It's Skinny | The 9-Calorie Noodle (2024)

Feeling like you’d kill for a candy bar right about now? If you’re craving sweets on keto, the good news is—it’s totally normal!

Keto sugar cravings happen. Even if you are following the plan to the letter and eating plenty of food, chances are you'll walk by a bakery or past a chocolate shop, and those cravings will hit. Smells are particularly triggering (so you may want to reroute if you’re regularly running by a cupcake shop).

But if you’re regularly experiencing sugar cravings on keto, it could also indicate that one of your body’s needs isn’t being met. Let’s look at what you should do to combat keto sugar cravings.

Why am I craving sweets on keto? The short answer is that sugar is pretty delicious, and most of us have been consuming massive amounts of sweeteners since we were kids.

In the middle of the 20th century, sugar-laden foods became ubiquitous on the market. During prohibition and after WWII, sugary drinks, processed sweet treats, and convenience foods because extremely popular. The more sugar people consumed, the more they craved. As a result, cheap high fructose corn syrup became a go-to sweetener for many food manufacturers to keep up with the demand.

Today, about 20% of the calorie content of the typical American diet comes from sugars. That number has been steadily increasing throughout the last century, particularly since the 1970s. Although people are also becoming more aware of hidden sugars in their foods, the truth is that many still consume foods laden with a shocking amount of sugar, causing sugar addiction to be a very real problem.

Sugar is “hidden” in many processed foods like salad dressing, bread, cereal, pasta sauces, and even cold cuts! It can be a tall order if you're trying to cut back on carbs and cut out sugar unless you're diligent about seeking whole foods.

Sugar cravings on keto are often part of the adjustment period as your body gets used to a new way of eating (and burning fat). Because keto calls for the extreme restriction of sugars and carbs, it helps change your body's metabolism.

You see, when you follow the keto diet, your body shifts to a state called ketosis. This is where optimal fat burning and energy happen. You're no longer relying on calories from sugar to give you fuel. Instead, your body taps into fat storage and helps you get that lean, fit physique.

But caving to your sugar cravings can take you right out of keto. Likewise, something seemingly benign as fruit juice or a cookie can take your body out of ketosis, forcing you to start the process all over again. It's not difficult, but there's often a week adjustment period where you might experience more cravings, headaches, and “keto flu” as your body gets used to the new diet.

Once keto works, you'll want to resist sugar cravings to keep yourself on track.

If you're craving sugar on keto, it could signify something missing from your diet. It could also be a psychological effect of restriction.

Because you can’t have sugar, naturally, you want it more. You may also be susceptible to suggestions—the scent of a cinnamon roll or a photo of a luscious piece of cake can send your cravings into overdrive. Remember, you've been eating sugar for years, and advertisers have been selling it for decades. That's a long history of creating sugar cravings.

First of all, keto sugar cravings are normal, but they can be uncomfortable. Depending on your willpower, they can cause you to cave and cheat, messing up your keto momentum. It helps to determine if you're falling for the power of suggestion or if the craving is physical.

If your keto sugar cravings are metabolic in origin, it’s a sign that you’re not consuming enough food. Keto dieters often consume a lot of protein and fat, which is satiating and keeps your blood sugar steady. However, your blood sugar can dip if you forget to eat or have a meal that's not filling enough. Your blood sugar can also go down after physical exertion like running or a big workout and even stress.

When this happens, you might crave sugar. Your body is adapting to keto—what we call "fat adapted." That means you're turning to your fat storage for fuel. But during the first few weeks of fat adaptation, you might still experience physiological cravings. Here are five ways to kick sugar cravings on the ketogenic diet.


To resist craving sugar on keto, you first need to break the habit. You'll do this by stocking up on keto-friendly foods that you can swap for your favorite meals and snacks. Make sure you have plenty of items you can reach for when you’re craving a fix.

You can also break your sugar habits by implementing new actions when you would have previously turned to sugar. For example, go for a walk after dinner, brush your teeth after lunch, or drink a big glass of water whenever you walk into the kitchen to nosh.

It takes time to build new habits but set yourself up for success by stocking up on what you need and planning how to address the cravings when they happen. Don't wait for a sugar craving to hit, and then try to make it go away. Instead, assume that it will occur at some point and have a coping plan in place.

Hydrate, exercise, and care for your body in healthy ways. If you experience sugar cravings on keto, don't punish yourself and dwell on how "hard" it is to avoid. Instead, shift your mindset to think of how you're nourishing your body with healthy, whole foods. Kick this damaging sugar habit once and for all!


Sugar soothes us. It actually boosts our brain chemistry and gives us that hit of dopamine that we desperately want when we’re feeling stressed.

Interestingly, researchers have found that our sugar cravings were evolutionary in nature. When our ancestors were foraging for food, sweet flavor meant that the food would offer energy. It triggered the dopamine center in the brain to say, “Yes! This is good! Eat more of this!”

But today, sugar is readily available to all of us any time we want. So the dopamine hit becomes addictive and even destructive. We eat more and crave more. When we're stressed, we're particularly susceptible to sugar cravings.

If sugar is your go-to stress coping mechanism, look for other ways to treat yourself. Light a scented candle (not a cookie-scented candle, something soothing like lavender). Foam roll or give yourself a foot massage. Call a friend while you walk around the block. Snuggle a pet or play a game on your phone. Do what you need to do to decompress without a chocolate fix.

Rather than powering through the craving, treat yourself in a healthy, stress-busting manner. Light exercise, nature activities, or creative pursuits are all healthy outlets for boosting our moods and avoiding a sugar binge.


If you’ve reached a moment where resistance is futile and you can't stop thinking about your keto sugar craving, try filling up on something keto-friendly instead. Look for comfort foods. A luscious, creamy avocado, favorite cheese, or a yummy bowl of pasta


Yes, that’s right, It’s Skinny allows you to enjoy your favorite comfort meals without derailing your diet. It’s Skinny pasta is made with konjac root—a special ingredient that contains ZERO net carbs. That means there are no hidden sugars and only 9 calories per pack!

It’s Skinny Pasta is a keto dieter's dream. It allows you to add all your favorite toppings—load up on the fresh veggies, protein, cheese, and spices to create your favorite pasta comfort dish with all the flavor and none of the guilt.

This plant-based pasta is also great for those following low-carb lifestyles, paleo, whole food, vegan, and gluten-free diets as well. It’s made with only a few simple ingredients and packed with glucomannan fiber that fills you up and helps you stay full to kick those keto sugar cravings.

Order It's Skinny today to make all your comfort food dreams come true. It's available at many retailers and online in a convenient multipack. Try the variety pack with spaghetti, fettuccine, angel hair, and rice shapes that are ideal for every meal.


If you find that you crave sugar on keto, especially after the gym, it could be that your blood sugar levels are crashing post-workout. New exercisers are particularly susceptible to this phenomenon.

Plan ahead by consuming a small meal before you hit the treadmill. You don't want to eat so much that you feel full or get sick while exercising, but you'll need something to sustain your body while you sweat. Keto fat bombs (balls made with fats like coconut) are a good choice. You could also have other keto-friendly snacks, like a cheese stick, some beef jerky, or a hardboiled egg. Satisfy your sweet tooth with keto-friendly sweet snacks like a small piece of dark chocolate or berries with cream.

Look for a snack with some protein, if possible, and some fat. Even though you might be craving sugar, grabbing some keto-friendly berries might not be the best choice right before a workout. Filling up on artificially sweetened energy drinks or coffee can also be a no-no before physical exertion.


If you're craving sugar on keto, you may want to look at your sleep habits. It sounds strange to think that sleep could be connected to sugar cravings, but when we're tired, our willpower goes down, and our desire for comfort goes up.

During sleep, our body has a chance to metabolize and reset. It can change our insulin sensitivity when we don't get the rest we need. A lack of sleep might damage our metabolism, take our blood sugar out of whack, and make us crave foods like sugar.

The other issue with a lack of sleep is that it reduces our executive functioning. It makes it harder for us to resist temptation and make smart food choices. When tired, we're much more likely to cave to our cravings and derail our diet progress.

Sweet cravings on keto are a normal phenomenon, and it doesn't mean you're doing keto "wrong" or can't be successful with your diet. Plan proactively by filling up on healthy foods. Look for keto swaps so you can avoid deprivation.

It’s Skinny can help you stay on track with your keto diet. You don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite meals just because you’re avoiding sugar. Use It’s Skinny Pasta and It’s Skinny Rice to help recreate everything you crave (without the carbs). Order It’s Skinny today to keep yourself on track!

It's Skinny | The 9-Calorie Noodle (2024)


Are skinny noodles healthy? ›

Given that they have a fairly high fiber-to-calorie ratio, shirataki noodles can help people feel full without consuming a lot of calories, which may be helpful to those trying to lose weight or manage their weight.

Is it okay to eat konjac noodles every day? ›

While the konjac noodles seem like a miracle discovery with few calories and carbohydrates, I would caution you to consume them in moderation like you would any other food. You need a balance of macronutrients to feel your best and you don't want to get too much of any individual food (even healthy ones).

What is it's skinny pasta made of? ›

It's Skinny is a plant-based pasta made from Konjac, an ancient root vegetable that is naturally low-calorie and 0 net carbs, allowing you to enjoy all the incredible flavors you would expect of your favorite pasta dishes—without the guilt!

Which noodles are healthiest? ›

6 Healthy Noodles You Should Be Eating, According to a Dietitian
  • Whole-Wheat Pasta.
  • Chickpea Pasta.
  • Veggie Noodles.
  • Red Lentil Pasta.
  • Soba Noodles.
  • White Pasta.
Jul 13, 2023

Are noodles ok for weight loss? ›

Despite being a low-calorie food, instant noodles are low in fibre and protein which may not make them a good option for weight loss. Protein has been proven to increase feelings of fullness and decrease hunger, while fibre moves slowly through the digestive tract, thus promoting feelings of fullness.

What is the best pasta noodle for weight loss? ›

In fact, whole wheat or whole grain pasta is the best option for weight loss as whole wheat pasta takes longer to digest than pasta made from refined flour. Slower digestion means blood sugar will rise slowly after consumption, preventing your body from storing excess fat.

Are noodles less fattening than rice? ›

Basically they are both sources of carbohydrates. As a comparison, 100 grams of white rice contains 175 calories. The same amount of calories can be found in 50 grams of noodles (dry, uncooked). So for the same amount (eg: 100 grams) noodles will contribute higher calories.

What instant noodles are healthy? ›

Time is fleeting.
  • Hethstia Rice Ramen Organic Brown Rice and Buckwheat Noodles, Gluten-Free Buckwheat Ramen, Whole Grain Rice Ramen Pasta, Non-GMO and Kosher, 8 Packs Soba Ramen Noodles Baby Healthy Diet (19.8 oz) ...
  • Big Green Organic Food - Organic Traditional Ramen, USDA Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan, Air-Dried, Non-Fried.

What is the downside of konjac? ›

Konjac contains short-chain carbohydrates called FODMAPs. Although fermentable carbohydrate in konjac has health benefits, some people may be unable to digest it. These carbohydrates are fermented in the intestines and cause gastrointestinal problems such as gas, stomachache, and cramps.

Are there any side effects of konjac noodles? ›

While Konjac has documented health benefits, it is not without potential side effects. Digestive problems: Bloating, diarrhea, gas, nausea, and abdominal discomfort can occur and may be less likely by starting with small amounts to assess tolerance.

Can you lose weight eating konjac noodles? ›

Eating Konjac foods can fulfil satiety, reduce calorie intake, and help in controlling weight. Many girls consume Konjac foods to replace regular meals for losing weight. It can reduce food intake, and hence their sugar and carbohydrate intake.

Why is konjac so expensive? ›

Raw material. Our raw material konjac is obtained from the konjac plant. However, this plant only grows in Asia and is more expensive to cultivate than wheat.

Are konjac and shirataki noodles the same? ›

Both are made from the konjac potato, the only difference between them being the shape: konjac comes in a rectangular block and shirataki are shaped like noodles. Because of their lack of taste and smell and their jelly-like consistency, konjac and shirataki have never been popular anywhere but Japan.

Why is konjac so low in calories? ›

Shirataki noodles are made from a substance called glucomannan that comes from the konjac root. Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that absorbs a lot of water. Noodles made from glucomannan flour are actually about 3% fiber and 97% water, so it's easy to see why they are low in calories. Konjac is native to eastern Asia.

Are thin egg noodles healthy? ›

Are Egg Noodles Healthy? Egg noodles can give you extra nutrients that regular pasta won't, though they also lack in some areas compared to pasta. Still, you don't have to choose only one. Add both to your pantry for a well-rounded diet and supplement each with vegetables, proteins, and other sources of nutrients.

Are Slendier noodles safe? ›

Not only are Slendier Noodles incredibly light and versatile, but they're also a great source of fibre, promoting healthy digestion and helping you feel fuller for longer. Quick and easy to prepare, all you need to do is soak, rinse and enjoy!

What are the really skinny noodles called? ›

Glass Noodles

Also known as cellophane noodles or bean thread noodles, glass noodles are skinny, long noodles made from water and starch derived from beans and tubers. Noodle makers use mung bean starch, sweet potato starch, tapioca starch, pea starch, and potato starch to make glass noodles.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.