League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (2024)

Akali, the Rogue Assassin, is the melee champion who deals magical damage while casting skills and is invisible while dashing in her ultimate. Akali is mostly suitable to play in the mid lane to make easily rotate for kill assistant. She is a good champion with mixed damage (magical & physical) and excellent mobility. The gameplay and playstyle make her moderately difficult to handle champion. In this guide, we will take a look at the best runes, spell, build, including tips and tricks to pave your way to victory with Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other LoL Wild Rift heroes like Amumu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, and Dr.Mundo. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Akali.

Table Of Contents

  1. Skill analysis
  2. Best Runes Setup and Spells for Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift
  3. Best Builds for Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift
  4. League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Gameplay Tips
  5. Final Thoughts

Skill analysis

Akali is a hero with the commonfiveskill sets of one passive and four actives. In this Akali guide, let’s see what are her abilities in LoL Wild rift, and when you can use which skill to get the best out of her.

Passive –Assassin’s Mark

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (1)

Innate: Akali’s ability damageagainst enemy championscreates a ring around them for 4 seconds and grants her40/50/60/70%(based on level)bonusmovement speedfor 2 seconds while moving away from them. Subsequent ability damage while a ring is active will only refresh its duration. IfAkalileaves the ring within its duration, she regains thebonusmovement speedtowards enemy champions for 2 seconds and gainsSwinging Kamafor 4 seconds.

Swinging Karma: Akali’snext basic attack’srangeis doubled, deals39 − 180 (based on level)(+60%bonusAD)(+50% AP)bonusmagic damageand restores10/15/20(based on level) energy.

Skill 1 –Five Point Strike(CC, Blink)

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (2)

Active: Akaliunleashes a flurry of kunais in the target direction, dealingmagic damageto enemies hit. Enemies hit at the maximum range are also slowedby 50% for 0.5seconds. At rank 5,Five Point Strikedeals 25%bonusmagic damageto minionsand monsters.

The skill is best useful when used from a distance from the enemy. By this Akali can activate her passive and also slow the enemy. The skill is also helpful for clearing minion waves, so making it an important skill at the start of the match.

Skill 2 – Twilight Shroud

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (3)

Active: Akalirestores80 energy, gainsbonusmovement speedthat decays over 2 seconds, and detonates a smoke bomb a fixed distance away in the target direction, creating a circular shroud that expands over the next 5 seconds into a ring. The shroud does not permeate terrain. Entering the shroud rendersAkali invisible unless she is dashing.

Akali’sbasic attacks and abilities will break the invisibility and prevent her from entering it for1−0.625(based on minutes)seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and casts. The markedsection ofTwilight Shroudwill linger for the mark’s duration, even after the shroud ends. The skill is very useful for Akali making an ace assassin. The skill can be very useful as an escape plan in a tight situation.

Skill 3 – Shuriken Flip

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (4)

Active: Akali flipsin the opposite direction and fires a shuriken in the target direction that stops upon hitting an enemy, dealing themwith magic damage. The shurikenmarksthe enemy or the lastsmokesection hit for 3 seconds. While the target or smoke section is marked,Akalican reactivateShuriken Flip.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (5)

Recast: Akali dashestowards the marked target or smoke section, consuming the mark, regardless of distance. Against enemies, it deals with the samemagic damageupon arrival.

The skill will be very useful during the middle part of the game with engaging and disengaging in fights. The dash and attack combo of the skill can be used to escape from a bad situation and also chase enemies. But, it is important to keep in mind that, the skill isn’t just for mobility enhancement, a well-timed combo and full-on attack is a great option with the skill.

Skill 4 – Perfect Execution

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (6)

Active: Akali dashes675 − 825 (based on distance from target)units towards the target enemychampion, dealingphysical damageto all enemies in her path. Perfect Executioncan be recast after a 2.5-secondstatic cooldownwithin 10 seconds of the first activation.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (7)

Recast: Akali dashesin the target direction, dealingmagic damageto all enemies in her path, increased by0%−200%(based on the target’smissinghealth). The delay betweenPerfect Executiondashes gives you time to unleash a flurry of strikes, but can also leave you vulnerable to a counterattack. So, it is recommended to plan the combo accordingly.

Skill Up Methods for Akali

Skill up the Ultimate whenever it is available. Regarding her other skills, upgrade her 1st skill then 3rd skill, and lastly her 2nd skill.

Related – League of Legends: Wild Rift: How to unlock Champions quickly

Best Runes Setup and Spells for Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Runes Setup

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (8)

The best runes for Akali in League of Legends Wild Rift are:


This rune has a great passive ability to deal extra damage on 3rd stack. With Akali’s quick attacks the rune can instantly trigger the passive ability.


Triumph comes in very handy while for the kill in a difficult situation. The rune restores 10 percent missing health on takedowns. The rune also increases damage on enemies with 35% less health.


The rune provides Akali with a 10 Bonus Armor or Magic resistance. This allows Akali to last longer in team fights.

Hunter: Genius

The rune greatly synergizes with Akali as an assassin. The rune will help her in the reduction of skill cooldown and bonus reduction in cooldown on takedowns.

Battle Spells


League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (9)

Flash will be very useful in escaping and chasing enemies for quick kills.


League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (10)

Ignite can be used in combo attacks to complete the kill in many instances.

Related – League of Legends: Wild Rift: Runes Guide

Best Builds for Akali in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Core Build

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (11)
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Infinity Orb
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Hextecht Gunblade
  • Morellonomicon
  • Void Staff
  • Stasis Enchant

Build vs AP Champions

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Infinity Orb
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Hextecht Gunblade
  • Spirit Visage
  • Void Staff
  • Stasis Enchant

Build vs Tank Champions

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Infinity Orb
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Hextecht Gunblade
  • Liandry’s Torment
  • Void Staff
  • Stasis Enchant
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League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Gameplay Tips

Akali is normally played in the middle region but she is not recommended for a charge attack. She is the best use as a hidden and silent killer making her the ultimate assassin. According to her gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late game in the game.

Early Game

In the early game, proceed in the middle lane to just clear the minion waves. Unlock the Five Point Strike skill and use it effectively to use the passive skill also. With passive activated, Akali will gain movement speed and swinging kama, try to deal damage to enemies.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (12)

Do not try to charge in if you are not confirmed of getting the kill. Try to rotate on and around the middle lane until you reach the level, after which the minion damage boost will unlock.

Mid Game

During the middle game, focus on covering the three lanes but do not engage directly with the enemies. This is the stage where Akali should level up fast as compared to any other champion in the game.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (13)

Try to be patient and charge in the right moment in the usual hide and seek manner. Unleash the range of combos using Akali’s skills and confirm one kill each time and retreat from the team fight.

Late Game

Akali may get ineffective during the late stage of the game especially in team fights. She can just sort out each champion stranded alone and then go for the kill.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (14)

Akali shouldn’t rush in team fights and wait for her chance and execute her combos to confirm kills. You can use the following skill combo on her for her late game combos.

Skill 3+Skill 3+ Skill 1+ Ultimate + Ultimate + Skill 1

Akali can be countered by heroes like Olaf and Annie.

Related – League of Legends: Wild Rift Objectives Guide

Final Thoughts

Akali brings in a range of combo attacks with her active and passive skills. The difficulty comes in with the timing and execution of the combos. The trick is to get confirmed kills during the early and middle stages of the game. With the perfect balance of stats and gameplay in Wild Rift, it is of very importance that Akali gets more kills and feeds less to the opponent’s team. If Akali fails to get kills and feed her enemies, she would be useless during the entire game.

With the above guide, you can easily practice Akali in LoL Wild Rift, and before heading to play ranked matches practice a little bit in the PVP mode.

Read our other League of Legends: Wild Rift articles here

That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide. Do you prefer to use Akali in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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League of Legends Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akali Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips (2024)


What runes are best for Akali? ›

Based on our analysis of 43 045 matches in Patch 14.10 the best runes for Akali Top are Conqueror, Absorb Life, Legend: Bloodline, and Last Stand for primary tree, as well as Shield Bash and Conditioning for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are Ability Haste, Health Scaling, and Health Scaling.

How to play Akali Top Wild Rift? ›

The best way to build items for Akali Wild Rift is to choose items that give magic power, magic penetration and at least one item for health or shield. The way to play Akali is to use her mobility and burst damage to kill targets who have low resistance.

What is Akali best first item? ›

Akali's main source of damage comes from her abilities, this means she works great with ability power items. Riftmaker is the perfect first item for Akali.

Why is Akali difficult? ›

Akali is one of the hardest champions to master in the game. Playing around her energy levels, her Passive, her W and her two mobility spells takes a lot of practice. Expect to put in a lot of effort if you want to learn Akali. Q on both the minion wave and the enemy champion.

What lane is Akali best in? ›

Akali's kit, with her combination of burst damage, mobility, and shroud, makes her well-suited for the top lane. The top lane environment, with longer lanes and more extended trades, allows Akali to utilize her burst damage and deceptive maneuvers effectively.

Who is the number 1 Akali player? ›

How are players ranked?
1.ƒƒƒ#1111 LAN (#1) Master9.9 4.5 4.0
2.miigs#EUW EUW (#2) Master8.7 4.1 4.5
3.find myself#fms KR (#3) GrandMaster7.6 3.3 4.1
4.Zeendo#SSJ LAS (#4) GrandMaster8.3 4.0 6.2
42 more rows

Why is Akali so strong in pro play? ›

Indeed, for Burnt_Potato_Fries, what sets Akali apart is her versatility: 'She offers more than a single all in, she can reliably build Zhonya, her consistent stealth and her capability to take long fights. ' In a game that values both agility and resilience, she seems to strike a fine balance.

Is Akali best mid or top? ›

At low elo it's likely that your mid enemies won't know how to properly abuse you, so for low elo Akali is usually better in the midlane, assuming that you know your matchups. However, once you get to higher elo you will be massively outranged by midlane mages, making top a much safer, if less snowbally choice.

Who counters Akali in Wild Rift? ›

Wild Rift Counter chart: Weak Against & Strong Against
ChampionsWeak Against
AkaliAnnie, Diana, Lux, Veigar, Akshan
YuumiLeona, Alistar, Rakan, Blitzcrank, Soraka, Sona
PykeGaren, Pantheon, Riven, Dr. Mundo, Tryndamere, Nasus
YoneAnnie, Akshan, Ahri, Veigar, Zed, Fizz
110 more rows

What is the best Akali build? ›

Build. Akali roleName has a 51.0% win rate with 6.8% pick rate in eloName and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 131 571 matches in patch patch the best build for Akali is Lich Bane, Sorcerer's Shoes, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Rabadon's Deathcap.

How old is Akali? ›

She was 9 years old during the events of The Bow, and the Kunai. pre-rework self depicts her around the age of 17, when she was still the Fist of Shadow. Kinkou Order between her 17th and 19th year. Jhin during The Man with the Steel Cane, she was 'the same age as he when he caught him the first time'.

What runes are best for Akali Aram? ›

AkaliARAM Builds

For the runes, the most optimal choices are Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, and Coup de Grace for primary tree as well as Taste of Blood and Treasure Hunter for secondary tree.

What are the best runes to use? ›

Most runes are useful so you can't really go wrong with any of them, I'd say get a bit of everything. But air runes are very useful pre-dlc since they are needed for Slicing winds and Gust, and every basic spells use them. Water runes are also good for Water Surge with Cloudburst staff, huge dps.

What is the rarest Akali skin? ›

Is it rare? Stinger Akali is fairly rare skin as it is a legacy skin.

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