The Ultimate Wedding Wine and Champagne Guide | Learn More (2024)

The Ultimate Wedding Wine and Champagne Guide | Learn More (1)

The final touch at every wedding is an elegant champagne toast. However, getting to that point is more complicated than you think.Wine and champagne decisions alone includeconsidering what types to select, when to serve them, plus how many bottles to order without breaking the bank.

De-stress picking and ordering the best wines and champagnes for your wedding day with the insights and calculations below.Our guide to champagne and wine for a weddingexplores all the necessarydetails to naildownthis planning task so you can moveonto other decisions. You know, like enjoying one of the happiest days of your life.

Table of Contents hide

Best Wines for Weddings

Questions to Ask When Planning Your Wedding Alcohol Menu

Calculating Wine and Champagne for a Wedding: The Basics

How Many Bottles of Wine for a Wedding Reception?

How Many Bottles of Each Wine Type Should I Buy?

How Much Champagne for a Wedding Reception?

Determining Which Wine and Champagne to Pick for Your Wedding

Most Popular White Wines for Weddings

Best Rosé for Weddings

Most Popular Champagnes for Weddings

Best Food and Wine Pairings for a Wedding

Providing Enough Drink Variety at Your Wedding Without Overbuying

Buying Your Own Wine and Champagne Versus Order Through a Caterer

1. Pros of Ordering Alcohol Through Your Caterer

2. Pros of Supplying Your Own Wedding Alcohol

Extra Tips for Choosing Wine and Champagne for Your Reception

Tips for Buying the Right Amount of Alcohol for Your Wedding

Select Your Wedding’s Wine and Champagne

Best Wines for Weddings

To find good wines for weddings, look for lower alcohol content and a mild flavor that will pair nicely with your reception meal. Give your guests options by choosing at least one red and one white wine. Two foolproof options that can be served year-round are Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. Both wines are lighter in body with a subtle fruitiness that goes well with a variety of foods.

Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir are excellent wedding wines, but there are other great options like Pinot Grigio and Cabernet Sauvignon. The best choice will depend on your taste and wedding menu. We’ll cover more wine options and food pairings below.

Questions to Ask When Planning Your Wedding Alcohol Menu

Before calculating the exact amount and types of wine and champagne to order, consider these larger menu questions.

  • Serving other drinks options:Wedding wine and champagne may not be your only beverage options at your reception. Many couplesalso choose toserve beeralongside mixed drinks atan open or cash bar, giving guests plenty of options. Some go all-out and provide beer kegs, which are especially popular at outdoor summer weddings. As the best wedding rule of thumb, always determine your full drink or bar menu before going down the wine-ordering rabbit hole. Plan to order generouslyif wine istheonly beverageon the menu,as your guests will drink it all night.
  • Assess your guest list:Your guest list plays an important role in the type of beverages served and the amount of wine and champagneneeded. As friends and family, you know these peoplebest.Do most of them drink? Do many of them not drink at all? Do your guests prefer beer or other drinks to wine and champagne? Will they stay and partylonginto the night, or will many of your guests leave early? Use these factors to help calculate wedding reception wine and champagne quantities.
  • Remember not to sweat leftovers:This is especially true if you order your own bulk beverages rather than go through the venue or caterer. Stock your own mini-bar at home with bottles or cases of leftover wine if it turns out you were generous with your calculations. You can give bottles out as gifts for upcoming occasions. No harm, no foul.

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  • Set a budget:Alcohol represents only a fraction of your overall wedding budget. Determine early on your comfortable spending limits on wine and champagne. From there, you can explore specific red and white varietals or brands.A general guideline is to allot about15% of your overall reception budgetto the wine and champagne. Try not to worry if that gives you sticker shock. Most varieties of wine come at varying price points, starting under $10 per bottle and going up from there. This means you can serve your guest a delicious wine even on a budget.

Calculating Wine and Champagne for a Wedding: The Basics

Always round up when determining how much of these signature celebratory beverages to order.

Erring on the side of caution brings peace of mind on your big day, keepingguests happy and reducing wedding-day stress. After all, your college pals will never let you live it down if the wine, champagne and other beverages dry up too early.

Luckily, there is a formula for how much champagne and wine to order for your wedding. To prepare for those ordering calculations, first review these factors:

  • When you plan to serve wine:Are you going to serve wine for the entire reception or only during dinner? If you’re popping corks all night, you’ll need a lot more wine. The same question applies to champagne. Will you only serve one glass per guest foran official couple’stoast, or will you offer it all night at the bar?
  • Wedding reception timing:The time of your reception affects how much alcohol people drink. Guestsdrink less at a daytime weddingas well as Sunday and weekday nuptials. The more traditionalevening or weekend weddingmeans you’ll likelyneed to increase your wine count,accommodating for friends and family letting loose.

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  • Wedding reception location:Location is also a factor. If your reception is held at a hotel where guests are staying, they’ll consume more wine than if they had to drive somewhere afterward. Likewise, wedding receptions held at wineries tend to bring out the wine connoisseur in your guests, making them drink more than they might at another venue.
  • Other drink options:Will you serve other alcoholic beverages? Will those beverages be free, or do you plan to have a cash bar? If wine is the only free option and you’re serving it all night, guests may opt for that instead of the paid options at the cash bar.
  • Who is serving:Self-serving open bars are options for backyard weddings and similar set-ups.If guests are pouring their own wine, increaseyour order amount.People are a little more generous than bartenders and servers when it comes to pouring their own drinks. If you have a catering staff member or bartender pouring the wine, specify that you want smaller serving sizes. Some inexperienced servers may fill the glasses more than you want, making the wine disappear faster. The containers also influence the size of pours. Large glasses beg for larger servings of wine. Opt for smaller glasses to keep the pour amounts under control.
  • Guest preferences:Are your guests wine drinkers, or do the prefer beer? Do you have lots of non-drinkers on your guest list? Knowing what your guest like to drink helps you determine how much of each type of drinkyou’llneed.
  • Guest ages:What is the average age of your guest list? Ifa thirdof the guests areunderage, you won’t need nearly as much wine as you would fora majority-adultswedding reception.

How Many Bottles of Wine for a Wedding Reception?

A standard wine bottleholds 25 ounces.From that single bottle, you can expect to get roughly four to five servings of wine — orfour to five glasses—depending on who is pouring and how much wine goes into each glass.Again, err on the side of caution and round down to four servings per bottle, just to account for those heavy pours.

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Wedding planners suggest assuming each adult will drink approximatelyone glass of wine every hour. Wedding receptions, on average, last between three to five hours. Together, we can use these estimates to form the calculation for how many bottles of wine to order for your wedding:

  • Wine bottle calculation formula:[Number of legal-drinking age guests] x 5-hour reception / 4 servings per bottle = total number of bottles to order

For an easier calculation — or if you just hate math — default to this guideline — orderone bottle of wine per guestabove the legal drinking age. For example, 200 drinking-age guests mean 200 total bottles of wine for your big day. Then add 10 to 25 extra bottles atop this one-to-one rule to give yourself a buffer, allowing wiggle room for generous serving sizes.

Sensiblyadjust your numbers based on the other factors you considered. For example, if you’re also serving beer and having an open bar, you might not need as much wine. You can also decrease your numbers if a portion of your guest list doesn’t drink. If wine is your only beverage or you have many wine-loving friends, you may want to order even more of your selected varieties.

How Many Bottles of Each Wine Type Should I Buy?

Now that you have a general idea of the number of bottles required, you need to determine how many bottles of each type of wine to buy.

Most people offer at least one white wine and one red wineat their reception. Guests can select the type they most favor and even switch up their selections as the event goes on.

  • Order a 50/50 split between your selected red and white varietals:Skew orders toward one type only if you know for sure your guests have a heavy preference.

Remember that wines varietals are often served to match the season. White wines and rosé are more popular in the summer. If you’re having an outdoor or summer wedding, consider ordering slightly more refreshing white wines. Conversely, heavier reds work better in the cooler temperatures of fall and winter. Bump up the amount of red wine you order if your nuptials fall in these seasons.

How Much Champagne for a Wedding Reception?

Champagne is a type of sparkling winetraditionally used for the official couple’s toast at a wedding. For that reason, calculating how much champagne to order comes down to how many guests are at your wedding, as each guest will receive their celebratory pour.

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The average bottle of champagne contains about six servings for toasting pours. Therefore, the equation for determining how many bottles of champagne to order for your wedding is:

  • Champagne bottle calculation formula:[Number of legal-drinking age guests] / 6 servings per bottle = total number of bottles to order

For100 people, that’sroughly 17 bottles of champagne. Consider rounding up your figure in case waitstaffpour larger servings.This estimate gives each guest a small serving of the sparkler for the toast —you don’t want guests at the last-served tables to toast empty-handed!

If you plan to serve the champagne or sparkling wine throughout the night, you’ll need more. Use the same methods as you used for the other wine varieties to estimate how much to buy.On the other hand, if you don’t like champagne, consider a bubbly wine option — or skip this formal toast altogether.

Determining Which Wine and Champagne to Pick for Your Wedding

Wine comes in all varieties, from dry to sweet, red to white. If you’re not a wine drinker, you may not know where to start when it comes to choosing the best wines for weddings.

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Wine is categorized by many characteristics, including the five below. Learn about these five defining traits and how they affect the wine-drinking experience to narrow down the options for your wedding menu.

  • Sweetness:Wines vary in sweetness, from a very dry wine with almost noresidualsugar to very sweet,tongue-tingling drinks.Balancing the sweetness level is often a good idea for wedding wines. An overly sweet wine doesn’t usually pair well with foods, and many people don’t like the sugary flavor.
  • Body:A wine’s body will bedescribed as light, medium or full. Lighter wines tend to feel more refreshing, while full-body wines have astronger, more assertive tastethat holds up well tomanyfoods.
  • Acidity:High acidity in wine is often described as a tart, zesty feeling with a slight tinglingand mouth-dryingsensation. Lower acidity produces a richer, rounder winewith a smoother aftertaste.
  • Fruits:The fruit flavors you taste in a wineare some of its most interesting and unique. Some wines havea lush fruity palate with distinctflavors you can pick out as you sip. Others tend to be less fruity,containing earthy or floral notes.
  • Tannins:Tannins area compound in wine that produces abitter, sharp reaction when tasting. While not related to drynessor acidity, a wine high in tanninstends to make your mouth feel dry. Some people do not like high tannin levels, but tannin can add complexity and balance to avarietal.

Most Popular White Wines for Weddings

White wines tend to offer a lighter, refreshingand more approachable drink choice. White wine typesspan from dry to sweet, with many options in between. Once you narrow down a specific variety of white wine, do some tasting of different brands, as the sweetness levels and even some of thearomasvary from one brand to the next.

Today,some of the popular whitewines for weddingsinclude:

  • Sauvignon Blanc:Sauvignon blancis light and crisp, offering a refreshingbut earthy set of flavors. This adaptive wine pairs well with a variety of foods, including cheese, chicken, oysters, seafood, and vegetables. It’s also appropriate all year long.
  • Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio:Pinot grigio offers afirm, nuanced white winewith pear, lemon, melon and sweet-spicy notes. This light white wine goes well with chicken, shellfish, rich fish and pasta. Italian versions, known as Pinot Grigio, tend to have a steely flavor with good acidity, while the French Pinot Gris provides more flavor complexity with a richeraftertaste.
  • Chardonnay:Chardonnay is considered a rich white wine, typically with a creamy texture and intense fruit flavor. If yougo with a chardonnay, stick to an unoaked or lightly oaked variety, which has a stronger fruit flavorand brighter acidity. It pairs well with many different types of foods, including vegetables, white fish, shellfish, chicken, pork and veal. It’s also enjoyable on its own.
  • Riesling:Another versatile white winetype, riesling offers a crisp, aromatic quality, often with a slight mineral touch. Riesling ranges from very dry toincrediblysweet, so taste different brands to get the type you want.Riesling works wellwith almost any food, including shellfish, pork, vegetables andinternationalfoods.

Best Red Wines for Weddings

Red wine is a classic,sophisticatedoptionpopular at weddingsas well. As with white wine, you’ll find a wide range of flavors, bodiesand sweetness levels within each variety, so it’s always a good idea to taste before you buy.

When it comes to red wine for a wedding, try one of these options:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon:Cabernet sauvignon typicallyhighlights flavors ofdark fruit, particularly plums, blackberries and black currants. This red wine pairs well with hearty dishes and isthe top pick in America for red wines.The full body of cabernet sauvignon works with beef, duck,richly spicedsauces, marinades and other red meat.

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  • Pinot Noir:Pinot noir is known as a silky wine,countingberries, cherries, plums, violets andwarmingspicesin its roster of flavors. This varietalhas a lighter body thanmanyother red winesandlowtannin levels, making it suitable for sipping alone. That light body also lets the wine pair well with a variety of food options,including finger fare during co*cktail hour.Try pinot noirwith roast chicken, duck, lamb, hearty fish and pork.
  • Shiraz/Syrah:Both names represent the same wine—an earthy, fruity red known for its dark fruit andherb noteswith earthy accents, such as leather, tobacco and black pepper. Shiraz is considered a big red wine, making it suitable for red meats, pork, lamb, grilled meats and game.
  • Zinfandel:Zinfandelis almost exclusively an American wine, with few other locations growing the grapes. It is abold, zestyred wine with intense flavors, including dark berries, plums, cherries, chocolate and black pepper. Zinfandel also has a high alcohol content, so consider that fact before serving it at your wedding. Zinfandel pairs nicely with spicy foods, grilled meats, red meat and barbecue.
  • Grenache:This red wine appearslight in colorbut offers amedium-to-full flavor profile, pulling instewed berriesplus white pepper.Grenacheis available on its own or in wine blends. It works well with red meat, lamb, chicken and vegetables.
  • Sangiovese:Sangiovese offers a fresh cherry flavor with herbal accents and is often high in acidity and tannins. Newer versions often have lower acidity levels.Sangiovesepairs with chicken, red meat, mushrooms and food with tomato sauces.

Best Rosé for Weddings

For wedding receptions, opt for a dry rosé offeringthe best of both worlds.Rosés carry the bright,refreshing flavors typically associated with white wine. Yet it also has enough body to stand up tomeals and even wedding cake, just like red wine.Plus,this variety of wine is quickly gaining ground to become apremierchoice for weddingcelebrations, since it falls body and flavor-wise between white and red wine.

Dry rosé tends to have a crisp, fruity flavor without being as sweet as white zinfandel or similarAmericanblush wines. It is a versatile wine option that works in any season and for any time of the day. Rosé is suitable to pair with almost any food options, including chicken, red meat, salads, seafood, grains and vegetables.

Most Popular Champagnes for Weddings

Champagne and sparkling wineareoften associated with celebrations, which makes them perfect for weddings.Their subtleflavors andexpressivebubbles makesparkling winesa delicious and suitable drink on their own. Drysparkling winesin particular work well with foods if you want to offer abubbly option on your beverage menu.

Optimal levels of champagne sweetness dependon personal preference, as well as when you will serve the sparkler. If you plan to serve it during dessert, opt for a sweeter sparkler. A demi-sec is usually a good choice. Dry sparklers tend to taste metallic or bitter when served with sweet foodslike your wedding cake.

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Consider these bubbly beverage options to find the best champagne for wedding activities:

  • Blanc de Noir:Blanc de noir is a sparkler made primarily of pinot noirgrapes.Some types also use Pinot Meunier. It is generally full of red fruit flavors and has a heavier body thanothersparkling wines, with a color ranging fromgoldto pink.
  • Blanc de Blanc:This type of bubblyis 100% chardonnay derived, withflavors to match if it comes from the Champagne region of France. Other white grapes can be used if the wine is madeelsewhere.This variety tends to have a light, delicate flavor.
  • Metodo Classico:Metodo Classico is a style of making sparkling wine very similar to traditional champagne. These wines tend to have creamy bubbles with a rich body.
  • Prosecco:This Italian sparkling wine offers a fruity, aromatic flavor, often with flowery, peachy notes. Prosecco like La Marca Prosecco – 187ml is a bit on the dry side, although it tends to be sweeter than other varieties. Unlike some wines that improve with age, prosecco is better when young.
  • Cava:Cava is the Spanish version of sparkling wine. It is produced in the same way as champagne, making it an affordable alternative toits French cousin.Cava tends to have a balanced fruity flavor but is not as sweet as prosecco.
  • Sparkling Rosé:Sparkling rosés, also known as Rosato or Rosado, work well with food, as they tend to have a fuller body. These sparkling wines are sometimes made with a combination of still red wine and sparkling white wine. Sparkling rosés range in both color and flavor, from a light to a dark pink and from dry to sweet. Test different varieties before settling on one to get the flavor you want.

Note the only sparkling wine to officially receive the label of champagne must be made in the Champagne region in France.Other names includethe more genericsparkling wine, cava, prosecco, Asti and Cremant,each designating where the beverage was produced.

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Yetmore important than the name or where it originates is the flavora bottleoffers. Sparkling wines come in varying sweetness levels, identified by special names. Explore these different levels to find champagne or sparkling wine that fits your preferences:

  • Extra-brut:Driest type ofsparkling wine or champagneavailable; no added sugar
  • Brut: Brut wine like Wycliff Brut Champagne – 750ml is very dry with almost no sweetness; up to 1.5% sugar
  • Extra dry:Also known as extra sec; a hint of sweetness without being overwhelming; up to 2% sugar
  • Dry:Also known as sec; a little sweeter on the palette; up to 4% sugar
  • Demi-sec:Sweet option; often considered a dessert wine; up to 8% sugar
  • Doux:The sweetest option; up to 10% sugar

Best Food and Wine Pairings for a Wedding

When choosing your wine, consider your food menu for the reception. The best wedding wines complement the main entrée, bringing out even more primary and secondary flavors.

Use these time-testedwine and food pairing guidelineswhen crafting the final menu for your wedding:

  • Chicken:Both red and white wine work with chickenso long as they’re light-to-medium bodied. Anything too heavy overpowers thesofter flavors inherent tochicken. If you want a red wine, try pinot noir, Grenache or Sangiovese.
  • Beef:Because beefmaintains richer flavors and more marbling, pair it with a stronger wine.Medium-to-bold reds are the winners here, with higher tannins and bodies. Think cabernet sauvignon, merlot, shiraz, zinfandel or red Bordeaux.
  • Fish:A light, dry white wineis a match made in heaven for flakyfish. Varieties to consider include sauvignon blanc and pinot grigio. If you want a red option,though,try a rosé, pinot noir or Gamay. Sparkling wines, such as prosecco or cava, also work well with fish.
  • Vegetables:Green vegetables work well with light, dry white wines, such as sauvignon blanc and pinot grigio, as well as sparkling wines. Roasted vegetables also pair well with light white wines, but you can also successfully pair them with rich whitevarietals, such as an unoaked chardonnay. Even a pinot noir, Grenache or similar light red wines work with roasted veggies.

Don’t let food and wine pairings stress you. Consult with your caterer for wine suggestions to go along with your specific menu. Most people will drink the type of wine they prefer anyway, whetherit’s a sommelier-approved suggestion or not.

Providing Enough Drink Variety at Your Wedding Without Overbuying

For your own sanity and budget, don’t try to serve every guest’s favorite wine type on top of diverse champagne. Craft your menu from your favorites —after all, this day is all about you. Then look to:

  • Start with the basics:If your budget allows it, expand your bar menu first by adding two types of whites and two types of red.Most people preferred or white wine, anyway, and will enjoy the bonus option.While traditionally, people associate white wine with spring and summer and red wine with fall and winter, a more modern approach is to offer bothregardless of thetime of year.

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  • Consider rosé:Roséscan be a compromise if you only want to serve one type of wine. A dry rosé gives the refreshing feel of white wine with the substance of red wine to stand up to the food you serve.Likewise, you could offer one red wine, one white wine and one rosé varietal just to cover your bases.
  • Balance sweet and dry:Serving more than one red or white varietal? Ensure one type is dry while the other runs sweet. This flavor contrast is one of the major factors people consider when determiningtheir wine preferences. Some wine drinkers only like dry wines, while others prefer varieties on the sweeterside. Offering one dry and one sweetwhitewine, as well as one dry and one sweet red wine, caters to a wider group of your guests. You don’t have to choose the driest white wine and the sweetest white wine available. Simply choose something from the dry end of the scale and something from the sweet end.

Buying Your Own Wine and Champagne Versus Order Through a Caterer

You have two main optionswhen deciding where to buy wineand champagnefor wedding events— ordering through your venue or caterer or buyingyour own winecases.

Buying your ownbeverages gives you control over exact brands and varietals. You can also usually find better prices from outside vendors and retailers. Ordering wineand champagnethrough your caterer may cost you aboutdouble the retail pricefor that specific bottle.Sorry, bank account.

The Ultimate Wedding Wine and Champagne Guide | Learn More (11)

However, not all venues or caterers allow you to purchase and serve your own alcohol. Always check with both the venue and the caterer before researching and buying your own wine. No matter how much you love a glass of vino, you don’t want to waste your wedding funds on cases of wine you can’t use on your big day.

1. Pros of Ordering Alcohol Through Your Caterer

Opting for a venue’s or caterer’s alcohol menu includes perks like:

  • You don’t have toresearch and compare pricing from multiple vendors.This saves you time and lets you focus on other wedding priorities not outsourceable.
  • The caterer handles ordering and getting the wine to the venue.No hauling heavycases of wine to your wedding reception location.
  • You avoid a corkage fee.Sometimes caterers charge a corkage fee toopen and pouryour own wineand champagne.Thatcorkage fee can be over$15 per bottle.

2. Pros of Supplying Your Own Wedding Alcohol

Now, let’s explore the pros of buying your own wineand champagne:

  • You aren’t limited to the options provided by the caterer.While caterersoften maintain dynamic wine selections, they can offer limited champagne and sparkling wine catalogs. A retailer will have a much wider selection without requiring expensive special orders.
  • Wine and champagneare much cheaper, since caterers mark up their prices.If your caterer charges a corkage fee, compare the cost of their wine to the cost of your wine plus the fee. You may still come out ahead if you find a goodthird-partydeal. In general, the more expensive the wine, the more you save by purchasing it yourself and paying the corkage fee. Wineunder $15 per bottlemay be cheaper when ordered through your caterer. Try to negotiate a lower corkage fee to make your savings even greater.

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  • You can buy in bulk:Buying in bulk often means you get a discount on wine, making it even more affordable. Many retailers offer discounts of around 10% when you order a case or more of wine at once. Buying wine yourself is already cheaper, but this discountshaveseven more money off the cost, giving you more room in your budget.

Extra Tips for Choosing Wine and Champagne for Your Reception

Use your wine and champagne menuto add thatspecial touchtoyour wedding day.Consider customizing the presentation of bottles at the bar in a unique way. Printsigns to place on the tables orat the bar sharing why you chose this particular varietal.

Get creative! There are so many ways you can use wine and champagne to add another layer of detail to your special day.

  • Wine with personal meaning:Choose a wine withsignificant meaning to you as a couple.Think of what you drank onyour first date, first anniversary or the day you got engaged. If you can’t find or affordthatspecific brandin bulk, you can still use the samewine varietal, such as cabernet sauvignon, pinot grigio or malbec, for a walk down memory lane.
  • Family heritage inspiration:If you don’t have any specific wine preferences, choose varieties from countries that represent your heritage. Many countries now produce distinct wines, giving youa world ofpossibilities.
  • Local wine:Wine is produced in nearly every region in the U.S.Consider choosingbottles from a favoritelocal wineryorfrom a region you vacation frequently, solo ortogether. If you have multiple favorite vacation spots, choose a few different varieties from thosespots and display them alongside vacation photos.
  • Personalized labels:No matter wherewine or champagnecomes from, an easy way to add a personal touch is to decorate them with custom labels. Include your names, the wedding date, the wedding location and anything else you want to commemorate.

Tips for Buying the Right Amount of Alcohol for Your Wedding

With wine and champagne selected, it’s time to purchase the wine. If you decide to buy through your caterer, the company will handleall further logistics. When buying your own wine, you need to handlevendorresearch, purchasing andtransportation to your final venue.

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Follow thesegeneral best practices when it comes to ordering the ideal amount of wedding alcohol:

  • Order early:Comparing prices and finding the specificbrands you enjoytakes time. Start early to find the best pricing.Plus, orders may require a few extra days or even weeks if sourcing bottles from a particular region.Check with the retailer to determine how soon you need to order.
  • Sample before ordering:The same varietal can taste dramatically different depending on where it comes from, grape growing conditions and aging techniques. For example,you may love amalbecfrom one wineryor countrybut dislikeitsflavor from another.Always try before you buy your dozen-or-so cases.
  • Go with bigger bottles:If you’re paying a per-bottle corkage fee, buying larger bottles of wine decreases your total fee. Those larger bottles may also be more inexpensive per ounce. Compare pricing if larger bottles are available in the variety of wine you want to serve.
  • Buy all at once:Placing one large order for all the wine and champagne foryourwedding can save youa serious chunk of change. That’s because mostwine retailers offer bulk discounts. The larger your order, the larger your savings.

Select Your Wedding’s Wine and Champagne

If you’re ready to buy your own wine for your upcoming wedding, check out Marketview Liquor. We offercase discounts, including on mix-and-match varietals, plus free shipping on twelve or more bottles of wedding wine and champagnemarked “Eligible for Free Shipping.”

Our wide selection of sparkling wine and champagne gives you the variety you want at a priceyou need — no compromises.

At Marketview Liquor, we can also help youplan thewine and liquor for your wedding reception. Give us a call at888-427-2480 or email us at [emailprotected]to start planning the wine and champagne for your wedding!

The Ultimate Wedding Wine and Champagne Guide | Learn More (2024)


How much wine to buy for 100 guests? ›

So, if you have 100 guests, then based on the one glass per person per hour average, you can expect to serve about 30 to 40 glasses of wine per hour. Based on these numbers, you will go through 8 to 10 bottles of wine per hour.

How much champagne do I need for a 100 guest wedding? ›

Here's how a 100 person event looks for a champagne toast: 15 bottles for a sensible measure (leave a finger of space in the top of the glass). 17 if you're going to give a decent glassful.

How many bottles of liquor for 100 guests? ›

A good rule of thumb is to buy 10 bottles of vodka, 6 bottles of whiskey, 6 bottles of gin, 4 bottles of scotch, 2 bottles tequila, 2 bottles of triple sec, 2 bottles of vermouth, 4 cases of beer, and 2 cases of wine for every 100 guests.

How many bottles of wine and champagne for a wedding? ›

As a rule of thumb allow ½ a bottle of wine per guest, minus arrival, and toasts, or 1/3rd of a bottle for a more generous offering. 15 bottles of champagne each for arrival and toast based on 100 guests. Allow extra, amounts will vary depending on the number of guests and the length of the event.

How many bottles of champagne for 50 guests? ›

For a toast: If the champagne is intended solely for a toast, one bottle for 6 to 8 people is generally sufficient. For 50 people, this means around 7 to 9 bottles. For an aperitif: If the champagne is intended as an aperitif before dinner, 1.5 to 2 glasses per person are generally sufficient.

How many bottles of Prosecco for 100 guests? ›

For the reception
Prosecco 750ml918
Soft alternative (L)47
Flute glasses50100
2 more rows

What is the most popular red wine for weddings? ›

Popular red wedding wines are cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir, and rose. Popular white wedding wines are chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, and pinot grigio. Popular sparkling wines for weddings are champagne, sparkling rose, and prosecco.

Is chardonnay or sauvignon blanc good for weddings? ›

White Wines For Your Wedding:

Chardonnay: pairs well with creamy chicken dishes, risottos, or grilled fish. Sauvignon Blanc: versatile white that pairs well fish, cheese, and vegetarian dishes.

How many sodas do I need for 100 guests? ›

Served in a glass with ice, one can will make three drinks. For a wedding of 100 guests, two cases of soda should be plenty, she says.

How many bartenders should you have for 100 people? ›

Typically, many venues recommended having 1 bartender for 75-100 guests. However, if you are looking for even better service, we suggest 2 as many guests report that 1 bartender was not enough for 100 people. How many bartenders for 150 guests? We advise having a minimum of 2-3 bartenders for guests over 100.

How many beers per person at a wedding? ›

If you have a crowd that likes beer then you may wish to provide 1.5-2 beers per person. With 100 guests you will need approximately 150 – 200 beers, or 5-6 cases. You should consider your crowd and their personal tastes. Some crowds are craft beer drinkers, others prefer more traditional choices.

What is the best champagne for mimosas? ›

Mionetto Brut Prosecco

It's one of the driest proseccos on the market, which makes it one of the best champagnes for mimosas because it pairs perfectly with the juicy brightness of orange juice.

How many flutes of Prosecco are in a bottle? ›

A standard Prosecco bottle contains 750ml of liquid and can serve six large glasses (125ml) or eight flutes of Prosecco for a toast. The number of servings can vary depending on the size of the glass and the amount of Prosecco poured in each glass.

How much Prosecco is in a glass? ›

A typical-strength 125ml glass of prosecco has around 1.5 units of alcohol. So, over a week, drinking more than a bottle and a half of prosecco in total would put you above the UK Chief Medical Officers' (CMO) low risk drinking guidelines, of drinking less than 14 units a week.

How to calculate how much wine for a party? ›

Turns out, there's a pretty simple way to estimate how much wine to buy for a party. It's easy to remember and is pretty accurate. Here it is: buy one bottle of wine per invited guest. That's it.

How many bottles do I need for 100 people? ›

For example, a typical selection for a party of 100 people would be 400 standard drinks, distributed in this way: 200 – 12oz. bottles or cans of beer (400 x 50% = 200 drinks. 200 divided by 1 = 200 bottles.)

How many bottles of wine do I need for 90 guests? ›

Number of Wine Bottles Per Person

Offering half a bottle of wine per person is common, and is a good rule of thumb as a minimum unless you know several guests don't drink wine. Some weddings are a little more extravagant, and certain groups are more likely to drink more for the big occasion.

How many glasses of wine do I need for 150 people? ›

The rule of thumb for 150 guests and a four-hour wedding reception says you would need 600 glasses—or 100-120 bottles of wine, which is 8-10 cases of wine. Having been to many weddings, a lot of wine is wasted in half empty glasses, so I recommend going with 4 ounce pours.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.