The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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SOCIAL NEWS BARBERS TRY AG AIK HELPS OR THE PATRIOTIC HOUSEHOLD LOCAL INTERESTS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL GET 12 OUT TO MASS MEETINC 'g Prepared with the assbtanee ot the Hampden County Improvement League COOL TOWARD GASTON IN WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS LONGMEADOW OBITUARY HUNS MOVE MEEHAN RECRUITERS GET 50 AT RALLY of Meri Mounds OODSTU STOCKS LARGER than HELP OR RAILROADS ABIE CAN'T COME YET When He Does in a Week or hope among Ely's end center has canned 600 jars the would get into the I Water street center 500 and State 104th Mrjrq THEY APPEAL TO LABOR an'l Many Glass inc toiai win ret iMuruip ia IOS and thelclde whether the Jicen iTnJKD nr the' teds shall he sumend at the were He was Begin to Re Hiss Christine Mason who went Washington in ebruary Irving Alfred estate Irish the that of 371 Ct Osage hero York home after Irish of Are Doing Their Bit in British Arniy Says Capt MacMahon that fur con with tire are THEY STIR BRITONS His Announcement for Governor Does Not Draw Ely Out Mrs Edward Brewer of Long meadow street is spending some time in Woodstock Vt with her son and his wife Mr and Mrs Harris Brewer cf Chicago ill who are there for the summer Mrs Ralph Aldgn and her daugh ters Miss Priscilla and Miss Beatrice Alden returned to their home on Mulberry street yesterday from Bass Rpcks where they have been spend ing a month Mrs mo her Mrs James Bidwell of Maple street has been with them Prof and Mrs George Howard of State street arrived home yester day from a trip of several weeks spending the first fortnight in Han over with their son and his wife Mr and Mrs Stanley Howard and continuing from there to Lyndon ville Vt to visit relatives of Prof Howard Their son Stanley How fifth annual clambake be held at Riverside park This is the Hero of TIMELY HINTS TO GABDEKERS Cabbage 'worms can effectively controled by the use of a little com mon table salt' which should be sprinkled over the Cabbage wherever the worm has done any damage It is not to be inferiTy that arsenate of lead would be dangerous but salt will do the work just as well because it irritates the tender skin of the worms and kills them There is another rea son why arsenate of lead would be hard to apply on cabbages namely a cabbage leaf is characterized by a very heavy plume which sheds water so readily that it Is impossible to get liquid spray materials to stick With thia in mind the best spray material would he a dust which' should be ap plied in the morning when the cab bage Is damp and in this way an in secticide would be applied Some Crops A'eesl Rapid Growth Keep the succulent crops such as chard lettuce and squash growing as rapidly as possible by the Values to day Seven Piece Goblet and Pitcher Sets $200 Seven Piece Water Set $125 Cut Sugar and Creamers set Cut Night Bottles 68 CHARLES THE HAU 8VLMM6 flour cent cent i' becomes operative to day wiiL be dis cussed The last sitting of the probate court before September was held yesterday and Judge Charles Long an nounced that the next sitting of the court would be held September 1 Bernard Wolcott was appointed ex ecutor of the will of Sarah Upson George Shephard Jr executor of the will of William White and rank Cowles executor ot the will of Ezra It Cowles The following ad ministrators were appointed: Leonard Atwater of the estate of John Atwater Victor Carignon of the es tate of Cordelia Carignon Mary Dug gan ot the estate of James Dug gan Ansil II Shaw of the estate of Asher Green Ernest Baxter of the estate of Sarah A uazen Shaw of the estate of Pedra Leon Widowiah of the of Katy Widowiah use of a little liquid manure Thia can bo made by any one who has manure and water available because there is no particular proportions which should be followed Pour it about the base of the plant in the evening every few days and you will observe a much faster growth Lettuce for the Summer The best variety of lettuce for sum mer growth is salamander It will withstand the summer heat better than most other varieties Cos lettuce is very good for summer use if one will blanch it by bringing the lower leaves up ovCr the head and tying with raffia or soft cord Summer squash should be picked as rapidly ns they become large enough for the table because if they are al lowed to become hard shelled they are not only poor for the table but sap the vitality of the plant suchthatit will fail to produce other squash as rapidly is the same principle as one applies to swet pea vines when picking the blossoms Stirring appeals to British subjects to join the British army were made before hundreds of people at a rally at Court square last evening by the members of the British recruiting THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY Appoint Committees to Meet Journeymen to Discuss Price Increase But Two Mayor Wants City to Greet Returning Wounded 104th Private lesher is still in a hospital in but is doing fine and will be either next week or the week This is the report which his father Louis lesher brought with him from New York last evening where he had been visiting his son The father says that Abie is doing fine and strongly appreciates all that the government is doing for him eince his return A reception is being arranged by the mayor and city officials for Able when he comes back to town Mayor Stacy said yesterday that he will do all in his power to make the homecoming a happy one and that he will ask the city to turn out to welcome the boy who went over the top three times in an hour until the Huns shot him to pieces The mayor plang to have a parade about two days after Abie arrives led by a band The mayor hopes city officials will take part Abiq will ride with his honor in the car and it will be at tempted to show the gratitude to Abie for the service he rendered his country over Abie has lost his left eye and right arm and the mayor feels that nothing too great can be done to show apprecia tion Many of Abie's friends are also planning a private reception for the returning hero Tn one of the largest British mu nition factories where 3300(1 workers are employed more than 13(100 women the machine off He of 107 Ct Revere Nolan of 02 spending a week in New Salem Mr Warriner' will jQip his' family thciv for part of the time Mrs Edwin Gibbs of Waverly street and her daughter Dorothy are visit ing at the home of Mr mother In Worcester Mrs Charles A Hammond of Princeton street has been ill with an attack of bronchitis but Js now able to be out again Judge and Mrs Charles Long leave to day for Marblehead where they will spend their vacation at Rockmere Reginald Alden of Clifton ave nue is convalescing at Hampden hos pital after an operation for ap pendicitis Mrs Alice Gardner of Marlboro street is1 spending her annual vaca tion at Weekapaug It I Government Advances $43 205 OOP rg in July as Partial Compensation and Back Pay for Men Thirty seven railroads in July1 found it necessary to call on the rail road administration for advances as outright loans as partial payment of government compensation or to help them pay back pay due employes says a dispatch from Washington The aggregate of these advances was $43205000 the railroad administra tion announced last night making the total distributed to ralroads since January $203714000 The entire mint it was announced came from the gov ernment revolving fund except $23 155000 which was paid out of the 4 $30777000 deposited with Director General McAdoo since April 1 by 33 roads from their Surplus funds Corporal Remington Corporal avenue Philadelphia Corporal Miles Dunning of orest ville Ct Corporal Patrick Meehan of 20 Genesee street Hpringfield Corporal Lee Whitehead of Jeffrey 1 Daily Hints on Practical War Time The amily How to Buy It and How to Cook It and How to Adjust It to the Needs wherever lie may be needed Maj Kenneth Marlatt of the 4th Canadian mounted titles: opened the rally by explaining the provisions ot the new law Capt MacMahon ot the guards characterized as stories current in this country leet Men Urge Lud low Mill Employes to Resist Hun Propaganda George Tompkinsqn of Boston and Lieut Ralph Lewis of the British army representatives of the new na tional service section of the United States' emergency fleet corporation spoke to the employes of the Ludlow manufacturing associates at four mass meetings held yesterday noon These meetings are a part of a great campaign which is being carried on throughout the country to aid in speeding up industrial production as a war measure and in counteracting German propaganda Mr Tompkin son reviewed briefly the causes of the war and compared the needs of for mer warfare with the exigencies of the present time ending with an ap peal to the workers not to waste an hour in idleness Lieut Lewis who wears the mili tary medal for bravery in action ap pealed to the patriotic interest that working people should have in aiding the men in the trenches The pledge called for by Nir Tompkinson was given by the body of employes with the highest degree of enthusiasm AAIRS LOCAL SOCIETIES William Chatham a top sergeant who has served with'the British army for four years "gave an talk to the members of Equity coun cil Royal Arcanum in Memorial hail last evening After the regular busi ness meeting there was a melon eat' served in the banquet hall of New Thompson of We Tvish to sympathy and many Doral tributes aiuit At the time of our bereavement Air and Mrs fl Webster nnd I'nmlly for new buildings and 38 for addi tions and alterations There were 21 i garages six two family houses four one family houses 12 storage build ings one store and one tenement They Dine A Wallace Jr Andrew Wallace Jr who recent ly received a commission as 1st lieu tpnant in the army was given a fare well banquet at the Springfield ccut try club last evening by the buyers of the orbes Wallace store A wrist watch as given to Lieut Wal lace Besides the buyers A Wal lace Sr was present Praise for the excellent dinner served by Man ning the chef at the Coup try club was heard on all sides Well It Cost Money to Buy It Louis Gallerani of 17 Mulberry street West Springfield was arrested by Detective Lieutenant James Raiche and Acting Detective Meade at the corner ot "Water and Hampden streets at '430 yes terday afternoon on the charge of larceny It is alleged that Gallerani took 75 pounds of tobacco from the establishment of Hinsdale Smith Co No Smith A WeSson Report Yet The expected report of the federal mediator on the Smith Wesson con troversy was not received by the of ficials of the union yes terday The officials however felt confident that Maj Getchqll who investigated the grievances of tlie employes would make his report this week Elies Attachment for $1000 An attachment for $1000 was filed yesterday in the registry of deeds by John Demers against Watson Hard aker both of Holyoke of Holyoke is counsel for the plain tiff ireworks will be featured at River side park to night immediately after the conclusion of the water sports tournament John Dolan of S3 Tyler street Springfield and Arthur Corbett of 16 airview avenue West Springfield have joined the United States merz chant marine The following marriage intentions were filed in the office of the city clerk jesterday: Walter Perry Lang worthy of 511 High street and Iary Anna Murray Emil Ciaus of 4' Reed street and Gerda A Johnson of Chapel street Irving Cordner of 27 State street and Ethel Ripley of 81 Princeton street The ward 2 republican club will'bohl an important meeting this evening to discuss plans for the primaries and state and city campaigns The nest ing will be held in the rooms at the corner of Main and Em ery streets A new member will I elected this evening to succeed the late John Hamilton The liov and girl league workers of the Hampden county infprovement league will be given an outing at Am herst rext Monday in recognition by the league of the work which they have accomplished during the last few months Many automobile owners have offered the use of their cars for the occasion and any other offers will be accepted by the league The 10 leaders in the letter car riers contest for the sale of war sav ings stamps were announced by master unomas costeiio ycsteraay The names and sales of the leaders were: McChesney $287608' GR Howard $263034 ReynoldsS1S2 lti Musgrove $163779 Kelliher 11 Calla han $106820 Boyle $101342 II Gallup $1000Sl iske $'J7G29 A Graves $80462 Lieut Henry Boxer who has been in command of the hospital at the Hill camp at the United States armory since April has received a commis sion as captain and will leave this citv for a southern cantonment this morning Lieut Wapsboro of the Sth battalion of the United States guards will succeed him Capt Box predecessor was Capt Mc Cracken now" stationed at Camp Dev ens Capt Boxer has been here since September A total ot' 1600 cans have been put up by the canning classes at the four food conservation centers The North adjustment of the wage question The increase does not become operative Iindm the order until September 1 road Springfield a mem provided the mayor signs it In the I ovpnt He vetoes order it must Canadian army IS report over his veto Assurances Canadian cas were given that they would return to Private Shannon after' work to day although this was not definite If they should hold out until a pi pmiint is reached the He has a half sis heating plant will remain inoperative bers of the city property committee believe that the strike will not affect Buffliicntly to eiiiable' hfm to through I CITY NEWS NOTES have re three weeks' or iv the south end will be held at 2 ths Cofim afternoon at the 'Norway street sewing lor the Red Cross will be in order at the Medlicott to morrow morning and afternoon Mrs John Barker of Birnie road I is entertaining an aunt Mrs I chanman of Collinsville Ct Her Rogers of Bowling Ljgughter Mrs Charles Henry who has been spending several also been with her has returned 1 A 1 1 zl 1 1 I to Collinsville I A i 1 0c i oi'a i vrl A I 1V1XS AUR uotiia vnaoisniti wx ys a road has returned from a visit to rela tives in Philadelphia Albert Glass mere will return to California this week Mr and Mrs Norman of Greenacres avenue been enter tnininar two sisters Miss Ethel and street center 306 and the classes in Indian Orchard 200 Over 150 girls and 500 women have received instruc tion at these four centersand the six school centers The average at tendance at the demonstrations given at the food shops ha? Itfen 12 while at the school centers ''approximately 30 women have been 'presept wgelyly Members of ths street' departmc are making arrangements for the de partment which is to out of the department and the men in charge hope to make most successful one yet held About l2i persons were present at the bake last erf and fully that number if not more are expected this year Mayor rank StaCy Superintendent Rolie Marsh o'her officials will be among the gi ests Two large five ton army trucks have arrived at the technical high school to be used partly for towing in cars which are stalled on the roa which will be brought to the school for repair by the soldier? mechanics Uniforms for the men are to arrive in a few days and will be received with much pleasure for the men have not enjoyed much liberty since coming the commanding offi cer that the less the men appeared without unforms the better it would be for them since Springfield is August will be a busy month fob this city in the convention line The convention bureau of the chamber of commerce has announced eight con ventions for thia month The gather ings and estimated attendance are: August 8 31st regimental association 50: August 10 20 Massachusetts Mu tual life insurance agents 300 Au gust 20 23 New England photogra association 400 August 22 24 loyai order ot Moose of New England 500 August 26 28 Massachusetts order of Hibernians 500 and on An eust 31 the Young Men Hebrew association of New England 500 The supply company of the 20th tegiment of the state guard needs three or four men Those who wish to join tlie company may apply to Capt Munroe or Lieut Kaynor at the Howard Street armory this evening Men who can operate typewriter or who have had ex veriencQ as shipping or receiving clerks especially wanted Alon Within tiic j'raft age will be accented Men military camp expe rience can get it by Joining the com pany since the state guard goes Into camp at during the week beginning August 9 William StevensonjyTio was ap pointed a member and chairman of the license' commission to succeed Maj rederick Hillman resigned was sworn in yesterday noon by City Clerk A Newell It js almoet cer tain that a' meeting of the commis sion will be held this week to take up several matters that have been bang intr flro Among the things that will probably be considered will be the ease against the two hotels against whor* employes violations of the liquor laws were charged and mi which appeals have been taken to superior court It will rest with the commission to de ises ol these no il is also friends KimlncA received in our lucent niulr Mrs Kmm 1 Plfl Mrs Mary A Unylor Supply in Hands Generally i I Exceeds That of "Year Ago Stocks of foodstuffs in hands are generally larger than they were a year ago A survey made July 1 by the department of agriculture nt Washington shows increase in the most important foodstuffs excepting white flour which was 511 per less than a year ago buckwheat flout r'j 274 per cept less rice 411 per cent less sugar 228 per cent less anf o' canned corn 121 per cent less Quan 1 titles of whole wheat and grahan flour were 1591 ner cent larger a year ago rye flour 24 J8 per cent' curnmeai uvu jjrr ctiui jijiacu 1008 per cent corn 564 per barley 36 per cent rye 279 per beans 731 ner eent rolled oats per cent canned Salmon 175 per cent 7 copdensed milk 121 per cent ami ri evaporated milk 36 per cent Private Leonard Colburn of 419 Orchard street New Haven Ct Private Edward Doherty of Newton Center Private 5 John McCartin of 50 Thompson ''street New Haven Ct Private Patrick Wall of County Leitrim Ire Camp Landshut 'Sergeant Thomas Buffum of Paris rance Alfred A Woodworth Alfred A Woodworth 80 died yes terday moiming at his home 41 Rus sell street West Springfield waa born jnSuflicld Ct and was a resident of West Springfield for many years He was a member of the 27th Massachu setts and served throughout the civil war He leaves besides his widow two sons Leander A atjd Thomas Woodworth of eed ng Hills and Westfield respectively one daughter Mrs Grace Morse of West Springfield three sisters Mrs Clem ens Oldendich of this city Nirs Thomas Lewis of Westfield and Charles Giroux of this city one broth er Melvin Woodworth of this city: 10 grandchildren thre great grandchil dren four nieces and two nephews uneral services will be held in Gra chapel at: 2 to morrow afternoon Rev Van Valkenburg officiating and burial will be in Whitp church cemetery West Springfield Mrs Amelia Clark Mrs Amelia Clark SO widow of the late George C'ark died yester day at her home 18 Spencer street from a stroke of apoplexy She was born in Ludlow and came to this city about nine years ago She leaves three daughters Miss Martha Clark Mis' rancis and Miss Mary Clark this city Prayer services will be held in the home riday afternoon nt 2 and the funeral services will tako place in the irst Congregational church Ludlow Center at 330 The burial will be in Ludlow Center Mrs Bridget Murtaugh Murtaugh wife of Pat rick Murtaugh died yesterday morn ing at her home in Chester Residue her husband she leaves five sons and three daughters They are Miss Alice Mur taugh Mrs John Haley James and Murtaugh of Chester Mrs William Carrigan of Pittsfield John Murtaugh of Chicago Ill Thomas of Rochester and Edward of this CARD THANKS tn cirre our apiiwljlnn n1 the friends nnd irialivis for the The movement of the journeyhien' barbers to force the master into an alliance on the matter of in creasing the prices of hair cuts shaves and shampoos did not meet with cn thusiastic response at the meeting pi the master barbers in Hibernian hall last evening There were 12 mas ter barbers present six more than at i tended the meeting last week Tiis meetlng was held to discuss tlje ques recently sent out by the 7 journeymen relative to the prices Aha 3 boss barbers favored for work The journeymen barbers suggested three prices and asked the masters to reach an understanding as to which ones were preferable 'It was state I Unofficially that the prices quoted were as follows: Hair cuts "5 45 or 50 cents shaves 15 20 or 25 cents 1 shampoos 25 30 or 35 cents Thu masters were also asked whether they favored making the charge for 25 cents ji The dozen master barbers who were 4 present at the meeting failed to reach I a definite decision They acknowledged that the high wages which they are forced to pay journeymen together with the increased cost of materials made it necessary to raise the price of work if they hoped to get by but £tj they were not prepared to bnvj a list of prices They are going to try and reach an understanding through the jour neymen barbers themselves Con sequently they appointed a commit tee that will meet with the journey men barbers this evening This com jp mittee comprises Napoleon White Sheldon Alfred eotrrion ano lynn It is hoped that the mas ter will be able to stand I ardize the prices of work through the '11 co operation of the journeymen bar 7 bers They believe that nearly all the master barbers will answer the ques tionnaire and will indicate the prices 1 which they believe axe equitable After this decision is reached the new schedule of prices will become operative in all union shops The announcement that Col Will iam A Gaston had finally decided to run' fog the democratic gubernatorial nomination did not arouse much en thusiasm among local democrats There ha? been a feeling here for a week or more that Gaston would probably get into the fight especial ly since State Chairman Michael A recent visit here This feel ing was strengthened yesterday morning when Davifl M'alsh an nounced his candidacy fog United States senator un the democratic ticket The ehtraned Mr into the contest for the has not dampened the arder 'of the sup porters of District Attorney Joseph Ely SentimehT irt favor of Mr Ey still predominates in Western Mas sachusetts His friends say that he will carry this section of the state (gainst all opposition The only ques tion that came up In their minds vas the effect Mr entrance would on his chances for secur ing the nomination 5 Ely8a js A'othing Mr Ely who Ju now spending a short vacation at Oak Bluffs wft? cached by tolenlsonp last evening but would not makg a' statement It is believed however that lie will not announce liis canfiidacy in the face pf the situation created by Gaston innouncemertf The 'fact' that lie would have to oppose the democratic State machine some of friends stated does not appeal to him cspe since it would arouse antagon isms thaf not be lived down ifter the primaries Local are convincedh state organization influenced inrr Gov Walsh to gel into the test for United States senator it would to nominate Col Gaston for governor Il's nomination they say would provide the much needed "bai to prosecute a successful cam paign Those Are Interesting Massachusetts democrats ere not going to warm up to any can didate from the eastern part ot the state local democrats predicted lastvenlng The only persons who will ihow any interest they say will be those who are interested In getting part of the Long or Gaston "There won't be money enough sastej Massachusetts to get the democrats jo this section of the state Interested They have too many other tn the'r a knowry local democrat 'declared last ivenirig'' If Mr Ely decides rot tp run it was predicted that Coolidge's stock for' governor would be advanced 100 per cent tnWestern Massachusetts "Nothing can stop Lient Cov Coolidge from coming put of Western Massa chusetts Avitli almosf solid support of republicans and democrats alike if he i oppol by an eastern was tlte srtat mCiit of a prominent lo cal democrat There was some 1 srzftare tlVlt TlA Cypt fight They figure that he would have epance ill a four cornered contest despite predictions to the contrary They say ho would command almost solid support in Western Massachu settsr and that he jwould have than a fighting chance in Worcester cpuntfl Qiare optimjstre enough to belief that there ari: enough an dapendenb democrats in the eastern part of the sate to swell his' vote Buffliicntly to 'enable ihfni to nose In turning struck one o' Mr Howards tn using him to be thrown a bad'y cut and bruisedakcn to Mercy hospital Woman JIurt in Collision JI ra Thomas Donrjelly of West Chestnut street East Longmeadow was Tuesday afternoon while on her way to Springfield with a horre and carriage 'The accident took place near the dry bridge where the road is being repaired She was driv ing pvor the car track when an au tcmobilj coming rapidly from Spring field driven by Mrs Joseph Nichols a neighbor of Mrs Donnelly struck the carriage taking off a front wheel and throwing Mrs Donnelly over the dash The men at work on the street to Her rescue and Mrs Nichole took her home where she IS resting She Is very lame and bruised The horse was uninjured1 Building alls Off More 1 Building operations for July show marked decline ever the record for the cprresVUnding month last year The records for the past month show a total cost of operations for which permits were issued Of this amount $57150 was for new build ings and fnr additions and alterations The total number of per 11 tv rK 1'117 lha total milO cost Of operations Of tbe'tels shall he suspended She was born in Grafton and the Irish are not doing their share tie Qteciareu qiai uvui in ireianu service nae He said that every also two grandchildren all of mission now touring this state At city Prayei services will be the speaking nearly 59 I men offered themselves for enlistment and marched off with the recruiters to the headquarters at 17 Hampden street to be examihed All of the speakers emphasized the need of join ing the colors before September 29 when the British draft law taking men between the ages of 20 and 44 becomes operative in this country Uy joining now a Britisher may choose his unit whereas if he waits to be drafted he will be sent may be needed DIED MAfAtTR In ritv Ut 11IL 77 wife nf Henry McMnMer uneral atv 70 Bowler street to morrow (riday) at lS04y Burial in about 3 iu In this eity 31st nit Mrs Clark widow of the late Georpe Clarki unoral tn the lrat Conffrosrational Hnirrh A Ludlow Center to nmrrow (JT idny) afternnnn at 330 Burial in Ludlow Center In tlitsa city 30t 1 uit WUHajjj Roehe uneral from hi late reahbTco lp ranklin street txiay (Thuradn nt solemn high maaa of red'Hotn at baered Heart rhureh nt 9 a I clcnda invited Burial in St comet ory WOODWORTH At Wet SpHngttehi 30th utt Alfred A Woodworth uneral erv ice at chapel 37 39 Howard 'JT? to morrow riday) 2 Burial Whita ehurch cemetery At George A oenco oayj Mrs Mary McMaster Mrs Mary McMaster died yes terday morning in her home 79 Bowles etroet bMri luvn a rpsident of Springfield for in this war the past 33 years Besides her bus 56 per cent of the men band she leaves three daughters Air1? eligible tor military Tomoe Rrnwn nf Alr Ar I tat pri thft armv thur Pomeroy of Longmeadow and Iman in his own regiment was Irish Mns Henry Paun i er i 79 Bowles I with the except ion of the band leader street and one son George McMaster (who was an Englishman who of Catharine street The funeral will count because he fight He de be held in the home to morrow at ciared that many of the Scottish kiltie 130 Burial will be in Balmer regiments were composed mainly of 1 Irish An Irishman in this country The funeral of Mrs Catherine Doyle cap enlist in any Irish organization was held from the house 89 Greene hepvishes the captain pointed out It street at 830 yesterday morning and true he said that Irishmen later from the Holy amily church in the British army are a Jtev Donahue conducting the I signed to regiments with English or services Burial was in St I Scottish designations I cemeterv The bearers were Col Jameson of the Canadian Jovce John Mason Cole cavalry told of the sacrifices made McGrough A A White and by Great Britain and Canada in this Ryan war He appealed to the sons of 5 Paul Donohue one year old son those in the audience to of Mr and Mrs John Donohue died tome xorward and prot their mettle at his home Brookline Umong the other speakers were Maj avenue early this morning after a 1M Hart of the Canadian mo triSf illness The funeral arrange rifles Capt Biakey of the i oja mem are not yet completed battalion 'and Sergeant The funeral services of Charles Riddle of the "Princess two ycars old son of Mr and A Warwick in chargeMrs Baker were held esteruay Qf jocal British recruiting sta afternoon at 330 in Grahams tion Dre9ided chapel Burial was in Oak Grove corporal ountain a Springfield cemetery man who lost a leg in the trenches The funeral services of Mrs Emily while a member of a Canadian regi Bond were held yesterday afternoon I ment gave a short talk to the rench present Ihp pany was au by a Scotch piper and a Music for marching was by the Salvation Army SPRINGIELD EVENTS TO Sursid dresiuz knitting! nd Trlng wr rkara at HeS Cross headquarters tate and Willow streets Monday Tuesday Thursday and riday a tn to 9 tn: Wedneaday a tn to 5 in Saturday 9 la 1 TO DAY and TO VaudcTilla and tjiwing picturea at Broadway Motion picture at and Bijou Daughter of Mother Poll'a Mcsleal eamedy at the Tiara to Ct and will later visit Granby star ln jcrry at roll's Next eek Mr snd Mrs Jewell of Prince lan Dale generally conceded the ton street had as their guests for recent visit their sn and his wife dean of theatrical critics in a rather Mr and Mrs George I Jewell their enthusiastic outburst in praise of Bil grandson and his wife Mr and Mrs Burke performance of Edward Jewell and their great pik granddaughter Marion Christine used the following line Pink pa Jewell of Jersey City The lat jamas may not be high art but there ter who represents the fourth gensr ig something rather soothing about rnomb 18 GiBht lhem'" Next as an introdlic Mr end Mrs Arthur Phillips of Bel tion to the new leading lady Miss mont avenue and Mr and Mrs El Sue MacManamy who has been es mer Martin of Thompsonville Ct are pecially selected for the part in Billie on a motor trip through the Adiron play the Poli mar dack mountains They will visit Lake agement has endeavored to make the Champlain and Plattsburg star and piny fit hand and glove Miss Ausabie chasm and Montreal MacManamy since being in Springfield Miss Elsie Rogers cf Wilbraham two years ago with the Poli players a graduate of the central high school has enjoyed rAre success principal of this city and of the Perry normal i on the Pacific coast In ana school of Boston has received an ap Los Angeles under the management pointrtient to the army school of nurs of Oliver Morosco In ths ing base hospital at Camp Devens and author has pictured tile life of the ul lett last week Sirs 'Wheeler and her sons of Cornell street and mother Mrs S' Wheeler clock nrr ved home vesterdav from cres i cent Beach Ct where they occupied wav a cottage during July Mr Wheeler aunt's ricin fiance spent a fortnight with them Mrs Gowrie and her son Whitfield Gowrv and Miss Mel lows of King street will go to Money chaos Isis nd stonv soend August at their cottage Gowrie will join his family for week ends of Oliver Morosco In ths tra fashionable set of two most select suburb where Jerry the Mr girl who is just a little ahead of the IS visiting her weanny num and proceeds run things her own going so rar as to steal inw rsaturauv mu iuve affairs of the household are a trifle upset but Jerry manages to steal a husband and happiness out of tle esA1t IIP t'H I PPr Ol oaiiy VJJIIWIH Creek Ct to day to who is transplanted from New Mr East8ide "meninp pot io a uamiMi castle in Ireland is taken up in "im nf Mother a I heart interest drama that is holding All 1 i rtitui vaiiiHiii vj uiupiv i street will leave the first of tiie week the boards of the Palace this week tor Portland Me to spend the rest of the season with het mother Mrs LOCAL REAL ESTATE MATTERS LeGrow Mr Carman will be with her for part the month Bemis hassold the modern Roscoe Moody and family of Eix room cottage at 28 Larone ave Dartmodth street yesterday for Kwpt Hartford Ct Ogunquit Me Mr Moody will remain nue to KW' Uarttorn ct for 10 days and Mrs Moody and her Mr Swett buys for a home and vi son Robert wfl! stay till after Labor occupy the house about September 1 day The sale was negotiated through the Mrs Horace A Warriner and her offices of the Hanlon company and daughter Evelyn of White street are A ft Hamblen 4 i 4 oi CABD THANKS Wfl wish to thank rHatWe neithborfl for thHr vmpathr noroi TnnuTeB rravement Held for Assault on His Wife Other Cases Albert 2Q Johnson street waj 2 in jpo lie He was arrest ed Cn chargea'pfMsKiuIton' his wife wao1 seefired of $1000 rank Honda of 425 Chestnut street was held Jn $500 bonds nn charges of larceny in a building ie ill be' heard August 7 A finc of was imposed upon Jceeph Crbsmier la for violation of traffic laws Another case continued to 'August 7 was that of elix Orsi charged with assault and battery rank Murphy charged with violation of the ami loafing law will' be IjCard 5 hicopee Mau Hurt When His Hits Automobile rank Renkowic of 2S Grove street Cl lico'pee alls was severely injured when his motorcycle collided with an automobile driven Uy Lewis How ard of Miller street Ludlow at th? eoriiei 'of St James avenue and Page boulevard late yesterday afternoon Mr Howard was coming toward Springfield in machine and Ren kowic was go ng toward Chicopee ails Wliiie Mr machine wps passing another automobile Ren O'ic aitcnipicu io pass ms motorcycle wheels of Springfield Corporal Is Transferred Erpni Darmstadt Prison Camp to New List of 19 Pris oners: 1 The war' department announced last the names of 19 enlisted men of the American expeditionary force who are held as prisoners In German carnps Corporal Patrick Meehan of 20 penesee street this city is listed asji prisoner jit Camp LimburgHe has previously been re ported at 'Camp Darmstadt The men and camps where they are held are as Camp Hammelllinrg Corporal Warren Andrews den Ct Private Chester Warren of vilie Va Private Ernest A rench Haven Ct Private Warren Newark Camp Dannstaiit Sergeant Henry Woods Plymouth street New Haven Sergeant rank Smith of Qoitvao it Inednh Chestnut street Hartford Ct Sergeant rederick Miller of Ever green court New Haven Ct Sergeant Edward A Patenaude of 69 Peck avenue West Haven Ct Camp Limburg Tames Coleman street Bridgeport Congleton of 56 co operation given by the police was imc runnns his for tic rouna un oi un 1 4 Ivl 4 Cx nvorin I fa nonce wnero hwh ao the law by reporting that they iw sprained ankle and his secured employment and then quip was slightly damaged their jobs Cases of this nature arc fered a sprained wrist permits JuedJ mgh 56 weVeely that the bill promptly turned oyexo tlohce 1 til was pacuy oatterea to ard has been called to Washington government work Is pleasantly to do government work this Ltuatqd with a grQUp of college girls ton in September to become They have a fine old house with ex assistant professor In the economics tensive grounds where the collegedepartment at Princeton university are running a war garden as He has been teaching economics at well as their short hand and type Dartmouth during the past year His writing and Miss Mason who learned wife and their small daughter Es I gardening in Longmeadow is chief ther will come from Hanover a authority few da to remain in Springfield un Mr enty DuBoies of Birch til fall when they will join Mr Howard w00q avenue who has been several in Princeton They will be with Prof weeks in a New York hospital where ana Airs nowaia xor pan oi me uwie she underwent an operation has re and will also visit at the home of Mre covered sufficiently to go to her father Harvey Chapman of Rev Dr Wilbur Chap Bay street at Jamaica I to Stay Mr and Mrs George A Hill of Main through August street West Springfield and their eon Mr and Mrs George Read and chfl and his wife Mr and Mrs George A flren of Hopkins place have returned Hjll Jr with their two children Al from a two weeks' vacation at Horse bert andKathryn of Riverdale street neek near New Bedford Mrs Eliza West Springfield will motor to Iake beth Gammons and daughter Miss Sunapee to day to occupy the Emma Gammons who have been oc George Graham cottage at Blod cupying the house and enjoying Landing which they have taken Longmeadow during their absence for the rest of the summer Mr Hill hae returned to Springfield Jr will return to Springfield in a Mr and Mrs George va few days but will join the family cation with their children at Lake later on They will be gone until sunshine West Rindge was September shortened by an accident to Mildred Mr and Mrs John Collins of their 12 years old daughter An In Elm street West Springfield and jiry to iier knee necessitated ear their children Morton and Edith and at a hospital and she was taken Mr mother Mrs Col Sunday to the Springfield hospital lins of Westford avenue have re where she is improving turned home after a three weeks The branch Red Cross meeting at slay at woiiooru rs Winnenasaukee Miss Kdith WT XI eai IttlltiJIUUH 0 1 and her sister Mrs AVilliam Sleigri buidjng for sewing UL VVtiSUVIU ilACHUC hiu DiiB sons Robert William and Donald are still at their cottage at the lake but are expected back this week Mr Sleigh also been with them for nart of the time 1 cnapman vuuubviuo Rev Rogers of Bowling daughter Mrs Charles Henry Hresn days with his brother in law and nis wife Mr and Mrs Homer Hulbert Alai ono narlr i number of friends in Springfield as he spent a part of his early life here He will leave to day to make some visits in Hartford Ct and other places before returning to Bowling Green I tinning two ISlHtCX Alisa Miss Ada Norman of Toronto Ont Who Will return to day Mrs Henry Moody who has been staying for me time with her sister Mrs M1 lagg is now with Ml 8 Rose at 306 Wilbraham road rederick lagg and family have returned from a ew days in Worthington where they stopped at Tafwctte lodge Mrs Edmond' Daws Edmonl Jr and Waneta Daws leave to day to spend some time jn North ownal' Vt Miss Helen ay has returned to Iler duties at the Gardner public library T' after a visit at home over the week Ashfield house Their daughter 'Miss end temiiy Adams has been in Ashfield I Mr and Mrs William for some time past lhave been with their in New Miss Gladys Waldron of Marengo Haven Ct for a few weeks will re park will leave' to day to visit Miss turn soon Gertrude Couch in Jamaica I Miss Mrs Katherine Wilkinson has re Couch who came pn last week for turned from a visit with her the wedding 'of Miss sister in Mendon Miss Helen Waldron to Ensign Mai Dr and Mrs Graves of Bliss colm McCay Chesney which took road have returned rrom a motor tr Saturday night returned the I to Granby and East Hartland Ct first of the week Miss Evelyn Patterson went to Mr and Mrs Edwin Collins of Lake Sunapee Monday for Dartmouth terrace and their daugh her vacation ter and her husband Dr and Mrs TVarner Buxton has returned from George Banks of Piney woods ave days in New York nue will leave by motor to day for Magnolia where they will spend twe POLES TO WORCESTER weeks They are planning to take I a number of automobile trips along the North shore during their stay Convention Is Txansferred rom Mr and Mrs AV Rollins of Mas Springfield and Date Is Changed sachusetts avenue left by motor yes terday morning for a stay of a wee to Second Week of August or 10 days at their cottage at Ocean According to the latest news re Park Me They were accompanied rpIvd from Chicago the state con by their sons Wilbur Rollins of the Irom con United States navy who is at home vention of Massachusetts Polish so on furlough Russell Rollins and Icieties will be held in Worcester dur Kenneth Rollins Their other son Jn tba secOnd' week in August in Aubrey Rollins their daughter Miss Beatrice Rollins and Mrs stead of taking place in Spiingfiell mother Airs A Clark who makes the first week in August It is thought her home with them have been at that the change was made on account Ocean Park for some time past Mr of the more central location of and Mrs Rollins were also there Worcester The election of delegates carli 'r in the season both io the state convention and to Miss Luella Pepin of Belmont the national convention in Detroit on avenue daughter of Air and Airs Ed the 26th of this month Is according ward Pefiin of to numerical strength in population Shefford mountain was mar and it is expected that there will be tied Tuesday morning in the Park about delegates at tne convei: Memorial Baptist church to Emu Ja tion in Worcester coby of New Britain Ct1 the cere mony being performed by the pastor I Rev Benjamin ranklin Air and Airs LOCAL AMUsem*nTS Jacoby have gone on their wedding trip to New Britain and New Haven Mls Sue MacManamy Returns at her home 1 12 Massachusetts ave Canadians Rev officiating companied Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery drummer The funeral services of George furnished Borck were held yesterday afternoon band at chanel at 230 o'clock Rev 'Robert isher officiating THEY CAN GO TO WORK NOW Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery The body of Oscar Brown will ar rive from Kingston to day at 1157 City Heating Plant Engineers tn charge or tne uickinson htreeter Whose New Pay May company The burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery September 1 Are Asked The funeral of Eugene IT Bourdo turn to Work will be held In his home in Alill street The five striking engineers teeaing juus uns auernwn at rVirt I mumcinal heating plant uno ijuritu wui hi granted increases in pay of boJu a vcrinrc1 rmwiwc tittc week each at the meeting of the city ESCAPES GERMANS DIES I gOvernrnent Monday evening were informed yesterday by the city prop Private Shannon of Springfield in erty committee that they could re Canadiail Army Is on Casualty turn to work pending a permanent Llal I increase does not become operative Private Thomas Shannon of 222 undw the order until September 1 Wilbraham her of the cd dead in ualty list having been confined in a German prison camp for three years recently made his escape ter Mrs Albert Delaney living at the for at least two weeks more address on Wilbraham road Jte was i 1 3 1C(H 1 uum Hl iNUiiiiaiupwn 11 Cut anu I 3 mon ceived his education in the schools of I the civil service standing of the that city He enlisted in the Cana 1 dian army at the outbreak cf the war rj THE UTTLE OLD and was sent overseas in April 191 DUi Shortly after ills arrival there he I was taken prisoner by the Germans pjdn't Bapihle Right Along Aftex oX I Brnest Whitcomb Motorcycle time ago He has a brother James Hit It at School and High Streets with the American expeditionary motorcycle went clean force in rance I I linJUUKIl atvuvnuvw REGISTER 274 tbe corner of school and High streets yesterday afternoon The ord was i bowled over arid whizzed nnd snorted Of These 50 Reported toRegistxa I Thayer Have Got Permanent I onvinccd tbat jts rrcstige Was com Jobs pleteiy shattered This is the way it Approximately 274 persons coming happened A ord truck driven by under the antlloaflng law have Nebler was coining up llifin street At the same time a motor tered with Registiar Hetber opeiate1 by Ernest Whitconm Thayer to date Of this number about was KOing south on School street 50 have 'been jeported as permanently They met at the crossing of the two employed Air Thayer stated yestei streets 7 I When Nebler saw the motorcycla day that new registrations aie bi approacb ba put on the brakes and made almost every day and tha'ihurne(j sharply to the left Whitcombnit tnlrbs a1 high rank antir inafinr the dancer of a collision ing in the number of registrants slowed down It was too late The among the cities of the state niotorcyole struck the automobile It was Mr opinion that the broadside knocked it over and crashed effectiveness of the system and the through the floor and top I was the I nn uHbftrlKflrl i mn fi in tlirt WOTln nnmnientod 1 KCOmD WienU WWlU ui Uli 1 have come to his that I had run clean through thq "Whitcomb eurrereu a hiikiiux motorcycle Nebler suf The aulomu Holvnkn 30fli lilt Dr MaxHi ld nnrrnl 240 Walnut street to uiorro (n 1 at 3 in OBITUARY NOTICES.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.