Mystic (2024)

Mystic (1)

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“ Ah, traveler! Come, come and sit! For a small price I will surmise your great destiny! ”
― Mystic


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Dialogue
  • 3 Attributes
    • 3.1 Strength
    • 3.2 Fortitude
    • 3.3 Agility
    • 3.4 Intelligence
    • 3.5 Willpower
    • 3.6 Charisma
    • 3.7 Weaponry
    • 3.8 Miscellaneous
  • 4 Attunements
    • 4.1 Flamecharm
    • 4.2 Frostdraw
    • 4.3 Thundercall
    • 4.4 Galebreathe
    • 4.5 Shadowcast
    • 4.6 Ironsing
    • 4.7 Dual Attunement
  • 5 Mantras
  • 6 Locations
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Trivia


Mystics are Chrysid NPCs that appears in multiple locations around the map. For 20 Mystic (2), they will give you many prompts to choose from. Upon picking a prompt, the next time you power up, you will be guaranteed to get mantras or cards from the correlating family of talents. For example, if you tell them, "My mind is indomitable", you will get Mental Fortress talents. This interaction could be repeated infinite number of times with sufficient number of notes. Before powering up, the last prompt you choose will overwrite whatever other prompts you chose.

  • Mystics affect Shrine of Chance: they will not guarantee a category but will raise the chances.
  • Cannot give Rare Talent Cards.
  • CAN give Advanced Talent Cards.
  • Mystics affects mantra rarity (i.e., stars).
  • If a category is comprised entirely of Rare Talent Cards, it will not appear as an option. (EX: Frozen Warrior)


Each family of talents has a prompt for it. Note that you can only get prompts for talent families that you are eligible to get a talent card from and you may not get all the cards from a family. Note that Rare Talents are NOT affected by Mystics at all, even if you use Shrine of Chance. Here are but a few of the possible prompts:

If you do not possess money, the Mystic will bear the dialogue;

"No money, friend? How ever will I feed myself?



  • I stand far above others, an insurmountable challenge. (Colossus) (Note; Cannot give Destructive Recovery)
  • I seek the qualities of Annihilator. (Collapsed Lung)
  • I seek the qualities of Rampaging Brute. (Unwavering Resolve; Shield Breaker; Million Ton Piercer)
  • My attack is unstoppable. (Raging Bull) (Note; Cannot give Bulldozer)


  • I am an everlasting bastion. (Bastion)
  • My shield is my ally. (Shieldmaster; Knights Rally & Turtle Shell)
  • In nature, I am at home. (Survivor)
  • I'm built different. (Freak of Nature) (Note; Cannot give Exoskeleton, To The Finish, Potion Quaffer)


  • I once performed in a Circus. (Acrobat)
  • I skulk in alleyways, looking for my next prize. (Alley Cat)
  • I prefer to attack unseen. (Assassin) (Note; the Assassin category requires at least one assassination done)
  • Light on my feet, I sting like a bee. (Butterfly) (Note; Cannot give Risky Moves, Evasive Expert)
  • I am ruthless. A knife for hire. (Cutthroat)
  • I am a competent duelist. (Duelist) (Note; Cannot give Concussion, Spine Cutter, Strong Stern, Tap Dancer)
  • I scale the tallest peaks. (Mountain Climber; Boulder Climb)
  • I seek the qualities of Nimble Blade. (Nimble Blade) (Note; Cannot give Lightspeed Reflexes)
  • I fight for Maestro Evengarde Rest. (Vigil Swordsman) (Note; Cannot give Speed Demon, Air Counter)
  • I seek the qualities of Swiftshade. (Swiftshade)


  • I think before I fight. (Tactician) (Note; Cannot give Punishing Blow)
  • I fight from afar. (Adept Caster) (Note; Cannot give Everchanging Aegis, Perfect Flash)
  • I enjoy mixing potions. (Alchemist) (Note; Cannot give Placebo Effect, Subsistence)
  • I am an expert on ether. (Ether Adept) (Note; Cannot give Eureka)
  • I am all knowing. (Omniscient) (Note; Cannot give All Knowing)
  • I sabotage others. (Saboteur)
  • I am an artist. (Artisan)
  • I seek the qualities of Elementalist. (Elementalist) (Note; Cannot give Elemental Rebound)
  • I seek the qualities of All-Knowing. (All-Knowing)


  • I am a slayer of beasts. (Beast Slayer; Giantslayer)
  • I have never lost. (Champion; Underdog) (Note; Cannot give Champion's Regalia, Defiance)
  • I will save my people. (Liberator; Savior)
  • I go beyond my limits. (Limitbreaker) (Note; Cannot give Dirty Boxing, Lose Your Mind, Piercing Will)
  • My mind is indomitable. (Mental Fortress)
  • My will stands strong. (Sturdy Resolve)
  • I dominate the minds of others. (Mindbreaker; Shared Misery)
  • I seek the qualities of Human Architecture. (Brick Wall; Not A Scratch)


  • I use the song to charm others. (Charm Caster)
  • I seek the qualities of Showboater. (Showboater; Unnecessary Theatrics)
  • I seek the qualities of Toxic Personality. (Toxic Personality; Manipulator)
  • I seek the qualities of Leader. (Leader; Callout)
  • I am for the people. (Public Figure; Bodyguard Detail, Celebrity, Under the Radar)
  • I get my way. (Silvertongue; Snake Oil)
  • I steal from others. (Thief)
  • I create my own vows. (Vow of Mastery) (Note; Cannot give Command: Return, Command: Sacrifice)
  • I feel the pain of those around me. (Empath; Give and Take)
  • I can talk myself out of any situation. (The Negotiator)
  • I seek the qualities of politician. (Politician; Cult of Personality, Pardon me)
  • I seek the qualities of vocalist. (Propagandist)


  • I am a master of creating openings. (Critical Specialist) (Note; Cannot give Knifes Journey, Thresher Fangs, True Pain)
  • I am a master of the spear. (Lancer)
  • I am a master of all weapons. (Weapon Master) (Note; Cannot give Showstopper)
  • I fight to preserve my way. (Justicar)
  • I do not need a weapon. (Brawler)
  • I always shoot first. (Gunslinger) (Note; Cannot give True Ether Bullets, Armor Piercing)
  • I am a master with my hands. (Bruiser)
  • I seek the qualities of Outlaw. (Outlaw)
  • I seek the qualities of Needle. (Needle)


  • My hunt is inescapable. (Apex Predator) (Note; Cannot give Carnivore)
  • I am nature's master. (Master Survivalist)
  • I am athletic. (Athlete; Triathlete, Pitcher)
  • I wish to escape. (Escape Artist; Robber Baron)
  • I often attack others. (Marauder) (Note; Cannot give Aggressive Posture, Thresher Claws)
  • I want to WIN. (Metamancer) (Note; Cannot give Lootskipper)
  • I seek the qualities of Natural Armor. (Natural Armor; Padded Armor, Steel Scales)
  • I will not fall to the elements. (Survival Instinct; Herbivore, Iron Gut, Termite)
  • I search for the Song. (Seeker of Sound; Dragon's Song)
  • Water is my home. (Waterborne) (Note; Cannot give Scuba Drowner)
  • I enjoy a good meal. (Tavernkeep; Master Chef, Artisan Chef)
  • Uh... (Miscellaneous) (Note; Cannot give Impervious Slumber, Return to the Dark Ages)
  • My soul is an instrument with its own frequency. (Murmur)



  • I seek out Amorus Pleeksty. (Amoran Seeker; Flame Within, Last Laugh)
  • I dance with the flames. (Flame Dancer) (Note; Cannot give Flaming Rebound, Graceful Steps, The Final Act)
  • I speak to the flames. (Flamecharmer)
  • None will escape my flames. (Flame Warden) (Note; Cannot give Warding Radiance)
  • I am a master of the flame. (Pyromancer)
  • All must burn. (Inferno)
  • I burn so that I may succeed. (Immolator; Agitating Spark, Immolation, Phoenix Flames)
  • I seek the path of the Serpent. (Lava Serpent)
  • My unholy blade works for no man. (The Demon Blade)
  • My blade burns through my foes. (The Emperor's Blade) (Note; Cannot give Mirage Clone)
  • I believe in the men who followed Pleeksty before. (Falling Star Guard)
  • My flames wrap my fists. (Flame Brawler; Flaming Uppercut)
  • My flame fights for me. (Duelist Flame)
  • My spirit is forever burning. (Undying Ember) (Note; Cannot give Denial Repulse, Undying Flame)
  • I seek the qualities of Tamed Flame. (Controlled Combustion)
  • I seek to command the elements as my servants. (Will O' Wisp)


  • I command the cold. (Cryomancer)
  • My ice protects like a flower growing thorns. (Frostthorn)
  • I speak to the frost. (Frostdrawer)
  • Those that step on my ice know they have made a grave error. (Cryoni) (Note; Cannot give Preceding Chill)
  • I would see this world freeze. (Ice Age) (Note; Cannot give Frozen Pin-Cushion, Saint Jay)
  • I seek the elegance of a glassdancer. (Glassdancer)
  • I seek the qualities of FlashFreeze. (FlashFreeze)
  • I seek the qualities of Cold Phantom. (Cold Phantom, Gives Freezing Wight, however for some reason in the Deepwoken Builder it is listed as an "unknown category" so some do not know this.)


  • I work for the Authority. (Authority Interrogator)
  • My static is uncontrollable. (Rampant Static; Jolting Current)
  • I am a self-starter. (Self-Shocker; Jumpstart, Raging Static)
  • I weave webs of lightning. (Static Weaver)
  • My blade conducts the skies wrath. (Thunderblade; Static Blade, Gathering electricity, Overcharge)
  • My blade is unrelenting, a storm. (Stormblade; Stormcaller Slash) [REMOVED]
  • I speak to lightning. (Thundercaller; Discovery of Fire, Shocking Finish, Static Flash Clone, Static Withdraw, Stratoshock)
  • I electrocute my foes from afar. (Thunder Caster)
  • My fists are imbued with lighting. (Thunder Brawler)
  • I seek to embrace the instability of lightning as a source of power. (Surge Path: Unstable Capacitor)


  • I walk the skies. (Cloudwalker; Gale Leap)
  • I speak to the winds. (Galebreather)
  • I use the winds to enforce my will. (Galeforce) (Note; Cannot give Skull Crusher)
  • I fight for the Legion. (Legion Shock Trooper)
  • I am a master of the winds. (Aeromancer) (Note; Cannot give Aerogliding, Stifled Jump)
  • A whisper in the dark. (Whisper; Haunted Gale)
  • The song shall be silenced. (Silencer) (Note; Cannot give Silencer's Blade)
  • I seek the qualities of Specter. (Specter)
  • I survive from the teachings of Master Stratos. (Vigil of Winds)
  • My wind fights for me. (Gale Duelist; Tempest Wind)


  • I speak to the shadows. (Shadowcaster) (Note; Cannot give Shadow Travel)
  • I am the one who speaks to death. (Death Speaker)
  • I control those around me. (Puppet Master)
  • I feed on the soul of my enemies. (Darksiphon.)


  • Metal itself is my shield, whichever form it may take. (Metallurgist)
  • I seek the qualities of Scrapsinger. (Scrapsinger)
  • I seek the qualities of Adaptive Arsenal. (Adaptive Arsenal) (Note; Cannot give An Ironsinger's Instinct, Phantom Edge)

Dual Attunement[]

  • I seek the qualities of Lichtenberg. (Scorched Peak)
  • I seek the qualities of Heat Column. (Heat Column)
  • I seek the qualities of Doomsday Engine. (Doomsday Engine)


  • I seek Initiate level Mantras of any kind. (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Mantras of any kind. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Mantras of any kind. (★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Mantras of any kind. (★★★)
  • I seek Physical Mantras (☆☆☆) -> (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate level Fire Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Fire Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Fire Mantras . ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Fire Mantras. (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate level Ice Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Ice Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Ice Mantras. ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Ice Mantras. (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate level Wind Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Wind Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Wind Mantras. ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Wind Mantras. (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate level Lightning Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Lightning Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Lightning Mantras. ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Lightning Mantras. (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate level Shadow Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Shadow Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Shadow Mantras. ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Shadow Mantras. (★★★)
  • I seek Initiate Metal Mantras (☆☆☆)
  • I seek Adept level Metal Mantras. (★☆☆)
  • I seek Expert level Metal Mantras. ( ★★☆)
  • I seek Master level Metal Mantras. (★★★)



Mystic (3)

The original Mystic that was exclusive to Etris


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Mystic (2024)
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Article information

Author: Eusebia Nader

Last Updated:

Views: 5829

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.