The Delicious History of Fudge - Wockenfuss Candies (2024)

September 20, 2013

The Delicious History of Fudge - Wockenfuss Candies (1)

Fudge: it is rich, creamy, delicious, and you love it. But do you know where it comes from? When was the first batch of fudge ever created? And who created it?

The Delicious History of Fudge

Unlike many of your other favorite candies and treats, fudge is a relatively new product, dating back to just the 1880s. In fact, one of the first recorded mentions of fudge was in a letter written by Emelyn Battersby Hartridge, a student at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1886. Hartridge wrote about a classmate’s cousin who made fudge in Baltimore, Maryland.

The exact origin and inventor of this delicious confection are hotly debated. However, many believe the first batch of fudge was created by accident when American bakers “fudged” a batch of caramels. Hence the name “fudge.”

The mystery of how fudge first came to be made may never be solved. But one thing is for sure: it sure is delicious!

Fudge from

Here at Wockenfuss Candies, we take pride in producing some of the most delectable fudge you will ever taste. And we have so many different flavors to choose from. Of course you can go with a classic, like good ol’ chocolate fudge or vanilla fudge. Or you can be a little more adventurous. You can’t go wrong either way. And if you just can’t decide, go with our assorted box of fudge, which contains chocolate, vanilla, chocolate walnut, vanilla walnut, peanut butter and chocolate-peanut butter.

If you have any questions about Wockenfuss Candies’ wide variety of fudge, chocolate treats, and candy products, please contact us by calling 1-800-296-4414 or email When you’re not savoring our sweets, stay satisfied by following us onFacebook,Twitter,Google+, andPinterest!

Categories: Fudge | Tags: history of fudge and Wockenfuss Candies

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The Delicious History of Fudge - Wockenfuss Candies (2024)


What is the history of Wockenfuss candy? ›

It all started for us in 1875 when Herman Charles Wockenfuss was born in West Prussia, Germany. He came to America in 1885 and eventually learned how to make candy. In 1915, he proudly began the Wockenfuss Candy Company, known today as Wockenfuss Candies.

What is the history of fudge candy? ›

Fudge's story began in the United States around the 1880s. The first documented instance of fudge being made was at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York when a student named Emelyn Battersby Hartridge heard of a fudge recipe and made 30 pounds of it for a senior auction.

How did fudge result in something delicious? ›

It's largely speculated that, somewhere in America, a homemade batch of caramel was ”fudged” (not a pun, although very apt) and went horribly wrong leading to a result that was terribly and deliciously right.

What is the plural form of fudge? ›

2 fudge /ˈfʌʤ/ noun. plural fudges.

What is the oldest candy to exist? ›

The first candy was used by the Ancient Egyptians for cult purposes. In ancient times, Egyptians, Arabs, and Chinese made candies with fruits and nuts that caramelized with honey. The two oldest candy types are licorice and ginger.

Do they still make Mary Sue Easter eggs? ›

But they eventually grew out of that space, and built and opened a factory on Caton Avenue in Baltimore in 1955, where the candies are still being made.

What is fudge slang for? ›

When fudge is a verb, it means to avoid straightforwardly answering a question or addressing a subject: "Just answer my question and don't fudge the issue!" Fudge is an American word from college slang meaning "a made-up story."

Why do they call fudge fudge? ›

The story goes, a baker was trying to make chocolate caramels. However, they didn't get the recipe quite right. When the candy came out as the creamy treat we know today, they said, “Oh, fudge!” and that's how the candy got its name. The first recorded mention of fudge came from 1888.

Is fudge a real chocolate? ›

Although fudge often contains chocolate, fudge is not the same as chocolate. Chocolate is a mix of cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sometimes sugar and other flavorings and is hard and brittle. Fudge is a mixture of sugar, dairy and flavorings that is cooked and cooled to form a smooth, semi-soft confection.

What happened to fudge in the end? ›

He made several desperate attempts to retain his position but was eventually sacked from it in complete disgrace. He was replaced as Minister for Magic by Rufus Scrimgeour, but stayed in an advisory capacity and communicated news of the Second Wizarding War to the Muggle Prime Minister if Scrimgeour was unable to.

Why is fudge so hard to eat? ›

Fudge usually behaves this way when it's not cooked to a high enough temperature (due to oversight or a faulty candy thermometer). If your fudge is tough, hard, or grainy, then you may have made one of several mistakes: You may have overcooked it, beaten it too long, or neglected to cool it to the proper temperature.

What state is known for fudge? ›

On Michigan's world-renowned Mackinac Island, the sweet aroma of fudge wafts out onto the street from four unique Ryba's Fudge Shops.

Is fudge a swear word? ›

But when someone says “What the heck,” there is no indication of which word they are using “heck” to replace it with. “fudge” 's exact purpose was 2 replace f-bomb. Saying “fudge” aloud could easily be misheard as ((((( *BLEEP* ))))) but saying “heck” wouldn't.

What do Americans call fudge? ›

fudge in American English

a soft candy made of butter, milk, sugar, and chocolate or other flavoring, etc.

Who invented fudge? ›

In fact, one of the first recorded mentions of fudge was in a letter written by Emelyn Battersby Hartridge, a student at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, in 1886. Hartridge wrote about a classmate's cousin who made fudge in Baltimore, Maryland.

What is the history of Brach candy? ›

Brach's. In 1904, a German immigrant named Emil Brach took $1,000 in savings to open his own candy shop on North Avenue in Chicago. He named it Brach's Palace of Sweets. His operation started out modestly, working with his sons to create candy in a single kettle.

What is Hershey's oldest candy bar? ›

1900: Milk Chocolate bars.

What was candy originally called Why? ›

The word candy entered the English language from the Old French çucre candi ("sugar candy"). The French term probably has earlier roots in the Arabic qandi, Persian qand and Sanskrit khanda, all words for sugar. Sugarcane is indigenous to tropical South and Southeast Asia.

What candy did Germany invent? ›

What candy did Germany invent? The gummy bear was invented by the Bonn entrepreneur Hans Riegel. His company Haribo launched the gummy bear, formerly known as Tanzbären (dancing bears), in 1922.

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