twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (2024)

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (1)

^ e r s Selp f e j f e e lea CouniS d e p o rtm e n lj , ju d g e n Bh

to oick o thw ■winners fo again

,Abon and |S u io r the moHt- Sirtlitic ex h ib it .I r f in t tim e since F FA membe: 5 ^ c s in tb e produce exhil

------------------- f l r r t:p r l' • ity a n dI t f e l ' j j r o p - - ' A ppleton0 , - f and th eHailed by tS ; ie a d e r 8 :«S tcw. Aug. 3TMf=Oon-- tfm m crto

today hiUed » ther® tra i ^ tuiTlng E U e ^ o w tha t th a ,« i f l W i l t W -A jjg IgT,i«‘t»Mi-*n«l -» clfnchar w b . ^ the' ftdwal debt aBcot;toJi

i'taJiet'K oIed down by ^ m t , is J M tf«rthe'e6tImRt«*-oI .. m ths-. >,nBth» « o eont«it p.todenelt w d tiw ua- btucb Bd^ !iU i«_ thu llflctl-yetr, g_ TTnti, g KlJeiiSO. the U n t 3M t n r piMMd Dod yeara 8w et«r Humphrey, Wetelar, tiFocb. u ld 't i u pietur* XohntofT .

than the adminS«- rome. woa « 'lip rc ta tl« )8d i:r ':— : —C lnytott- hii ditolKly tu rw d the both Jewj ■ («taM ^ new sw nTem ea w>a Uy ;^1 „ U a rr B

von-blueitempeclttLiJiangea In la d - jA rr j aU«Ul ao t be oeceaury ifaVHnmn ocftai back Into special Sf^ine dlvl bttSM the federal debt four.- ......... TheUvt!Bibaeed for ’SS aded in ]iM traU on" WUl pro> -wrorrtliB

t a d budget for tbe next 4.ST glrla t Tlew. At 1EM tuTe lessened tha t 4*K dem< tooHt In to tal rtTtnue held, a t a :

« It' HI,100,000,000,. two Rodeo i ndtrlitt year’* rate. S u t top apot nl

1,- C«la«» t)_______ <C«bUbi

^FoundinCaUE, Aug. 28—A n inquest is pe DIanjcntI, 87, o w n » “of Johni

iHi, whoae body was found Tb ^ automobile in th e Sug] fwtne County Coroner J. B . W il

of the Twin Falls m erchai by Sheriff .liames U. B u m s w

rtllatthe aptomobilo had been pc road io t

toiatrRtde-KJ-b rders Eased

AUI. 3J i m - B s g ® P«er5—the ’United mobile wbj

^ r i r e c d todSy to ihe to ll a ■ ^ t r o l j over Austrian parked be

■ p jn . s h e «gf'.Uw moat far-reach- since the a « ta recent years," a n beside the

, . _ Jeronjeofl ytement, effective i f i , . rt«,

S ^ U o n a l postal, tele. 5 ^ ^ '^ . r i d t o w •Jm S T c d

5 ^ -* “ “

It la not clused Q tnty cQuntrr be> a t H

S«'Tto»i; h« - ^ ickJd llred ln-T ' ^ to conclude a treaty Jears. B e i t a ^ l j n t y and Inde- Nov. i . w;

It lo*t when n o ^ Survlvta. L S ^ l to m e . “ » n a .8 t« v i

-----------m enu an

“ Pays Fine Jhap-GiseE;”

S!T£r^ T^lnB^al

» nounced b

S S f t '«ed by city ^ Z l_____w l '"fWns after

n rroad about two A hoi RJchmor

“w n ^ n to pickup 1

-------- Rlchmon"The 1

Aug. 3B rm West c o

M - a i - • — " ' B i

____ 118 ^ ^

•"— ' ^ J <■:<' . „A Region a l Nei

Selected _

nm ty^airBiff'in-Bom «=departm ents-ftt^the > was f i n i s h ^ b y ea rly F rid ay ^ ^ ^ 9 judges sh arp en ed their-pencils vinners fo r th e cu rren t season. aLied o ff w i th th e f ir s t prizes

'A member&'.haye been compeU duce '<^iblfcv?thetr display w on ^ H S

flrist':prlze %nd ^50 -for qual- ity and com pleteness., T he A ppleton-G range_^afi.second and th e Canyonside Grange

Jud g ln s« f 4 -H and PPA livestock exhiblta a tarted Friday momioB and

r Dan"WaTTBiir>t««-<^e4aer.-t<«k- . Ume off from JudglRK tractor main*- tfa*gnerto-Hew-the-dttptoyJe^ttitt

there are a o r tr th a n 100 entries and ■ Uiat the.quality c f the exhiblta Is

excellent. ____ ___________C H i S . . Edwards. Vftlley county

u m t ; Is Judging beef and sheep and a ilbert. M atsen. Payette county KBDt, Is Judging dairy catUe. - - I p . thp 4-TT fitting nr»^ s t r i n g coateit Robert HUlard, ' Jerome.'Bruce Edwards. Hazelton. and W.B. S a il, £den . ribbons la .Uie first year division, i n the sec- end year dlrlalon Ed Dexter. BUl ^The J Webffler, Terry 'Webster. Vemon ihron ih Xohntofr and- Judy Smith, all je ^ --annual : rome. won blue ribbons. - — ;— —" Oittytott-Tum er-and-Jam es.Eak ln., both Jerome, were winners In the F Z ? | i l W A llVMtrtck .ludBlnic contest?* v a x x i

]tfnry• H o ls^ sd and Z.eon ^ e tz •won-blue ribbons with ttieir gliutnd Larry Halstead and Ro n a ld ______ _ •UaUnioR won top honors In the iSwine division -with tbelr Utters of

T h e Uvestock winners will be par- aded la fro n t o f the grandstand ■B*rorrtii8Toa«rmdBy^ght-Kid- ,ec^*arT- 4.IT glrla wUl present a dress re- Tlew. At 10 a. m. Priday the girls 4-H demonstraUon contwt wm held, a t a:30 p .m . a style show wUl *I?iibe presented a a d a t 4 p. m. t t e ^tial~4-B-«wsrdf-UMaU9L,wl2I

" T h6 i ’kb t oantwU - S T « Q ^ ^ ^ ^ M f ] ? ^ e sc

ISdtVa wliwUvlUes,

tion-contest w in be iMid, . viea andRodeo aoUvitle*'took oter.-ihe J ^ ity t£d

top spot a t th e fa ir TOursday night<c« ub.»< ♦« r n « ». c»)«n » “ a iu J tu

other Idl

F.-Man-— X * J-C v A L ^ - ; - ' -Twln^jsi

nCarTrunk th e .conif[uost is p e n d in g into the d ea th JjSit^ciu •o f Johnny’s D rivein m ark e t, ouJette found T h u rsd a y afternoon in JIcot to i

1 th e S u g ar L o a f d istric t n e a r iJ. B . W iley re p o rted 'F rid ay . mornings

Is m erc h a n t w a s discovered a t ------ —i7Burns w h ^ 'w a s iHVSStlffatiny -w j------ad been p a rk e d along U U S

road f o r soveral hours. T he ^ re p o rt_w aa^m ade_ to_S herJff . j [ (B u m s b y M rs. Dave Lopez, ____S ugar L o r f d is tr ic t.

M rs. I.ope2 Informed the sheriff to woo'Ir she hed le r the J erome county by offorlr 7g3r'arBT3ir53nnnnHhaMhe.«uto- .financl^ mobOe was n o t there a t tha t time, imi sourc

Ihe told aheriff B u i^ , the car wasparked beside tbe.road . Ai^>imd B ^ th e c o .p in . she w ent to Jerome again and j-jrencesince Uie automobile stUl was parked zahedibeside tho road she Informed the ' Jerome official. -

After discovering the body Sheriff conferiBuma called Coroner Wiley who or* i^esa Poldered a a autopsy performed. D r. J . gtood, d lW eodtm Orged. Twin Polls, who immfdlntperformed, th e autopsy, j a ^ M K m e n t . .—DltiroenU died of a gunshot wound The shIn the-head. H e aiJd Uie bullet en - pbaa\u<li-tered above nnd behind the rlKht fromear-and-came out-above-and-bahlnd-----■n i cy atho M t ear. Ho said a ropo w i» «ny tmmdraped loosely around th? dead xonn ofman's neck.* would h a

Mr. DlumenU was bom Aug. «, A parll1916. a t H iawatha. Utah, and had be formelived la Twin Palls fot the last four tlons r« iyears. R e married PTarikle Curtis MohammNov, 4, 1838. a t Price, Dtah. to dluol

Surviving a re his widow, three nouse.sons. Steven DlumenU. ftan k D lu. PoUtlcsm enu and n v d DlumenU; one newspapcdaughter, Catherine DIumentft hts United Sparenta. M r. and Mra. Steve D lu- t ry as mmentl. S a lt U ike City; one brother. In immetD n -O eo rg e—Dlumentlr-SounUluL ,— .U tah, an d two sisters, . Mr*. Noel * .Nelson and M ary DlumenU. bom ■ -M -f-Balt U k e Olty. ^ X I I I

T^lnB^al arrangemenU wUl be an­nounced t>y the:T w ln Falls mortu- ^ h e c» ax7. county ftI------------------------------------------------- 1 neiday.

of the fliIlliterate. of fairsAfter police InvesUgated an wUl nm

mt Drury pork Thurs* Thoma day afternoon, the fo n o w in r« — -tory-moiport wtts-made on the police s ta - tloas lo rUon blotter. , nearing i

"A horse belonging to B obby interest iRichmond, MO PfftlT^VWUB' t tu u r ln - 'n"rm, "'A r ’n"'"g ""dran Into the side of a Chevrolet a t the fapickup tn ick driven by Zelpha pHday VRichmond. 358 Martin street. jjo r th ale

"The horse was going-south- p „ ^west on SixUi. s treet west and qm ^ qwo

• the truck waa U^vellng south- -conomlc•Bost on TnicltiTane,-ThB:iinrs»- departmiran a ito p algn.” . . . . . . . Monday.

I— .. . I. -f AU llv<

x d ■ ^ - - -

M -M B

fional N ew spaper Serving— ' C~ .u , ‘S t TV’

- Parade 6pens.(


L The Jerome eonnty fair'and rodeo opene« . tftronih the Jerome bosincM dfstrfct. Caadfd r --onnnsl filr-toa-rodeo-nnu throoffa Batcrds

I _ Police PECS! PoUce Ohlet w a r d W. .aUlette to- 'eatabi

has been selected to receive th e an- police ofnua l Mlaalon, Tex., Chamber ot no deaUi

] Commjerc6~"Oold Se<il o f ProBress" TwtnPaU. A w ard _ fo t_ Id flho ,^ ffi^ ..M oK B tj . d ^ g ttj■ lecrctary-manftger of th e local t t ie it t lc r I chamber announced today. ber.ackiK

I t Is made annually to nn out- Ho orga ‘ standing chief of poUco In each Safety pa ; Btate. The honorary award Is in the He^ando [ Jo rm of a parchment scroll and appear' In ' jM -ihe-endorsem ent.^of J. Edgar each schoi j f ^ y er. =«nU«BHP

seleoUda. la . t » ^ ^ . ‘on the C ttefB work on 'flts 'petntjp-youth.

‘ ;-MtivlUes. tra ffic . M ntrol program,' vice and gambling oontrol, civic ao- ' Uvlty and ydWs in law enforcement,' M offat explained. ______ ,.

aUlette. was selected, over o ther Idaho police chiefs for the honor.

Chief OUlette has becn w ith the ' Tw ln-'jaus-iw llce-deparim ejft-io r

3 Iyean .H ocom m rated ‘Hhroughout th e yean,, I have ’ e n d e a v o ^ to

.. develop a policy d^gn 'ed tb m edt ’ th e .confidence, respect and good m ? ^ M l

will or the Juvenile os' well as the adult citizens of Twin Falls."

OUJette enccurayes-hls poUce-of- fleers to park thel^ cars and mingle

i w ith tho younger aohool students urouiid -the grade schools In the moinlngs and-evenlng9-ln‘ en-«f{ort;

Kuss Starling^ ._Io-Woo^Iraji H

TEHRAN. Iran, Aug. 38 tlP>—So- ' HC v le t Russia has opened a campaign ________

■ to woo'Iran from the United statea '’ by offering It aid to meet Its urgent P | a t ii - 4inaBiilaUcglaisL-«clI;lnformed I ra n - X l l> tU• Ian sources said today. . .

‘ b ^ d o r * '^ t o U e •Aww Uw'leunrt^ ~The Int' ed the campaign yesterday In a oon- aasoclatlo[ ference with Premier Pniollah ranch soi Zahedi. plcnlo ai' A t the same time. United States Sundoy a, Ambassador Loy W. Henderaon.was The pic' in conference with Shah Mohammed to mem&• Reaa Pohlovl—likewise. It is under- guests. F i p o ss ib U lt^ f

shaiTand Z a h c ^ h a v e 'em- ' ^ Ke eh' pbaslsed"thatJranneedsim m edlate The pu'■ 'a id from "any" country. a t 3 p jn..‘-----Tl icy ttlso-haTe-modg-Tilaln-that------ ‘—7 => any lmm«Uat« aid m ust bo in the T >L fonn of a gift because parUament

would have to approve a loan.A parliamentary'quorum can not All nlgl

I be formed becaiise o rth e 'res lg n a* . . . - r tlona r«ulUng from ouster premierI -Mohammed Mossadegh's a ttan p ts WASHI

to dlssolre th e maills, (he lover StubbornI house. United £

PoUUcal tjuarters and Tehran F rany> .I newspapers are speculating th a t the be sQlT lI Utilted suites may offer th is coun- atter nea• t ry aa much aa ICO mlUlon dollors obtaining . in Immediate aid. ■______________ tetum fo

; Interest in Fai■ -. The curtain-on-the-T w ln-F alla S pJn. So

county folr and rodeo goes up Wed- on the'fa! nesday. The event looms aa one o th e r • o f the finest In the 31-year hlatory produce, o t fairs In the county. The fair Tuesday wUl run four days. and pant

Thomas Parks, fair board secre- nesday. -tarv-m onager-anid-JInal prepara- All exl tloas fo r tho -four-day-proamm.nW ‘aiSJiig -.0 nearing compleUon. He aald more leased a t interest la-being shown In the fa lj premlii

ttnnrin-Bnr-provlous-ysar.— ^

a t '^ 'f « ^ r .* T h i^ B yFriday West end day and SaUirday „,aXe thi*JJorth aide doy. • • and ■ oltre

Parka reported entries in the Constnneedlework-department, 4-U home east: win

js s n o m l^ a n d JuvenUe and anUQues bam «-asdepaftm ena^ w l T " ^ ^ -PW IgroMonday. - T ground Ir

AU livestock MiUiM wUl.ios# a t tiaU ^, 1


pens.C ounty Fail* in J t

rodro opened offlciaUy Thursday with » trict. Caadfdstea fo r rodeo qoeeo led, the three-: togh Batcrday night.. (Stoff phote -y»aT tog )~ -: .

seggnized-as-0utstB ief iril^ard Fromle to- eatabliidi - acceptance' of -local of a d ty <I- police officers. T here' have been amlademiIt no deatha of school .chUdren in in or.'«bo<t** Twin PaUs traffic fo r over ten y ean dling-boe:t , during -the'sohobl t« ro . acodrdtng <b bringing 1li ttieHttilcr from thoTJSsIon <2iaJa- a iorain to

ber.acknowledging ih e award. the's&ledt^ Ho organized the aohdol chUdrim's th e le tte r]h Safety Patrol program in Twin Palls. Chief <le H e;and other department members role In 11d ap'peur' In several school assemUlu w d pedair each school year to teach safety pre- I t continuI f ^ n llaB g '^ ~ ' ' — —X oonota- "O U et O ll]ette ';l^U satedj"< l''P tl^ - and

■ city .ordlr' . leased cot

. ister 'with partm ent

? Chiof-C

a' a veteran

^ 2 ato of Ui«in .Washt

. . president o a e a a <

The sci chamber :

, made for OUlette. 1

'• ' HOW AW QlLtETTE n , , — ^ . Labor u

t Picnic and Horse I. ^ h o w Bet^Siinday•• -~The Intermovmtoin-Arabian Horw ana.

association wlU m eet a t the 'Caudle Meanwl^ ranch south of Twin FaUs for a to reach

plcnlo and a showing of horses tween thiS Sundoy afternoon. telephonets The plcnlo wUl bo served a t noon con Telefi d to mom6era of thii;oasoclaUbn and: panyr»ft-r- guests. FoUowlng a ahort business In three ii t meeting tho Aratiion horses a t the porory w:

~ U e d -^' ^ V w w n ; ---------- . -------- Clouse- in

■A The pubUo is invlt«a to-the show long striko t3 p jn . . _____________ Southwes;

i t - ----- - . ■ - — -r-r— pany.

1' B aseball T oday>t All nigh t games In major leagues, more thoI- : . Workers (a ' PACT STALLED were ordts WASHINdTON. Aug. 29 (fl — Chesopea]!T Stubborn • bargaining between th e compony

United SUtes and OeneraUsslmo suburbann Franco'i;_6paln appeared today to land and le be s^ -h o ld ln 'g up full agreement A com]I- after neariy 18 m onths of ialks-*on federal gcrs obtaining use of s p a n l^ bases in telephone

tetum for.U . S. aid. _______ affected.

^ air Runs HigIs S pJn. Saturday, and-stock must bs addlUon t 1- onthe'falrgrounds.Tuesday, he said, and beef >e Other - entry deadUnes Include ^ ^ A . ai•y produce, fn iit and poultry, s p. m. housed In “■ Tuesday and flowers, and klUhen

and pantry exhibits. 10 a. m. Wed-!- nesdoy. ' portion ol

__Wl exhibits' muat remain Intact . ij«• •35SJng -Uii lalrr:T 1ier-w ill-be-re- 2 !*“ «>.» t;?..%.'?«• ,;sej»t,'> . Premiums totAllRg-.-$i0.000 will nottl T be—awarded— winning—exhlbitorsr itsDloce.-Ut£Mka_MWw___________

- Every .effort Is being-made to a aldewal‘y make this year's fair moro enjoyable grandstan

and ottroeUve. according to Parks. Rodeo cle ConstruoUon of a. 73- by 334-foot $4,000 In ;ve cost: wing .to th e huge .'livestock , Bari Hues bom u-as completed last week. provide ttc ~PwiBround^8wi:ar«nBViUiig'tho -whldt-wll

ground Inside tho new n n it and in- nlghUy.--i t tialUng now «heep'pens. Tbs new "Two'oo:

^ . - 1.____ N il

Joi FRIDAi:, AUGUST 1!8, 1U6U

ii* in Jer o m e" i i | K <


s e n t th e

zon ing v Addison. of- tb e T ' h ea rings 'B ic ^ i r s n th eto busin

B B IIillHw ith » ' p a ra d e T huraday ' a f t m o r a l ^ r w i

led , th e (h rs« -b Io ek lo sg p o n d s . Tbo J t i > J

......—S u ts ta n d m g - — F r o m C tia m b e r

ocal of a d ty ordinance w h l^ makes It >een a misdemeanor for. Juveni^ to loiter jim .3 3 it

In in or. about an cstabUshment han- ntarrled ' so n dltnB-boer;-He-waa Jnstrumerital In -tHah. -on-

the s i le d f beer to Twin PaUs youths, state.'seruen's the le tter twlnted cut. form er aaUs. Cbief OlUette played a leading school boben Tole In r e v l^ g ail ol tha trafflo th eH ase rd lu w d pedestrian, oodes for the d ty , «uwe- f t continued. . > -■ SfloiiBanU

• ment~ gupeantenaefltTTOBttrglua 't ^ o jg b s ^ o i r - p ro m o te d . . b d t t ^ e i i t of ...pafttog.???. f^ U U es ; t h r ; ^ : s t r e e t .w ld e 3 ^-rq and traffic-Aversion. ; d eu tirtcn

The Jotter n o ted 'h e authored. % so ls< ;_M M,1 city ordinance which requires re- mnn, ^ ■ J . leased convlcta wlth-reoords to reg- 'SeatUe; ' r . ister'W ith th e Twin Polls police de- Ellason, 1

partm ent tipoathelr.axrlTBl In Twin MUler. A3 Falls. < • d re n and

ChiofOlDotte has Seen,» . m c m - . Puneral ber o t the Elka for 30. yean. A mem- ih e dire ber o f the-American IfCglon, h o 'ls ^ p e l . a a veteran of World wor I. a grodu- —ato of the NoUbnal PoUco academy * ' • in .Washington, D. 0., and a post A f l l f l president of the Idaho .suite'PoUce * * ■ » * « Offleer# association. - - - • • o

r- The scroU Is 'be ing 'sen t-to the E 3 chamber here ond-plana are being E i made for its presentation to~Oblef to S Y C

OUlette. Moffat said. • — — T h e Unll H ----------------------. noimced

ff Phone SBt1cF~" f f __Acticjii .Gro5¥s

By United Press recently,-— Labor unrest grew today as a now -fighters t

. telephone strike was caUed in the also are II Washington, D. O., area. T h e’ gry mob screamed its defiance a t jq thr»x- lW?ice.ln a vlo- JCwlnlng.“ J len t communlcaUons strlkTin Indl-' Ktnff. efe

udIo ^"Meanwhile, negotiators'Wed againir a *0 reach a wage agreement be- jg , q - „irses tween the naUon's long distance p ^ f iQ . t i

telephone operators and the Amerl- T h e air lOon can Telephone and Telegraph com-and: p anyr» ft< r-a handful of operators volvea-Kiness in three midwest eiUes staged tem- _ugi,the porory walkouts yesterdoy. - a f t *>,.»

irtnir At St. Louis negoUators were srcor -called '5»er a "strtke pm tfrtjnn, i_ _--------Clouse" In-attempts to end-o-wcek- - ihow long strike by 63.000 employes ot the * "____ Southwestern BeU Telephone com- __?OetU

‘pony. . , ■ 'i ' weatherThe new phone strike In the east molsturi

i V began a t 0 o. m. (EOT) when pickets shouldn'J ' appeared tn Washington. A total of ouUng.**

rues, more than 14,000 Oomm^lcaUons T h a tWorkera of America (OlO)'members u ttlo coiwere ordered- to walkout a t tho ^r, b u t <

I — Chesapeake and Potomic T e l^ o n e ttje qqx'th e company exchanges. In- the caplUl, "Seatl

ilmo suburbon Virginia, most of Mary- n tng of/ to land and ports of West Virginia, suoent A eompany spokesman said the jjay. Sici-*on federal government's huge and vital ^ t h 73*s In telephone network would not be (Prob(

affected. - L _—

rHigh; Deadlinet be addlUon 'wlU be used to house s h ^ being ahl; Mid. and beef cattle. Parks noted. supplemeihid® FF A -and 4-H livestock • wiil be “5^ housed In the aecUon of Uie Uvestock

bom constnicted lost year and W “ J doiry cattle wlU be located In ttie porUon of tho bam-buUt two years

lUct old, wooden fenci'around the

b bwill wire notUng and cables erected In 'tOTSr its'ploce.'-The-matn'entrance to the

1 to • sidewalk the full length, o f toe' • ®able grandstand has been added. bull-flghUtrks. Rodeo contesjaats win compete for « o r-* n d ; foot $4,000 in prlxes. . •tock Sari Hutchison. Oonnet. Ida., wUl Slebran<

provide the stock fof the rodeo, be on the -the -whldr-wm -be ■preseated-aVS^i.Tmr .lo ca l— o<1 in - alghU y.---------------1........- l o d g ^ J v tnew "Tw o cwloMds c t xodeo bieacs u « w lU -ahara

r . ___ N ino I r r lg a te d jd a h o CounUes

iK o r e ^ P e

I F u l l UI tJN IT E D NATIONS, N . Y ., A ug, 2 S■ w helm ing endorseTnent'today-to-an-A m t

H l ^ e plan provides th a t on ly countriei H s e n t th e world o rganization a t th e p a

I Zone Bids JDiscI At Safety PafH ' A com m ittee to a ttond th e public h H zon ing variances a t F ive P o in ts no rth ai ■ . AddisQa.&veaue was appointed Tharsdaj

nf..fh n T w in F n iu g a fe ty councll. The a H h ea rin g s to be held by th e c i iy zoning ai ■ * B lo ira r th riJ l tr lra irT Q G B a fljH ilg h tro ir■ th e n o rth w est and so u th w est-co m ers c H to business a rea s ;-A -se p a ra te -p ro p o se H — ' m ake th i

m -DeathXlainis ■S Former Stete- S enSoratS lSS 'K----------- T T f" r— " ” i --T

: " M t -teE-froai.Qoodlnrcopnffr S ^ e w if cjo,

oU uner. vAio cama to th e Hagerm an vaUey to . IMO, was bom S y V S S

glter j o n . 33. i a 7a .a tF e .S o o t t .B w - H *>V“ - m arried Laur* . B g l^ ^II i a tH ah,-.on-O ct.-l«-18#5^fib® :]^led

'^‘ S ii^^Z d^on to. ije lnT V ^fw rnw ““Ttreooi uUis,. sta te.'seoator.'M r. O launer w a s ,»-. lorm er member of th e Hagerman w

school b ^ W ira 'Io n n e r member o t . ™ m offle th e Hagerman district highway oom- city-to tal d ty , tolsslon and » former pastor of the has o v e ^- Rflorminlxed LDS diurcfa a t H ager-

nan- a o a T H e was a fanner.

S f I S f ^ u n e r / ' H i ^ S S r ’- i ^ ^deutirtcrs, Mrs. • UetiUi- Condlt, . IaJ^JaO

ed. a Boise: Mrs. Mlimle 'French, f i o g ^ Howaai .< 1 re- Twnn, and “Mrs. T a ^ 'W ln n e g a r , ol(ledrto£a reg- sea tU e;” twQ alster*, Mrs. Carrie t r a

J de- Ellason, Hagerman. and Mra. JulW lAkea bot Twin Miller. Albany, Ore., SO grandohU- *VMU6- in

d re n and . 14 great-grandchildren..Qcm- Puneral se rv loesare^ndlngunder . <nje -chl aem- ' t h e dlrccUon of the Thompson install-thi tie'ls <dttpel. Oooding. ' -the expec■odu- ------------. when eloalemy * ' • ' T ? ' - • 'Bchool;--.SJ Asia liXercise- S e t f o r U S A F : ^

:mief TOSYO. (Saturday) Aug. 99 creek u s- T h e United-Stotee - alr-foree^an---<UBtrtct_»r

noimced to d a y -a major combat playing in____ t r aining wcBrdso in the fa r east, -i» ;*a#

■ wttere somo AminciiiraBa RiusJaa- orTHS''Wlalrbases are'only two minutes flying play cloee.time apart. o t them ' i

(V S H ie exercise involves huge B-36 being swit' Intorcontinental bomber* flown her# Indden t-t

recenUy, B-39 Superfortresses. Jet beUeved -fighters ond itconnalssance p i t ie s cited a t tli I the also are to take p a r T h e announcement, released . a . re p «

a t here in the xuime ot Oen. N athan F . whitealdei^ Jw ln ln g new t e T s e l ^

” m w tery sm rom dlng • ths i ^ v a l ^ > aim joc igaln number" o t the 10-engioe B - j j j j Motor . ass on nonstop flights acroes th e ij,t«:

P ac ltlc from the United States. „ ^ TTie a ir force gave no d e t ^ o t ^ ^

th e exercise except to soy I t "in - “ 2 ? volvea-i<all8Uc*corabat-type-'traln- ing missions from bases In th e fa r ea s t theater."

^ the cwmd

f*the '• C o n f u s i n gcom.- __?Oettlag-too--dry?2-asked-the- —In-addil

weatherman. "Look for a OitUe alons. theeast moisture, but not much—ahd It details on

ckets shouldn’t affect your week-end be operaUal of ouUag.** FUer next■Uons T h a t eUtcment sounded a . ---------------abers u ttlo confused to the AP report-^

tho er, b u t so did tols predlcUon for‘hone th e next five days: 1 . U YVplUil, ■■Scattered showers a t-b e g in - -------

n tng of. period, becoming mostly ' l ^ i jlnla. fa ir Sunday through Wednes-

tt 'c day. Slowly rising temperatures WABHD vltjrf wiUi 73-B3 highs and 43-63 lows.%‘ (P io tab lj) S J w S S;___ L- — — • I power od\

idlineTNoted".. \ ............Mra. r v

h ^ being shipped in irom Canada to groups opj su p p lm en t the rodeo stock. pany^ pla

,'ioS spooiuily u t . » h l * »iU ^ torm ka a p a r t ot the rodeo include “ J Bob Davenport and hls trained «

horse. Buck:, ll-year old Karen Hansen of SheUey and her trained-

, Palomino horse: a group of Black- ^ foot Indians Who WlU demonstrate H

th e i r naUve daneas-ta^fuU-Coatume, 2 *

^jjjj cowboy boots oa a alack rope^________DeOarE:‘lE o’ — ueiie 'Muser. ' a&Uonally tamoua Mrs, Coop

bull-flghter clown, and Chuck Lori- to extend e jo r a jo r and b is "tla l is le " wUl enter-

ta in rodeo fa n s . ' , . She also, will a i e t ^ d ’s circus and carnival .wlH mako arra: 9deo, be o n th e midway, opening Tuesday.- letmeamwi >,-mr .Xtocal— ooocestionolres. churches, em m eat

lo d g ^ veterans' aad otlier tcroups goremman I «i« wlU.ahara.ui.^dependent.mldW<: ''Mra,'.Coo

IZZSdto C ounties 1 -

r P e a c e ^ ^ o £ U . S . W

11 U .N . Su]r. Y., Aug, 2® (ffV-The U. N. gci^eral' a s s >day-to-an-American-backed p la n - fg p - th e -K p

: only countries who fought urider tM XT. N tion a t the parley. The vote waa .48-5, wltl r - --------- T “ — -------------------------------------Soviet 1

3 j ) i s c u s s e d ; ^ ^ : ; i g . "

t v P a n e l M e e l ^i the public hearings on proposed Points north and along'a sectiqn of f ln te d T h a rsd a y . n ig h t l a a ' la e e t in g m i* m e council. The committee .will attend ^ciiy zoning and.plannbunM>mmi»>' gday~iUghtroirpyopgmB •to ' ehaage T r SSay west-comers of Five Points north ^ 7^ . iparate-proposal is undercBtudyrto------- make the same c h id e s fo r peace oa

— the'-ncFrth-T ide o f - Addlfloa - Baritf ____■ avenue between Bm and Loetst

• - A l U i ^ ^ ; bouacll - dia 0 tormaUy take • stand ooe way or tiytorM

the other oa tha matter, tde dlt- tb«. ta w Q * | cusslon on-it-wu-alBiost-eoUd-^ ilanJBfpl O X the change. ....... ,am y. b3 ^ S

close-to-Wa^ilagtoii.achool.___:„-Member* appointed to the oo«>

w«« PerMnlooa, WO. 2 2 ? S ? nam irtfand, s m a r t ,-R a tU n d i

' t lw Adoltfi Ai^ex>oa:Bul'.lin..Bm M.

Sm w "TtreonflcirBeggntPtloaTO three a a i p r - ^ ,* otbar. safety .proWema tsongbt up - trman a t the meettng. ■'n''-"-Mr c t The group ^vprored. asking tbe U -A f- ’oom- city-to'take down some Ivy which afthe has overgrown two large poles locatr .‘-A.vt b ser- «e AOaism avehue asd.Bsebaa- A '. l l ^ r . ^ s t r e e t . I t waapolfaledOQt to Uio .:rg iiS jwaea-th%Mh»-**y-«W!| ^ 9 * ^

-ai: s t r e e t . ^ ' . . ..-t?, p Ja ijjCondlt, . lAJajnOre te'supportPeUoe-Obtot a g ^ Howard- OlUette; uie. cqnuff^e? ^ ’oofnnegar, d^edTto-jOddHtr-votoerto a-iequest irouia-JPCarrie tar\k tntfle. light a t the tBlue thoee.oc

juUd lAkes boulevard north, and .TOtr orother>dohU- avenui-intavKtlon: . o f *■»» siren.:.\ .' . Soiieei Traifto ■■■-.......•'Oi-'A«inder . I'pTff ><iim. MV«y1 -th n - r i t y fa> m imtirfMnpson instan-tha.U ght-lhere.beci^ .o t America

' the expected Increase i n . trattlo coatlnui when elasstf~begts Iq the.sewblgh -tdnd-.clc

-- 'Bcbool;--------- analitleS The thimaetloa taken directs the ..U « ^

council secretary to contact raUroad aald thq A T 7 o£Qdol«-here-to SOT what action ieaQ oattp to W be taken' ifi stop.peraons'l:^ nsihg

_ the railroad bridge aereas Bock addlngl 8 :cre«k as • ihortoufto the bastnfsa a*« e .a n ^ -dlstrict-and-to-lcssy-children, ttom .iu e .r _ w nb^ playing In the » i ^ ^ - There

that mi<l7lng play cloee to the tracks and-many .j'criniaS"

of them' Jump on tha <relghi'.«ars {ateeto B-36 being switched la the area. A noeat

a here inddent-in.«hlctL.a-tnlnma^btt- ^ p a j ,^ ia. Jet beUeved he saw a chlld-kUled was pl^iea cited a t tbe meeting as a a ewTntfe.

Bepori Blad* . lea s^ . A report was' mad6 by. S . W. tronl- In ^ Whltealdes, chairman' of a commit- conrlctei

t ^ ^ e c t e d earUer. thU mqnth to Itatton*val a sign located on th e wert Ude of r e ^ a o00 B- Uj, Motor-Vn rw d a t the Kimberly yriMon ts the joad Intersection, - comrade iff! He aaid a repreeeataUve ot Uie p h o n y

llrm Which owns th e algn looked aialast.L ,}?! -0TBr_lhe3«»tta»_and.fal4^U_dld t o ^ . j

aot create a safety haa rd . germ wiIV AoUon on toe sign was taken whea comman

a number of driven oompialned 4o germ w— ' I the coundl toe sign obstructed thslr ganda.------ 'rtaw m the''weat wheu-apptooehlag - Byrd -

Simberly road on Motor-Va road, 'mm ^.the- —in-addiUoa to-lta-otheTTdlscia- •prlsonBPUtUe Blons. tbe councU worked out final change,Id It details on Its tree movie booth to ts IS yc-end be operated a t the county A ir at . “Kvarj

FUer next week. repatzlai1 ». ------------------------------------ T — — r

P o w e r C o m i n i s s i o n *

“ ® B i d f o r D e l a yWASHINOTON, Aug. 3$ Ifl' — suggeetli

■The federal pow er-commissloa . la recess Is considering a n eppeal by» public . 1. H u

I power advocates for more tim e to rlor dep prepare thalr fJgbt against a p rlrate be calle

~ J ~ -ttUUtys-plazr-tO'-bulld-threa^daBii -FDwer^v h |* | In the HeUs canyon area,-where a and tha' / \ A federal project has been propoaed. then to i

. . . Mrs. Xvdyn Cooperr-lawyer for pare-ctc da to groupa o p p c ^ g Idaho-Power oom- a rm y aa

panjr^ plan to develop Snake river •J.-Sho between Idaho and Oregon. ap> th a t th e pealed Thuraday a decision m ade by to O o t- l

Jf hearing examiner W illiam J . Coe- «A i»

**A hearing on Idaho Power’s dam S S l h ^ ooastritotloa'llcehse oppUcaUoaa h u -would'ftt beea In recess since Aug. 7, 1 whea ly proco

1 ^ 0 C « w a o i^ g .^ ^ p ro p e e d l iV y grrwpni^’ Tnr ITrrwa flTSTnf’ **™'

------- " D s m F i ^ $ " i r t 5 f f i s S ^ e 5 r lo tg s r Junou Mrs. Oooper asked'?tbe'«bmmla8leii ida'4An I f r i - to^extead toe hearing; wamnUoB jn m S tt

enter- juie frem'Sepfe ai..t??»r.**Vi“ TIm BB,mako“eoji'

esday.- fermeanwhUe-wlth piuepeciUfe.gmr mbata;^ arohes. emmeat wltoesses ahd to study thiaiBM croupe govemmsai data. . degaamIWW.'; '-M r« ,:c w p « 'n ia d r tw o -a I te m a ^

• - • • • .......

--------------------- — :--------- ________

y t t T m i n

• / r? y . 'i r 'P|H|

• -' J t r '' ' •f. g e n e ra l ' i i a s a i n b ! ^ i i ( ^ m - a i » | ^ H a n - l Q i T 't h e - K a r y ^ p ^ ^

n d e r 'th e t J . ^ ^ r ta n n e r BhOtUtt j l w l l w as .48-5, w ith 10 a b s ta in in g ; '|O T |-------Soviet bloc c a s t th e ; i i e d ^ M

• VQter In d ia ' d id - ^ io tN p iw H . pate.'

- -Ii)dla a'verted-a c e r ta h i.d q { flW | , withdrawiog'-aa 'a '' Powttto-itffB IW

ai ssmbly. recommended th a^ jlB B H oould take p a rt in . th e e e m i ^ n

9 ^ '■proTlded th e . other. aide d ^ ^ H e t i l ^ jb U a e o n * tbMt, l i A a s id a n ^ Btte h d s h e r w i n h a v e t o a l t 'o n 't ^ e ^ B f l uniff.- - r ^ y r B B wVZIS8' a o r th t fW H n Which Opened/ two. w eek ft.r itU B

UKtBt l* T i^ -a B M

S ^ a t t g g e c n f l t o ^ i W . l iray or tiy te re a sm -th e w b o le .d e b irfM M• d lt. th« a « a m h Ip -« ia f« B e f - f i r£ H

s g g j

tb a a s a e m b b - .e o e ie f l i t ia f i fH H

“iiS R e tu rn Set.iSD|H

request would-jr«tQriL-«a .tB Iae thoee.oonTtetod-'<rf'*%«RB-Jw^H I .m e r or o th e r - c tlm d r r e a a s y lo s ia *

o f '■no re p a tr t^ ttA 'i........-.'T h«-vgt9»i^ '-0i^

dty:to .mQnlsts!„v4«tia4 • b a ^ j j M 4 |^ H ose-.ot Amedcans.:maaqr-o4 i t i e m y |™ i ^aftlo co a th u ib irte tiM aH T « K U S B ^ H

w-hlgh -hlnd .ctowd-doori TiS a ? i M_____ .analstlc*.—»tsthe' ' L l«^ 'B ;avT .Siff2LS^^ oUrood aald t2w Otdneee ^ i ^ B b n n S i ^ l [an can oattp toJaM M M ts a ^ l n K ^ ^ I 2 ftsihg 4h8 .reds'V ogldT aten«n:e^^H

Book •d d in g 'lh o e - th ls V fid M e ^ H oslnfBB a a d r a w i B J ra n •

- ' There h ^ v a b ^ 'S n T l o ^ ^ H

L manyHi .ears la te o t o tn ee taS S ttM L « 5 a M

rgetm w M l M ^ ;w » a te .d S 8 M

t o te m g o t th e .a a B e T a -« w lW fo r tz e a tm e Q i .e t .w K ;# £ S H I

; mrnrmmlati had:a s lgB 'tow ijH I K. W. tram- lmn>edta>aui iipatrleliiiiilM

a t t to

aide of re tam o S .a irw O IB H rV rtR B ^ ^B Imberbr 3>7laeDerahsT»said’a a i q r « H

oomradee were sentenced »dB ^Bo t Uie p h o n y c h a ^ .a s :^ n D M H | looked a ia la s t . th e peace*'aad" o th e S ™i t did* COTlees-they h ia t- l i^ n

" “ gS fi- w ar£M «.-■Th•^UnW ^^^H | a whea command has dlsm lsse4-.tb iM Ined49 germ v a rfa rs « h a r g t e - o t . d n d thslr ganda.' loehlag b j i A said lie « * d . nien now a t'.iie am y 'S iiM o iir^H discos* ■prlsuuBr»~W r*iBW gaBttd!TgjM | it change, whosg loth to KS IS years, -A ir a t . *E na7th lag lad ln tM tb«y . « B I

repatriated." be aold.- '

l i s s i o n C o n s i d e i f l

l a y m i D a i r H e ^ ^ lta ' -> 'suggeetlocu'ln t h e .c r e a t ' l i ^ i H

skin, la recesa Is denied:-. ' -;vrpublic . 1. T h a t wltaessea from-

im e to rlor d ep a rtaen t and an a v .e n l^ Hprlrate he called to -testify b e f e tv 'J Hu d ain i -Powg^wltnasias ar* wo^MBli^Mh e r e a a n d th a t a Mnlay x e o e t t tH e c ^ loposed. then to give in te n re a e ra tlB w l^ lrer for w cro>e-eTamtnatlnp-tet.-<^Br oom- arm y and ld a h » 'F o w a r.« lta ilM s tiver ‘^ 'S h o o h l -b o th iM t la ia i^ ^ HD. ap> th a t th e p r e N a f r r M M t . 'M ^ ^ lladeby to O o t-U .r. Co«- **A r e c e e r 't f ^ m e d a is ta ^ ^ H

now woui<^M(^ ' t dam lengUi o f aubeeoaeat x a e d ^ Hm a h u •would B « s e M U y 't i ! t^ to :« a ^ H1 whea ly procedt^e.*t M n . .O o o p tM ^ H



*«2S» Sj?miwSS^S£ffiS8Bl: . • d e p M t e ^ M ^ h ^ ^ aa tne irf> ^thew e.:jW > q< aM ttilliH li^B

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (2)

p y o i M

" S i S ' S *'enue

k» b^ ^ « ? « h ;

"n tew S k ^ » 5 ^ K

J»“ S ^ ^V aSfwt, tnd t tniw, k ^

w u d i t t t c t i ^ ^

J^sD iscu si.The-Twln-PiBiFM^>11,11. . M M ®'tnlns t t the T » S \J toUaj 0.-l4noa. tJjwl»cu««l Unu JTOjrtomlit clutt, ^The clubum hoauiib ra- mecUnj- ol g8g»p.g.hctti

k o S S 5 ®Dtuyaemtt-

LEEDON PHIB n ^ e a ea iQej br m

W e O ln S M o S a l

> a | e t = lIs offering (or t i l i ^ E

■art o( the dab prtfK !^

v ^Q er^ttT R nFrntB ^k the remdhder in p i^ B ^ ag stream ot trslcr. i H ^

the north end of Ihe^^E «5lb1e bjr road,.lncIii^K li 60 per cent

arther In fo rm allu^^t r v = l ^ r « n '4 ^ t i - W ^ Bank BMg^ dnriai i M ■

i r i n

M m

tOTSKi>B <ibu«B riiu iT —


' B

B p o m i i f f l T I . K eep

■ ^ b a i iy r o j e c i B i s E x p la in e d ~^ K l t ntOK7 Unn off Addison

i t t vest u tbe hbiplUl. totho Viiyh» ___ --

^ ■ o . s . p . ClukitOD, Mountain T e l^ o n e u u t Teletrraph

^ K n y engineer, u id Priday.■ ■ toIu irtU be oMd to chMit- - — -

locaUon of Unes Jrom^tti.e. i H a l to .tho Rock creek canyon. . , ,B M ii i Illll .......... I.............. I...... ..... K o % J §

th# flUa of Bock creek tra ff ic dea ^ ■ i and S cad man'i sulch, polei valleV.

L - ~potoM out th a t the ] R l * l Q f f l

^ ■ c t O T ^ U be able to Imlall " P

when the new polea m In- ' J F f l U S ’

^ ^ lu ^ u B h ‘lloMaalaTTia■ E d d the power and telephone A motorist H R k ^ e s will u»s the same poles pu^7 &t ?-90 < I D l b north side of the hUhway.^ ■ to le p h o n e company also will = ^ K a r ^ l e i tm the » n m M e u

Birch itreet, but from there^ B t e a will mn from the north, ff" '!* •**

the Ught poles and b o w s . J & pf i k pennanofjt-rej

H i e OI A u to P g e n c v O K ’d « ^

Motor company. J.O . Thel. T ~ X ~Blackfo

FatalApproval of the transac- b l a o k p o o

^ ■ f. . . Denver, Oolo.■^b_»sanc]r._ionaerly_B>et) MU u id threo oU ^K 'eom pany '.'.U 'coatiauU w busl- jured In 'a 'T f ■ ■ lU t 961 M*in'avenue eaa t YeUowstone i■ ■ u w Q If lonner T)ce>pre*Jdent aty. ^ ■ K s n t r t l manager of.tha .F o rd Mra.-Lu^U'-l ^ ■ l ^ p itl Oraat Bend, Saas. B e ^ g a tho pie

^ B o U v e la dvlo ortenlutloas. In- ^ r^en by P r ^ ^ ^ th e ~ a k » 4 o d g « :a n ( ^ tA Z :L 66,-B1aekfoo(r ■ ■ t B d WM president of tho Jay- yed jix mile*

■ f e B d i i a t e e f the f o r t ^ ( o r , e „ taken to■ H h o y M adipol ot njerchwullslng ____________^ ■ K tro l t .-h o aerv»d;ia-WctId war --------~M V a B - n navigator. HeU married - JVIq o H jf c u tw<> chfldren, '■ * ^

W a r g e s F i l e d i n 1— — ■

w . u t o m o b i l e ' i n i e f t g s . f j i "^H jlR L S nr. Aug. 39-Leroy MoatJ. Ha^■ 1 ^ in T ^ n palla la rt '

^ K f f & y i o n said he rslxtlved ^ ^ ^ ^ ’^frosi lederal ^ l a l t

charging Moftta with an automobUe la l^x as par

■B iE iaU h ad been charged Inf Bur- ,?*'*??/,■ ■ li 'l th e te a lln g e n automobUe with RoUs odid■ B A t Ucenw plaits on It and sub- “ °1° ^^Be N(U K l n r th e dealer pUtM for Texas ®

Vl<ites. The dealer pUtea ^^ ^ H ie c o v e r e d ]n « txee a t the may caU a t^^^ ^ feu n d a , — evening and

■-•— - -' ' p. m.

T h e H o s p i t a l r im s c r l y^ __________ W. p. Sweari

Klmterly real^ ^ ■ t l n g houn a t Maglo Valley a pjn. Satur ^ ^^ fc lnX -hosp lta l-a re -from-3-to-4 -Obrlstian-chu

. W. Helseth 0 ATtMTXTED ^ m i d e In th

Jo9 Blsser; Mrs. oUnton MX8. Llale Parris.. Mrs. - HAILSV»<

[-Remalf^and- WUard--powdr U eid -fonda- ;wm PaUs; r.Qeorge Byrd and Sunday a t th

H B Td Saenger,'both Buhl; oralg . '■ n i pek, BoUUtcr, and Mr*. Robert BPRlNODi^ ■ iH jl iP 1 O h«‘« Pierce, tor Warren 1

^ H M ^ T R u ih WUheJnj, Mrv. MyrUo Sdgar O O ^■Hlf«r^MorrU-Bl«t±btlhT?bMr»7 ^uriaMvUl-b*

Powlus, Storea Smith and view cemeter^ ■ U i r Kldred. all Twin Palls: W. ----------------- -^ B b y b o m , Rogereoa: Mrs. wil- ■ ■ W m e d and daughter and Mrs.■ ■ ■ n Jones and daughter, Buhl;I H f " Mrs. . S O r lM B ifee y/eauajl. Jerome; Helen • M n j l p o n . Boise, and Mrs. Mona

H u U F r b m VP and AP Boports ■ H k l o Valler-Partly elondy to- J

and Batnrday. Wlndr Sat> «*Low tonleht«1.53: high Sat- B 7

■ ■ ■ f r n w 82, Twla FalU t«nper»- <H ^ D m t 8 a. ts. SS, a t noon li .

"J”' -

..I , , , , . , .— . ss w

M p ! l j= = r g 51 “ BRUNE~ SH II • „ Ten-Vear

^ ^ ■ b p r l n n ....._______ 77" m oost lea

I ... ABIH B * ^ -......—.. »i 71

■ f g o r e m o t o r

H l| FRIDAY EVENINGS I m SATURDAY AFTERNCf llf f lU pQr Your Shopping Convert}I w j r Your DeSoto-RIymouth Dec

B f f i l l ^ O R E M O T O R C Om i i— :......... - — - TWIN FALLS—

K eep th o W h ite F la g I F m F ' W o f S a fe ty F ly in g .......... ,

- C z v iz z z r r : rA rerB

~T ^ "X • - " to climax tho3 9 ' event. Tho proi^ a > v ■ *l“t* perfoi

•__a . _ to-spcdal^eycE■— 3 ■• co*kanr-tftRti.-

3 riding tho flrsl___ _ Uury Southard

............... third' Place -wi— • ^ event. Top man

Now IS dava w ithout a the calf roplma//{c death in our Maffic H^rtPocHtciiosllep. l i i effort and :

. . _______________ I third pJlth 153., , ^ -----------------T nJhe 'flrsrp

r i d g e R e p a i r r s : S S 1" - - P * -i, Uye Smith. A

F a l l r f ^ h r o u g f aemporaiy -repalTB of the gaping t in the m ainline canal bridge O ^ o 0ilfthway 30 eaat of Hansen have ‘n *»ddlipMd. l e f pepu ty SherUf Paul

motorist reported to ,th e ‘de- |e“*l1 a t 7:30 a. m. Friday tha t he Carl Brad oy, rowly eacaped careening off tho ®’*“ ond trylg# as hJs car struck the hole. BlacWoot,. poaibratlon of traffic apparently fo^ th - __responsible for loosening rock. ®3oy Cunnln

k’cl and dirt used to plug the “ i'l Oene MlIliinalhole. . only Brahmabcjto ta-p lana-to-atart-m aklng tlo ^ — -------1nanoht-repalra-at-thfl-.wcst.enl .-.*I®re than 3the bridge on the first of the °n .hjnd to see

which wero opt ho break, which occurrt*! Wed- P“™^® lay night, rovealed - th a t-so ll Claar-foUowed ernsftth the concreto roadway ‘endants who sU caliy 'in^th 'T w a^aW 'O Ij-tlif tho-lOM-Utle.- the brldga on the first of the Extra entorts a e a v M i f e p ^ e ^ U t e f l t e d ; S o

l a c k f o o t W r e c k ' S v J C

F a t a l f o r W o m a n S 2 r S " &LAOKPOOT. Aug. 89 W - A £«ver. Oolo.. woman was killed I three o ther perMns wero In- vnllcvric*5d ln -a -T ie« P o n -cn u h 'o n -th e lowstone highway TT.S. 101 to- by thTHoIelU '• Medford Ore.,C r t - I « lu ;^ th . - R 7 ^ w u killed ana b^ o-h J

rded. head-on wiUT a sedan Morris, T^lsar /en by Prederlek Clark Kesler, Ekbersr Parms -B1aekfoot.-Thelaooldent-ocour-

six inlles no rth of Blackfoot ,imllh-ftBd-MiT-eha T«irsncesler ' I a s h S f ■0 taken to k Blackfoot hoepltaL j

M a g i c V a l l e y — - pa.BB.-Auj,

— F u n e r a l s ^ : —— I Thursday and

ITOL - Orftvesldo services for ^Drge eibley wUI bo held a t 3 pjn. urday a t tho Buhl cemetery with

Rev. Harold P. Bmlth. pastor t o BUM B .p u .1 churoB, olllc- . _____ trom too door

S S iT M ^l^ u r^ 'm so ’. ' S ’S ' S !!l/.,.ionner Hansen resident. wHl , u1f(<yconducted a t 3 .p jn . Monday-In I Tw in-Tails mortuary chapel. I S & n f S d r rial will bo- made to Sunseto>"W P*T*t_____ m e n

rWIN P A IiB —Piiriefal-Ten^lces :John Otto Pence wUl b« held a t J

.jn, Baturday In the Whlto mor-

.ry chapel vrtth the Rev, z . U s- i i ' l RoUs OfflclaUng. The BuW Ma- n llo lodge No. 63 wUl.conduct Ma- llo rlUs. Burial will bo made In k«w v n rv c . Twin P a lu cemetery. Prlends ,.y caU a t tho moftuary Priday S a p c ^ ln Chi snlng and Saturday uatU 3:30

UMBERLY-Puneral aervlces for P. Swearingen. Emmett, former

mbcrly. rcaIdent,-\vlU bo held a t pjn. Saturday to the Kimberly rlatiaa-church-wlth-the-ReTr-Rr

Helseth officiating. Burial wUl niido to tho Twto PaUa cemetery.

lAILEY—Oraveslde rites wUl be [d -fo n d a -R o je n tw ir a t 3T53JI: ' nday^at .tho HaUey cemetery. .

BPRINODALiE—Puneral services ■ Warren Loe Paco will be held ^ w H I 3 p.m. S a ^ d a y ^ a t_ t t^ Biirli-v

Igar O. Ohrlst«nsen th.1 T»]fn,nn{ _

roR p n o n

m e t W A T ® 5 I Photon^tplij

^ 5 A V I N 0 S

1 H E L P P A Y F A M IL Y “ oan betUirI_________________________ ii*T t>i t.yY"

s t a r t s a v i n g n o w —

w i t h a ' ~ rBRUNER "Supreme” 1 h\— Wat<r-Sofi«ii«r— ----------STen-Vear Warranty—and .they - v-

oost less than you think. WILL—Phono 3180- Qfjfi'


H A ^ ^ ^ INST

roR CO.I W 1 \ w w .

--------------- ------- • ' HlSC■ ~ l ^ ---------------------------------------------Afyp

------- ---------------- — — THE-

ilNGS andFERNOGNs m m t

C onv en lo n ceo u th D e a le r | M | J ^

DR CO.IL S — - •

3 z z i z r “ r z i : . : ' : ' “ “ t i m e e

a i F W i H H e r s I " T w i

^ r C f R C p . C y ^ t e d — E eie iC H «no—_ A ■ • ‘ ' l l l * * ^ r t 5 < t r i - r v i 5 1 r t r d jy v is it w ith --------- (f ^ t»>c <!h.«>----------;— z e r r v m r T s o z rJllmax tho opening day of the ~ '>t Tho program included a-full VUlt Parenta e of performances In addition . Mr. and Mrs. ipcdal^eycotff. Dick Cronjflulst, and daughter. C an7~ tftati.—won—th o - bareback .visUng_he£_pan lg tho first n ig h t Second wae O. E. Orlcve, r ry Southard. El Monto, ColU. No _ . _d Place-wa* awarded to tho saw Damaged i t Top m an to the first n ight of p , ■vy Jensen, calf roping was Dean OUver. >p^u„ Tn,u

r>par-w lth-ft-131- l ima. . Hurry a -Uble aaw h. t . Pocatcllo. wos second with a bowI was demol effort and Paul S co tt Pocatollo, backed over i t d.vJlth 16 J . . ■ ' -rJhe'firsrgb-w und'orthT jtnsm e- 10 riding. Tom Tibbetts, Pierre.3.. p laced f i r s t Second w e n t to ®J! SmlUi. Alberto, C n m a., anJ■ff - Tur/NKrlB T/violf ArWUf, PftlTOU

Unfon H»l. Canadian, Tex., and 10 MUla. Oasis, Nev.. tied for rth In snddlo bronc riding.

'^M«fc*WeIch.1 with a r H im o ! S e« » n d 5 S |‘ e M ^ { } f a tB ^ I Bradley, Los Angeles, with a *^a^ hJs b l« k :cond try and Blaine Ramey, stolen from in f ckfoot posted 10, secoada..Xor i?,®?* 5^*"* rth. Friday. THe .'loy Cunningham, Hooper, Utah. 3T 404.1 Oene Mills tied for first In the t B rahma bull rldtog competl- Senlaaoo With!L_— .1-^^---------------- ----- ------------ B am «y '*ngrlore lhan 3.SOO rodeo fans were waa sentenced hand to SCO the first hlghl'fiventa olty JaU 'to -p o Ich wero opened by a grand cnlry after ho plead ado )ed by Rodeo Queen Lota drank In a pul or_ foUowcd .by__the...eeven_at- tence_was will dants who will bo candidates for to Jetvo towni

xtra entertainm ent tocluded rid- n i • v^ o s L d i

Kt and their six whlto horses. | > A a o r \«dy acta by Ken Boen. Port J .V t3B C l >1th, Ark., and his old gray mare, Tdeer Crane, do tra from Bannock, J .n t , and Donna Rolslum. HoUy-XJ, and tho Plying Clouds, tho q„nBTTnwwllcVl? ‘>5' tho c o ? ? t ? ^ d ^ bJusic'^oFtloc^Todoo-wasVpro je l?‘ W^4rPL ,y*’tho Hazelton bond. Peto Logan,dfoKf. Ore., w ai tho annduncdr fi'J® ““ C“”1 Blotoo-Hansen.-Blackfoot and for a Jerojl^tt.^^jinM Uo.we^^^^ ^ ^ i S a S 'rrls, Tulsa, Okla., and BlUy Doe lost o r tho objt Berg, Parm a. the day fishir ------ ■ i-r- .m.m-------------dam.-Thoy-w«i

a s l r S t o l e i T F f o i i r own airplane.

F i l e r H i g h S c h o o r

er-hlgh -ach ool-botween-lO-p^m. ursday and 7 a. m. Friday andIk W1J)5 from a file cabtoet In ^B sohool office, Sh triff J« so A rlton reported. . .rhe burglar attem pted, to use a sheriff,ich bar on the offico door, but Tho searchen th ia failed, removed tho hinges hours and cov<im tho door. The file cabtoet was field and Oareetf open. Damage was confined uaUy wos locathe*flooM n«i-«abtoot-~Jrh*-offtea- J)l<ica4 h e j h r «J not rnhsocked. " - -. were-to meel i rhe Jhe rlff-sa ld tho.,wlndow-wM— Sheriff Connt dpcn by a ’ repair, creW which first nanio ofs been fixing tho olr conditioner, tho only Box :

■ be contacted }MEN RETURNING Ho (aid It Wi

SEATTLB, Aug. 38 (A—Six men' sought tho assm Idaho are aboard tho naval ■insport Oen. W. O. Darby sched- . i , , , . , ,Id to orrivo in Seattle Soturday * . * * * * . *m the for ea s t They include S g t f U f f l h ^m O. C ollett Burley. : .

— — S EP T'Jew York Clly contains 17 build- J •»., . ’ 5s taller tho laUest sky- ! f ’ *J*®apcr in Chlcogo. . «| J n'lftrsco t"


-: l ^ o y o u s i

- i~ y W

I 'j i S j H

H ^ J ^ L o r w i N o ^ s q ^groo p n o n e fk O H ./rn ^ tA tc M ' ^______ 1S7 I ;i a P g’holography Pan. you can rely ^m a fino Clro camera from tho f . . , , ' 'JOHONET CAMERA CENTER. ifmeso nationally famous cameras •: v f” . " "nean betto r pictures for you . . . :;jxd . t h cy 'ro - PR.ICF.D-T O ^ E L b ,- ■ -I . MA IU O m a;ipft ~ n iV r~grand~ scicc tion 'r;~ . i t ' i" V ^* ,

-., -----------------i ;..*lomp«d,«!«


^ r e a t ^ i g u r e g i n 3

J fH E em inen t •EDUCATOR AND

--------- THE0C061AN76E0RGE------■ ' WIUIAM ..eiLWORE, A - I




■ HIS OWN GRAMWERS & X____ A N D DICTION^IES IN r W ^ j f A- — -T H E -K O R ^N ' '7

LANGUAGE .______________ __ _________

- T l M E S ^ N E W S r i w i N - P A t t S r ^ ]

Twin Fedls Newa iiTP as to S 'a n d U S r“Anko' “■■aborgo~yuUer

visit with the latter's daugh- hand a t Magle "Mian8TJ0B,” in '3a3 i' L U tT city r' Tiospitai lo il^ m- t -------- dent Saturday. 1It ParenU ‘ / l^eni ihe bosplUtr. and Mrs. Oalen P. Rodgers, . J ”I daughter. Oaylc,_Port]and. aro B l ^ s .Ing ,h»» rn»r>»nM Mr nna Mm. A daUghtCT W,E*ar^e.^^TWto^. WgiryaUey-Mi

■ Mr. and Mrs. H

J w * '^ '? n . ™uU, l .T . l= F . iI'poUce .T^iursday evening, th a t ° a “g*«er _

ked OVB } t . ^----------------— T t .„.----------------- ir a n d p a ra n ta j lrrUgo Lieensea, • - B. Harmon,. 307larrlage Ucenses w tre issued by fguth and an a county clerk Thursday to Calvto ^nd Mra. Tho)

Jiur. P arro tt and Pnye Arleno Klmes avenue.|TiyrT»tn-3tmi,-wltf-W aTnc-I»f -----------------------ies, American Palls, and UUle L. Man Ptoed . ins, Pocatello. Lawrence O. I

■■ berly road, wasr Stolefl OOSU In pollccilerfc Welch, 638 Few th avenue whea ho pleadei itrW{fcrtfla~fo~elty ‘paiieg-Prtdar ^ng~th»-p^ac»- >t his black two*door Pord "was fighting. He wa lea from to front of his hom*o bo- poUco a fh is ho » n 10 p. m. Thursday and 6 a. m . -day. Tlie Ucenso number is Leave fer Dome 401. Mr. and Mrs.

—— threo daughters 1aUaoo Withheld e u City, Mo., w)}amoy'*ngrav«,-a».-Blko,-NeV7 thelr-home,-£ollo s sentenced to 15 dsys to tho with h t r .p a w y Ja ll 'to pollco oourtTlwirsday ClaudeDetwellei <r he pleaded guilty of betag siding ta Denve ink In a publlo pJoea. "nie aen- the former Man ice was withheld to aUow him

MoyLacatfedzat;^ Reservoir After S”“ w“,SS Not Being Lost

° 1 1700.3H08H0NE. Au«. 38 — Llncoto Released Promunty and Shoehone police offlc- Norman Chilli s-and-pTivato-indiviauBla scour- who received ftIH6 area arouhaShoehdneTRIbh- ofCwo aetldftr

Id and Carey Thursday search- Wednesday nlit for &,Jerome_fami)y that was from Maglo Vaported lo st ' iJiUl- Friday. :ao _ I»n illy ._ iio tJ(iu iilii£_ lL jm t H .rtol, 1°. «it o r tho object pf a search, spent Jurcd ta tn o sar 6 day fishtog boiow the Caroy leased Thursda; m .'They-wtio tecat4>d-W- .Sreston. , = = = ^ ^ = = «e from-the-alr. Pag«,-pUotlng hla m airplane, was accompanied byillce Chief Doa I. CarroU. _____Sheriff Thomas Oonner said a m by-the oame.-ot 3ox reported 'a t ho a n d 'a friend were to nieet -------------- -fs. Box. Mrs. Box's mother and o lR e r" a n H o -a ia n -« r - lo -» 3 n 7 — R„ h i Lo hen the trio did not put in its ipearanco Jtox became worried Id reported the disappearance to e sheriff.Tho scarch consumed severalmrs and covered Shoshpne, Rlch-!ld and Oarey. The family event-lUy was locatcd a t 3 p.m. a t the _ftCftJhe th ree had understood they . '®jre to meet ffie-Wo~men.--'”..........Sheriff Conner did ao i obtain the «rit nanie of the Jeromo man and e only Box ta Jerome who cewld I contacted Friday waa Ben Box. e (aid i t was not he who had ught tho assistance ot tho police.

Utah S tate Fair I mm 4SE PT . 11 th r u Z O | ■ ■ §

'NIUi Ol liSO p.m. — Mell. SiSO * ■ Van Soti., SMJii.. * W»d., S«pf. 16 J ■ ^BIGGER THAN"> CIRCUS! 1


$2.50. $2.00 ond S I .00 P

{ in j^ e l tg io n -

U nion t, nor* in

■ z / ^ l X v certified■ \ U y 1953 Fo

. . . tho'rc *** ll.

F A l i l i a r I D A H O ;- --- -------- ....................—

i v 8 . i i r B r i . e f —

-■■■J - --- Is Ha]~ T T r S r

a U Magle' i ^ f l l ^ --------* ■' *5n*rTolIoWWrTr'I“ ™t’> r» e c l~ -------------- rrf*«n Saturday, has been dismissed foreign aid and at

1 the bosplUL tng wlH reach a 1s ------- - .-' with substantialh i , uled next year. .daughter w u bom Priday a t The flgures,.r«

irT a lley“Memottal"hflspltal to ofbongresslonaland Mrs. Robert Dudley; W l^ ead of the KoreaNev. Mr. and Mrs. Oltotoa Jen - mlnlstrative survTwin Falls.'aro parenU -'ot'ft ‘ Total govenui

ihU r bora Thursday. 173,100,000,000 th-------- - - -------- IMJOO.OOO.OOO, 1«

tiny Here —-------------- 99. ^ , 000,00(V-«niKtoey and Rojeoo PeUrsoR. a t ths end o t thtu t. Wash.. are~vUlUng their 000,000. The ItgtjdparaotaJIr.-tnd_14tfl.-aeerge bUUons-------------Barmon,. 307 Washtogton atreet Thoae figures ch . and an aunt aiad uncle,:Mr. esUmaU by Bisei1 Mra. Thomas Newbry, 1610 tog would passies aveaue. ______________ _ dtflelt would

} Ptoed . wind up two billiwrence O. Peteraon, IMO K im - The budget wi y road, was ftoed <36 and t3 the ip«n41ng pr « la police court Thursday former Preslden a he pleaded guUty of disturb- final budgat meai H he piaoe-hy'.*niTr>Ung-anil .jftnusrr^t>»a«J itlng. He waa arrested by. city tual aptndlng In ce a t'h is home address. JuneM .'

— The deficit w re fer Dome' than forecast b:tr. and Mrs. Olaf JacSbion and blUlon le a than M daughters left Priday for S a n - Prom the st«n< City. Mo., where they will make tocome and out lr-home,-£ollowingft-month'p^rislt- jKUrlty-funds"* 1 h tr .paren ts , M r. and Mrs. counU not tfouii ude Detweller, T hty.had bean re - budBeW.lhe defle ng ta Denver. Mrs. Jacobson is only one-half bl former M argaret DetweUer. That is tho fig

— ally choose to mI AppUeatloiu ' . * - of government flulldJng permit applications havs Humphrey said i lO lied-innB -clty-hB U -brJohn- iuiUyT«iy-be-b« ler. 6fll J ackson s tre e t who plans deht Elsenhower i^tjoaBiloSCtJM roomiJiddtito^: aUUiiurthBrrecoiJng on estimated $1,000 and by . -----R. WUeman, 34t Heybum ave- P (p t l i< *0 west who plans a 30- by 2<- ^• « “ » " “ - “ “ “ • I h!

______ a t 3 p. ra. Seased Prom Hoapltal Kansas reltdentrorman Chilton, 19, Elton, M ont, tend.3 received facial injurles:_ln one. ___tw 6~aetldenls 'near Murtaugh DANCE 1dnesday n ight .was released OOODINO, J [Q Maglo Valley Memorial hos- dance will bo ! i r Friday. Mrs. Joaeph Anton. Saturday a t tb rbst. 10. Yuba Oity. Calif,, In- hall. Everyone a cd' ta' the flBitfrg«iaiH trW ig~re^ •S a -to -b flilF ^ ' Bed Thursday. wishes.


Buhl Lodge Mo. 5 2 w ill c o n v e n t a t llO tTp

M a to n fc F u n e ra l Servfces o<


T o ho hold o t th o W H ITE M O R I

---------------S A T U R D A Y rA O G U S r 2 9 th , 3 "


F O R ^ f I


U nion M o to rs wjll aw ai'd w in- |nors in t h l t co n te s t a chock- Mcertif ic a te w orth $ 3 0 0 on any I1953 Ford o f your cholco p u r- ?eha ied w ith in 3 0 d a y i w ith- Bo u t trad e . '

« » ' t" i •"•-•r t« Oi« iW * avit.Hon I

IT-;."*!!*- J "- . nol for „ 1, , . . ,l„p j„ ^

t h e m ^ n - b e - m

This^ e o n to s t e lo io i m ldn ig t p rio r »o th a t do te . T h e ro I.

% t p ^ _ _ L S e e i Ts Hailed byl E S J t e H d e r s g ^

rrr .rf 'P U . uB.k. , g ivtor dlrectJbmin aid and atomic e n e r^ s i ^ d - Nevada cars . . . rtll reach a new crest thU yew, „ u n ty parked c! subetantlal rcdJotions^ sched- jd parSEg lono"

rflgiw;T«aiBpttUfl^Jtff^^ : ^ ^ S S o * bingresslonal appropriaUoi^ top .tudylng dUpUy i t the Korean war aod aew aa-. winflow-.- BtraUve surveys: . trytag to assum tal government spending of ^ puffe on d 00.000,000 this year: rece pU of aUelnkopf 00,000.000, leavmg a defidt of .hQ backs ear to O iO O O .ooo^d-»-r«atiouai-i^ m u B-on tirs f ja t 2s end o t the year c l •3’ 1-lW.- ^00. The legal debt limit Is 376 qitjflS.________ ___ _ , , _ itig flntrnmailaloaefljum -O rdered,a load» U by Elsenhower th a t spend- . ,would pass 74 bUllon and toe _______at would p»ss-8tt bUllen, and a

rS^*Wmion*WBi«? ■ " liC tte rS r^ iEstate

ier President Truman m his a peUtlon fo: I budgat measaga to congress U st iitratlon to the iary t»«a*jmtbllUnatt»lfflBiA£?. ,ipiK>«r- ighfy ata aptndln* in the ye*r ended l u t probate oour > « .. her daughter,le deficit wae six bUlloa I w Brown.I forecast by Truojaa ana b» T?je-estate ca in leu than laat year. farm located toom the standpoint of toUl cssh valued a t •38,0t me and outgo, tocludtog social to » Bulrity-fundB-wm-other tru s t-K - n o w goods-vaiv lU not Counted in . the _re*“lar _ o n ly other 1 leW.the defid t was estlmaUd a t daughter, Patr,

one-half billion dollars. ore.ia t is tho figure ecroomUU tisu- *rho heartog choose to measuring the effecta p j„ , gapt. g. avemment finances e a tofuuon. rtpresento~the-iphrey said the cssh budget ac- — ;------ijnn iybe-b tlsneedT inderPresl--------:-----*t k e ~; Elsenhower^ reoent order for p r a z e R. Col< :nirthBr-eoonom>ea.— -■■■- ■■ -dentrEiaediowi

------- r ----- ------ , ■ not disturb" altP i c n ic P l a n n e d - 'S .* '

i tu reHdeots are tovlted to a t- TIMES-:

" W N CE BCHEDUtED “ ---------- ----------OODINO, Aug. 38-A KlUWe _________ee will be held a t 8:30 p. in. 4 A l ,jrdey a t tbe Goodtag Orange _ • # _ ■ /. Everyone attending is re<iuest<» w i M /tS-bflrtg cBkercbbTQea.'br' taffd^ -----------------ies.

HL MASONS j»rcels—----------------------- .1— : jusr north

i t ^ T O O p .m . to oltend" 2 0 a c «1 & acres 1

Servfcei of aJI of whl<•. P E N C E property.

~runnin{t sITE MORTUARY , . lyatlo .r i 9 s r r > : M r ^ —


a tF IF T T <

' ^ H a n i

I T O :I I e s H m a t e t

U - Foil's River Rouge

«naMe.................... . ------ -— .................

^ ADDRESS.................’ CITY..:,,;.........

M-BE-MORrTFTAfrONE W l^01 m id n ig h t W ed n e id o y , S o p lo m b ar J ( ) 9. T h e ro ia -n o o b liga tion a n d o lfW ln n e rt-

- - ^ ^ y . AtTf^r^

Seen Today |[iiJar loaded with a traw . . . jto- * 1

ada cara . . . Oor licensed to Ada ^o lenraVttDwS' lly parked dl«onaUy to paral- 8«ond“ S2«»l« )orEto« tone TO Mato, avenue...

^ ^ ! ? ^ o ^ l d l n 8 h M ^ ^ ^ l l e lying dispUy of rtoga ta Jewelry >” 4 Fourth e winaow-.--;-TeonagB-youUi »*th a u » 5I2a»« ng to assume air of casualaeaa Bw w iri® ;15 puffs on d g a re tte . . . Mra. Ar. uuslng m i^ T « r Klelnkopf looktog pleased as A u u ctdm.r?*^ backs ear to to parallel parking R- B a e S n y T ^ ff '

58 on first’- a ttw ip t, . ; o g iu idi l bay • oatTyiog baUooas oa W interfa^ X ^nga . . . G irl aeated to car dean- bouUnrd B r n J I.flagom^i*:.-^.-And:p?erheard: biodiof.8fc«tir“dered .a load of coal thla mom. Ttna^n^fw

------ ------------------ O t t t S5*Sf

e t t e r s r A s k e d i n —

E s t a t e o f W o m a n a trujir*]peUUon for. letters , of gdmia- d” i£ S 2 ^ ,? iS

a t ^ J n the^Mtato Third i tm i t u ^

probate oourt here Thursday by ro lirtS vm bS »2I daughter, Mrs. Macy Kinter <5 W ashia«<?,25

iwn. it w a s d a S S ^he-erta te coaslsls o f * 0 W-aere n located to Twin FaUa county . • jed a t 838.000, a 1360 bank ac- A l i n a U ia i n t to a Buhl bank in d house.d-goods-vaiued' ftt'IlOO.----------R»nly other survivor is another jwuil pijgh ter,. Patricia _ ^ t « r . Nyssa, g

^ 0 heartog has been aet for 3 I. Bept. «. John C. Hepworih ,.M .U - t t ,o -« » m .r te ---------------

---------I K I -W IA X B S ----------- .gQig.j;.lL.UlW(,-RAZER. Colo, Aug. 38 (UV-PresU p~ w w w w ».C ; ;

? disturb" sign a t his mountain ' “ O o a K - F lich r e tn a t today..preferring to OsUrSez ,ter around th t r«i,ch building _ _ _ • tier than atlem pt.iiyeuUng .with I i E E D O M 1o r . n , h t . l b o , . . .


2 2 V2 A c r e s o f L(

— Fo r S a leT he F ro n tie r R iding Club Is offering (01

I» rce ls o f land which are part of the elal ju f lf n o r th o f th e c ity Hmita.

20 acreB *fr6nt8T 0T rFallrE veniier^th^16 a c re s in cultivation and the remidhder i all o f w hich includes s running: stream ot vn•• 12Vi ac res a re located on the north end c p tv p e rty . T hla parcel is accefislble by road, ru n n in tt stream ^ and is about 60 per cent U yatlo^^, ,, ' •

- t o - fo rih ff inform! Phon« do befw een '9~E ro7aB F Ftt!firW til X In th e .F id eU ty .N a tio n a l Bank sam e hotirs. ___


Here's oil You

_________m•- -m il l to Union Molora . .T t t a w - '- ^ M

. all.


^ P A N ^ EIVBB RODaB ir£iNI---fc,-^

m m m m m r n t p ^ ,I L L - O U T r X L l l U i n i M M ; |

UNION MOTORStwin f a l l s , IDAHO

rim ate the daily payroll ir Rouge p lant to be $......... ......"

. . ^ STATE...-—

N E W I N N E R - E N T E R T ? f > ^ : : - .

tm bar 2 ^ y o u r antry '»If wInnert'W llI ba notlfUd.

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (3)


Ul undoing

B f f i & ^ 2a '^ ^ B 0l»ethe tnfonxift- ^ K H a

uio ”^ H n B^ K % i O ‘lnMtini>t«<l’’ ^ R n

fa SettUe Tbun> tbat he had

^mjoeM dUtrlct.

M j i g b T tjb r . came to

*mifcSri~- twJ^LttorS T i i u t BPArtment S L tA o i-3 1 > tlu < ^ft» > 2 i^ b rtb e* 'aco w I.

g gS g^atr^ '^MiftcTM. AmoQff. them i^ m u : . '■Hare^a '^Ume men?”, police

' Alert ^^ many uu«-era of '^•■Urpufont'S -raaioJytt, ^ made PU^UcLtaief Junea Brondon te e t J u i g S d boy vho lived «tock tm e^sriitm ent houie us

S ? E S , P ^ :S f i police Umt While -T he Ke

r T l i» a t there. They tor-»of 'ttdsoiltlon of his car Bloombur

l^ tod to hla ATTCst. the Odo^ h a wm attempt to Machla«,HUJO Bolje for jwoseo^ mon a t

i f^ l 'fU e d BBoliutlilm p. m; Suti'fr« ^ jm ^ to p

Christ.”------ ----- ------ ■ , The Re-tt for Camp(tn at Meeting iiier i t l 38—A. report of tns Suacti ,'iUtlit-4TH_ctimR._y,?« ;■„ fie monthly meeting ot '

IT Idle 4‘H dub. Beporta *ib j Nick Purdy. Bonnie D A jj Jcim-Dillu.- A- discus- - - iihi oittlo waa Jed byiirUOMrd Purdy.- • ----- -.-•iputUnj up Keep Idaho

id'to hold a picnic but ' '. 'INIU Kt. . RB B«an?-iriJ2 ^bfl hcM .QtihoinebrRalph Price. •Watch tdbeob are to be brought ■ ■Itt tint Ume. J O n i

W h en c a m p is . . , a n d

. ohLTHAT-’................... Bohem ian Bee

___ cn rf ze s ffo t fha in i f e e n | ^

j ^ H ^ H The' Bohem ian Bee

: T h e l ^ T f i i n S ^ W o n a d e q u d te

^ Soy to y ou r

' a h OV IR IDi

~ o OYifnii

h!(^„anecdotes, llate;

In Idaho" a e j Monday t a i Hiuniaa;

; : ^

> ' ' ' •

° Vltffl and -Gnice Jennlnn. Jerome, adjoit ^ tect Ita eoat for the Jerome oounty fair.FFA j itock erenla-are reported oo » pw .w lth en(

I PennsY lvam ^Pastoii1 = = S e i 3 n o i i = a t = S e E 5 d <e The. K e v r jo h n % Whitney, pos- • 8pedal / tor-»of th e Plrst -?aptlst church, lat, 0 ^ 6 r Bloomburg, Pa., and prealdent of _ ,,, «

tho Odoaagm- Bible confeence.0 Machlos, N. y ., will deliver the *er« Tne «< - mon a t the weekly services a t 81 p. m; Sunday m city pork. * - ™ 1 . JlU ^toplc_w lU _be.m ie Olorioua

Christ.”The Rev. Sdwln E. Crist, president

of th e Twin PaUs Ministerial oa- __ aoclfttton. sponaor ot ^ ‘weekly pro- r grams, atmouncM tne aerlu will , continue only thioush the JoUow- f ins Sunday, Sept. 6.

; i. ■ . - i l J l


Bring..Containbrs w as^,. .W atcb for Peaches AdTrnUement

John S. Goiirley WA[ _ P h o n e 024rJ3-^FjIor..... ;.133.5

k b

fc TrtEM i r $ #

I S p t o»n cam p i$ m ade, lhe day is done,. A J you’re sitting.around lhe cqmpfiro ah 1 JHAT.’5..(h>, tim ejor gqod old lemlan Beer. Its sparkling goodness • j | ^ f zestful f/avor (usf seem fo elimox ihTenjoym enl there Wm cam ping. • e best w ay to b u y - o n d ca rry — , ' emiah Beer Is by'the handy carton ;• ' J'®

o f ’6 ’(stubbies or cans).iexrninSydff^o'CO T — Si/iadequdte supply of Bohemian Beer. Id y lo your favorite tavern or store, . Im

" A .B o h 'i lo G o r ”■OV IR IDAHO F O lK i AKI (A TIN O “

dotes. Uaten . . ' ..In Idaho" a t ....................Jd TliurKlay . "•


ij jito r |^ jn d to Sheej^^

me. adjust a burlap Jacket to one of thetr Colni ty la lf .rTA. flltln t and ihow lnr evenla. Entriei u .with enTriea In other nhowf. <Staft phB(o<en[r

*astor to Give. .. Mra. Ed

SeadeesJn^Eark ^?y;•~" Special ntiflilc wlU feature m m Io o t ^ E e ^f lot, OCTe Wilber; Jwome. b rso n ls t —''■' ;-----f will b«. Florence Martin. . . Brethren,.' The Rev. Mrr Whitney also will "Kadwh J presoQt the aenaon

^ p C r S r IG

?® i"-fREEZER :M . r a s

WARNER MUSIC & API:.133 .S ho ihoho S t . .N o . : . ._ .. _ _ .

— _______ 2 I L V ; .

■ ■■

l e , . ' ire

3x \\ ‘ rH ^ ■

■ Idoho'i rocr«Qliena! facilillei e rt rtrt •. 'iyovtt'lo enioy bul you con'l enloy

them If they or* wiped out by fire.■. So' be;VERY CAREFUL about «f*

lo n g — v h iiW v « ry o v n fa v e r- th r 'o u g h -= ------er. Idoho's foretls; Do nol throve burn* e , . . Ing materlot from your cor, ute Ih*

. oih .receiver cind^BE SURE ovary n i i a •» oul —COM*

PLETELY O U T -beforo vou loove.

, K I I F . ID A H O ' b m i H

’B - 'i ■'-' — f .— ^

..... —

■ ,■ _, • ' . . . IM .

..... Por danceaWe. liiteno— — ■^-.'.•»’Ifs:'P leaaufe*-T lm i

- --. .TUno" frwnlO:Bayjii • . Dlstit, Monday thro\


~ - -;'_TTOE'&mWS._m'NJV^h e e p “ ^ W a s h i:.7. ; T ~ f e i r j « g i j r “ r ' - ' ‘ M a k (

\ N e v“■'ffSMM’L ' ^ ^ofdccrs <

" r l ^ A -o u tU tt

'■} plans for tThuradoy ihojnjL-OfJC

They ecli meetlnK tc schAoJ.

FOf thetr ColnmblA ranee ewes to pro* Jenla. Entriei th FTA and <•!{ Kre> •’! phBlo-eniraTln*) . - - p 'O

E I O n n ^ D - YIBITOEBniCHPlELD.- AUK. 38—Mr. and -------

Mra. Edward Peterson. Oopalla . Bcach, Waih.. and Mr. a&d~Mrs. ■ ■ t j^ rU P et4^ rann . T he PallC8._0re,, - . »'gr.-—

are v la itln tr8M n~ P et* r»n ,-ta th tr p * * ^ ot the tiho ------------------------------

Brethren, where h is topic will be U "Kadesh Bamca." The Rev. Mr.It Criatr Is pastor of th e Church ot the _ •__ 'm

Y ^ U T O M A T IC S M I

N G E S 2 . ^ g - M . . 1

REFRIGERATORS - r , ___/C u. Ft. $ 2 1 ^ .9 5 . . . r . . . .$ 9 Mo.». a " • ^ M . 0 0 ; ^ ; ; : ; „ $ 7 M i r "

e e z e r s ^ s £ i j 4 « v - ;;=—

:‘- « ! 5 ^ = $ 1 6 - M . r - - - J

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es er* - - . %*n|oy \

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i te Ih* '•viry 'COM-laov*.


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•ft«»i/on lf»w»»/»i,'/(n.! ,_.T!rT' — -loll*, ftfih* - ^

eable. listenoble niualc, listen to -V3taaufe* T lm e .. .I f« : . B ^em lan - V wn lOrBayjn. tO'ltOO ajn . every ' \tonday throush Baturday over !

T O N J E A L l S - ^ I D A g g ' ..................

Washington PTA - -^o^i Makes Plans-.fpr" K S 'J

New SchoClTear i™ w«^_ d « lc M o f th e Washington achool U -S Jnd

-rt ^A-outUocAChe niyanl a t lo n l^ tP ^ -producMW

■ plans for a tea welcomlnR teachersI Thursday nlsh t a t a meeUng a t the _________■ home of Dr, Gordon TobW. prcsl-■ dgnt.~ ~ “ — • ■■ ■ oral-memb« S l They acheduTcd an cxecuUVCTwartf they-annm M meeting tor 8 p.m. Monday a t th e The t r t WH school. been tcnta l i P lrst regular meeting of tbe gen- opening di

P “ Y E t t O W " o r ^ 1jw —---------- ^i^u-Moy-blcv1 R ed S p i d e r o r

I “ ~Phone~(I FOR FREE f ie l d IN!

Z ~^M'agic V a lle y T ^— -P. OVBox 383’-Edsd Hole Eenini and ii'ff to *‘H a le W ith Y q w

f e l ' ' ' - . - - lh; : . - ______

be • • . ‘Mr. -

\ ][» X


' m m m m

' ^ •


Z irz _ P u rc h a se _ 0

■ 1 « C U BIC FOOT





H H I ^ S E D GEH ^ ----- WSEB-fNn

.300 SoYoge RIF

L i 5 B t t N J E I

B S ^ 1 6 1 3 r d A v e . AN

^DEACONS MEET ’ I— — ■ - SHOSHONE, AUff. 2ft-Denconi o t - ^ , th'e Pirst B»{(Ust church madtTpre- _I; llmlnary plans for a “men and mU- £- Blons" m cetlnjIorO ct. IB a t a meet- g

a r ‘” 8 wednesdoy. mU -S. Industry haa the capacity to ““

s S i S ! P I

oraVmemb«rship wiU beheld.Oet.-ia^ .. - ^"rr— aartf they-announcedr- . “, .. th e The t r t honoring teachers has . ..

been tentaUvely scheduled for ihe gen- opening day ot school.___________ ▼▼

o f

l ^ V N S t u r n i n g

" o r ^ R O W N - T A i s i

M q y H o v e ______ —

d e r o r T h r i j p


a l l e y T ^ i r c r o f t —

H a le E-Jenings Phone 1 1 8 3 -W

e W i t h Y o u r B ug^* 135 5 tl


T iO W P S W

^ '" ■ r v ' ■ ■ V ^ e ^ G iv i r S

• J U S E D M



ioseJ)f The Followinj


lED in t e r n a t io n a l FREIFORD TRACTOR




roge RIFLE! Sunbeam TOA!

' ~ AN

I M J E R E E ^ with the purcho

'M m B

s [ S A V E o n '

g - T E E ^ T O B

^ W e Stock A' Fu *1 of Grains for y< ”1 Conyenience!

H BARLEt — M li^ b GRAIN


” ■ W e C a i u F u r n i s h Y o u W i

■ R o l l e d o n d G r o u n d

H Bring In your own groins and we' H Steam RofI and Mix your mdshesI ■ to your specifications.

I TwIn-FallstFeei' I A. M . SA N D E-

■ 135 S th A y« ^ S o. .

V e GivT S& IT G r^Sldm ;^ 0 ^



<IAL FREEZER, only. . . *

I . : . ........................................... . . . . ;

PTERS.....................rAY C H O P m . . . . . » ■

'^AL-REG. C TRACTOR «--------------------------------------

J ■ I Come In, v litt Mm m '' o tw e are offeri

. ■ ■ on th e purchoM^ M tor* or Preexers -J ■■ such u u fu l glfH

SUNS! — .22 Automatic RIF


the purchose of Freeiers or Reff

T S J i ^.^ . Phonti;

i A Full Un|e:|

raVn XID G ROUND C O R K ■ /

s h Y o u W i t h

d G r o u n d G r o r n t .

g ro in s a n d we will grirKforrT^.’ ^ ^ ^ l Kyo u r nriQshcs o r d a iry f i i d s ' .

s-Fceii & - l c f e B


TOR * 9 7 ? Z W

n e In, v litt M c V e /i th e w -

tw e are offering a t o bona*; v f l ^ H th e purchoM e f Refrlgero- r 'I or Preexers — Y o u 'lh f in d .h u u fu l gift* .. .

lo tlc RIFLEiS,

stern SADDLE J f l

ars or Refrigerotow .e'

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (4)

tod E U a v j i E e i i ^ ^ ^ H


:» ! ^ y .-.ii

l-ifSi?-''"^I. r i^ '* ^ - » « ..M l^

: :« S s S w•wUon W ^ u .’g ^ i. .


S liS S T -v .'-S A ^I?!

S 3 S 1 1s s s f

z H m iti ^ O Ti« loH . A w i h w i iei, StovM, eje.

m e u c a n ____^a

c a n 2 -b e d ro o m n e —

r n i a n ^ , . ; . . , i l i f e — ^

M p S O n e i

irrR E B os

I L E R SALEERLY'M'AD----------

) c t , j $ i



^ H c e ^ l l ik t lm et Ttt, (, IDi:, or the Idkhs *5»»«fni T1m« f »ta \?M u 4 th. i*lB >‘«1U N « i EUu^Uh^l* m t

i f e

. = ! » : “■ I SBT MAIU-?ATADLS W ADVANCBMaho «n< Klk. CMBtr. Kn.dai

^ B a u i? * u !^ tfT ~ ------ "" ". '—j!r ~ ^ W K Mmontfa* ......... ' •' ' . '- ... '"‘}[»!flfl ^ ^ ^ 1 ^

■ - — r if 'Wm„■■” B i

m - n o " = ‘,^ --------- HrM«rk»rgo««trg«nTr«TKiK<c-o«iir< '^ lU ervi^ • are /or^ 1 ' McKAY C LA RIFIES PUZZLE panslon ^ B e c r e t a r 7 of In te r io r D ouglaa M cK ay 'a^ H r bpfnrft th e C o m m o n w ea lth club o f S a n arise.^ E H i ^ n Aiig.‘:il a iffTar mofn to-eTtpleli -----------^ H e t th e E lsenhow er a d m in is tra tio n 's e le c tr ic . p o n 'W f c g»r p o lic ies a re go ing to b e th a n th e J o rm a l ]>ehind ■ K a r t m e n t o f In te r io r po licy s ta te m e n t l a -^ B d in W ash in g to n s e v e ra l days b e fo re . t,„ded^ H i ^ i s pow er policy s t a te m e n t by ith e lf h a d & McK i^ E l i c a n d p riv a te p o w e r lobbyists i n t h e j« >w J ^ K lta l-p r e t ty = -w e lL j)U W .le d ,_ m c fo jw a3_ n o^ H s U o n a b o u t i t b e in g a n o ffic ia l adm in> esp«eui■ H r a t l o n s ta te m e n t. I t b a d boen p re p w ^ d o v e r southejnB B t i p a a t m o n th , to s um m arlze-pow er d e v e lo p - ' Ncwemt I l C n t s of th e f ir s t s ix m o n th s of t h e E lsen -^ O v e r experience . T h e fo u r m en w h o h a d ywe hyH K e t h s w o rk on i t w e re S e c re ta ry M cK ay , fo r thel^ H l8 rM o re ta ry = B a lp h = A d = T u d Q rp ^ A & s ls tan t___ Moc»^ ■ r e t a r y - P r e d - G J U m d a h l a n d S c ^ c l to r C la r - ^■ t e iii 'D av is '. ' . iitttbio'H f t h e po licy s ta te m e n t w a s fu lly ap p ro v e d cnatioD, ^ H ^ t b e E lsenhow er c a b in e t a t th e l a s t ro e e t- ^ H r b e f o r e ' th e “ P reslden t-T ?ren t * to -I> en v e r— w n k ^ ■ v a c a t i o n . I t w as a n n o u n c e d s im u lta n e o u s - ^ ■ n D en v e r a n d In W a sh in g to n , e v e n th o u g h M ^ e t o r ; M cK ay. W m se lf w as o n t h e w e a t ei^n m^ H is t - a t tUft-tlme.--_____________________ th a t it^ ^ f e g f t n . 4Q ,,,the.Q ffic iftl^> ta te m e n t •waa r e a d ^ K r o ^ b y . d if fe re n t g ro u p s. I t c o u ia be i n - '^ w a m i ^ ^ ■ p r e t e d to m ean t h e E lsenhow er a d m in - Anyv ^ H r a t l o n w ou ld go r i g h t a h e a d w ith b ig d a m of » ^ ® e l o p m e n t , - m u c h -e a -" th e -D e m o c ra tlo -a d - . ^ K u s t r a t i o n s b a d d o n e In th e p a s t . O r i t ^ W i l d b e in te r p re te d t o m e a n t h a t th e r e v?ould the He ■ B u t t l e m o re fe d e ra l p o w e r-d e v e lo p m e n t, hailed : B W t i ev e ry th in g in th e - f u tu r e b e ta ? le f t to ho | B t e - a n d - l 0 c a l-p u W lc -a g e n c le » - 0 t_ p r lv a te _ W B w ef-eo m p > n iflS r4 t-* ll-d ep en d ed o n - Wh lc h- ^ u u t ic i U K th e fiv e sectloDS I n t h e po licy s ta te m e n t ^ W s . em p h asized and . .w h e th e r , th e r e w ou ld e x p i ■ ■ M loose o r t ig h t in te rp re ta t io n a n d e n fo rc e - W h ite :I H I n t . DnkoU

o n e N a tio n a l E le c tr ic L ig h t a ^ o c ia t lo n^ ■ R l c l a l -sum m ed I t - u p - a n o f f i c l a l l y l n - t h e - areu in^ H ^ c e o f h is ch ief, P u rc e l l L. S m ith , I t w ould The '^H p v fif ie a s& iy to .w a i t .a n d /s e e .h o w .th e .p o U c y , .i^w ren

ap p lied on sp e c if ic c a s b s u c h as t h e^ ^ M i i i i i I .................. I I llihl Mil I ....... Ill II

a f lp ila ls tra tlo n ap p llc fttlo n s s o w p e n d - of foui...........................................- 'Thla

^ H n e r a w as- n o i u c h u n c e r ta in ty , h ow ever, | H p e c r e t a r y .M cKay’s S a n F ra n c isc o apeecii. I mount

th e s e c re ta ry e m p h a s iz e d t h a t people B W l- 'f t-vb ry -ifa ls taken - n o t io n - o f - h o w .m u c h . . im p (■ H i e ra l p o w er d e v e lo p m e n t th e re w a s . I t w a s wui biB B g f le ss th a n 10 m illio n k ilo w a tts , o r 11 1/2 througiU h o f fo ta l U. 8 . p o w e r p ro d u c tio n . B y cent «■ H b, w U h 20 m illio n K w , i t w o u ld be 15 S'n*™]

c e n t 61 th e to ta l . "Z w a n t to a ssu re y o u Andth e .Uie d e p a r tm e n t o f in te rio r, w ill c o n - .K&y ,si

^ ^ K e , so lo n g a s 'I a m s e c re ta ry , to ac tiv e ly plonshfand -to -recom m ond c o n s tru c tio n o l r e c l a - _ . ^

^ ■ U o h faciliUcs,'* s a id M cK ay. " I t w ill I n - \ 1^ ^ f c g 4 n r f c h e ^ l t t n ^ a c i l i t l e s - f o r - g e n erot ln g ---------- ^

e n e rg y w h e n e v e r eco n o m ica lly f e a s - Thoa n d Jlistlfled ." eroposl

th e co n tro v e rsia l q u e s tio n o t fe d e ra lly^ B R ^ w n e d - a n d - o p e r a t e d - t r a n s m ls s lo n - l i n e s speci ^ W k n e o v f l r n m a n tp o w f l r d a n w , S e c re ta r j-M c -

y to o k w b a t h e c a lle d a m idd le o f- th e r o a d■ H I b e y * en d ' ]

_. etnt crl i f m ly beUBve," l i e flftid r* * th a t-th e -f» d w a l. _ « ^ -c d

i H l B e r c o n n e c t i ^ ^ crewe^ H l 7 . g ro u p of p la n ts t h a t a ro desig n ed to t} I’^ ■ y U r a t e to g e th e r , to p ro v id e p r im a ry t r a n s - i t bekr^ ^ B s l o n lin e s to c a n y p o w er g e n e ra te d a t !• » hi< ^ H e r o l p la n ts to lo a d c e n te r s w ith in econom ic■ ■ I p s m l s s l o n d is ta n c e s , u n le s s o th e r agcnc les, iL m a

-or p riv a te , m a k e th e m av a ilab le fo r per cer■ W p v e r y o f federa l p o w e r a t re a so n a b le co s t.” th a t it ■ l H |e c r e t a r y M cK ay p ro m ise d to c a rry o u t■ H W 's e n t rec lam aU on a n d flood co n tro l a c ts MccptcIB IW .*® " req u ire t h a t g o v e rn m e n t po w er be d ls - in treu

B H M ie r a l public, a n d p a r t ic u la r ly to ru ro l n n d H | | b e s t l c cusTomers;■ W l e sa id , how ever, t h a t , "T he d e p a r tm e n t t u t ex ■ ■ ■ n o t u n d e rtak e to d ispose o t po w er d ire c t ■ ■ l a r g e in d u s tr ia l c u s to m e rs ." H e re h e m ad e■ B | o r t a n t new -poU cy.- . , - -------- --------------------^ ^ H S e 'safd p re se n t c o n tra c ts would b e re n e w - ' '

^ ^ T t o > r o S ^ t o " 5 - " “ * ‘lefen se w o u ld be

pOAsJWe-rates co n s is te n t w i th so u n d ^ ^ w e n ^ ^ B l z r e w princip led . S e c re ta ry M cKay a lso ^ ^ ^ ■ n e w p o licy in d e c la rin g th e d e p a rtm e n t ^ ■ b d n o lo n je r t r y to con tro l th e rc sa lu

o t p o w er so ld to p u b lic bodies and co- e«pecu ^ ^ n r a t i v e s . lor cor

th e s e a m p lif ic a tio n s m ake th e ad m in - ^ ■ i a U o n ' s n ew p o w e r po licy m u c h c lea re r | H n n th e o rig in a l, f o rm a l tex t. r t iS d

----------------------------------- -— revenuiB H | MESSAGES G ET THROUGH y -'- B ^ K u s s i a n Je t f ig h t e r p l a n e ^ h a ^ been a s - T ^ ■ K e d to sh o o t d o w n incssagc-bcarlng -.l}a l- -

b e in g d ire c te d I n to co m m u n is t C zecho- —from ^ ^ M y a k la -b y - tf a g -A m e r lc m i C rusade fo r F r c c ^ "SnnS"

m o v em en t. . the bu H | | k p o r t s f r o m 'th e baU ooh la u n c h in g s ite s U M p M u n ich , O erm a n y , in d ic a te J e ts do get JifunfA' i l l f f l ? ® ^ p ro p a g a n d a w a r t a r g e t p r a c - dated ■ a j u 9 . w hile g ro u n d f i r e g e ts a fenr m ore. B u t the "Ai

o f th e ba lloons g e t th ro u g h , a n d a c a tte r | « B | i r m essag es^ aa 'fa r a s t h e P o lish b o rd e r , |O T ™ fw elveT nIllIoh o Q h ^ e _ m e s s |g e s jw e r e “d ls - : , M f t l i c h e d d u rln g T u Iy . O n e fo rm w as re p ro d u c - suppow IIF W (* o n e -c ro w n b an k n o te , w i th a time w ■ H u j a a g e b eg in n in g : " C zech o s lo v ak ia , k n o w ^ H a f c w e a k e r .ttian .y A U ^h av e b S j - c | M B ”3 ______________________________ _ -Ibnfflj

■ gb hjur . , ’ ' . ;


m u m L i G i G r - %WASHINaTON—Tho recently, cnunclaled and ,qver-

a d v e rtb a '^ c g « y •

Eljenhowcr more* in the domeaUd and forelfcn field*;It- wUl Jiavo-ao-ineanlng until U .la.put .to tha t « t _in_

operation. '■Although denouneed-by -h tp -- -------C < ^

ehootlns. n e v deal sunnera aa re- P pudlauon of the -•acred" Rooae-B -* ',^ ^ a ^ ^ U v e l t -T ru m a n projram for develop-

ment of a vaat, federally financed t o p r o ^

B . c S ^ H i » t U f y private utility advocatea In-. H e S I I ^ H n side and outolds confxeaa. Under f U l lV f i j

vague plana-tmtllned-H)y—the-------fjif—^aecretary of the Interior, h o .c a n -

^ ^ ■ ^ < H a n d tnoy -carry out many of hlaUberally_ m i n d e d predeceaaora- J IN O 3

— t v T«k«f - -„heHeanfhd-dr<lihiarH6-alrea<ly- has done eo. - J®'*

Aa a reault of Secretary McKay'a amblgloua an- nfty® nouncementa. he will face a flJh t with bipartlaan

-MnaervttUves-oireapltormit-at-thcTJBxt-BesslonrThey- / are for n»ore determined to chock sovemniental ex- panalon Jn producing -and tnarketlns autb. a boalo. product na clectrlcUy, fearlnB It way set tho prece- “ 2dent ror Invasion of other realms of private enter-

-H !21_----------- --------------- -— ______ ________________ _M rs._A n. POLITICAL, ECONOMIC FACTORS—Tht-factora- ^ ’M r/^rliJ

•tehlnd the Elaenhpwcr-McKay. retreat-are both po- winnemuc UUcal and economk. I t la significant tha t the more brother i recent atatements citno after tho President had at- " ’ i tended the Rovemori'-conlerenco at Seattle.-and after ehUdren a McKay tour of the weat: Otherwise, there, would be no reason for Issuing these pronouncements dur- Ins the August dog-daya. . daughter

—.Power llve_lasuca In about 30 s ta tu , ’eapeclally In the normally R e^b llcan weal a n d ' t o " " ^ __southern and aouthwostem areaa "Ike” carried laat November.-Wlth-thelr lUe-and-death-need for irrl- gatlon, the people and pollUclana of theae" sect Jona X C O do not care whether public or private Interests pro- SHOSH< vide Itfdro-electrltlty lor thetr fictories and water « e a n e y ii fo r their crops and clUea. was filled

Moreover, they,.think they have a better c ^ e _ t o A. r a t^ n , -obtain~theaa-thtnt« - trom-U ncle-B em F N 6-priva^- xonoucr:* utility w ^ (a to taks over such essential b u t unpro- and th e gi Iltablo''operaUons is~nfiod'controlrrlrrl8aUon, recla-w otitho;hte matlon, reforealaUon and Improvement of navigation. M™- PlJ

, , , teach hon— WNPOPtlLAB-AOnONS—As-ln-so-maay-otbtt_ln-_ L--------- ---stances, inchjdlng price supports for farm crops, re-duclng taxes and balancing th e budget, returning to' OAKLET"aound money,'* labor-management relations and 'for- nresentedelgn aid approprlaUooa, Mr. Elsenhower haa learned Sunday «th a t It is extremely difficult—and unpopular->to tip* ^ n Stefa:

•root new-deal-falr-deal reforma. The_87 per cent vote realdent,-fof-wheat-|nark<ttag^tuotas.aod-federa l'aiih>iniffaJ M- -----ft warning and l a anawer. on tha t prohlam. _ ,

Anyway, aa of today, aavo for vague Indications K e a iof a preference for local ra th er than federal develop- Informent, "Ike" has not turned back (he clock on power. T i

• McKay wlOidrew the 'T rum an-C hapm aa” oijpo3N ‘ --tlon to the Idaho’J»owcr company'a bid to constructthe H elb canyoirproject;*lt“ U truernnd th a t-m a -----------hailed as a great victory for the “power trust.''' But quU cui all ho did was to tenninote unwarranted executiveInterference wllh the federal poWer commission, a p X t^ U N

-•emHudlclal body croated-by-congreas to decide these swtion si. ■^uestiorte. ----------------

EXPBST OVBEBIDDEN-On the other hand, the W hite House Inalated on building Oahe dam In North 8<huir^i^i^ DakoU aa a federal project, despite condemnation WM«nir of tho Plan by Interior and budget experts. ''Ike" aih, t« r surrendered to the goverpors and sqgators from Chat, warrantyarea in 'a'C lear vlomtlon-of hls'orlglnal-beliefs.--------- 5*^7^?^''“. The White House approved FPO's award of tho at.Lawrence river power venture to_Oov. Thonias, E._ ...m h m w

‘Dewey’S New--5fork-power-authorlty. l ta ls o gave quiet support to Dewg'V^dm n^^^for under-

o f four private-fUmi. • ............-.’—i I .'T h is Intervention-killed the-private blU -after-11 - ' ■

had passed the house by an over^elmlng,vote. And ^to tho eonservaUvea, sU te Control of power Is tanta- ' mount to federal lim a d i in th is field. _

. IMPOETANT_y0ICB O r CONOBE88 — Congreu ‘X s J will bave an Im pdrtanfvoleo and-check,-however, through Its authority over appropriations, i n the re­cent session; tt Imposed rigid restrictions on federalgeneration of power by steam plants and,compeU- ----------

. tlon with private Interests In hauling hydro.I And It will get even tougher next year, unless Mc- |,K ay ,and "Ike'’ show more.-courage la th j l r cham- ^ .

ploiuhfp of private enterprise.

V I E W S O F Q l 'H E R S ^The NaUonal Auociation of •Manufactiuws li ^

proposing th a t this country adopt as a permanent and Mimportant source of revenue a f « a ^ manufacturer’sexcise, o r sales, ta x . .........

Special excises would Tcmaln-only on-tobaceo prod- ----- <lu l s and alcohoUo beverages and those would bo i^ u c e d to the levels of 1M3. All other joanufactured "end” products, except food, would be taxed a t 4 per cc^t or 0 per cent—to yield about u much as la now

The nlnn li thm Twit. a t tlieMnamcnt on^ to in- crease revenues’'l)U r' to -wibstilute for "sdccuve" exclaes an overall soles tax a t the manufacturer level

I t has the fundamental defects of all salea taxes.I t bears, most heavily bn those least able to pay, i t la a hidden tax, paid In.drlbleU, and thus ao t felt la its full Impact, even by those who fiuSter most from It. I t la a tAx which can easily be raised, once adopted.Irotn 0 per cent to 5 S per cen t to 8 per cent to 10 per cent, without much ^crlUelsm for the very reason th a t It Is not felt In th e way the Income and many other taxes are.

Tho time would surely oome. If the tax were once accepted, when U would be called c n )to foot an Intresalng proporUon of federal coats—to the dlsad-

of tho wealthy.-----.O u r preaent-eicclaa s y s te m , - th o u g h - ^ - m a r - b e - -----------

unfairly applied In spots. Is sounder th an^ou ld be a flat excise of S per ccnt o n practically eveiythlng.The pays an excise of 3a per. cent.on amusem*nt. Jewelry, lurs. watches nnd many other things. There Is a m anufacturer cxcUe.of 11 per

lcent?n:flM arm s,_ot- lo -per-cent-on-fishing equip-............—ment. of 15 per cent on fountain pciu a n d 'c lg a r o t te - -----------lighters, ot 30 per cen t on light bulbs,

— ^There-may be QUeWon-aj-to-whetherUicsetaxea o r ' ------------TfTBlr-partrcliiiu-' rklM \ r e in" BlI-casee-jtBlinedpbutF = if we are to get a substantial part of our tax income

^ rom excises, U Is a t least possible to develop a selec­tive system which will be both fair and producUve.

Many who oppose a general salea tax also feel that we have already gone too fa r In our special exdses.- especially where they tend to .decrease the demand for consumer goods: The govenunent Is nov making atudlcs. to determine whether and where these Im- poits should be decreased c r abandoned. '

The probability U th a t our federal government should be preparing lo depend less on excUea for revenue Umn before. I t ahould not be entertaining the ~Idea of a general isles tax a t any level, manufactorer

..er_epnsumer.-Milwaukee Journal.

* rr:8 - f r i e n i )’’ t o v s ' ’ ............................ ■We Americans have been callcd nU klnd.i of names

-f ro m Vnnkee to RTlngo. and from UncIc Shvlock to _ _ ^ n n u Claus. We genertitly-take them all—the good, the bid and the Indifferent—In our. stride. ' 1

■ ■ Cne 'of the oddest appellations which has "cropped up recently la "Ami.'’ The term seems to be of Am- munLst derivlallon. for almost Inevltnbly a h naso- clated with communal slogans and poaicrs, .iuch na ' the "Ami. GoJIome" postcra uted bi’ the'communists In Francc, or In recent German communist exhorta- Uons to starving East Gormans not to •accept “Ami' X .

-alms.'!.------ •-.......... ...................... . ■ ...___\-'Ihe name Is used by.the commies as an'eplUiet. We ^

suppose wc ouBlit to resent It. -But'somehow, every lime we aee'.or read It, we.cannot l^eJp bul Uilnk of the rrenclv meaning of tho word •'am r'-w hich is ’•Mena." And ii'a hard to feel resentful when some- body-cftlls-you-a-friend—even-lf-they do not know

-lbnffl_whflL_lhei-it-aaylng.—SalL_Laki...TWbune.......V. • . . • • ■ . • - —

' - , ‘ TI


^ , r ^ sSrta'»?iS- - ^ - lu b a ld lie d ^

Amateur s h o w s provide » *bo kncaeans..Ior people with no talent b e t^ .0 prove It. Moses wM <-H ------------------------------------------- of the orators

^olksinKngHill ^ ^ * * ^ l d hi

T^ravel, Entertain j ney Baruoh wiKINO HILL. Aug. 38-M r. and InasmuA aa U ra.-'Bm esl ^-Vandervelds-and-soQ unveiled> broi Id Joan .Mills, SmmctUburg. Ia:., head or toe kve been .VlslUng Mrs. NeUle Sud- speculator a,th. • ___ President EUecMrs. B lnle-J«nlkcr-haa-r_etum ^Sacramento. Calif., after vlaltlng MWl and offlc

rs. .Nellie SudduUi. • PUbUcaa Presl<Mr. ond Mrs. Harold -Breeso and Democrat.-------mlly. SeatUe, are vlalUng Mr. aad m “ Joao ra. Wealey Fink. RepubUcan, aaMrs. Annn.B sm es nnd dnuBhter 'As to our c ive re turned from Seattle; “ “ "J”Mrs. Lee Porterneld and children. atnicUon j r t t t i innemucca, Nev..' a re vlalUng her aurgery wmch other. T e d : Moore, and family. .Mr. and Mrs. aeorge Allen oad "Unfortunate lUdreh a re 'v la ltlng in KUlgore, oongreas have-•X. ........................... able reaurgenwMrs. Loula Patty la vlslUng her aoUonarlw to w mghter, Mre. Ted Martin. In Loa Important than

______________ ____ Baruch house;_______________ -------------- npartments'tne

-Teachers HiredSrS'S'.os filled this week' when Robert • ,. Pixton. Draper, Utah, signed a “ “ f * JatntcC:to --t eactrtirthgr3>mloKhithId th e general science department-the-hlgh-school. - ' the, sov.emm^ntMrs. Pixton signed a eontm ct'to " ‘VS'* fS iach home economics a t the Diet-

CONCERT PRB8ENTED Voices or for i OAKLEY, Aug. 3ft-A concert waa “"If foreign lat resented a t tho LDS tabemocjo *>rimday evening by LUas John- ffovenu;in Stefan, pianist, former Oakley aldent. the power, but

- and that-U -o tmany peopled

R e a l E s t a t e T ra n s fe r s sonabie ren t fc InformaUon Foralsbed by Baruch houses

Twin Fani Title asd . *--------' Trust'Company------- :------ - Bob-M oses______________sllshteat. doubl

sn-utronL to John-P. U»W«*. II. wKBWVi. p.rt is th a t I t Is ta

“ tlon on UIOJOWarrantr DMd: T. T. Kawbr; to Innt properties, Um« V . : d n. Lunti: 110. U u » .nd 10 Clock M penslvc condlU ahi Towniita. , son With an aci

— l ook

i ^ e r m a ld «

A v<n C<-e s«4 rMd Mchtd br VAN CAMP SEA ro o p ____________ ' ' M«1b Olfle«i T«n»ln»l Utixd. aiJofoU

There may be k bedroom o r two h Ueu i l^you ^«»^r7 ^flls>lfnrlm•fir ^vo: ibop in the basem*nt, o r a sun pari on the porch.

W hy w ait to enjoy new comfi and charm in your home when y

. ’ can (io if ROU'and. pay the cuy wik) . through.m onthly payments — opt income.

________ ___ Yqu!U _ bc_ tu iptised how mimore room jusc a tew dollars a mor

-.will buy. Let us p lan and eidmatc I

________, I t ' s E A S Y W i t h T h e

V o l e o E A S Y B u d g e t V a y m e



’EGI.ER’S ArB o b - M ^ . ^ d ^ » o h l ^ ' l n

WU cue anclesthe orators t t U ^ B i n 0 1 i b u Interlted •

e % n a x of thia Is held sipped-up f l e s U ^ ^ B | ^ M H ifew ld haye nc

& a - c ^ e d ' - B 8 r < i ^ ^ ^ M ^ -A-tolior^may;y Baruoh w eek W -^ H ^ H B g iM holds th a t tbiiism u ^ aa they ^ ',v e lle d > .b rp n te iH 5 i!B i,;.» -^ ^ close U 'ad of the old w -tir..fc r«>t*r ^ to 60 ineculator a n d He caa charju ldent Elsenhower came a u the fJo will standy-from Denver to p a y 'th e per* caa move in te nl-and-offlelai-bomage-of'A 'JU*^ m sn t.a i-* -re I bllcaa'President to • Roosevelt customers payimocrat.------- ----------- ------->^\In thoao comments, Moaes, also a Bulbert, o t thepublican, aald: • J^ley square, o‘As to our older' rookeries, there of our 'convera[rbe-so-real-aelghbortiood-oon- .tha-wlndaK_tcuctlon without tbe unfUnohlng type we are dlsrgerr which cuts out the whole me tho beit op ncer. • - - - - -• lng..apenthoui'Unfortunately, recent euta by was occupletl bngress have-lndlcated a-deplor- administration le resurgence of hard-boiled re - I could apprJonarles to whom acreage is more I could remerportant than people. As a result, ast In. But X truclf houses “—the moas of tbat Judge H<m m ents-m ey -wero-consecraUn* wos.».dty-Judaimbng othera. have been cu t In Another factIt • . . . Moses knows -i*

• . • • _ qualify for sue Mr. Elsenhower regarded th lsU umild kick In the rompers and d<ide a retort Just as far beside-tho o*[nt^ cases have or a o i m r f f i y t a i T a s a T r i s i f} government of the United States eonable rent. ^ s-m>_refl3pnable_or proper duty take money out o f‘ the-««ntng« a to re . Swivin to PW %. Ureo ta»l. t o t m . i

r t of -the r e i^ q f > home for Joe _____________ikes or for any Immlgranl from . . . . y foreign land, however unhappy W A R B E F ikes'or the stranger may be.The govemment o f the • United psO>fS ZM» otes haa nq righ t to do It. I t has s power, bul I t abuses th a t power d th a t- ls -one-ot .th e .reasem s - s o ------

^ b le ^ e n t fo r 'tte^k lnd of homes - iTUCh homes contains.

Bob-M oses knowa=tJ»yoad-t4ie — ^Bhteat.doubt th a t th m p ^ e lp le asoa the government m ust assume e duty of substdlzlng: tenements tho t I t la Uklng so much of the M g f Trnlngs-ofTiIl-the people that-they ---------n ’t afford to build houses of ^ 1 -elr owa. ......................................nO .J. S D 6 C11 h a i InfliclM-iUeh^lUtfd-WaaP ' -------------m on those who do own rental Irm rT .f^ ic+ J operUea, UmlUng rents and fore- W i iy g the owners to comply w ith ex- rnslve conditions, sane per- n with an accumulation of pavings luld think of Investing In a rental 1 1 ibltatlon.----------------- -------

~ ~ — ---------^ . N o

iW erm ald o n l h e la b o ll

>MP SEA roop COM»ANy, *NC.tiixd. giJofBi*__________ ■ ___________• _ ■,

y c v

w in

to II

1 ^ vm* _ •

om o r two hid-' ' ' -

o r a sun parlor

S' new comfort / w Mome when you f v Mthecuywik}fe^

ments — out o f________ _ ; ____

ed how much' ......... .......dollars a month ind esdmate for ion.

^ ----------- - _ p —

t P a y m e n t P l a n !



FALLS, IDAHO_________' : ■


f.*or* lha 'rea te r ^ dependent < -^l-m atters^uklrtiL j m d lt tt

oaoelvable trtcks of mischief to a t '^-CMi^tWnk-orrand-the iw dtord ^tr r . t if h e even thlnEs^of-hauUng. ...SducaUon-.l > r«r«nts of theae varmints to- and In retum jrt to make thfan pay. f e d ^ goverafn m ancien t krre. the landlord I intw lted a bad reputation and »s Is held him when I t deity timessjuld bave nothing to do with the; , rupUon abnoni-Ullor-maj::b* »-Jousa^uLnobody. S S y j^ tS iU o [da th a t t ^ la sufllolent reason onr«»Mt«uUo make him seU a suit a t a price cloae tq break-even th a t he ^ -

rto -6 o -in 'j> fttch erw m 8 eit— le caa charge whatever the tra f- * 1^*wm stand and the-same Ullor

rtomers paying part of hla rent. % S e ^

b su.wlndas_to_a_l‘projoct:‘_of toele we a « d l s < ^ g here and I the best opattm ent In the buUd-

a p e n th o w .lf I remember well. s let* by. a Judge In the city « J "

' could approximate the figure u p — m u could remember w h af court he ; In. But 1 am not in any doubt ^

o^er*S^^<,u"Vnolher fac t I am confident Bob HE, know. 1. t h . t Ihs pcopu »ho illfy for such apartments on th e “ „ im .a th . t tho lr e m ib |, .o t .u i i i I t r u , ? i S 5 ? o flied levels declare only the wages the breadwinner and In mony •'JP*'

es have a total family Income Mosea, of c ibUni-themTto-pay-tbd^UlL-rea:. mmammmmtmm table rent.

.... ....... ■5ut.l.*nLgcttlnK_away from the llo fact th a t too reaaoo tho'ggY-?-

W A R B E R G S R O S . / / ‘

! O N I J t t» . ^ E*inythln

0.1 specialist in _ _ _ ing-distance movjng! PRI'

JUOED PAu»n.lw . ---------------- ,

b u yp a y n o t h i n

. FRIE INSTALLATIOI— ^ N o - d o w B u p a y m e n t l — 1

E a t i c i t T e r m s

--------Frtie “t to*-D *ftW W trnthnpbf=t

y o u c o n M to y FURNACE HEAT i m d

winfttr Mvfth no oottl)r p ip t t o r M gb

to tm kilf o r c l r a l


R w ( w e t^ f l ^^ ^ T h e coolest olr In yeur hei

_ f c T e _ A ^ B tlh .«w l#y*H aplili* ''•* clrcufcil

"■■f\n5iTi)m’rrE'<5notoiF a i r — N e x t W e e k — S l * I

S o u t h e r n le

M O O h

- ' ' ' rnment feels obliged to t>ay part ef I but . le c o r to f lm l ld ln g h o u a la g . l^ ; f the people is th a t th e govemment oi^ J 2 L ’««S Surposely much of their in. » m e . ^ c a a ' t . p a y . t h ^ ^ % ? y .Wie pur^oM 'lial’l ) ^ lo m ake'^' and

n dependent on th e natloaju treaa- rx ja th e r th an 're llan t on our own • ^ — ,

a i 11 Buei jan ~y ' " Wgttie f ^ v . then wo will have to ^ SHOSHokb. /„et ribHdlea.on.our.Brocerlea and 6ho«jio5^lothlng... ., ------ .lubslfllzed .idreadjnd in return for th a t lubsld* the i? 'P to S u Ssderal govemment thinks i t h aT iIght to Uach our young that de-locraqy is a religion, but without a LEGAL

elt, whereas democracy Is a cor- n.„ . ^Jcmi uptlon abhorrent to the republican )rm of government prescribed bv •"'“ wWk^iiJ*^^ arxonstituUoi?.— ---------- ------ ^Moses should have said the uraenl ■}“

.ecd.w as.a,.r«ducU on.D f.the.iSe« to a 'lev e l a t whloh l l T ^ 5 ecome a tax .again rather than a ^ W.w ^ oclallatlo device-to put us under «»-SbllgaUons'to'W ashtogton for'shel- •wUoi».-food-and-« lo th ln |.--------- S'*,r the U ..a ..treasu r7 has money L

yspend on housing subsidies; It has *1“ot more th aa i t s e ^ and ahould educe toe laoomo ta x Aad U wo PuUUh,'re so hard up for Uvlag quarters ----------— ^ “'haHUd-Blaenhowet m w - b y ^ :ig through a DemocraUo parly law Tv^op'n?m’\ la. a ^ t 314,000 unscreened fortlgn-nJor whom we, hare ao living- ^I doubt'thafanyone ever has t<ird J

-resident Slsenhower tha t the peo- .ii *»,'lie could pay toe lr owa Mnt-and t» tifAu^hat private capital could build and Un g ^ quarters -at a' fair profit !l-toe.federoJ govemment-took-lts 1»llrty hands off our comings and kHuJ SShe management o f private properly. b<-. UiU u*« 2 , ^ He could ellmUiato toouannda and

houaands of useless, expenalje jov- - mm ent employes, too.' •Mosea, of courae. knows all this,

^ t r a i l e r MOMI

- C L O S E O t f

Every th ing o n th l i lo t m ust be loH . Also Jlu, .........................o f T r a l l t r Stjppliei, Stovei, etc;

- 1 9 5 3 — 2 7 — P q n » A m e r i e f l i i____;

1 9 5 3 2 3 N o s h u a

1 9 5 2 3 5 A m e r i c a n 2 - b e d r o- - 1 9 4 9 - 2 5 “ S u p r e m e -------------

— ^ 1 9 4 9 2 2 — C d l i f o r n i a n r - 1 9 4 7 2 3 “ . S t r e o m l i f e

L o a d s o f C h e a p e ? O n e t

“ “ P R I C E S G R E A T L Y i ^


Y N O U Nh i n g ’t i ^ i y

Le#flfcw|!) ; in y o .rh « m « rk n l ta p tc k M l an d clKulaM d J S J

nOWTHWflTTwi'rf*''*^k—S e a t h e D e m a n i t r . a t l o n ;. n . . . . . M n h n D i i t r i b u t o n ^

V-:;-- :v;

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (5)

^ ^ ^ f e n s e .

K f e i i o ^ a n < l | |M l ' ...............WlUlAlO F. Koow-■

^ ■ R g ^ e o s e is iu lr e m e D ti '!

^ H r 'l^ b o i i a ^unoHleUl Xut>

U the i t s eaat,

M j ^ s g V jg ia Jto Korea ■

^ ^ P v T ta K P o rte n ftt Tokyo'*

S ^ H fiM m tD Bt>e«. Know* spend tlfc td

J ^ K b ^ X ^ - t b e n - f l 7 - - t o ^ ^ J ^ ^ t e s d a - t o vUlt

OftOaDd. BuriM, laito. Fhlllpplnea.

« H f « M felt ja j» ° ^ « « * the ftsU-com.

I ^ V * a ^ o f - t h e - l a r - e a s t .feel‘‘quAll-

point mero wm n ^ B !S o ti« defense force Tor , ^ K g ^ t he .added:, . , , . . ■ ■ a ^ K ^ l t o k e S e n M ’* ju ,I ^ M Z uA make sense tha t M ^H £ > .o f S) million people ^ ^ B ^ - U ^ f e o d ItsaU with

number than thoee

® & J " u S ' ^ S i ? 7 = r “

continue • 1aid " ^ y ^ •■„ ^ E i l )0 by their actions and

^ ■ J ^ 5_ ^ o n s t t B ^ they The

-^■ ^ ill^ 'p ed p le .""" ......


:»inTCivaifetion"" S« i R o a d M i s h a p

* OranB.■ { n ^ lb e - d e f e n d a n t « d cxmbl

wa ll ln .a_clyiljaoUon~ ^^K a ISB jusllUB u)urt inurB— •cii7~ "

^K ieti& vhlch resuKed fr^m surroi , ^ m s o a i acddent tiie 400 o n n s - ^ K S a a a d -a v c n u e J M ^ Inrt. ,patln«

IU Tjrislnally filed by ymn -^^B .Q uQ ter esnlnst.O . E. U ary:

. . - ^ E cl*taed-he.-»'a»“drivlnB pStty ■ iwiue when Keatins HoUot

T ^ e i w y from the ijr Kei

b ^ ^ E e n t r tnd croes>coroplalnt. />. m. eiitmed he was drlvlns ( . a l

iTtnue u-hen .the accl- .^ ■ bbvI. He sought ISO dtun. f

~ ^B toof-the-Jury-w ere-W .-a. —Mrs Wilbur Hill, Edward d Icbo, f^it, S. E. Khll nnd .dent...

^ re ie n tc d Koat- ahort - t n m

---- i— p i — JTwln-J ' — ,, Sha

F l O C S|^B«gU H r collected «2S tn bonds ^ r a T r^fcflm t pttUng Thursday. In- by he

c l t a U o ^ - - .g u r• -TMtfttlJ-och TO-o.I?nre HUty h „ ih ,- 'K f f . Aaditwa. Mrs. E. Uoyd,

• M n tundili.- John MelvUle, V ra «Chenolet company. A. V. honey

- ' S l l 8chow. J. W. etalUnBa. I^K L ooB cr, £d Trout. H. R. p f Otncva CaUen, Price ^ I^H O ^.iH olm , John Larravon inu. ■ ^ B ^ J 'S e o t l and Tom' Mo- j

-. - m o ^

Aug. SB — Funeral F l i ^ V > t r 161. Jerusha Slla H ln- ■%z

Prtday ortcmoon In . Y « W . _ B ^ 8ry chapel. Twin

to Rav. H. L. Taylor


Altcn Han* '^ ’2?3 Mel Harman and

In -th e Twto

Auj. 38-Mrs. OUdys -------Calif., has re- Q

ICallos Morgan and I >0 San Diego, Oallf. ___■

IBSlE ^ ^ ^ ^ H i l l i l t l l l v l ^ ^ B - __Blu

1S40 < Tor

| i aeaIMT '

you ~T~^

^KiiptISTS8._M6S16 ' ' ■

! '■.'/. . Gpim1y,Ag(i



i ^ [)ow«



.. - Judflbjr.neelarlDM entered In p r^ o e D alth , Mated left. Twin Falls eotmty 1 Mra. John Wlswall. Jerome, prodnca «l«rl


lUon Grange Fixes I ja< S Fair Displays ^they The Twin Fafis QranBe met Wed- , c ttw Tiee<l87~Tilght-to"completq .n ii Bnge- ■=“ “

menta ..for It’s paxt .ln .the Twin.Falls county fair beslnnlnB Sept. 3. *

____ W. A. Poi> ah flVf*!! rtinlrmnn, nn- COmp.nounced th a t tho alieaves for fair

i - _ .dlapIoy_wer®_compIrt«l. d . A ^ a - n burg ftnd Irvln B o d e u t^ wew ' ^

named • co-chairman for ts» fru it -““ V^ o n un it o f th e Orange booth,

“ M uen Btansbuiy reminded tlie KMU*’ Grangers to help-with the safety exhibit aponsored by local grangera Won

juon in .co nne^ on .y lth the safety oaun- ™

^ Member* of 4-H clubs from the Jobn trom surrounding area were guests of tho ffto^U

Orange. TTie 4-H members porticl- • J n n . -patlng -In tho-progrankJfcra-CaroI J!l5?¥‘

oy Ann Stanabury. Jody and Orace accon• E. Mary Irfonard, Dorothy Davls. Janet .eugm

BBlt2er._Putty...011vet,_Nancyi-and. c«ltlc iVJng P a tty Llerman, Sharon and Pi-ances Bo< iting HoUoway, QateU Huddleaon. Bever* over

Ihe ly K evan. Sharon and Venlta' Tum - Toute inter. ,er... D la n e -^ fc , Kaye Hoatettler Wyon nent flw.< BnT>/iy t>wvIii ................- ........

® Californian Dies ki< '“ ■ On Visit to T. F. T\f.-a . —Mrs:-CiUlle-May-Ijewls,'fll,--San 2??^ word Dlcgo, CftUf., former Hansen resl- Y^^„, -*yi4,lo'.,B_m..Krlday.-ln

the Twln-^aUs-cllnlc-foUowlng-ft- - l“, ^ ahort lllneaa. She had been visiting

^She waa bora O ct 27, m t. a t

. _ Laclcdc. Mo., and was a member 5g orthe,A aburyM ethodU la .

San Diogor onds Mrs. Lewla was preceded In death . I n - by h e r ■ husband; Jnmea B. Lewla, w le April 15, IM l, and by an Infant aon.[*■“ —Survtvtnft-aro-her-mother;-three .— Huty brothers. Howard Shohoney,'Brem- '

crton, - Wosh.: " John'-.-Shohoney,- - v voneda, Oallf.. and E m esf Sho-

';• V. honey. San Diego, and three alstera,:*"??■ Mra.' V. J . Prahm, Hansen; Mrs. D.; F. McCldUd. Wendell, and Mrs. S.Price E, Brewer,. Son Dlcgo.“«“ » F u w ra l servJcea .wjll be held a t . • Mo“ 2 p. m. Monday In the Twin-FalU _

mortuary c h a p ^ Interment will b e '' . m adb'In Sunset“MeniorliU' park.-----------

IL Film Planned for H Youth Rally Here—

-A film, 'T h e-O fea t Light." wlU • be ahown in a Magic Valley Youth for Chrlet raUy to bo held in the

• Twin Falla city park bandahell a t 7:45 p. in. StttuKlay. according to

FUmod Ja- Nurcmburg, .OerTsaay,“ “ ■•me Groat L ig h f features the

p„,_ aonga of Hflrn ,MflAlrmy.Baittumd.____Awia jjju minlstey of her huaband. Rein- •

hold BoMli, v e t ^ n evangelist among th e Oerman people.

T he publlO'la Invited.ladys

BiA- ip ^ s jn f n ^Iind ^vJ|j^r«KlPKHiiH3 ^ ^ ________

HUNT for FORDS IIN b u h l ; ' ______ \

1651 atERCVBT S-door.1 . __Blufl-grny_a-tone. over-

drlve, radio,'heater. ' ^ -------~ 'IMO 'M E B C P K ^ d eor ■ —

- Overdrtve, radio, heater, Tnew motor guarantee. ITailored seat covers. I

1S40 CHEVROLET Deloxe 4*door. 1 r Fonder aklrta, outslde’vlsor, .I seat oovora, Uue finish. ' . .L . IMT CHEVBOLET 4-daer. . . .

ft real Value In eeosomlcal ' ' - . | | - —tnsatMrtfttloQ, ~J!1 FOBD Boper DtJajn i-ioor.^ T urn Indieato'rs. fog llghta. out*I? aide visor, aeat covers, extra stop 2I llghta, mud flaps and other < y o t r a s .

p ~ c o m m e r c i a l s ~

f «B 0 Ford^4iton pickup ~ :— 48«51948 Ford H-ton Pickup-------- J«S5

IM im te n a t lo n a l 3-ton. 3 -sp eed .-f la i,b ed -------------- |S95

M itchellH unt S ? F O R D S A L E S

m I,'....:..

yLAgent Judges .Necfa

l i o r t l ^ t n ^ ^ U t r a t QCi : la eotmty ftgant, aa a throDg of apecUtora Io rodnca elerk. Entries In the-eresta are reporte<

jackBon 'Vacation Ri< Center’ Progress I

y- Noted by Builder Bcrv cRAI.T T .A K B :,0 n Y .J lU g ^O i= ,

The aix-miUloo-doJlar vacatlea cen- te r f tf Jackson lake; Wyo, will-be completed for the 1BS5 scaaon, Lau- ^ rancer—sr-Rockefeller-m nnounccd

Vos- Thuraday. — - . T>nt»ht—RockfifellCT la president of Jack-

J S J BC, «m J«cto>a fHole Wild Life park, nonprofit er-

the ganlratJona developing the south- ^ w e a t ^ Wyoming area Into a vaca-

^ " progressing very 6 * ^ “]“““ tho gr«Tirtiinn Of

t j , . John D. Rockefeller, founder of the “ P ” - S o f«nUy fortune. -TVe have to luive tic i! the roof on Jackson lake lodge SheU

placed before winter." Tho lodgo.wlll ^ aMommbaaloTOOirgUMii.-Tt:wm-be onet augmented by cabins.and_tmUer.fa- nnd cHltlea-for 4,000 more.

iices RMkefeller and hls family sloppedBvcr- over briefly In Salt Lake Olty en ------um - -route , from .-Loa Angeles to ihelr . ( ] o ttlCT -Wyondng-ra^chr— - ~

Nominated ^RICHFIELD, AUf. 2$—Four can-

F dldatca were' nominated by petition ■” , In - the--lUchlleld achool district —

.0 — trustee ejection -on Sept. J. Mrs.OharTea'''51uder,“ 'incumbent,— and r-“ - Leonard .Rogers are lohe 3 candi-

y--“ dB tcs-nnd-IirT .-S andcrsT m d-R ua-------I t in l “ ^|l?<Sye11~z6ne~^^ • ■

Bd to'^( ^p fa te -the-teaching atatf.

mber • . .. - la .

5 B!ffi![!lTT?r>• ^ B i U l i P V ^ P V P V I ^ P ifl. s . ^ B 7 T X l 7 f 4 j ^ K ^ i X IId a t . ’ ^ K ^ B H H ^ B h H ^ B iFalU '

r^ r e ----------

WlU , 'outh B ^ ^ B I ' ^

■ . I • R lIg to B ^ ^ H . - I — —

i*ay. I WJ S — i i J . 1—leln- ' /sellst ocK e^ule

from T ^ r G ro y b ----- dock—give you f


un ’•O .YourGfVHou

?? \ ....J p l W W H f

I " far g r» o t» eomfc\ A*fc yo»fr_Ag«r

__________ ■ and f t u n i oncU1 t lo p ^ a r , than li

I I iouna ABwnt.wjjI .m aK i I p d d TOcoUea loit f R R V t f c . l ^ ^ » d . F

. . >«r «r

. . . A n d h ^ a l ffieM xIew 'fer«tl

u t- ' ®"**S a l t L o k e C i f y . . $ 5

P o i r H b h d . . . . . $ 1 3

;------------- - L o i - A n g a U t . ; - . . - . ^ . - $ 1 9

’........C h i c o g o _ . . . . . . $ 3 1- » « K a n s a s C i t y . . \ $ 2 6_|«S5 . • • •

-4S95O R E yH O O N D m D B W

J C R E Y H i

Nectarines FB" " ' ' ' 1

~ B A ir



twp-yei 'RoSdt sey

Thrc womar the pa feet V

chargea B B a o f c - ^ vuT ti ■ ■ b H k ^ -----Tbei

coasplJthe-emmw Alcatn of Bax *eat 1 Bcnrec


^ 5 three


B B B M B H M fl BSd S--- -------- . Cal

Jta ftt the Jewme eounly'Talr'lr-C .''W .- Hanco peeUtora look on. Standing, center, la occupa are reported exeepUonat (SUff photo- „unls(

• , - ' ' ' ' made. -------------------------------- ---- T : ---- 1080...i n R i t e s G o n d u c t e d v ^

ss F o r B r a c k e n b u r y1^ mMBERLY, Aug. 28— Funeral " w _ i e r , services for Samuel Merlin Bracken- i - _ bury were conducted Friday a lte r- , 95, ,

noonria-^he-TwlnTTallarroortuary- t ^ b ll!b« chapel by Bishop FJoyd OUen.^ y . The InvocBtlon'was given by Elder 1 "

j filmnn Bukff nnrf .R av O. Condle ___read the obituary. Elder. Lewis .dT J

lAcle Hobblns waa the speaker. The bene-.^- -n dictlom farglvenrbrE lder-Jr-W esa- ------>t or- ®y Olenn.-3uth- wcre',jung by George Ben- Jr,

nett, accompanied by'Joyce Stanger.Mrs. Stonley. PhlHips was the or-

Pallbearers were^Hony D ^ n m -

Slaughter, sr.. Fred W. Dodds, Eugen iiSffo Shelly and Leland Cunningham.» will The grave waa dedicated by Eldar

Charles. E;..Bttraff\,.at. Sunset..Me- . mortal pajk. MUltary rites were con-

• ducted by the Klmberly-post, Am er- -)ppcd I c f t h l ^ S l ^ ! ^ • • •-. - - - ^ - - I "y en ■“ |


■ . — B ro k e n P la tp s R e p a ire d tmoii — L oose P la te s R e lin e d ,atrict — B ro k en T e e th R e p la c e d

____ W ork D onenndu ■“ W hile-U -'W dlll” ----------

“ ii- ^ F l T - R l T E " T _U ilT W u t Main-(upstftlrs). ‘

ataff,, .•PhenB-3MC-_ - TwlnPaPa _

. :. - B U S E S _ | _________

» ocHeidulos a rriv in g an<i ^ p a r t in g 3u r G re y h o u n d D epot a r o u n d . tho -g iv e y o u tho o p portun ity 16 l e a v e : tiin e nhsfft .convenient /o r y o u l

« r GfftyKound Depot U tho plac# tw g«* many ■h-avel "exfrai* - —

w l houf •«4ra eorfl_______________ _______

a rO t^ S o u n d ^ A fl* » t:« lL jfa j» a« tJ raa_ i_ _ :_ mU you a ticket: he'U help you plan your,«nd srtv* ^oit d .d B ta llo d ,trlp .llin « ra ry .._ ^__

arrangB iound>trlp trcmeportotion t» you ao*/, on your retum trip. And, ho

acod you en an dr.cwd}aon*d b ta ferrrw tw eemfctil ............ ...........................................fc yo|«ir_Ag«nt ho» you can 3 0 oaa yorff t u n i onctbar . . ♦ o«k bow you can __;

■ovop, than Ireval co th* next‘day a t no »-ohwga.—ABd-remaiabflrl-yeut_Gray-____ ___

i TOcoUea lour — Including bot«1s, trans- stlon an d apccMl slghUooln? . " o t on* eoetl

On your Mif 1 , wfl yom CnrhMmrf A»tnl FUlStl

o m -w a y . , m rrrd -trtp ,

. . $ 5 . 4 5 $ 9 . 8 5

. . $ 1 3 : 8 0 $ 2 4 . 8 5 I^ S 1 9 : 6 0 S 3 5 . 3 0 J

. . $ 3 1 . 1 5 $ 5 6 . 1 0 \

$ 2 6 . 1 0 $ 4 7 . 0 0• • ' . k .M

C all 2000D B m 137 2nd S t « « Eort

■ TiMS-NEWS, orwiN k

F B I ‘ y ^ ^ t i o n e r s ’ S l

■ F u g i t i w T l ^ ~ P a~B A ir:T O *R 01S c 6 rA U r-^ 8-« » ^ reda-wh

^ ■ H FB I agent* dresaed aa racatlonlng for conl P W B cam p w have qipturwl tw^ top coa^cte

’to CaUfomla^ rugged Sfens-Ncrada TC8~Vl!{J range. govemn

The capture climaxed a massive The c two-year-.acarch-for'th»-two-rads, aovetot ^ ^ 'G e o rg rT h o m p s iM i'ta a 'S ld * -Mexico sey Steinberg, both 98. Henry '

Three others—one ft 31-year-oId Greer woman—were arrested along with large, tbe pair In a two-story cabin 8,000 Thom feet up In the remote mountain Oct. 14 area sear Sonora. They were to thrt

R M B charged with harboring, Steinberg 110.000 ftnd'Tbompson.

■ n M — Tbempeon.—coorlcted-ln—Ifi&l-i-ot H b conspiring to teach and advocate J 6 r C ^ ■ H the violent overthrow of the gov- OMSWBi -ommant.-waa-takea-lmm edlately-ta------- 2

Alcatraz f^eral'p 'rlson'in 'the middle — m j i m of San FrancUco bay. He wUl be ■ B 3 sent U ter to another prison to « ,,i h« E B i Bcrve out hU sentence, the FBLsald. d a y ^ i P H S ! _ .Btelaberg.waai arraigned Jn San wlllJw

-; Francisco and h is ball waa set .at Charles ■•'*? 9100,000 'by^ 'U r S.' commissioner board, 1

j oaeph.Karesh. Ball for the other FlUns 4 three waa put a t >36,000 each. ore Jan

None could post the amounts and tw . Si ^ > < > 1 thw wcm taken under heavy ex p ire g j f c ; ^ guard to SafTWMiclBcd'55flnlf'JiU: rT 3 w a HfiOSa Thoae arrested with Thompson pires, 1 ■ B h S a sd Steinberg, tha FBI said, were: 9. Eaki

■„ Cal Edwin Raal. 40. naUvo of board. C. W. Hanco*ck, Mich., who had given hla ‘ •

, *» occupation u secretary of the Com- T , pboto- munlst party of Minnesota. He had J-<i

made , bls home la MlnneapoUa la fm oi lOSO.T. IlvestM

J ■ Samuel L Coleman, 43, a native cent li: Q ----- of-New-3rorfc_Clty._who_thB_PBI oiigihu

- - aald had been ftsaoclated with Com- localltv)111*V munlst party actlvltlea aa early vlaor o

% aa 1041. traUon^ r v . ? -Kremen, 21. and Bl

a naUve of Chicago, who lived In Thea t Loa AageJea. the FBI «ald. theso i

•—moinp*Dirnra**-<in* -uf -fm ir-tup im uain ly Elder '

r n m m m : j srta?g“ ' F O O D S / ^

ti^oo r-' C h i c k e n - F i s h ' - S t e o k. _ Inside o r Ou

i^ u g e a —T u r k e y D inners E v e r^ d e r 803 M A IN A V E N U

----OPEN-XVkRT-DAT^.-XAJt;:»o coa- • 7v , — — •..Amer- * = = ll_ = ^ '

W f m M .•aired ■ ■ iedlaced p J r .^ - ' ’ ' “ '■'J




jN ie w I— I P A Y A L I T


^ y A u u r e t k « e p -f illid S c rv k e“ e u t t h t hflQf{ng t e o io n S

. m t o M ay.

^ J i i !o u rK 5a61 i-----------a S mE J . Coat Last Xear Waa

-------- • ia- ■ V>».w - ~am ' - ^ _ . y f? o .o t. to 80.00 ~ ~ four r a 80.01 to W.W “ ■ 'w y . . _ _ ___l 3 . _ . 7 m i = r t r r n 5 5 3 o r r r r r ~' ^ - y 100.01 to 110.0 0 —1' N no -o t to m .oo •............................b .i z M i , . n o jo

P- iso.6i to 140.00 ~ ~COT B i^o-OL— to iM-oo____

rtneT~ ~ N 160.01 to — 180.00--^^^-^^^^i^y -____ ___ L ___lo^.<> 'M o o ~

U l a W l ' to io6.6o--------------™ . I 15851— iS—15535------------

. . •Snbjact io m lilon If anoim t . o re r or a n d v estimated.

l u N f f lA M E R I C A N F A L I S ,

J 5 5 0 P h o n . 8697t^Qtt

0 ...... : _ _______ ____ Y o u r I

1, OrWIN »ALLS, IDAHO-________

• n e r s ’ S n a r e T w o ____: - .E ^

R ^ ~ P a r t y L e a d e r sreda-who-faUed-to-ahow-up-la-loil tiouiriuiB

xUoalng for confinement to JMI after being in Denvei wo top convicted under. the flmlth-act, of .n„tty 3

W rada th-rvi!nCHl-Owrt7UV»7-flf U. UT nnd a ^government., Seattle. 1

massive The othera were Qua Hall, party - ibcow-r«la, *a«ctary_arreated.Oet. 0, 1061, la j a ^ i e iad*Slds -Mcxlco—City.—G ilbert-Green- and igv ijiun i

-Henry Winston. jo ^ n Sieyear-old ' Green and Wlnitoa are still a t „ng with large. ' ' bank. I.!lin 8,000 Thompson had been convicted Bchaefenlountaln Oct. 14, 1940. He was sentenced ------------y were to three years In prison and a • telnberg 110.000 fine.

' f e ' o m e " t D “ E l e c f ^ ---------------- 1

w ti5 -E — S c h 6 o l - T r u s t e e s ____ '" JEROME. Aug. 'ia-Jiw o tnisteea 1 - ^ to Joint class A school district 281 1

. ,i ! f >>« named a t the elecUon Tuea- ■"BLaald. day a t the Jerome high achool. PolU AJn San wllljje opea.from, l_pjn. to 7 pjn.. .a set .at Charles Welteroth, clerk' of tha ------ilssioner board, other Filing for ttustee for district 4ach. are Jamea D. Rupert and Del Hous-mta u d ton. Emanuel Kelsea, whose term Ir heavy explrea, h as not filed for lf 'jiu : rTav?itfa"O; EakinTwh0M*t«rra*«r--------------nompson pires, seeks re-election In districtd, were: 9. Eskta la eba lm aa of the achool .........aUve of board. . .-. ____rtven hla ‘ ,

"h S L o a n s A v a i l a b l eipoUa la SHOSHONE, Aug. 28—Spedal

livestock loans, a u ^ r l u d t>y re- f ,a n a ^ e cent legUlature, are avaUabl* totoe PBI .eiigibla lanneraA nd jraacbei» .ln_ th la______th Com- locality, Oakley L.-Baniard, s u p e r s ______“ -VUor of the farmeraJiome.admlnU-

traUon for Oooding. Camaa, Lincoln man, 21, and Blaine couatlea. reports, lived In The office for the department to

’BI *aid. these countiea la lo the Roesslertm ir-tup i^llffla g r« ita h g n g ^ --— | J

ODS!l l ' - S t e a k s - S a n d w i c h e sJ n s ld a o r O ut____________ /inners Every Sunday »U IN AVENUE WEST "Hy-DA^.-^TA.M.- T O-1 ;00 A ,M.— L_. --------J\ -.--- - ' I

• ' / *



? w F ^ e l B u (

7 7 i T T 7 i r ] T ^ " * ’

H M O N T Hp-fllliil s.r*lcii through. Vnytei Oil Co. u flng f.oion Sepf.mE.r tlm popular, pn

oil bills. You pai 5J----------A5, i a , i w i l . l . «9“irWaa Monthly -•


- 90.00-..... " ' a-'-iC.W ---------------------------- ---------I001W ~ _ . . u : ^ » _____I t l e t a 'y o u le v el ot

" iiooo - ----------■' 'i 2.0Q» c a sh r e s e r v e d u finito!66 ---------------i83o5 cash ;

■iS - . S ■ — you-PA r ONI . m o o ____________________________________ ______

T5j;55------ ---------------JJ35^ u S toE R P A Y M E '■55535----------------- n W■ g s^a a s/se o a a s___r~ r h u n d i

' k e e p i n g t h e i r blilon If anoim t has beea

OPEN .YOI QuaUty Oil Products—I

I T E D 0 1 1r F A U ^ A BERD EE]

P h o n * 8 6 9 7 P h o n e 226T W IN F A L

P h o n a 957

Xoar Independent D e ^ e ^ H o m e

» Events Listed, ■ ‘ ■ ■ BELLEVCE; X ug.'.V »^'K r. ta d ' l ( “ 7 [ c r s O. Calhmm 4T la 'iigh t«r

, are visiting their aaas, Wayne-Cal> H S

!T*betog H “

?nd f lSeatUe, are visiting to S aa ^ ta n - H

I. party daco • II1061, to jf tck^ievers,P atiaan tR IvarrM d, H - - en- and ig vijiung'hU parent*, Mr. ftad Mr*, n

. Jobn Sievers. » n 'atUl a t and Mra. W alter Hale, O ut- H ^ •

^ t “nk, Mont, are vUlting M. E. P onvleted schaefers. I C ^ E mtenced --------------------------------- ■■’— '

f i BuilHog Z r ~ % ^ ^el Hous- , \ a » 7se term I r t w H h ■ tf lt« l > 4 f

" ■ ------------ ----------- -dlatrlct

i k ' l P A R E N T S r > to R E N T I^.m-tw* ___________________ _______ H

’S e ' : : ~ o F B U Y ^ ^ - = BU t t a A N ,w o rU ..d -

^ i l A N D — = g r J N S m O M E| f W e 'ra exdu ih r« '< ll« trj

CONH ond PAN AMERICANl l Q j aerriee ftU iBatresui

^ ^ W f t R N f i-------:^:;-j= ::^= i::i0pp0*itiJdah0jn>trtr»j


B u d g i g t P0 home heoting^loirthqH ei mps and EqucHizes your heatited Oil Co. is proud again to bring to it 8 popular, practical, easuplan to equdliz bills. You pay ior your Oil like you do yc ^ine (9) egtial deposits throughout the h

mNTEREST^^NjBiOmyhie ts 'y o u level ou^ t l ^ bumps and> ayo id juddei h r e s e r v ^ u f ing th e w in ter in o n th a ^ h e n yoa h ; . •


po8its'8 tB rtin-Septem ber-foiv9-inonthB ,-w itl


in fhe hundreds who now enjoy this 2ping their budget straight.----------- 7

O P E N YOUR b u d g e t ; ACCGUN']

Products— Unsurpassed

D l t G © ^\ B E R D E E N . I

P hone 226 ~W I N P A L L S ' .

PhoM 367 ':y,ecdet^Bom e O ion^ a id OperirfaJ . .

d ' R»U>

A'oghterne-Cal- l - C - ' l - talhotmrinledllML • - - - —.- .'J

i i A f a i o f1 eduut. " W \ W V : V i ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

R O O F l N t ^ HmfrUdv -----------...... -TWIN F A U S ^ M ^ B

'" i ^ k >’H 0 N E ; :2 r a S n .4 ^ H

a l b e e r - - - -

^ k e e s ^ — = lr - _

y f l p BMl j J /- — > . . ' n i l

: N T S : w a ^ H


( AMERICAN Band In tth irtittr f r ^ B Mlee » n tnatniBnenta m

E R TCSm j^rSIMI j o h p j n i w t t . . ^ f l^ o n . 5b l-?5 'jS > 3 | M

rour heating oil b i l ls 'v f l |lo bring to iheirm to equalae your heatings. .,KM ike you do your Ught M l ~ - mghout the heating.season, W B

d ra ^ I3 ^ iu 3 3 e n 5 m n |^ ra r y o ia iC Z z B l [ i t h a ^ h e n y o a T q o B ^ e e d .e x b ra J ' B f l


l-inoD thB ,-'w ith<iina1- b a l a n d Q £ : J ^ ^ |

' en joy thia easy y a y o f



twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (6)

a s i . ? *’ ' » M ^ , ' » » » ■ !

“"S’3 S “ E

r l ^ T y W j

■ S w i ^ E- •SH<hu(,jtK»v/(»«7^K

— ^*’'V /o j io r^ -^ B E

^ ^ J S U / I W ^

g d a W i ^ i B ^ ^ K i

/ f M B i M i M ”*-M B m J r . m S > . ^ S i ^ R n i c h l *

~ ~ B | | | h A ^ K

- -GiQyQ pIIG CQ.HIT^;-g:

i V i 9 i i ~ C e M ^ H

E i l f f l i 5 S ®

) W ^ *


k i i i k ,> « n ll«L I I P R ^ H

H ^six :.... -■. .

^ B A M f i i ' m s

K u r b i S u p p o r t . „ < « • • ^

^ K u o n nil»ime«. tod>y lu i;!! S I . shiof ft proponed tm endm rat ~T:M'n&nar'noii

^ H t r l c t treaty mftUng povrer of. J;‘J^ ^ fc e a ld e n l despite the opposlUon lo js •u>in c.

of SUt« E>uUes taKMfte »=«Mctlon on tntematlonnl >•'■’•

^ ■ f t d d r e u l n s the ftNwcUUonI »■« ^ i to it.■ B a n n l v c m r y convenUon Wed- *•>»^ ^ ■ 7 Dulles criticised the amend- -i>,»n4oun'

^ ^ r t a ^ a U ^ a la n 'd e o m p a r a U y * Vi« idiho h>w ^ A u e d upon the aMOclatloD to i.w ffioru Bo«^H S-n tn tand 'tn -the-m attfl:.;-;;-------^Htfttt year's, meetlnf m S w io;oo M«*ie^ ^ H la e a the ABA approved the io:i(-J>r <Mii ^ K f e " llmlUDf , prealdenUal tu c , uK |-r Ml

power*, i t reftfflrtned |2 :u'o u*n en th'^ K n d ftt a Febru*rx-»a*tln«-ln

^ ^ F ^ 'o t « , takea aft«r two hours’ J |u lumin^w,^

^ ^ K u i report the iliaTh'.VurM'said that the constitution e:«o K<t t-x*m^K l-n o U b o -ftltO T d lo n Jln k e re tf . •.<5 Krtjkthe absence of toe clearert

■ H n s of ursent need." . iioo tto ga«-icW i ald further that supporter* of J;Jo Mr.t.rr d. ■ H m e n d m a n t, .UU pendlns. had ^ ^ ^ f t ^ n e l th e r a-need which only u . « n.» .^ ■ n e n d m e n t can fill, nor ’any -------------------

«v» w^Jch can be countered ^ ,^ ■ q this drasUe manner." 8ena- S n l n T I^ ■ t e k e r addressed a secUon meet-■ ■ i r U e r In-ihe week In support ' ^ ,

____________________ 9 - C n p j

■KiatorrAssured—n n A Tk 1 * disclosed he U» n Wheat Policy «

^ ^ ^ m T J n T O M , Aug. 2B t^W-Agrl- „rH . nr tt^o Tl^■ «liC T etS iy^B en*oiT -n«i-T i3-- 'ifon?^------------^ ■ 1 Senator Young. R.. H. D„ thnt Hamllton'sa ^■ftuneoe«avnM _w 2i9*e i s .n o l jtcbooUuanla.: ^ ^ K b l e for export at-^cui<rat« womd' need t

- Btandards for ^ ■ |io B -« ld - ln ^ f t -^ i« le » ra m = to :ubrary.-piSar ^ ^ ■ g . who Is Id North Dakot* tlon, unit cla ^ H w h e a t held by the conunodlty. records. ■ K ooTporsUon U aviOlable lor Healsoquol ■ H t only a t tba p r lu (upport. uo mstruotloi ■ ^ D f lv e per cast and reasonable tjiitny iiim u ■ ■ R B f cbatses. ' cieocles' woulc

■ p h e n s E l S ~ l ! H s- . . . , J , locftl level." i

f c s o c i a t i o n G h i r f■ C i A O B r A u * . - M - W - Carl H l ^ J e r o a e , waa elected preal. rem arkZblyp ■ H o f tba Idaho ^o c laU o n of uena to run I M t y Treuurer* Hiuradfty. He gjderlnit the B B K * m d J. Gardner. Cascade, work with." ■ n e r oftleea. elected during the ■ B h e s tlo d -O f the aooclaUon** 38th■ M u ^w p y g w w ^ w a Luey^^m« E V B f i t i

B B I ^ n. *Twln Falls, aecretftry- 'OARBV. Ai ■ n i r e r . K ent Fcmellt ■ H U t e l l o waf chosen u the-alU oity, are vlslI H u UM ooaventlon. Eldredge. ■ ■ p ~ ~ ■ • _ ■ ■ — _________M r.-*ad-w

■ m a g e s ^ S i ^ ^^ V o r Crash Death dftushter, Brig^ ^ ■ p a : Alls. M W -M ftiU B : Rob-. ;th^w eelPvi( ^ ^ K H r f t s b u t t« B . ’D. 0.. .fllftd ft AmdthodeBr

dftmftg* «ult In federal oourt — ■— —for tho death of b er husbftnd ^ T I B M

ftu ^ obUe acctdent seftr 1 i

^ B K id ft d^eodiA t vftt Rftymond K D |■ ■ i f t T l i . Olenns r ^ . Ura. Rob-■ ■ I n id TrftTlB, drlTlnt oftreleMly, W e

2^wp,wH Jaf^ ^ W j f t o j l . causing I t to OTertum.

H l s p e a k e r Listed wi^ ^ ■ D 8 B 0 } « , Auc*

Kimberly, wm be tha ftt tbe XiDS afterftmtnt

^ ^ ^ B e a ' Sunday evening. He li. , ^ ^ ^ ■ r l y - o f n e ^ Sboihone a sd J o n e t t.«i ^ Keat-on-ft-mlBslon-tor-th* -------

ftom B ^ a ttftke. SenrioM p E A R L^ ^ ^ ■ g l n a t 8 p. m.

e n d s

= sa t^ — ---- Asothtr-

■ E nWlStlFTHE I ' SA'■ B i n m a T M i n w a n i h

i n i N H i n o R r ! M ar

I K sB W 8 l l 3 f f l S i W „ N O M

________ Doon


^ 9 1T o g e th e r fo r n j f l

fho f i n f »ljn«l

Bt^lDNIf i m ^ ~ ^t o j f c g W i U U N D A Y - ^


^ 1 '.' 1 - - ' '


M a ^ c V a l l ^ ]

U W ^U O CTCLES = (IJSTffl^RTTCEBSr= « " • » • ■ ■ ■

i ^ r i S i S s i !I r tm rV bu"" ih« —- - •'>» f ; ” '*!-i V;il. I j ” S« Tim.

-----------3 rJtM«r» •ni»» • •'** **'■•• .

aATUftli^T . } ° .u A * O C r.rh

I s ti in ^ u T T o " . D.T • BATUBDAT) lloll»‘. 3U0UP Folll« j n .I To^n^ounler JmtntJ «iO# 'CDS World M w

_____ ; a S : . r’ lpii^u*’ ‘odop » : « TiriSiir” **”**

i a . -0.1.. « , j . .

■ i i S M K K t . . .a Uan Ait'th* Fa rn l<00 *Olv« nnd Tok*! - .iiis a-i--

| : s s ! r ¥ s 4 v ;0 K^Ultx*m.” n»*i* *1» H<iJ",*0BB*C4».ldr '1 t'rink Uelntyra I 'M *C!uiutnoli«rj«B«a-OTt?n-^^----------- 1—i tS'J«« ci.o..oti. Bport* siM jf«[, lun $«"•«-0 l lr .u^ ri)»S diin . ,« iM •Of®****" »• “ r D«»*S ConUiri kl tloU* leitu All'Slar bane*S rWMUre Tlmt l l> » •CUS.H.w._______ 1S N«»*

ftlon Maldng M o n

school Survey m i.“,-'■■• "u----------------------a'- -•^onum enta •/EI8ER. Aug. 29 Ml-Statfl Sen. try to be allrlc~Hftinlltanr'D.T~WBBh— haa -ft-ccorflmBto iclosed he is making a maU sur- paperman wJof 140 high schools which' latl yesterday,

neet all the accreditation stand- Elmer T.'

i.-‘ * ■'“ ' ' ' Oklahoma Crftmllton'sald he 'w u 'ask ln g the Rotary club i00LlKjftfdfl.iJ0K.much.;non.cyJh9K purp^f t '*«*"lid' need to meet th e board's -^a irieidards for buildings, laboratories, _rivera-?kre • s»fy,-p«r»onnel,-teaoher-prepara- -nooarfram 'li). unit class periods and pupil petersonsaDrds.. . {jy flood con'[e ftlso quoted Stote Bupt. of Pub- ^ ^y conInstruotloQ Alton B. Jones aa ••.heri

ing him th a t some of th e defl- -He ^ idscles 'would bo remored-”wlth ft rtmls In hlalftJ»ro_ylgllance_on_the. part of _wct«_ft.:imyll1 10C41 Mhool ^ a r t M d-i-liH IFre alertness In supenrlalon'at the i— — — al level." He asked the boards If TT -ft^«d-w lU i-thla._____________U J u O I U l’lamlltoB sald-ho couldnt beUeve \ T i n m as. saying "1 think Idaho does a V ieW Snorkably good Job of getting cit- NAMPA, Auina to run tholr schools , . . con- u^ion officialerlng the money they- have to union was serk with." • ra ther than a

• ' ----------------- . . NampftWholei

E v e n t s R e p o r t e d ^ , ^ 5 ^JAREY. Aug. 28-M r. and Mrs. n t Femellus and son, Salt Lake P*^y “J ™ VU.U„K Mr. .^ d Mr., I »

lr.-« id-M r».-Lu-W iniftm s-»nd ofIdren have tttum od from VeUow-ne^n>UonEn.»Tk;------------------- •--.tdr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and - T ^ n s elecU ughter, Brigham City, Utah, spent *,^5^ tc rw e e k tv id Wth Mr. and. Mrs. n t HhodeK- ■ ------------ ,hop.“ •

F R I . & S A X

W*ndell Coray' ■ ‘ a k. ■» James Stewart A M I

— Jeort-Hagen'-ln-------------" C A R B I N E ^W I L L I A M S " m

E N IJonet .Leigh-Keenan_Wynn. .

' F E A R L E S S 'F A G A N 'j.i..i.![imi.i.iim scon]“t R D S T O N I G H T - --------—

Martin A Lewls-Usbeth Bcott rIS i« » I cannen Miranda In SiHAlRA I

SHiiier 1= S C A R E D - S T I F -F— z b m m j— Asother-TH<lari«tt»TM«vtlii-T— -------------------

A U n i t Hit

— -------------------- S T A R

S A T . O N L Y n ■ "

Howard Keel

Marjorie Main in

! i J j A S T - C O M P A N Y "

. N O W , P L A Y I N G !Eoda Saturday lEl

_____Doors Open ftt_ l:IS - - Qifll W i

- — B I Q r e o | H l T ! - -


l l ^ R a d i o S c h e d u le

irrtB ' flU .riftws UlUeB *>M >n'th« Air <iSO CUm Kid ’ - I ' Ti«0 •r r p . ' J i 'd . ■

S S X - i S T r . . , , ,• ' SllS rioal N «-f 10:M *

i?i?s .. t?iS 1JBDAT il':oS ?Dob .nd Bar ■ f w 1

“ ‘“ ‘"■JiTUEDAT . \ ^ \

rMtnd *<<0 v S t *Lt MiMk Tilo j;« tr .i auUon ‘ ill nmkr.'it'B ittoy** s!so ;

------------------Tlt»-W»w ar Ua.Waitd------------ 1UOJ3 t^ « - SiSO DrMkta<i EdllloB )0:D0.

SUS Top Tun* Tim* lOlM«k Sox ItM'xUr Saent Storr :t l Mark«t* lOiM Uewdr Doodr 1t>*o ..d T*k. -• lliOO M tlo* Coiiiit B.ra^ ,

. ■ S r ' " ” * ^ i s K r ' i a r i niu iii!.;datlnM *'00 xNini 2>M .till Parad* «iSO xLUub to WuhlBCtea 2i<>Tin SlOO xN«>ri Paradt SlOOatrr «ilS G li.tlttM s EdIttoa S>9 'r Ct*>ldr <«<> U. V. liarrld*

7l«0 iN*w TaltnUUSA » !« 'm ,t„ ,--------------- —lao-iCraM-OU-Oon.________ ‘ i _rht CoUB^StjrU xMdl* Arnold’ . »■a*UUTD4tt Otis xNiwtbane* tiM s N c TsItaUtlSA...----- i8;;s ar-g^^-■ m!! -

MonumentsBOISE, Aug. 28 m -T h O -b lg O l f f Loma in the middle west are Tr*»wrt p *tiTionumenta to poU U clana^ho —IDAHO y to be all things to all men,"£corijmg:to nn-.0 «Rhomft.n^ws-„ w«i^Mdaaperman who spoko In £bU t b « e Wcdn„da,esterday. Police sold c,Elmer TK«^An*iy token^'*'* ^

ilclaKomircllyrToia~lho--Bbl4e- — AbiOl'W ixraAtary club the so-called m ulti- trom'ia earbelor urpoie rtama. had-no-tdftco-Jn- .a .fla lt Lakn.OJle 'W alrle sWtesT'where the — ivwa-?kre-subi»et-to.-p«rlod!o-loMrfram-heftvrrftln*.------------- - _______Peterson said tha t in hla coun- . V M M

ry flood control can be achieved ^ E j j n nly by control on the wat«r-heds, "where the wftter fftlls.” * IHe said the multi-purpose A f t C O

,anls In hla ^ p < ^ ~ o t^ e-nftUon - p | ^ |

T W I[nion JRelatesJTfiil -v.^|tD j Views in-Dispute B en-Johnsoh

'TAMPA, Aug. 38 W—A Team ste» ,ion official said Thursday the I ion was seeking ft union shopther than ft closed ahop from the F E U D l ljnpft Wholesale Qrocery eompaay. 0

n m of the firm, said Tuesday the i» a b t a a m would close rather th an "be ft WAKJWW rty to ft contract which forces a in to join ft union oa a condition employment." / K

Prank • T, Baldwin. -*eoret*ry.-: luu rer of the Boise Teamsters . . . . .;al. aaid the union had won ft " H a v a |^a l^ labo r--re la tions bo«rd-t«t-------- —Jnlng elecUon a t the firm and . T k ^ nly uk ed for a union shop which ■ s s ^

mueh milder than the dosed top." " -’ ’• • •...................

_ 4 M O R E D A Y


E33CI3nEI I2Q^ E N D 'S S A T . E N

----------------PLU S— -------------------------_ L ...

S T A R T S S U N . S T A

■ K UMiT^"’ « i i r ^ ¥ 5 5 u l B is l^ BlIIM SLDOUGlAS-PiKEOH W f J m f k eiaPOWElI’,


• S T A R T S S U N t

^ *** ^M s w o s s w in

M *i !t

. mMtOA tffrtw • OOMUi I > w » *

— ” — r ;___ J


M u le s— — ' ...— Kecor(

— F o r ^ ~ lrBWAT WASHlNaTO^

I'loo Ercnins ut.LitM^ government colie • ! ’« £!» ting $«».M7,W0,0t

^ I0:« »Dr*.m Tim* Port OB IntsroaJuiM Edwia c. KUl - Jm sc a : 165J, enc

. , ■. ____n«vinu« OommUa.Bu Andrews. Andre

■ IIM SUBJIM H ull Tin. lecUorts were t : !;!! M ' V w i l . y.0 - tl» n m Um prevl

— -a B .; fc-,s f a --------»=«------------ juo,*88»rt.p*iwj________.a|^_o.f_wa^ln^

]o:oo Janior JaneitoB ployment uxes I

i i i I H B - “ 1 > S L S «... T**“

■ I •Uo»l n??« - " « " « * “J« ' . :(i4 il*rtt*LouRtrp 7" of any -u x coUepaid Income andm ount-O f m .«

I 0 •Aia.Tltan Fanntr _ 1853 and In flsca 122 Of $31,886,000,000,

cl'rirTi. < « « « Of »W8.0«" ■ :---------

!0» iii.Lii- _ Tbe increue 1!ir«MiB®o"r*Dfnc’i5 V '■■ •«<> employmeo

' lOiH'fiauot. Tim. oM age insurai------------------— ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ Insurance and .:

ar Thieves Get ■=£,“£ « ; Big Loot in I. E. S , S SW

ID A H O ^FA ^J Aug. 28 (lf^-An ™ » lrjanlied gang b-b-ellevrf-fespon;^- lie for robblng^elBht-parked-cars rc v e n u e .-w i^ re Wednesday night. next. No-otherPolice sold clothing and jewelry over three bllllo Jmated to bo worth » ,000 was i —ten. ______________________ ^ Y 7 ~ J S nAb<5Ql~l3Dirim«W81ry' wW stolen' im’ft MT^belOTgin^ to ^ ^ M Strong.

JER O M E ^i u t o T h e a t r e- F R I ^ & ^ A T ^

, T W I N H I T S ' ' - A I B i

'W I L D S T A L L I O N " - IOAtIjn-Johnson-Edgar-Buchanon ------- -

PLUS A T re o t

" F E U D I N ' F O O L S " I '.The Bowery Boys______


— TV_ ^ S i M 5 A y f— - M l

' H e r e C o m e 3 L s i

T h e N e l s o n s " U m

"days ~ ■ I^Y JUBILEE - I i h


E N D S S A T . . .

'A ‘K T 'nYteaasPe CARLO-JefcalREUHD

---------- . .. PLUS

L A i %L / . A. emu suti •

S T A R T S S U N . | J -

kr M o r n i n g ' S h b w ★ J ®

- 1 0 o ' c l o c k

_ 3 C o i t o . o n | i - P l m a i i l j M

R e g u l a r S h o w S V v T

L J I H E - b l l L E ^ ^SIICOLOR -----------

SUNDAY •■" '■ "■ Doors Oj

U ffu a w M ^ iB o k - 6 :3 0 p.rr s w oofttt In

J B m : iiEJ M 2&d, belK

C o

F A L tS , ID A B O

eport Notes Plans Ddlecord Gain ,

; -plans w w compleK P V p T i l l P - week meeting of

T u n t i t A v louices conreren•ASHlNaTON. ^AUg. M J f ’ 7 'ram ent collected ft reoord-set- I t will be the

n .« t ,o , 0» S , S . r i ’, * rJl, WM dl«!j»i!a‘tSl.y-ln-« a- p»m 00 jntsroal revenue coUeolioni terday to outUi

tfcal m j , ended l u t June M, by sewlon. - tnue Commissioner T, Coleman ^ He aald the d rews— Andrews la id -to ta l ool- tf»»lred the attea ;orts were 7 J per cent higher Terence of u i , ,„ th .p r .v l= u .y » r .— „

iBcrease-NoM TRODItrtirecnege"oUar Increase w u M,K7,000,000 officers and aoc of thu. Individual Income 'em- month course in

T nent'liSeircontHbuted'the-to; tm ion-of-the-n i of 13.617,000,000. . material resourcQdrews’ report also said: Ums connected vaxes paid by corporaUons in- a peace to warU ied by tbe sroaUert percentagf - ‘-iny U x coUecUon.— Corporation T > ,',_ l Income and profit ta x u tn the J > U n ( 1 6 r S ( )Unt-of tai.«87,000.000 in fiscal I and In fiscal 1063 paid the sum P l f t T t t O l Wl,BB6,ooom This .waa a a tn- , * - , ise of 8138,000.000, ««• .8 per cent.

~ iH S = T T H T r.ia ------------? ; j h 5 ; . y V i "be increue In personal ineome training academy

employment taxes including ed for Idaho pea- age insurance, xuemployment "We certftinly

irance and mllroad 'retirement officers In crln menta was 10.4'per cent. Indl- nnd traffic law jaJs paid 833,738.000,000 Jn fiscal tt}±I toward tRe government's up . The last legisl p and for social aecurlty. In a proposal for al-lfiM they paid 837,266,000.000. mended Uiat the his made Individual tax pay- enforcement look it«-th>-blgBest.sln8le-aourco_^f. of wtabllshina <mue.-wiUx—corporatlon—taxes dliUes.------------t. No'other claaa of taxes ran •• ~ . . . . . r three billion doHars per year. READ TZME3-M

P e n th o u ia P.

The THREE LITTl* * * —street from New York —

1 0 A T M ^ a t r , A u g v 2 '

ATreot for .the Small Fry—And Their Po Children 35e — AduiN 50c, Tox Ini


L S T A R T I J i G ^ S E P T E i^

i l ^ i n I

c o m b in e dj f c Q All-Star A l l N EV y.C Jrcul A

— A M -------— ------lEATURtNG---------- -

—Defyln. D

‘ jo e HODGETp r in c e njM !r?„a.-O fJH E JL A C K -W lR t---------- S S i T i ^

A A s«nuUonKl SEE

■ 2 2 R i d e s .L ' I DANCE llEVUE " •

DMrt Open 10 a.m. — Clrcui Performoni «:30 p.m., & 8:30 LAST TIMES, SATURI

---------C to W ii tJ r w i^ b r ^ n i■ i I # f c P 7*»* ef ace) a t SAFC' ■ (TWIN FALLS * BUHI

iJ iY K ID S M£ a m n v " i ’ll “ * *•>» » . M « t - s u mS v , t l tp h .n

c S S i ' c S .

____C o u r f e s y y N I O N M O

ms Debated on Avalanch loise Conference Smt

; r a s 3 - ™, « . o u tlto . p l.» . lor tJi.

aald the defense department „ „ ,>d the ftttendahce ftt tbe .eon- ^ a « « o » ' c . 01 « m w d v m u . . .

B ^ C T l^ r i - ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ j a J S o i S S Ss*s?«srs^ '* ri^h course in geo-poUUcs, mobU- (n'of-the-n«tlon‘B-bumfta-*nd —-T he—:» llroyl- rlal resources, and ftll prob- chftrge of negllgi connected wtth conversion from

6HO™ oS

ndersonlBackr_ _ . members o t thelan for Academy wedneedftymghtiISE, Aug. 38 (fl-SU te Police __A. P ._ » u n d e » n _ « E ie « e d today th a t ft law eiSorcemenf 1

ing academy oould be esUbliah- ■ r Idaho peace.offlcen. H B B i n Me certftinly' need one Uf trftln :rs In criminal InvesUgatlon ■ { ^ ^ ■ ^ ■ 1 traffic law enforcement," ho • • p | ! ^ |

e last legislature turned downroposal for one, and recom- 'led Uiat the department of law • tJS T M•cement look tnto the posalblMty -pYM P“ Bitftbllshlna one a t exUUng fa - W m t ■M.----------- bRlAT '


n th o u M ProducH cni , - r J P f f T j____ P re te n t* ~

M u ilc a l S tag e ShowSTAG^t - IN PERSON _ . K J j l r i

E LITTLE PIGSAU>Adnlt,-ProfesdOMt-Cft«t--------->few York — ea Tonr - pj

t r g v 2 9 0 n ( y -d T h e ir P a ren ts , ToolOe, To« lnclii(l«d ' CARTOOI

S U N .



N E D y i f ^ Ol^C Jrcu i A c t!

: T h e S e n t o t i o n o l “

E r i k s o n i ' A - ' lInteniaUosally Faneas { |Hand-BalanelBg and ( ^ . 1 ,Iron Jftw ArtUts CUU

, , c u - . w ”■ S h i p w r e c k ■

R o s i e " a n d H e r TH- P b Is ---------------------------- —noUywood’s PerfemlDg T«}eW«ioa_£]ephsn{f. . . . . .D rr« c tf in ) jrc f tp n tu a j------- — I H ^ b IMueller

^ T h e “ G r i r a i ------- — | h H |

F r o b o e s s -Former Olyinplo Champion ^D efying Death oa lhe

r T h e H o d g i n i T r i o

Wbtflwlada on lhe ' -_____ _____ I ^ H

J lVUE ________ _■

P erfo rm o n co t 2 :3 0 p .m .; i, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 .

:> a t SAFEWAY STORES ZQtU.LS.* BUHL).. . ........ . . . * " ^ ^ 1

r | . Come to OKION ^k | Motors (TWIN « «««

---------- F A L L B J-W e d n e i.- -------------------D;day, September '

leet "SHIPWRECK H05IE" ------- f l K I 'in Elephants—and receive i i l l leata of^ftctj-frca CHARLIE- ----- — w r » *


ralaMheDeathait Tna! Slated -]i)LStatLMondaf„S™|®

icbe 'ftt 8un Valley n» January, ^ i S ? T f t r.wUl open la federal court McS; O h n . i t o '^ l a t

.In tllf In t t« » l t U M n ' H u ., , .’" ta lS o ™ dner. New York, She olftims her Twin p«S U jftnd's death wae due to nealt- ' Mr. SwetM^*®J- M'oa the part'Of the trnion Pa^ J^Us'tract,rtllro»d.»bJchopenite9 there - Hi,

autoknobiu ^ ^ardner waa one of fou r akiere. ^ore moving of them ftn .inetiuctor, klUed » « » member«7??“

be- ftTOlanche,.................... • He n :resort Phoebe ^ ^

its aki instructors Invited band to aki in an unaofe place, hrother, n w S l ®h . - y l l r o y l _ h M d m lM - th .rge of negllgeoce. PorUand, tn4 s ^ '

TINAN0E8 STUDIED ^ ' ----- vHOSHONE, Aug. 38—A study of n 5 £ r = r N - * ^Jjudget and .current incomo of rf?TT*!5SVw^ Methodist church w i i made by IV .f ^ f t J nbers o t the finance committee ■ E u E j T ^

f W i P P i l

- ' w u s t i| | | | j | | | | j | | U | | U ^ ^ - -SflOl g

S U N . & M Q N . t J j ]

;:;.LANA k ir k I* Douglas ■ J S MWALTER DICK ■ U m ^m S H S i ^Rdgeok*Pct^ m

CARTOON i f n e w s S M M Hiltdren __________________ - Ho - f ^ u C Q Mlnlto'=:===;;u-.^;;;----- ------«0o




. EXTRA!. ^ . c b l o r C u l o M ' ^ g a M

^ ^ -----;----------- ------

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (7)

E im G as

S S .”™® I

[ f^ tm o n y ch«itt!<«ls hjy T i U t l c A - g e r . J b b l J» ? ? JM Hro clUu v»nt tne vlUt »

M lem i to Up doUan In 1 Jf^ U n e authorUed only lerellniE.Cl „ m *t^ thftt'*, i»r. B olw t H tf- approMh « 5L id p sd flo North.: ; B*|H,-rW|irfZgsoa. on« 0* ---------------• j® » n t8 . teitUUd X T r i •52E« »n **« U, S, ! ^ 5 S S M t - o « — T r i ]S ^ t to propose* to i i ■WASHING^Birtat In .the m ft. More than 3.fgSi n t « would be ^

^ than thoM P ^ j^ ,^ Jor i « tTom t*e nou^gj^ j h ilitfa neld >n.C°’o” 4° »Bencle«.E » T h . b l» «^ S ^ ”p<JS'io p i«

|fe .t£B 9™ EiSIul■ ___ of the vet«r

^lIe=in=S*^rSj « — mlnl8tr*Uon

r f J I e c t j ^ I s L y a , i ! ,

SfBuite* dlstrlcU In .** "•« “ USDA « M _ . P u r c J

' today It boui iMumbent. and

SSwa-lUed J o r .the Wonday.___U Ctttj dUtrlct and This broui

»lBcmnbent, h u filed pounds the oi ta lUftrlct. In both bought sincedtl»iiispolUngi]laces: Blarted-ln liIt Iht lebools. the livestock

|ote-Vir,tnr’ M a Slly fo r tf. S. Aim>1K08ERT5. jf , enced by :

TM air-m iar4 Btatu' affaln has have Inject lltl im t strength In French poi Moafc-WhethcrJt-alio. .Indla_ iytijiBiity or vUdom Amb>Ailan ire S a c l 'b le ' doubt, on Morocbo.

Korean con-

K 7 : » U o m .tin^ 8Ut«s w u wrons , rhoycU lit

fink'!, pre*«nce a t never nresii

f l ^ d U b le ^ « n f« * *'•« i roundUble confer- ^tro t ti'o-slded con* merely aa k l4J9iU*#Jn.BU5ninK. K M «.w hea MBpment this major- g e T S n ^ w Im teaching the re- t},e Wrti In the general They, feel •

^CSfeS..": """S-StpoUUeal commltteo, M J h S S

» 2 ^ 'w a a won only only of bet r ” » of heavy and wltJi h e r-e.iw ^ iT nnnrrrlind# : l e n f i n o miWP^pplnes. for Jn- they .want. ^ *h»n thay really The Onlti JW te Tndla. Prance thft laeamtl y g « Amtrlcan dele- roller tacUe

J*-«jtl«ia-ln-Morocco- -pracileftll^ ?l« to security oouncll .the openlni

“’ '^ h a v e reaUEcd U nw asoth t om being tnflu- may not ha

» U M P• • . E eo n o m lu l. . . E f f lc

^ K p i i i x n . DISTRIBUTOltS ^ M * ^ '* ^WSS-M0RSE . POMpj

T w to r ! ] ! ? - *

cind ftiod ftit p l w n

I^^V ^^ll^S lendflrdm edili, I E

^^B fa j!!* !j.< )s ic FriBldoIr* a K i H Mailer models, _ i n 9

mperial Cyclo- g f l B combined f o o d - » a

>>'0 rsfHgtraiorDefrosting and '

'«-'»* «h.wn On

Chemicals Gain - (j, F . 11.114 Ml'„ .LJM Ope

---------14-------X 7- ^ - -O T E N N ff--W # : ■ -r 'r''^ • ^T" Bchoola will

Jfl • ' ■ • L 'fV A V K ’ ' sep‘- 8. eupi*®---------- i ~ . . 'A L ^ T T -T " Schult*. rtpc

M ; ' ' . The facultyM~ .............. IneR ahnam

........ t::.-: gmde; Mra. 15 ' I . _____ :_____ _ ond gradeVi

■ ri-r .V -'r*. grade: Mr. 1K-v—•;•..•-yvi — grade; Mrs.

^ _ grade;-aod-ll . y ----- A. .--A .............. T O grade; Robe— ___ —— —— - ^ arts ' Kleth '•m » Ml. ■4S -» - -5 l

^S^2[wrSrfo'to?Tr&~ tlon; Mra D]ip m J» » 9 _ to the prewnt. _8 ta rt-tng with » low of abo5r4T)UlIorrdollars In WS9. aale# roM ateadllyonly lerellng off in lB5t U is ortl-m a t^ th a t the WSJ flpiro wiU-approach the X» bUllon .dollarm m trm n rp o la f to r - th a ^ p y io d .-


U. s. Emjploye - ^ • i i i r ; f e k t e d « |

■WASHINOTONt- Aug. 38 W — Uoa. Three Niore than 9.000 govemment workers added, one t STO being dlsm lm d Irom their Jobs two a t the under payroll reduction acUons an- rooma In the nounced .Thursday by three separate in the remal agencies. a gymnaalun

The biggest cut la being made by the newly organized U. S. infor- H i / ] . T o maUon-ttgency. whlch announced It D I U I S Is reducing its forco trom ejOO to ^ SpSOO'Bnd~ls alMlishlng iiiore Uisin 1‘l t l * ' SOO vacant poslUons. All but about roo of (hoae affeotod are foreigners. IDAHO 7

About 1.000 Washington employes Df the veterans admlnUtratlon are J

Md TfiFr i KtfmiSiUon-IB- • * ^ u lW lJ ^mlnUtraUon” announced- I t -u-dlfl- actor tesUngmlsalng 37 of lU 1.060 employu. eraUons oHlr» 'j8igiilaf-U.«ther»_tc.lower_paidfota. and Ltylng off 33 aceoufltant*. l

USDA Continuing JPurchase of B_eef ; : ? ; ' ' t ; ”5 , tWASHINOTON, Aug. 38 WWThe «*®j

ioday It bought ll.«01A8o‘‘pounds of

Mo5dfr’“'‘' ^ wS .'t^U s bHugfif'to“aBoure8 million f^oC d Wd ' pounds the amount of beef produota hi l»ught since a beef buying program . noun of !tarted-ln -Marchtto-help-aUblU»*- tiddor on vs the livestock market. cord was Or --- ------- -------- ----------------------------- offered <131

ry Prove, •i. Aim in F u ^ reenced by Britain, th a t bringing -----IMairTniar-the-confertnee—wmilihave Injected im enemy of the L / O m p SFrench poaltlon In. .Indo-Ohlna. T m t^India is 0^ & member _of t h e ____ f l l l l iAr.b.A .l.Iv bl05_ •tUcklpB^rriii)C»

°”u i.°S 5 )S rtty comUM M l n » ‘i i .D n lld BUUM h u , to l u IKma, ’“ . . " S ' ' ? t o t i r f t t . poulblllly t h t t th . K W B«ir-conlercnce-«in-lead-to-ft general conference on AMon setUo-

"’^ o y c la ln / th o t the Unlt«d Statesnever presented any tenable moral *'argimient against Indla'i presence, ^ , and claim Uie poalUon was taken merely aa k commitment to South Kor«a-whea-Amejrica-wa« tiying-taget Syngman Rhee to atop blocking “ I®the Korean armliUce,... . - “ 5 ^ ! . ^ . “ ,

They, feel {he United States is dls- « t"« W v e.iplaying cynicism with regard to „Uie hope of any setUements a t the C n O f lconfereaca.-and U>at India wa* th# OM COone nation beat fitted to ac t as a BELLSVI]go-betw eenJt-there_w aa.a eorloua former Sell«rp«utlon_of_any_pronublB _ox- a t th e Partlichange of views. ef Oregon, f

They »Uo polt)t«d Out th a t the vueCommwAmerlciij Btand on the rlnclualcrft a t 11 a. m.only Of beUlgemrts doeg-not Jibe L u t 8 un<^^th^her-eom pleU ^ t o g n w s ^ w elve^^l^t

they want, including Russia. V n . I. Ik ' The United States has won, tout W irt n irm

tho laeemUona lett by tho st*wn» chw wa* sc roller tacUcj, began by the Pnlt«d Blitak w hen- ahe found h m e lf a m uTracilCftliy-a-TrilnoMty—o f ^ b n in i f “ A S r t l ;.the opening of the saaslon, may Drivflwa«m aln-K >-plagu*-h*P-ior-a-ton«. ^ Uma as other isiuM arlH. The pointn a y not hava been worth U all. BOISE P>

I P S I —T S S E R V I C E. . . E f f ic ie n t R e p a irsM a k e ___________ - f ^ ^ l

lUToftsP O M pN A .E U iIE S_..:._

irm Store rn Fan* • rboaa IMS

:e : , _______ u ' s t


lh aw n Onljr 4 4 f . 7 S n B wB GBSAT NAHKB,,. . V JttJliJ


[t. f . School ^Opening Set_ I

■"OEENRffTBRRY, Aug. 3S 'Tb* L<Wioola wm open In 01enn,s Perry Slept. 8. Supt of echoolB Albert B.Ichultc, reports. Joha e. wblui*:The faculty Includes Mrs. Gather- ‘! * t ® 1 ? :

ne Rohn and U u ra Wormbler, first SkoJi^^rio b m n d e : Mra. Martha M. Wilcox, aee- mmu «iii> u t ind gradeVM rs.t: S. UlUcan; third jade; Mr. Richard Hamel, fourth SSwr m*.u2r Tade; Mrs. Jean Sholley. fifth S iiade;-and-M raJW . a , Jnnrt, lU th ------------lado; Robert Salmond. Industrial ' giu-hon,^ Tts; Kleth Caldwell, English; Ben w, a. m'ohnson. biology; Robert BellUten. liU <L>n...«l nathi>maUci.tnrt , nhvnlcftl rflncfta.Ion; M rs. DoroUiy Nichols. E nglish . nuslo and d ram a; M rs. P h illip M .' unian amicM ii Jh a rp r*ng ll*h -and -llb ra ry ;-Q o« lon Brown, commercial and co ach : D ale 3oodson, social science: M ra. M ary Mtn, feii»w*d k V. U tt^rback, vocational h o m e m ak - » " i *>>"7 »' n g ; T o m p h w lt .1 { S .V j ; ; . , 'l iicLBDCtauHiigh MtUB..flhorthanA-aDd- iD>undi.y.Jwsc. » cu a K lsnce;- R obert L eem oster, - nathem aU cs, a n d Devoe RJckert, jrtncJpal. s

T h e faculty Is short one m em ber, diteuiiion ireu V teacher Is neded for glrla phyalcal »i>r«hip!iducatlon and language;_______ • 1!~DotIT«h-d6ir-were' cleaned and “ filndlr. jalnted during the aummer voca- ‘ " “PvIL” ?•' 4oa. Three classroom* hove been idded. one a t the grade aohool and rUn womin'i 1 ;wo a t the high school. The two fhnrth »»rior«. ■oom* In the high school were built n the remaining apace once used as jb h c‘

B i d I s R e p o r t e d a C i S s

— O n - A ^ G - P r o j e c t f ^IDAHO PALLS. Aug. 36—Plbor- u S ." V-

tlaa.inginecrlng and_Supply_com-______*um*>jany . S a lt L a k e 'C l t ^ l s ^ p a r e n t '

t^u lM ln ipw f-a t:lhg3 i& tloa> L ierictor tesUng'staUon, the Idaho'op* ,cboo i« i« i^sraUons office, U. S. atomic energy eUu »i p.rUh:wmmlsalon, announced today, «*£«-ThB-bJd'-«jbm ltled-by-«b*r#laa -vw uu 'puithnas ♦3,143. The only other bid, In Wtiiinr l*wu«;he amount ot 83.310. was submitted boutr pa >y Rocky Mountain Roollng-coni-ijony, Pocatello. The contract cover* ^ * • 'repair and appllcaUon of grave] sur- „ ” ?i,” ''8«3:ace to the roof of the jnoterlal* eonutc with ■<kstlng reactfir'building. Roof area •"'’'Vilft 5S.*««to be raoalred m euures approxl- „ r ,h i? ' ,„bj;imiRIyTMT3T13J*nnC--------------------i irw e rto r tr r

T h e N ordham compariy, T acom a, f '* ' •“»»•«*•Wash., was h igh blddei- on th rea f irixoupa_DlLfluflr£K«nt_llxt»CM_wIth ______ - . . j yI total bid of IMJJ6. Aaron Vork, 1.,,Arco, was high bidder a t 861B.80 on thip; coinmuni<\ group of tlood Ughta.-8uccesitul WM .nd slddor on varlous-lenirths-of-electrlc- 'f cbrhKTUn!:ord wa* OrvU Dllworth, Carey, who fhuKh lo *0 toffered «131. ’’JS'i’-W ejtem-Anny-8tore.-M abo.JalU . ” lubmilted a high bid of 8103.18 for a « M t CHUBnoup of w<^cn Ittdcicrflj ttr'1 Cemtr eiwaya Sales. Salt Lake City, sub- w. r.lmltted a successful bid of 8503,83 on *!»» ».m.. N«one lot of fiber duct condulu . , > 0

C o i t s p ^ l f f e r s — M ? - :

— M i n e J P a y ^ p o s t- WAMlACE.‘A ug. 38 I f l -T h B ' 6 u n - J J " - . cfcrt*titih lne -M W rtg com pany hoa^.offered *«.Its cmpWes a ' 1 3 -ce n t-an -h o u r th# wi«a wiiiwage boost. retroacUve to Ju ly I . " i - *

The negoUttUng commltteo of the hooi.ln<3ependehtrunloir'of-Mlne.-MlU ----------and Smelter Worker* ironounced - »I«?“th e-o tte r would be submitted to - m. amembers a t a special elecUon on ..our. 8 u n ^Sunday. StiJiVud i

The mlne-mlll union h ad prfi- <»r. u ^m ..'Wouslr announced it* approvaJ of man 8H-cent-an-hour Increase offer- *'•« -by 'U l»-B unker-H U l-ttT id-Sullivttn------------- i i l j i rMining and Oonpentratlng company, ?** ; Feb. 1. . - jo bbi

Speaker ListedB s a is v u * , Aug. 3ft-M ark Lloyd. BEC

former Bellevue resident, professor a t th a Partlm d bMacJ^ofJOaiveralty ^ ^ of Oregon. wlll”preach a t the Bcire- .V /mtooh. vue Community Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. Sunday.

L u t Sunday-five member* were _________received into the church. They are ' _" M rsn c tn n e tir -B e e cn e rrT a rn MMr*. I. L. WUe and Mr. and Mrs.W irt fairman. Donna.3«ft-McKcr.: chsr wa* soloUt.

-^PHAl^T PAVlWrlDriveways — P a rk in g L o ti

— -------- We-SpeciallBoHB— -------- —Tba. WfisPine PlnUhe* P u rc h u e

BOISE PAVING & A SPH A L T UieTrucl■ Phone *830 —T w to FalU SAME L

______________________________ customer.■ - — O lty. Wll

I t ' s T i m e t o R e p q i r ----------------------

T h o i « F a r m B u i l d i n g s F o—a iv ftl’oufuveiiocjcrpouitry.and— “ 240~A'd

crop* the weather protecUon ■they need. Repair and remodel run-down tarm buUdlngs. WO

. can supply you with all Uio ma- tarlaU and advice you'll need. A~weii-repalred^arm oi ranch h u hlgh-producUon volum e... means extra 8UI for you.Stop In -o r Telephone 461 For A FREE EsUmaU ThU Week!B ^ a e r TERiMS A s LOW AS -

. t l A MONTH—Nothing Down

COMPLETE . . PERBffiNAL _ ,,HimvTry! < y »^A tiL E •


CLYDE BISH0"P“ “ 7^* -L U M B E R -C O .- -Sf"!.;_____ TOLEPHONE '4 6 i JO o ilin J

8S0 S(iMl,one S tr e e t W eet .

“l i l

-—At the Churc-------------- W M T .» * » m T --------- --------------:_*T^SnW .

SbMhen* a t NiDtk KTntio M t U*n«l«««r

-Tb* Lort Ot»T,.<fod.*‘ »i*» »■«».. ■ • - S '~kUKb •chool .rwl-aurMTT. U ■.BU, »un«M ^ir. P»ul WInUor. 8 p -n-. sommuoltjr “ « of■rrlcM In tho elw pork: m«uw« by R#y. « •" “ • I'J

«MU Wllb Mn. Uowanl Durw«rtl. SM *•’' mnh-itrM* out.-* 9 ,B,^rvw4»y.-lla»iM* . -/-nliHCH r ommlltM mMtlnt. S p jn . / ChURCH rny«r m*«tla« Bnd DlbU »tudx. » p.»- • fVtdAMikT, boud o( dOMoni. iL® t

---------- r r i u T H r m d m s T --------- ^Sboihono «nd roortb av«nu« » t« l *

W. A. HMArUimr. mtnUUr br hi r« S ;. "liU i.Bi...«b»ireh Mbooli numry. 11

i.m.. itntor *nd Inunnodltu UYT. S p.m.. b."inlan MrrlcM In eltr potk. TiSO p.p. Mon< jg nundc

^ « d .y . dinn.r of M .tM l.tbltn, fel »w*d br » tiTOBrkml Don Somin ^i,.iu '.h .w th . tUm. ••rrwJom »nd Pow.r": " " •‘“” - trmip ilnilnv ami *p««Ul mutlc. S p.m. gEVKNTl V«dnnd*]r. offlclil bo*rd'inMilnf. 2 p.m. 3tO Tb DmndMf^JSCa-MxuUTOwsM-inwtlntL______ TtaA.b

n u d u tw “ " * 2 tt»i- • m sld.-n"*.!^*:«» i.m.. Bundir »cbooll ©oll««« «!• Eld.r Krtd W«

Jlteuitliin ireup rimU in room i. II p r ijtr mMtlnc. um.. wonhfp! num ry In n r* bulldln*. S ».rn.. union cnonh MrvlcM in clt)’ pork.

— Nefiiroup. 7:10 p.m. Hondty, n«y 8«ou«*. I * " ' V7.RI. >V«dn«dty. Btwlnr CJrc)*. 7 p.n.rhutirl»T. <i*eutUo Ut4rd of th i PrMbft*^pUn Womin'i tiiocUtlon will m»it In tho ^thtiKh j»rlor«. X p.m. rrt<Uy,-Mt*.. D*- — —l»n.)r'. Camp rir« group. COODINO

• "'-"-issf7i30 p.m. 8uni4y. WftUbtowtr OlbU (tudr: 10 lo lli«S m.i •ubjKi. •'QHhtrln* Mon of All Notion* »«nt In »«netu Into Ono Flock." T:SO p.m. Tu«d*r. Ulblo wonblp; Inalnj •tudr; iubj«t. "Con.elou* Llfo D «ln. on “T»kt a Look.

, . . cblUrin In tho --------- IMMANUBL LU TnBBAK--------- whl«h Um* t «

■cbool tlohunfa-Bnd Lulhcrmn Khool. BlbU * ^ O b lM k E r

E5lS5;’:;SSL{,'frSi'.J'*&TWillbtr Uoau* roTlr. 8»ll'L»k»-Clly— _________B- W.


16 .-m., 8und»jr Mbool: a t tho p»o«>l , „ i OYT rail;

brlntln* Ibo mo.t niw PMPIO ^ n iu ih „ u , „,[,hboHthf lin t Buntar In Btptombtr. }1 a.m^ ,i l i . mi-Uc yi"tl**L'"lS^rin...T *“ u '!V l a plealU«I lubiKi. ••Wk,t'i7« StluTtktf' r*itor“hipl^“*

FIRST CnBtSTIAN -" '* * “KUu 1j**‘d! " iU° ^ * ‘-?*I.U . ’ ________B O B U

>iil a.m., DlbU*»«boS! ^ * 0 a .n .. wor. .j;S :s•hip; coinmunloni voral du*t. Mn. A..O.Nr* and Mra. AMo. Itaad. -Th# Nam* of “ ^ ^ * 5 - ,of"cb?h!n^3^Vr®M.”iMi?^fhuKh lo *0 to KImbtrly for a poat ten.f*r«{i youth raHr a l 3 p.m. t p.m, ualea A i,.rvic«, «l.y park^______ ifhW lgobS tpiBst cniiBCB OF THB NAZiisEHE' ■!>«

. . Cem»r of Feurtlt atrw t an« CUth .W. F.llon (Jrotn. paiUr •'*® p'Su lan

S:t> a.m.. Naaarona bour. autlon K£EP.I:«t a.m.. Sunday aebooU 10i4t a-m.. war. .•hip. 7 ».m.. youth hour. S p.m.. ovanaalia- » tic »irrl«#. * p.m. Wodnooday, prayor and


- T o - M o \

^ ,,r .’irKJS'£r.«Ksr Be„!lifSRtCAN LUntBRAN ! ' O U B

r« .rth ajanu. a n d ^ ^ ^ n d ^ ^ t norlh m O V B ^ Our Sunday Khool will bo on vaeaUon

? » , * • . « K ® K ; , ' u , y S S ■

a t lb* panonaa*; Mra. KalUr. boaUaa.----------wmrBO HISaiONARY' ,

2S4 Third avanuo aaat 1

s p.m. Wtdntfdar, prayor aarvlca i Albart | ~BlohUr. claaa iaadtr.

BEORCANIXED LD8 ' • _ TRANSl101 Uarrlaon . US

............ F rad 'Tm K 'Pam r • ........... --•10 a.m.. ehurch aebo6l .\U a-mn »»r»il» ______ I__and Mrmon.___________ ]_______________


^ P u rc h u ^ o T ' tb(^^eM ^ti*sSe*^n3*'8«rvlce; the Truckera - Farmer* - and Motorist* of M SAME LOW PRICES th a t hive won for us customers In such other clUes u Elko, Ely. Olty, Winnemucca and Cedar City.

O I Lc m

' F o r m e r l y S w « n i e n ' i S a l e t

- 2 4 0 'A 'd a i a « r A W W M V T w i i i f a l l i r Ori

------— SPECIALLLubrication and V

_ ..O m ,l# * ? « e q u o ln M « H tr l



D U stl O il ^ P u t i o n ^ « r th o n I:-A 1 l-rnB lo rbT O H i!inD n j|h= --------- = - < 5 HIb

'Q os'iond O il D ellv« rl« s . . tc r lo s —“ G tt i 'p T lc id ^ r io w - B r : i o * = r r z r » « to K “


r Iflcal c^hurG heS — ^ e a r i------ ._*T ^*nW A an-*-cA T noL ic ----------- -------CoU<

Monrf*»*r J. r. OToola. paator • .

; noona. on tho uf llr*t Frldaya aad on F i rs t BapUst tha ova* ef h^y'daya; ( to S pjn.;-8ator> d a y tn o m ln s '

, on Sunday or at anr o(har bour br ap. V Falth SUU Ll , polntmanl. Sick rilla anr ^ u r of lh* day W inkler U , o r^nU btbycalU „,at.h ,r« .to ry .orphon . c o l le jT a j M t

• ; cniiRCB -oT ^ ^ c enb iok - uvIUm .'^c' S pr:io B iw L*k« bouitYird north tio n S tuden t

M*r. *■ Lr.Jio-R.Ha. RartM---- J« SUt^-wJdo- . h i p . . „ k „ ,

11:11 a.m.. nomine M .rar and Mrmnn Camps.I br tba ractar. ______ H e I* a g r■ BOLiNWiB CHURCH school.

• Mrfc B. Kl f^A»*SSr WWf tia i l tTi

r s : A K t t l r i S i E 5 i r K i v . i , : r 5 s ; _______ ' S ." *Ha2 l’V «

iBVKNTH.DAY ADVKNTJBT .; ______ ________________________________

t;30 a-m. Baturdar. S a ^ t h a«hoo1t l a . m ni?u adult laaaon. •'Tba n.lailon nf Faith to tba , J l

. mood "1 1 a.m.. a«rnMn, "JtaaTtn'a Hlfni.":• ' ........ L and Blbl* auid/

\ — Neighboring——; Churches

COODINO riRST «ETHOOJBT-Elfhth and Main - - •

Caorfa 11. Allan. nInUtar I V 1 0 I 1 6r 10 a.M.. Suniar *<>>»). Rallr dar. udKM ''* Sundajr acbeol. and werahlp aarviea fram ^ »a?m ■: 10 10 Ili«S a-m. 10:»0 dua .* ctn- •.1 tant In aanctuarr fer program. 11 a.m., • Olty P la wonhlp: Inalrumantal nulnut and drama. m n | tv Rn “Tak* a Look." pr«»ntM br th.'youth. ?I. JiM p.m<;_^nday aebcnl plcBk 1» tha __ • JJ® *P> and lea e r w i furnl>h*<t; lamaa will foi. a ^ _ Jow. N ou: ra ra n u ar* aak*d lo Jela thalr - Z fT

cblUrtn In th . aancUiarr at lOilO. a iu r- whiah Uma-taachara.wUUBat-ba-napaBiU — g---- r-issr’sc’ wrci'wsir —If of wonhlp) Mn. Caorsa Allan. pro(rami /

t. Malhodlal YoDlb fallowihlp. —KIKaBBLY"~CIIRIBTlAH ~

i - B, W. H«b*lh. m lnlalaf- ................... ■■' ■ ■to a7m7rBunaiy-aehooIr-ll-a.B»n-wor.- --------------------

ablp; ruaat Mlolat. John Eeelaa, fran Ta­coma., Waah. I matau*. ’;Cod-a ^ * < 4 ^ and*’ CyV *13iy t ^ ” from »ha

5 Chriillan ^ ahurjhta of aaat dlalrlat d touih Idaho I. th*_prefram will ba varirt » wllh nalchborlnr churthaa bainc rtiMn- ;> (IbU for portion* ot lha aftamoon. -Tnm a will b* a pleala aWl* ouppar provldad br

tb i-tw a BIUUW u f thi Chtiillan-Wemtn'a----------------------

- BUBL >BCOrm WARP LDB ^ ' ' ____________

L BuV*dar *«hooi. ?:S0 p.m.. aaaramanl aar». -•^ lea aa fellewai Bonr. ~Who’a en-th* L«rd a . --------------Z Blda.-Wbol-T-JnvocaitniirWOw'ana: ai-rln.“ tura raadln*. S N « p M ll:M 7 .6 h a n n Jlo ^ i* artai aa*ram*nt aoni. "How O m t tha . WUdom and tb* Lor*"; apaakan. Kadana

MaHurdU and ArllM Owana: ortan*tln Bobarta: apaakan. Joa Kutehlnaon

L —1 ^ 0 pSCTllUT»d«yr-Mmarr.----------------____________!: BUHL FJRBT WARD U>B3 j i s s v a r ' o « t o ' s s r !ii Invocation. Wada Oujllay ; aacramant o o n f .________ ^

^ T d ^ M o v c 'Y o i t f r 'T n i n k ~j&p o r H o i i ^ e h p l d . , .u . i i i

y i ^ e H l D o t h e J o b " j gB e t t e r — F a t t e r . j Q

(S T O R A G E ) ; ^

FORD' . O ’R A N S F E R . & ST O R A G E

ilTNEVr—^ GEMENT .■Takes Pleasure in ' A nnouncing the S a n a Service; w e-re h e re to serve M otorist* o f M agic V alley w ith th e K ve w on fo r u s th o u sa n d s of steady M i 1 a s E lko. Ely. PocateU o, S a l t Laka ■ m

____________________ 11? * -H S io a n -■ - , , A « u a l

)n'a S o l a i & S a r v i c a ' J” ’Win F a l l i r O n R o a d t q - H o g p I l a l ' - - — c o u p e -

HeatCT-- ■ . WaU T

CIALL ^ _ -____n and Wash ]-»«

^ EUn BlS A . O O

^ E i r S ^ R j i r - ^ o i L - C i r y — _

• r t h o n a n y in t h i i 'c o u n t r y---------= - < S H lB tt i r - t l r e 8- o n d ~ tB t* — ---------------- ^

. t c r i o s — T r u c k a n d f o rm .


LfOcail Church to h a o e w ? « J ,

-Hear Sermon by- -^College-Student•• ’b w i w E h S ' t^ ^ i i ^ u*. m u pre- 'r> « n t '( h 6 lK m o n 'a t th e 'T w la ' JWU' ~ K r V f i i rn First BapUst church services Sun- '' day momlng. the Rev.'Eugene Crow f lX lk!; reportod Friday. KU topic wUl be T ftBfl .>. VFalth SUU Lives.” I V M | ^y Winkler U a »enlor a t lin lle ld U H ^ n *. college a t McMinnville, Ore.. yhera.. be U a leader in oampua-mualcal ao- • B M l g_ tlvlUe*.. co-president.of tb e Chris- B W B

tion Student union-a^d haa served V i lH U in sut«-trido Baptist youth fellow- ahlp work aa a counselor a t auntmer

n camps. O ur Ow n 1He ts a graduaU of Twin PalU . r r r ^ r

high school. --------------------

~ apa^ar, LaatilOt Ftw>li'T‘*A»»wtt~pr1*tU' ~ '^ ^ “ i*t-__ .'• U rl‘ ip« j„ r. Uord'T>Iar^S*ai»?!'"Sew^>' llaavan Our T f t n / auambtr: banadi*.

tian. Katat Fawkw. litO a.m. WodnMdar. rrlm trr- t p.m. Thuraday. MtA. .

_________ J W O M ^ M ^ B A m S T __________Qa' . Blbl* atudr. nla.*^ prMcblnt. .•" a ub l« i"“^IslUfoan V . ■'

»n« Fuiurat And What Doaa Cod'a Word

- —!rt«Tt.»>n»n a f i .T mArnrtar '* _. .I . I . . . - ^

^ y acboot.^S p.m. pnaahfnt. • p.m. Fr<> ^ 0

M o n i y t o L o a n y .

’™ • Farm Loansn., • Olty Resident- Loans

• c ity Business Bldg.'Loans ,hi • No Appraisal FesOb' — * Mn flnmtnli^tlwwa ______ __“i‘; - i n ^ s t B a t«

§ - — «. A G B N C l ’i •S . m Main g u t ________Phone t 4 T ______ V ***_

I"I This lagr means a| ~ betterlray!^

^ w q y « l i« H » r ~ ^ ~

m W • RacondlHonad for Sofaty i

i g m Racondiiionad for - j

' ---~B~-- - "*~1teeondlilw ad for'V oli* IM • Honatily DescHbad "


^ aia M ain A ta n u i

1 9 5 2 C h a v n la t 2 -D m f 19S 0 BulS i3 a n = A a m im -B W n ^ l8 « 0 ------ Dynaflow-

. Aetual MU*i ^Bsrtlo. H taU r. . HeaUf —$1775____‘ 1 9 4 9 S tu d a b a tu F C h tm - C)

p io n • • t a r- - — Coupe—S onora-T in—lU d to -— - O wip t.'D i

HeatCT-Overdrlva-W hlU CffveWall T im $995

~ 1 9 7 9 lu i c iT R o o d m a t t t r 1 9 5 0 . Ch4-Door M a n — Dynaflow — SadiQ—pt B a n B lu»-Radlo — Heater — Tone Ore- Big. Light*. -O uU ide $1095

195 1 P ly m o u th C r*n .b ro o k ' ^<>Door- M a n -A U c k -S a d lo ________ -M

- — -----•■=H6i« J '= ^ a r 'C o v e r» — sig. ■•Llghtsi-Outaiaa-Visor—W hita.............. 1Wall Tire* ^

$ 1 3 9 5

— © H E W a— tC H I

MOVE TO ELKO In lOU. AiHAOERMAN, Aug. a8^M r.. and butter at. th'e

-Mrs^Ttiomu OtW ay-and'Son havs~ pCT-yvar per moved to Elko, Nev. " • . 17 poaads of

^ T resh Iclaho Trout Dinner .T G iOT ,Sflo Foods r r ; Pon Frled'C

TfiBft ' .Pflmo Ribs o f Beef. QU jus Id l 9 S R ^ with French Pried Onion Ri ra ITALIAN SPAGHETTIr-

t S C O T ^er , « m i l l T ~ F 0 U ^ 4 T A IN »^ O ur Ow n Poa»rie>‘ ;i.V. ' F ra o fe r

------- - “ looV 'fo r iRa Mormald o T ffii

„ AV..Ca.aSaaf.*da»d*dWVANCA»^MtAfC!L ---- ^


onad for V o l u a ' j H ^ n ^ H ^ ^ l j ^DeicHbad

- a i m i o a i T m H I J u K

G tE N G r JENKINS -P hon* t o t

M iln A n n u i W « it 'T » ln F a lli .

% USED CAR BAI^I 1 9 5 2 C h n r o l i t 4 -D w r 1 911 C»

^ aedan—Fowarailde Trani- Plok-iUp—m m U tlon-Sahara B«lg»-Ra- Tr»BiraU8W dio. Beatar. 8K. XJfthU. Out- 7 :80-^ Tly ^ aide VUor— hauled

$ T 7 9 S — -----------r

r 1 * 5 0 iu IcK S u p a r R lv .,la 1 951 Ch!00------ Dynaflow— B lack —-RadloW _. • 8-PassBngr. . HeaUf — 8 lf. U«hM. ...............H ea le r i s

5 _____________$ 1 5 4 5 ' •

B. C h tv r o l t t 5 -P o ii . 195 1 C l• • # « r _ p ic k iu p -

S a u C f l ^ ^ ^ t o r juit**^ . A ^ ^ r• w l t t i iM hauled

5 $ 1 0 4 5

7 1 9 5 0 . C lTayroItt 4 .D o o r . 1 9 5 1 C l— Sadio—Powar Ollde - Two- . . . Deluxe 4-1 . .. Tone O reen-R adlo-H eater OUde —'

-O u u id e VUor r d lo -H ea t

5 - -■ ' $ 1 2 9 5

• n - 1 9 5 1 Plymoi^ 0 ^ ^ <Hap<-TPtpVT

-----------^ ------- and Or»yr*«

1 3 9 5 .__________ • _________ ; ; ■-

- r -------- C H I V I t O i . t T r

- •

In IMS.. A m e r tc a r a iT O O ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H Id butter a t . t h a > a t a ' ( ^ ! i ^ ^ ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H » pCT-y^ar per ca:^ta canapo>ag [ j [ j | ^ ^ ^

17 pOQOda Of.l9<0.'>

Trout Dinner . . . o ro th ar Pan Fried'Chlckan Vv.

>f Beef, au jus . . . Fiiet M i g n o h H B ^ ^ H Pried Onion R ingsV .'. or 'AGH ETTIr- . ■ .

o u Mt a in m >(v ic e .FraofOF Frath lea C r a a m 'i j Q ^ ^ H

lormald o n th * l a b a l l . '-V

VAN CAM»su r e c o— - -

F all!

K A f n i i s i S ^ ^rARgiOiQAINi~7r|H

1 951 C hsyralat H 'T a ii 'Plak-jt7p-B]ua->f 8»Md

.. TrtBiraUSUnT-BeatUv^ t- 7:80-iS Tlraa—Motor O v c - -

hauled :

1 951 C h a v ra ir t S f w la l 'f:. S-Passenger Ooupe — Black-^ <

; :;H ealir "iaaTMf.—

1951 Chavrolst !^-T«n . : :Ptck-TTp-s: speed' TrannUi^'

------- -B lon-O reen—lS»-WhMU------■ Alr-Rlda Tires—Motor Orsr*


1951 C h a v io itt s i y l t l l i i r ! ^ : ; ^ ^ ^ Deluxe «-Door Sedan — Powar oUde —• Sahara BW r—

- dlo-H cat« iw 0«it

1 9 5 1 Plym auH i i< l« « 4 a n

and or»y—lU d io ~ H e 4 0 r ..r r / .Beat Oovara-Uotor p v a f ..

-tamed -

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (8)

j S y ^ g W

"pWiag.s^iB ppffl^ B

l^^built E n S

fo rtltn iflT W

-------------U J»-*lIS»^B


m i

menn|iftlier » new or H

— invu tisaU ' ■ se plan! > ■

P r i c e t ! E a s y T i M


fc tix ilid iy Members

' eoavcntlon ot. tbe Hof w d t e H ^ e r l e a a Legion auxilJary Au«. 80 ^ F s e p t . 3 In St. ixwta, Mo. ? f . ^ h t ^ i r^■ O aiT TlnK ' the colon for the de- ^ K r t m e e ^ o t Idaho u d ftotlng u P ^

dnrlns th e conrenUon wUl be OhwH ^ ■ m ^ u 7 Hot. Jerome.--and M n. ^ K ^ i ^ u n e s , aoodln?. The new J'l™ ^ ^ b i ^ c n n tl*ff. prewnted to the de-

by Mni. Aloya Hof. ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 f5 U H n « p f^ raen irM a^ 6 U x n y

banner carried by the two will ^ H « k e their tnitU l ftppenruice a t a trv " '^; ^ K U o n a l couTenUon. . i-j-.i-.-v':;•"•■''^ ■ d d t a t o e < ^ n i W ] 2 H^^ ^ ■ M ra . Hot Is chaimum ot,the (da- ,

delentloQ. At convenUon sbe will Installed as national committee-

^^K unan-.lzD in Idaho and also will ^^ B w e ~ 1Ee~}i%mr ef uutuinatlUB Mrs;^ H ^ t b Miller. LewUton, for the of-

of national vice president of the ^ ■ a t e m division. Idaho's Ust na- ^ ^ l o n a l vice president w u Mrs. Worth

Olenns Terry, who waa

^ B n p eak eT S a t the oonventton will Hftelude-VlctuPresldont Richard NU- ■ ^ K T tb e s ^ em o r of Mtssourl and tiie • '■ '■ / «W H l ^ ^ o r of St. Louis.^ B aIso attendlnB the convention ■.'“ xwfl ■ i o m Majlo Valley wUI be Andrew f . ' ' ' ' ' : ; " / '®^ ^ ^ e s . past department commander ....^ ^ ^ t h e American Legion, and Mr. I-.:....;.,;:, _,.

B Hostess to Club j iU y v^ H m iL N E B . Aug. 3ft—The W8 P dub I I M i e t Wednesday a t the home of Mrs. SC ■ B [^ irB p B n r-T O lh T 3 rfh -w » 5 * an - ^ ~ : r w b v - t ■ K e r e d with "the first day a t school." dorii ^ ■ r s . Raymond Seymour waa ac- »eek In 8 t ^ ■ p t e d as a new member. ^ ^ pm ldcnl-o ^ ■ n i e next meeting will be 8e p t 9 iq oooding Mp-th»-home-ef-M rs.-Marlc.Mocrman>i--------------^

H Care of Your Gm By ANGELO PATRI

^ H r b r m ^ o r m t t l s ' ^ l d r e n con- and sentI ^ R a o t ly arouse our-lnterest.'Svery- his hair, anM K i i ^ Is new to them In a worU in to greet :I H F b le h a n hour l i like a whole day. stamped a ^ B h r t l t - t h e y g tOTr-a -llttlo-older-tbey- -mothec J aa^ ■ a v a mUe understanding of tbe she said.,"!^ ■ t v s and wherefores o t big people, play, b u t nc^ ^ a ^ ^ t a g ^ ^ era and fa th ^ ^ R U |M ia^[s_sac

^ ^ B a p a tle n t with U>e conduct of a iis.” ■ ^ ^ E u d tha t U seems th a t they have After moi ^ n i ^ o t t e n ' they wcre-oncB-chUdren. o f-b ls tall: H B iH ow ever, wo, should stimulate,U S i l d e and direct chUdren. As the I H t o m go by, we must demand trom H K ct reod^ltion-and-com pllance youngstOT,. U l M t h certain ways of adulta. If we *^ B iM o -b o rllim -w ith -th em r-w e-a r*IB IK ^ h f to hav i & ^Mlled or mUad- Ttl^mcntt a^ B L s t ^ c M d . ?r^'iSJn*Sh^ H x n U ld f t t 'i h the pre-Bchool'boiip j

give much trouble. I t U am. m nv flnrt It. „ ^

^ ■ u f l c u l t to teooh them sutnners. M. y . '._ r _ ^ ^ w i r a l s , family customs and good be-

^ d r e n are self-«entered. ' B s t iht^zuptSon of their plsy, any

^^^■bcklzig of ■"»"»« project, any lm- B£LLEVi ^ ^ K e d discipline angen them. They bethel. Job'

protest rigorously,-and-none ou^er_m L sta«u of growth- «onday-«v

^ ^ ■ u t n t a asd teachers often have to arranged t ^ ■ E ^ th ^ a u U io r i f c y and Insist upon cher, guide; ^■ B w dlenoe as cheeiiul as the oc« er. and 1 ■ K s l o n . «nd th* child. guard. M B X H ck , nlne-years-oM. darted Into After a ] ■H]Bse luuse, threw his books on the hunt and ■ H |k b le . then rushed out again wtth- llanne Jonc ^ H | i t a word to anyone. His-grand- prizes. ^ ^ B o t h e r had oome for a visit and The ftrs

JooklQt forward to seeing hhn. bethel will Dick was stopped trom going Holley Maj

' ---------------------- guardian c

Mdrian Martin H Pattern Rep^ ------------------------------------- KTOHPIE

Cenarrusa. gave

— -ean-Ziegler

^ H | ' / i F \ *'^ H l '■■ w W ’ 'I p A OfficialBBI /r \\ WM d:

roSn!| F ' •'/'• i t ’ \\ N .‘IH B fl l i ' / ' I ' l " - ll Homer HlcI H f f l i r - ' j '' ' T t ll Tlavel and^ ■ B l . I i t ' ‘ I T ' i. II ' ■ bera of th

\ \ W T

— ly

----- BEW-EAS7.0K1BTI■ ■ W B eginner-easy l Ju s t two main IlM l ^ ^ l a t t e m parts plus belt and pockets l<v\ ^ ^ H - t h a t ‘s alll You con whip up the ' \\l|2

Jiffy « im « ------- .m zI ^ ^ B 's slim In front, flared In back— ‘MiC ^ ^ D v e s your figure such « allm. grace- ^ ^ K l line. Ohooso faUle, ta y m gabar- tI^ ^ B in e or soft wooL . . . .H j B P a t t e m 0377: Maees* waist sizes IO M . 35. 30. 38, sa. 33 Inches. Sire ^ n n takes 3 yards 39-lneh. ^H u tl ' ? ^ .■ Iflnw chart shows you eveor s tep .'I m p Send thlrty-flve cents In coins - r f ^ ngRior this pattem —add XJvo cento for ■ J Q |^ pattem for ttrBt-closs tailing.|WM3rad to Marian Jiartln . care U m es-

WHUlfswsrr-Jattem—departmenL—p.—Q.------ -— —H jttjr ip «7«0. Chicago eo. Hi. P rint yeur •

addresa, w ae ; s ize .' s ^ le

---■-■"■ ...........—

b e r s P lq n T ^ r - [“ r^Ope iC C o g y e n f i mnd M n.' Grant KtmBe. Tw taPaiis. day wltElm PoUowing the c o n v e n U o n . . a t - t h e roa

rof and her daughter plan a trip preatotcriarJong'tbe*lls8l*»lpptTlver. They WlU be from: 3::i f t o New York City foriw o days Wends of 1f sightseeing bofore going to New- vlted to attort, B. I., to be present Sept. U M n. Stev(hen Charles Hof receives his com- her home h'....... In the navy. Hof will r ^ with her soam home wlth his mother and els- Ur. Mr. am er tor a 15-day leave. ^

Wni^Represent Id- r r r m s i


ROSEMARY HOF ________ ^MR8^

parts daring the A m ^ean Legion aaxlllary*s'n»< week In St. LoaU. Mo. Miss Hof, daaghter gf Mi prealdenl-ot the Idaho atullUry, la tr o n Jerom [a Ooodlng. (Staff cngravlDgs) ___________^

j r C h i l d r e n “ I ^

nd sent ip wash and comb Js hair, and'-when lh a t was done. o greet his Granny. • The boy ^ . ’t». tamped, and snarlM. but his JS e B e lle ^

he said, " n je n you may go out tollay. b u t n o t before; Your Granny’s « „ ieellngs come befttre-?your pleasure. _ EaChBt:comoi4Uong=TOy=to-:vlsttrIS." • . . ■ tessea. , . .After more grunts and the sight -The club c

if-bls fa ther enterlng-the-house, .bar_day_ac)lck obeyed. • Beck, paradi

Though we may expect certain tha t prizes vlemonstrations trom h e a l t h y float and In'oung8^ , j r e must spealc firmly to Wood River,hem and compel obedience. Mrs. S. <

nUr ror MnUmmt. but for aceanU ln> ^OOd to th e ^•t r .U bjr Or. r*lrl nnlalni why thU

y k^U^Bw«M«ry. To^ebUln,»_MP7^J,.0 . ,Do*_»», autlon 0. Nrw Y o rk * ^ f l O H C

" - Mra. Oeoi

Bethel Meets who °v W tBELLEVUE. Aug. 28 — Hailey's h S n S rf '’’at^

jethel. Job's Daughters, held a ham - ? " r ! ? 5 .. 3uaer_ to_jlt-H ie_8cbttefer^oroe Bwne*

irran g ^ by Donna Rae McKer- Mm Tj>na. < *ar,.guldB.-Judy-Scbaefer;.record- X i P^iima

.n a D.1W OCom,.U, l« .o - tuaro. ^ Pauden

After a plcnl? supper a treasure Aunt and games were held. Ju l- ilanne Jones and Laren Davies won O j P

The first fall meeting o t the SHOSHOItMthel will be held Sept. 10 In tho party for M; Holley Masonlo temple. The new u to n , who luardlon council will be Installed. Mr. and M r

¥ . M Clarence T>p . . Mra. EddieReport Given- ^

-RIOHPIECD.—Aug—58-=-Luena ' ^MSTTani Cenarrusa. Girls' sUU reprcsenU- were aestst* tlve, gave her report a t the AmTri- cy Tanaka, Ban-Legion^nd-auxlUery-meeUng pdttv^m m i Monday evening In the Methodist - - .J church recreation rooms. Teleohron

Official opening of the Legion ^ bftU was discussed by the members.^ ■ s V f Pumace'bida*weie uiado 'tiy Caroi^ men a t the meeting. V aW S

Mrs. N .'C , Sllvey. Mr, and Mra, M f l i l Homer Hicks, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. ■ H H Plavel and Ted Brush were mem- H t i r u bera of the serving committee.______ B i i i »

----------^WHY PAY MOIBefore y6u buy any home 'appliance . . Investigate the features and prica o t thesa producta youll find a t WARNER’S.


____Capehart & RCA I

l33*S H 0S H c!

'^ l io ic e T u T u

o n l y . .

•____________________ M erwold

‘ . ' ' A ViA*C«M S<« r<Mxl Mcl.d br VAN CAM» SEA F< M<!r.Otl,cc;.Tit».i».»1 l»U^C«lVe

-JBROM E,-Aug_a8= r K t U e i t . _ A l r U Mnle E. Stewart will obaerve her Z V T V T ^«?th~Mfthd<5>-ai&lvenaty Tues- .. U t V < jlday wlln iui infwmal.opeiH»oUs*- —Mm. n. A 1a t- th e ro c re a U o n ^ ro ^ o t- to e p j«jdent a t tPreatoterian church. H oun will Hutnct No. • 6. be from: 3:30 to #:ao p jn . Allfriends o f ^ ^ . Stewart are In- p,vlted to atUnd. . p^u,

M n. Stewart, who has made „ • Home,her home here since 1916. realdes ^ J f p r S l S ; wllh her so n -ln ^ w and daugh-

Nelson, corresp Plans for att<

ent Idaho ,• ’Mil frirM n n ir iitn iin r^ Committees 1

» p o ln ^ b y ^

' *' " ' i r f B n T n ^ ^ publications: &— —- - ^ j d E S S S a f l g H B I ^ onemberablp^ai

r .j -a i W i l l i B c M M B s * and Mrs. Ben courtesy.

Uolon presk ^ i ^ b y M n .2

Mrs.'Raybum. Prank Nelson

’ A m e s gave Ui report;

Momlng devi

echneU wa» In ^ and also prese

V ' . Prayers werte°ee Stokea a

r a S i f f l H i B H H U - 1 R«eOK»women of thm » . LesUe :chairman.

The aftemc reports by publicity dlreoi man, llteratur

___ ^M K SiA N D EH U W BtL____ f S S S S ^ J».de{MdmeQi.o£Jdabo.iail j u i as_ ao d ji W}o_w« ixlllarrs'n»UoDsl eonventlon next Morehouse. Ha Ighter gf Mrs. Aloya Hof, rellrinc «wng n numbe from Jerome. Mra. Jamea rtoldea peranee movie

■-■ _ _ M n . .Oeorge -:---------------------------------------------- th-rrommlile*

Jereqafes R eport'A . . i i . The clostagAt CiViC Meeting Mrs. Drake. ^

BELLEVUE, Aug, 38 — Beverly}eecher. Odd Fellow pilgrimage del- orQnQ 'igate to United NaUons. and Charles . Aaulsosola. American Legion delegate jD'eCI0 Boys’ state, gave their reports to wrrtJinirTT he Bellevue Clvle club Tuesday eve-iteg-ab-the-hoae-of-M re^OrvlUa- b K l(5gS

Mrs. Ralph Griffin and M n. h a 'f 'p u n f 'w tames-Etchlson-were-the-co-hos-.

. . . . ■ parade Sept.•The club completed plans'for L a- food concessit

)or_day_actIvlUea.-Mrs..-Ward_L,, _Mra..M..A. I 3eck. parade chairman, announced Jacobson and i ia t prizes wUl be given for the best vere appointC' loa t and individual entries by the mlttee.Wood RlverlChamber of Commew. Monday -wa

Mrs. S. O. Nelson was named a t the new I •Aalrmftn nf dgllverintr Bellevue .made-foi-ft-ii nerchants' handiwork and cooked loOF lodge I tood to UiQ 4-H club achievement dinner Sept. iay and fair In Hailey on Sept. fl. bekah' lodge

,± lonored 'afMra. Oeorge A. Sallee. 04-year- corfman ond

Did pioneer ot the Salmon trac t choa Jr wert who Is. visiting a t the home ot her srldao club ‘ daughter. Mra. Sam Gamble, was coffmaa hom honored a t a tea Wednesday after- Honors wer. noon a t the home of M n. Hugh O. worburton. 3Boone,- • . ' _________ -Mra.-Joo-B«n

Other out-of-town guesU were * business Mn. Lena O, Holderman. Twenty- Tuesday ntne Palms, Calif.,, also a Salmon 2 S t^hWart tract pioneer, and Mrs. BuUi Fran- cls. Pasadena, Calif.

♦ * • . Cc Dinner Held ---------

SHOSHONE, Aug. 38 — A dinner party for Midshipman W arren Ken- aston, who Is visiting his parents. *Mr. and Mrs. George Kenoston, and “ ®Clarence Tanaka., son-of. Mr. and wicnes or can M n, Eddie Tanaka, was given this week on the lawn of the Tanaka home. . ■ • •

M n. TanBka"8hd"M rsrK ena8to a -------------(-> •were u ststed by Irene Tanoka. Nan- . cy Taimka, Neola Brookbonk and —•Ptttty-YCTmgr-_________________ ,

Teleohron * Setb Tbemaa Clooka

W tw m sSSLj'" '" ^

f MORE?--------^ ~V“lanco . . It wUI pay you to 'X a .V \ia o t Uiese naUonally-adverUsed3. ,


1iina r n^ w r - J

^^^Toolc.forlho 'X 'CM e rw o ld o n la b a l ! " ________

CAM> SEA rCOD COMPANY. INC. | 3 ] Shc»1 liU^'C«lVel«ii . - - _

)fficers_Elected Bridi At Fcll institute W W ^l y r v a i ^ w ^ m

n A T>r«ir«- » . « reeleetad 'celdent a t th e toU InsUttiU. ot strict No.' 6, W oman’s Christian unperance~\mlon. Tuesday In the >irst Chutoh of th e Noaarene, Twin ills. .Mrs. Homer Schnell Is the new ee president; M rs. Joyce Carrel, oordlng secret&ry^Mra. Ed.Amn,^bum , treasurer, and Mrs. Prank I o B H ^ ‘> --' elson, corresponding, secretary,Flans for attending the state con-•nUon Sept. 14-16 in Nampa were Q v ^ i B M Siscussed.Committees for th e day were ap-

by2 g]^obllcatlons: Mrs, M at* Van,Buren.

od Mrs. B ra Rayburn. Kimberly, jurtesy.Union presidents’ reports w e re Iven by M n . Berth a Sbockey, Kim- 6riyr~Mr#r~Sonier—8 dhpellr~Pllcrt"Irs. Raybum. Kimberly, and Mn. - . , ntank Nelson. Tw in Falls. Mn. jnes gave toe district treasurer’s

Z L . a . i ° u s y w ,t . c n d u p M

S ”S « T r ^ n ' S T ^ d r , . ' ’“ "Prayen were given by M n. Plor- * ___

nee Stokea and M n . Van Buren

srSf-'ttJ'ISrd.SVtJ Royal N S i i f ” Elect (The afternoon session featured HANSEN, A

eports by Mrs. Nelson, district nouchlns was cubiiclty dlreotor. and Bessie Speck- pinclng Mrs. Olan. literature « n d legislation de- j i^ e d . a t U«artment. . . . . . Nelghbon of i -M nr-Fred-W agner led-devotlons. ^ j - ^ j a l n g : —ndJl-Wlo_waj ro o g by Mrs. M. J. j t was rcqua

erance movie. * f ,j - wednesdJ t o . .Oeorge Childs, chairman of day.’ Persons ui ft-rrommlilee fo n J iT T w lh -T y tlr me P iic T if l i ounty—fair,— discussed—arrange-; xhem-at-the-H \ents for tbo event. ^ 3. .F rankThe closing p rayer was given by ijveech and L

irs. Drake. traveling basl♦ ^ Henry ond Mr;

Srand Conducts “S " SJ^ Special Session

WElfcELL, Aug. 3ft-Mrs. Robert K A n f r r llmarly. noble g rand of Idoho Re- ^lekah lodge, cohaU6tgg~ K~~Bpeclnt —SHOSHONE; neetlng th is week at-^the IOOP trons club mt lall. Plans were made to enter a home of Mr. c loat-ln—the—Idaho-^bean-fesUval .g » J ^ d e a s c r i iarade Sept. 19 and to operate a Mrs. W. H. J ood concession-that-day, business sessloi-Mra.M. A. McOloud. Mrs. Orlando were made f tacobson and M rs. Prank Jeffries 'worthy—gnmd fere appointed tlio concession com- makes her oflnlttee................. . , ,

Monday -was ao t as clean.upldoy .GuesU^Mpn. It Uie new IOOP hall. Plans were patrons. Chn^

iOOF lodge Sept. 3 and a poUuck Bridge was llnner Sept. 7 preceding the Ro- jolng to M n >ekah-lodge meeting. Claude Chess

-B f td g e ^ ^ y e d ---- -Mo cr-ii= SHOSHONE, Aug. 28—Mrs. Max VIEW, Aug. Coffman onu Mw:~Csrloa-“Ben'Io-; aom)t-Mr,-nn(l :hoa, Jr., were hostesses lo the Tyro Lcnlce Lyman. Bridge club Tuesday night a t the M n. Homer / Coffman home;- . ried- Aug. 18 1.

Honon were won by M n. Russell' LDS' temple. Warburton. Mrs. Ray Saras and Young perfoniktrar-Joo-Serrtoohoo.------- ------------ A rfnrptinn

A business meeUng was set for couple's honoi □ext Tuesday a t tbe home of Mn. mento. Oallf.. Pred Schwarts. ----- is staUoned a t

C alendarTffln Orange W hlrlen will bold a

tquare dance a t 8:30 p jn . Saturday J C ^ in the Twin Palla Orange ball. Par- ■Uclpants are asked to take sand- U T m Q j i t i wlches or cake.

— F A S H IO I

ULY BEE F((OCKS - A ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ - j ^ T W E E N A - O r i g i n a t i

fe a tu r e d by J a c k Sp ir •'F a sh io n -B o a t" w h ic h u s h o w n a t th e O rphei

■ f f f TOf ■ T h e a tre l i s t S u n d a v t l — — ~Wcdnesdavr~All-tinily~pri\

B a ' ^^OOed a t th e T o t & i

/ a » ^ S I i m " ; « . 9 8 ■7 .!

TW E E N X ^ . 9 8 n q nS I . . . 8-14 — from.... 7 fo 9

] S P E C I A L ! ^ d d k & E n d $J o e k ^ r P ojam ai, C v -B enneti, Shofft,Cops I YoMr ch o k e , <ach,. ^ ------ ----------------

"houshka's . ■T O T ^ . B E E ^ X131 S h o sh o n e St. So.

"■ ^',U ■' ' ' ' ' ' '


B r i d e - E | e c t , — F W e r t h e

L -------r----------. B y ^

ThU m ight be ‘ to rthea lxU i.tto

tH at many weei would pleoae do leaky taucet. T

KSBs^.:-. ' ■..i I aame old answeba done,this ml

J ^ J W hen he seero cc a ^ o n ^ ' ••Ho' honey," Is all ■

V ‘M lB B B fe ''" V '^ when nla \.bond then «xp; tlon-at hom*o It- a eoid.' ' w h ed M ' lahousework a n d .

*11) I ■' -*g«-iroTm d-ti

aeerotary works week Job.

i S S J J - ' J - S i X ’ W S;r. a n d Mr*. E ph ra im .B eU ^also «nCTMrHfthe'garly' fall.-ghe to ** -iWn»>41»a.iainut 153 fradoate of Deelo hljh achool. w hen be aay iherrod Photo—staff eniravloff)— -nbo used lo be------- -------------------------------------- hla “Boy, sho i

, k. , . , I h is wife realleebyal Neighbors g;«Elect Choncel.lor

flANSEN, Aug. 28-Mrs. Hattie j,pluchlns was elected chancellor, re - ^ best chlcke icing Mrs. Charles Cline who re- nedT a t Uie meeting of Royal JJf? s Ighbon of America lodge Tues- 1,* ^y-CTealng. ; - tc in n e f - l l je n:t was requested that w en mem- dlscusslna rG x rtW iry ies-G rm irto trboo tti ±. day of the Twin Palls county his newspi r. Wednesday through • Satur- -when he fort v. P ersons unable to take plM to nivwunrv unil i 9 Pilcr fairgrounds -may “ eiV6 blames 1•m*Bt-tho-Hansen-poetofflce.----- .given hlm-aomiars. -P rank Wright, Mrs. Cloe ...........sech and Lena Bohm received when, yearn ivellng baskets. Mrs. Oeorge gantdeclaratloj inry ond Mrs. Ada Albln wero In him It he loves orgo of gomes. , • - " I married youVln. Max Durk was hostess tar B evening.

* *>■ * i f ^ f. M atrons Meet

8HOSHONE,-Augr-3«-J>ast-l£a*. --------- E ----- J)ns club m rt this week a t tho m e o f Mr. ond Mra. Oeorge PII- -r_for_desscn_________________Mrs. W. H. Jackson conducted-the M jm msiness session during which plans ___ ■^ 0 made for entertaining ■the arthy—gnmd TO tron-w hen-sho J okes- her o f f lc fsk ^ I t here Sept. j

Guests Mondav n lR ^w ere post / / Witrons. Chniles Pendleton. W .'H .' ickson nnd Frank Kelley.Bridge was played wlUi pnees ^ling to Mrs. Mans Coffin. Mra, ««— laude Chess a n d Kelley. .. . . . aom eim ng


- /V \Q m O y e — »-O i Q — -n o t e p o o h iVIEW, Aug. 28—Cpl. Dcon Powles. •.m)f-M r,-nnd-Mn.-EU Fowlas.and- - ......:nlce Lymon. daughter otTO. and • . . . . .ra. Homer A. Lyman, were m ar- Iti- Aug. 18 In the Sait Lid^ Oity J l n l l l S53 temple. President Robert'D .oung performed tbe ceremony.A y*/.>pfW ptnnriKrt Iw «h»lUplo's honor Sept. B ta Sacn -ento, Oallf., where CorponI Powlea ........-StaUoned a t Travis alrbase. ~

'' -ZI ^ ^

F A S H IO N E D -F O R ----------------------------------

E F((OCKS tk-O rig in o Ii-------- ------------------------------------------

J a c k S p iro ’s1" w h ich w as ■ g S j i f g W 'le O rp h eu m ^w jB rV lM i S u n d a y th r u ■

B T ot i l S ee

I J . S B

tt Ends

E ^ X W E E N - - ^ —S H O P

P h o n a l 9 2 4 S E E

FALLS. I D A H d ________ _

5& o-'aJn i5 ies whifl U ,, U 5S JC A ,, wife har husband wasn't auch laU ons waa dl< ^caU h a !(tf til.— ;------- — M >d-U cE t t r HHli m ight be when she asks h im meeting th is wt the alxth t ta o - In the c o u w c t primary; many w ^ ! meetings Sept.Id pleaae do somettilng » within tho class J faucet. «loy- A danco Ii0 old a n s w e r : H have to 3_ O lone,this mlntrte?'' - , jn -ch aw o t-th rhen he aeems to Oilnk th a t an gj_t_ g ^nd M. islonal "How are you feeling, assemblj

Is all ttiat Is expected of parUcipotf1 when hla wife Js ilL TTie h w - i j tn .an d .Ju n lo ; d then « x p ^ hospW lo.I a t hom*o It he sUys In bed with a t •

sent. 33 <oien no n u wiic. w iiw wIU .be In c sework ana chlld-caro day a ^ presentaUon & r-aroTmd-twelvo--boun-a^yf 'oSscribljrpfojaH m days a week how hard his L. T . 6•«tary works a t her 40-hour-a- presldeni>k Job. September worin ien -h«^U = -groudiy~ oc-dIlr. -TueadoyirtSieguli nUed In tront of one of ber gos- the ReUet aoc r friends. ' October,m en he never {Suts anything . Lewis HolIe7~ ly himself, but always complains Sunday school le c a n t lay his hands on some- ^t»-4ft»^oiau«»h» ■~g f i a n * u c1 rtien bo aays of the TV actress atarted In 1703 J used to bo a screen favorito of paredw lthm an '•Boy, sho sure looks old" w d lajTbuildings.' wife reallees wHh a sta rt th a t — . ■ and the aotrtss are Just about same age and sbe had Just been A

nking how young tho actreas ..

Vhen he tells a hoatw . " n ils Is ClI best chicken 1 ever ate” when xl chicken Is a speclaitg' of hise's. JV aVhen ho asks: "Why didn’t you . S I -met“-Then he-flnds-out-hls wlf* ----------------

o'“ni " n l ^ “ W t 'A ld his newspaper, CBU Vhen ho forgets wedding an- wnnTT unil IniitAnrf of heing con- t«fl Main \ A blames her not having ES - - • en him-aoma gentle.hlnt*_ahead ^ H time.______ ________________ _ uuumuiumiiiiiimVhen. yearning an extrava- UdecIoraUonof his love, sho asks 1 It he loves her and he answen: married you didn't I?” . >


-__ 1.1

I ' L a rig e

S om eth ing to C h a trA b o u tI 'PERSONi^lZED PAPER -• -------1


Open Fridays 'Ul » - 1 i p B L L

Hill's Gift Shop I U3MAJader Bank A I t u t Fbone .456

ifs aZmStTniirad

equipm enl—wire, eobtej bol

_____________ Tha money sp en rfo r new te

in the last seven years amoui investment in all the previou

Yet, for lhe av erag e residen th e cost of having read y ac< btninesses in the community penny oi» hovrl


_______________ Co» b y n u m b er whofto rw p w- opofotor </onn> eoftrrf* and y o v rn tl po'sTfhrough mucfi number, Ih t operofor win g h f It

■ _________ fftfl co».'..lhon you con wWfa tf c

'inter Prograrri Told for Church

^LDS^^^marr WffiSrsting th” week.- ^ ^u e . primary classes will begin t h e p i ^ ^ C < s 5 jtlngs Sept. 1 and promoUon d u c ted tS :^A U n hin the clasra-w m bo held lhat OtScS,

A danco Is scheduled for Uie Sept. m «,!?, I* d A .sept, i a y d o Hstfper will be « » • Suuh& “ cb8rge,ot-,tho .opening; assembly Uib, t ,9 and M J . DUle wlU « p « . P m p W i ^ - « 5 an assembly program oi) dating -onmj.h participation from Junior M- * «'n .and .Junlor.O leftnea.on Sept. Oinnek b b .

ATBlCH, Aa, -M eeL M oal'M utuaV w U lbefes- “ “ wtSMd ,

I In charge of lhe theme

M builnjtember work meettng for 3 pjn. I S » V m eada]r:!:2iegu!ar.,weeUy clauos' or ' ,) Relief society T^ll" beglri “b ‘ U » r ' S w '

Jowls H o lIeT 'w u ln '^ a rg e of Uie % |nday school department.

rted In 1703 and Is y o u n g * c ^« d with many other fomous Bril^


« .N T » . ^

SEPT. 1 18-80,“ M f A X M A T J A R D l r r - -------------



B A N l—Instrumenl--------- Before you buylrHer • new trr

UBed—In s tru m e n t — in v u t i^ ta o u r ren ta l-p u rch ase plani

'L o r j a e S e l e c t i o n ! L o w P t i c e t l E o iy

/ ^ T H o L c --------------------------------------

^ S f a o i1 4 3 M ^ N A V I M U I ( ^ - f ^ l X f U t i U J

> cabrib o n d to ff* ,co m p T ftX iw lT rt» . ^

for n e w te te p h o n e equipm en t , '

/ e a n a m o u n ts to m ore (han th e lo S '

lh e p rev io u s y w r t o f ou r operation.

ig e re s id e n c e te lep h o n e user» \ J g r e a d y access to o th e r h 'o n fsran J -

com m unity 1$ less th e n o "

) YOUR lO N O OISTANC^CAU*------ r J

^ to eofmrf»-hreueh much fatter. I f 1o rw Jnpfr* ttfoyouM »h*c< ««*«f ™ T T .. ; j


twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (9)

f^ S S Z -E d ito i^ping^=^rliliri----- A -— ^ —bANt-PRANO

i~ J5 ’0 V l C l S John w . Powei

\ Z . u a . ^ ~ he eeea erii."irom four year

»g!^tb iron curtAln m je J Chthe “over-ftU .^ .^0 United

^ eommunlsla. the bout In Aaioa.eaatrw ert ,.powel!.-84j w

in a lifter tho comnWd„ Ore.. ap- continued publl

f f ^ t b the poalUon an.Erf2J2on«n^ fttlne h li rath

founded there *

cargo tu ^ B a ^ * n > ^

•** Ai*d^«y 18 and' view,” a- weekl CongreealonBl turned-a mcmtl

«fl<rday. Morae er Powell. I t »

j r fo e h iervlcea by going."-I^d. of nocewlty, - ' Aa tha only

t^ to y m e n t of the mftlnlng In ahi ■ S u jt fleet which, regime, he waa

^ ' ^ Dollea ' American Impe t t T « e -written a .. Ho denied it JrSwtary of s ta te AdmUUng tJi■Ife had outlined a oources of InfcSS^-(o the *«nat« -----r------------- ;Syjttlons aubcom- „ ' • . ^

into east-west Q | | ] ^ J f

ilB»{ while the United . .B (he long run, w A l » e A

filjla to »hut off all r jIgsmM O h ln a .^ e re -----g t .s s ® , r s ; s s = : S t r e i

Uj-outoct security ad- By T he.^______ A 81-year*cl

^ .drownedJHuiPai > A n r k i « i 'a ^ ^l e p o r i s or Idaho <bOT

I ----- ^ ■WlUlam H . i

i i l i m e n t i n -He woa found

pch’EffortjglliLAOB, ■ Kdrear

I K r S ^ ;S f l t e . . . . >n th .ntetheyfound-aomo M f ^ i '" M r i r diDd fJour lUd^en to ^

X a. ?eorl#, n i. '“m ey a a n d o o ln L ^ miclBf to try and e«. bank of l 4ike

■to to TO brew u p * “ r S ! ? S L months old. <i

Diild the POW* m ^ e ^^eda a t his fa ^ olriBj up th e rice, ley and fell Int sl Dor ¥lth w ater and Tueaday nlshtEl ta a wooden keg 'and Mi

i^ao~gie fTobr-or-thB

Hto. Wll' Plans ]

« a T h t i . .» i^ CO*B Tll wnw Junction with Sf 4. Prnnlc Bhafft m aorm ott .Bin, th .__________ ________Sunday Bchool

is Reported W n iill1: . Ig-Mr. and Mra. f l B i M | a i ] «MchlI(lr«n, who apent * , Itts Provo, have arrived J Wl u t aa Buperln- 6iCuty Khoolfl agnln IN COMFORT

5 E ” ; . d S ‘” 5 ' ' g \ 4 £ « ^■■" AIR-CUSHION

>tt,Wilter-Itelchow. St. c u o b ------ ^."niuesU ofM r. aad ^te n tt recently. f ll^ r k t - D a v U - a n d - S 5 .^ S f ;« ,w> h»Ta been vlaitlng ojfu.iioa of tb«*

. Itr. u d Mra. Ted•.nsnaed-to-Kiamfllh_____ ____ . .Jl WQBR.MAN II^U «M 6-/rhe-H eTr

Wlngard andHlUrose. . E . M,


WINNER- s ;-s ^ 7 5 4 «“WVIBED UOCAllY AND Vl(

ptter.-Optioiwt -tqalpn 'P«8l loxej, If ony, addW

;^ ^ h n « a ,b y CflmmutJil., du* »o »hlppl to ehong, v^th«rt r»Hc^

‘ EE y o u r F R I E N D L

.— E O R D = D E S n E R - ^

B it DUitii m i s J S > USD «


Iditor-Retirniing-Fi:M te d -S ta te rH a !ANT-PRAy0ISg0r-At»yr-Bft-*»--t-ed-under-4h»in W. Powell. A young Am erlcta China, Powellnm an who aaya he “calla ’em aa "z called *ezeeea ^erii." returned Thuraday never used thi

n four years of editing a mag- In an editoria36 to red China: the United 8 tThe United Statea bas mlaaed Korean war—I, boat to Aala." He aald the•0W6lI.-84j-rematoed to -sn an g h il iervenllbn' lh 'h his wife. Sylvia, ahd two aona much differenier the communlsU took over. He chloa until (ittoued publication of the “China troops crossedClCT'/’ <in.EnKllsh;]anguagft.mag- .begaa advonolr QB his father, John B. Powell, he aald, the pended there 40 yean ago. The ia - Japanese pathrjjie^i to 1047. juwU>ccaiae_»lrouhg Powell and hts family te - Powell aald ned Thurwlay ' ^ ard tho Itoer again from hlilildcHt 'W llsoifT liff^dhtna'-Ite- "lhat’ AffiirieSWw.” a- weekly for iftany years, by the nationalned a monthly under the young- per cent Into tPowell.' I t suspended publication n ip t bureaucfaJuno-because. as he pu t It. ‘'We Bureatifa-aev.n 't have too circulation to keep of the big proing." der the'reds. Iks tha only American editor re - multiplied untl Ining to Shanghai under the red drawback to piIme. he was accused of betog pro- Another oon omunlst^and a mouthpiece'for said, waa .golr rcihWa-*‘iiad“' ^ o l n r ‘-tliS -^ed T i K m ^ t o g ipagandft line of germ warfofe, the land they > lerlcan ImporlaUsm and the lfke. dared, was thlo denied It Thursday. equal rlghta fc.dmttUng tha t hts ouUook ah'd average Chineirccs of Information were limit- reason for.-T------------- r— ---------------- . AU-to-all. h. • •. i - » emment. In pour Persons4i-e Added to 3> s.,r! ! S t r ™ ! ^

By The.Aa«»cUted Preaa clored. "By ou L 81-year-old Oeneseo farmer w nedJnaipadayT^theJourtiupttr —, to die to -* thwe-day aerlea Idaho drowntoga. U l l / , 1 171111am H. Merwyn lost his foot- and-feU-lnto-10-f«etof-water-to - I f M n W a

mill a t tho North Idaho town.woa found about 30 mlnutea

7 by a son and pronounced dead arrival a t a dootcr'a office... Sunday, school.class.avtounlng ty a t Preaton ended to tragedy ffW * dnesday night when 10-year-old V m a Smith was found dead a t V ; bqtt^m of a pf>ol. H w body w •

»vered aft«r class leaders bad 1 all tbe youngsters were out cfj im l . Sh^wfts the _daugbter_of __. and Mrs. M vlto ; ^ t h . Pres-

iinr~l>oay~qf~Oarmlu Perry, M,~idpotot, was found on Ihe.aouth . nIk of Lake Pend Oreille Wod- rO lV C r 1day. Tho Oreat Northern ra il- ]d seotlon, worker appatenUy.hadwhed about ft week ago........... B E A R IN fi '

ids a t his farm home near Bhel- V -B E L T 0 ond fell Into an irrigation dHch F L A T B E I

tsday n ight.-H e was the oon qp r 'C 'T lP T :

P l a n s D i s c u s s e d ' I l b c t wHOSHONE, Aug. 28-Promotlon ’ for the Plrst Baptist church was , C arrle< nissed by tho committee fo t • rlsUan education Monday eventog D A I 11 ;he church., r A U I -‘romotloa-d'ay-wlll ,v<n- ___ S (e e I-^ 3:yion with Sunday school on Cot. lu , a*.. >Vnnk Shaffer Is chairman of tho imlttce and was asalsted to con- 1-.:ting the meeting by 'Bam Moyer, iday Bchool npertotendent.

i H H l - ' ’*COMFORTABLE 1

r-c u s h io n e d ^ J B ^ B B

Ualloa of tb*M im(l«r(u[>y edmforUbI* . A l V V «• Uut tvTT C«ed aoUMkMElnx M R t ^J. Imuln*.«aUdac or lUndlnc mil dur. a OD tsrf0UBr.«ett V iln t^ a Air Ciub*. ZJk* *Vdklns on aJr” ! I tlM b«r* k ip itu IlM et work tboM «ltb (pmIU tum. CtiooM from orar 1(0 drass, tp n t

E ."m . m o y e s «2s2 5 _481 BanlsOB

GAS ^ lYRUN “« R STAe b 8 3 . ^ ______________..Tak._y

in top jAND VICINITY Mcjg

- _ T - , -If ony, oddttlohflL Wcm M W %,du*»o»hIppl«gel»oroM.-...............houirwHcfc


------- ' ' ...-BlS J-U SO M H SA H O TIIK n ,

______________ . T I M

ig-From -Red Ghini rH a s“M i s ^ B oat-under-tiie-rod-flovarzunent-otU M t-oucaaliua.ina,’ Powell Insisted: market—and fiI called 'em as 1 aaw ’em. I pie to used tho germ war chargcs “By our supan editorial, nor did I accuse government cUnited States of. storUng the we’ve driven m

rean war—I Just didn’t know.’* their leadera ale aald the U n lW NatlQns_to- . Powall alsofenllbn- In Korea- didn't mako mass execuUoich difference to the people of jo r Chinese oiina until Oeneral MacArthur'a -greatly exag3ps crossed tho SBlh parallel and more regulatio:oo.advttnolng^-thaJtalu^T hen . -ierms-of-econosaid, the people remembered the ig actually lesslaneso path of invasion to Ohtoa than under

■owell 'said th a t he thought— Powell appe lin from his limited viewpoint— tlon of_tradflrTHfiiHeSirina-aii-fiacnlhlslcred- C h to a h e uthe nationalists to China went OB alngle market cent Into the pockets of a cor* tocreaslng star

t« .fm nn#,the big problems-to China. U n- *M ulpp5‘t o ^ ■ the reds, tho bureauCTixts have Desolto the l Itiplled unUl they actually aro a which ho tera .wbock to progrew t o « v m e , J ^mother oommunlst mistake, ho men from' Ir

Im d U>.y own. A Ihira, h . d«- conclud. tmdi red. was tho red campaign for o f minions of iBl rights for women, which-tho I W o h ln » . p tu u i t m . - no son for. -all. he aaJd, the red sov- meat. In pushing toduatriaUza- \ and other reforms, has im - „ „ ^ h v » ii» ved conditions for the avermgo

f ^ e r o was one thing Powen , he could comment on. i t waa fact by pretea relaUooshlp of the United S U tes «wwu>wwwC

Chino:------------------------------------- ~ lP lM i9 9 l9We'vo-mls9ed-thft'boat,‘-^h e -d o - - m W / M m red. "By our own actions, we’vo

---------------------1 C 0M E J3^ - JLDflfctiLS

H D ^ T O I I 'n u . , I V U ------ S l tA U N 'l

k n u w v r w o R K w n

P o w e r T r a m m i s B i o n ult*iMeans

lEARINGS----- ---------—‘LEXIBLE-€OUPLINQS----------------^BELT DRIVES GOLAT BELT DRIVED EQlPEED REDUCERS .LOLLERiCHAIN-DRIVES^^frA B-^^O TO RSl. I - 5 or. Go«:l ec tricjiio to rs_____i - V Y n

Carried in stock at

> A U L R O B E R T S n | 9-8(eeI--*^Z adiu(rla l-B iiirp l7=M Itb Are. West - Pbona 2486 B B B S t

_ _ P e o p l e _ ^ 3 a

~ ~ f e / - ~


__:-TQk«_yQur_placo_among_flraduates:no in top jobs with leading business firms In M agic VoIJeyl Speedwriting Shorjhan fo r Civil Seo'Ics and governm ent posltl It's quick! Approved fo r Korean W ar

.ti, I. i raining. ^

S t a r t Y o u r S p e e d w r i t i j

S h o r t h a n d W i t h t h e S c p t . J


-------- D A E M O N S T R - A tT

T u e . T ^ p t r W

:____ j m H J A L iBUSINESS COLI

—J—----- --------- ^ -----

_ T I M p S - N H W S . - T W I N J ' A I / i s

3hina Says —Boat in i ^ i a | | | [b k e t ^ t o i M e ^ ^ ^ o f ^ e p e o T 9 In Ohtoa. l ^ B m“By our support of the bankrupt [ I ^ B f l vemment of Chllng Kai-shek I I ■ I’ve driven millions of Chtoese and I < elr lenders away from us." " S M S J lPoweU also, declared reporU . of ' . O O l ass executions and Imprisonment ^ z - - I r Chinese opposing the reds u-e rently exaggerated." ’Thero are 1—ore reffulatlons to follow aad moro

actually less ph j^cal punishment an under the nationalists, beId.- I I fI' - — _ ' --mPowen appealed for tho rasump- ............. .I?iLOl-tradfljwlth_tBLfflin^___________________IChina, he aaid, 1s now the largest Q tngle market to tho world. With an d rcreasing standard of livtog, she is imorlng for all the manufactured>ods-th»-VnIt*4-»tat«a—l a - b e a t -------------------lulppcd to supply.. _______ __-HkDespite the U. S. boycott of C hina ' Uptilth ho termed an "iron curtain _ _

reverse.".Powell said business- ' K«men from India. Burma, Japan,»1g .WTlUln^ «T»i fa ilw ive been flocking io Shangtuil to aclude trade pacta totalling tens ' ’ millions of dollan.

A skedirhe feels the United S tateslOUld recognize red China and a l- . ..w her a seat to the United Na- ’• i f fms. Powell decarled: -------- IV i•The fact Is this. China now Is •I active, living nation, tmder a'Vemment becoming stronger by w Ce day. You c a n t overtook a' Uvtogct by pretendtog it doesn't exist.” C fl t t

M M iH iB f la w m % T m l o s aCOME-fo— N t

JLBQfcftLBSWEVEJLBffiR-- — H E A R D O F A 'f f l lE F 'i^ - S l tA U N 'S O M C - ,^ ^ ^ - —

^ JHr. r . m . r , luiT* TOU lu>rd .boat O M L Y

-U.,n.wJolia D.W.-NO..SU 8«»i- •.lnt«*r«l iW» a.ll»*f7 rJi#T B»tUf - "sxSOOCWt!drop b r lh . D .nd W BALES-inS- _ t f t tba d iu lli en thU Taka' th st , _ f » tu r « cround drir* knd ricbt- U P i■nst* m l for-b«tt«r U sdllnr e t

'U * n b i r 5 ,


. lS47_John.Decro BN.Tract«r._. _ . .g -An-excepUonaUr-elean-inwt-— — 8

or. Good rubber, fl.485. __

f c i G— " I KENT

OVER * _

150,000t ^ ^ T H E M — - - -------------

H a v a L e a r n e d ; - ---------------

T ll i i l l l l — i I n A n v

ISHING* I P DWRITINGid u atcs .now -iucceed lng--- — ness firm s — right herd ^ * ^ 1g Shorthand Is opproved x. '{jln ent positions. It's easy,)reon W ar Veterans on

eedwriting 1C Sept. 1 Claai


R-AtT h a N — - * = -

r 4 - 7 ^ P i i n r


n r j A i / t s . I D A H O

lU lM

W« or* reody to r


_ With You! _ .U p to T .’S O o n - ^

R«minsh)R, S ch ick— '^ end Suftbeam ■'

. . EUctrIC' Shoyori

io«» Of aiJIJJJJTi -J

wn* t m i K >,1. c « • I. M K---------- w B ^ Y K n j w i j m a o N M ^ — --------------

. O M t Y « c A D A Y _______________

i s K C I M pJ H M _ i ! I E E i b B j »

— |- ^ .g i3 ^ S -P R lN C E -A L B E R T ^ 0 Q e k VELVET/ p iK k tt tio c u t PLUG, package .

^ - p o p u u Tr ^ r a n d t -

I CIGARETTES Pkg „ 21cI KENT CIGARETTES, pockagt 28c cart I VICEROY CIGARETTES, package 23c, I SANG (non-nlcettne) C lg a rttta t, pkg. I BUGLER CIGARETTE TOBACCO, 8 o*.g YELLO-BOLE PIP E S .......... .......I FRANK MEDICO PIPES ...............- ......I KAYWOODIE PIPES 4 ,0 0 ' 5 .0 0 - 1

Factory C loM -put I B A B

Z H m s i u m ^

JEWELRY_____________________________ ■

Regular 1 .00 d bx tbi-t


^ |.o o

LotI.n or (

'****W A j M S f l f v / l T - w ttoitlw *t wl

__ ^ fcr M«W«t w -M - t l^ l

! ..jTMTiMMrtack. .AT AU Diuooim Wl nmi


S T A M P S ^

H M H IM H i

B a new r e d . . . a ripe young red^ ' Letdlngfuhioniaw___________ Riding Hood Red k___ • tonoceot

l L , ________ ______________Thea come In

ULSA tB E R T r p o c l< r t^ t ln ^ .^ l2 c r ? - P R IN T S :::^. p o c k . n i a . „ . .............- “ } 2 c | - B O T O nJG, p a c k a g e .............. - —1 2 c S

------------ ---------------------- -- ~ g ~ ~ -.A D jm A -d a--------- a Kodak compa

2 1 c - c r t » 2 . 0 7 I

:k o g t 2 8 c c a r to n ..........• •2 a 7 S s Enclose SSe i, p u k o g a 2 3 e , c a rto n . . 2 . 2 7 | | w > »iUi m.g o r t t t t s / pkg . 2 8 c , ert. 2 i 7 5 1}BACCO, 8 o z . c a n ......... 5 9 c \ . r r " * ^-------- -— ^ ^ - . ..1 .0 0 to 2 . 5 0

i)o - s .o o - 7 . 5 o - i o !oo


■ B n L K .eM eo fM _____/ > 0 0 8

I s iH i iu o £ 0 0 I

" B ^ ^ x ’f r i-m a lto b e

I BABT OIL, Powder i t J i w BIMJ t ^ . „ . c S S . r . - 4 9 c | n | ; y f i n

Mtt ImK.1 klM*d raO.1 «1lh tNUT «l»r» *ik*r ■ lUd. WW. H*» «ii.'.ir/ BI«AT««t.l«« n wtr— _• _ _

1 , 2 5 P EMfWrt MdW *MlwrM« hr p«lt Mlr>U| iH»m.

7 5 c B A

r . s o D R

i s ^ s i s i s i s s ^ n s i -------------j j , 2 5 _ A h

F A t L S = . = B l

R a g u lo r l . f i

O N SALE ......... F O R ONLY..-..

d in g h o o d>e young red in MAX Factor’s.Golpr-Lesding fuhion lasgiiinei say k’l the Wgh*fuhlen rod fori Riding Hood Red k a Hch, succulent red that turns tho b

bnoceat look into a tantallxtog's Color-Fast, h staja brilliant, ntfreg fai

ever.dtiea-teniier.Hps. .Want-to-tong.tbft-w^ves-'out-toplg Thea come ta todoy for Max Factor’s

“ S T It f j ^ O

''BEPRINT8 4 ^ BAOT"''* . ' 3

T •. A m o r l i_ i1ftnt-b7 gastmim- ----------—SKodak company^ new method- • , ^tbe Conttouous Paper process-

Enclose SSe (to handle post- ,««o) with mall crdsn. V o i w r '^ Q

n \ I n your c h o ic e ^ pa matohto* colored liK ^ ' Blue, BUck. Oreea. S

I E V f R S H A R P S T A R R E P O R T E

I N E W FINE-LINE SHEAFPER PEN n (U m i re g u la r Ink) S e n ta t lo n o l Low P r i c t .

— g-SH EA FFER-BA LL-PO IN ^P-M N ___________i SHEAFFER PENCIL ..........................................\ PARKERETTE....... 3 , 0 0 — PARKER " 2i p a r k 5 R " s i " . ......................- ...........

I ' S C H O O L S U P P U E S

-O -W .-h av e-a compIafiTttM k^of■S -c lli, crayont/inkj . r a i« n a n d o lh .r u h o o

- T . 2 5 - C R E O M U t S I O N ..............! . . .

1 . 2 5 A B S O R B I N E J U N I O R . . . .

1 . 2 5 P E T R O L A G A R ........ ................

^ T O O ^ D p U B L E D X N D E R I N E . .

7 5 c B A Y E R A S P I R I N .................

6 5 e A L K A S E L T Z E R ....................

l . S O D R . P I E R C E 'S G . M . P . . . . .

j j , 2 5 . ^ N A C l H _ : ______■ ■ ■ ....■ L ...-

E O R .L E 55 “ - ~

M L S = * = B U H b ^ ‘ - e O O D I N 6 - ?

ih 'fuhlonredforfall. . T r c j ^ ^ H1 that tuma tho meet ;

Obktd TNtt b t «(:«r io

an>Mtfcai t O ^ S a p w m S S 'i•n tM taeta dwty addi, bear aft* - boat. tU day )oBt...«MMU>!atnnw MertpaAbtadMlSriMhtatVTl .

r S M t e r T T T T S o ^ ^

n d ^ h « ^ » c h ^ ^ r e o n v n o e ^ 7 ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1

N ........................... .:.■ r o a r — M B

U N I O R .................... 7 9 e

........ ............................ 9 8 e

D E R I N E .................

I N ................. ........... 6 2 e

! R ................................ ’ 5 4 c

G . M ; P . . . : . . . . , i . : ; 1 v 3 4 ■ ■

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (10)

R d e ] ® Hurt Id"-"“f e m ean ‘iitUn ™

r S s SS'srS*rfeirSrS«

^nd “v o W c ^ O ^

G«Wrlod,- K ttk^JSWhll« M d ^ " «

iM t-nSStS•toe .tart or p t » S ^^ 0 K M loniT toS •The-VandiUTiv, II ,«M<lr ior tttlr w ^ J O a^ S ep t.

tatejieluded tn tht i»bn!?^K

iU in .ae rttS * tS S ^B iOhloi, i n ^ r M ^ U

c a 't ba t taon n L ) M .

-SummeTspM C A R t f S

W A S H . . V IrorL bnltfdT la^E

I w a r b e r m

MainW. P faK

) T o S ^

EN IE i4 iN eF m it::4 VFTERNOOKS ■iJm o u th - 'o M ? —


L0£= ; | p

y j |i |^

W fi I4 ' ^ m

fthSee-Rittn B B ecic Gets P

I Iml I................ I ........... H ill ...........llll II^ B n g a n d t h a t wbb th e la s t t h in g M ag ic ^ K r b e d a n 8»3 th u m p in g f r o m 't h e Bpia ^ K V e e M g h t a s th a g a te s w e re opeH gd~t

^ K e m ^ -E u n c li—^ p f B ro o k ly n

B r T he AJWcUted VTt»»i H T h e Brooklyn Dodgers - vent on K M ln n t n - b u e spree, cloutlnc four I H a m e n 'T a n d ^ B b l c a s o 7>S on Thursday nnd In- ^ ^ B re sM Uielr lensue lead to 9K ^ ^ E u n u over Milwaukee's Idle Braves ^■(BrooUyn.

Duke snider clubbed two homers ^ H l d Roy CompuieUa belted out Wo ■ n t t p l e s but It was OH Hodsts 38th ^H om eran 'c f-th s-T c ttr-ln 'th e elgbUi ■ U m l n s vhlcb accounted (or Uis v ^ - ^ B n o f f ~ n in s .— Cu-1— TurOlo—also ^H C ttnred 'T drB rm U yn and-Dee Fon>

blasted one for the Cubs In the avlnglns batUe.

^ ^ B m ^ b e h ln d wlUi « four-run rally■ K the seTenUi'lnninrto drlvs-stuU:■ S Dave Koslo (rom the box u d ^ H ( « a t ttie Kew York OlanU 6*3 a t i p p i H

^ H n i e Washington Senators clweff ;".... ,'_■/ ^ H « l p h Branca and reliever Blck : ^ ^ K w lo w e (or eight stn lgh t hits In lH E » ltn ttn n ln s to .B c o re .w e n .T u n 8 |’-|- |

trounced the Detroit Tigers 13-B

iH B w asW D gton 'ii-strlnr'of-W ta-feU - - — T I ^ L e ahort o( tying Uie A m e rl^ , . . . Cv

^ ^ ^ i r S e d S w - ' J a n e 8. The nU rity «o leaeue mark Is la. held joint- blm a wi

^ ■ ^ tr-B ro o k ly n -* n d -tb » -au -L o u U .

Rivera's triple wlUi Uu bases ^ _ ^ ■ f ta d e tf in the third inning gave h HBlrgU' Trucks-' and-the-O hlew jo n B § l i l t « sox a S.4 victory over Uie ^ —

Bed sox before 33^0 a t q £

i ^ E t S k - lo u lS _ B r 9 W A » _ ® f P i - i ----- —O v e i

H I t toaiag ttio first game ff-t on a STLLZNC ■ M lv o -n in homer h t Uie nlnUi l i ^ g Palla Elect

Vio Werix and taking tbe night- ■ K p 8-1. as- relief pitcher Morris S ? h t and ^ K b O n .V a lk e d - la - t t i a leading run "lurSphVo

^ ^ K w ^ y WesUoke bomered^ln the ^ ^ ■ U i innlns wim a man on base to

C l e v e l a n d w i n over-the gi5a-^t<jle ^ ^ ■ j j j v T o rt Tankees at Olereland. oompt

-ifATlONAL J-BACUjS - -- - B u f Ulttt..... .............*?. m i K ! !

^^■X U W etoTfileiier aad C tn fb li) U«jr- With three^K'fe:lf:^r.v”Sbo <..-<• II»’•HSS' |BBo&-ro» . .J.lrl. Ssr™unn i«Aoo» ;k„:„ «l l b ^ E r a . ' i f l If

! ! •^ ^ ^ ^ T iieu is , Mania asd Hunr: KnUow, •^.t.u i

000-111. 1

» ^ d s s j r § 2 i . i “ K iito -V 'V p ^ iz^A w 'S 1

^ ^ R r c r t r x w 3 r E d ® £ w

5 _ p j ^ ,

Hm llevue Shooter Par ii M h e s in TrapshootH H BH J a t l -OTOnnellrJnr Btfignierldg-- -elarppoct*.H B f im Junior champion, Ued for second Uie pace i^H V i^koe tn fJ»M D of tbe grand na- hole $1B,00^ ■ l U t a a l tnpiiMcrt held lecnUy « t toumamet^W »an<<«lU - Otiln . .■ _ T b tT ai^ ■ B o 'D d n n e l l also Ued (cr seoond trall&n b<^ ^ D f la c o la tbe sub-Juniors class and Dutch Hi

tblrd place in tha ''Champion Bob Tos)H ^ H I f Ohkmplons" class. Pred Wan■ B H n e lost.Uie liUe in each event tn tercoUegla■■M Rwotoffs. apolis, anH U A total «( 1MB shooters n f n Newtngtoi■ W n i sglatered In the e^-ent. UUtst.

m ^ g e s t Crowd of Goi IH w a tc h es Angels De.fiB H T l^ ANQELEsTXug. 38 (itCLefty Snn D~leg( ■■uo«JHnkn_jilkhc{LLo8.AnEelcUQji. lrom _Por ^ ^ ■ n - 3 victory over Hollywood Thunday Thursdnx. ^ ^ ^ H g t i t befart'thelargest'crovd of the te r in g 'sn ■ ^ ■ fc M o n In ths Paciflo Coast league, slon. ^ ^ K 1 .4 iO . Batten scattered six hits

^ K m o d hurler. ior J2. , Portknd

^ ^ B o U jrw o o d — 101 too ooo- l ' e ' i^ ^ H o a Angeles ._(H0 001 OOx- 8 13 3 ^^■ ||U unger,X i:n in .71sherandSragan; - ^

^ ^ B o LONB 5, RAINIERS 1 |- ^ ^ ■ baORAMBNTO. Aug. 28 Iffl-Bob ^ ^ B lU ln g e r scored the winning run In

last half of the ninth Thursday ____■ ^ ^ W g h ^ Saosm ento defeated SeaU

I ^ H e a t U e _____ 000 010 300- 4 * ^ 3^ ■ la c r o m e n to >.010 001 301- 6 U I^ ^ ■ .W ld m a r , Del Duca and Ortelg; ^ _^ J ^ y a t k i n j , csndln l.and Montalvo. Q P

^ ^ H calS I . Aeams « ................- - —rn H s A N rRANCffiCO. Aug. 38 U l— C ^ ^ » ti> t..S a a -K a n c la c o Scab pounded __ W

i H ^ PBhth Inning Thursday'night, good I H I m r an 8*0 victory over the Oakland

f l f f l l R .B .E.n m i a U o n d ------- 300 103 000- fl 10 4

Franclsco-010 04013x-^ 8 U 0 B j I J l Murphy, Watera, n o res and'Neal:' HMftijnsleton. Shandnr,. Mnnerief and ____

y | | | t o ^ 6 < BEAVERS I- l ■Mlf0Ba3,ANDr-Or*,r'Ang.-28 W—■ t t ; . '■

V . / ^ 1 *

[i Rally in Ni } Popularirna prgflcntcd_the most jo p u la r pla)Mr_a^ g Magic Valle-y fana had tt> cheer about tho^Boise Yankees.—A -to ta l'o f 1,416-;

o^ c d to aiiyuiie w ho^anted-in ;—Lar 1, It It * sot up in

Popular Choice.•V^^K game with

qqqo S qwh' the hurling

— •• • - • •• A J954 ila]e d ' some' (a jo ith tu ^a u VlU ^in_order chance tb b . Most of

n lgb t took, p several dlgn to the crowi ---OenelAw

> minor leagui was introdu Engberg. pi

B league. Earl - y ^ Boston Red

----- O ld Tlrasrs«1«3 fntrodu<

.......... ~ In 'ottier":Daley was c ^ th rftrb a tts

^ B H came up----- Daley starU

- ■ ■ U ev^ln'U lc_ ^ H l didn't'stATt

took over tll^ —BeClo-poU

- - - f l W L .......... to win the ^. ' - . / ■ ■ H nually to tt

■ ' ■■ player by

^ " ^ 'T O M M Y -B E C IC Ued U ie"^. . . Cowboy player who pollfd h lU as he n

ihw Tnrwt Tcte< to the anntial pop- Yankees.- nU rlty eontest. Tbe honor won THTCSWbblm a wateb, (SUM pheto-en- v ita l opene4 tos<nc);__________ _ --■________ _VaUey wlU

--------- • " leuficid. At

E lec trics Cpast T o E asy W in^ _ .thfl-wyjmdOver Mustangs

a r t i lN a S , Aug.’M W -rUff o re a tPWla Electrics broke loose (or eight and Daley 1runa In the sixth inning. Thursday cwteiilRht and Uien coasted to ft 19-3 ^ ™ Yan.xlumph rover'U ie-B U llngs-M us- by Uwee ru

. .. . . . . --------- .TCCLGOt^T ho M ustangs grabbed a 1-0 lead tfij" r l8fit"

In the (ourth w ben s to n Miller s in- Kllng hod i ilBar^t<51e"'second' nnd-soored-on- - -3ybr«»_1 Bol Oampagna's single. , ' - lo tt^ ^ d (“ Butrtbttt onlyTufned the feathers brought tbof th e -Elcctrlcs, who roared baclc game but twith three In the fUUi boforo-golng to Uia nlntwild in the sixth. .- three runs

GREAT FALLS II, BILLtNCS S oQd A dOUbOrMt FaUt ab h o a nillloo ab h o a BroWer C

*' 1 1 3 S •‘ i l l l game's (leSBardlaai U S 0 4 0 Sntlb I t’ct 8 1 1 0 Inning." Af

rt! i S 8!!».?.»“ !;.! JBunk«f_ib^,s 1 * 0 Mur»h»-rf _ S .I 4 0 nier# sacrii CMtiBion WS I a 1 CRip«n» Jb 4 s 0 3 ond and thlia S " ? " i ! S i K , " I V , Ir»rtboBd« r X 0 0 0 Brower tra

. TntiD p e 0 e 0 runnera on______?“ “ >•“ » m 2?i

T outi I t IS STI 'ibtaii 14 8 ST I t nlng- ^ t bCtMt F a l l t____________090 US s i i - i < BccIo como“ R -w a ^ i t i r i r« '< iV 'i“ s* and retiredR'.ft {'",“g2.1 S!Si'uifc."‘.'a»..STa.5sr.%‘«»': »aV"" TiSiiS'i: | a s5-Players-Undet . ._ |g V Par in Toumey ‘

WETHEBariELD. Conn.. Aug. M - .W—Pive ployers, Including a local Toial»._.lT.

the pace as' tbo second annual 73- 1*nJ«~wn^5 hole $16,000 Insurance city open goUtournament opened Thunday. A m i iMtt _ T b t r ara Jlm P m lff. tha Aim-trallan bom San Prancisco prp; b^ aS bADutch Harrison. Ardmore. Okla.; Ma«ie vaiifj Bob Toski. Northomplon. Mass.;Pred Wampler, former naUonnl In- 4.*CaUon s.tercoUeglate -champ from Indian- sn*. a—a.(i

.apolis, and Jo* Curtin of nearby ~ZNewington. ex-OonnecUcut opea J i j y g ]

.feo as tS easo n D efea t S ta r& _— - 1.- - r _ w ith oni

Snn DIegO,swept. 0 double hcnder Paair aairsJrpm_gQrtln.nd_C;l_nDci .7-4 h erft rrhntiningThursdas.nlght nnd dumped the fnl- The schiterlng'Bei>en Into the B«ond dlvl« Hagerman:“ on- v S ^ W g i

R .B .S . Nov. S.'Hej San-Dlego-=n520-020-0—-O-IO-I-P ortland ______000 010 0— 1 a o n i t

Thomason and Bummers; AtJnmB. ' ^Wnlbel and Robinson. B E

R.H.K . T]Ban Diego —001 300 000 » - 7 7 1 ,PflrUanrt . Mn IWI IVtt ft— 4 p 3 *

Kerrigan and MatlUiis; Heard and ^ ^Gladd-________________________

B o w l a d r


° A u g u s t 2 9 , 7 : 0 0 p .

Open for BewHng Every 4 p.m. 'tij 12 UnHI S«pl


, I ..

,X y^Zj| Q y «

n e J m L f S

, N i n t h ; ! :

Award• p l a ^ r a w a rd T h u r s d a y eve- s e r ^ o u t a s th e u o w ^ y a a b - o f 1 ,4 1 6 -fa n B - tu rn e d -o u t-o ix ;-ins— L a rg e -c o h ta in o rs -w « i:e - — .’.i.3ot u p in s id e t h e - p a r k f o r ■•‘ ’'■ w ;hose w ish in g to c o n t r ib u te . g

Tonight .the Cowboy# end the

jame with the same Bols* club. '. i 3ena Bowman. Is expcctedJto. get >* lhe hurling nod.

A J854 ilahlng car will be award- • ■•Lv s - ' fd som e'(an a t tb# close of lo- M?*-ajgbt^—gftmB....ghft„KWffltfctlfla. n ^r:r'=^ will be made a t tbe end of tho game :• k ;i>., ln_order to give working people a " f o J idiance tb be presfcnt,____^

Most of tbe AcUon tTiursdayalght took, ploce-befora-tbe game a s ___K l Q l gseveral dignitaries were Introduced ' . e ^to the crowd.-Oene lowing, a ssistant director of H l S I b

minor leogues (or the Chicago Cube. was introduced, along-wlti) Olaude ] | | | |M » , Cngberg. president ot the Pioneer league. Earl Johnson, scout (or th e ■ ■ ■ £ Boston Red Box, who pitched for th e ,Old Tlrasrs-Wednes(}B7'^>l8btr'WU —also Introduced to the tu u . f l | B H' ln 'oth'er"pr«*Sfcn8~aetlon;-Ebner—Daley was clipped between the «yes — w l t h t f t r b f t t t s d - b i a u ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ _ M H t came up wiUi ft pulled leg muscle.Daley started-the (^m e-but was r«- _ . H ^ ^ R U ev^ In 'tbelate'innlngs. Gonsalves d id n 't 's ta rt the til t as Paul B j ^ took over the third base position.—Beclo-polled-ft-total of 64fl-votca___to win the wrist watcb awarded nn- nually to t t iu n o s t popular Cowboy player by Howard Allen, of the sterling Jewelry company.

Boise hurler Gene_Carlson:throt- Ued Uie-Wrangters wlUi-only-Blx - ■ ■ ■ 1 h iu as he racked up the win for the Yankees/ Tailback

TKeTCdWbOjB started ( u t as-lx ickr —reimlly-ot-C Vital opened tbo game for Magic rolo whleh Vallfv with a r inging doubla^to- _platoon_syi leftfleld. After B « lc 'a n d 'Killings- . .worth went down, Rube Johnson *poked an Infield skimmer to -rtgh t to score Vital and the Cowboya led ’j j c X l

'The lead was abort-Uved as the Yankees roared baok In the top of .the-wvjmd tn ,ta lly _ th rca .n » tf,g n . J J i l l J J two doubles, two singles and a walk. .• Tbe Wranglers made tt 3 -3Jn Uie S U N Vu

(Kth .when Deck doubled to center and Daley (ollowed wlUi' a single to P ionsftips right center, scorihg Deck. t ie s m th e

The Yankees w ent out In, (ront g h o o t I n by three runs In the seventh when Tcin_GottJ>lastc{La jiom&nux-nver. - : ■ tho right cenicriieid ■ Knee a lte r Kllng hod stojllcd. TT O U l- ^ y b r c ’»_towcring blast over ihe ^ ......leftfelld fcnoe in 'tho seventh- brougbt the Cowboyi book In tho J T l a y gamo but tbe Yankees blew It open ' *’In Uia ninth as they pushed across C three runs on two singles, a walk M t? I l l J U and A double.

Brower came up' with one o t the PROVIDE game's (leldlng gems In th e fourth A freckled- inning." A fter-U ie-llrst-two Yonks echopl.glrr.j bad reached base on singles. Sum- year-old JJ inert sacrificed them along to ««>. moved Into ond and third. Gene CarUon blast«d ft naUonal wc low liner back towards the box. toumament Brower trapped Uie ball, held Uie two 'toumar runners on base and threw Carlson Tha “dar' ou t a t first. .Be got cu t of tb e fii- Margaret V nlng- w ltb no runs scored when bom ' Mexi Beclo came up with a b ard -h lt ball Ouadalajan and retired Maldonado a t (Irst. cudone, Mc

B018K 8, MAGIC-VALLBT 8 never done 1 B«IM ■ _ > V V ;'a iftfU -V alU r— BUt«.' '

I 4 4 w u r 5 -----*4-^-s-o —Tbo-fovtaKlin* »b o o s D«ele, lb S 0 « 0 by Polly B& 7 r — -f-i-§Diifino -Sb s i s JohtiKin c 4 1 s 1 Celebrated Hunt IS O Bcolt IT 4 0 8 1 yaSSlng thOi ^ S S i r V i i i - i - \ i i ^ t - ^ e tCaiiMB » 0 1 s D»ur rf • s I 1 0 and Mary

««» rt • J S e wrecker (TOJ' ______Pro-af» -1 ° ° * They-ww

^ T e u it- iT .issns .eltalnBtloMT i ^ ? r ^ n ff ' ' : ! S ^ . l " i oo*eiH o g » ^ I|h m | m

R—Ar«n4, KUb«. Cell I . Ruck S. D«t.»ae. H ont Vital, Djhw, D«k. Sfin —s a . a ^ V . ? 3 a j T ' S ! w 5 r i : 1 '

le. nn—Dnn>«r S. Carlwn 2. 80—Drowar ■4. CaUon 6. ER—Dn>wcr S, CailMH S. T— ■Sll*. A—1.41S._______________ H

F i v e L e t t e r m e n I

B a c t a t - H a g e m a n t —HAGERMAK, Aug. 38—Twenty- I

one boys turned out this week for tbo (Irst (ooUmU pracUoo called by ■ ■ ■piMr*™»n fftarh^ayna-'Wiagg.---------- . J 3 S S S S 5

With only five lettermen r e t u r n i n g ,_________Pogg says be w lirconcentrate on a rrhiilltling nrogriim Uilg yenr.

The schedule: Sept. 35, Paul a t T p i Hagerman:-Oct. 3. Valley- blgb ftt Voiler blgb; O ct 30, Declo a t DecJo;Nov. «,'Heybum a t Hagerman.

Ito le L o a d e rs & S ta c k e r s .B E E T & G R A IN -vT-


U Mile W.' i^ p l t a l ^Hlway jb . 7~"

. d r o m E ■E NEW SEASON J Kr EVENING K7:00 P .M . ........

Ung Every Doy U n H IS « p M 4

r a i G F Q N 1 3 I J c |


• TI M

..... \ , J ,

T T f i M E

I t ’ s B o t h W a y s P

fe^f^^y/5nQBCBD33Si S

I ^

B ^ K ^ a S a r r a nrntSS

Tailback Pool Cameron, left, and iaeUe Cbm

rolo wbleh wIU bave tbem ^ y l n g both ways _puiiW'«i jy»tMn-la-ouL..,...v___________________

Series of Ties J Shoot at Sun V

S U N V k L L E Y ,'A u g ^ 28 (/P>— S h o o to f l jio n ah ip s w e r e postponed T h u r s d a r bcci ;ies in th e se c o n d dny of th e S h o sh o n o In d ahoo t. I n c la s s 1, L es O u tzs, H a i le y ; K a

. . . .--------- . M o n t . r E .

" W o m e n ’ s G ^ f ~ v ™ 5 :.......... .Ion, Mont., a

P l a y ^ E n t e r s ------------w“ c f u 5 > -'• mt*m t LynnHM sei

S e m i f m a i s ; ? S , i S d

PROVIDENCE, R. I., Aug. 18 t « - n i« « ® 'j“ H A freckled-faced 10-yeor-old high ®echool.glrr.fhjm Mexico aud a 34- year-old New Jersey housewife moved into th e semifinals of the ® RnaUonnl women's a m a t e u r golf S<*cnjpp. R toumament Thursday along wlUi , ^ ®‘r i ^ two 'toumaxnent-trlcd veterans.

Tha “darkhorse'* survivors were Margaret W tffl Smith. California- . ^ * bom. ■ Mexican champion from t^n. Tex., Guadalajara, and M n. Philip J. I^odge City,. Cudone, Montclair, N. J., who haa In class 0. never done much outside of ber own tello, and B.ffUt«.-................ both'scored—Tbo-favorltea^banner-wafl upheld -—SlngleejwlJ by PoUy Riley. -meUiodlcol book- Vcupop from T-nrt-Wqrth,_TM.; who' (un-flhbotPl celebrated her 37Ui birthday by passing tho quarter-finals for tho 6.371-ynrd. -flrst-tlme in elght-of-iheso events,- Couutiy cloi and Mary Lena Paulk, the par- la-hole semJ wrecker (rom Thomasvllle, Oa. day.

They-weathered two -rounds-of -----------—eliminations Thursday over, the READ..TIM1

I- f l l A M H C

Saturday, Aug 8:00 P.M.

---- WEST-END-GUN-1Merchandise Prizei


m | B B E ^ Sec

■______________ TW IN FALLS

SEAT COVER C-M O StiotKoni k w . - - - ^ ------ - -N



^ a y s N o w S a l t L i

s s a r ^ r T r o m

B y 1 8OGDEN,'At

■“ * . ' ' set ft new Sa)6 T7. Y homeruns Tl

■ powdered twc' - - r. 'v....-fleU '(enee-<

bogsfuU -to tB ljn ; . - -^ ik u J B !E S 5 S lL M ’~ to an 18-10 i B " v — riding Ogden-

Mosfcustied inning^wiui-

iS a B f '" ' ■ • ' ' wlUl'No. 33.?

4 - ~ ■' ahead 17-10......... S’ >.i him Uio Plow

. . W i , — - c - C L ^ Tom RobelSTaM ■' • . hcia'ttTold-n

3 — '■ r - ^ SALT LAKI. ^ 4 W $ B f Z ■-- ..i™ 8*11 Lak. abl— S ftJW t 'S^s--'TGwl3Stl‘S ^ ''-> ''' j S m I KtMury Ib

Alhman tr__^

.' y MSSSBtra ^ - ■ o>u, e■■•SBXHK/^SW 'Sfa*gSfea SlrMUr MS K s n s D«Wllt p I .ntrui«w. p. s j

f Totala_4S.liH....~ 'RaU-xanc-aty-

:.. N.ult 3. PaTloiBBEl5Bg?Wi!wM f: » £ ?-ss?.W=

Roblnton S. Za'> | J I T-S:0S. A->9:

“ " S t atackle Cbnck Dond c( th e Unt- ,

■ea It they measure up io the newr botb waya now I S ^ U ie two- Ofdtn - -j--------------------------:----------- -----------------a'tit-LaW-clS^------------ ^ SS'Si=3es Delays_____i r r ___________*f_-___ : _ ..................... am ii

Tl Vflllpiy a:g——S h o o to f f s fd r s in g le c h a m - phuJililphu Zr s d a y becau se o f a s e r ie s o f ------Dshono In d ia n Pow W ow t r a p - 'l a i l e y ; K a r l K rap h , C u tb a n k ,M o n t.; E . G. W in s tan ley , E u - auk«“ ^g m e rO ro T ^ -F rn n k -U n g e rf-S u nVaUcy. ond Herman Peterson, u u - n.w -ioxCZZlon, Mont., all scored D7. cwmo^ _ __In class 3, Roy Oell, Kingston, ritubursh __

Wash.: Lloyd Amold,-Sun Valley; »IrnriILynn Hansen. Salt Lake City: Dean Hurd, Salt Lake City: - and -B ob nsllrwood Smith, Sandy. Ore., all acored 08. L<3*An««i»>r!I

In class 3 ,-Bill Burnside.‘S an sm Franei«r Diego; J. H. ARcn. Shelby. Mont.;Tom Lynott. Salt Lake CUyi -Sklp- -Stermmrata _per WlUlams, Lawrence. Kans.: Ray- Oakland ------mond Smith. Reno: and Mike ••Schenjpp. Reno, all scored 03.

In class 4. Harvey Blckett. Oood- *Ing, and Dick Adamson, Oarey,' both s w e d 00.

In class 6, B. V. ChrlsUe, Hoil«- . ton. T ex, and Howard. Roberts,Dodge City. Kans.. boUi scored 83.

In class 0, R. B. Hegsted, sr.. Poca­tello. and B. N. Hegstrosj, Setcbiim . both' scored Bl._.8lnRle# winners will bo determlnod In the bo le-yard Urget secUon of »(uh-ahbot Prlday.

6.371-ynrd. par 74 Rhode Island Comtrrclob-and-wUl-sijUiiro-ofCln- '10-hole semifinal engagements P ri-d a y . ___________________________

KiMD T u m a -I iiw a V i x i a d s . _ , - J ^

5 H 0 0 T - I —A u g . 2 9

P.M. «MG U N -C tU fr^ -------ise Prizes_______

m ir r o r ^ j- W ith-E vcry--------- — - —

U t o f I M

' GORDON m^ Seat Covers 9

J - : '3 7 l o 'S3"Aufom db11tt ^

1 7 ^ ^ J42ao_ _________

i n s t a l l i d

FALLS ____________________

:R CENTER- - - - N e x tto W ilU M o to r ' — r r '


)N WINDSjf I Baii L:

BUENOS . Special ftrr

- Ing (an* to

' o s g o m a r M----------------— --------- heavyweight

JaltLakeBees rroiinceReds 8y 18-10 Score ' two countrl

OGDEN, Aug; 88 W—?c5in Moskus ;t ft n ew S a lt L ake Bee reco rd fo r -rmop ina T hu rsday n ig h t as h e X t . U 9 9 C

ow dered tw o ba lls over th e r lghU

S f l ^ ' S ^ t ^ a ^ e S a l t L ak e B ees B a H 1 1 1 } a n 18-10 victory over th e h ig h - •

' a S s « U d I n t h e ( l . t O n - l i

Im Uio P ionee r league leade rsh ip In

Itom 'R obello o f Uie 1940 H lvers J * " '.e ld W o ld - m a rk o f a s . - --------------

SALT LAKE CtTY tB. OCDBN 10*11 Laka ab h o alOlUtn ab h o a FallS tWO gal:lui»an »f 4 S 0 0 l*atl»r»on c l » } 0 1 ThUTSdny

Sb 1 0 e nSi!in.on" If 4 8 1 0 ^vcn la coniioiku lb ST 0 Val«nllaa r( 4 1 S 0 picked Up t

£ S n * r f i r ^ 1 0 S s ru n s In th e Js s o i n i i n Sb to th e th lr

a a 0 S fou rth and JIrkaiaw. p. 0 .0j|Eit«« p 4 l.S 1 game w ith it Tntala _4S.18 t n i ToUl* 4114 ST •

*un:ai.4-aty-z=d=l==M O -ooo-8«|^w TOK F .lV f^i r d tn -------------------------OJl oos 010-10 8 i„ h ,, «I SB—Taw ». KhouiT. • Motktu S. Ajhman Slira .H .. 4

. llaiUn t , DMn, Xlumaa I. F«ir. StrKl- Hack Sb «r,S.-O fW ht. CintioB. paiunm i. • T«t . porleh r t— e.laull 3, Parlor S. Roblmon 3. E il« . Z - rttrwU U t'aturaon, T m . TaU 3. KlUman, U*an, Jcu ta lb 8 lark<I«w. a-T aU . llIt—UMkiu 2. 2UH— Coreoran Sb Slull. Roblnaon._Blr*«(tr. RBI—Uoakai 6. naratan ua 4Iran S. Klutnan S. TaU 2. atreater.-lrwlft, ---- Sloblnton S. Zaua, T«t7. UaiUn. Cannon.•-SlOS. A-»91.

“ "Standings—riONEEB LEACtJE StMbla'sT^Ml

W L P e t CB anon ?. Carml. ic<ltn , ,■■■„, . ,TS 41 M i WaUon. Cam«rM - cts— = :! 1-S :Eu&g - W i u

------ -4S IS j ” J j S c s t ° i l ^ g ^*** * ------ — — “(l i jwer S tar-i

- AMTEICAN L ^ C U B - i _ _ .t f -tWOjeat-O

'I jSBBSS a ^ E i 1 1 p ' (;u”L ‘uto"........ ............... ( I S i liU «M

HATIONAL LEAGUB • - --------W L re t. OB

tnoktrn ____________ *« 40 .6*3 •illlwaukM ___________TT SO .tO« 'SW- —— -Tfl 60--.8S« li_ .il. .....................zziz nzz.

- > *R SO ;44« l l g ^’ItUburth -----------------<I Sl .811 48 ^ •

PACtrrc’ COAST l e a g u e ' ------------------W I. Pet. CB ___________

=:!r;il.n DI«o -------------- M Bl .«* aiH

___________ST ' BS !«» SI _

K E N T U C K Y S T K A l G t



B'heii'you serve or <u lt f o Z ~ T ~ - YOU khoir frreat ’i

‘ tH U.WHISKET'IS 4 Y^>»s n in ■ n f »OQf-" ■ - \ V\\

)S UP TOM(Ban Lifted Npw f

BUENOS AIRSS, Aug. 58 ( f t - W VBDCcial ftTTftngementa will be ^made to periull Urusiuijflkti b U ~ T y ^ing (an* to trftvei here Saturday 1.VU IP 1 and wfttch the ir unbeaten idol **-■.%/ .)Osgomar M«rUiiea.'oppoe«-ni*t T T " i " ;heavyweight champion ArchioMooro of San Diego. In a 18- • ■ J . l U l -round aon-tlO® bou t-a t-L u n « .«park. MOSCOW i

Travel betweeii Montovldeo. T h e m l- .v‘ ‘cmiguay ftnd -Buenos Alros haa un lim iW ^

-bowi-balUd-(or-10-monUj«-due-to strained relaUona between the 1?®®“ Httlj q two countries. , - - Unlvenl*-

Russets Pound Banntjcfcs-174- On-18-Safeties s S g

POOATELLO, Aug. 38. (f l- Id a h o . Pnlls*ffarRercir"18*hlts*aTi9TTdoK~SdT ■"■’it'w e ’d j ’ jj*vantage of six Pocatello errors Mon* oiBpHday night os they pounded the ‘‘o Jl«bt v.Bannocks 17-4. “ ta u

The win salvaged ■ a t least one ^ _ ‘‘**®y*'eropigame of the Ruasets’ current a«. - “ S hirics here, after Pocatello beat Idaho Falls two games running. and cit

Thursday Uio Bannocks weren’t *“ *'®ta\jeven la contention as the Russet* picked up Uielr first run In tho ?***?'“ *•

r u m In th e stco tid , « ld td more S S ' ? ? ? " In th » th ird , s ln s l tlo n s In t h . “ •fourth and fifth and climaxed th f '

with to ig m . .m „ d t iU ll.. 1. b u t m , ,£ 5

S S r a :Stafhl* ef . ( 8 8 0 Walaon ai i l l } —Slfta H . 4 8 1.3 Camara Sb S o i l Rlng>aeek(d n

l a ’S, - M S I );I!SfSl!;."*Eatnula U. S B 3 Q Carmcbtl Sb t 1 s 4 kOOVaJctita Ib S 2 S 0 Ilobtnen e S 1 s 0 .Coreoran Sb 5 1 1 o Nardlntlll e{ s 0 4 0 naratan ua 4 S t 3 Tarlor Jb 4 1 a « ^

i s a ? ? - ! ! - ! ! - S u m m e iUoraa p OOI O ----- ---

|T«fteh p I 0 e i ' C A R

S .S”-_=iz=:ii!S!!!t;‘! WASH..n—DarraauD S. Zalraila i. Sltrra t,SMbla Co^nKi, R«V. PorUalt*WaUon! Cara«r«n. Rob«n«n S. Camlcba«C \A / A D tj ^ 3 febS^!io 3 iu? to r* i’a ^ iS i^ eS;^ Y y A K lirwm'rBrtimderT^tner-Assees:------------

In Uio North Pacific is tbo larg- I t A est living Btat (Ish. I t is the Sun- ■ i . .

-(lower s ta r .and reixcbea a dlamottr /V ia in W , •o( twoje*fc--or.mor«.----------------------

O P E N:--- — -«WA¥SVEWN«S^

S A T U R D A Y A F T E R N O O l---------------------F o r Y o a r Shepplpig.CoamjM K-------------------------Your-DeSoto-Plymouth-DeolSr


................; 5*||5yU/#-^^|Njl

KMmfflT K A I G H T / ' B O P R B O N W H IS K K I

^ ^

bOiiKiw frre iU ’t t r a U ! h t : K e ia > id y J > < ^ i^ ^ ~

■T ■

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (11)


, - •olutlon ~ M t» .«?eod iRelVuv«T

^ , ; j { : g g L , ; : ; | M

' . . ^ 108b ird . 8.M0r«Mve

—r~} 1 I j

H O U SE - M^

0l4LV'A V l^elM ^yi'A m

J^P j.b e lte r ruah up to Junlor’,8 8 - ^ E ‘JJJ,f,"-»PPle-to ffive the coun


fnp;|i l A|ft|A|6» vTffTm O U T

■ i ( m f | m | n ^ ^ ' th-£P R I UE.MFiP DEUin ''ONr nr tii i f B i R g a ^ a4w - im h-‘ r J r : Wil r i i w - H ^ . g °] r r atRIEIGlUILIAIRMRlElfjTETM AOO- J M e H te la i C a R t e tE * ________ ‘-rom v I QI - •-*t«e

tn R v h iMrr; £. .B B a i fc *

■f i y i l i l i l i i ■ ^•olutlOB ot Y o«ttrda/t Putxji___

T ^ lilT v « i e.Sohra!B«r*l - / ^

Jtfloafnl . .%Ut«rtrT 18. Action «t liw ■ao.TookioUd 8i-j.-raodotteirT-rooa—.----9M8.Mor«»ve» . |MTmi«"iyii«~n arJeidof altranulM J ®

_ — U)OW •— • • *3.-ahitt- —■ ^ ^ 7— « - — 2i. Eodikvor . ' W

25. F ru it ' i _--------- — 2 9 -? rtty :ilin |1"1 ao.AlWBjri 'SSSBM

I ^ p **’ -■ --

■ ™ JJ------- 3?; ]«(t<[ S ID E39.Exirem#ly . _____

, ^ ^ • mJnuta • ' i"I >9 ■ll.Diy'imirehi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. Donkey .. „

. 43.0rHnlUcontinent

■ Cut o! me»t 4S. Copper coin -----

------------------ M. Very cold- — i" 81.ClWin_ , _ ^ El£d?teV**

I ^ _ M- v^& n

3 - M A JO R H O O P I^ / ^:0S6tU 9BlSt 6OTTA RUSH| iK>(AJORf>(SOMeAM^ AWAY. I - 9JST «HO;ROI?TVIfl5£»Ry/Jl)5r H a-6M80H MA30fl/lMs/<2CTACAU- , . .. ._4lN« «WW10JaiS«7PWWMYWr . =TW//jAR6<5H tIUNCLe,<_ /-fri67>'STRlK6»ftK<30rCAU6lff/ /rH 6 y /f t ie ’VWeD7V iKi A . L6 <J casvM&iffJ

ANOI. y \D O O R /^

: - ' B y N E H E R - | — ^^

Junlor’,8 8ummer camp . . . hs e the counselor and the farmer “I’*’

___________________ fo r th


’A ■■'JvL'.'' ■- V V U V- '' ' ''.I

■- T

' O U T O U B W A Y

- - /'I'LLHAMP ) J WH>TH-SPIW DI£ Y B u e ^ W lT H \SM3N"r TURW-J-UTHIS-Piue IP - A-CU&I IM H E R E - ^ VOU t)C»OT PLAr r a A W E s s / N o e t t v w

AOO&E.HANd I OUT O-HERE.')AAP a u E .a .__y. THEM R O P3 I *^r- t ^70 a c k a p e J ,?<>«' & y ^

____ "T w earo a -E R .


.. "T h a t TOUst be the wife with him oi self aet for. a.-ten-cent tip i”

C A R N I V A L ' B y

........Ipi . . i — ■,'>t|C^i i ■'' ' ^

- =


*■“ V

*Tm worried about H. K.—his offic fo r three days I " * ......................... '



< 1—

B y A V

■ - T I M E S - N E W S , T W T N F A I

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» ) J WHy’MusT >< rrscNt-vM Y.S^V^'THSVALVJXia-AHUMAW^------------ 1------ “rW’ X UNU3KT> WRT ) i > t . BET, , * . ■H \ *j TH 'vERy Vt h i s g u V ' '■ n . - ■ip»- -A -^l b a n c s .t -C-*i h r o w s .. . V . _ ■r < > PLACG&? /HISEM PTV _ . ■

> PEERCAMS P ■RE.'J — y ^ S IWNICe ^ t - ■


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B y G A L B R A I T H S I------- — -----—I • ■■ Y,...I

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■ Evith him on thlo trip—get your- Y

■ • BB y D I C K T X J B N E B G

- i _ _ : ---------- ---------------- ---- S -

............... N■ ~ ~ N ■


—his office hasn’t been nlept in C

— _______ U ______________ j a __

I HAO TO TUflN ■ I ^3W N\PUDP/DOWN, TOO.>J'T 7 SWELL SPOT, LAtiB •. . ySLIMWEO. SOMANV. ^ a e u M O TUgac, >ou---------------------- fc _____^ CArJ WALK ACROSS «

■ THE WATER ' .................. - - 1-

N ■'.......... E "

B y W A L T D I S N E Y i «


r W l N F A L L S , I D A H O . '

I I _ Y _* . __ V / vou dONNAi LfiT HIM - r I

" G ' 6 T fcWA V w r m « ^

■ i - ' l i ' i i i Q i

I A i P ■

T M Pou>r,6How-H>V> ^ ^ HwKMl»

r a s .- ■ Y ,......B B B B i L i J L i a i

I H H T l \ s l 'w w \s>----- s—^ v w f ^ w t■ cfA.WOO \4VJT W ftT H ------- ■ -S T O 3 t"M 5 0 « ftN & I ^PW aV E;

-■ 0 wSSt- JiL Wm. - s

■■ - A —------ S Where did ww a e t ' f I inherited i t f

r \ ell Y « j r a r t t e t i c ^ father, Walt W®'. . ^ ability, Corky? v G A jf a g '^ a t Surt

L1 - ^

= d S = r , E

- A' ey J L J h.

E H i B m f e s f e r ^ ;r- t ......

___ : / THAI^ CJTCHN' rc u v , 1 I - 41K1B /• «VVVE8 TBai H I R t '^ V (VAWI

T ® -BuNNY


" “ : D “ "

' A -- • t e o - r ' f J ^ S ' S S r y W ^ - I ~ ~ U _

— ** —. ‘ ' q • ^ THATW’ ^ MLUBUaU W^MIr• C COCA - ^ f ' r w w r v 50UNP51

R • m ^ S

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A Ll IT K # 4 — - _ r «x»™*=*’l«:cAh! L 1 ^ 1 ^ *1 TO BMCTCR J T ' T ' nw t \ BUvlROUTOF / 1

----------L -----B B r P = T K j « a C H 1 5 F ? ^ ^ ^

~ i r ~ p 1 I______0 _. g ^ s ^ r ^ r a i S P I H

O ' f f ^ f K r a ' n i l P i

SHTWWyOFAU.r 'lO U m j^ H W lN T O


V i ' i f I m j L ~ i | l ’ W

I m f I 'B K ^ ^ L

•»? f (y*p r n n n T ^ M WH8U g r o s u g m y A \ W B

m j d T f niouc so«« B i ^ S S a n n n■1 I UM1UE. 666i^ S Z S H I\ v l ' w w I w \v i . , f x o o v i e y T r MA- A V W t '^W W 'R tn eo O O i CW\\ftT H IL ^ vWt- O P - -y o cO [ -Ni&VE .OO Vl ' VOCR. SXN

# f l i '^ - -\sr / ^ 5 ^ V ^^c^< cff i \

v t~ j^------ r^5 l=

__fj j n *r « u i j 2 . S x

M y c ^ ; e ^ ^ p B | T p | ^VI inherited it: My> - ie-herA - |- vll t^r, Walt WeH .AJs 8 great Sunday XiT.painter

U v » > ) ' i s s ' i s i r ^ j - t sJ p N J . y ^ V THIBDi ^ _ V^TH

r—ATTHERKTe’LOVB'aINN-J ?21=aa*=S t0GO1NS/MR.NEAM—rr EXTB^ S & - .? S , S S S ? K « . | ^ M %PEMBS, ■ IB ItETq.-r ^ H |

, P ^ I ^ S w L I B l

i H F c w T T O ^ W w T I F T w S n S o ^ — ;THATI.VV\BIAN 1« THE 6lWiMC< f — 9AVIM5 BUT He OKl'TH'SENeMyl I rwwrv 50UNP5 lAPMlENT.' J_ PECOnNS A V ®A!?C6T k ^ ^ ^

/OmHtFW. BilHrjN THIlf/" »'■ —-. J—

S t


^ Jg n W ^H |% |l@


tftrrap sou 11 TvmvAw us vMiouec-vou-t-Hi s ® f

'- M M M m ml1t>R CM15UrEPK6RBA]d5TW ir-BACKTOKeHLeR

■■■rWkPHrTLEfTIIAfw c a NH6U thcw i j ^ k I i I b ! c i

HIS H 0 U 5 t ! J « U . i i l S | | r i W

0wT6U,V 1 ma \ ll H ^l l.oowr ?\ «> c w \ w » 6 ? 0 6 wrtfsx I ftViOTwe;Qs.'o OP- -yocR.. ,?«ow,>m_l-a4CR6s\c. S X V V t. V>fsSV?> i - J W«RK»\K

cn4 ^ I k H n M R fit: I \^ . . . „ . . -svi\ct \ s 'u n f f w ‘. i m I ^ I B sCff SIA(W(• - J ------ <5ft t

»W WM Orifllgrrmtitiidof'TlVhocaresT?•lltHc/l hsvttnltLany-l noMiKs/gelc tal I could newrkM eitn. X. b* gn actrtg jWii l

a M l H i

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s p i r ' d ( ^ ^ ‘■ ^ 1 - ■ r 7

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f & ~ S a ^ Aiii i s n i I ^ rr-TSAa^ ttV Hc w y j g r s n ? i »J/??ftoO?5’ ■ c o u L D N V s B a f A K W f l lR ; vJHur4 MORK , BC-irs UjKTSpA USTEf rowETO su p p u y k jYVKSfjrJ '«'">■■Mf*ckK T.MC/ ftABy ir IS.7« ; 'T-|AP T KiNpj

l b

T»# A P* *TBX>CU WW-. I fflSlajlE106END -VHCtVBENwEl.L'mROH'INl THOROiRC - -

Y j ' ■ ~ p U H |^ |R S n | .

. F R ID A Y , A U G D S T I M M M B

A N a .W iT O O iW tS e C K O lW E ''^ ^ ^ " ^ ® ® ^ 5UTEP K6RB AUO UNC5 M i , S M K rff i |iH •BACKTOKeHieR K N D ''^V O U 6 B B U J # t« i cKBg EKRl^ O f t ^ g J - I M


m ' l .o p y iT n f i n ?o<d ^oR :> m 5 tt t3 MANr m l-i-T r^ rr i^ i v n . m i J I T h M

J xov^I M ^ i i H a MS l L _ - n - n Z —m

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E ^ f i H

r v t e n a . ' i r ^ ^ B S g B e U r T f ^ ^ H

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II ^ ^ i l L a c a o u ^ ^ I

s e v & J T s m a a g M ~ _____-V f s m c e B A s e . ; f l H

V —

w m S f . ■ WHUr KIND — ^ ^ r » * ^ A ^ H Hr T J u sT e N T O T W £ rf7 -f to y .o R M ®VOWLIN‘/» — S k . O A t .T , M H

S n S n f f l S l a j o S n H E O N E w S T ^ ^ HROH'InI T>K)a3UaHLY D IRTyCH A R^Cn^^l X E C fI c a n M A JN TN N H SeELFR SP^^H

B 1 ^

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (12)

“• ^ 3 S ! h ST»hy,ih. j

•»m iWw ^ .

.. .Boniit-^ ‘citbens ages,"n^MEDIAT* P O f^

II* a » i S ^ ^m J T w ■

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■ IB w^hfitu I I ~ •■fkoMUuS^tlMjlS

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^ = 5 = 2 !A C R a i=f*ckVEKUEa5 P M to lb « lio iC

***i»TlVlin ud4]B • *?«5 lTO tl»,TW

• Biucomtnrr:TDM UOVDrm

— a'lrifEppLas: •

’bra* im «, n IWIfatoAmwU,


— OLD-Rnr-spAcion

■ « « U &


C. A.-Robinsoa-ii

BE A obowm QDnHMAHIVa B«*. h'lbriclE. lf iU ii «Inemt. 1 (ln»Ua> u< iw T l!^ a io«m Utm ■ni-wea-ftr-jwr lw»' 1:|].>M »4 Uiau. CrtjKal«for« Htol luitu. ... ...J800 AND rra TOOIs i x * s a » ! ; . ‘ j

— EEAlJSmi SERVICE AG0l( ijuui»w»rt


l i f t ' d

,[Kh«. itudd ICW*. “a , 1 , ^ p - * * ,m m . .ON BBCHANAHj

— juwie-VAiLflDfreSMBffl-COJ

1» “ " S i i

" " ' h a s ,‘W vei>;

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IK y 'V r ' ; 7 : " '• '■■'■■

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i M t f y f c e t s j a^ 1 T *

( iH K E T S A T A G L A N C E ; ; S x ‘a s S r i

aisg.'sar.* ”.! .--. SrSEi?, ' f«w eatura do«

5s «-“-'”" ““T r ■‘■ss “' ““b«l—nnn I e»»l> prle*« WbImt. but faiinll^ novfi,,a_nnol drr ****• f»w chole* nc.

a s K ’i. • ■.‘. r i s T ^ aI IliW l »I»uihUf

r T r ^ T ’’£ T 5 f ’ir.! ; r S S « ; i ^ ” “ " ' l iK .K ,'K S .'

•IpriM* ••nn» Idfcr In »™ “** «* d*«k-ehole* HJ£ . ' " 5 a „ S * ..‘ r‘ ” U » : ; .V £ :iS '5 K ^

usmat*! to »'n MtlmaUJ T<•bum. ■ rORTLAND. J

! r , 5 S ? * 5 E / « f i S“ -J 'iiSsilSLjliL

“ 'iilsn ssr "I ; S slii-tara a, S/jiir^s

• Mff *’• " ' • • ? , »®t* <«■» *»•>«M K U K f lm i- 'V - « „ ''i" . ';? d '.“ t .

11 25™ I.M; ebolc* J(a 11 Pun OU t.ioi wot •rouir* .P « RCA • , i2% lOMOO Ib».•>" *lff i t i l 8*** tor »*«kCf»d KS n*? Tob B ,nd w*akB« I t e4f*«>r SSH good aad ehoU*

OUB*: SP*i5n',., t? 2 _________-* 'i BWditaktr « H 8 "* niAHCl

E s ' - ' S r S M r i ' ' ' a ‘S

^ ! i i : U 8 IlSbw tW commnel.1 W lis " !®sIk s l

7l5Lw2iL.UfitT « « »l»u*bur eu>i*

MU UK Woofitorth 4« brmnd »nd w«lfT ^ - “ j S S i i b ” ^ «7i4 ” i ^ ‘,Vw.Sk^ — ---------------U«t •oupto-iwi

i i a ? , i s r sIHlp n ,, ' s o f ^ i d . a v * ^ 1 S R S . .| H l n Ua IM Sb*«p for «*•B u •• ■' ' lue »**k *Uu|l

nrVBSTHSNT TRUBTS to lowtr; W**k-|^ M lF tU tr «l*«lat* CMrtMr S. W: prim* uound >il i e HkB*b*rU ui4 C«a>ui7> SO.BOs en* imtllAtb*4 etbtr food aod c|M k l M Btt».,«>M<*'.,.............—.1 4.1

Bl-fh f - ' ' ~ t-i good'end choice,^M lP Tn r-»t S.1 a f*« to le.SOj

.. 10.» *w« J.00.&.OO.

I. I “ “. I.OR AMflliS- K t —....... C«IO«-|OTl *!•<

81. —............. J-M bn* lol eiiUOT" *4 ------------------------- - «.7 Sw i'tf'« ,^tO i

.1 II i ■ eomtnarcUI aad i^ I 7 tBll to utllltr.

B P t o c k A v e r a g e s r i i h r i . ^■■■ ■ I nttllum QualllT :

i~ Tfc« i ^ u i ^ • ebolc* MW* 17.«|H B |« av (M W ™ .« 8b»« U i inI M / • uVoj ni i* ML BtSJk.■ ■ IB U aan _ D.t D.t D.t» W ? i .v ..<•. (].'« u !t llt i l ^DENVER. Aui

' " j aT*r*ctnr IM I

T w i l l ' F a l l s L ^ S r i i 'S i ,

^ f v e s t o c k P r i c e s r i S S

^ H n ^ o w lz ig .T « ln .? i l lB U m tock ^■ i*»-provW «d.by4h6-Tw in-P»lto ^ ^ ^ ■ to c k OommlssioQ o o m p a n y buuhm mmio ^ ^ t tx n - tb o -ra u lC ro rm B 'M c llo ff ^ ^ H V o t Aug. 3S. ' . to wwk:

— ^ ——■- - foinn to «23.70 'ttMN'ana hetfin__________ »io.oo to *31.00 ' ’"5. *;

I H t ! -------------------110,00 to « U 0 wti,*7.» :I H H i e n u d Cutters t 0.00 to » 8.35 ^ sh««p vxa n ■ ■ H B i____________ tla.SO to J13.7B n*nnnfl *

..r > a . f t n 4 ! n a , . '. .,. ,M o n V .^ I cjiicAco, A|U K b « ■_„.:-----— Afttich 117.00^ ■ y t t ------- ._______ .m c««r

^ ^ ■ W Y O ^ Au». 2S MV-Wool futunt S ^ ‘' ! j ‘®;V£v!B of a e*nt to 1 4 c*nl* loweri 29.w*9 ^B H l<t.O D : D«u. 141.:Bi'H arth li».OUi

Juljr ISS.Oll; Dec. »».8B.■■Hm lleaUd wool ipot 14«.(N. . . . ,■ ■ g k l to 3 |fu lu r* ^ c lo ^ ^ .t^ a cn l wt.k

' s s i R f - ' i ? ,

.donoium^jinuB l i t f f l fullr iuidr: nil

l H H j H o t L o a dB ee lm tD B U .,-X u g ^ a 8 -X e n iie th . j»*=u|-to-io-.■ ^ ■ ^ w n thought U WM n ju u e ‘ i? oS- uuii.t^■ ■ I H lAt«. Thursday attemoon Ind Mmmmki ■ H R n e drove hU tr&ctor &Iong the

mJJea west and rho"'.**

^ ^ ^ E ) ie B -h e dl8eoTcred~thB reason.' ' _^ H b - l o a d or atxaw he wo* h»ul- xansas cit

on a hay wagon was en tire, i.eoo; hoM' 21^ ^ ■ f r n n h l tc h e d . the tractor and *’^ ^ W e a th a t but the alraw. wagon c.m* :oo; C

hayrack were destroyed. » ' o*'* ^ ^ ■ b s a s e waa «UmaUd at »160

B. Melatad. aasUUnt tire *mln i^u ^^ M B ef a t 'Wendell.______________ lUuibi.r itwbi

■ . ■ * READ TIMB

H Twin F a l l a M a r t

UVESTOCK t^[ ■ r . i s & . s , " ■“ ^ -x . -....I ..

•"'I 2:o>:» ]b«_____I2T.M

- a . '^ ^ B P - ■ .........n Hg Colorej" e«k4“.

-------- —.... ....... LifborS andA"■ n U n ana^SlMra''Z__IZL»T.0or8;Mi <SwIfl (Bd »I l f f l K ^ -- ' -~I____ Ko. I■™ |{le».ni> an<i ::0.U4 ite. _ _ 128.m (SvUt aad ce

M jB V uitd*r-<»0-»«.--~ •'■“ ■■■ — 2'Sp- -Err*>-ln-lradt(-

mEUljto guoUUoDi untU new ctvp harrtcud) Lars* AA ;___

i f f l . ' '* —^BllSVie* t J ^ — ;---- ^ ..tlW flmall A ____;; ';'„in ... ’ n - -

.. potatoe* c h £ £ T ^ j i z^^Kw>WiU«.;»W»**«ropfcarr«l*d.) Bakn*

r a n d T ’in a t4 ^ s t e e k —

■ OCDEN cl*tCAGO. Aua; a ; . r , ~ r . « S S L , . S i

>.|«.bOi eutUr •t**r« B-OO-t.OOi uUlltjr Com wa* flrat U^mm'TcUl r ra « >«lf.r. M0-14.M: JM,eatun down to *.00s ealr** t i i * •« *u»an«M a

(*t not oUhllibid...irt t t ] bu«h*r» nomlnallr iO ^ u lJ , riSIt » 1

" i ' r « A i s s j

til can Idabo*. *U Uwl* Or*«0B» an j bw«r, B ^ n Jb J i; ' froui truckrf loU i m*rk*t not **la^'“lwlrr“*f^m *b2 T|um*j BepUmu” IIMO.'s~ J xsX xs£ :\S ;lS r .'T S

■rUi catll* cloe*d wtak (o 1.09 lowir. yjt,,..:,!S5"‘.i:i2.T.Ui-K,= iJiS.ow ebolc* U.00-t4.t0l wInUrtd >ood

' f ' L i » ” “ v i S

i*r and culUr eow» lat* I.JO-MOi R” n s Clr 1 00-lI.MI commerelal I t jO ^ i r l^

tj» IT.OO 1 cull to uUlllir 7.BO. , •®'og* fot w»tk 1.B10: clo**il J.OO lower _ , j ,I tat* iMt w*«k| U u buUi eboU* j'^ r^

i ? , . « V S f e ! l ' ! S ' a 5 S f = K„ to l .»0 and H«d*r. ‘

- - - V a n T ^ ibco S % it7 ^ % in *I’S ’uTt «%»

c all elauK amind * t« ^ r i *aTlr-Ia ^a. S w blu l l ^ iw*dc «bole* l,IO»-l.ltO lb. f*d *l**n 715.B: torn* ttW and a f*ir hlfh lood «Ho biilt* ll.Btow cbolc* tM S ; good a ra u i l n n Kafir tZ.eo to 1

MI.OOj eomm.reUl H.OO-IB.OQ; a f.w j i , , j j . u u «tlr down to 14.001 commarclal and low ■__________1-btlfcn ii;K n* .W r uttitty-»iia-eBm-- .

iButterOi'Mm* downward T.OOi-ullUtr-.aBi .. m*rclU ta lb 1I.OO.M: eu tur bull* "A ta ll.OOi imall lottnedlumnnii-iood SAN:

.* S S L T S S A ' J . S . j S " t e - S A . " r M ! 5 r : = T r - ^ ‘ ".‘S :s iS * s ; s r - M . * r ." J ik ''V u r i '.? i r 's r ‘ 2 . 7 S’. ■'■»• « ;>d and wtlfhl S tt^JS lb*.,_*«ld. »t _:_________ . _ c0 with aloul lO 'pj.' c .n l M rt a l JT.OO. .CHICAGO. Aur ogi for w*d( 1.400: numb*r« too amUl Mirkik-iUadri 1.Mupto-iwi t* fumUh a f . l r U .t ot S S _ « i ? d i y s

s s is b M t i i H E h 's i y < £ » i i S ^ -“f e s s r i f e i f i

.U uibur eprlng UmU U r«.lr 0 *lower: w*rii-» bulk noatJr cholc* .ButUrt 7M.849;•. & .’. 'W .J K 'i f ! ! f t s ^ r i ; . u s a

W S i & * ’. s^'and*h^e*.f**<lM*t»mb* 16.00-H.00!*w to ie.iOj eull to cholc. .U ugbur S t „ T 5ir?.nV A • I.00.&.OO. _______ tM».» s i r c .n t i

imarcUl aad rood eal»** 11.001 balance I1 to utllltr. B.OO.II.OO1 00* lot .lack ,

too'; about iU td rl odd ebolc* OltlOAGO, Au:■tet lb. barrow* and gllu tt,t*.M,00; rl>al* 181 j trackHum Qualllr m Iba. tLOO: ed4 400 lb. latnu 4«0. Suoplc* lows 17.10. tnarkit b««t nuaib**p U i iruckin* ntz*d lamb* and i l l^ l l r weaker.Slni.uiaoH. ... - • TJack **15 (11

............— _ , . . wllb retjulrrd agnw w w B • etaUd: Ideho a

n'lfi- ir.!f ■'“• E 3 .s is ‘fot* IW: choice htrrowa aad gllte rectnr 101 ll«. « .M { f«w «iwt U7 n u u iu li5 ?ud“ h2»” i,BMi deck and Matured *m*H m®."^> U good eUUBhUr .we* J.80^.78: 52?» i

AMATia Oregon s.DO.J.71

l*ttl*-1MT-e»lTi»-100T-tTBa«"on *T»ufh» ,1'im /eluM* and <tock*n and f**d«rt ilow, |

uiT xo w**k! tliabl* lupplr of (hort fed , ‘® r \2 ? ‘

her; ebole* *nd prim* »aU»* •p rln itn

.................. ■ —

» sS' E S ‘'hs^!» f i 'H - a, end hMvler mo*llr .*t**e!r. ln»UBe«* » “ »Jc« .r l it . I nnd.* MO IW,-tft-4-fuH>> f —3 ,or mor* low*r: *ow* lar>*1r *U*dri ^ . .;‘'!u” Vi!5.i‘? . 7 S n r i i V - r ‘ -ti;SS: P o t a t of®ioJl*n uI’lM jfM ."4W.*b'm ■ l^* l9 .7^ F '50. (ConrtegT ‘EIhtep BOOi.tUuibUr Umb* tcarc* bul Z ‘.rkel Wttk. IniUneM 80 lower: Up Com pany, E l 00! bulk good U ebole* 10.»j»-ai.S0: eulU ■OO-lt.OO: m r Ing* ibMnt; cull to good Uibur n rn «U*dr .1 ' • NOVSl;a iu . 1.000: eaUt* 100: *I«uchUr lU en t . t t blgh. t.Bt 1 htic.r* dull, w nk et recent uneven traded.TBIura.: .m'lnd t.gllB h>«d ubmM rolnr b ig if ^ ^ Ir lUadr: utlllly aBd commerelal sradn trsde^Z ij to Week! bulli fullr BO 'ow.r. TEBBaiauL* lULUiiipl. t*. »«alet*—eUadr—U . t t I I Hfh, IUakj odd beed prim* iu*t« 17.00.801 few traded. •e* nod and chole* com. - MAS aUl-U-low..g«od- ll.00-17.00i cann.r —tl.40 Ugb,-«L: utlllly odd Prim. hrIUr* traded. '

00: Ulllltr b .lten low »• 10.00; utllltr . NOVXM cl commercial cow* 1.80. 11.80; cannrr* 11.80 bleb. lowd cutlere T.0O.R.10; utllllr aBd com. DKCRU rclU bullj I0.t0-I4.DD: eammtrcUI to .11.18 blab, low

olre^ v.a l.n; culU down

KANSAS CITT NOTICE FOR 1ICANaAS CITY. Aug. M lUP) - Hon ” ®TIHE APPO 100; hort 2i-M lower. Ur«elr , 80-»0 jn o

S ,« ”g?™HF. ‘. 7 “ cSi i St ^STShMB 100: Bot enough for teel of Iredei . punuant lo 1 lall lou good to prim, nallie .prlng made on tbe tC luibi.r UmU 17.00-:0.t0.__________ _ ^ ^ _ J | V | y r ^

ElAD TIM BS-NEW S W ANT AD6.■ . I . . CUV and CouBtr

MaiketsJ him ot lelUia ol

KKKD annrxert when arJ_Ko ,uoUllon. UBill^ew crop b.rv-W -g2,J3'5^u‘ S t '

Lwn: pou L T u r (s ea l )

K '" J i . ‘. 'K . ; ; ! ; ; : ; = d i ; . r r i . .* ." - ’“ * ~TjS

ghSrt andAuitra While frj.™ j Z l u ':swlfl asd comniBT e tlrn l .. I Y o u r D m

____---*• H o r ie t , jw .- i n - i ^ « r - i .^ r ^ --------------ypT p rom p t

&r"" PhoT* AA ;_________________ mu

!in - '.... ' ==»!? Gl- - = 1 —TROI

■------- , TIMES-ls

n t a T O e1 -------------- WA8 HINGTO:

Prlcea farmera-T— j n the

lon a fu r beelUUnc throuiboul the I t Waa th e II

n s j “ .s S S S ,"= n a« i ^i. r prleee for eaeh grain In north- ^ ,6 'M lircll Ond

u~ ix w ib^T s.™ .!;. - 1»K-K: corn K*t% >>'>b*r. S«pUab*r sa id p tlc es pal

4T. sjpum ber 2.8b\4-H, aad U » H ending A ug. 15.pound*-bigb«r, T h e a verage J

______ stands ot 93 pcCA8H URAIK e a r r iT n W p o ^ " ’

T’h*; changed fro m 3* * •" ' p e r cen t below I

IU Mo. 1 b ia rr whlU 7>^. 10S3. 'irirr nominal: malllBg l.JO-81; f»td p a rity ‘ t e ' a 1■IB<----- !------ ------ -r. ----- - - - - jiv o - th e f a r m o

PUTURES TADLB power in relatiOl

hMl by law.• l « t » ‘ 1 * S » - } ’« » • - h g ’-* ---m e departme:

____ ‘or iM Tj've/*o7ffi“p’ - I.BSN. 1.84W I.MU 1.81 endM Aug. 15.. 1; S !:!!« ! : ! i | ------- r — . . . . 1 . . .8 .... J p

■!;l> ■!:!> ■' -II!! 'S ’* _ f '

iir -Gould i l J l i f . i l Price

rIsC Sim l 41 car»! Ilown Wo to up WeNi le ton W am ed tC I-w hiu 12-lt to •2.ZaM:.Ma..I .iZ.Da - T h n - rp t to r t d :t.tlN : No. 2 rellow and mlx*d 11.81 rep o w QI.I8N: No. » |1.8» to t i .« N . . Of w eekly carl) *i“ m w -ju ly . c h ie f t w blu 78i4* to aicN . Wo. » «»e to „ hftvlng a tead l llo biait* 12.10. Shipping p o in ts afir tl.eo to tl.BSK. ketsr* t l . l l to tl.H N . . _ j .w ith _ n o .m o rr r n “ ppiy of p o ta tt

Butter and-Eggs-__ ' im tll _the lato

SAN PRANCISCO volume.” U io ou AN PRANCISCO. Aug. I t <up) — Increase i n - e a i«: Larg* A ei>H-70Hi n«l]um A (4* la to ' St«tC3 COUl

S:5a5!SiK.uaic?:-------------.caiCACO--------------- :----- ally"- a s -th B 10HICAGO. Aug. I t (UP)—Ll»* poultrri th e m a rk e t. rkiLiUadri U truckfc .-Tjlea.danfca m a r» c i. ,a —m u n la y : . C«mBS»r«l*l1r , grown __ . . .T — -----

Pour Ar(hM**: ^ n r dauW S t ^ i u '~ < u i r — — T— ---------s"hVbWs.‘ Area j S'!i' V-'S; wm'hSwiu >0 aeor* 82: (8 *eor*'SIWi carloui hosp ita l h e re a t‘i3!? w w .. 08 th e r e s u l t oft* *xtia* Q0.8B.9 per c .n t A *nd orir O ne-half mllCB te*BU a dox*n: nU*d Urg* e>lru Old h ighw ay. ,

II.t percent A and o»er #*-8l: medium* j j - g i^vvreni? Il.t per c .n t A and ov.r #1: *und«rde _W lft: current -r*eelpti-41; dlrtlei KUpert, receivefl

cWk* i». . ■ . iniurlea; hi- —;----- TWI 11 I mmUmr^Oi^Baj:

Potatoes-Onionston, 3, head InJi

~ engcrs In a lOiiniCAGO, ;5 3 " ? ? ‘=PuP)-P .ato ar-.1* IBl: track 188: total U JJ. eblf- _ T h e pltdCUp CIU 4«o. Suppiic* iiu ra i: d.maad fair: In tem aU o n a l dlkrt beet RuaMU about ateadr. olhti* jU c^ard Lancos^ k M**li *(ioo ii» .)i U8 lA walked o w n c d b y th e L cll r«julr«l agT**Tn.nt mlBlmum ubIc»» com pany , Burlad: Idaho and Oregon long whiu* T.nytnrr cstlm ot udlng US *itra* l.OO-S.J*! Idaho Ru^. u a •xtra* J.7#: Wa*hlBgUn long plckUp t t t »500I’ffiMVuS’^L^i^S^O W ^sfus’lA “ 76:I..U Including US .xlra* I.J8.J.78: — --------•eoBiln PonUae* ihowingla 1.7S.1.M: T«1 Watbaa 1.78: ibowlng O -fU lll .

iromla 3.7M.00] round reda Idaho aBd h ig h SChOOl alw*™"*'" 'J;*” ;*®* WlU be held ot

r .s a ; ,^ g i s v ;iBlon iuppIIm ii»o<ieraU;_dtmtni.»law;. ■— ------- ' -'reek °aalM (BO lU .li Ufl I ubImi ' . PARLE ledi Iowa rallow gloU* 70 ,lo 80 p.r KIM BE31LY,

orado SpaBbh 8 Incii »Ba Urg.r 1.6B: Will h o ld »S O: lola r.llow globee 80 Jo 68 per c.nt Bolso NOV. 16-

. I..h N»» « n n «

» 1 “ ch"loS.:.25."' *”

P o t a t o a n d O n i o n Q Q I t

Conrteay &. W. McRoberU. andtem pany, E lka Bldg., Phone SWI) I

NOVKUBER ONIONS .t l high. t.B« low. do.*: II e tn ^

------------^ « h « r

"PEBBABY ONIONB f o f . tl ^ J i l g l l . J l J l j 2 I ! jn . t . t ! 2 J t i .2 2 1 ^

MASCa ONIONR 1.40.hlgb.-»>d e Io i* : .H .H in _________

-S S S " -- lUSTII.18 blgb, low and clo..; 10 car* traded. *




niARLES F. 8AWYr.It. OLCEA8ED.*unuant lo an ordir of aald Court.d* on tb . 20tb d*r o( Auguit. 1*81. U H K t

M. o t aaU-'dar. a l lh..C'«irt Room ot K*1 Court, a t tK* Courl Houi. In th* r and Countr of Twin Kalli. Idaho b u n appelnt*4 a i th* time *Bd ptie* for K..Ing tb* w m o t **1d CbariM Y. Hawrer K R A J i «a**d. aod fer hearing Ih* *pplkatioB Malcolm >L Sawr*r for th . IituaBc* to 1 e t I.IUI« of admlnl.trat<on wlih will k a a p w ^ irxeri when and wher* anr penon Inter*Id m ar appear and coBtnl iime. C H B H M a)atMl Augiut 20lh. n u .CAL) MARY {!AI,UOV,

Dcnu*tr Clcrkbllibs Aiw. Sl. t l . 14. » . » . : i . 21,I I . m i __________________________

W A N T E D iY o u r D < iad o n d W orth l« ii H o r t e i , M u l c t o n d _ C o w t- _____Tor prompt pickup call collect

Phone 3620 —GREEN'S u m

— T R . O y U A R M i ^ i B U B L E t

<*' • ■'

r i M E S - K E W S , T W I N F A L l i S , p i

rop Price liidex Shows For Fifth Month Ih iri]rA8HINGTON,-Auf,-38-(ai_—- ,The In ilm 'n t- ;ea farmera r eeclved for cropa 'fy m ers now atar

cent Jn the moirth ended Aug,' 2M a month agethe agriculture department re- and the all-tlmi« J today. --------February. 1961.

was the fifth monthly price pricts of fnmll)rt thla year to ahow a decline, farmers advancedm prlcea were jmehenged In th<r time tdgh reach*>th ended July IS and were up lo of lOSS^nhe dep;'March and May reports.- prices of Items i

1 today's report the department duetlon declined.I p rlcea ' paid by faihiiers for ed the averaga'lilg and production expenses re* by farmers,ned-upchonged In thB.monUi. Tht; index of mIng Aug. 15. u s atands a t 3?ihe average level ot forin priccs base period comIds ot 93 per cent of th e .’‘fair year ajo-.The reT r n r p o ^ ’’ parlty )* leV eirurt- c o S rw asT ao iirnged from last monlh and 10 ^ — cent below the level of Aug..l6,

arlty ‘ te a price calculated - to I iTthe farm «r»that sanie buying er in relation to his costa os he ■

W A N T Ahe department Bald lower prlcea (B*Md i* <cattle, h oga. and lamba were , .

I of farm prlcw In Mi^"ni«ith . ■.■ ■a Aug. 15. ib'Jot S.^’e'i.Sir

J Por *»«npla. *e*

al^Potatoes Gould—A-dd-to—Price Decline “"i*s“si£

WASHINQTON, Aug. 38 (Special)arly diggings ia lata pocsco Soa<Ur»-41« could drop the deflated mar- ThU ptptr r***rprimes aUll farther, the USDA S?S,«?^5i.*°ir.

*Bnnrt:^H-TMr.r-Wtnatlr'n-^h^|l>n w amed today. ' ' ' t«g»rt to u>* ad»ho- report described Blackening • “weekly corlot ahlpments after , tm r* »bonH b*1-July, chiefly Irom Callfomla, Sv?oa* uiSSISi’ oftvlng ateadlM prices a t countryjping points and terminal m ar- CARD 01

p ly^p o taU ^^ esS cn a t iV r .'V S liH .k ’iaTOedlato-fltot«,-priees-foj--po- our »}nc«» ibeni* )es ahould remain fairly steady ibo** eomfortiBg aeill_ the lato crop comcB o n -In ---------?*"•ime,” th e outlook sa id .‘"But Ol) SPECIAL rease in- early diggings In the' RUfla'T ad upUlit 1 states could materially affect i947-j. viilaB.’ 1 morket.” ai'ENOKK CorMii*>

woat—potatocsr-'whlch—raiUtad. _ ""i-JW H _ 2B_d_. :e-decllnes-earUcr.-art-now-ex- -ted to faU ,’‘more thnn season. __T R A yfit^r“ -a s“thfl l05T '«op moves Into claiik-uillku g market. roomi. mcalj, *l

______ -------- h8r»f* »Bd trii>* t

our Are Hurt in °‘’” Area Auto Crash

iDRLEV, Aug. 3S—Pour persons rhoB* 491.•o hospitalized o t the Cottage SCHOOLS ipltal here a t 3:40 p.m. Thursdaythe result of an accident-one andi-half milea east of Burley on the T^Trhighway. / •

Irs. Lawrende Jolley, 45; route 3 ; H EA .V Y E pert, received chc5t,'face and an-

Iniurlea; Mrs. Shirley Throck- w* n*H *rreral 1

fi t l o n s , and Doyle Throckmor- per *««><> ^ ’ou, 3. head Injuries. All were pciss- L^,ii'5“'*iVf.“et:crs in a lO ii Ford pickup driven thi. uaiBiBMr«. JoUey. --------- riaccmeal Btrrlet.•he pickup collided with a 1D63 ^ Aem atlonal dump truck >miT>jTNihard Lancoater. 31. Burley, ond ' TRAININiicd by the Long Sand ond Oravel Box 20-A npany, Burley. Sheriff Lepngerton -estimated damage to the I— — —tu p a t WOO and to the truck a t CHIROP

° ~ T , - ^ v a s 'O a n c e S l a t e d mekve . mcuiui.

JOODINO, Aug. 38-The annual ««in fKJs to achool dance for Ooodlng _______BEAUTh school alumni ond students comtletl moOert 1 be held ot the Ooodlng Junior th '-achool-gym naslma - a t 8:30 in. y r ldayri t u t n B. !^ ^ a u .S w S E 2

PARLEY SLATED «•CIMBERLY, Aug. 28, W ~The 1' ' . ; . '... —iho—Wool—Orowers-iiSBOClatlon ____ .C P P >1 hold » s annual convention In u t ix#* ISO Nov. 15-n, President Johnh announced today. Sow Not 1

r< lo iid :i» jrjufl3i:f6K ~a~ fog :j».a. :------Jt ^ g l n g low enough to touch P H O N I

GOING TO THE F/ F eel y o u r besi

-____w h fln _ y o v _ d res* ______ ^ ____f o r th o W e s t . . .

lUSTIK BilDTr ^ t o

\ m B - A Csme in end III mlompl.le gi

l U « A i 2 P t l i B V " feeling JUSTIN BC

S»>x’«>i ten


— ^ f i . 5 o' H l i ^ S S l gol your

mlgfirr geed en yi

^ 0 P H

n It's From BOJPER'S— I fs De, BUBLEt_EUPERT_JER0MB-BUHri=i.1

L L S , I D A H O

Shows J J r o p ^D u r i n g 1 9 d 3 s iT C fA T ioh

It ■)n,toVof_DrieeB r t c'etved by

a month ago. 395 a year oBo; cnwJuJcs in 'm r ' the all-tkne high 0; a i3 In ««■- Pbon. i.w t.

k ^ W ” f L l l y 'r i v i n g - l t ^ TOTlers advanced to equal the all- lijgh reached In the aummer iu<u^ e-<mir laoo

DSJnhe department said. But eeiL fhone_4>7.&

S'awUniiex of prices paid by fam i- ^ p b w . stands a t i?8 per certt of thB" «i-DlILL"otin«p.—xi

period compared with- 387 a

------------ ----------------------- : h .r hMiilag- fho

; i a s s l f i e d J t e lT " • ........................ . piUirnNO^.ooM^i

/ A N T A D R A T E S . J

?*- - 1. __UVLP-W AM I

or «aaapla. *e* UbI* baloiri ' uuUKKKKCi'llU amVt \ i , r n . e m a V * l <j«r* no« 1*-A. Time*-?

“ K W . . : : ; :_l*--------- ------------------------ Inaulre ICO Wonrc» I i.i £ - — ti^wH----IP vou a r. "handr

DEADLINE POR ClaulfUd enlrl iut'’ chunh? t>ri«llsadar'i Ada—< p.m. BaUrdan ' ' 1 pMpU In houa»'

TPeedar* Ihroagb Pridar*' ment Sreurltr ac<*Boid;»S^ w iS i i" KXPBirmiitiEBnru

l b piper reeem* tb* right te •dltI rejwl anr ctutlflad ad.ertlilag. iMrl.nce. Writ* ll<is i Adl - ar*. aUlctlr.eoafldeBU^ a UKAL *.rvle* lo

=iSiUui*=ta=rTOir•rd to U>* ad**Ttl**r. guiranU*. Etlucai. . . . _ . „T. -WrIU-gWl.

Irtor* »bonH b* r*pori«l ImmedUl*. Bllopaaee* will b« aad* for mar* OKKICE OIIIL i tJIa ea* iBComet isurtloB. - nKeeaary.^'OW* a

C A R D O F T H A N K Se-l>lndnW.-aiyd-tr>np«tbr-of-n*igbbor* m

w fST luT ’prKtooTtTemom H O U S I»}BC«» Uunie »sd «raUtud* for all EA RN E X I ” mi*. Richard Tew* and fam llr' ___ J to m NoW '

" S PECIAL N O TICES _ . . , .a aad uphoUierr c ig n in g ^ rW n * p a rt Time17-J. Vlll«B.’ Cleaner* . ______!<OKH CorMllere. Mr*. Lr*U-0*rd- ' . To work from ;r^^719H .2nd Arenue EaeC. Phone __I.„»nd_froi^l_

T R A m .^ R E S O R T S _____ : I ^ o u S K k "

fm.'“ m»al!;“ *u " .‘ "Sw ng. '^jSd*; PART T1M3: r . T o \ ‘'i!rd » £ InfaBU-.Bd chlldrTid Clark. Phone 887. Twin Palla. gluiware*. bon

S T E A M B A T H SNA'a ^taduau ma*»euri bclenUflolaiagei rtduclng; foot technlquv ArPLY 1

SCHOOLS & T R A IN IN G " C . C. A N :

d i e s e l HELP W A hHEWY-EQUIPMENT -fiEfJEUAL farjner”

t neH'erreral mecbanleallr InellBnl fltndr loh. houie.

Fi'>ut thla IralBlBg and ©ur Adrliorr nan. L«am a voj «cmeal Btrrlet. good^twaer. VLppl


B.. J.-A ,;hiSK.„,.world'* U bul

- -- ■ - - ' -Earn SUO or m^ c H i R O P R A C T o i t s ______ s s i ,4 ? v ; i3 " ;£ v a s ° . ' ! . . " ‘IVE .pKlalUl- Dr. Alma Uardln. 180 — —lln North. Phone 2S2«. 1—

B E A U T Y S H O P S ' j ,

- rO B Q A R.Y« ------- AND CAR

nU work fm . UaihlB.le*. aBd cold>r«. U.OO. l l t a i^ ArU /TCademr. B R O W N IN (

^ 5 I > R A - Y 4 N G - - ^ - 1 - B p s T R E s r o iEarw/n — <lnaek O rais w m '

^EW CRAB GRASS' KILLER- b g . in ^ h r o„1^^8 Dot# Not Kill Cloter or atiltVicE ButlonTn

- T H o m m o - u T ------- " ' ' t ApartmeBt^Ptop*

atreetBUILDING to be mo

IE FAIR? B IS S. 1‘JllCED tor QUick *■ ^ ^ • -flee. coDipl<-U grocbest

-rOR-LEAflE:,Doi- --------------- ---lO-car parking Jl

adverUeed produ

V ~ ~ FULt?Y~;d r i v e -

^ CieeKent Main Bacreag* or anr


- in v e sK l L | f Make over I

I S T S ^ S f te 1952 M;-' ■ " " ON TIIK

PorcKi to »(l Call 218t.W

>me in end In m f t yeu hex eur I—mpl.le line el good looVing. eaiv ----------- 'eling JUSTIN BOOTS. ' —• Hand loilid BU8INEB8 0

• 3«e*l«n teieboll leather Wer»ho«

‘ SfMl AuK HW* Pegg.d LEM A. CH,

_ ^ G . 5 0 - t o - 3 4 . S 0 - -/*'». gel your ill . end th.y'll lo*k ~ !ZIZigtifT geed «b yo». p — .

^ _ V A R IE

• bulMIng end— i r s Dependable- ^ U H I i ^ T W I N - F A t t S - ---------eJ ~

L O S T A N D fO U N D BU S IN E S S 01I ¥ wt. 'ca^U r rouU * «»'* JSBMERt T E S T s

I T lfA T I O N S W A H T E L) m. I . . . UT - .»«.■ ‘V

Twin FalU. , ------- -i— . - pbon* liT W . Tn

" — ? U ^r 'tta ln laoiMlrT. *“ • » » " fa6oU kluh*a *t

^ I tl. -« i‘ PhOB* 79S-H.J i T ^ l l f ^ S e U KO'OM w lth"prlrau

,L~ont*w.—CBiiimT*-d»» *• »"*i- ■— * " J ---------------.. tit*-M. Twla Pall*. F U R N IS H E D^ to pJITl. laurlor aai «*urlor. iC..Moora-.nhAa* 9 3 -J . . .»>ld' haT"iBciwlBg and nlklBg. *l»o

L P - W A N T E P — F E M A L E - j . n o o i i . n . 1 . ^iUENUEO waltn** waaud. *pplr in 4lh Av*nn* Eaat.

rKKEPEU Ina car*, WriU U N F U R N I211-A. Tlm«*-N«wi. Z-DEOHOOU apart

LKAUED woman to kwc nouM and Fbnn* 1924.ear* of Invalid woman. Sunday, off.- - ,(u o u a . nod .r

lire UO Monroe or phone 1095-W. _ 249S-M.

to work In modem timnf.-Byar Hap- «pU*In houMhSlcTcontKl _ Thon* 1»».-------t 8rcu_rhr arener. _____ ------- F U R N IS H.HII:NCEU etenosrapber with aom* _ _ — —m i ----o n

rnte. Writ* tlo« 2S-A. Tlmw-New*. aiNULB bedroom, iAL Mrvle* lo b* performid VUltlng . ^ “ ‘bU adulU o

—JUIII ■pCTTT"!"'* I .Bfl.QQ-anU*. Education. appearanCa Ilav* ■ ib JC IID tJIC

-WrlU -gWln* phonfc Box 6-D. U N r U R N I S_________ ;______________ S-KOObt modem boi

:E OlIlLi BborthaBd aail typing ment. nic* lawa.w a n t e d t c

blUh^l Twin Kalla firm. WrlU Dox t w O-BEDROOM b.. Tlme-Wewa. __________ ______ y.Hi. Phon* U

- .HOUSEWIVES .:—EA RN E X T R A MONEY ^*^2*P rom N o w .'tu Christm as-------n iE b K o o u -uniii;

Adulta. Call tto.Trilnln* beglna >oon for Dakenr.P a r t T im e Salespeople co.go lla<

reference*: north■o work from II *.m. to 1 p.m. KImbcrlr._>nd-ffonv 1 p.m. u 8 p.m. ,__ jBQ_TQ-iM_ACilK— IIO O nB-T O -nT -yO U n------ 1 — T!me*^N*wr?^i—.noUEMAKlNO.SClIEOULB A tllU a .g ^

PA R T T IM E O P E N IN aa iiox*2! b ! * t i ^ NBla *Bd children*. hou»«w*r*«'»Bd WAN'l'

APPLY IN PEMON ^ ,y j{ ;


lELP W A N T E D — M A L E | Z Z i i Z I

:ltAL farmer. Cattle feedlBg'wInur.idr Joh. home. 29H. Caalletord.- ---------- .'...T^rrrr

— -H O M fi-tM iIn perMn; Ullcbell-nQat FBT4-Sal«s.- UDEWALKB. drl>L _ _ ____________ •:ANKNT-po*1tlon-for roung married GENEKAL bulldlm. L«*m a vocation while JMU «am uing In cinder bI moaer. JLppIr In penon, Thre*-0> . cement fInUhlBg.

U I^C E U aervlce lUllon atundanu M S C . \llm .. neference* required. Appir t AULRS and eba

y Caaten J*rry'» Conoco. Morth lUlnbolfa. Pbonr PoIbU. 'SMEN WBBled lo rtp rm nt th* <Id-a U rg..t bulld.r* of farm welder*. TRUCKSt» tu o or mora e*ch week. Bell FOR

uu No InveetmenL Welding expert. i-Aoowi, not neeeeiatr. WrlU Ilarrr Machen. m” ■•• _____________________ U -D R------------------------------- ---------------1 EA8T FIVE I

MANF O R O A RA QE W ORK -------- -------

= * B a c / m j £ * 8 i n n a . ^ITEADlL.WOttK-GOOD-EAX------ - hlrt-»cbooL—^b.

ROWNING AUTO CO. ^ ‘l ! £ S y t . ^ r ■ y• wl 24x24 ItOUUE will

5IM E SS o p p o r t u n i t i e s 's e t rou up In lb . uied clothing baietnenl-'l bloe

n ru fnr only 1100. Phon* I02&.W. 1107-11.iCE ButIJnTn'U.'H. to. TwirKalU; >-UEOROOM bem*

SALt by owner: Movlnr u'ISoIm. S-JlUOM bou*« and^ i P 5 S P = M "

atreet ■ ' 1810-/.DINC to be moved. Will eell U high- ».UEUJll>OH-IntAblBder. Located on northweat corner Modem axeept bUaln and Madlaon Street* In Kim- Venetian blind*,r. Submit bida to Bo* J«S, Kimberly, elud*d In

S i . r . . i . i . . . i . i w i i i . . i i . . . k J . p ! " ■ • y ’ ';complM* grocerr.,matk.l and locker * ,V ^ 'It. iBcIudlng Invenlorr r4 about Phono 169-W.

00,^11 for llO.BOO. WriU Box U-A, BM A LL^^ern^hoI ----- — J,,

~ y .- g = S .T .T

— "Tb* B io n r”____ .- .J . . —----------- -----------T T I ____ C._A .;^pD I

,FU L L Y EQ UIPPEDDRIVE-IN-CAFE ( - .......... -

ittent Main StrMt location. Tor ." ■■doe to lllneli,-~Win <OBiId.r trade « n v n n /in u a «acreig* or aBythlBg ef equal value. ° j^ e t

P ho™ 213B-R „ ? „ 'S ’t .™ * _______ __ » BEDROOMS,- ■ ■■ ■ - cT h" »

IN V E S T »5J00 I „ .Make ovir IS,000 a' monlb O l-U lrt Dank *

1952 Mnck Truck ~■A'rCDNDTnON------------- _ _ — — —

, ON TIIE 30n HOW S tS e m ‘u ih f ? aC a "r2 ia t:w ‘fo?‘''nKrlB"i?l7n. JS*s"o.

- ' - • 1 ' Tooml carpeUd— coBcrsU baaamea BUSINESS OrrORTUNlTlM W. C

Lumber Yard _ raV.rr O .er >Sbo.- Hhop — rianlBg Mill L - . , -

W*reho«.e — C.fe --------------------------All In M*gl* Valley________

.EM A. C H A PIN AOENCY WE A B E .tfCw . A. o.trancl.r - R.illor ______Uaaui

— — — phmH-------------m r ^~ ■ ------1 L E M A. CH

~ VARIETY and I " “ ‘ " c “ i i JCLOTHING STORE 1__________ -

_____.E p E N ,.ID A liO ________ -Muil *.11 proflUbl. bu.ln**- 8MALL.ACIIEAIn crowing cnmmuBlir. 3-b*droom bomj;..h for Invrntorr, Urmi «n and *.w .r. T.b . .M ln g ^ ,„ x tu re , . SW IMINV;

• P hone 3821— ' ' ' » » Bbo*bon* BL

EdenrTdflnO [ ' rb e n e ^ lL i

ISINESS O P P O R T U N m e T ^EiJx klock b . lU l .g . - i i„ 8. « 5 ;r t ^ * S 2 i i? P 0 l^

CT* liT I.J. Twin Pan*.- KSea.

f u r n is h e d ROOMS' IS !?U. kluk*a *nd lannJrr p r 4 , l := •’'Jo l *OB* 79S-R. “***^ . a

^^j.• '; ;a o ~r^l.^;; pl*a*ant. cloe. iT I________ ^ »rilM|,n pr*f*rr*d. 1017th A.enu* Houl. — ~'


apanmenu AdtdU ^

T \ ^ - a o^ ^1 % . Pb.;;

j=—u n f u r n is h e d APTS. ™«

•~ i~ J" ™ J

s ‘v a “K i e — - ■■?=lOMS, *tD«*. r*trig*rato'r. automaiu ■S'P'o’. i ' TERUg, •h tr. Alrtamp ell furaac*. .Adululr. 181.00. 101 4Uj a t m t ' NorUi. MAOIC VAU°n« !»»•________________ ' JNVCSn,^

FU R N ISH ED HOUSES Jk i2 5 ? T ,S |

Tikhed. cn»-b iflS y^ p S n r a a t^ w ! ~ -ILE b*droom, mo*Ur tumUiied. —inalbU adulu onlr.- 1071 tad Avea«e •

INFURNISHED HOUSES.Oht m ^ m bou**. Cleaa. small ba*» F A L L S AVENl]Bt. nIc* lawa. tl4 LeU Street.^NTED TO RE^<t. LEASE epMto 1 bed,.

4TED. ?-I>>iroe^~ ' i ; ; i ; -----JSESTe l*»inlVllH l aIS-M. Twin P»1l.. I<Uhg WWH. bftlkful

■ ■ •B iu ^ u int-M.______ • TOM a o m i

!"7iShBi. I I .. . -erence*: north or *outb (Ida. Be« I t] , inU tU A tasmberly. i_

X 2-B. Tlme*.w*wa.________ _ MJrireo* Im . fm.1

11 711-W or 1117-NJ._____________ _ *»errj5tk Mdns, cuM

-------------n a-ACBEa— ^ ^ ----- -------flliD BOT SPiW m < S HOUSES 4>D«inon U flu t.

n o x 7.B. TIMES-NEWB !S “a*t3u*LS ^ik '■ _______________ I fw mly tlOJOO.

------------;— 7 ^---------;;;; i LTmmYM n

----------...................................> 0 . A .-R obin80!iO M E -» M P J lO V JU i4 IN '» = ~ J Bth o m>WALKB. drlvewaya. floon, cement i’<f JW».A»^W«». ; >rk. Pbnn* 1909-R. . , u ^ERAL building can.tructlOB . •pecl^ ' ' ' ng In cinder block Uylng, pUtUrIng, ' w n t flnUhlng. Phon. IMl. i ' '

Z M p T o p p : ^ 'LRS and cbaln for all eceailea*. n iranrvu i.Inbolf*. Pbon* 184. QBHUiMiI I I Il-« a « . ll’l W * Ifl


STAKE. VAN PICKOT AND ni.MO wd teraa Ort iPASSENGER OARS befor. Kbwl lURi.

U - D ^ V

.5~'Sn^5- ^HOMES F O R -S ^ Eth -» cb < S S ^ ^ b ^ iij» .M .— *** --------- REAL-EST

llllama | ‘

s s s .* ! .“ a ’s ’‘- « f f ’p s : ■ : ■—

r IN T B B fO B j t-n. i t- lm l . j i’ T i t a - i x t j * ” *

I g ^ s s p ^ s r a ' s r ^ t e - s s “i ± ^E i i o o i F i s a i t a T s s r i r B s t ^ ^•dam *xe*pt baat Oil *U»*. c a r j^ W. ImBW" »—letlan blind*, nnr waUr he*Ur In. JEMU.

r r,i“ “wi;J3S3 onE w s f pO. Box 27. - - » « ,lo « h * " * ^

•Tb* B io irr HOM*

- iNVEsiMSfnJ Main A»^ W*.t . ,T*L t t i

- •----

lEDROOM^en* U y * ^ t.^^nrf.

ilO**1 n. CaH.n *po«. Own« W rtng. ' . g -MOVC E C IL O. JO N E S H A »,

a U ln Dank * T n a t----- Phoa* I 8« ............ W tb^aJilg

s . i » j ; i a K ; , 5 « ■ a w s r g ;«* . garage, eonereU dritewar. f fn y t i «****■

TO'S™ c5rjHrti?T4’h » i r 5 l * ^ S h o S i^ B ^ Sner*U baaameat, br**»*war, gartg*. . S l lO in J ^ ^ * .* ^w . < , . . » T n ,

0 .e r Woolworth'* . .

WE ABE.tfCENBED TO HUNT Xwr '‘' ’ ^ , , 0 0 1


7ii.t«oiMyou)T«.Va luiifli .......~c i m . o r i m • . m 0

lALL.ACREAOEi Ha* ownfelriabi* ^ libedroom bome, iU 'Se*r"*nr w»t« and *«wtr. Term*.WIM INVESTMENT CO.t Bboebon* SL N. ' T»l» I'*®*

r t o ^ t L j T a n P w n f t t r * --------J ~ « ^ % S P y 7 ^

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (13)

.v,tiionCTifflrJaB8 :


‘W SJ j f f » » « 1- jiM m O E M t^ - ti«w. All Mt 1

■nil divldtri.,I1S0K-CALL • ffi-ESTATE^ ; Fbon* M8 ^I ^ |. --------- '

--------- - b e a n•... - ___ _1___ ^Wfl.BO

_______ N EW A]------ I 4-ro«

^uiT hM»mS5 Th«« wtu « t

i g S S i i S s -

: , -g , >, ypo.nU.jnt on ^ _HQ.WARI

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n ; f r i£ i* f « n '* » .w " « ' • F I N E

g'ifflUIr ^

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.ntsHiif or ••lllnr, d«*l5 , ^ 1 1 •"'I »•« Fo rt.r inuHTt JO"- I t u r*r<!.r«n

]>5D JtrzuKB.IC B A V E S iS O N i : i : - ; 5 - “ , XuW V»Il«r She* w n Cu» A-« Coml ^SfWimMrratitcattKr a a j f ^ r i t t n- , - aooi

^ a t S A u ' B « ™

J r i ! 'S T > ™ w - “ " K - — i p t G i c r ; SU0BU 'tiller. Lou-of- ------I M P L EKk ia »tiund»nt« ol t r ^ . .Mn* SII W nt V t

s i s s . " « i f f a a 1 — ‘”, raM •■ vr* lar l*nd. Twlol,7lll >Hla« £m U ~

i s acres g o o d

■ O UVtR • l l"-------------------------------- " ijffl-ii ' B i ir


-H S SST K aL rly »«*».. CASE AulMii


: Robinson Agency 'Ww-I* lUilUin . OLIVER Tr«llIftW. ■■ P h ^ . . m CABB«W. R.

..................................rE R cuaoN e•.......... ■',■■ NEW-IDEA-8

g ^ ^ v A L u n r '

& JS ;"* S i i r s Sisi<«*r5i.i m o u n :

i m p lS ’. T . t e W u i 'KW « la tf t. .m.U dawn * ' .............. .... ■Wiw w r u ra b Own.r ----------

■W imill pIicM Knil m iJkbU UYi; (or

t * - t b , m » ----------- a A t iu t l ’ftiu ltj• kmi tit TiUtr. tnuuh) K<ok

INDIT REALTY" ” y i n ^

FOR NTS l lift? ‘ ' “P I'hon* ilAilUlTtil f>tll

" t t f“ I 6« »-U. Tlm»..N.w». inn u r m ..iN

~imua« UillitiK S«rvlc«. EXPg _________ A R T m C5 ^ ^ I t b«*d e l t« U t. th* (orMt w»j

i_ Tn■...o..,.. provCi--- )>bon«- M»n-OLBNK-

ot IIW . KlmWI^. > er JOB JII

g . a " - ; w ? ; i ! a . ' ‘- r

= = =

SJiJf^ENTS -PH O hnr'i^ai w n r . flu OB litiT* PHONE J .r

S- I’.. U«n *a'3 tXTRA nit« il

f t e r a

[ * ® 0^ B E D 3 I !?i53?5?n'I ^ H ^ H S a . . ____________

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r '^ l - ^ ^ 6 ^roitio B bd i'

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& ? M E N t ■ n $ 4 l i =

• . . IDAUO _*«^«1l»nt fon.1l ........ IM l «UIBT-D<

■ 7 ^ > __wriltf. JU II

, .. , '. r.r

, ___ ' _ _____ V .

^ ^ 8 11~ y A R M l M K i M

* ; K “ a S3HH OKpIs; Mo. «.A Combln*. EiE* CoH FEETTT "*7’ *A,‘l *** *“ *''• * “** pltkup cookwit*. H ■n<l dIvWtn. Ilk* J whMU on in.14*. tl44. B<1I foi

s v r A S j ; s r s ‘v r i i ;of B.nk . t W Id.ho. offrr. UbED pUU ■)" 4Zxt2 eur»*d

_ ' ' ■ I 2»U» *«rv».

- B E A N - e U T T E R S - m ™' ' *nd oou Dull-1____W fl.poyJiftTe-ln .atock , . . . .-

N EW A iA IS-CH A L M E R S kun baL I. h4*row bean c u tte rs Mbool bu*. c

0-07 Ueo. Prlctd .VOI Bhrvffl Uetai

Tb«« will t i t »o»t ill mak** of tr»cl«r Mn.uUiY.tonu Thli ,u tu r hw m »nr\ u i t •djuitm .au and [• —mt f aount. 5 " " ' ," ^ ^

4-row c u tter w ith • f " * 1 ^ " ^3 dlvW en. i m w ^ a . ^ - - -

SBE I T TODAY ii» l« ” Unl?i!0.00. C«ll

K Q W A R T ) T R A r T O R m ■>«»>m..I l l i r i A . J w - v s r

I kDd mod.U................. • proi«tltto rc

■ . ■ b o t. Co ron r u n sali: c

• F I N E S E L E C T I O N r»ifdb,'. i ” (or a

o f G u a r r in te c d S l n ^ ^ t r o l

U S E D T R A C T O R S fs p e c :

II4T For4.r.i»u.on, 0T*rh.ul«4 *»” W «h.rItu ra rd -r .m to n . omhaul*d 8m.II Oil K.<]>5D TtrruKP. fm . ortrhtultd S'"*!!IIIO rord wllll a*w t u t (Imv* tn tln .m o Ford. r«<ondltlBB»i! Hotpeint EIkCu* A-« ComilD* .I t up for b«*n. KtO K.nmof. V «ic i i r ^ r i- r ! i i r ; i« ia ;u ia i* i i f± = » 3 T r :

Wardrobf TruaO O D SE LECTIO N ' ' ' suit. .

or UMd 1*4* K*ta.r 4. B A K ES A r p M O W E R S 1»« Lln^ln^

— T T A G I C T R A C T O R - & — “ T H E R C H : — I M P L E M E N T - e O R P . ' ' » » ‘

! ! L . ^ “f IJSi TY,.tor D * . l * r - - T l „ SPE C I ----------------- -w r c iT O J k '.

. Poultry flupsl -----------------------------------------------------I MATTHKSOCa

G O O D E Q U I P M E N T ± A*.Vn?."sF o r sou r * BKyhB 'unk »i

— ' — lito w m in ?rn B « d B -------------O U VtR • l l " w f P w i i w cm >i>*H ffl-fi' 8 i i r ? fS 5 n w 'c .» b i i . — ^ F u R N I T U tCASE V Cenblnv - • - OALITC~.nd IJOHN DEER* »■ ConiWB* Bltut*. Phon«OLIVTR Ka. II. e* PomWn* J>*g. OLIV£B Ke. I .utemitl* « lr« tl* M *r

CASE »trtn» U tw ” r ™ n w !CASE H*Bl U. har;VM»r o il HMTISR.AMEIllOAN B-l» hrdrtull* «Uekft MmMr lublni

WlUl puaholf tf£-BOV'lg"riiOLIVER Trail Uewtr V«n*r AuctloCABB Sid. Rak. Vii" BtjVlW nFERCUSON 6ld. s a . , nM rlr H*w. ...? r*NEW-IDEA-8M* R»k« — ................... W Hm mmoUiIHO ^uoll MJIkor SiVwrCOHDE *-unlt Hllk»____________ ;___ IS W -P lfttB ?

wRNtAPOLIfl «0W NB “f Tr**tar P l l.r r

M O U N T A I N S T A T E S -‘“ li. I M P L E M E N T C O . v S i l M j . . ,

Its Ind Av.. »«utK rben* S t l nbullU. v7 ..............J , , rhr»l'« niT.

— i t t P t « i > L A T ) - B .......- " M t f 'Liui. ., J . . J J L. I II' ' .11 I I. ".'■ C. C..Andtn .nfl r « d c “„M nyf*" HutilOAIIlBT I V E S T O C K - & P b U L t R V g . ' T " a „U 'UuUfKi.lrio' .1 m , W U. b. tnuuh) Kaoktf. 0H7J4. ?.?.*'• J-*®.;

T a t o S K i . " —» i;h o i i ; i i .m « i i . in to ,, , . , u u c . a i . ' . ' . Him,. c ^ i . . . T , | . , . , . U tk m o d m . KAM ot t.nil* w .rklnt mu M, Karl .ratdr Mua


AUUlTtii P>tllir««4 br«tdln>-lUKk^HitilF .* .y b ^ 7 ,^ l^ y a - r n ," E " “u,^?(LV)0 HKAD tolld tnsutb br*«llnf *«** U t lfo '4 'l-i)liHT"

s x p c n rs agrbf: I A R T in C IA L B R E E D IN O ■ e h S a .^a n ..

th* (urMt war to b«rd Improv.mtnt la damonitratlon wllh tb* loB f r . ef PROVED UlRES. N*e«bI-ElB» : _________ 1PA HQ-OTAH_. . u r . Phen. l l

. . Proved S ire Serv ice o a d4m-0LBNK-nRDD(0Kr-*<rfi-Jn«lni:- —' or JOB JIOPPEn. llJ -J l .^ IU r MA«OOANy u

llaiurn Pr** Hon. 0»«ulll- ■ ' U-rLAT HCTA— ■....— gtyra;:


BERVICEIdaho owna<l and oneratei] Ilolitaln,Uuam w. Jo n n . Mllklna Shorthorn. t,t„,

lat t.rrlee 11. no r.tum eharsa __-PHONE Twla PalU 3fl2i Colloel ■ ' .

PHONE J.n>m* 3Sl CollKt ( iK A

“ G O O D T H IN G S T O E A t

- "• -4S*'SJ” ■■ KsSjiSS'

XTRA nlc. •llalnK tomato*, n s w - r * ^ . • -------------«4 *auth later eamff. rhen* 04M.J*. x e rr


....... ... . . c rn r PREaU mil. north botplul on W«nd*ll nrM ravmua. Phen. 04U.JI. Quillel. BCM.

S f W B t i V S K T p i - C A H N lp U S V i S M J ' f i ' i ?5 : f f l sUt* plekint lBor*ta« a u u - eonUat.K«nrt.n Or**n............................................. ..........p o o A '

PE T S . . 1 _ _ _ _

t e S r * S S ; ; r f f S u K " ^ " ' ' - T k l i c k W A N T E D T O B U Y m . doooe .]

AY. .n r,.m oun t, in o . Ind. JUnk ^ Jtrorr

W au - . . . . . T ln ,»

FO R . SA LE O R T R A D E IW IL U V 1161O irrlllllb t IIU. .I ll i r J . k , ^ .n l i Si“ I . i t a , . . . .n m .n l . . . I I l« .W . A c r « . - . g.t,Umb.r ll

tomw. cthtr llallBi*. a * t^ . All n

'il l .quit, in tw , U T rS S ~ S iS ! ° i t io Knom. for Ial. modal truak or tra ll.r '

Vi‘ !..‘“*;n‘5 ;[M 3 S ‘o;‘’*? - f ~ ■M SCE1.LA N E6U 5 f b l t Sa l e _ A R E ;

^ W e M ».W;'pap.„. iU p*r btinji;:

i)CD and aanlurr eouoii.' a Uo >x« -ComralBf*.DIiUnL T*Upb«Ba tn U .- - - - - ^ - -•AVL tOiIDU ttMl (abrUatMl buUdlnt. A .I1.SW). Phon. m i. tlrtin..!.. H.ho. > ' ,lOlAN Arrow motortrel.,.l»«» modal. In PDOOOMftlUnt 'rondlllon. UOO, l «0 Jaff.raon. _ .M «UlBT-D«l-Jir«-porUbl* «o»al vev^ ■ *” *'wrlltr. Call 14ta-U bafor* 12 ____________« n n » r -* n f f -iD in --------^ ^

' . r . r . .................. - .......;-

r - ^ - ■ ' t i l

■ l < r 5 « L iX N l6 u " s F O R S A I E T R U C K

a'at ycch'.n tra^t w.t*rl»a » “ “ tl'OOT cookwara. Half ef i . t onuMit. Coat tl4«. fl.H foft«0. Phon. i m .bucill and >urfM.d JumUr dlr*et Irom *'*;“ * , l P ^ „a f l ; }

Z M t *«rv»i Al W Ir«hlni. pbon.H80-M. ____________ - M.t'OUT Natloi

i2i'71tX imL'T»u»«'‘‘nawly palnteJ'In'tU. ■ w ndltlonr—W .Rd oou Outan. cMk aiava. oil haal.rj *'• P lcknp.-! i m JJaab Moor ij^an. low mllMjfc ,----------- 7—6lg-*r>d‘***nw-*iorth.— -----------A IJT ^UU DALBi l»4( CB.vrulct }it-|<iua.nB>r — ■ ' ■a«bool bua. 8op*rior boilr. Good fondl- —Ueo. Prlcnt fer quick aal* a t t m . . Call Bhrvffl Uetar Company. Pbon* 3111.

Sir l«t* BMal rar. ll>«.ti>ck er whatV. yeu. Ira K. Hall. Phon. SBK, -

W*wdHl-------- -------------------- Io v a 11” Hiawatha bKyal*. cuod ahap*. flt.M . Unlvanal Truck or car radio,h i .

l»Vlt m l .till c m fa C T . ' Wlir .I ..P ----------

Cltctloa room. Our aeleetloa U tb t V$t. CorooBt O m tra Centtr.

Ull sali: CKKAP l Kalvastd . bUlldlnc. , ' . . . ,WMbV. BmSi m u 1 ‘b^.llSlr*Mr»pl«U. L lfC .tl lUuUabl. (or a tcrai. or ufflet apaca. Con­oco SuUon.' Dlua Lakn and Main P.asU . . . . , C m Cen.tructlon Company. Twin Falla. »»*

. . . , ------- *»«.-»»«

S P E C I A L V A L U E S i* ii po n tiaA pn Waih.r wllh pump ---- J22.M lllSIlitiilSmall Oil IlMtar wilh tank ...,-.*10,00 p«rf*ctSmall Coal-H.*Ur. »*ry sood___ (ILIO .t> .„ , IU I ,li .r .l .r ...............lletpelnt'ElKtrle Hanc. ............. MT.IO nutla 'dr

------- ! PORD ^WardrobTtrunk, vtry eood------ »i'2T lir _ . .TlSrlllliU.n'a Sulla and TepcoaU ..... .... I 7.S01*4* KaUar 4^1r. -d an . top. - , « l 0,00 » » Cl Eyn.It4« LiBroln W r. aedan ......-,.1310,00 r

Ttrma tsd will trada ptrfccl

T H E R O H S f J D l S E 'm S T "- i . . . H , t . n . . . . > . ■ -

„ S P E C IA L S E R V IC E S „ . " " " 3 ;

S S T v i i S Z W - i . „ „ ™ „ ,tATTHKSSCS ranovaMd. Alao wool card< Not bad•d. I».rt«n Haltrwi TaeUiry, 928 S«- B)«h»nl *n>( A««nu. Soulh. Phnn. Al.\V. K yhg 'u B U B ^ '. « . . ^ l c l . . n 1n ,. lloUHr*oMr"»***r"i«rrte«'— R.~C.-Jnnwi-S8t- -----------ia /u

OB•U R N IT U R E 8 , - A P P L I A N C E S _

a . ' . ' f l g -■ i i i ' i V .* 5 H . : i ; v W u = " " ' - - a »

_ :S ;

iIL HIIATISR, eoihnloio wllh fan. barrel.M w r lublnr. Phon. 1«S3.__________ T T M T n

'B u u r lurolluV. and apt>llanc«. Maslc ^ A '- ' V»n*r Auction. Phon. SDSW. „...,

/li- BtjV iarn»ura. do uphol.urin , >nd■ ? f * ” V**' «n4 r u^BSTlhQIlOUfitl automatlo cieUiM ciry.r.' ............. ..*11* Lik* ntw. Cuaranlawi. Uutls I— .

BotJ -J'lRKMAM—h«tm akrr- T>«rlor-(of^iiin ai C**d i*wdlilon.- 44* KOTth-W atb*------------------

ly iK lW O N ^l-tw ita r-^ Ilh tank.'Oood • “ — **ndltj<m. l l i W.atbara 6bo* lUptlr. V T '

m o t c

c'[*an.f r.paU ln,. Uar.aln. In MbuU U. I V. U Mllu. 327 Ualo Eait

r K . " ‘n^ly ;dv .ril.« l brand rOrl«. M A I N Aarator, itOO tnd your old r .frlc ra io r.C. C. .And.TTon'a. •_________________iudlUAlllE AUUmallc Deluzo nansi. ____CRtpoimttd. Bava $40. now a C. And.rton’a. •

Kl(ilUAl/tli Automatic Waii>.r.- AptsDnrtr. Exe^lltnl wndlllon. Thli aet ^ 2 — P L

right dMpfrwtt. 133 Plerc*._________ 1083 C am iATK HOOKL KrliMalr* ranc . and rams* 3aralor. Muit bo anld a t a aacrltic. 'S i n ih Avanu* North. Phon. 2068-W. „ . . . . . . . i ... .m t- w . . i i i 'r i » . - j . i . . . j , . M . . . . . - s S i J f i A ' : ;.».IMr«_uW_lp_hnm.-arn.'nmly. .I.p .ri. _>jca(ullt]an»dmtnt. RctuUr $49». new H A Y palnud th « ^

[OTPOINT auiomalic waahtr: CoW.pot *. '* “ *4W T t f n im u r ; ’dartno and cMIr'; a.winc macblnti wool rua: tabi* lamp.. Sacrl.

BWmO HACIIlNtaj. N«w .n d ,'u ..d . ®*®AUTOMA Zlc<Za«—alralfbt a.w—treadlta. All ma> . . . . chlnaa-cuarantatd. Liberal tarmt. Krr. . ♦‘' “5 dtmonitratloni and trada>ln appraltaLNaecbl>EIn» Hasle Vallty S.winz Ctn> 1992 P0NT1> Ur. Phen. u 7 l. 717 Main av«nua w«t. h .a t.r

lATIOU^X "prilhl piano, tiood condl- . j I I 2 PLVHOlion. Baaulllul lone. 21A A»h. aedan .,

•rLAT HETAL~cUrln^. sood condition.R.t*onabl.. rhun. 3148.U. Inquir* 14> t t l l LINCOL

— ■— ............................ ' ' I *47 PONI

- S A L E_ N e \v a n d U s e d ____ ’4» s tu c

G R A N D P I A N O S'<» CHR1

W*w~t**ttr -t foot wi.ho«any— ' *•12217 rtducad to tIBtS «> OU)l

ShulU i foal maboranr________ I . <1 'STUD4W 0O -»d^-<ir»7»9— ;—uijrf ximbiirrfcji^^^^ — O U R T OI7W r»iuc»l lo I I8S __________

Term * 10% D ow nBALANCE UP TO 10 MONTHS - .........— -

_______ PR E E D EL IV E R Y ^


- C A H N E S M U S I C C O .------ 1 - - ° ™ ’

Box 187 I-------------------

......... POOATELLO, ID A H O J

T k U c k S i . T k A I L E l l i -----------------------------IIO DODOB pltkup; «ood Uraa: lew alia* act. Phon. »l. rfi«r. daya.___________l i t X»>rOOT nodim tm i t r houaa. Will • BABY SHr i ' i V j S 'm V p S r . ‘i . . i a “v ." 4 S : k o h s s ™

S.TflflK’-S S v - . 'teh a i l h i i a u m . & ,mi,i.i. . i ~ . L , „ .At“ ! ^ i t o . " l ”” . ; i d ^ l ! '» u " " . 'S « CL E JM E i

'n 'U lm *. uAI.ra wtRbma. Park 'f ti l l tr • C O k iM h t Salaa. m o KImbarIr Road. - - ^alliyV rln tln ’

• FL OOfl SA R E A L B A R G A I N ! | | l o o ,* . . n a ^

lt4 t lnUn.atleBal Tractor wilh . 21 ' p , ,J *foot Prtohauf tUlnltaa aU«t trall.r. J f UfUVAUI kilta tlntl»-ier«w with U r. « ! r o r i b ^ v y ] ^«r,.ala«p.r.-.v------- . • M A T T R E

A . l : h a n k s ' p j ^ ph. Phono 03^1-Rl - B u rley ^ i

B*i-*tn li'lO ■Bd.Tiao.Xvulim „ B a 1 S * * j^■ I • .y o ro R c

% ' . . -- '■ - -


T R U C K S t T R A IL E R S ____________A U T C.ARCB l-wb**l tTBlltr with a m - t lN . 1110 CKRYSLE)

Chtap. Laall>-Le^. 10»» PluaLakaa. Ml Uh «v««tt l l 31-POOT Prauhauf fUt b«l trailer. 1943 STUDEBARirallant MindltlAn. 10.al0 Urta. tl.tOO. lor. .Ur«*.-r*4lPhon. 373t.H. _______________ |»47 JEEP. E»e

.a»u I TnrT Htudabaktr. tHM*d axl*. aaa. llayaa ll° essO sT'ixlt TKAlLKH boua*, tood eendltloa. Vu^ vlaor. .*U)«r

nUbtd. buUn* •oulppvl. Ntw paint. HurUath.llarc. llalchtry. ---

j.K uuT Natlonal.tralltr bout*. Kictlltnt-wmdltlonr—Wlll-«e»tl4«r-tr>**-fa.-truak- -------------------e r plcknts- Pbon* *14-Rl».-llan»«i.----------------We

" ------ ----------- M81 PLYHOl---------A U T O S -F O R - S A L E ---------------------

' ---------- —N u t ty 's -

~ | V A L L E

............. W H Y - P A Y

M Q R E ? • ____

• H ere la O ne of Magic,VMley'a- .

Selections o f U S

U sed C arsl , . .

. - A N I— L i f e t i m e G u a r a n t e e d —

TCItlS ro R p V-* Tudor. R»dl», l>«*ur.

-------------- W eI t l l PONTIAO ChI.fUIa D tlui. "C* 4>

dMr. Radio, htaltr, hrdramatlt, ->; : : ; a - . . i ' -

I t l l STUDERAKEIt ComMtntftr V.< ' F O R tudor. KtaUr, dtfrvtUn. aule- ■utia drlvt, Btw a n t tav tr« .,|im i

-JI4t PORD V.*-Tudor. Radio, Jitittr.— = = = M e

19M CHEVROLCT Tudor ttdtn. Radio, h tau r. aaat covtra. Ceed cltan ln> tarlor. machanleilly________

-ig i7 'cnE vnoE C T “ A ifo rr i« r \ i id i5 r .........undcraeal beaUr, v.ry tood tlraa, ' _tta l (ovtta, mtcbanlcally

. v«rfrcl —.._____ - - ....-„„- „M88lt4« PONTIAC Tudir RadlS haat:;' J

ar, bydrtmatia, .coed tta t eavtrt,^ '|“ " ---------- p o

tt4 l MERCURY 4>daer. lUdle, btattr.Not bad to lack at, vtry toodB)K><anlctIly ............... I IU Q

_______ M A N S L M O R E JIO ,--------- --------------- --------


S '« 5*“ ^. % m ll“G ood .SelecU oa o( b ttu r . .•40 - >47 - '4B . >40

• — -. ’M - '61 - '63 - and wBROtli NCTT-Piclcupi------------------ — — St*u /r-

cevara •,

U N I O N . M O T O R S ™ ,O pen E v en in g s '« n d Sunday* r

Main and PKlh WMt Phent 2E1S---- -------------------------------- ---------------- 'W7-JCAtSER

■ ^ 1 tt

---- ~ ^ I tH PORD^

" ^ ' G - O - R - E — 7 ^

M O T O R C O M P A N Y c h U R C I

6 - 0 - 2 p h t


.— S p e c i a l s — -

—2— P L Y M O U n ii—2— SI1051 O n tnb rook 4-Door S e d tn 1083 C am bridge 4 .D oot S e d ta U si

? 9 9 5 E a c h ,

Eoth'bf'a.batn.tatd.aonv— — ______ «ndmtrclally htr* in Twin FalU. Wa-bav*

-jaeandltlaaed_thtm thorouibly — E*- . OHpalnud th*m and aacrarn tdM ^frtnd*- — -------------abl* eara - }MT UEHCUI

IIOO-tlM tindar book paint. n<--------- ----------------- --------------------------1940 acbeol .

‘’*"2 S ? 0 ? .? T lc ^ - T f f l° M I B ^ S r * » “ ,. *005—SAVE »300l car for <

1912 PONTIAO •'•" Club coup*.'*Jlad!o. h ta ttr ----- *------- -----

tfiin r n n n v i Biiti.n' -rtainm,, it i» - i „ : btu d m

-1112 PLVM Oimi Cranbreok tiV*mii

t t l l LINCOLN D tluit ^ a n . Rydra.matlc, radio h taU r----------J l . t S ,

•47 PONTIAC Sadantlt*_»7*'»•« ro D o i: ---------I I I ,'47 CHEV. 4^oor coven. ,’4» STUPE. B edan____ ,1 4 5 0 __■41 DtSOTO S«l.n ____ l l t l r «'<» CHRVSLER S*dtn-..|« lt '*■

-------•jn>rDHHOBICr-M3inT,t-4l— — is U 'dOE

l t4 l FORO U R T O P - V A L U E c a r s " '

A r e G u a r a n t e e d i_______ ___________ _ K I

G - O - R - E Usi

— M o t o r - G o m p a n y — l o r j j n i n :_ V O U R D E S O T O DEALER ______



• B IC Y C L E SA L E S & S E R V IC E ~ •

'•“c e S S t 'W o B K ***'" ^ • R E F m ^U itn t work. "Ptw n* l»<l».B.--------------- RK tr^aln A?gl• C L E A N E R S t .D r E i i s ----------------- v J jE l !Iliekarjyn-a l'l» »nd BL W u l » W * *70. • “ C O M ii ^ f td iA t’P S I S n N C • TRF.F. SEi

prlntlni ‘o t ^ l lila~£ ¥«»*•.»**.. V .„ i .n ‘a UT J

^ ' ^ a ^ u m T " * i r SKlooti t«nd»d and r*«lnUh^ Ph. OOlt-Ri: flhtrwood TwJ. A. l l t l d t r . ^ ^ « .a m a ^ Pb. 1I34.M. « U PHO LSl• F V R N A C E C L E A N lN d Jehn^m*.. tt«. ker iKt >*rr Uat. e J I 11*4.U.--------------- V T X C m O T

Factory. • Pbon* tl-W.__________ *^*** Kirby Vacuum• M O N S y T O LO A N .1 Je.aa for bom*a aaA W Room g * ^ ^ N E T I A

flank * T ^ t Bnlldlnt. Phon* 30tL CUanlnt.-rm li > M O T U R C YC LE S • W A T i ^

y i N - F A L L S , I D A H O .

AUTOS FOR SALI AUTfi, 1110 CHRYSLER ■'«•• Hawpert. Var» cltan.

Ml Ith avtnat north. .. 1943 STUDEUAKBR dob COBP*. Oood ae> r , n r \

lor. Ur**.-rtdia. l i t Adama. - C J P nl»47 JEEP. E «.n.B t condlUon. Low m il- ’

. aia. llayaa llat.htry. phona 7*.

■ ‘^^TX r^^S^at " .J .- t r^ - l io o d ^ T ln r r n. tcctttorita. . c y i ti . iu , ._ ._ C L E A N

L - ~ { _______ HIGHWeekly Specl&l -

j t3 i “ ***"• _______ B iQ

—N u tty 's— ftnd —K en n y ’»— B O

VALLEY MOTOR CO. “ 'mAcrot* from iht ntw City H ^ l

L W E ’RE O U T 11 i l S■ of, : F‘------------------------- ----------------------- --------------g j

USED OARS ■ I . ; . : . ™


____Will P a y i S -

C A S H K r J

FOR YOUR-CAR I i " " f i S 'K

H A N D .. " Z m= - M O T 0 H = e @ ? — = ^ 5 ^

Phone IBJERO M E ■ , O J

- -------- ---------- -= ^ — ^ ^ 6 'r

I--------------------------------------------------- n S P A E T l

- J e r o m e -

^ " F A iR ^ W E E ir— I - -S p e c i a l s

ItSO n u i c r SpteW Dtl«z* Mdanttu. lUdW. i u u r -------------------i m l -

ItlO OLD8HOUILK ••88" Woor. H yss;.'"a ‘rn".:o":;r.^"c.r” S.'4ii _ ...

tovtra ! IlHO nuiCK E (low, rail

M47 CHEVROLET Club coup*. lUdle, walla. \**7--------«7l» Jt41 POUO 4-

-W 7 KAISER Mtor **dan.'N*w Waik' IM# CBTVRC ga l^ t*tt cevtr*. r»dlo,

---------- --- - ----- '-------- ----------- - -IMM TUOSaI t t l PORD V.I.* r . i D.!uj*_e»b,_4._ .1

-----^ap»*d-lSnImI5fea. r~lla..;.d y . , h-Mr -b t* u r - r ;— , rr...... . ' %UU. -Jg«-CHEVRC

httur. B

C H U R C H M A N M O T O R S ' ”*JERO M E

Phone TT o r 118 T W .

°& ?3 " '.riii“i • e q u i_____________________________ • Tru

— Pbont l i l t '

S T O P A T - - t = = K E N S E L F ’SU s e d C a r ‘L o t A tJG U S

F or A F a i r -........................ p

o n Theso C a rs ‘R 'p

:t4T MEHCURY Club coup*. . Ntw --------— ;-----— . u n t i i E n

acbeol I ,,........................ l l t lI t l l FORD ^doo^ Cuatom. n*dlo. 1947 M ERC

r r ”'"; * ■'""’■i...m i UBRCURY 44»or a«dta. Radio,. 1947 PONTI

h ttu r. ovtrdriT*. b«» t l ^ • '•-'Radio

Lew m lt*c* ta r ------------ LIIIK ___________ltS3 MERCURY 4.door a*dan. Radto. TtTO-l>httltr. ftndtr aklrta. Mtro.«. l-WO-i>

ru.‘.“s-tw: '\* . • b ^ S '; i l r i ! ! ^ i» « .1949 s t o d im t CADILLAC 2-loor. Radio, baaUr.

hrdramaUo drl»t. n*w tlr**. atat “ “ '® ►• cover,. How only--------------|U »

.? 6 9 5 . ,_ _ - _________ ■ R r.nyo l t t s IMS TOBd'c m below . . . R adio ;


114*1 FOM vV? ciuVc“ ip* 1B48 CHEVI“ •— and o th e r ch eaper c a r s — senser:

and H

K E N S E L F 1983 PLYM(------------------- --------- -------------- , . H eater

U s e d C a r L o t - „ j 3 ^ r d

■ l o i Main Em I----- P ia i!B l » 0-W - -------ers as{

-------------------- 1052 CHEVI-----------------------------------------------------------1 Radio,PROFESSIONAL

------ --------------------- - ' I 1948 8T0D E• P LUM BING & H E A T IN G 3 .8 p e i

• RAD IO REPAIR SE R V IC E 1045 pEDEF- • n£ F m C £ n A T fO N “S5B V IC B - • * • ‘■ Rlatr^aln A?glUn,ca. i>bona 3411.-------- lOfll INTER• M a 7 ^ ^ i u f r i r ~ 8 ; ; ^ u - r - p i r i t - i E R : T on p

: jM i _ 0 H n n• TR E E SERVICE

• V»Wbn-a l^naacapln* .B*rvlo^^Pb. ^V^ , jB^g ‘CHEVI• • 7 7 P £ W flirg flS _________________ Panel■ Salta, r tn U I^ and atrvlot, Pbont SO.

flhtrwood TyptwHttr Bs. Ommtlt* P. O. 19S1 CHEVI1 • U PHO L^TERy Ple'tup.

p . ™ ,

- *^'rtnUli'''*M 4*A2E5aU Pbena?OM! C H E

■ > W A T ^ g ^ E f l S


: , S P O T C A S H ! .

N u m r ’s?• _ ._ C L E A N U S E D C A R S V A L L E Y” Acrota'frbm

A _______ H I0 U E 5 I_ E R lC E a _______ * _________

- B IG H E A R T E D _______ [ ~ •B O B R E E S E , V x r

- .D odja • P lym ou th133 3rd Ave. No. h m r iic v R O i• - Dtlux*. (

J hrtU r

Z -----------------------:---------------------^ ^ i t i i UERCUR1I ■ .......................... I nadio, htai

SAFETY TESTED a / " " Fair Week

- - ~ z — sP E crA -ts ------------ ^ — S ' K t ! !— ------ Radio ha*

I l l l CUEVROLETDtlAlrcoupt. Radio, maile. A htattr, apoilltht, many olher ac-ctuerltt. >.300 actual mllea. AlwayaA btiutlful ear. Only ------- >1*71 -Tht PUet lo C

■ r ST' a s h wo r ih ttur. vUor .......... — *U tl ^

m i nUICK Suptr R ivltrt coupt. I- Oytiaflow.-radle, h**Ur. ***1—— ----------------------

covtrt. S h t rp .......................l l t t l ............1141 PLYHOUTK 4.door atdan. Radio.'

d e a n :apttd tranimittlon. baaur and‘" I l t r hluh .................. — l l l t l PERSONA


Opcn*EvenrnB8~ a n d 'S w d a y s

, OMACTam. „ . , ’s £ o “SEEi JOHN ROEKEB P?'"'

- OR--DUD-WEDD---------------

1 S P A E T H M O T O R C O . ' #

JKROUE. IDAHO . 13* BO. LINCOLN sTUDEDAPboB* 1:1 o r i : i i ^ r i , * . ' '

- -O L D S .- .. ----- -OM O. - i tw PONTIAC4.door ttdt

• Itnt whltt- - • cltan.

j - All Ul

- f e T E - r B U Y S . . , .^ A .> .

r U s e 'd " C a r s " — — “ ' ■• a n d T r u c k s

■M ayben i l STUDEDAKSn Commandtr 4-deor r i

atdtn with radl*. ollmatittr. aoio- E V C I

H it nuiCK Suptr indoor *«lan. Draa- O f G c t Iflow, radio, htator. whit* tlif^ „

, walla. Vtry eltan — , m— l l l t l LajT 11I J t l l POUO 4-d«r a*d*n. ' Cood chtap y p B l

i ' m # CBEVROLirr %“ U ijrpiekup."*r • T o - S• ;? ^ . i ! ; ‘ " c : = u ‘ j i r ' j : ; ? 0 ? i in v e ^

r . . . — G i- - ^ ‘ ' h t a l i r ---------------------------- m i . C L E‘‘ ■l»«-CHEVROLtr irnbBrb*ii,^'R.dle.- - - —

httur. Btw motor. Two-lon* . Sffr*tfl paint ~.. . ................■!. I t l l ~ —.

T W I N F A L L S ^

E Q U I P M E N T C O . „ ^ j 'Truck U n * W .. t ^ S e d f t

r r h o n t W . ' - rb o a .,IO «.m WHEN YOO I1 E s w „ r & '


--------------------------------------------- -------- 1 . 8 6 Q

A tJ G U S T S P E C I A L S ! T o Cl

. - P R I C E S e v c K A B~ ----------- :----------------------------------------- “m rN A B H Tlc

R E D U C E D _____________g ’S ijg

L . U n t l l - E n d - o f - T h e M o n th 1- ^ i " c . 7 ', i* s ;rb * u

1947 M ERCURY S e d a n Inun^^lat* J H ea te r a n d D efro s te r- ! ^4D

1947 PONTIAO" S e d a n R^d^” S^ •.- R adio an rf H ea te r___ I 649

- - 1 9 4 rBCTfelC-SeaKn' ^ ' - M tRadio e n d H e a te r____ 9 899I - . . f o r hlfhw

1947 C H E V R O L trr iri?7’: T w o-D oor Setlan______% 839 ^

I 1949 ST O D E BA K E R Coupa ohevboiRadio, H e a te r , .O ver- ' S f ! ?

: drive _____________< 098 ESiictd i

1948 PLYM OtPTH S edan . . . . oldsm oi _ .._ _ R a d iO -» n d _ H fta te r-------$ 739 ” ” SJ?„“ r J

wall Urt*.1949 FO RD 4 - D o o r Sedan flnlth. v

R adio a n d H cn t< r-------1 949 '

- -1950-O H EV R O LET-Sedsn’----------- -- ---------- ----------------------H id lf t - * n d -H o a le r = » 1 0 4 9 -

1B48 CH EV RO LET 8 -P a s -_____ _______senseiC 'C oupe. Radio —and H ea te r-;---------^ 4 749 „ „ 5 - ^ s „ o i

1983 PLY M O U TH 2 - Door th la caV*- H ea te r and -D e(ro ste r.:|1599 ......... w a iira tlj

1953 FO R D C u sto m Sedan “ »»

« » a n d O verd rive -------$1705 “1»«8

‘1053 C H E V R O L rr 's e d a n " !i?t^?M*ViRadio, H e a te r a n d D c- atola lu

, I r o i te r a ----------------------;.{1099 j , j j

1949 B U ICK 4 -D o o r Sedan

. -----------------------lt4T CnEVROl- I 1948 8T 0 D E B A K E R • T ruck ••

3 . Speed Axle a n d F J a f •>>!"« »orK B e d __________________ i 344

_ 1945 FED ERA L H -T . T ruck . tt /L . = - S p . . d ' A x l . _ _ „ . . „ ^ _______- 1981 IN T E R N A T IO N A L H -E T on P ick u p _____ ^ .. . . .$ 9 0 9 AND m a n -

j 1 1^81 nHTTVPnr.TTr u .T n n ~- P ickup ' $1048 • N o Rcaso ;r - . . • w m . l i 1948 C H B V R O L rr « • Ton

Pan e l ................................ ) 399 P A IR

S: 1981 C H EV RO LET . i -T o nPickup, 4 -S p e cd ______ $1148 —T rad e - C


a G L E N G . J E N K I N S W I L L S

I W e V R O L p” — 2 4 Y E A R S i t , ■ •.•vTb'l rS’ c*

- Bame D ealer . . . S a m e LocaDon JohnTe I

- ' ■ - / ■ I

^ ^ 1 A » T Cm M m i ' i t n r o R S c a t

' ' . = p


- i r - . I -—W E BUY—

C ars - T ru ck s - Plckup*!-w* lr*d* for anytfalot that

o .n - t* .t_ o rb lu r _NUTTY’S an d -K E N N Y 'S . ,W. E

V A L L E Y M O T O R C O . j tw sT ubB rAcrota from (ht Ntw Cltr tftll . ..... - Wltb evt

- — . . : ■■ ■■ '■■

- ' AS H W O R T H -------- ^ “ '* B S• T ra d o -In a >»i m o E r

I0&3 rtieVROLET :.door eiyltlln.' lai* MTirnpr Dtlux.. Stat fovar*. ntw tlrt^h!r hrtU r. Only S4.000 , 'T " •"<>

*” ------- «llltt--.»~_,..,..w-.T.=r::;:::==;«lM*- -mi-KERCU:- lt«2 MERCURY Cuttom t.doer Mdan, U n a _

i j ; S J . ' . T

I t t l OLDBM^ lLE^^'M'^DtluM^M ' *“ rar haa only IS.OOO actual milt*. 4 ^ r -

Radio, ha*t«r. atat cortrt, bH ra.I, mtile. A bar«aln t t ------- | l l t > I t t t CHEVRI

Alwaya Shop Flrtt at I "Tht PUet lo Co to Sava Your DoujV »41 BUICK

A S H W O R T H M O T O R C O . »»» >

<01 Main Av*. E u t T W I

r ■ ■ : r = i ------- ^ M -o -r

, I-------------------------------------- -E nS’s c M i

; D E A N M O T O R C O . — -


U S E D C A R S —

~ nsa t'in iO aO N —P a c ra a k tr - 'IM ^ e o a - - - ,atdair. H tattr and ovtrdriva. -Economical trantporUtion. '

It4» HUDSON Supar * 4-door aadan.________________________________________ _________m t HUDSON Commodor* T aadan. T T -» ;

ItSl STUDEDa 'kER Commandtr Bt«ar

3- -ItW P0NTIAC-'«'-8tr**mllntr D tlttit ------- i .. -•f f £ ' . i , ' i ? : " ; i d ? . - ; i i - 5 S " ' '} S G U j

- . A ll^ th c y ^ C ara aro - . " I N M j

m .lD d Av*. W ttI Phos* 111

I I . T bM a y b e Y o u A r e n ’t ^

^ E v e n T h i n k i n g •' '

O f G e t t i n g A B e t t e r ■■I C a r T h i s Y e a r . . .

I I T W ILL ;BTILL PA Y YOU . . .i; ---------- T o - S t o i i ^ I n - A n d ~ v ---------U S'ft I n v e s t i g a t e T h i s

^ G IG -A N T I C ’■ m w H E• C L E A 'R A N O B . ' : - ’ V -

I ; . : r ; s a e e ,

a t t h s . ! -V ol

W I L L S - ' ■U s e d p a r D e p a r t m e n t N O .

On Truck L*B*'W**t In TwiB Palla.............. - • V'.'* WHEN YOO SBE HOW EASY YOD : A


“ 1 . . 8 6 Q u a l i t y C a r a c h e r ro l i» •

T o C h o o s e F r o m . ' o r mSU CH A S .- IS E S 5 U S T E D

“ “m f N A 'B H T lm K itW r C u tie S r ^ ^Radio, ht*ur, hydrtmatle, t alrfoam acaU. • bl« roemr "'------ ifl"i1,«:a.-j'Srf&!S' — ■-■■

- Tbla ear la top*-ln-»ew«r,-p*»*- --------- —

IfflffiMlata aala, r ' 2Jl ■ . . . ' . ■ -. -

a s - u s f e ' i s s f o :0 actual mllta. All-ttMl body, TbU ' ' '

ear can b* eenvtrt«d from plekup= = = = 4 f e « & « * r s S : - — ^Ij) a t* .o r ahopplnr car. Vc»r nlc* ' Selectl

for hlfhway trmvtl .•lto.'8**-*l)la •• today. Over 1700 laat than atw

. PrlM- 19U OLDSU0 ■ die, bt

‘’“ S . K . S v . ’S n u W J s s a " "r r t tn flbUh. I ^ l t n t condlUoa. *

'8 Rtductd for Quick talc. j k j UERCU: *rt^ «»t

- 1010 OLOSMODILE “SV* dc1«a* W ait.8 a*dtn. Radlo.-hMt«r, wblt*'ild». ItlS D*SOTC

waU Urt*. Ruby maioon orUlnal RadU i flnUh. Vary cltan Inildt. On* tnUtloiL

■> , S - o ? V i ' r i ? k » ; . ' ' ^ “‘- . ■

^ ■ ■ 1»M P O N ^° 1141 OUSMOBILX* '^ l ” d-doer. Ra- dSmatidie. btaUr, hydramatl. driv^ dr*»*ti

Thla ear U v*r7 cltan and rant its s P onn9 w alltntly .-T h* paint leekt Ilk,- - ” S2?yV.

ntw,.ih« Uret ar* cood. J u t try jtiIU oa thU on* for prlc*.


“ K>dekm” tlc. l«*yL Y M Cttl^ on* In town. You'll aay you m d bat

** 1949 FORD V.*. Suptr dth ijt 4«loor. **** S i? ‘Sr\ Radio, bta ltr. th trp srttn flaUh. o a t ^

tlrr .. eltan Inilde. A clatty y * -

lt4T CnEVROLET Club coupt. Ntw Statonflathy, paint job. good llrtt. A ”n d w

• • very clean lltllt car. Ju it \h t * " *ihlne for Mom or iht kidi to j t ( t DODGE

. - F O L K S I m sc H B v n

- T H E S E - C A R S - ' ‘


a” ■ N o R easonablo P roposltloa__________ • w m B a RefUBedl nS ® £


8 —T rad e - C a sh - a n d T erm s— it4S blA:^o:

5 W I L L S M O T O R G O / 1^ U s e d C a r D o p a r t r a e n t : - Y O U R ]

■ J 43 T n ic k .L a n e W est ' -Uf

■■ ^ • « ^ b ^ r : • c ^ l& M ^ 'b ^ l r ,

a ’ John fe M anager **


~ | A U TQ S FOR I l* n PORD cato m 4 A-deor. l U t d l e r h a ^ l ^ ^ ^ lI oTtrdrlv*, ll;CM<. U l

jV^E.. H . A ' V E ' - H ^ HI t n O TCT^IU rEIt Champlj»

n I t l l BTW raAKER Land d t iW w | M | a | | ^ B

l » l STUDERAKER H-ton plekup. . wllh ’ oftrM vi. - T -----

lt4S STUDEBAREiV' tn c k with t lm and vralD bad ;___;____

n i i i T r a i e u n r - i : a i ^ - w i Q r i i w 7 4 |^ ^Una *

11(7 CHEVROLET n**tlla* Ao t

»<* FORD 2-door (A osf)- •- - tM t-f lT tm B B A K B It--O ca n n n d a-^ ff lB ^ ^H

( I t t t CHEVROLET lU *U n 'tnukrrain b«l ------------------------I l i l i ^ ^ ^ H

»41 BUICK 6pc^lal t t d a B ^ . l ^ i H f l j ^ ^ | IBtt FORD v a *«Ua ■i!,’! , - ....... $ i | |

T W I N F A L L S K^ -----^M-O-T-O-R—

Th* Pritndly Horn* ef S t a d tb a k M lU l^ ^ ^ l n -Eno« Scblffl*r Jak t B e ^ ^ ^ ^ l

------------------- ____ _____________

J — ' - U n o p n d i t i o n a l - i f f l ^ B

U u A R ^ T l E ^ i ^ H

^ " I N M A G I C V A L L E Y .

T bafa Exactly , . l l ^ ^ H > ^ a t Yoa Get ^


- U S E D G A R S ”^

1 . W T t a

; ■ ; '.‘M a g ic -V a ie y is ^ ^ -Volume Dealeir’?

N O R T H ^ S i p E ^

. . - j s t o M i g .'

O herro lik ' :.: .

OPIN EVXKmd8'‘T a i •

F O R - 'P I t lC E r^

» ^ m I c U ^ - o :

19U OLDSUOBILB 'v i " S-doOt..'■ die, b«*ur. h rd ruu tla .- t l a t ^ ^ ^ H

•Uat, kntrealo «y«.>• t l r ^ beamlfttl

I t l l U ERCtm r ’s-deo^. Biaio,•rtd eTudrh*. ,Lew.nU*a(«.Ju tt Ilk* Dtw

Silttloo. powtr ateailac,W.U tlna . B** thU lor • 4**Ibuy.

^ *r and evtrdrlv*. ThU U t ^ l B | ^ ^ ^ |^ you'U w aat'to aaa, Joat Uk*T . . ’Z i - * * " „..:-....~...:...:..-...:- . ...,..r i i « < | ^ ^ M

' 1>M PO N m O *’a‘* Chltfiain d t l u r i i ^ ^ ^ l ^ t e r a*fr»uJUdl»_b*«Ur

IMO BUICK Suptr 4-deer. k*dle,, *r, dynfcflewt w y «oed ' '

Ont, owetr *ad Uk* b*w —I l l l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H — -1*41 BwBOTO OuiUiW d uui ■ —

Radl^ h*at*r aad autoaatl* w n b tto n t btauUfnl two-toMA and vtiT. vtry eltaa -u — 4 1 1 t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

lt4 t DODCE 2-door. RxdloT haa Urfluid driv*. Onlr SI.OM i B U t « . r ^ ^ ^ ^ H Vtry elaaa

lt4S CHEVROLCT A*n**daa.

»4a CHCTyLCT^'^y-toa » l c ^

lt4S D1AMJ)ND-T « H - t o n i t t ^ A e ^ ^ ^ B

VOUREE. M O T O B -C O iiil^^B •Used C a r X i ^

i» o xi>pb*ti7 a ~ 4 ....................

■ -

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (14)

^ n i n g ^ o T o f y B

' ' ^ ' ^ H e . ' N o r M

'n e l - 6 9 9 : : , ' W

’ • t r. «• • M

IN F A L L S ,. : . ■

'C o . * - . 1

3V0 Iust recoivedlh«;;H eolndeolers In Twin W atlon to visit us iocn H

y You.,o tiv e 's e r v ic e to l a l r o iK l ih o n e d d i

s .TyouoTBofHflwfJfi jt“con't-b9.b«f-ftt5 jur cor the caw it oes just supplying 9“ fl" d service thor itirei3d."loBTocsrrftnsfW,ne.TTieir,''krw5»;je motoring. wtJ-fin■ N M O TO R S, IS

— - p - ^ r r -


i ^ r o m r a i B M .

j t o e i i c ^ A i d ~ ^

! 6 a i n ^ t e a a i l ^ ^

^ . L a l n c t o ^ U ^ - JHAIPHOKO. Indo-Chinm, Auf.-38 J H

ru>Ametlcan arma » « flcwlnj tnto ly .. f f B ,io .a b ln B -e t ' S - iteBdUy- rlalnsmx)o to boUtcrl'Vench union forces i -

ftlL.offeDslve ih^'communlstUtmlnh doddes to Uunch. :•Big BippUes of heary edulpment ,

M belns: tmloftrfed almost dalJy Jn . ..h L m t along the OuU of Tonkin !; V V |k BiUea east of Hanoi, war.eapttal •JT the f„ , ' P r^ rhilo n font* Md the anhleT ofthe noel&tad-SUtes' of lndo»OhlD&— ,r:‘L.U t Nam. CambwUft .and~'EaoB— "j']!;, <• tarted about three years ago. the i y [ , . tztam of mppUea haa Increased [jlV

ggUasU o i « a

aval forcea In the fa r east. esUj « "lated more than 30.000 tona of J» r materiel Sa belns dellTcswl iro thly ^ y e P . B. _

Lhnmd WO million iloUora yearly. Wai Che French aro spending ftppnwi- •“ *> ,. aately ll flS.OOO.OOO annually to 'nuh the war against the Vletmlnh. « 7- « •

• S S . 'S S Y a l m

i « r . S y ’ T „ r , S T a bmina. most of It of Czech. Russian A xSfCWiiesfl'TnBirafiictnTe;------------------- r x i i .

Llnea Balded AH Vletmlnh supply lines with J h * ^ ! * •

j i s f f i u r — “ ~

ffeot=.wUI-the-tniceJn.Kore^.haMa Chinese communist supply, ship- t o r t i v ^ S n u to thfr Vletmlnh?

But, regardless of wbat happens. * M ugt Kb‘ete»ar«rew m rf American nhlps S to-R ^eh-union-porU -seem _ta » ln t up the fact th a t the French nnles should have-#U they need ibt'only tocope^rtthanyviatm lnh iffenalre, but. to im t on big drives hkmselTeB-to-try to wln-».deoWoa.B t t ^ seren-year-lony war. A m Ut

: Y o u t h s M e e r »aHUHHOWB. ■ A tlg :r:^‘g o i» -T » -----

IpeBd Time" was the tcplo o r dlj-a t 4he-BapUst -Youth- fet- i J J

nnhlp meeting -Wednesday night. n jft*. DeBjert Oehrlg. leader, and her "^ttgbter. N orm 'O ehrig, oonduoted - —BU

lecwn. Phono 1H R r n o r e n o o Bond led tiae devoUoni. -W |{» M the b u ^ y , meeting, oonduo^ Don Ha

I m r * ■ - _______ ____ r u u line

» V i s i t s R e p o r t e d^ ■ I 'D l s r R lO H . 'Aug; 38 — Mr. and -

ad Kodesh. Ponca' city. Okla.,J g a T o been Tlsltlng Mr. and Mrs.

^ ^ H ; ’Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen, Bell*. ^^H B S hflm . Wssh.; bavti been visiting ^ ^ ■ ^ j^ a n d .U ra . 'S id n e y Sdwards, sr., ' H erei ^ ^ H n d Mr. and Mra. John Edwards.^ ^ ■ . . U r . and Mrs. Barper Buel have ^ ^ ■ B o r e d to Lynndyl. Utah. 3M '8‘I ^ H ^ M r s . Calvin Page and son. Haw* ■ n b o m e . Nev., are visiting here. BIRC

m j . V iam N G EBLAWVES J , |Bffl!.-GOODINO.. Aug.-38^-Dr. B. H.■ ■ m ia k e Primrose and family. Auburn. R |R ( ^ U C a l l f . , have been vlslUag his sister.^ ■ U l r a . B. W. Day, Ooodlng. and his ^ ^ ^ ^ t h e r , -Mrs.- J o se p h -B la k e rT w ln --------- E

n V E R REPOKT |f Now oni


■ ^ - = : ; s ; s i i ; :| B S S T . i i r E s r ; ro .R Sw i" " ® !"M p J ' w S S ^ v i i s s t■ n iB ltililok* N.a _ .690 ].«oo s Yc

■:!; r ° — mI S H A M I b r how rj(U ' 's is 312 0 ^ n i^ M d lB t P r e t^ l.<tO 1.410 0 Pu t In

H H w i n n M S C.n.l J.71»( • rool or

■ ■ D l l n iM IS I«r Mst D«. 14. IMI. tlihL Ol■ ^ W U - LYNN CRANDALL.

■ M D l) ltt Eotlnwr


• Gives Fall, Eren ResaKTbiTNext Ti ^ H j g • Elephant Brand FertlUtcn Are Not

^ M I B • Another Practice Ont et the Way Bef ^ H | m • MaterUla Are ATOro Available and 1

. .Aecept S n b s U tn t^• ta te SomntT Prices Are BIUI tn Eti

. ' Wc are happn to announce i _ increased our s ta lf and scri

I ^ H I g . ' ‘ { j i ta tn in f f a complete stoi

■ K -----— ELEPHANl^Bi;U p ' 16 -2 0 -0 A m m o-Pfio i. ' 33 V t% ■ W L 11 -4 8 -0 A m m o-P ho . 21-Q .O

l i f f l w ’’ T ro o t S fubbfo o n d G reen Mon<

KuVlor^On EertiliTwin F o lli, P h o n e 1 9 3 0 ., - Bi

Dtsplav a t th e T w tn Fa

“ PastorHere— Medi

j ! k . m vE H S ^ ^. . . former FUer pastor, wbo baa -

boeone paster of tho United B<b- slonaryi ehnreh e t Twin Falls. For the p u t five yean he has pre.

H d r t ^ ^ a / ' -

■ lng>- • r ^ . . . ---------- -i

Yakima Minister / Takes Pastorate i i

—AtJiOcaLChur^h JThe Rev. J. K. Myeis bas replaced ■

the S ov . A. B. Neufeld as paator of Vthe-tTnlted Missionary church. 23< ' ^Tblrd avenue east. The Bov. Mr.Neufeld has accepted a pastorate Jn EdmoodtoQ, Alberta, Canada.

.The Rov. Mr.'Myera comes £rom-Yaklma^Waah..-yhere_he_waa p y - ___'lor o f th e Uiilt«aiais»lonioy-eburch- ----- =for-flTB-yeaT8.-He'Wa«-paBtor-of-the ----- —Pller church In 1M4 and 1MB. .

A daughter. Eui^ce, Is making her %Jiomo^with her..l»ther,_Mr8._Myeni _____Is deceased. The Bev. M r. Myers has %four’other'ehlldren.'M r8.-John Pen- \teoost. Orange, OaUf.; P aul Myers, \Redwood Olty, OoUf.; Joseph Myers, 1a chief electrician In tho navy, tnd M n. XiCslls Whitehead,«Taneouver.

A native of Kansaa. the Rev. Mr.Myera received his education la the Naxareno college. Hutchinson.

___ - • ____________


Phono 1 « - J — ; ^ b e r l y , Maho

Don Harney — Loretta Barney-IH nBlcao-W r-W m beriy-Banlr- -------------A n y th l^ 'ln the 'bu ild ing line.PuU line of nails, Builder's Hard* f lware, Electrlo Fences, Posts, cte.'

, D O U G U S . COAST FIR ^ ____ 1Really down t ^ earth=pricu on ^&M lots. ■----------- b T S K b e d Jv u re-= _laU gauge. BO-rod roU S 8 .9 0 .

H ere are some get-acQualnted-SPECIALS

^ S fltaggered Lot ,

B IRCH FR O N T DOORSRegular price »30.B7

Nov? only------------ ~ - .S 3 S . 7 5 __


--------- BEIIJLIT2 Bcterlor ................ ' 1HOUSE P A IN T ^

1st grade, as good as the bestRegular price »9.68 gal. '

Kow only -- ----- ^ ^ — -S 4 .S S

CEDAR SHINGLES------------No.-l-CerUgrade.-8/3. _ . . , ’ _Per S quare---------------S l l . T S

R e d T o b le C a r ttg ra d a _Per Square -----------------S & 7 5YliS s m t Money talks with us.

You get an additional

n c F ^ O ^ C A S m : - ,Pu t In that Bathroom. Big' pic­ture window, new garage, new roof or paint or numerous other ^repairs. ^

N O TH IN G D O W N ^OS lew a> S 5


bfTNext Fear's Cropl ( ■

■ Are Not Lo«t Durlnc 'Winiert « ~ le Way Before the Sprini Bathi i

lable and You Do S'ot Have to 1

Bllll tn E t/«U ;

•inouncc tha t we. have ■and acruJccs and are ‘

plete stock o f I

IT-BRAND-------- i —3 3 l4 % N f t ro p r i l l*21-0*0 A m m o-Sulphoto

jcn M o n t/re C rops Now

irtilizer Co. IBurloy, Phono 8 3 7 -W I

T w in Falls County Fair - ' ■

.................................... ......... . 11,1 TT iir ;-^ ] | ----

- r : : — — :


Meds y^ust lik e Moth To Make” Slated-fo

■ ^eals lu r t -T t te - a o th e r xued 'tomake ^ '^ "c lo sery to rwUty for by virgWa.m arines'and sailo rs The menu;

That's what tho “ marine corps ni casserolsaid In an official ennouncemnt chooolatA cal'Thursday. - jpiit pea k

To back up tho claim, the ma- later,rlnes and thOrnavy. aerved up a The verdlc

'Sample of thelf'experim ental new of the eatlt*-B" ration, made entirely from formed kal.

Gel'Ac(]uain: te m b e r we


USED CAR!- B e c a u s e t h e U s e d C l

________ __ . o f l h e L i n c o l n - M e r

o f f S t h e . T

— B E S T—T DI

A long w ith th e reg u la v en to ry , w e - p u rchase i

s to c k o f new tire s! W e c lo s in g jh e s e tire s o u t o t

________ a n d less! C heck th e s e prie

T H I- t m c o L N - ^ d i

---------------------------------------------------- 1_______

I ' — -----------


s-Mother;^sed— ted^Or Marinesno ti-tw ii^M e food<.^to a-^nngjy

sonnel'on a sunbaked patio la near- ■ The defendby Virginia. new raUon «

The menu: C hli^-and-m acaro* more"7aried inl casserole, stewed tomatoe*. “Although -choooIatA cakc,-ooff«e. Oh. yes, aqd canned and «spilt pe* soup.- More obout that department elater. . . . . . ' In the. field i

Tho verdict, reached after a poll strucUon batto e eaUng press and the ,u n i- aboard someformed kalte-saS-tarkva: Pretty poJatflble and

-s* -


q u a i n t e d O f f e r ! p „ . , „ , , h,tem b er w e will g ive a n d in sta ll o s e t o f r<

• N U i N t M E R C U R Y S E A T C O V E


dRS WANTEDI U s e d C a r s w e r e n o t i n c l u d e d i n c

i o l n - M e r c u r y d e a l e r s h i p w e a r e

R 7 \D E -IN -D tA L — IN -

/ -

w “ 7—7.10x15 White Side*V 4—7.10x15 Blacki t h o r e g u lo r ln . ■ n « u ia r 25.cs....

p u rc h a se d o ■ l-s.00xl5 White sidcitire s! W e ore - - B Reruiar 37.oi_.......__res o u t o t cost p 21-8.0axl5Btaek'c th e s e prices! ^ lU riia r 30.80....?:........

M E I S E Nll

- Sales & ~Service^__ t ______________________________________

I FALLS. TDAHO■>tv hut mother sUll could-do bet- the m eali *er

tfarket..N. H. She h a d a d r M < ^Im a Not -with the food but with tbe Ingredients.^ Ues. They lepruithig-her-legs.------y *Tho defense deportnicnt'sald the

“Althottgh com p o sed .p rim ^ ^o fAnned and dehydrated foods, the be a oook h li leuartment eald, "the meals eerved It w M -teiy_ n the. field as well as to 'the con- o x ^ U o n of t itrucUon battalions of the navy and "Tbey d ld n Iboard some ships will bo moro oomp alnjrf. • xtJfltflble BPd leas monotonous than the directions

I'D u rin g th e m o n th o f Scp« a s e t o f re g u la r $ 4 5 i 0 0


TED! —j d e d i n o u r p u r c h a s e

w e a r e p r e p ^ ~ d ~ f 6

.— IN —T O W N !

.... .ow 20.955 DIaek OC25.C8............... ..............NOW. I d . 7 3

S White Sidewall **A f i rS7.0I_.......__.„---------jqOW 2 4 . 9 5

15 Black 1 0 O F30.80....?:....................... KOW I 7 . 9 5 ___________

' T h e N a m e t h o t S t a n d s I


e m eali aeryed as *B' rations Inorld .w ir n «nd In the;reeentatlUUes In Korea." D C l N IFtor Instance: Oanned beef anaigetablo-stewjioaLcan-bejeplRceft -------- . p Ir a atew - xnado-Xrom_li«llYl?Mal . .. _ iredlwiU.- T b e . . i W d . . c o o k ; . , 'rcannorf n r r t fh y d rn k K L /g g ^ ji^__ ■wt*,- hos^evcr. Ice -croun. can beade with a Just-add-water povrder • ........A nid tt 'th e . aew ^ffte® -A n iiiC e sergettnt.' who-used Ho - v —— ,-y I a cook hlmseU,' allowed as how ' U

w a s - te iy 'f in o 'c h o w w ith .the . , , , [ceptlon Of th e soup.'•Tbey d idn 't a a k e It right,” heunplalned. " I bot they follow^ [___________le directions on the can." ■____________________


3V --------------- T H l i S ^

V , ....... .. 3 5 1 , M A I _ N >

jv \ ' V . F o r v i e i i ]

* 4 < 2 ^

Although weVe been-bgreioir ; official fronchise nam ing us tl

—^FoMsr-Thtf-W eleome-MaHs-ou ------------- - js-;extended to-everyone...

~ OurPk-------- ' W e a r e h e r e t o r e i

----------^-------------- c o m m u n i t y - w i t h a ni n g s i n e v e r y p h a s e

R eg u la r st6ps o t o u r se rv — * o n d h igh c a n fid en cp . . .

, - m o re p leasurable m o ta r in is o u r b usiness . . . a n d th

” It m oons giving you th o t< ________ . ' f id en ce and m o k es y o u r c

” ■ "Wo will olwoys ho v e tro inc o r ond to h e lp you w h en skill will bo y our' ossu ra i q u o in ted ! Drive in soon .

r = = = —

B E N T O l S , ^ G B E R f l ^ v ,

■.(Fcrn,oHy L M . B . n l ^ . 4 ; ^

- A n n o u n c e : t h e O p e n i n g

' - 632 Main Avenue NJq, • - — S a m e P h o n e i - 6 9 9 _

Fom ta l, . . .

^iS«W W 0T0R ^7 l i i ^

^A A L N A V E . E . T W I N F A L L S

F o n i i e r l y K e n S e l f M o t o r C o.

:n-bsre,f?i; several weeks, we hove lust rKoived iQming us th e new Mercury-Lincoln deolers In T e-M ot-is-outand-a cortUQl invitotiori to visit u iijry o n e ... , - ________

Pledge ta^our e t o r e n d e r a n ' o u t o m o t i v e serv icer - w i t h a n - a s s u r a n c e o f - f a l r bn ilJ ia iie i

r y p h a s e o f o u r b u s i n e s s .

Qt o u r s e rv ic e c e n te r will a ssu re you of both floi idenco . . . . a -co m b ln a tio n th o t“ can't-b9.l»ol- l?)e m o ta r in g , because g iv lng -your cor.the Mre il . . . a n d t h a t m eo n s m ore th o n just supplying 90

3 you th o top*quolity h igh -speed service thol ii^ okes y o u r c o r " r ig h t for th e ro ad ."

hove froined men rlsht on tll? jo b tocore^jpn^ p 'you w h e n trod ing for a new one. Tnelr,,»crw-; o u r a s s u ra n c e o f safe, c o re f rc e motoring,^e in soon .


IC .%C r / “TPfWldenr

! S I N C

twin iK ore^Pe rPeace^^ lea Couni nmty^airB I 11 U … the Twin Falls merchai by Sheriff .liames U. Bums w rtllatthe aptomobilo - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 6022

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.