Is Oyster Sauce Vegan? Overview, Ethics, and Alternatives (2024)

Oyster sauce is made using—you guessed it—oysters. That means the sauce, which is commonly used in Chinese cooking, is not suitable for most vegan diets.

This savory condiment is known for having the perfect balance of sweet and salty with a base of oyster extract, sugar, salt, and sometimes thickened with cornstarch or wheat flour. Other ingredients, such as MSG and caramel color, can make an appearance on the label as well.

Why Most Oyster Sauce Is Not Vegan

Is Oyster Sauce Vegan? Overview, Ethics, and Alternatives (1)

Oyster sauce is made by simmering raw oyster juices until they have caramelized into a rich, salty sauce with a hint of sweetness. To add a supplementary depth of flavor, manufacturers may incorporate extra salt, MSG, or sugar to enhance the sauce, thicken it with cornstarch, or add caramel color to deepen the sauce’s natural dark brown hue.

According to Lee Kum Kee, the company that first made oyster sauce famous, the brand’s founder accidentally invented oyster sauce in Nanshui, Zhuhai, China back in 1888.

Why Some Vegans Eat Oysters

The case for eating oysters among vegans is one of the age-old dilemmas that cause controversy among the plant-based community. Along with mussels and scallops, oysters are part of the bivalve family.

While bivalves have no complex central nervous system or brain, the question of whether or not they feel pain is a matter of scientific debate, so some vegans choose to eat them. Others believe that since oysters have evolved stress response mechanisms and are living creatures, they are not suitable for a vegan diet.

Products to Avoid That Include Oyster Sauce

Oyster sauce is commonly found in stir-fries, noodles, and other Chinese-style dishes, but it’s also used to marinate and coat meats and vegetables.

Although oyster sauce is primarily found in Chinese food restaurants, it is also found in Thai, Vietnamese, and other cuisines from Asia.

Vegan Alternatives of Oyster Sauce

Is Oyster Sauce Vegan? Overview, Ethics, and Alternatives (3)

Although traditional oyster sauce is not vegan, some companies produce vegan versions made with organic, plant-based ingredients. If vegan-style oyster sauce isn’t available to you, alternatives like coconut aminos, hoisin sauce, and teriyaki sauce may do in a pinch.

Mushroom Vegan Oyster Sauce

The most common ingredients used to substitute oysters in vegan varieties of “oyster” sauce are mushrooms, since they provide a similar rich, umami taste.

Be aware that these products will still likely contain sugar, which some vegans may not consider to be part of a vegan diet if it can not be determined whether or not the bone char method is used. Since organic sugar can’t use bone char, a good way to avoid this dilemma is to look for organic varieties of vegan sauce or simply opt for sugar-free versions.

Coconut Aminos

Although it will likely be saltier and thinner than oyster sauce, coconut aminos can have a similar taste, especially when mixed with a bit of organic sugar.

Hoisin Sauce

Another classic condiment used in Chinese cuisine, hoisin sauce is sweet and tangy with a quality reminiscent of barbeque sauce.

Hoisin uses vinegar, chile paste, and garlic, as well as sugar, so be sure to pick an organic variety to ensure that it doesn’t use bone char.

Teriyaki Sauce

Although it will likely be much sweeter than oyster sauce, teriyaki has a closer consistency than other alternatives.

Like hoisin sauce, teriyaki works well in stir-fries and marinades. Vegans who are concerned about bone char should look for organic versions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to store oyster sauce

    If it’s unopened, oyster sauce can be stored in the pantry. Once it is opened, however, it must be refrigerated and kept in a closed lid jar or bottle. Always look for specific storing instructions on the bottle, as some formulas may have different requirements.

  • Does oyster sauce taste like oysters?

    Despite the name, oyster sauce tastes more like a combination of salty soy sauce and sweet barbeque sauce. Lower quality or cheaper brands may have more of a fishy taste, however.

  • How to use oyster sauce

    Oyster sauce is commonly used in stir-fries, marinades, soups, or as a dipping sauce. It does have a strong flavor and should be used sparingly at first until you’ve had a chance to taste your dish.

  • Can oyster shells be recycled?

    In most aquaculture facilities around the world, oyster shell recycling methods are less-than-ideal and lead to most shells being dumped as a part of food waste.

    In response, researchers have explored ways to mitigate this widespread oyster shell waste, including techniques that combine shells with natural limestone to produce an eco-friendly cement.

Is Oyster Sauce Vegan? Overview, Ethics, and Alternatives (2024)


Is oyster sauce considered vegan? ›

Although traditional oyster sauce is not vegan, some companies produce vegan versions made with organic, plant-based ingredients. If vegan-style oyster sauce isn't available to you, alternatives like coconut aminos, hoisin sauce, and teriyaki sauce may do in a pinch.

What is the vegan oyster argument? ›

Some people claim that oysters are vegan-friendly due to a belief that they are not sentient creatures capable of feeling pain. Pain is a subjective experience and impossible to measure in any animal. However, most people will class an animal as capable of pain if they have a central nervous system and brain.

Is there a vegan substitute for oyster sauce? ›

Mushroom broth is one of the best vegan substitutes for oyster sauce. Mushrooms, garlic, tamari, and celery combine to form this umami bomb. It's thicker and creamier than oyster sauce. The color of the broth is also lighter than that of oyster sauce.

Are oysters ethical? ›

Oysters purify the water they're in, taking in CO2 and nitrogen from the atmosphere, meaning they can actually impact the environment positively. As lots of people go vegan for environmental reasons above all, some make an exception for oysters due to its sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming practices.

What brand of oyster sauce is vegan? ›

Kikkoman. Unleash a burst of savory goodness with this plant-based delight that mirrors the rich taste of traditional oyster sauce. Perfect for elevating your vegetarian and vegan dishes, Kikkoman's version brings a delectable umami kick to your culinary creations.

Can so vegans eat oysters? ›

Many vegans don't consume or use anything derived from any animal under any circ*mstances, but others will eat honey or wear vintage leather. And there's a small but growing subset of people who are otherwise vegan that are opting to consume oysters and other bivalves (mussels, clams, and scallops).

What is the best argument for being vegan? ›

Preventing the exploitation of animals is not the only reason for becoming vegan, but for many it remains the key factor in their decision to go vegan and stay vegan. Having emotional attachments with animals may form part of that reason, while many believe that all sentient creatures have a right to life and freedom.

Is eating mussels ethical? ›

Shellfish were considered to be unfeeling and unconscious, which made them ethically fine to eat. Vegans who eat shellfish like oysters and mussels are called ostrovegans or seagans. They identify as vegans but still eat seafood.

What is the pro vegan argument? ›

A vegan diet is typically higher in fibre, and lower in cholesterol, protein, calcium and salt compared to a non-vegan diet. Research suggests that vegans may have a lower risk of heart disease than non-vegans.

Is oyster sauce alternative? ›

Soy sauce is an easy substitute for oyster sauce since it's a common pantry staple. It's also vegan and vegetarian, making it suitable for those who don't eat seafood.

Can Muslims eat oysters? ›

Oysters are generally considered to be halal, as all varieties of shellfish are halal in Islam. However some Islamic scholars under the Hanafi fiqh argue that, like crab, only fish is halal amongst sea creatures.

What is inside oyster sauce? ›

Traditionally, oysters are slowly simmered in water until the liquid caramelizes into a viscous, dark black-brown sauce. But to speed up the process, some commercialized versions are instead made with oyster extracts, plus salt, sugar, corn starch and caramel coloring.

Is oyster sauce vegetarian? ›

Regular oyster sauce (háo yóu, 蚝油) is made with oyster extracts and seasonings. Vegetarian oyster sauce has no oysters in it. Instead, it is made with mushrooms, though it's similar in color and texture to regular oyster sauce. See the difference between the vegetarian and regular versions below.

Can vegans eat clams? ›

Some people on plant-based or vegan diets might choose to eat molluscs as their lack of a central nervous system stops them from feeling pain in the same way as mammals. Though it should be said that this isn't the majority and most consider oysters, clams and scallops to be non-vegan.

What seafood is vegan? ›

Vegan Calamari and Vegan Scallops From Nature's Charm

Mushrooms make some of the best vegan seafood since they soak up flavor and have a flaky yet “meaty” texture. Choose Nature's Charm marinated and canned mushrooms for the best seafood flavor and easy preparation.

Which Subway sauce is vegan? ›

Which Subway condiments are vegan? Vegans customers have many condiment choices, including several non-dairy spices and seasonings, and plenty of vegan sauces: barbeque, buffalo sauce, fat-free sweet onion, guacamole, three kinds of mustard, oil, red wine vinegar, Subway Herb Garlic Oil, and Subway Vinaigrette.

Is hoisin sauce vegan? ›

As per Wikipedia, Hoisin (海鮮) is actually the Chinese word for “seafood”, however, the sauce does not contain any seafood ingredients, so it's naturally vegan. Why is it called “hoisin” then? Because the sauce was often used as an accompaniment to seafood dishes.

Which sauce is not vegan? ›

Worcestershire Sauce

Other condiments that are often beloved but aren't vegan-friendly include horseradish, fish sauce, and mayonnaise. However, if you do some digging, you can often find plant-based replacements for these condiments.

Does oyster sauce have oysters in it? ›

Oyster sauce is a thick, savory condiment common in Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay and Khmer cuisine that's made by cooking oysters. Traditionally, oysters are slowly simmered in water until the liquid caramelizes into a viscous, dark black-brown sauce.

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