JD-CV-103 Rey 7-09
`The Connecticut Superior Court requires that this notice be sent to you about the residential foreclosure process.
`This is not legal advice. Pleasereadit carefully.
`ltis important that you learn about your options in foreciosure. There are government agencies, legal aid
`programs and other non-profit organizations that you may call for information about foreclosure.
`To protect yourrights, you should speakto an attorney or go to the foreclosure clerk, foreclosure caseflow
`coordinator or Court Service Centerin the Court where your case wasfiled for information on whatto do next.
`if you do not take action, you could lose your property.
`if you do notfile an Appearance form with the Court, you will not get important notices about your case
`AND the Court may makea decision (enter a default judgment) against you. File the Appearance form at the
`Court where your case is pending.
`You should also work with your lender or other person bringing this lawsuit or, if this foreclosure involves your
`home, to contact a HUD-certified housing counselor during this process.
`if this foreclosure involves your home, you may be eligible for the Foreclosure
`Mediation program. Information about the program is attached to these papers
`and is also available at any Superior Court Judicial District courthouse or onthe
`court's website at To locate assistance near you, you may call
`the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority's
`4-877-571-2432, Customer Service Representatives are available Monday
`through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You mayalso call 2-1-1 for other help.
`You may be contacted by people offering to help you avoid foreclosure. Please follow these precautions:
`Get legal advice before entering into any dealinvolving your house.
`Get legal advice before paying any money to anyoneoffering to help you avoid foreclosure
`Do not sign any papers you do not understand.


`(For cases with a Return Date of
`10/1/2011 or later)
`JD-CV-127 Rev. 7-15
`C.G.8. §§ 48-341 49-31k; PA 18-124
`sraTe gr connecticut
` Cag
`The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the
`Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
`If you need a reasonable
`accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk
`or an ADA contact personlisted at
`Notice to Homeowneror Religious Organization:
`Availability of Foreclosure Mediation
`You have been served with a foreclosure complaint that could cause you to lose your
`A Foreclosure Mediation Program hasbeensetup to help certain homeowners and
`religious organizations.
`You must fill out the attached Foreclosure Mediation Certificate form, JD-CV-108 and
`Appearance form, JD-CL-12 andfile them with the Court no later than 15 days from the
`Return Date on the Summonsform that was served on you (or delivered to you). If these
`forms are not attached, you may get them at any Judicial District courthouse or from the
`Judicial Branch website at
`A mediation may be scheduled if:
`4. You are the owner-occupantofa 1, 2, 3 or 4 family residential property; and
`e you are a borroweror a spouseor former spouse of a borrower who qualifies
`as a Permitted Successor-in-Interest (see Foreclosure Mediation Certificate,
`form JD-CV-108, to determineif you qualify as a Permitted Successor-in-Interest);
`the mortgage on your owner-occupied residential property is being
`foreciosed; and
`e the property being foreclosed is your primary residence; and
`e the property is located in Connecticut; or
`the property is owned bya religious organization that is the borrower, andis
`located in Connecticut.
`If you are eligible based on the abovecriteria, you will first meet with a mediator who
`will determine if mediation with your lender or mortgage servicer will be scheduled.
`Mediation is where a person who doesnottake sides helps partiestry to settle their case.
`Judicial Branch mediators will conduct mediation sessions at the courthouse.
`There is no application fee for this program.


`JD-CV-108 Rev 7-18
`C.G.S §§ 49-31k, 49-342 PA, 15-124
`Instructions to Homeowner Applicant
`1. Use this form if the return date in your case is on or after duly 1, 2009,
`and filethemwith the court notmorethan 15 days afterthe return date onthe Summons.
`2, Fill out this Certificate form and an Appearance form, JD-CL-12 {available at the courthouse or online at www,}
`You must mai or deliver a copy of this completed Certificate form to the plaintiffs attorney, cr to the plaintiff" the plaintiff
`is not represented by an attorney, and to all parties who have fied an appearance in the case.
`This form will be used to determine youreligibility for the Foreclosure Mediation Program.
`fw 4
`Ceaser ye”
`: WWLol
`Type or Print Legibly
` Name of case (Plaintiff on Summons vs. Defendant on Surmmons}
`Retum date {Oaupperngl
`oFSummons) | Judicial Gistrel of (OnUpper elt podionofSiaimansy
` town, state, Z
`{Nuriber, ste
`Telepr onenumber
`Susiness phone :
`Ceili phone
`If you are an individual, answerthe following questions:
` _|No
`1. Do you ownthe property?
` _|No
`2. Do youlive in the property?
`| Yes | No
`3. Is it your primary residence?
`4. Is ita 1, 2, 3 or 4 family residential property located in Connecticut? Yes
`| No
`5. Is this a mortgage foreclosure?
`|| Yes
`|| No
`6. Are you a borroweron the note?
`|) No
`if you are not a borroweronthe note, but answered “yes” to questions one (1) through five (5) and youare the spouse
`or former spouse of a borrower, go to Section C, on Page 2.
`ifyou answered “yes” to questions one (1) through six (6) and another defendantin this case has requested or may
`request in Section C to participate in the Foreclosure Mediation Program as a Permitted Successor-in- Interest, who
`became the ownerof the propertyas a result of divorce, legal separation, or a property settlement agreementrelated to
`a divorce or legal separation, go to Section D.1.
`If you are filing this on behalf of a religious organization, answerthe following questions:
`1, Does a religious organization own the property?
`| | No
`2. Is the property located in Connecticut?
`[i Yes
`| No
`3. Is the religious organization the borrower on the note?
`{| No
`4. Is the return date in the case on or after October 1, 2011?
`P Yes
`| No
`Judicial Branch
`Connecticut complies with the Americans with
`Disabilities Act
`accommodation in
`with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ABA
`contact person listed at gowADA,
`Continued on next page...
`Page 1 of 2


`C. Permitted Successors-in-Interest
`If you are not a borroweron the note, but answered “yes” to questions one (1) through five (5) in Section A
`and you are the spouse or former spouse of a borrower, you may be able to participate in the Foreclosure
`Mediation Program as a Permitted Successor-in-Interest. Answerthe following questions to help the Court
`determineif you qualify:
`=| No
`fl Yes
`1. Are you a defendantin this case?
` =|No
`fi Y¥es
`2. Is the return date in this case on or after October 1, 2015?
`3. If you answered “yes”to one (1) and two (2), how did you become the ownerof the property?
`(check the box that applies to you, if any)
`3a, | became the only ownerof the property whenit was transferred to me from my deceased spouse's estate.
`3b, | became the only ownerof the property because my deceased spouse and | held jointtitle to the property.
`30. | became the ownerof the property becauseit was transferrecto me as a result of a divorce, legal
`separation, or a property settlement agreementrelated to a divorce or legal separation.
`if you checked 3c., go to Section D.2 and Section 0.2,
`D. Consents
`If a Permitted Successor-in-Interest, who became the ownerof the property as a result of divorce, legal
`separation, or a property settlement agreement related to a divorce or legal separation, has applied or may
`apply for the Foreclosure Mediation Program, you must complete this section to qualify for the Foreclosure
`Mediation Program: (check only the box(es) that apply)
`If you answered “yes” to questions one (1) through six (6) in Section A and another defendant has
`requested or may requestto participate in the Foreclosure Mediation Program as a Permitted Successor-in-
`interest, who became the owner of the property as a result of divorce, legal separation, or a property
`settlement agreementrelated to a divorceorlegal separation, check this box to complete your consent:
`[| {consentto the plaintiff morigagee's disclosure of my non-public personalfinancial information to the
`spouse or former spouse who qualifies as a Permitted Successor-in-interest to the extent that the
`plaintiff mortgagee has that information.
`If you answered "yes" to questions one (1) and two (2) in Section C, and checked box 3c., check this box to
`complete your consent:
`| consentto the plaintiff mortgagee's disclosure of my non-public personalfinancial information to all
`borrowers on this note, to the extent that the plaintiff mortgagee has that information.
`If you answered “yes” to questions one (1) and two (2) in Section C, and checked box 3c., check this box to
`certify that all borrowers on the note have provided their consent:
`| certify that all borrowers on the note have agreed to allow the plaintiff mortgagee to disclose their non-
`public personal financial information to me, to the extent that the plaintiff mortgagee hasthat
`information, and that the borrowers have showntheir consent by (check any box that applies):
`[~] Submitting a Foreclosure Mediation Certificate containing their consent, or
`[_] Giving documentation to the plaintiff mortgageethat allows for the full disclosure of the borrower's
`non-public personal financial information to me.
`| certify that a copy of this document wasor will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on
`to all attorneys and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery
`was receivedfromallallorneys and self-represented parties of record who were orwill immediately be electronically served.
`Namie anc addressof each partyand attorney that copywasor
`adialely be meted or delivered to‘
`the copywas of will immedialely be mailedordeli
`Dale signe
`| Taluphone number
`“if necessary, attach additional sheet or sheets with name and address which
`Sennd ignatay ols
`Sia ieee
`reARtar Usehane al
`ailing address(Number,street, iown, slateandzip code) a
`Page 2 of 2


`JO-CL-12 Rev. 12-24
`9.8 §§ 4-1 through 3-412, 10-13, 25-GA, 252-2, e5a-3
`This form is available
`in other language(s).
`winejud cl gov
`There are instructions and important notices on page 2 (the back) ofthis form.
`Reture dale (For C
`Read page2 beforefilling out this form.
`‘a tarfiling this appearanceto let the court and ail attorneys and selt-represented
`parties ofrecord knowthat | have changed my address. My new addressis below,
`Midotor VeticleJes cases, he Plantts The"Staleeof Connecticut
`Name ofcaseEallRaMEeof firsst Plaintiff ¥,Full name ot frst |
`Housing id
`Session...sirenleer "ha—Saalgorporabian,orindividhéalattorney)
` Name(Yourname orname
`Siiie hamter for ahomehaw art
`“BastOlfice boxnumber| Peleohone number [Area cone frst}
`("| The Plaintiff.
`(| All Plaintiffs.
`|| The following Plaintiff(s) only:
`~T Eanail address
`“inthecacaseenamedabovefor: (Selectoneofthefollowin parties Seedescriptions/notes0annpage2ofthisform)
`'| All Defendants.
`[_] Thefollowing Defendant(s) only:
`“a‘Other(Specify ("] This is aaFamily Matters case (such as divorce, custody, or childsire My appearanceis fe (Selectcone orboth)
`LeTitle IV-D Child escmatters
`|| matters in the samy Division of the Superior Court
`|_| This is a Criminal/Motor Vehicle case, and | am filing this appearance as | a5 Public patender orf-" Assigned Counsel
`[| This appearanceis for the purpose ofa bail hearing only.
`(Special Public Defender)
`LlThis EpLAsPAnCE is for the purposeof alternative aregenaet eee only.
`Ifan1 appearance‘by other‘counsel or self-represented partyis on filefor thisparty/parties,“select 0onee optionbelow:
`1. |This appearanceis in place of the appearanceof:
`2.2LITThis appearanceis in addition to an appearancealready onfile.
`agree thattdoc*ntientecanendelivered (Served)tetomeoaieteoetually in this case. (PracticeBock Sec. 40-13)
`i. Signed4{individual!attorneyor3seterEapressentedparty) on Nameof.persan signing alefi (Pantar fype) Oo “eT Date signed
`NomeSE ecCeEe ee
`| | No
`} certify that a copy of this documentwasor will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or
`non-electronically on (date) _ to all attorneys and self-represenied parties of
`record and thal written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and seif-
`representedpartiesofrecord whor*ceived orwillimmediately be receivingelectronicdelivery.
`Naine and address
`¢ oFWill be mailed or delivered to"
`ach parlytyand¢attorney E
`mailed or delivered tc
`Sips SEs offer) —
`> signed
`Page 1 of 2

`Do not use this form for Juvenile cases.
`1. Type or print clearly in dark ink.
`2. Fit out page 1, including the Certification section at the bottom.
`3. Make a copy of the completed form and keepit for your records.
`4. File your completed form with the court clerk.
`5 For Criminal and Motor Vehicle cases: Mail or deliver a copy of the appearance to the prosecutor.
`For all other cases: Mail or deliver a copy to all counsel and self-represented parties of record.
`Notice for Civil cases, including Housing Matters and Small Claims
`if a party who has beendefaulted forfailure to appear files an anpearance before the entry of judgment after default, the default will
`automatically be set aside bythe clerk.
`Notice to people representing themselves
`People who represent themselves in court are called self-represented parties.
`Self-represented parties: Which party do I select on page 1?
`You are a plaintiff if...
`-« Youfiled this court case to sue someone.
`+ You are the one whostarted this court case.
`- Your nameis listed before the “v." in the name of case on court documents.
`If you are the ONLYplaintiff, select "The Plaintiff".
`If there is more than oneplaintiff, select "The following Plaintiff(s) only" and write your name on the Ine.
`You are a defendantif...
`+ This is a criminal or motor vehicle case.
`» You are being sued.
`- Your name is listed after the "v.” in the name of case on court documents.
`» Your landlord started this case to evict you.
`- You were served with the court papers at the beginning ofthis case.
`If you are the ONLY defendantselect "The Defendant”.
`if there is more than one defendant, select "The following Defendant(s) only" and write your name on the fne.
`Select Other...
`+ If you and your spousefiled a nonadversarial divorce, select “Other” and write if you are Petitioner A or Petitioner B on the line.
`+ lf you asked the court to Jet you intervene and you are listed as an intervener, select “Other” and then describe who you are.
`: If you are listed as a party to the case for some other reason, select "Other" and write who you are in the case onthe line.
`Self-represented parties in Family Matters: Filing “in addition to” an attorney (dual representation)
`if you are a self-represented party whois filing an appearance ‘Wn addition to” an attorney who already has an appearancein this
`court case, be aware of the following:
`+ Any documentbeingfiled on your behalf must be signed by your attorney pursuant to Practice Book Section 4-2.
`: Ifa documentbeing filed on your behaif is not signed by your attorney, the court may order that the matter be stayed (delayed)
`until the attomey adopts the document.
`- If you inform the court that there is no attorney actively representing you, the courl may delay the matter until you file a new
`appearance“in place of” your attorney(s).
`If your attorney does not adopt yaur motion and the motionis not disposed of or withdrawn:
`- You are responsible for prosecuting orlitigating that motion.
`» An attorney for any other party on the case may contact you directly with respect to the suoject matterof that motion.
`+ If multiple motions are scheduled for hearing at the sametime, one or more of which have been adopted by your attorney and
`one or more of which have not, itis up to the court how to proceed.
`+ If you file any other documentthat is not signed by your attorney, itis up to the court how the document will be treated,
`Self-represented parties: Address changes
`if you are a self-represented party, you mustgive notice if your mailing address changes after youfile an appearance.
`You musttell the court and all attorneys and self-represented parties of record your new mailing addressbyfilling out another
`appearance. Select the box at the top of page 1 of this form andfill out the rest of page 1 using your new mailing address.
`Notice to attorneys/law firms
`1. Except as noted below,if you are an attorney, you are nat exempt from e-filing, and thefile in this case is electronic, do nol use
`this form. File your appearancein the E-filing system.
`2. Notices from the court will be mailed to the address associated with your Juris Number. You cannot use this form to have the
`court mail notices to a different address.
`3. If you are an attorney admitted pro hac vice or filing on behalf of a non-party, you mustfile this form on paper with the clerk.
`The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with
`Disabilities Act (ADA).
`If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with
`the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact personlisted at gov/ADA,
`Page 2 of 2


`JO-CV-126 Rev. 10-18
`CGS. §§ 49-314 49-34r
`State of Connecticut Department of Banking Foreclosure Hotline Bulletin
`Community-Based Resources for Connecticut Homeownersin Foreclosure
`Note: Assistance in multiple languagesis available through Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA/HUD)-approved
`housing counseling agencies (refer to the list below). Ayuda en Espafiol es disponible a través de agencias de consejeria de
`vivienda aprobado por CHFA/HUD(favor de referirse ala lista de abajo).
`Toll-free Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance Hotline: 1-877-472-8313
`Department of Banking Website:
`The free Foreclosure Hotline is open Monday - Friday 8:00 5:00 p.m. Calls will be returned within two business days.
`Homeowners whoare currently a party to a foreclosure action with time sensitive foreclosure concerns should call the Hotline
`for assistance. You can also reach the Department of Banking bycalling 4-800-831-7225 (toll-free) or 860-240-8299.
`Mortgage Assistance from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA)
`The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority administers the state's Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (EMAP)
`which was created by the Connecticut General Assembly. EMAPcan help eligible homeowners with overdue payments and
`provide monthly mortgage assistance. For more information, contact a CHFA/HUD-approved housing counseling agency
`(listed below), call CHFA at 4-877-571-2432, or visit
`CHFA/HUD-Approved Housing Counselors:
`CHFA/HUD-approved housing counselors provide free help to Connecticut homeowners whoare struggling financially and
`may be atrisk of foreclosure. They can review your budget and try to find ways to help with your financial issues. They are
`trained in handling FHA and "conventional" loans and can help you negotiate with your mortgage companyor apply to CHFA
`for an Emergency Mortgage Assistanceloan.lf a foreclosure case has beenfiled against you and you have asked to
`participate in the Foreclosure Mediation Program,they can help you get ready for mediation (including the Premediation
`meetings with your mediator) and help you submit financial documents to your mortgage companyas part of the mediation
`process. CHFA/HUD approved housing counselors welcome residents from all over Connecticut. You do not need to
`go to the agency closest to you.
`CHFA/HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agency
`; a , |
`Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust, 570 State Street, Bridgeport
`Fairfield ferro satin
`ere BescaesneStier aan Sai
`Urban League of Southern Connecticut, Inc., 137 Henry Street, Stamford
`Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain 223 Broad Street New Britain ee wemeeankncau /

`| www.nhsofnewhaven,org
`__ Capital for Change, Inc., 171 Orange Street, 3rd Flocr, New Haven
`www, Gapitalforchangs. org
`Extension 1326
`New Haven HomeOwnership Center, inc., 333 Sherman Avenue, New Haven
`Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury, 193 Grand Street, 3rd Floor, Waterbury
`“4 a. |
`the State
`Judicial Branch
`| The
`| Connecticut complies with the Americans
`_ with Disabilities Act
`If you need a
`reasonable accommodation in accordance
`with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA
`contact person listed at www, gov/ADA
`New Haven


`Legal Resources
`Foreclosure Prevention Clinics: The Connecticut Fair Housing Center, together with Homes SavedbyFaith, regularly
`presents free clinics for homeownersfacing foreciosure. The clinics offer information from a Center attorney on how to
`prepare for court and what resources exist for homeowners. After the presentation, homeowners can discuss their situations
`briefly, one-on-one, with an attorney. The clinics are typically on weekday evenings in either Hartford orFairfield County.
`Call 1-888-247-4401 orvisit for more information on dates and locations.
`Judicial Branch Foreclosure Volunteer Attorney Program: Volunteer attorneys are available to give advice and answer
`questions about foreclosure at certain courthousesin the state. Homeowners facing foreclosure throughout Connecticut are
`welcome to attend. Call 860-263-2734 for additional information, orvisit
`Foreclosure Manual for Self-Represented Homeowners: The Connecticut Fair Housing Center publishes “Representing
`Yourself in Foreclosure: A Guide for Connecticut Homeowners,”a free manual describing the foreclosure and mediation
`processfor self-represented homeowners. Copies are available from CHFA/HUD-approvec housing counselors, on
`, or by calling the Center at 1-888-247-4401.
`Statewide Legal Services (SLS): SLS providesfree legal advice and referrals for callers qualifying forits services
`(guidelines include incomelimits). Call 1-800-453-3320 or 860-344-0380 orvisit for more information.
`Court Service Centers: In certain Superior Court locations, Court Service Centers provide public access computers, printers,
`fax machines, copiers, phones, and work space for self-represented parties. Refer to www.,, and go to the Quick
`Links menu on the home pageof the Judicial website for more information.
`Lawyer Referral Services: County BarAssociations in Connecticut offer referral services that introduce homeownersto
`lawyers who can answer questions during an initial half-hour consultation. You can send an e-mail with your questions and
`availability. Services beyond the 1st half-hour fee will be at the attorney's usual fee.
`pee eeetenner mtatnnanneamynn
`*The Hartford County Bar also covers Litchfield, Middlesex, Tolland, and Windham Counties.
`How Foreclosure Rescue Scams Work. Peoplein foreclosure are often the target of "foreclosure rescue scams.”
`Be very careful of non-lawyers who ask you to pay a fee for counseling, loan modification, foreclosure preventian, or a
`“forensic audit" of your loan documents, regardless of their promises or claims. Many out-of-state attorneys target
`Connecticut residents: you should never pay attorneys that you do not meet. Contact the Department of Banking for more
`information at 1-877-472-8313 or visit,
`Mortgage Crisis Job Training Program. The state-funded Mortgage Crisis Job Training ProgramIs a project of The
`WorkPlace,Inc., in partnership with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), Capital Workforce Partners, and
`Connecticut's workforce system. The Program helps homeownersincrease their job skills and earning potential. It offers
`customized employmentservices, job training scholarships,financialliteracy, and credit counseling. For information cail
`1-866-683-1682 or go to
`Financial Assistance Programs. Connecticut's 12 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) help people meet immediate
`needs through services such as Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention, energy/heating assistance, food pantries, and
`weatherization. CAAs also empowerpeople to improve their financial future through employment services,financial literacy
`training, and other programs. To locate your local CAAcall the Connecticut Association for Community Action at
`860-832-9438 or visit:
`For moreinformation on programs for homeowners facingfinancial distress, review the Department of Banking's materials on
`www.ct.govidob or call 1-877-472-8313. You can also call Info line at 2-1-1 for resources.
`WO-OV-126 Rey 10-19
`Page 2af2


`(POF CaShe with a Return Date of 10/1/13 or later}
`te oN ry me
`Judicial Branch
`Connecticut complies with the Americans with
`Disabilities Act
`accommodation in
`with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA
`conlact person listed al www gowADA
`The Court's Foreclosure Mediation Programis set up to help eligible homeowners and their lenders or mortgage
`servicers see whether they can reachafair and voluntary agreement under the supervision of a neutral mediator
`employed by the Court. The program addresses all aspects of the foreclosure including any assistance options
`that may be available through the lender or mortgage servicer to help homeowners 1) keep their homes,or
`2) gracefully exit from their homes by way of a short sale, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or negotiated sale date or
`law day.
`The objectives of the mediation program are:
`1. To determine whetherthe parties can reach an agreementthat may allow the parties to either:
`a. Stop the foreclosure by using programs available through the lender or mortgage servicer; or
`b. Go forward with the foreclosure in a way that is acceptableto the homeownerand the lender or mortgage
`2. To reach some agreementwith reasonable speed and efficiency, with both parties participating in the mediation
`process in good faith, without unreasonable and unnecessary delays.
`What you must do:
`1. Fill out the Appearance form and Foreclosure Mediation Certificate. These forms are included in this packet.
`You mustfile them with the court no later than 15 daysafter the return date. The return date is printed on the
`upperright part of the Summonsform in this packet. You do not have to come to court on the return date.
`The court cannot notify you of the date and time you must comefor your first premediation meeting until you file
`these forms.
`2. Mail a copy of the Appearance form and the Foreclosure Mediation Certificate to the Plaintiff's attorney at the
`address ofthe attorney or law firm on the Summonsform, and to any other party who hasfiled an appearance
`in your case.
`3. Start gathering documentation so that you will be prepared to meet with your mediator. Lenders typically
`request copies of the following documents:
`Proof of Income
`+ Wage/Salary Income — Pay stubs covering the last 30 days.
`* Self-Employment Income — Profit & Loss statement for the most recent quarteror year to date, signed and
`- Benefit Income — Most recent award letter (social security, disability, food stamps, pension, public assistance,
`adoption assistance).
`+ Rental Income — All leases with signatures.
`* Alimony/Child Support — If you rely on this income to pay your mortgage, court order showing the amountof
`alimony and/or child support that you receive.
`- Contribution Income — Contribution letters from all non-borrowers whoare related to you and live with you,
`signed and dated by them, and proofof their income.
`- Federal Tax Returns — Personal returns with all schedulesfor the last 2 years, copies of business returns, if
`applicable; copies of IRS tax filing extensions,if applicable.
`« Bank Statements — Personal bank statements for the last 2 months and business bank statements for the last
`4 monthsif self-employed. Must include all pages, bank logo, and account holder's information.
`Other Information
`+ Most recentutility bill (gas, electric, or water).
`+ Most recent real estate property tax bill.
`« Evidence of amount of homeowner's association dues/condominium fees, and whether current or delinquent.
`Page 1 of 2


`» Homeowners’ insurance declaration page.
`- Hardship letter — A letter, signed and dated by all borrowers, explaining what prevented you from making your
`mortgage payment, and indicating if the hardship is resolved.
`4. Within 35 days from the return date, your lender or mortgage servicer will mail you a packetof forms,theirlist of
`required documentation, and otherinformation about your loan or your property. A copy will also be sent to your
`mediator. Upon receipt of this packet, complete the forms provided, gather any additional documents on
`the list, and bring the completed forms, and other documents to your scheduled premediation meeting
`with your mediator. You can read more aboutthis meeting in the next section below. Do not mail the
`completed forms and documents to the court.
`The Mediation Process
`If your return date is October 1, 2013 orlater, the Foreclosure Mediation Program will consist of two stages:
`+ Premediation — During this stage, you will meet one-on-one with a mediator to review yourfinancial
`information and to discuss possible options. If necessary, the mediatorwill help you complete forms and
`gather the documents required by your lender or mortgage servicer, The mediator may also refer you to other
`resources that can help you, such as the housing counseling agencieslisted on the attached Notice of
`Community-Based Resources. You may have one or more meetings with the mediator, but premediation will
`end approximately 12 weeksfrom the return date on your Summons.At the conclusion of premediation, the
`mediator will ensure that your documentation is delivered to your |ender or mortgage servicerorits attorney,
`and will determine whether mediation with your lender or mortgage servicerwill be scheduled.If the mediator
`determines that mediation will not be scheduled, mediation will terminate. If mediation has been terminated,
`you may ask the Court to be included in mediation if you think the mediator has made a mistake or if you have
`had a changein circ*mstances.If the mediator determinesthat mediation will be scheduled, youwill receive
`notice of the date and time of your mediation in the mail. Thefirst mediation will be scheduled no later than 5
`weeks from the date your forms and documentation are delivered to your lender or mortgage servicer,orits
`Mediation — If mediation is scheduled, you will meet with a mediator and a representative of the lender or
`mortgage servicer and its attorney to review any assistance options that may be available to you through your
`lender or mortgage servicer. Depending on your situation, you may be asked to submit additional
`documentation as part of the mediation process.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.