Every thing about ONION CHUTNEY | Vahrehvah :


Onion Chutneyalso known asUlli karaminTeluguis a very famousAndhra recipe.Onion Chutneyis another popular variety ofchutneythat one would continue to lick their plate and munch withdosaoridli.It is quick, its super delicious and so so easy to make. This recipe comes to rescue when there is no tomato or coconut in stock. Onion or Ulli chutney is often a satisfying mixture of sautéed onions, tamarind and red chilies which has an ideal balance of sweet, hot and tangy tastes which makes good and fast chutney to be offered with Idli and dosa. It is quite simple nutritious chutney which can be made quickly and tastes superb when made fresh.

The word Chutney is derived from an Indian term Chatni meaning crushed. Chutneys are generally dry or wet which has a rough to fine consistency. Chutneys flavor extremely great when ground in the mortar and pestle but these days they're replaced with electrical mixers and blenders. A traditional chutney is made from numerous spices and veggie ground in the specific order to a rough moist paste and seasoned with mustard seeds, curry leaves and urad dal sautéed either in veggie oil or gingerly oil. There's no limit to the amount of chutneys which can be produced from almost any vegetable/fruit/herb/spices or a mix of them. Chutneys are available in two main categories, sweet and hot; each type generally include numerous spices, such as chili, but vary by their key taste. It is an important ingredient for serving idli, dosa, vada, uttapam, Sandwiches or most chat items like samosa, pakora, aloo paratha and so on. in short, it is the main component for Indian snack item. Most of the famous chutney recipes are made using coconut, mint, coriander, ginger, mango, tamarind, red chilli, green chilli, peanut, tomato and lots more….

Onionsis a vital ingredient in most of the recipes like in stir fries orcurriesorgravy dishes.They are extensively used in most of the food preparations especially forpreparing non-vegetarian food. Onionscan be consumed eitherraw,picklesinvinegar, friedinoil, bakedorboiled. It would be difficult to imagine the cuisine of any country without it.

Cooking tips:

  • To avoid bitterness, the tamarind and spice must be balanced.
  • You can first grind red chillies and then add onion to grind it coarsely. This will avoid bitter taste if at all you have that problem.
  • Less water for Khatti (thick) chutney, add only if it’s necessary to run your mixie.

Health Tips:

  • Chutney acts as an appetizer and also some are good for digestion.
  • The phytochemicals in onions along with their vitamin C help improveimmunity.
  • Onion is abundant with vitamins A, B and C.
  • Regular consumption of onion can considerably lower cholesterol levels which help reduce heart attacks.
  • Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.
  • Onion thins the blood, melt blood clots and clear the blood of bad fats.

This yummy onion chutney can served with dosa and idli as well as with steamed rice, chapatti and your favorite curry as a yummy accompaniment. Tastes heaven!

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