Letters to Santa 2023: Nisswa (2024)

The following are letters to Santa from Nisswa Elementary School second graders. They are included in the Echo Journal's annual Holiday Greetings special section. Find that section in the Dec. 20 print edition or e-edition, and online.

Kelly Gubrud’s second grade class


Dear Santa,

My name is Elin. I will be 8 yrs old on December 27. How many presents will you give me? Is Mrs. Claus making a LOT of cookies? Can I please have a 3D printer, LOL dolls, my own skis and a lego set?

From Elin Larsen


Merry Cristmas!


Dear Santa,

My name is Norah. I am 8. I love to dans and ride on a horse! How kold is it? I want for crimsas is a woch and rolor skatsand balinse beme. My fafrit trete is hershee! For cristmes I want a elf for my hous. And for a toy a mikrfone!

Smile Santa!

from, Norah Walter

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Dear Santa,


Is cupid doing OK? He has a good name. But my fravret is Dancer! Then Roghdalf! Please can I have plastic sord with a cover? My name is Logan Vanderaarde! I am 8 years old! My birthday is june 26! how old are you? also can I have a fire breathing chicken? Thanks.

Love, Logan Vanderarde.

Merry Christmas

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Dear Santa,

My name is Holly. I am 7 years old. How old are you? For christmas I what a kit with pensts and papre.

Love, Holly Wawro



Dear, Santa

My name is Cora. I am 7 but I,m 8 on December 6. I like having a lot of friends. How many elves do you have? Coud I please have some polly pockets and barbie? thank you. oh zoey will prodlly want a hott wheel set. thank you.

Cora Cook


My name is Otto I am eight years old. My brother is annoying. My dog is crazy his name is cruz. But hes still a good dog. And I race dirt bikes. One time I got ran over. But how are you doing. I want a phone for Christmas

Love: Otto Reinke


Dear Santa,


My name is Grace. I am 7 years old, and I have two really annoying brothers. How is Budy? How old has he gotten sense last time I saw him? How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? Can I please have a gymnastics beam, bar’s, make up, and Christmas Calander like Budy always gets us every time he comes? Thanks!

From, Grace Winegar


Dear Santa

My name is Harper. I am 7 years old. I am going to be 8 in Februry. Am I going to have a Elf this year? I would like to have a eyepad for christmas And a braslit kit p.s prpule headphones and gymnastic bras.

from Harper Voeltz

Dear Santa

My name is Story I am seven years old olmost eight. My birthday is Desember twenteyith. Five days before Chrismas. How cold is it in the north pole. Can you please get me Blue tooth head phons for chrismas. How is Clide doing? my faverat raindeer are Comet and Dasher


Love, Story Cleveland. Thank you


Dear Santa,

I am Olivia. I am 7 and I will be Trning 8 soon. How long dus it take to give all the take to give all the pres to kids? Can I have a toy cishin plees? and a tory car plees too! Thank you santa claus.

Love Olivia Shepard


Dear Santa,

My name is Audrey! I have two sisters. I have danic! Is it cold up there? Can I please have a makeup kit? I would also like a slime kit! I would like LoL's and a elf! Have a fun time around the world!! Do you have kids? Can I have a squish melo?



Audrey Northway!

Dear Santa

My is Deandre Lewis. I am 8 yrs old. My bday is on may 30. I want a vrhead set and a go cart. And a mini gun be be gun. How are u guys? Is Mrs Claus sick? am I on the good list.


Dre Lewis

Dear Santa,

My name is Norman, I am 7 years old. I am Good at songs dancing and gymnastics. Are your elfs good at work? Is mr's. clous Kooc good Koocies. How are the raindiers. ok. I want a 3D pen. I want 8 mats, I want my sister. And pokemon.


Norman Schwietz


Dear Santa

My name is Noah R. I am 7 years old. I like to water ski. Is it cold in the North Pole? Can I Please have a stanley water bottle? Thank you.


Noah Ruzynski


Der Santa

My Name is Kane. Im 7. I Play hocky. How is the ran drer? I wud like a 3D Pen and a rc cars. Thank you for for delring presits. good Bye


Kane Camosci


Dear Santa,

my name is Jameson and my bruthr is mere he shod get coal! My age is 7 and a hafi! My Dad bot a house we will get it in 5 days we have 25 ankrse woh is 20 football fellds! Can I get a ps5 thanck you and aran have mewta olso thanck you and a pet resh thack you intell nest year! I Love you!


Jameson Kruse


Dear Santa

this is Nico. How is elfie doing? I'm 7 years old. I like playing in the woods and building forts. What Kind of Cookies do you like? How is RUdolph? I would like Play and train pikachu 3d pen Sqishy pug with hot dog cotume for it toy elf Knome electereck scooter


Nico Broadbent-Guillen


Dear Santa

name is Marley Yeah I AM 7 I like Art. I am 8 on Decemder 23. Can you Please give me MiNi BrANds, How is Rudolph


Marley Yeager


My name is Lucas I am 7 years old how cold is it in the naoth pol - 20200 F? I wold like a 3D Pen, cans, nintundo swich, pokamon cards, iPhone 15, 10 $100,000 Bills, coins, iPads, conputor, iPhon. good Bye

Lucas Ohstad


Dear santa claus

My name is tyler. I am 8 years old. How are the reindeer doing? Is mrs cluas baking any cookies? This year I would like a Pair of Pit viper's. The coler's I want are: green, blue, And I also want a Karill Kaprizov Jersey. I also want a squish melo. I dont realy care what animal it is.


tyler Toensing


Dear shta.

My name is Jaxon W. I am 8 years old. I want to be a ninja! How have you been? I would like a phone and a Printer. You can give me other stuff too. thank you!!!


Jaxon Waagmeester


Dear santa

my gman is Sabina. I am 7 yers ld I want a science Kit is Mrs Clause making ginger bread cookies? Good bye.

Sabina Gish-Simonsen


Dear Santa

I am Sophia and I am 7 years old. Haw are the reindeer! I love all of the present's you bring to kid's. I wude like a pet cat. Thank you and good bye.


Sophia Szymanski


Dare Santa,

My name is Shelby. I am omst 8. 20 more days before my birthday? I hope Mrs. Klos have been good? Has She been making a nofe of cooke's? I wish for a elf on the self? I olso wont a horse? And joy this yer. I hope you have a good crismis? is Dasher and Prashe and Rodof the red nos rader!


Shelby McKee


Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old. My name is Zane. I have done 13 pullups before. I like runimg. I like down hill sking. I like tobing at Summer. How is Rudolph? Can I Please have a Drifter for Chrislmas.


Zane Gromer


Dear Santa

My Name is Noah I am verey good at dirt bikeing My sisster an my brother is annoying. How are you? how is Rudolph? how is the elfs? Can I have a Mater is ed R.C. and a R.C. Boat. thats all. make sure you get my hui ta ta too hs.


Noah Cartner-Portz

Sue Headlee’s second grade class


Dear Santa

Hi I am Malachi. I have two sisters and one of them is Lila and Leece. I have one big brother. Could you bring me a iPhone Pro?


Malachi Walker

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa

Hi, I am Jaxson Kuhn. I’m 7 years old. How is Cheese doing. Can I please have a Dirtbike. Can I please have a phone. Can I please have rile fasst RC car. Can me and my brother blak it and one stuffed animal for each of us.


Jaxson Kuhn


Dear Santa,

How is Clever? Please bring me a fourweeler. Put it in the shed. Please bring my sister a pink scooter and a purple bike for her American girl doll.


Maverick Stanek

Nov. 29 2023

Dear Santa

How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rosey? How is blank? How is the reindeer? Please bring me a dinosaus toys. I want animal toys and a iPhone and a iPhone case.


Tenley Ager

Nov. 29 2023

How many elves are at the North Pole? How old are you? Please can I have a P-S5 and a Xbox a P-S3! My sister wants a Rudelph Stuffe. and an American girl doll. And I want is pokemon cards.


Sawyer Wright

I’m going to get some eggnog for you.

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa

How have you been Santa? Please can I have a faneypack, a squshmeloe and a watch?


Emma Wood

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

How many elves do you have? Please bring me a lol. Please bring me a watch.


Brynlee Dufour

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

I really hope I’m not on the notty list. Can you please get me some lego? I have seen Rudelph before. I hope you will like my cookies.


Kenadie Knosalla

Dear Santa

Nov. 29, 2023

Hi Santa, I am 7 years old. I would like a elf costume please. What should I feed my elf?


Finn Pederson

Nov. 9 2023

Dear Santa

How are you doing? What is your favorite color? I am 7 years old. My Name is Grayson. Can I please have some pokemove cards? Please can I have one toy? Please can I have a nerf gun?


Grayson Rife

Nov 29 2023

Dear Santa.

How is Elle SPrKls? Hi My name is Katrina Johnson. Can I have a fone? Please, thank you! My sister wants a blackit.


Katrina Johnson

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

Hi, how is Mrs. Claus? When it’s Christmas time please bring my little sister a jumbo squishmellow. And please I want a iphone. Thank you so much. And also I want a phone case. Have a good rest of your day Santa!!!! you are the BEST


Ava Grams

Nov. 29 2023

Dear Santa

Hi I am Spencer Lee Sawvel. I am 8 Can I please have 2 kintties! I have cookies and mill to!


Spencer Sawvel!

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

Say hi to Mrs claus. I want a cat. I want a phone. Please get a foot ball for Tyler. I want Henry!!!! I want a baby sister.


Elsie taylor

November, 29, 2023

Dear santa,

Santa I am Connor Crouse and I am 7 years old. Can I please have a ps 5 and robuxe and a phone. And can you help Dawson my brother and my sister Joey. My mom and dad are just fine.


Connor Crouse

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa

How many elves do you have? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I might give you something else than cookies. Can I please have a rainbow high doll. And a puppy! Thank you!


Tahlia Bedausky

Nov 29 2023

Dear santa

My name is Ruthie. I have to tell you somthing. How many elves do you have? My is Eno,oooo? can I have a Magic Micie.


Ruthie Shimek

Nov 19, 200

Dear Santa

Hi Santa I am 8 years old. How much shoger did you eat by cookies? And how much elves do you have? An how old are you? santa Can I please have some LED Lights. I will give you santa cookies


Dane Kmecik

Nov, 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

Hi santa, I’m 7 year old. I have been good This year. Can I Please have ShopKing? Can I please have LoL. I will leave you cookie. My brother wants a friend for lamby. And a majicmicse.


Cora Johnson

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa

Hi Santa! I have the letter you sent me. How are your reindeers doing? Can I please have the new iphone 15. Can you please get my baby cousin Spidy toys? Hope you have a safe flite.


Abigail Lendway

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear santa,

Is it hard to get arond the world only in 5 hours? I am 8 years old. All I want for Christmas is to see a fox!


Levi Paulson

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

Can you say hi to Mrs. Claus? Please give me nal polish and a mini clomashen. Please give me some yarn. HoPe you’re trip go’es good.


Edie Lesch

Nov. 29, 2023

Dear Santa

Hi Santa, how are you doing? How meny elves do you have in the North Pole? Can I please have a fanebook and a phone and a makeup Kit? Emma my sidr, she will have a tede bare. thank you Santa!


Lily Arneson

Nov. 29 2023

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? How are yor 3,000 elves doing? Please can I have a Lego casle? can I have some Pokemon? I have seen Comet. thank you.


Sullivan Majka

Nov. 29-2023

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa. How is the elf Harry Potter doing. my favorite Color is oracge. Please can I have a dog and a phone for Chistmas. Please say Hi to Harry Potter


Gunnar Ogilvie

Nov, 29, 2023

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa! How is my Elf doing in the North Pole? I am 8 years old I would like Aripods. I would also like a Magic Squishmellow that wen I wish of it comes chow. A Phone with a case that I can decorate. Have a good day. Thank you!!


Kirsa Buckhouse

Dear Santa

It is me Barrett. I am 7 1/2 years old. Please bring me a tomas and friends super station. I also want a wooden railway. I want a Katelin and Coner Stream line trains.


Barrett johnson

Letters to Santa 2023: Nisswa (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.