Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (2024)

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These sourdough pretzels without yeast are soft, delicious and easy to make – a great way to use up an abundance of sourdough starter!

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (1)

Pretzels – who doesn’t love them? Even I will admit that they are hard to pass up – when I make them I feel like stuffing my face silly. The smell just intoxicates the house and the paralyzes everyone that walks into the front door.

Having a great pretzel recipe that you can make with your sourdough starter is a must. While you can make pretzels with yeast if you are in a pinch, there isn’t anything quite as satisfying as maintaining your starter (in this case, ours is named “Sid”..).

A starter needs love and attention on a regular basis. It’s almost like having another person to care for in the house (except a starter is unemployed & lives with his or her parents). 😉

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (2)

Really though ~ a sourdough starter can help you make popovers, beer bread, bagels & english muffins. The discard can be used to make sourdough crackers (which are delicious with homemade cheese).

Which almost leads me to ask – what can’t it be used for?

Sourdough Pretzels

These sourdough pretzels come together pretty quickly and require a much smaller prep window than the typical sourdough bread.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (3)

Add the warmed milk, butter, sugar, sourdough starter and flour in your KitchenAid. Use the dough hook and mix just until a soft ball of dough forms.

Turn out onto a lightly floured counter and knead for 2-3 minutes. Then form the dough into a smooth ball of dough and place into a lightly-oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest/rise for 2 hours.

The dough should double in size.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (4)

Once the dough has risen, turn out onto a lightly floured counter. Punch the dough down and knead lightly for a brief minute or two.

Then separate the dough into 12 equal pieces.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (5)

Roll out each piece into a long strip 26-30″ in length. If you are slow to roll out the pieces, then cover the balls of dough with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (6)

Once the dough strips have been rolled out, shape them into a pretzel (YouTube is great for this!) and place them on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. You will need to use 2-3 cookie sheets to fit all the pretzels nicely.

Once they are all shaped, place the cookie sheets in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. The goal is to allow the pretzels to harden just enough that they can be dunked in the water bath. Though you can bypass the freezer step, it’s quite a challenge to dunk them in the water bath without them coming “undone”.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (7)

With the pretzels in the freezer, preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Fill a large gallon stockpot 3/4 of the way with water; bring to a strong simmer. Add 1 tbsp baking soda allow to dissolve.

Remove the pretzels from the freezer; add them to the water (4 at a time), and allow to simmer until they float to the top. Gently remove from their bath and place back on the cookie sheet.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (8)

Brush with a beaten egg and sprinkle with your choice of toppings. Bake at 450 degrees F for 14-15 minutes until lightly brown. They will be hard when tapped (but will soften as they cool).

Remove and allow to cool before enjoying.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (9)

Enjoy your pretzels with melted cheese or marinara sauce, or simply as-is. Keep them in a large gallon Ziploc bag.

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (No Yeast)

These sourdough pretzels without yeast are soft, delicious and easy to make - a great way to use up an abundance of sourdough starter!

Course Snack

Cuisine American

Keyword pretzels

Prep Time 2 hours 10 minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes

Total Time 2 hours 25 minutes

Servings 6

Author Sheryl


  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 C. milk warmed to 110 degrees F
  • 1.5 C. sourdough starter* recently fed
  • 4 C. all-purpose flour

Water Bath

  • 1 Tbsp baking soda
  • 12 C. water

Egg Wash

  • 1 ea. egg beaten
  • 2 tsp sea salt for sprinkling


  • Warm the milk (to 110 degrees F); add to mixer with butter, sugar, and sourdough starter.

  • Add the flour and mix well until the dough forms a soft ball.Turn out onto a lightly floured counter and knead for 2-3 minutes. Then form the dough into a smooth ball of dough and place into a lightly-oiled bowl.

  • Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest/rise for 2 hours.

  • Once the dough has risen, turn out onto a lightly floured counter. Punch the dough down and knead lightly for a brief minute or two.Then separate the dough into 12 equal pieces.

  • Roll out each piece into a long strip 26-30" in length. If you are slow to roll out the pieces, then cover the balls of dough with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

  • Once the dough strips have been rolled out, shape them into a pretzel and place them on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. You will need to use 2-3 cookie sheets.

  • Place the cookie sheets in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. The goal is to allow the pretzels to harden just enough that they can be dunked in the water bath.

  • With the pretzels in the freezer, preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Fill a large gallon stockpot 3/4 of the way with water; bring to a strong simmer. Add 1 tbsp baking soda allow to dissolve.

  • Remove the pretzels from the freezer; add them to the water (4 at a time), and allow to simmer until they float to the top. Gently remove from their bath and place back on the cookie sheet.

  • Brush with a beaten egg and sprinkle with your choice of toppings. Bake at 450 degrees F for 14-15 minutes until lightly brown. They will be hard when tapped (but will soften as they cool).

  • Remove and allow to cool before enjoying.


  • Water can be substitue for milk in this recipe.
  • Store pretzels in a ziploc bag to keep them fresh. May need to reheat them the next day before enjoying.

Can I use Sourdough Discard?

I haven't tried using discard - but if you want to give it a try, I'd love to know how they turn out for you!

If you make these pretzels, please please rate the recipe a 5 and leave a comment – I’d love to know how they turned out!

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (11)

Sourdough Pretzels Recipe (2024)


Are sourdough pretzels healthier than regular pretzels? ›

Sourdough pretzels are a healthy snack because they include all the health benefits found in sourdough bread. Plus, they are baked, not fried, but still give you the crunch you crave from a satisfying snack. Sourdough pretzels also contain fewer calories and less fat and sugar than other snacks.

Are sourdough pretzels high in carbs? ›

Sourdough hard pretzels contains 70 calories per 21 g serving. This serving contains 0 g of fat, 2 g of protein and 15 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 1 g sugar and 1 g of dietary fiber, the rest is complex carbohydrate. Sourdough hard pretzels contains 0 g of saturated fat and 0 mg of cholesterol per serving.

What does the baking soda solution do for the pretzels? ›

Furthermore, we've introduced the baking soda bath. While it sounds strange, this step is what gives pretzels that iconic flavor, chewy texture, helps deepen their golden color in the oven, and locks in the super soft interior.

What is the lie for making pretzels? ›

Lye is the secret ingredient that gives pretzels their characteristic look and taste. Without lye, you have a breadstick. When you dip raw dough into a hot lye bath, the lye breaks down proteins and starches on the surface.

What is the healthiest pretzel to eat? ›

1. Best: Fitjoy Pretzels. Fitjoy pretzels are an all-around great choice, as they have no added sugar, a mere 3g of fat, and even boast a gram of protein. Additionally, one serving of Fitjoy pretzels provides 2% of your daily potassium needs which can help maintain a regular heartbeat and prevent potassium deficiency.

Is it healthy to eat pretzels everyday? ›

Pretzels may be better than some fatty chips, but four out of five nutrition experts surveyed by Time say if you're trying to eat healthy, pretzels shouldn't be your go-to snack. Although pretzels are low-fat, they are also pretty paltry on the protein and fiber front, and they can be quite high in sodium and carbs.

Can I eat sourdough on a low carb diet? ›

Look for bread with no more than 10 grams of carbohydrates per slice. These breads are typically labeled as low in carbohydrates on the packaging. Sourdough bread is another low-carb bread option, often containing half of the carbohydrates found in one slice of white bread.

Is sourdough bread a bad carb? ›

The Bottom Line

Sourdough has made a comeback—and for good reason. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid. It may help improve digestion, lower chronic disease risk and even promote healthy aging.

Are sourdough pretzels low Fodmap? ›

Low FODMAP eating gives the green light to sourdough, and I base almost all of my baking around it these days. I've found that wheat and gluten in general do not bother me, so if you're eating Low FODMAP or for gut health and feel the same way, these pretzels should be no problem for you!

What is the secret ingredient which makes a pretzel taste like a pretzel? ›

The answer lies in a brief dip in an alkaline water bath before baking. This bath essentially gelatinizes the outside of the pretzel, preventing it from fully “springing” during baking (as bread does) and giving pretzels their signature chewy crust. It also gives them their unique and indelible “pretzel” flavor.

Why do you boil pretzel dough before baking? ›

Boiling the dough causes it to instantly puff, creating a chewy interior and giving the exterior a head start on forming a crisp crust. The baking soda also produces pretzels with a deep golden brown and cracked appearance. Don't skip it!

What is the secret solution for Auntie Anne's pretzels? ›

Whisk together 2 cups (454 grams) of warm water and the 1/3 cup (90 grams) baking soda in a shallow dish. Dip the pretzels into the baking soda bath. Flip and dip the other side. Place the dipped pretzels onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.

What makes German pretzels so good? ›

Dipping the dough in a lye solution gives traditional German pretzels their characteristic salinity; chew; and smooth mahogany exterior, but the strong alkali (sodium hydroxide) is corrosive and can burn your skin, so it must be handled with caution.

Is baking soda or lye better for pretzels? ›

Lye has a pH of around 13 whereas baking soda has a pH of around 8. This extra alkalinity accelerates the Maillard reaction, allowing that caramelization to develop on the exterior of the pretzels. That ultra deep color and slightly crispy, crunchy exterior crust is only made possible with lye.

Can pretzel dough sit overnight? ›

While an option for making quick pretzels is given, too, I highly recommend the overnight method because the dough's flavor really develops during the slow fermentation, becoming nuanced with a yeasty tang that is worth every moment of anticipation.

Are sourdough pretzels easy to digest? ›

Yes, most definitely. They are the perfect salty snack. Since the dough is fermented, the vitamins and minerals are more bio-available for your body to absorb, and there is less gluten making them easier to digest.

What are sourdough pretzels made of? ›

Make the dough: Mix flour, sourdough starter, water, powdered milk, melted butter, brown sugar, yeast, and salt in a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook until dough comes together. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Add additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time, if dough is dry.

Are soft pretzels healthier than hard pretzels? ›

Soft pretzels and flavored pretzels are usually higher in calories, salt, sugar, and fat than hard pretzels, so you may want to limit your intake of those varieties.

Is sourdough bread healthy? ›

The Bottom Line. Sourdough has made a comeback—and for good reason. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid. It may help improve digestion, lower chronic disease risk and even promote healthy aging.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.