Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (2024)

Most people don't realize how much food they throw away every day — from uneaten leftovers to spoiled produce to parts of fruits and vegetables that could be eaten or repurposed.

One-third of all food in the United States goes uneaten. EPA estimates that in 2019, about 96 percent of households' wasted food ended up in landfills, combustion facilities, or down the drain to the sewer system. The remainder was composted.1

Preventing food from going to waste is one of the easiest and most powerful actions you can take to save money and lower your climate change footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.

  • Save moneyby buying only what you need, eating what you buy, and avoiding throwing away food. The average family of four spends $1,500 per year on food that does not get eaten.
  • Reduce your environmental and climate change footprint.
    • Conserve resources and energy. When food is wasted, the land, water, energy, and other inputs that are used in producing, processing, transporting, preparing, storing, and disposing the food are wasted as well.
    • Reduce GHGemissions.More than 85 percent of GHG emissions from landfilled food waste result from activities prior to food entering a landfill, including the production, transport, processing, and distribution of food.2Plus, when food decomposes in a landfill, methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is emitted.Municipal solid waste landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the U.S.and food waste is responsible for 58%of landfill emissions.3

Ways to Prevent Wasted Food at Home

Planning, prepping, and storing food can help your household waste less food. Below are some tips to help you do just that:

Planning and Shopping Tips

Making a list with weekly meals in mind can save you money and time. If you only buy what you expect to use, you will be more likely to eat it all.

  • Keep a running list of meals and their ingredients that your household already enjoys - that way, you can easily choose, shop for, and prepare meals that you are likely to consume.
  • Look in your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry first to avoid buying food you already have. Make a list each week of what needs to be used up and plan upcoming meals around it.
  • Plan your meals for the week before you go shopping and buy only the things needed for those meals.
  • Make your shopping list based on how many meals you’ll eat at home. Consider how often you will eat out, if you plan to eat frozen precooked meals, and if you will eat leftovers for any of your meals.
  • Include quantities on your shopping list noting how many meals you’ll make with each item to avoid overbuying. For example: “salad greens - enough for two lunches”.
  • Buying in large quantities (e.g., buy one, get one free deals) only saves money if you use all the food before it spoils.
  • Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (2)

    Buying food from bulk bins saves you money and reduces food waste and packaging ifyoupurchase the amount of food you need. When buying in bulk, remember to store food properly in airtight, labeled containers.
  • Purchase imperfect produce or upcycled products. Imperfect produce may have physical imperfections but is just as safe and nutritious and can sometimes be found at discounted prices. Upcycled products are made from ingredients that might have otherwise gone to waste.

Storage Tips

  • Properly store fruits and vegetables for maximum freshness; they’ll taste better and last longer, helping you to eat more of them before they go bad.
    • Most veggies, especially those that could wilt (such as leafy greens, carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli) should go in the high humidity drawer of the fridge.
    • Most fruits, as well as vegetables that tend to rot (such as mushrooms and peppers), should go in the low humidity drawer of the fridge.
    • Some fruits (such as bananas, apples, pears, stone fruits, and avocados) release ethylene gas as they ripen, making other nearby produce ripen, and potentially spoil, faster. Store these away from other produce.
    • Wait to wash berries, cherries, and grapes until you’re ready to eat them to prevent mold.
    • Some produce, such as potatoes, eggplant, winter squash, onions, and garlic, should be stored in a cool, dry, dark, and well-ventilated place.
  • Make sure you are properly storing food in your refrigerator.
    • The refrigerator door is the warmest part of the fridge. You can store condiments there, but it is not recommended to store milk or eggs in the door.
    • The lower shelves are the coldest part of the fridge. Store meat, poultry, and fish here.
    • Refrigerators should be set to maintain a temperature of 40 °F or below.
  • Store grains in airtight containers and label containers with contents and the dates.
  • Befriend your freezer and visit it often. Freeze food such as bread, sliced fruit, meat, or leftovers that you know won’t be eaten in time. Label with the contents and dates.

Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (3)

Cooking and Preparation Tips

  • Produce that is past its prime, as well as odds and ends of ingredients and leftovers, may still be fine for cooking. Repurpose these ingredients in soups, casseroles, stir fries, frittatas, sauces, baked goods, pancakes, or smoothies. You’ll avoid wasting these items and may even create new favorite dishes.
  • If safe and healthy, use the edible parts of food that you normally do not eat. For example, stale bread can be used to make French Toast or croutons, beet greens can be sautéed for a delicious side dish, and vegetable scraps can be used for soup stock.
  • Learn the difference between“sell-by,” “use-by,” “best-by,” and expiration dates.
  • Aim to cook and serve the right portions for the number of people you are feeding.
  • Freeze, pickle, dehydrate, can, or make jam/jelly from surplus fruits and vegetables - especially abundant seasonal produce.
  • Don’t leave perishable food at room temperature for more than two hours.
  • Refrigerate or freeze any leftovers inclear, labeled containers with dates.

Toolkits for Your Home and Your Community

EPA developedtwo social marketing campaign toolkits for preventing food waste in your community and at home.

"The Preventing Wasted Food in Your Community: A Social Marketing Toolkit"is a resource for states, territories, local governments, Tribes, and nongovernmental organizations who want to start a behavior change campaign to prevent food waste in their communities. It is designed to be used by governments and NGOs to help people reduce wasted food in the home. The toolkit includes a planning process that uses social marketing principles to ensure communities are tailoring campaigns to their individual needs.

The toolkit walks you through the steps to design a behavior change campaign in your community. It moves beyond an education/awareness campaign by identifying barriers people face in reducing their food waste and highlighting motivators that help overcome those barriers. The toolkit offers an implementation and evaluation plan. It also includes wasted food prevention campaign materials created by municipalities and organizations that are available for use and customization by any community.

The Food: Too Good to Waste Toolkit will help you figure out how much food is really going to waste in your home and what you can do to waste less. By making small shifts in how you shop for, prepare, and store food, you can save time and money. It can also keep the valuable resources used to produce and distribute food from going to waste!

Food: Too Good to Waste also contains an Implementation Guide that is designed to teach local governments and community organizations how to implement a Food: Too Good to Waste campaign in their community using the Toolkit.

Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (4)

If You Can't Reduce Wasted Food, Divert It From Landfills

  • Nutritious, safe, and untouched food can be donated to food banks to help those in need.
  • Compost food scraps rather than throwing them away.Learn more through this infographic on composting (pdf).

Composting Food Scraps in Your Community: A Social Marketing Toolkit

If you are with a state, territorial, or local government, Tribe, or another organization thatwishes to create composting campaigns, check out our"Composting Food Scraps in Your Community: A Social Marketing Toolkit."This toolkit is for communitiesthat wants to:

  1. launch new food scrap composting programs,
  2. increase participation in existing food scrap composting programs, or
  3. reduce contamination in their compost collection streams.

It is designed to assist agencies that offer curbside collection or drop-off locations for residential food scraps. The toolkit includes a planning process that uses social marketing principles to ensure campaigns are tailored to their community's needs.


Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (5)

U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Information for Consumers

Infographic- Easy Steps to Prevent Food Waste (English, Chinese (pdf), Spanish (pdf))

Video- Tips to Reduce Food Waste at Home

Video- Plan Ahead to Reduce Food Waste (English, Spanish)

Video- Serve Smart to Reduce Food Waste (English, Spanish)

Video- Love Your Leftovers to Reduce Food Waste (English, Spanish)

MyPlate- Meal Planning

Refrigeration and Food Safety

FoodKeeper App

U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

How to Cut Food Waste and Maintain Food Safety

Date Labels on Packaged Foods Infographic

Tips to Reduce Food Waste (including three infographics)

Food Waste Facts Infographic

Animated Videos with Information on:

  • Tips to reduce food waste.
  • Understanding date labels on packaged foods.
  • The impact of food waste.
  • Imperfect produce.

Sourcesof Statistics

  1. Estimated from: U.S. EPA, 2019Wasted Food Report (pdf),2023.
  2. Estimated from: U.S. EPA,Documentation for Greenhouse Gas Emission and Energy Factors Used in the Waste Reduction ModelOrganic Materials Chapters (pdf), 2020.
  3. U.S. EPA, Quantifying Methane Emissions from Landfilled Food Waste (pdf), 2023
Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA (2024)


Preventing Wasted Food At Home | US EPA? ›

Look in your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry first to avoid buying food you already have. Make a list each week of what needs to be used up and plan upcoming meals around it. Plan your meals for the week before you go shopping and buy only the things needed for those meals.

How to prevent food waste at home? ›

Smart Saving: Eat What You Buy
  1. Move food that's likely to spoil soon to the front of the shelf or a designated "eat now" area each week. ...
  2. Have an "eat the leftovers" night once or twice a week; you can experiment with different recipes, find a new favorite dish and prevent food waste in the process.

What are the ways to reduce wastage according to US EPA? ›

Source Reduction and Reuse

Source reduction, also known as waste prevention, means reducing waste at the source, and is the most environmentally preferred strategy. It can take many different forms, including reusing or donating items, buying in bulk, reducing packaging, redesigning products, and reducing toxicity.

How much food is wasted EPA? ›

EPA estimates that in the U.S., 24 percent of material in municipal solid waste landfills is food. Landfilling is one of the least preferred pathways because wasted food in landfills generates methane, a powerful and short-lived greenhouse gas.

Which of the following is the least preferred EPA strategy for reducing food waste? ›

Which of the following is the least preferred EPA strategy for reducing food waste? Incinerating or diverting food waste to landfills.

How can we reduce waste at home? ›

Beginner's Guide to Reducing Waste
  1. Reduce your food waste. ...
  2. Paper or plastic? ...
  3. Say no to bottled water. ...
  4. Use reusable rags and cloths for cleaning. ...
  5. Opt out of paper mailings, bills, ads, junk mail, and phone books. ...
  6. Buy foods with little or no packaging. ...
  7. Rethink food storage. ...
  8. Use reusable cutlery.

What causes food waste at home? ›

Food spoilage at home occurs due to improper storage, lack of visibility in refrigerators, partially used ingredients and misjudged food needs. Over-Preparing — The remaining third of household food waste is the result of people cooking or serving too much food.

What is the EPA food waste reduction goal? ›

In 2015, EPA and USDA jointly announced an ambitious national goal to reduce food loss and waste by 50% by 2030.

What are the 5 R's of waste reduction? ›

The 5 Rs of waste management are as follows: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. In practice, the 5 Rs will break down the waste lifecycle into stages so that businesses can identify actions they can take to reduce the amount of waste and pollution they produce.

What is the US doing to prevent food waste? ›

USDA is doing its part to help make preventing food waste the first-best option for farmers, businesses, organizations, and consumers. A large number of USDA programs contribute to this objective, ranging from those supporting market and distributional efficiencies to those educating consumers about safe food storage.

What country wastes the most food? ›

Worldwide, the three highest food waste countries in 2021, namely with the most food waste originating from households, were China (almost 92 million tonnes), India (almost 69 million tonnes) and the United States of America (almost 20 million tonnes).

What are 5 facts about food waste? ›

U.S. Wasted Food Facts:
  • 40% of all food in the United States is wasted.
  • 25% of all freshwater we consume goes to produce food we never eat.
  • 4% of the oil we consume goes to produce food we never eat.
  • $166 billion (retail value of preventable waste) is spent on the food we never eat.

How much food is wasted at the household level? ›

The average household wastes an average of 6.2 cups of food per week, or 322 cups per year, which is enough to fill 360 medium-sized take-out containers. 87% of households reported wasting edible food the prior week.

What is the most effective way to reduce food waste? ›

Aim to cook and serve the right portions for the number of people you are feeding. Freeze, pickle, dehydrate, can, or make jam/jelly from surplus fruits and vegetables - especially abundant seasonal produce. Don't leave perishable food at room temperature for more than two hours.

What vegetable creates a lot of waste on the farm? ›

By far the highest waste, at 113 percent (meaning more is lost than sold), occurred with romaine hearts, where all of the outer leaves were left in the fields. “Anyone who has watched a romaine hearts harvest has had their heart broken,” said Gunders, who was not involved with the study.

What practices that reduce the amount of waste does EPA encourage? ›

By practicing the "3 R's" of waste reduction—reduce, reuse, and recycle—we can all do our part.

What are 10 ways to reduce food waste? ›

10 ways to cut your food waste
  • Check your fridge temperature. It should be between 0-5C. ...
  • Use your fridge wisely. Some foods keep better outside the fridge. ...
  • Love your list. ...
  • Water your veg. ...
  • Freeze your 5-a-day… ...
  • 6. … ...
  • Measure your portions. ...
  • Sauces and dips.

How can wastage of food be prevented? ›

Ways in which we can prevent the wastage of food:
  1. Buying food items in the required quantities only.
  2. Avoiding unnecessary cooking.
  3. Keeping leftover food in the refrigerator.
  4. Trying to reuse leftover by making new recipes.
  5. Keeping a check of appetite before serving food.

How can I avoid waste money on food? ›

Here's 8 ideas to help you spend less money on food.
  1. 1 – Try online shopping. ...
  2. 2 – Consider freezing foods. ...
  3. 3 – Stock up on canned foods. ...
  4. 4 – Swap from processed foods to whole foods. ...
  5. 5 – Swap to buying foods in bulk. ...
  6. 6 – Swap to meal prepping. ...
  7. 7 – Swap meat to other types of protein. ...
  8. 8 – Swap from throwing it out to using it.

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.