Throw the Best Virtual Wedding Shower with these Tips (2024)

Wedding showers don’t have to be thrown in person – and in fact, can be just as fun online! While this might not be the most conventional, we think virtual wedding showers can still be special and make the to-be-weds feel just as celebrated and loved. Look on the plus side: friends and family in different states or friends who can’t leave the house? Going virtual solves all these problems and allows everyone to be there no matter what! While in-person activities have been postponed to later dates, these online planning tips for having the best virtual wedding shower now will be just as great in the meantime! Happy (virtual) planning!

Throw the Best Virtual Wedding Shower with these Tips (1)

Photo // Janeane Marie Photography

Tip 1: Send out invitations

Sending out invitations can be done either virtually or physically! Keeping the tradition of sending physical invitations is a great way to help the couple have a sense of “normalcy” in a time where their plans have been turned upside-down. Either way you choose, finding a local invitation designerto make the prettiest invitations is a great way to share all the information about the shower! Some things to consider including on the invitations: date and time,the platform on which the shower will happen and a link to join in the meeting, an explanation of how the shower will commence, a way to RSVP and any details about gifts, gift registries or attire!

Tip 2: Have a party theme

Who doesn’t love attending a party with a cute and fun theme? It is so easy to still make this happen for the couple! Having everyone wear the same color (preferably the couple’s wedding colors or favorite color in general) will bring a cohesive element to everything. Other ideas could be having a “Taco Tuesday” theme, a co*cktail hour or sending out a virtual background for everyone to have when they call into the shower!

Tip 3: Decorate the shower space – and encourage all guests to, too!

When planning and sending out invitations, consider sending all guests some small pieces of decor for them to decorate the space they will be virtually calling in from! Another option is surprising the couple by full-on decorating their virtual space like you would have for their shower if it were happening normally. This is a great way to still make the couple feel special and celebrated in a small and easy way!

Tip 4:Deliver the same food and drinks to everyone

Keep the theme alive and well for the couple with everyone eating the same food! You can do this for any theme and almost any type of cuisine you want to have. Throwing a brunch shower? Have festive donuts, muffins or other breakfast food delivered to guests for you all to eat together virtually! For a “Taco Tuesday” theme, deliver a DIY taco bar for all guests to do together as an activity and to eat together (two in one – score!). Many of our local caterers and bakeries are offering this option right now – go check them out! Or send them the intended menu to nab their own apps and sweets.

Tip 5: Play shower games

Playing shower games is fun, easy and a great way for all guests to be involved with the couple! Some ideas for games could be couple’s trivia, where guests are asked a question about the couple and hold up an object when they know the answer. Another is the classic newlywed game, where guests ask the couple questions such as, “Who said I love you first,” and the couple raises the shoe of the person the answer is. A “walk down memory lane” game is also a sweet and sentimental game guests can play. Ask everyone to find one thing in their home that reminds them of the couple, then ask guests to share why they picked that item! If a game has a winner, make sure to keep track of who won each to send them a prize!

Tip 6: Open gifts

Finally, the couple can still open gifts they receive from their guests! Include on the invitation where you would like gifts to be sent and the date sent by, in order for them to arrive in time for the shower. The couple can open them on camera for all guests to watch and enjoy! If a guest has not sent in their present, give them the option to open it on the couple’s behalf virtually or send it in at a later date!

Tip 7: Have a social hour for guests to chat

Once all the formal shower festivities are over, let your guests stay on the call and chat! This helps the party feel more like a social event and like what you would do in-person. Guests from close and afar can reminisce and have a personal connection, even from far away! This is also a great way to gradually end the shower, instead of cutting it off as soon as the events are all over!

Optional: Throw a half in-person, half online shower!

This wedding shower idea is for the couple that has close family and friends that live locally! Set up a cute lounge area in the front yard for the couple to sit at while guests drive by and drop off gifts. Make sure there is a designated person on-site to go up to cars to grab the gifts and to sanitize them as they come in (safety first!). Once all expected guests have dropped off their gifts, head inside to start the virtual shower! This is the part for those family and friends that aren’t local but still want to celebrate. Go about planning the virtual shower with the tips mentioned above, and the couple is sure to have the best day EVER!

The COVID-19 pandemic truly sticks, but we can still celebrate! Check out our other resources for #coronabrideshere.

Throw the Best Virtual Wedding Shower with these Tips (2024)


Throw the Best Virtual Wedding Shower with these Tips? ›

Include the bride's faves.

This is her day after all! For example, you could serve up her favorite foods and signature drink, decorate in (or wear) her favorite color or reference a film or book she loves in the theme and décor. It's a fun way to make the bride feel extra special on her big day.

How to do a long distance bridal shower? ›

How to Throw a Virtual Wedding Shower
  1. Send Digital Invites. Sending digital invites for a virtual shower creates a special feel for the event vs. ...
  2. Collect RSVPs. ...
  3. Serve Refreshments. ...
  4. Create a Festive Atmosphere. ...
  5. Dress for the Occasion. ...
  6. Open Presents. ...
  7. Play Games. ...
  8. Create a Playlist.
Jun 4, 2020

How do you throw a wedding shower? ›

8 Tips On Planning The Perfect Bridal Shower
  1. Decide on a budget.
  2. Set the date.
  3. Compile the guest list.
  4. Choose the venue.
  5. Decide on the theme.
  6. Plan the menu.
  7. Send out the invitations.
  8. Decide on the groom's role.
Feb 22, 2024

How do I make my bride feel special in the shower? ›

Include the bride's faves.

This is her day after all! For example, you could serve up her favorite foods and signature drink, decorate in (or wear) her favorite color or reference a film or book she loves in the theme and décor. It's a fun way to make the bride feel extra special on her big day.

What are some good this or that questions? ›

Funny This or That Questions
  • Iced coffee on a snowy day or hot coffee in a heatwave?
  • Sandals or crocs?
  • Toe socks or toe rings?
  • Burping or farting?
  • Being sweaty in cold weather or sneezing in hot weather?
  • Bad haircut or bad dye job?
  • Pets who can talk or babies who can talk?
  • Mistaken lyrics or misquoted movies?
Aug 3, 2023

How to throw a virtual bridal shower? ›

Throw the Best Virtual Wedding Shower with these Tips
  1. Tip 1: Send out invitations. ...
  2. Tip 2: Have a party theme. ...
  3. Tip 3: Decorate the shower space – and encourage all guests to, too! ...
  4. Tip 4: Deliver the same food and drinks to everyone. ...
  5. Tip 5: Play shower games. ...
  6. Tip 6: Open gifts. ...
  7. Tip 7: Have a social hour for guests to chat.
May 22, 2024

How do you make a bridal shower not boring? ›

  1. Plan Activities. Play classic bridal shower games, make your own flower crowns or decorate cookies—whatever your preferred activity, offer more than just sitting around and chatting. ...
  2. Go Somewhere Unique. You're not obligated to sit on the back patio or stake out your parents' country club. ...
  3. Open Gifts Later. ...
  4. Make It Coed.

What not to do when planning a bridal shower? ›

Don't invite anyone who isn't invited to the wedding. It will make it awkward to have a guest at the shower but not on the wedding list. The bride can help you with the guest list. Don't give raunchy gifts at the bridal shower.

Who should not host a bridal shower? ›

Traditional etiquette dictates that the maid of honor—not the mother of the bride—should host the shower. Nancy is a freelance writer for Some etiquette rules were meant to fade away into oblivion, like the one about family members of the bride not hosting her bridal shower.

What's the difference between a bridal shower and a wedding shower? ›

“The wedding shower is co-ed and inclusive of anyone the couple wants to include in the celebrations,” says Martens. “Simply put, a wedding shower is for the couple and a bridal shower is for the bride.”

What is a normal budget for a bridal shower? ›

That works out at $300 to $800 for a 20-person party but can go as high as $150 per person or $3,000 for a 20-person shower. Based on these estimates and an average bridal shower guest list of 35-50 people, a reasonable budget for a bridal shower is between $350 and $7,500.

What food to serve at a bridal shower? ›

Fabulous Bridal Shower Finger Foods
  • Crescent Vegetable Appetizers. Quick & Easy Crab Dip. Veggie Dippers. Open-Faced Turkey Sandwiches.
  • Veggie Crescent Cups. Flower Fruit Kabobs with Luscious Fruit Dip. Watermelon & Blackberry Bites. ...
  • Mini Rainbow Fruit Kabobs. Fruit Jersey Cake. Balsamic Fruit & Cheese Kabobs.
May 19, 2023

What are bridal shower quotes? ›

Bridal Shower Wishes for Your Friend
  • After so many years of friendship, I've never seen you this happy. ...
  • Best wishes for a lifetime of happiness together.
  • Here's to a joyous life together as you embark upon this love-filled journey.
  • May the two of you continue to love unconditionally. ...
  • I can't wait to celebrate true love.
Jun 10, 2024

What questions do you ask at a bridal shower? ›

18 questions you should ask in the He Said, She Said Bridal...
  • Who said "I love you" first in the relationship?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • Who is the most organized?
  • Who is the biggest morning person?
  • Who is more likely to forget an important date?
  • Who is the most sentimental?
  • Who is the most spontaneous?
Feb 2, 2023

What did the groom answer game? ›

The groom is asked questions about the bride in advance. The game cards are passed out to the guests at the shower and everyone has to guess how many questions the bride will answer correctly. Then, the bride is asked the same questions, giving the answers that she thinks her groom has given.

How to do bridal shower Jeopardy? ›

How to Play the Bridal Shower Jeopardy Question Game
  1. Divide the room into three teams.
  2. Give each team a buzzer (there's literally an app for that)
  3. Pull up the Jeopardy board.
  4. Decide which team goes first.
  5. Make sure someone is keeping score (for more details, keep reading)
  6. The winning team gets a prize.
May 29, 2018

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