However, our layout still uses a design-based approach: properties of the design will be used to make inferences about the populations in question (Thomas et al. 2007). We chose an equally spaced zig-zag configuration for most of our study area (Fig. 12), because such layouts tend to make the most efficient use of boat time on the water, they are typical of fisheries survey designs (Simmonds & MacLennan 2005), and they tend to produce density estimates with low variance (Strindberg 2001). Our transect lines (after Thomas et al. 2007) were spaced randomly with respect to known cetacean and seabird hotspots, but were coerced to pass through stations while also yielding transect lengths that provided roughly the same intensity of effort (IE) in each block (equal effort per unit area, after Dawson 2008; see below). However, due to the highly irregular coastline within our study area, we occasionally had to employ “adjusted-angle” techniques (after Thomas et al. 2007). To maximize near-shore sampling and daylight hours, we chose to allow our transect zigzags to rebound at the coast (as opposed to the broken-transect designs used in Dawson et al. 2008). There are articles that advise against this design (e.g., Dawson et al. 2008), but others posit that connected zig-zag legs can be treated as independent samples without problem (Thomas et al. 2007). Our transects have random start points inasmuch as they begin at a station, which was placed randomly with respect to biogeography. Replication & Length Replication (i.e. multiple discrete transects through the same habitat in the same conditions) is a key to distance sampling analyses (Buckland et al. 2001). Thomas et al. (2007) would not consider their design to be

−129.6 −129.4 −129.2 −129





Longitude (°)





0 5 10 km

Figure 12. Transect layout.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


good with less than 15 transects in each stratum. Buckland et al. (2001) recommend 10-20. There are many natural breaking points in our design to provide for this -- stops at stations, observer rotations, etc. Collected data can also be broken up retroactively into more, smaller transects if the need arises. Defining a transect as a period of full survey effort during which observer positions and vessel heading do not change, our blocks were surveyed using 15-20 transects each. Their mean length (n=71) is 2.79 ± 1.22 km (median=2.7 km, min=0.865 km, max=6.244 km; Fig. 13a). Such lengths yield a mean of 43.98 ± 10.11 km of transect effort within each block and 351.85 km of transects per circuit (Table 3). There is considerable variation in mean transect length among blocks (Fig. 13b), which is a result of attempting to keep both intensity of effort and the number of transects relatively consistent within the confines of pragmatism. Adapting the definition from Dawson et al. (2008), I define intensity of effort (IE) as the area scanned as a fraction of the block’s total area, i.e., total transect distance (T) multiplied by the strip width (s), divided by the area of the block (A) and expressed as a percentage.

With our current study design, mean IE is 9.11% ± 2% (Table 3). This variation in IE among blocks will be accounted for in analyses of transect results.

Figure 13. a) Histogram of transect lengths (n=71), during which no change in effort, observer positions, or direction occurs. b) Lengths (km) of all transects in each block (dots) and the blocks’ mean transect length (red cross-hair). Vessel speed The S.V. Bangarang is not known for its speed. Reasons for our slow pace include the hull speed of the vessel (7 knots), the fact that the echosounder and hydrophone begin to pick up self-noise at high engine RPM (>1500), and the fact that lower speeds allow us to perform four surveys simultaneously – two acoustic and two visual. Due to the great variability in the strength and direction of tidal currents within the area, we endeavor to maintain a transit speed between 4 and 5.5 knots at 1500 RPM, but must prioritize constant engine speed for the sake of acoustic data. Published seabird studies have conducted surveys at or below this speed in the past (Brown et al. 1975, Powers et al. 1980, Tasker et al. 1984), though they are rare and the risk of recounting seabirds is a real concern for us. Speeds below 8 knots are atypically slow for cetacean distance sampling surveys. According to convention, survey speed should be at least 2-3 times faster than the typical average speed of the animals (Hiby 1982). We can achieve this for the average milling humpback whale, but not for any species in the act of directed travel. However, the confined waterways of our study area made it

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Transect length (km)













th (k









a) b)

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


easy to track sightings, predict their movement, and avoid recounting. Table 3. Summary statistics for all eight blocks in the study area and the search effort therein. See text for definition of Intensity of Effort (IE). Block Facts: Area (km2) Transect Distance (km) Intensity of Effort (%) Total 1218.47 351.85 Mean ± SD 152.31 ± 49.62 43.98 ± 10.11 09.1 ± 01.9 Median 143.95 42.05 09.4 CV 32.58 % 22.99 % 21.88 % Mininum 87.71 34.76 06.5 Maximum 226.16 66.02 11.9 Acoustic Transects 1. Dual-beam echosounder surveys of prey school distribution One of my key questions is, "What are the prey conditions in which whales are foraging here, and how do those compare to the ambient conditions of the area?" The echograms that result from these transects will provide a map of the ambient, or average, depth, distribution, and patchiness of prey in each block. This can then be compared to echograms recorded while with foraging whales. There is no published evidence that echosounder surveys disturb large whales, but to be overcautious we stop echosounding in the presence of orca and whales that do not appear to be foraging. Finding a hydroacoustic instrument that could answer this question without tripling my project’s budget was a challenge. We decided to use a Syqwest Hydrobox with a dual-frequency transducer (Fig. 14). Though originally intended for hydrographic surveys, it is fully capable of non-quantitative fisheries surveys. The unit's settings can be fully controlled and, with some work, the pixel output can be formatted as a .csv.

Figure 14. Examples of the echosounder display from the Syqwest Hydrobox. In each example, the left pane is 38 kHz soundings and the right is 200 kHz. The far right example contains a trace of a whale lunging into a prey layer on the low frequency pane. The Hydrobox transmits at 600 Watts. The low frequency pings (38kHz, 10 Hz ping rate, 45 dB gain 18 degree beam width) provide schooling fish data at 0.1-resolution down to 600m. The high frequency pings (210kHz, 10 Hz ping rate, 75 dB gain, 10 degree beam width) provide zooplankton distribution data at .01m-resolution down to 250m, the same depth as our tows. Geospatial and pixel data down to 500m depth (representing voltages induced by the received strength of echoes, then processed in the sensor using a detection threshold

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


of “0” and sound speed of 1490 m/s) are delivered by the sensor as NMEA strings to Syqwest software on a dedicated laptop. These strings are saved in a single playback file, from which pixel data can be extracted using a binary editor in post-hoc processing. To investigate the possibility of roughly calibrating the unit for more quantitative analyses, I conducted calibration measurements using a Tungsten-Carbine sphere, dangled 10m below the transducer. Results from this effort are forthcoming. The transducer is deployed over the gunwale just abaft of the port beam, which is subject to less turbulence than the starboard side of the propeller. The unit is suspended from a stainless steel pipe that rotates about an arm of reinforced pressure-treated wood, which in turn swivels about a stanchion. When deployed, the transducer is stabilized using two lengths of ¼” double-braided nylon rope that leads to cleats on a fore mast stay and an aft rail. When stowed, the transducer swings up and about (Fig. 15) to rest on protective rubber mats on the deck alongside the aft cabin. In this way the transducer can be deployed by one crewmember while the boat is stationary, and two if underway. The transducer's signal is passed via a long weather-proof cable to the acoustics station at the cabin's dinette. A dedicated active acoustics laptop records the echosounder data for real-time display as well as analysis and review in the off-season. The echosounder is powered by the ship's research battery to eliminate electrical interference.

Figure 15. Deploying the Bangarang echosounder. 2. Passive acoustics transects with a low-frequency towed hydrophone array Systematic passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), when conducted concurrently with visual surveys, should allow us to assess how representative PAM is of actual cetacean presence in the study area. Given this objective, PAM can be implemented either by using a towed hydrophone array while underway, or by deploying a hydrophone over the side when in the presence of whales. Both methods were trialed in 2013. An oil-filled hydrophone array was towed 100m behind the vessel during transects, and stored on deck in a Reel-Core 24” diameter plastic reel when not in use (Fig. 16a). The array itself consists of 2 HTI-96MIN hydrophones with 10Hz high pass and built-in pre-amps, positioned 3 meters apart from each other in the array. These hydrophones are powered by the vessel's 12V AGM research battery, which is isolated via switches from engine and house electronics. The research battery is charged by the engine’s alternator when the hydrophone and echosounder are not in use. The hydrophone was also constructed such that a 9V battery can be used as a stand-in if needed. The spool allows us to perform tangle-free pay out and retrieval of the 100m of cable in less than two minutes. The mount is constructed of pressure-treated wood, twice-varnished and secured to the mainsheet traveler of the vessel. The signal is fed into the cabin to the dinette acoustic station (Fig. 16b), where sounds are recorded directly onto a laptop using Cornell's software Raven. Recordings use a 2-channel, 32 kHz sampling rate. If conditions allow, the hydrophone remains deployed at stations for convenience, but problems arose in 2013 when a standing wave in Verney Passage caused the hydrophone cable to knot up and malfunction. An energy-efficient 19" LG E2050-T LCD monitor is installed in the salon bulkhead, viewable to the helmsman during transects, and displays a live spectrogram of incoming recordings (Fig. 16a) at both mid (0-16 kHz) and

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


infrasonic (0-100Hz) frequencies in Raven. The mid-frequency spectrogram uses a Hann window (1050 samples with a 60.4 Hz 3dB Filter Bandwidth), 50% overlap, 525-sample hopsize, and DFT size of 2048 samples. The infrasonic spectrogram uses a Hann window (15586 samples, 4.07 Hz 3dB filter bandwidth), 50% overlap, 7793-sample hop size, and DFT of 16584 samples.

Figure 16. a) Spectrogram of a humpback whale, BCZ0254, bubble-net feeding alone along the shore of Verney Passage in early July. See text for window parameters. b) The hydrophone array spooled on its topside reel mount. c) Components of the Bangarang passive acoustics monitoring (PAM) system. From left to right: (i) the 2-hydrophone oil-filled array, (ii) spooled on a Reel-Core UV-resistant plastic spool mounted on a wooden frame on the deck of the aft cabin; (iii) a weather-safe connector box that leads the signal into the cabin; (iii) a 12-V AGM battery, isolated from other boat electronics, powers the system; (iv) a USB interface is used to bring the signal into a (v) laptop computer. Visual Surveys 3. Distance sampling surveys for whales and vessels Line transect methods can be used to estimate absolute abundances of populations, and are common in cetacean surveys (Kinzey et al. 2000). Unlike strip-width sampling (see below), which limits the area you search and assumes that you see everything in that confined search area, distance sampling requires that you record all sightings, regardless of distance, but that you also record the distance of each sighting from your trackline. This is done using some range finding technique. A curve (known as a “detection function”) is then fitted to those detection distances in order to estimate the probability of seeing a certain species at a certain distance. Survey results can then be adjusted according to these probabilities to produce unbiased density estimates for an area. 60-80 sightings are recommended to acquire a good fit to such detection functions (Buckland et al. 2001), and 20-30 sightings should be considered a minimum. This sample size was achieved in 2013 for both humpback and fin whales, but the detection functions will be even more tightly constrained


b) c)

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


after 3 seasons of fieldwork. We conducted distance sampling according to the methodologies outlined in Buckland et al. (2001 and 2004). Line transect analyses require the following data to be collected: 1) the angle between the track line and the sighting, and 2) the shortest straight-line, or radial, distance to the sighting (Kinzey et al. 2000). We record a compass bearing and binocular reticle to every whale and vessel we see, as well as the vessel heading, so that we can produce a precise map of their distribution (when first seen) for every block and ultimately produce absolute abundance estimates. Certain small bays within our study area, such as Bishop Bay in Ursula Channel (Fig. 1), were able to be so thoroughly surveyed that they will be treated as “census areas” for certain species – where all animals would be completely counted as we pass (after Thomas et al. 2007). Distances were estimated using Fujinon FMTRC-SX 7x50 binoculars, which display reticles and a compass bearing in the left eyepiece. These binoculars have reticles of alternating broad and skinny width, but we treated the distance between every line as a full reticle (after Kinzey & Gerrodette 2001). A conversion factor of 0.279 degrees/reticle, which has been determined empirically for this type of binocular by Kinzey & Gerrodette (2001), is used to determine the angle between the observer’s vantage of the horizon or shore to her vantage of the sighting (Fig. 17). This angle is then incorporated into the equations outlined in Lerzak & Hobbs (1998) to determine the distance over the earth’s (assumed) spherical surface to the sighting (Fig. 18). These equations also require the observer’s height above water, which is measured for all crew at all positions. Observer name, position, and their reticle and bearing reading is recorded for every sighting during transect effort. When whales are within a feasible distance to us, we will break transect and take photographs, behavioral notes, and fecal samples (if any; for details, see section V.B). If the whale is feeding, we will keep the echosounder on long enough to obtain a map of the prey field. We can then compare these "foraged" prey fields to the ambient conditions known from our transects. The whales are followed from a distance and we observe the same approach protocols as those of North Coast Cetacean Society. We endeavor to disturb the whales as little as possible in our research, and we abandon encounters if we observe adverse reactions to our presence. 4. Strip-width surveys To count seabirds, jumping salmon, and debris, we use a fixed-width survey design. Species, group size, behavior, and direction of travel are noted for marine mammals and seabirds. Patches of kelp, wood, trash, surface plankton (e.g., jellies or red tide belts), and dead animals are counted using the same strip width. A critical requirement of a strip-width survey is that 100% of events within the strip must be observed and noted; to ensure that all birds within the strip are seen. Alcids and other inconspicuous seabirds are not reliably censused from a vessel beyond 150-175m – especially a small, low-platform vessel (Dixon 1977, Briggs and Hunt 1981, Wiens et al. 1978, Tasker et al. 1984, Briggs et al. 1985a). Ralph et al. (1990) suggests





● ●





● ●




0 1 2 3 4





Distance (km)









● ●



● ●


0 1 2 3 4








Distance (km)





Figure 17. Relationship between binocular reticles (read from the horizon and from the shore) and distance over water on the Bangarang platform, displayed in conventional linear axes (a) and with a log(Reticle ) axis (b) to more easily interpret lower reticle values.

a) b)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6





# Si



Track Perpindicular (km)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6





# Si



Line−of−sight (km)

Figure 18. Histogram of distances to whale sightings: a) perpendicular distance to track line (detection function not yet fitted), and b) line-of-sight distance from viewing platform.

a) b)

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


detectability for marbled murrelets may drop off beyond just 100m. On the Bangarang, we record every instance of the above targets within 150m of both sides of the vessel (after RIC 1997, Burger and Lawrence 1995, Van Franeker 1994). Seabird strip-width methodology is modeled after Tasker et al. (1984), Raphael et al. (2007), RIC (1997), and Ballance (2010), among others. During transects and when sighting a bird, we record all factors affecting its visibility (flock size, behavior, sea state, weather conditions, glare angle, vessel speed and heading, observer experience, etc.; after RIC 1997, Tasker et al. 1984). Observers are alert to the problem of following or “leap-frogging” birds, and they are trained to make conscientious team effort not to re-count followers. The behavior of birds that are flushed or dive in reaction to the vessel is noted as “flushed” (RIC 1997). A bird seen as landing or taking off is logged as being on the water, unless flushed (after RIC 1997). For marbled murrelet plumage classification, what we record as “breeding plumage” corresponds to classes 1-3 in Raphael et al. 2007 (which were based on Strong 1998), and our “winter plumage” record corresponds to classes 4-7. We recorded seabird observations continuously, opting not to perform snapshot counts at intervals. The 2013 season demonstrated that densities allowed for this continuous sampling without being overloaded. That is, we were able to count flying birds without missing stationary birds, so we counted them all. Data can be pooled into time bins later (and flying birds removed) if necessary. We wanted our seabird counts to address fine scale variability (after RIC 1997 and Spear et al. 1992, based upon reviews in Schneider and Duffy 1985, Schneider and Piatt 1986, Haney and Solow 1992)). Continuous counts run the risk of “overestimation of birds caused by flux” (Tasker et al. 1984), but this overestimation can be accounted for if the appropriate data are collected (i.e., behavior, direction of travel if in flight, and wind speed and direction; RIC 1997, Spears and Ainley 1997). To counter overestimation, Spear et al. (1992) re-sighted birds, taking their bearing and distance from the boat a second time-- as well as the time between position fixes and the geospatial position, heading, and speed of the vessel at each fix. This proved infeasible for our platform and purposes. In our study, we follow the lead of Spear and Ainley (1997), supplemented by Schnell & Hellack (1979), Pennycuick (1982, 1987) and Alerstam et al. (1993). In each sighting, we record bird direction of flight, height over water, and wind speed and direction. Surface wind readings on our handheld Kestrel 2000 can then be scaled to the bird’s altitude using published correction factors (Pennycuick 1982). We will group our seabirds into the same categories as Spear and Ainley (1997) according to wing loading, flight style and known effect of wind direction on flight speed. We can then use Spear and Ainley’s (1997) published flight speeds of each group in various orientations to the wind to account for bird flux in our density estimations. Ronconi and Burger (2009) recommend that surveyors develop independent estimates of detection probability alongside a strip-width survey to test its assumptions. A detection function can also be used to determine empirically the actual strip width within which you see 100% of target species occurrences -- rather than assuming its width (Buckland et al. 2001, Dawson et al. 2008). We hope to conduct this concurrent sampling in summer 2014. Range Finder

Figure 19. a) The Bangarang handheld rangefinder, referenced to a horizontal plane. The trigonometry involved in designing such a rangefinder is demonstrated here. b) A first-person point-of-view of how the handheld range finder is used. The alcid is within the strip; the closest shore is just outside of the strip.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


In order to know whether or not a bird is within the 150m strip, Bangarang observers use a handheld range finder that is customized to their own height and arm length (Fig 19a). Handheld, home-made range finders have been used for offshore seabird surveys with unobstructed horizons (Heinemann 1981; Ballance 2000), but no solution has been offered, to my knowledge, for coastal studies where the horizon is obstructed by land. Because this study occurs predominantly within confined channels, our range finders are referenced not to the horizon, but to an imaginary horizontal line extending from the observers eyes to the topside of the range finder (Box 2). A level bubble on the range finder indicates when the range finder itself is held vertically. The broad topside of the range finder, when held at the same level of the eye, will not be visible. When both conditions are met, a properly drawn line on the range finder will demarcate a viewing area with a radius of 150m for that observer (Fig. 19b). Everything below and closer than that line is within the strip and must be reported; everything above and beyond the line is outside of it and is not noted unless it is particularly noteworthy. Because there is inevitably some error in this method, sightings that occur very close to the 150m line are noted as such in the data entry program. A sensitivity analysis of the error involved in this method is forthcoming. Anecdotal tests using buoys towed 150 behind the vessel were suggestive of surprising accuracy. Box 2. Range Finder Calculations The distance (in cm), r, of the 150m-strip mark from the top of the range finder can be calculated as

Where d = distance from crew’s eyes to the range finder h = height of crew’s eyes above boat deck b = height of boat deck above water D = strip width (in our case, 150m) This equation does not account for the curvature of the earth. For each observer, the height of their eyes above water changes for each observer position, meaning Bangarang range finders have three marks, each corresponding to a different position. The three heights we had to calculate for were… i) Helm (the height from the waterline of the data laptop stand): 142.24 cm ii) Bow (height from waterline to the deck at the base of the staysail shroud): 108.00 cm iii) Mid-ship sitting position (height from water to upper deck topsides abaft of the mast: 153.98 cm For each observer, the following measurements are taken to craft his or her rangefinder: a) Standing eye height (with boots on). b) Height of eyes above the data laptop stand when sitting erect at the helm. c) Arm length from the edge of the range finder facing the chest to the back of the eye, with shoulders square.

Observer Positions Seabird methodology papers concur that at least two observers are needed to adequately survey a strip of 300m (Raphael et al. 2007, Tasker et al. 1984, RIC 1997, Spear et al. 2004). To adequately cover this 300-m wide viewshed on the Bangarang, one observer is positioned at the bow and is responsible for surveying one side of the boat, from 10% beyond dead ahead to 90 degrees abeam. Another observer is placed at midships on the other side of the boat; he and the helmsman are responsible for surveying the other side of the boat (Fig. 20). Since the midships observer is responsible for relaying sightings to the helmsman, who is also navigating and entering data, their two efforts combine to ensure that all possible sightings on their side are recorded. Halfway between stations, the two "observer teams" switch sides, so that if there is observer bias, it is mitigated. All position changes are noted in the

Figure 20. Observer positions and viewing jurisdictions while on board. Each observer scans approximately 100 degrees, from 90 degrees abeam to 10 degrees beyond dead-ahead. Halfway through transects, the midship and bow observers switch sides.

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data entry program. Performance analysis using 2013 sightings is forthcoming (see preliminary results in Fig. 21). Eye heights of 4.5 to 6m are typical of published small boat distance sampling surveys (Dawson et al. 2008). Average eye height for observers on the Bangarang, depending on their position and height, ranged from 2.75 to 3.75 m. Although sighting platforms are recommended (Dawson et al. 2008), we did not have the financial means of installing such a platform on the Bangarang in 2013. Given the general low sea state and the reduced visual range in the study area’s confined channels, we pressed onward.

Figure 21. The number of 2013 sightings of each study taxon from the three observer positions. Figure includes only those sightings from formal transect effort. Observer Training When new observers come on board, they are immediately measured and a range finder is built for them. Becoming adroit at field identification of the local marine mammal species is a quick process, and seasoned observers help new crew learn the ropes. The most difficult aspect of jumping on to the observer team is seabird identification. Experience with Pacific Northwest birds is highly encouraged among candidate observers, and at minimum we require observers to be experienced birders. A list of local seabirds is given to each observer before the season, and concise Bangarang-made field identification keys are also at their disposal before they come on board. Several published guides are available to them in the Bangarang library. Before a new circuit is begun with the new observer(s), several days are spent working on seabird identification, during which the observers also calibrate their sense of strip width, practice range finding, and familiarize with best practices in distance sampling (see below). A fender is tied to the zooplankton tow line and paid out 150m while the boat is underway (after RIC 1997), so that the observers have a concrete sense of what 150m looks like and how their range finder works.

Eric serves as the ID specialist on board, with final word on difficult sightings. He is on watch at all times, ensuring surveys are conducted correctly and consisently, and decides when to go on and off effort, and whether to pass or close on a sighting. Data Management During the day, data are entered into a home-made computer program, Research Underway: Bangarang ("RU Bangarang" or "RUB") on a laptop mounted atop the helm stand (Fig. 22). The laptop is touchscreen, for ease of use in glare and cold; see RUB User’s Manual). RUB automatically records the date, time, GPS (provided by a US Global Sat USB antenna), sighting conditions, effort mode, and observer positions for every piece of data entered,

Helm Mid Bow0









Helm Mid Bow


Helm Mid Bow


Helm Mid Bow


Figure 22. Data collection laptop in its place atop the helm. The USB GPS antenna is lead around to the aft face of the helm stand.

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vastly expediting the process of entering and analyzing data (Fig. 23). Standardly formatted lines of comma-delimited data are stored in a single text-file throughout the day. Each night, the day's output file is reviewed for errors: faulty GPS readings, flagged regions of the code, post-hoc sighting data updates are corrected. A copy of the original output is kept, and the copy is then amended as seen fit. The revised output is then backed up in multiple places. This “RUB daily" is then sieved with an R routine into several .csv files according to their category (e.g. a Secchi disk .csv file, a seabird sightings .csv file, etc.). Hopefully, by next season at least, weekly data packages and maps will be compiled automatically with Sweave, readily available for sharing with anyone who requests it.

CTD data are recorded in the CTD itself throughout the day, then downloaded via bluetooth to laptops in the evening. Tidal data will be retrieved from the DFO website following the season; high-resolution bathymetric data are being obtained from the Canadian Hydrographic Office. Hydrophone recordings from the day are scanned systematically each night using spectrographic displays in Raven; recordings are viewed at both "zoomed out" (0-16 kHz) and "zoomed in" (0-50 Hz , for fin whales) displays. Images are uploaded to a computer, renamed, and assigned metadata using the software PhotoMechanic. The best fluke and dorsal shots from every whale sighting are saved to a “Cetogram” folder, which is then passed on to NCCS, DFO and the Guardian Watchmen after each circuit (every two weeks or so). Digital and paper catalogues of locally seen humpbacks, orca, and fin whales are on board. The salon’s research monitor can be used to identify whales as a team. Two 1TB external hard drives are stowed on board for data back-up. Each night, photographs, RUB output “dailies”, acoustic recordings, and echograms are backed up to the “WIF-1” hard drive. These data are also stored on their original locations (the Macbook Pro in the case of the photographs; the Toshiba in the case of the echograms; and the Samsung for RUB Dailies). At the end of every circuit, all forms of data – being reviewed, finalized, and packaged – are backed up on both “WIF-1” and “WIF-2” hard drives.

Crewmember Keri Bryan standing before a standing wave, where a spring flood tidal flow is meeting the continuous freshwater ebb at the submerged sill near the northern tip of Gribbell Island.

Figure 23. a) The RU: Bangarang software home screen, displaying the current status of all aspects of research effort. b) The seabird sightings form in RU: Bangarang.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



Collaborations Fieldwork in the study area is made possible by research agreements made with the Gitga'at First Nation, the North Coast Cetacean Society (NCCS), and the Cetacean Research Program of Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans. These and other stewards have been monitoring the whales of the Great Bear for many years, and without their support and good faith I would not have had the chance to contribute my small part to their ongoing work. The hospitality and support of residents in Hartley Bay, the center of the Gitga’at First Nation, enabled us to survive the 2013 field season. Their good nature and patience were constant, and it made all the difference. Hermann Meuter and Janie Wray of NCCS are our primary emergency contacts in the area, as well as our friends and supporters -- as well as the primary inspiration for the inception and realization of this project. Whale Point, NCCS headquarters, was available to us as a shelter in poor weather, a workshop for repairs, a source of drinking water, a place to access email and shower, and a source of fellowship. The maritime community in the study area, upheld by the Gitga’at, NCCS, DFO, and the NPO Pacific Wild, provided critical friendship whenever it was needed. Crew For most of the season, two other researchers were on board with Eric at any one time; most volunteers worked for tours of 6 weeks. These teammates paid their own way to be on board because Eric couldn’t. Nonetheless, they worked harder than anyone could have hoped for. Their tireless high spirits, patience, friendship, hardiness, work ethic, and sense of adventure made all the difference in the world. Subsistence We ordered groceries through NCCS, who has a special relationship with the Overwaitea grocer in Prince Rupert and with the ferry that runs between Hartley Bay and Prince Rupert twice a week. We would typically get a food order every 14 days. Diesel, engine oil, propane (occasionally), water, moorage, and cell phone signal (and often gifts of salmon, halibut, and Dungeness crab!) were available to us in Hartley Bay. Emergency Response An EPIRB and SPOT beacon are carried on board. The SPOT beacon was used to transmit our location to NCCS, Eric’s advisor Jay Barlow, and Eric’s parents each evening. We are always within VHF radio contact of the Prince Rupert Coast Guard office, as well as the Gitga’at Guardian watchmen and NCCS. We regularly see pleasure craft and sein-fishing boats during transects. Eric and most crew hold wilderness medical certifications at the WMI Wilderness First Responder (WFR) level. Funding & Support This research was funded by the National Geographic Society Waitt Grant (Grant number 2681-3), the 2013 Mullin Award from the Biological Oceanography curricular group at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and the 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) video contest. SIO tuition and stipend were provided by an NSF GRF. None of these grants would have come through without letters of support from Jay Barlow, David Haskell, and Trevor Branch. Material support and equipment loans came from SIO’s Dayton

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Lab, the SIO Pelagic Invertebrate Collection (thanks to collection manager Linsey Sala), the Southwest Fisheries Science Center Protected Resource Division, the DFO Cetacean Research Program, Andrew Wright, Will Watson, Bunker and Nicole, and North Coast Cetacean Society. Advice from Jay Barlow, Barb Taylor, Hermann Meuter, Janie Wray, Mark Ohman, Linsey Sala, Tony Koslow, Jules Jaffe, Shannon Rankin, John Calambokidis, Erin Falcone, Annie Douglas, Andrew Wright, and Chris Picard substantially improved study design. Springtime airfare while preparing for the field season would have been insurmountable without the support of JetBlue airways. Peace, patience, selflessness, and wheels from Jenna made springtime preparations in San Diego possible, and her encouragement during the autumn grant application season was crucial. The patience, hard work, sense of adventure, and resilience of the 2013 crew were astounding. No aspect of this project would have been possible without the financial, material, and moral support of the Keen family. Many of those listed above had the power to stop this endeavor in its tracks by simply saying, “No”, but chose instead to give the Bangarang Project the benefit of many doubts. Perhaps, by the end of season three, Eric will have justified their grace. Permits Marine mammal research was conducted under NCCS’ permit, DFO MML 043. Zooplankton collection was conducted under DFO license XR 65 2013.

Friends of the Bangarang.

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen



“On Transect” _____________________________________________________________________________________ During the day, survey data are collected in one of two modes: 1) on-transect searching and 2) “with-whales” closing (after Kinzey et al. 2000). Scanning Observers actively scan the 180 degrees forward of the ship for new sightings (see observer positions below). Only sightings made during this “on-effort” mode are used in the line-transect estimates of abundance, but any and all whale sightings during waking hours are noted in the data entry program and “closed on” whenever possible. Transect effort is terminated once the sea state reached Beaufort 3, above which inconspicuous seabirds and small cetaceans become very difficult to see (after Raphael et al. 2007, RIC 1997). Only sightings made by the three designated observers, in the three designated positions, can “count” toward line-transect results. If guests are on board, they may not inform observers of missed sightings, whale or bird or whatever, until after the sighting has passed abeam, whereupon Eric will make the appropriate notes for an off-effort sighting (after Kinzey et al. 2000). These sightings, however, will not be used in line-transect analyses of abundance. It is important, however, to let Eric know of missed whale sightings as soon as possible, because the decision to “close” on a sighting is often time-sensitive. Each observer scans out to the horizon from 90 degrees abeam of her side of the ship to 10 degrees to the opposite side of the bow. Each observer is therefore responsible for 100 degrees in all. This provides emphatic coverage of the 20 degrees along the ship’s trackline by both observers (after Kinzey et al. 2000; Dawson et al. 2008) while lateral regions are each covered by the equivalent of one observer. In addition to scanning one side of the viewshed alongside the midships-man, the helmsman/data recorder enters sightings, weather, navigation, searching effort, observer positions, and other data into the laptop. Observers scan their entire area of responsibility in a consistent manner and do not focus on particular regions. The principles of distance sampling are presented to observers in a written manual (see Bangarang Bible) prior to surveys, reiterated when they arrive on board, and repeated throughout their stint on the crew. A burn-in period of practice transects are used to introduce best practices to new observers. Observers are asked to scan primarily without the aid of binoculars. Fujinon 7x50 binoculars are used to identify sightings to species and record bearing/reticle measurements for each sighting. The compass in these binoculars is graduated in 1-degree increments (Kinzey et al. 2000). These same 7x50 binoculars were used by all observers on SWFSC harbor porpoise surveys and by the data recorder on surveys for larger cetaceans (Kinzey et al. 2000). Optics are used to confirm species identifications and gather molt and behavioral data, but are not to be used persistently to scan for birds (after RIC 1997). However, observers may conduct occasional scans with binoculars on occasion, especially during midday when lighting conditions are not conducive to distant detections. The details of scanning rates and patterns are left to the individual observer’s preference (after Barlow 1999). The vessel can deviate by up to 20 degrees from the planned trackline to avoid swell, glare or rain squalls, returning to the original course once conditions have improved. Course deviations from the trackline while in on-effort mode in order to examine “interesting” areas such as floating debris that may attract cetaceans or

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other fauna are prohibited. Once such areas are past 90 degrees abeam the observers may elect to enter “off effort” mode, double back and explore the area. Salmon Sightings: When a salmon is seen, the following information is relayed to the helmsman: number of jumps, who observed the jumps, whether it was within the strip, and whether it was close to the border of the strip. It is the responsibility of each observer not to count the same salmon twice. If it is possible that a jumping salmon could have already been reported, it should not be reported again. Seabird Sightings: When a bird is seen, the following information is relayed to the helmsman: species, behavior, direction of flight (if flying), group size, and observer name. If the bird is outside of the strip width, that must also be communicated; if the bird is close to the strip border, this must be reported as well. Other observers are welcome to aid in species identification and group size counting. Where possible, photographs are taken of large seabird groups for use in retroactive group size corrections (after Gerrodette and Perrin 1991). See RU: Bangarang manual for species and behavior field options. Marine Mammal Sightings: A sighting is entered when the presence of a marine mammal has been observed at 0.1 reticles or closer. Any further animals will be too difficult to track and are more prone to accidental re-counting. If a sighting beyond 0.1 reticles is seen, it cannot be counted as a sighting until it enters within 0.1 reticles. But these too-far sightings can be entered as a comment at any time. The conversion of reticle readings to distances based on observer height is explained in Kinzey and Gerrodette (2001), Lerzack and Hobbes (1998) and summarized in Kinzey et al. (2000). Observers do not report a cue (splash or bird flock), but wait until it is actually a confirmed sighting. Observers should not neglect the rest of their area by focusing on the region of the cue for more than a minute or so at a time while in searching mode. For each sighting, the following data are reported to the helmsman: reticle, bearing, the observer (this is whoever is reporting the reticle, not who saw the group first), species, group size (minimum, maximum, and best guess), a general description of its location (to help keep track of various sightings), and the initial behavior of the group (this is typically just “blow”). Effort is made to locate marine mammals at as great a distance from the research vessel as possible, before they may have altered their position or behavior in response to it. Vessel sightings, however, should not be entered until the Bangarang is as close as it is going to be to the sighted vessel. This will improve our estimate of the vessel’s position. If, however, there are too many vessels to keep track of, or if there is a risk that the vessel will be out of view soon, the vessel is entered as a sighting promptly. It is the responsibility of the observer team to collectively keep track of all vessels and marine mammals currently in view, making sure not to recount or let anything fall “through the cracks”. This is especially important when observers rotate positions; the team should brief each other on what is currently in view. It is also the responsibility of the helmsman to pay attention to the sightings data they are entering; if it seems possible that separate observers are accidentally reporting the same sighting, ask the necessary questions to ensure it does not happen. If many sightings are currently open and in view, Eric may decide to forego position rotations in order to track whales as accurately as possible. If sightings are well away from the ship, even if they are near the track line and easily visible, observers must stay in on-effort searching mode. They must not fixate on the open sightings. Rather, they keep scanning the entire area as before. If an extra person is available, her job is to track the school. “Closing” Mode to approach whales_____________________________________________________________ The decision to break transect and close on a sighting is a complicated one (Dawson et al. 2008). Because our travel speed is slow (maximum 7 knots), breaking transect to go “with whales” then returning to the breaking point can be an hours-long endeavor – especially when chasing energetic fin whales. The tidal current direction, current and forecasted wind speed, amount of station work remaining, and the number of sightings

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at hand will all contribute to the decision. It is a hard truth that we are unable to pursue every sighting. Often, seen whales are traveling in a direction that will bring them closer to us further on down our transect lines; in such cases, we do not break transect until we are as close as we will get. When multiple sightings are in view, the nearest on-effort sighting, rather than the earliest seen, is typically approached first. However, this also depends on the species on offer. Generally speaking, fin whales are highest priority, followed by orca (who are second only because they are more easily caught up to), followed by humpbacks. When Eric makes the decision to leave the transect to approach (or “close”) on a sighting, effort is switched to “casual” until the vessel approaches within 150m of the school. During closing, the observers take out and prepare cameras, and acoustic instruments are parameterized for the encounter. Until the sighting is within range, engine speed can increase beyond the 1500 RPM that is maintained during transects. Once we are within 150m of the sighting, our effort is considered to be “with whales”. This is the distance from which every breath can reliably be recorded, individuals within a group can be tracked, school position updates can accurately be given, subsurface behaviors can be inferred, school size can accurately estimated, and adequate photographs can be taken. A radius of 150m around a foraging whale is also a reasonable (even conservative) estimate of the prey field area the animal can “sample” within a single dive. This distance is also easily and accurately determined using the Bangarang range finders. It is essential that this 150m designation be taken seriously; it is possible that, in pursuit of a sighting, we may enter in and out of “with whales” range, and our effort should be noted accordingly. Analyses of echosounder data depend on an accurate record of when we are and are not with foraging whales. Once “with whales”, engine RPM is kept below 1500 to ensure high quality echo-sounding (and often much lower, to minimize the impact of our presence on the group). Sightings of new schools while already “with whales” are recorded as off-effort sightings. Attention is not focused on these sightings until the current encounter is a success, but other such group(s) are loosely tracked. After finishing data collection for the on-effort sighting, an off-effort sighting may be approached if it is a priority species. If an off-effort school is re-sighted later after returning to search mode, it may be recorded as an on-effort sighting. “With Whales” Objectives & Protocols___________________________________________________________ All observations are made from a respectful distance, and sightings are abandoned if the whales react negatively to or avoid the vessel. We strictly adhere to the research etiquette exemplified by the North Coast Cetacean Society. When working “with whales”, the following data are sought, in order of priority: 1) Basic demographics: species, group size, behavior, composition, and social associations;

Species Identification: A hierarchical scale of specificity can be achieved when identifying in the field from the broadest to the most specific classification possible (e.g. Cetacean, odontocete, killer whale, northern resident, A clan, A36). Entry forms in RU: Bangarang can accommodate those broader categories (See RU Bangarang Users Manual).

Group size: Determining whether two or more groups are subgroups of the same school or separate schools is difficult. Groups that are definitely not interacting are counted as separate sightings. For the convenience of data entry, a dispersed group consisting of smaller subgroups is counted as a single sighting. Comments are then made to articulate how the group is structured, usually in the syntax “3 + 4 + 2 + 2”, for example. In the “With Whales” entry form, behaviors can be attributed to the entire group or to specified individuals (arbitrarily designated as individual A, B, C, etc.). If it becomes necessary to regard subgroups as distinct groups or sightings, new sighting numbers can be applied post-hoc, when the day’s data are reviewed the evening of. On the Image Processing datasheet (see Bangarang Bible), photographs of individuals are organized into their subgroup associations.

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New sightings are assigned only when there is no doubt that the mammal or group of mammals has not already been assigned a number. If there is any doubt, the animals in question are considered part of the already entered sighting and observer estimates of abundance reflect the uncertainty that the animals may have been recounted.

Species and group size (minimum, maximum, and best guess) are identified by consensus, though Eric has the final word on how a sighting will be entered into RUB. In some circ*mstances, only a low estimate is possible. To estimate group size, the observers on watch estimate the number of mammals in the school, all taxa combined. If more than one taxon is present, % composition of each sighting category in the school is also estimated by the observer team. For large cetacean schools or bird flocks, photographs are taken where possible. These can be used to more accurately estimate group size and aid in calibrating new observers on group size estimation.

Behavior: Some behaviors are explicit and easily recorded, such as “blow”, “surface lunge feed”, “tonal blow”, “breach”, etc. Others, however, require inference and such observations therefore involve uncertainty. Hopefully, the breath intervals we record will reveal whether surface and dive patterns are reliably consistent cues for our designation of behavior codes. The cues used to infer ambiguous behaviors are outlined below, and humpbacks are generally used as the example species.

We consider a whale to be “Traveling” when it is moving in a directed, unchanging course with fairly regular and relatively brief dive intervals and surface sequences, a moderate to fast pace, and predictable movements. In such cases, the direction of travel is also noted.

We consider a whale to be “Resting” when it is either still or moving at a very slow, directed pace. Breaths are not boisterous, fluking may be uncommon or non-existent, and dives will be short. We consider a whale to be “Sleeping” if it is absolutely still, like a log floating on the surface, never or barely fluking and completely unresponsive to nearby vessels.

Dall’s Porpoises and killer whales exhibit fairly obvious feeding behavior because their speed dramatically increases and the pod circles and moves in sporadic directions. However, knowing when a whale is “foraging at depth” (“FED” in the data entry program) is more difficult, but given the objectives of our study, it is also among the most important behaviors to record.

A humpback is considered to be foraging at depth when most or all of the following behaviors are observed: her travel pattern is circuitous or back-and-forth; her dives are long; her surface sequence comprises relatively many breaths and she is surprisingly still at the surface (i.e. recovering); her first breath after a dive is inordinately boisterous and the subsequent breaths are inordinately small; and she changes her orientation right before she flukes and dives. There are exceptions to this, of course. Humpback whales sometimes rove in large groups with intimidating energy, performing short dives and traveling in tight circles; in such scenarios it is likely that the whales are corralling a shallow prey school and group-lunge-feeding below the surface. Other times, when humpbacks are feeding in very shallow areas or along the shores of islands, dives will be very short, and their surface sequence may consist of only one or two breaths before fluking for another short dive. This is also, almost certainly, indicative of active feeding.

Mother humpbacks and their calves are often exceptions to these rules. They often do not fluke, and even when traveling they make unexpected turns to attend to their calf. However, it can be obvious when a mother is feeding at depth, because she leaves the calf to dilly-dally at the surface while she goes “to work”. She often surfaces minutes later quite far from the calf, at which time the calf rushes over to her; it is not uncommon for one or the other to tonal blow, pec-slap, or exhibit other robust behavior. It seems like the calf can never correctly guess where the mother is going to come up next. We have seen calves become distracted by kelp beds and sea lions only to distance itself further and further from its foraging mother; invariably the calf would eventually realize this distance then rush straight back to the place the mom last surfaced.

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Fin whales can be more difficult in some respects. The “Traveling” and “Resting” cues used for humpbacks also apply to fin whales, but the travel speed changes significantly. The Bangarang could reliably catch up to any humpback sighting, but a group of fin whales (the fastest great whale, the “Greyhound of the Sea”) traveling earnestly would be unreachable. Likewise, a sporadically surfacing fin whale that is probably foraging at depth can be extremely difficult to keep up with. Like humpbacks, feeding fin whales reliably change directions right before their dive, though the new direction is more difficult to predict. Fin whales can also be more skiddish, able to surface once and never be seen again if they so choose. Conversely, they can also be more curious, sometimes turning right toward the vessel and forcing us to a halt while they give us a thorough inspection. In general, in my limited experience, their behavior is far less stereotyped and more subtle than that of humpbacks.

That said, one noticeable cue of deep feeding in fin whales is travel patterns of great circles and long dives. Often I would give up trying to predict where the fin whales would surface next, only to find that they would eventually circle right back to my vessel. This foraging behavior has been noted elsewhere (Allen, Mortenson and Webb 2011; Janie Wray 2013 pers. comm.). Though I do not yet have the data to support it, it seems that the majority of the time they are circling to the right, the same side that bears the white lower mandible.

2) Photo-Identification photographs Photo-identification efforts can supplement or even supplant abundance estimates derived from distance sampling. Mark-recapture methods can be advantageous for species whose individuals are distinctly marked (Dawson et al. 2008), because it can produce precise abundance estimates relative to distance sampling, generally has fewer boat requirements (raised sighting platform not needed), and can also position researchers to collect other demographic, behavioral, ecological, and health-related data (Dawson et al. 2008). Photographs are taken with a Nikon D200 with 100-300mm zoom lens and a Canon 7D with a 400m zoom lens. A Canon Rebel XT with a Sigma 100-300mm lens is also on board as back up. The software Photo Mechanic is used to import images, re-name image files, apply the appropriate metadata, and single out the best research images. Photo-ID catalogs for resident orcas, humpbacks, and fin whales are on board. An energy-efficient 19” LCD monitor is inset in the salon wall for use in photo identification work. Downloading and processing images is a nightly task on board (see Data Management, p. 27). 3) Fecal samples Fecal samples are collected with our pool skimmer bearing 333micron mesh. Only twice this season did we encounter surface traces of whale feces and not once did we manage to find the remains again after we rounded about to collect it. We were not well prepared for this aspect of our study in 2013 season; appropriate protocols and equipment will be prepared for 2014. 4) Breath and dive-time intervals; We endeavor to record breath intervals for at least one full dive and one full surface sequence. When the sighting comprises more than one whale, a single distinct whale is chosen for breath interval monitoring. When a breath is missed, this is noted so that the number of breaths during a surfacing event can still be known even when all breath intervals are not. RUB also allows users to cancel breaths that are accidentally entered or attributed to the wrong individual. 5) Echosounder micro-transects Active acoustic sampling is conducted for 5-15 minutes with each large whale. This is not done in the presence of odontocetes. After (or while) identification photographs and breath intervals are being taken, Eric navigates the vessel in a “mini-transect” zig-zag that follows behind the whale’s general direction of travel. If the whale is surfacing erratically and its course cannot be predicted, these mini-transects are abandoned and the vessel remains in neutral to ensure the whales’ safety. 6) Passive acoustics monitoring This is of higher priority with fin whales, during which the engine is turned off for the duration of recording.

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If conditions and location allow us to shut off the engine, at least 10 minutes of acoustic recording are sought during a fin whale closure. The engine remains running for humpback and orca sightings unless the group is vocally very active. 7) Zooplankton tow Rarely will we have the time to perform this last objective, unless some part of the retrieval technique changes in subsequent seasons. However, any plankton or prey remains found at the surface are ardently sought out with our long-arm pool skimmer. Returning to the Trackline Unless the vessel is within 0.2 km from the end of the transect line, the Bangarang will return to the point (within 0.5 km) from which it broke transect to close on a sighting (as recommended in Dawson et al. 2008). “On Transect” effort searching is not resumed until the ship has come up to survey speed and there is no chance of mistaking the previous sighting for a new one. Either all individuals from the sightings are left behind the vessel before resuming searching effort or the locations of remaining subgroups forward of 90 degrees are dutifully tracked. Until the transect line is reached, effort is “Casual” and observers use this time to stow the cameras, snack, rest, and brace themselves for the remainder of the transect. Once transect effort is resumed, if a school that has been previously seen and entered as an off-effort sighting is seen again, a new sighting event is entered for the school. Both the original off-effort and subsequent on-effort sighing-events are retained, with comments in the database and on the sighting forms that they were the same school. School size and composition estimates proceed as usual, in off-effort mode if necessary.

Photo by NCCS

“Bangarang” Methods 2013 E.M. Keen


Literature Cited

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Ballance, L.T. 2010. Seabird Survey Instruction Manual: Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Cruise – HICEAS. NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center.

Barlow, J. 1999. Trackline detection probability for long-diving whales. In Marine Mammal Survey and Assessment Methods. Garner et al. (eds). Balkema, Rotterdam. Pp. 209-221.

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