The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

JUNE 17, 1962 THE HARLAN (KY.) DAILY ENTERPRISE PAGE FIVE East Indian Influence In Jewelry The East Indian influence is seen in these dramatic necklaces golden globes and seed pearls combine to make this collar (left). is made (right) of cabochon emerald beads, pearls and crystals. These Dinner Honors Bride-To-Be, Miss McDowell, Attendants The Town House was evening for a bride-elect and Reigh McDowell, who will T. Curlin, was the honoree. Hostesses were aunts of Miss McDowell.

They were Mrs. 0. B. Roberts and Mrs. E.

C. Nicholson. The dinner table was covered with a handmade lace banquet cloth over blush pink, to carry out Miss McDowell's chosen colors. It held a floral arrangement of pink and white majesstal candelabra holding pink taBeauty Berry and flanked by crystal candelabra holding pink tapers. At each place was a miniture doll dressed in the colors to be worn by the guests at the wedding and members of the wedding party.

The guests of honor were presented pink and white carnation corsages. Miss McDowell presented her attendants with sterling charm bracelets. Dinner was served to Misses Peggy Reigh McDowell, Nancy Howard, Mary Clyde Callaway, Louisville; Fousta Inman, Lexington; Ann Curlin, Nashville, Joellen Bonham, Charlotte, Helen Stevens, Lynn Marks, Vivian Morton, Julie McGrath, Nashville; Mesdames Bill Inman, Lexington; Harry S. Curlin, Nashville; Kyle McDowell, Fort Knox; Ted G. McDowell, Beckley, W.

Joe Guthrie, Robert Marks, Rufus Bailey, Ann Richards, Bert Howard, R. H. Cornett, Cloyd McDowell, Edward Laws and the hostesses. GREEN MILL WILL BE OPEN To Fill Your Prescriptions SUNDAY 10: A.M. 6: P.M.

the scene of a dinner Friday her attendantts. Miss Peggy be married Sunday to George Buttermores Host Luncheon For Miss Hill Mrs. Rodney Buttermore and Mrs. Harry K. Buttermore, were joint hostesses to a luncheon this week honoring Miss Lane Hill, bride-elect of Thomas Gentry.

Guests brought recipes for the bride-elect's cookbook. The luncheon table held a centerpiece of yellow carnations and baby breath with white satin ribbons extending to miniature white doves which surrounded the floral design. Guests were Misses Mary Catherine Smith, Mary Ann Sams. Tinker Fox, Mesdames Joe Beasley, J. Francke Fox, Edward Hill, Baylor Fulton, Robert Hoskins, Anne Richards, Ed Minor, James Welch and the honoree.

Luncheon Fetes Miss Lane Hill At Country Club A one o'clock luncheon and kitchen shower was given Friday in the Harlan Country Club for Miss Lane Hill, bride elect of Thomas Gentry. Hostesses were Misses Elizabeth (Tinker) Fox and Mary Ann Sams. Invited guests were Misses Jo Ellen Welch, Tobey Roark, Wilma Moody, Sandy Cudd, Judy Hensley, India Miller, Barbara bage, Suzanne Trent, Val Donna Sutton, Jenine Howard, Bebe Po Selwyn, Nancy Howard, Peggy McDowell, Nancy Guthrie, Judy Sampson, Mesdames Don Parsons, John Ed Keller, Jeff White, Ed Hill, J. Francke Fox, and the honoree. SEE COMPARE Raborn Cleaners Invites the public to inspect our cleaning plant, our storage room, cleaning and finishing room and call office.

Come in and compare our plant with the other cleaning plants in this area. See our automatic call office conveyor. See exactly how carefully your clothes are handled. See our filteration system, 1,000 gallons of clean fluid at all times. See how clean, neat and orderly everything is done here at Raborn Cleaners.

You will see with your own eyes why we do give you the Very Best in Dry Cleaning. SPECIAL Men's PANTS 3 Pair $100 May We Serve You? RABORN CLEANERS Phone 1705 Harlan Personals Mrs. R. J. Spillman and son, Mike, of Kingston, are visiting her parents, Mr.

al and Mrs. John D. Gross here. Rick McReynolds is employed by the Lexington Herald in Lexington this summer. Mr.

and Mrs. Phillip Smith and children are spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wagers in Corbin. Mr.

and Mrs. B. M. Huckleby, Lafollette, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eager and Mrs. G.

A. Eager have returned to their home in Tucumcari, N. after visiting Dr. Mrs. E.

M. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Howard. and Mrs.

John C. Roark and son, Johnny, have returned to Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss. They have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith in Ages.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Muncy and family of Eaton, 0., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Muncy in Keith and Mr.

and Mrs. Clayton Wilson and son, Cowden Addition. Mrs. Clinton C. Ball and Miss Oka Engle, Eustis, are visiting friends and relatives here.

Guests this week of the Harry K. Buttermore, family are Susan Talbott, Lexington; and Nancy Clay Bryant, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Mrs. Thomas McGrath and children, Biloxi, are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. H. K. Buttermore and will attend the wedding of Miss Peggy McDowell and George T. Curlin Sunday.

Barbara Bunch is attending summer school a at Eastern and is also assisting at the Stephen Foster Music Camp there. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson, Yancey, were Mrs. Leslie Dearing and son, Rodney; and Miss Mary Ann Mathers, Toledo, 0.

Grant Knuckles, Pineville, was in Harlan Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Owens have returned from an extended visit through Texas. Alton Vicars, Loyall, attended the funeral of J.

H. Davis, Lancaster, Thursday. He was joined in Pineville by Mrs. Ike Wilson and in Barbourville by Mrs. Jake Wilson and Otis Parrott.

Mr. and Mrs. Robus Parker and daughters, Lucy Lynn and Jerry Jane, have returned from Murray, where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Virgil Brock have returned from Akron, 0., and accompanied their son, W. A. Brock, home from Cleveland, 0., where he has been a patient in veteran's hospital for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Fowler and daughter, of Waconda, have been visiting his mother, Mrs. Wilson Fowler, Harlan. Mrs. C. F.

Hampton suffered a fractured leg recently at her home in Lawnvale. She 1s a patient in Memorial Hospital. BIRTHS Frances Charlene Britton Mr. and Mrs. William Britton, Smith, announce the birth Saturday of a six-pound, five-ounce daughter in Memorial Hospital.

She has been named Frances Charlene. A Son Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kelly, Sunshine, are the parents of a seven-pound, six-ounce son born Wednesday in Memorial Hospital. April Denise Gaw Mr.

and Mrs. H. Anthony Gaw. Leitchfield, are the parents of a seven-pound, 14-ounce daughter born Thursday. She has been named April Denise.

Mr. Gaw is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gaw. Harlan.

LONDON'S FIRSTS London's first multistory matic garages began to open in 1961 and a large one was opened at Aldersgate. During the same year, the first quick car-washing plant arrived in Great Britain. Dine Out on FATHERS DAY June 17th. At ACKLEY HOTEL Serving From 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

FATHERS DAY MENU MEATS Baked Young Turkey With Roast Sage Dressing Loin Of Beef And Augus Blue Water Fish Steak Country Ham and Natural Gravy VEGETABLES Snow Flake Potatoes Fresh Green Beans Candid Yams Cauliflower Cheese Sauce ASSORTED SALADS DESSERTS Old English Plum Pudding Strawberry Short Cake Showers, Luncheons Fete Miss Tinker Fox Here Linen shower and luncheons for Miss Elizabeth (Tinker) bride of Robert J. Slack, July was hostess to a linen shower Alfred W. Smith and Mrs. a luncheon. Mrs.

Gaines entertained her guests Thursday in the Harlan Country Club. The gift table was covered with imported maderia lace and held a centerpiece of pink and white carnations in milk glass container. Individual tables were marked with place cards and centered with pink and white carnations. Corsages of white carnations were presented to Miss Fox and her mother, Mrs. J.

Francke Fox, Jr. Invited guests were Mesdames P.O. Lewis, Paul McReynolds, David Perkins, Jack Langley, J. Band Club Will Pick New Officers The Harlan Band Booster Club will elect new officers for the coming year some time next week. A nominating committee was appointed Tuesday night by Mrs.

Paul McReynolds, president. The group met in the school to hear reports and complete final plans for the last meeting of the year. Open discussion was held concerning the Mardi Gras Festival. Mrs. McReynolds termed it a huge success.

Pat Noe, a member of the uniform committee. described the new uniforms purchased this month. He discussed the style, material, and changes in the uniform. The complete outfits will be finished some time in August he said. It was announced that the band will attend summer camp in August.

The nominating committee, including Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. Paul Wells and Pat Noe, is expected to report next week. The final meeting date to elect officers will be announced later. Eight Receive Diplomas At St.

Stephens Eight students have received diplomas from St. Stephen's School at Cumberland in recent eighth grade graduation exercises. The diplomas, presented by Father Thomas Imfeld, went to Lawrence Casolari, George Steven Carruba, Larry Martin, Sammy J. Romano, Mitchell Szorcsik, Jerry Ulery, Joyce Keith and Lana Halcomb. were held this weeke: Fox, who will become tr.

14. Mrs. Clyde Gaines and luncheon and Mrs. Alma Nixon entertained with B. Croley, William Smith, Ernest Smith, Edward Cawood, Eugene Cawood, William Hall, Edward Hill, Bill Fortney, Roy Dickenson William Potter, Harold Chenault, William Morgan, Kenneth Lawson, Irvin Gergley, Carl Ward.

Jim Ledington, Robert Marks, Bill Richards, Walter Arnold, Dalton Buttermore, Bryant Morgan, Aubrey Campbell, Sam Simonton, Misses Lane Hill, Lynn Marks, the honoree and hostess. A one o'clock luncheon was given at the Smith home with Mrs. Alfred Smith and Mrs. Alma Nix- on as co-hostesses. Luncheon was served to Misses Lane Hill, Mary Ann Sams.

Jenine Howard, Tobey Roark, Wilma Moody, Judy Sampson, Suzanne Trent. Mesdames Don Parsons, Paul McReynolds, P. O. Lewis, J. Francke Fox, and the honoree and hostesses.

8 for summer. Textured Airy, sparkling designs are by Laguna. Faculty, Class Honor Grads The faculty and Junior Class of the School of Professional Nursing, Memorial Hospital, honored the graduating class with a tea Thursday afternoon in the Students Residence. The tea table was covered with white lace with a centerpiece arrangement of red roses and baby breath flanked by white candles. The punch bowl was based with pink gladioli and plumosis fern.

Presiding at the tea service were Misses June Smith, Sheron Tindell and Dorothy Wright. The lobby was filled with floral arrangements which were sent by wellwishers. Miss Tindell, president of District No. 6 Student Nurses Association of Kentucky, pinned rosebud corsages on the graduates. Miss Merle Hutchinson, president of District No.

6 Kentucky State Association of Registered Nurses, presented courtesy membership cards. The class sang the Florence Nightingale hymn. About 200 guests called between 4 p. m. and 5 p.

m. Members of the class included Brenda Coatney, Anna Combs, Merita Cook, Helen Damron, Martha Davis, Ada Fraley, Cecilia Gentry, Verda Green, Carol Kershey, Janet Ledford, Doris Martt, Marsha Milam, Mary Perry, Clara Rowland, Delores Sizemore, Elia Wagner and Annette Youngblood. Cumberland Degree Team In Charge The Cumberland Degree Team will be in charge of the Masonic third degree initiation held here Saturday. The meeting will be held in the Harlan Lodge No. 879 at 7 p.

m. Refreshments will be served. Club To Meet The Harlan County Democrat Woman's Club will meet Monday at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. George Smith in Benham.

Those desiring transportation have been asked to meet at Ackley Hotel at 6:30 p.m. FIRST SETTLEMENT Puerto Rico's first settlement was made more than 450 years ago. Ponce de Leon, first governor of the island, made the settlement in 1508 at a site between San Juan and the new Dorado Beach resort on the north coast of the island. ROSLYN TO WED IN NASHVILLE-The engagement of Miss Frances Boring to John R. Abraham, was announced today by her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Stanford Miller Boring of Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Abraham is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

John R. Abraham, Wallins. The marriage will take place June 30 in the Dalewood Methodist Church, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Boring is a graduate of Isaac Litton High School. Nashville and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Mr. Abraham was graduated from Wallins High School, Cumberland College, and the University of Chattanooga. His fraternity is Sigma Chi and he was also a member of the varsity basketball team. Ruth Millett Prepare Yourself Now For A Happy Old Age What are you going to A social worker who working with the aged has things everybody else lly. love and recognition.

How are you going to manage to have as many as possible of those requirements for a happy old age? By starting now--at whatever age you are -you can surely manage to have some of them. You're more likely to have health in old age if you look after your health while you are still young. You can start now developing the interests that will keep your days occupied once you have had to retire from your job. In other words, you can plan for "selfemployment' -whether what you plan to do will bring in any income or not. Hospital Notes Harlan Admitted Bingham Farmer, Harlan Nancy Farley, Harlan Mrs.

Hobert Doss, Totz Dismissed E. H. Perkey, Harlan Amanda Brock, Yancey Dewey Irvin, Mary Alice Estil Helton. Evarts Mrs. Blaine Farmer, Harlan WAYNE Drive In Theatre SATURDAY He's back! Clint Walker 'Kookie! Edward Byrnes man'! John Russell Yellowstone WARNER BROS.


thru WED. need to have a happy old age? had wide experience in found that they need the same needs--health, employment, famiYou can certainly work at getting along with all members of your family and strengthening family bonds so that you won't reach old age feeling like a stranger to those who could have been close to you. If you have always been the kind of open-hearted person that others find it easy to love--you won't be without the love of any human being when you are old. And you will always have recognition if you meet old age with gallant courage, a continuing keen interest in the world around you, and an independent spirit. Just knowing that what you will need to be happy in old age is fundamentally what you need to be happy right now ought to make you try to hold on to those precious assets--instead of letting them slip away from you as you grow older.

Helpful hints: Read Ruth Millett's booklet, "Happier Wives (hints for husbands)." Just send 25 cents to Ruth Millett Reader Service, care of (Name paper), P.O Box 489, Dept. Radio City Station, New York 19. N. Y. MARCIE CRAND SATURDAY SPECIAL BENEFIT SHOW SPONSORED BY THE HARLAN COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT.

"THE FIERCEST HEART" Also THE HAND LEIGH DEREK RONALD HUNT BOND SUN Thru WED. Starting Time of aSSISI BRADFORD DOLORES HART STUART WHITMAN COLOR by DE LUXE Also Starting Time TORMENTED CARL SON to the panes Also "Desert Patrol" Vincent Ball HARLAN DRIVE IN Saturday Only 3 BIG COLOR HITS "THE RACERS" "39 STEPS" Kirk Douglas Kenneth More Gilbert Rowland Taina Elg Plus "QUINCANNON FRONTIER SCOUT" Tony Martin SUNDAY IT PULSES WITH THE HEARTBEAT OF TODAY'S YOUTH! PRESENTS ElMS entertainer to the PRESLEY "WILD IN THE COUNTRY" Elvis Presley Tuesday Weld Hope Lang Color And Cinemascope AUBURN DRIVE-IN Cumberland, Ky. Sun Thru Wed. 1st Run NUBBY SALE HoME.

The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.