Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (2024)

Last updated on 2024-06-18 | Edit this page



  • How can we apply a low-pass blurring filter to an image?


  • Explain why applying a low-pass blurring filter to an image isbeneficial.
  • Apply a Gaussian blur filter to an image using scikit-image.

In this episode, we will learn how to use scikit-image functions toblur images.

When processing an image, we are often interested in identifyingobjects represented within it so that we can perform some furtheranalysis of these objects, e.g., by counting them, measuring theirsizes, etc. An important concept associated with the identification ofobjects in an image is that of edges: the lines that representa transition from one group of similar pixels in the image to anotherdifferent group. One example of an edge is the pixels that represent theboundaries of an object in an image, where the background of the imageends and the object begins.

When we blur an image, we make the colour transition from one side ofan edge in the image to another smooth rather than sudden. The effect isto average out rapid changes in pixel intensity. Blurring is a verycommon operation we need to perform before other tasks such as thresholding. There are severaldifferent blurring functions in the ski.filters module, sowe will focus on just one here, the Gaussian blur.


In the day-to-day, macroscopic world, we have physical filters whichseparate out objects by size. A filter with small holes allows onlysmall objects through, leaving larger objects behind. This is a goodanalogy for image filters. A high-pass filter will retain the smallerdetails in an image, filtering out the larger ones. A low-pass filterretains the larger features, analogous to what’s left behind by aphysical filter mesh. High- and low-pass, here, referto high and low spatial frequencies in the image. Detailsassociated with high spatial frequencies are small, a lot of thesefeatures would fit across an image. Features associated with low spatialfrequencies are large - maybe a couple of big features per image.


To blur is to make something less clear or distinct. This could beinterpreted quite broadly in the context of image analysis - anythingthat reduces or distorts the detail of an image might apply. Applying alow-pass filter, which removes detail occurring at high spatialfrequencies, is perceived as a blurring effect. A Gaussian blur is afilter that makes use of a Gaussian kernel.


A kernel can be used to implement a filter on an image. A kernel, inthis context, is a small matrix which is combined with the image using amathematical technique: convolution. Different sizes, shapesand contents of kernel produce different effects. The kernel can bethought of as a little image in itself, and will favour features ofsimilar size and shape in the main image. On convolution with an image,a big, blobby kernel will retain big, blobby, low spatial frequencyfeatures.

Gaussian blur

Consider this image of a cat, in particular the area of the imageoutlined by the white square.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (1)

Now, zoom in on the area of the cat’s eye, as shown in the left-handimage below. When we apply a filter, we consider each pixel in theimage, one at a time. In this example, the pixel we are currentlyworking on is highlighted in red, as shown in the right-hand image.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (2)

When we apply a filter, we consider rectangular groups of pixelssurrounding each pixel in the image, in turn. The kernel isanother group of pixels (a separate matrix / small image), of the samedimensions as the rectangular group of pixels in the image, that movesalong with the pixel being worked on by the filter. The width and heightof the kernel must be an odd number, so that the pixel being worked onis always in its centre. In the example shown above, the kernel issquare, with a dimension of seven pixels.

To apply the kernel to the current pixel, an average of the colourvalues of the pixels surrounding it is calculated, weighted by thevalues in the kernel. In a Gaussian blur, the pixels nearest the centreof the kernel are given more weight than those far away from the centre.The rate at which this weight diminishes is determined by a Gaussianfunction, hence the name Gaussian blur.

A Gaussian function maps random variables into a normal distributionor “Bell Curve”. Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (3)

The shape of the function is described by a mean value μ, and avariance value σ². The mean determines the central point of the bellcurve on the X axis, and the variance describes the spread of thecurve.

In fact, when using Gaussian functions in Gaussian blurring, we use a2D Gaussian function to account for X and Y dimensions, but the samerules apply. The mean μ is always 0, and represents the middle of the 2Dkernel. Increasing values of σ² in either dimension increases the amountof blurring in that dimension.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (4)

The averaging is done on a channel-by-channel basis, and the averagechannel values become the new value for the pixel in the filtered image.Larger kernels have more values factored into the average, and thisimplies that a larger kernel will blur the image more than a smallerkernel.

To get an idea of how this works, consider this plot of thetwo-dimensional Gaussian function:

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (5)

Imagine that plot laid over the kernel for the Gaussian blur filter.The height of the plot corresponds to the weight given to the underlyingpixel in the kernel. I.e., the pixels close to the centre become moreimportant to the filtered pixel colour than the pixels close to theouter limits of the kernel. The shape of the Gaussian function iscontrolled via its standard deviation, or sigma. A large sigma valueresults in a flatter shape, while a smaller sigma value results in amore pronounced peak. The mathematics involved in the Gaussian blurfilter are not quite that simple, but this explanation gives you thebasic idea.

To illustrate the blurring process, consider the blue channel colourvalues from the seven-by-seven region of the cat image above:

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (6)

The filter is going to determine the new blue channel value for thecentre pixel – the one that currently has the value 86. The filtercalculates a weighted average of all the blue channel values in thekernel giving higher weight to the pixels near the centre of thekernel.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (7)

This weighted average, the sum of the multiplications, becomes thenew value for the centre pixel (3, 3). The same process would be used todetermine the green and red channel values, and then the kernel would bemoved over to apply the filter to the next pixel in the image.

Image edges

Something different needs to happen for pixels near the outer limitsof the image, since the kernel for the filter may be partially off theimage. For example, what happens when the filter is applied to theupper-left pixel of the image? Here are the blue channel pixel valuesfor the upper-left pixel of the cat image, again assuming aseven-by-seven kernel:


 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 5 9 2 x x x 5 3 6 7 x x x 6 5 7 8 x x x 5 4 5 3

The upper-left pixel is the one with value 4. Since the pixel is atthe upper-left corner, there are no pixels underneath much of thekernel; here, this is represented by x’s. So, what does the filter do inthat situation?

The default mode is to fill in the nearest pixel value fromthe image. For each of the missing x’s the image value closest to the xis used. If we fill in a few of the missing pixels, you will see howthis works:


 x x x 4 x x x x x x 4 x x x x x x 4 x x x 4 4 4 4 5 9 2 x x x 5 3 6 7 x x x 6 5 7 8 x x x 5 4 5 3

Another strategy to fill those missing values is to reflectthe pixels that are in the image to fill in for the pixels that aremissing from the kernel.


 x x x 5 x x x x x x 6 x x x x x x 5 x x x 2 9 5 4 5 9 2 x x x 5 3 6 7 x x x 6 5 7 8 x x x 5 4 5 3

A similar process would be used to fill in all of the other missingpixels from the kernel. Other border modes are available; youcan learn more about them in the scikit-imagedocumentation.

This animation shows how the blur kernel moves along in the originalimage in order to calculate the colour channel values for the blurredimage.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (8)

scikit-image has built-in functions to perform blurring for us, so wedo not have to perform all of these mathematical operations ourselves.Let’s work through an example of blurring an image with the scikit-imageGaussian blur function.

First, import the packages needed for this episode:


import imageio.v3 as iioimport ipymplimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport skimage as ski%matplotlib widget

Then, we load the image, and display it:


image = iio.imread(uri="data/gaussian-original.png")# display the imagefig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.imshow(image)
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (9)

Next, we apply the gaussian blur:


sigma = 3.0# apply Gaussian blur, creating a new imageblurred = ski.filters.gaussian( image, sigma=(sigma, sigma), truncate=3.5, channel_axis=-1)

The first two arguments to ski.filters.gaussian() arethe image to blur, image, and a tuple defining the sigma touse in ry- and cx-direction, (sigma, sigma). The thirdparameter truncate is meant to pass the radius of thekernel in number of sigmas. A Gaussian function is defined from-infinity to +infinity, but our kernel (which must have a finite,smaller size) can only approximate the real function. Therefore, we mustchoose a certain distance from the centre of the function where we stopthis approximation, and set the final size of our kernel. In the aboveexample, we set truncate to 3.5, which means the kernelsize will be 2 * sigma * 3.5. For example, for a sigma of1.0 the resulting kernel size would be 7, while for a sigmaof 2.0 the kernel size would be 14. The default value fortruncate in scikit-image is 4.0.

The last argument we passed to ski.filters.gaussian() isused to specify the dimension which contains the (colour) channels.Here, it is the last dimension; recall that, in Python, the-1 index refers to the last position. In this case, thelast dimension is the third dimension (index 2), since ourimage has three dimensions:





Finally, we display the blurred image:


# display blurred imagefig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.imshow(blurred)
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (10)

Visualising Blurring

Somebody said once “an image is worth a thousand words”. What isactually happening to the image pixels when we apply blurring may bedifficult to grasp. Let’s now visualise the effects of blurring from adifferent perspective.

Let’s use the petri-dish image from previous episodes:

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (11)

Graysacle version of the Petri dish image

What we want to see here is the pixel intensities from a lateralperspective: we want to see the profile of intensities. For instance,let’s look for the intensities of the pixels along the horizontal lineat Y=150:


# read colonies color image and convert to grayscaleimage = iio.imread('data/colonies-01.tif')image_gray = ski.color.rgb2gray(image)# define the pixels for which we want to view the intensity (profile)xmin, xmax = (0, image_gray.shape[1])Y = ymin = ymax = 150# view the image indicating the profile pixels positionfig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.imshow(image_gray, cmap='gray')ax.plot([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], color='red')
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (12)

Grayscale Petri dish image marking selectedpixels for profiling

The intensity of those pixels we can see with a simple line plot:


# select the vector of pixels along "Y"image_gray_pixels_slice = image_gray[Y, :]# guarantee the intensity values are in the [0:255] range (unsigned integers)image_gray_pixels_slice = ski.img_as_ubyte(image_gray_pixels_slice)fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.plot(image_gray_pixels_slice, color='red')ax.set_ylim(255, 0)ax.set_ylabel('L')ax.set_xlabel('X')
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (13)

Intensities profile line plot of pixels alongY=150 in original image

And now, how does the same set of pixels look in the correspondingblurred image:


# first, create a blurred version of (grayscale) imageimage_blur = ski.filters.gaussian(image_gray, sigma=3)# like before, plot the pixels profile along "Y"image_blur_pixels_slice = image_blur[Y, :]image_blur_pixels_slice = ski.img_as_ubyte(image_blur_pixels_slice)fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.plot(image_blur_pixels_slice, 'red')ax.set_ylim(255, 0)ax.set_ylabel('L')ax.set_xlabel('X')
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (14)

Intensities profile of pixels along Y=150 inblurred image

And that is why blurring is also called smoothing.This is how low-pass filters affect neighbouring pixels.

Now that we have seen the effects of blurring an image from twodifferent perspectives, front and lateral, let’s take yet another lookusing a 3D visualisation.

3D Plots with matplotlib

The code to generate these 3D plots is outside the scope of thislesson but can be viewed by following the links in the captions.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (15)

A 3D plot of pixel intensities across the wholePetri dish image before blurring. Explorehow this plot was created with matplotlib. Image credit: Carlos H Brandt.

Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (16)

A 3D plot of pixel intensities after Gaussianblurring of the Petri dish image. Note the ‘smoothing’ effect on thepixel intensities of the colonies in the image, and the ‘flattening’ ofthe background noise at relatively low pixel intensities throughout theimage. Explorehow this plot was created with matplotlib. Image credit: Carlos H Brandt.

Experimenting with sigma values (10 min)

The size and shape of the kernel used to blur an image can have asignificant effect on the result of the blurring and any downstreamanalysis carried out on the blurred image. The next two exercises askyou to experiment with the sigma values of the kernel, which is a goodway to develop your understanding of how the choice of kernel caninfluence the result of blurring.

First, try running the code above with a range of smaller and largersigma values. Generally speaking, what effect does the sigma value haveon the blurred image?

Generally speaking, the larger the sigma value, the more blurry theresult. A larger sigma will tend to get rid of more noise in the image,which will help for other operations we will cover soon, such asthresholding. However, a larger sigma also tends to eliminate some ofthe detail from the image. So, we must strike a balance with the sigmavalue used for blur filters.

Experimenting with kernel shape (10 min - optional, not included in timing)

Now, what is the effect of applying an asymmetric kernel to blurringan image? Try running the code above with different sigmas in the ry andcx direction. For example, a sigma of 1.0 in the ry direction, and 6.0in the cx direction.


# apply Gaussian blur, with a sigma of 1.0 in the ry direction, and 6.0 in the cx directionblurred = ski.filters.gaussian( image, sigma=(1.0, 6.0), truncate=3.5, channel_axis=-1)# display blurred imagefig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.imshow(blurred)
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (17)

These unequal sigma values produce a kernel that is rectangularinstead of square. The result is an image that is much more blurred inthe X direction than in the Y direction. For most use cases, a uniformblurring effect is desirable and this kind of asymmetric blurring shouldbe avoided. However, it can be helpful in specific circ*mstances, e.g.,when noise is present in your image in a particular pattern ororientation, such as vertical lines, or when you want to removeuniform noise without blurring edges present in the image in aparticular orientation.

Other methods of blurring

The Gaussian blur is a way to apply a low-pass filter inscikit-image. It is often used to remove Gaussian (i.e., random) noisein an image. For other kinds of noise, e.g., “salt and pepper”, a medianfilter is typically used. See theskimage.filters documentation for a list of availablefilters.

Key Points

  • Applying a low-pass blurring filter smooths edges and removes noisefrom an image.
  • Blurring is often used as a first step before we performthresholding or edge detection.
  • The Gaussian blur can be applied to an image with theski.filters.gaussian() function.
  • Larger sigma values may remove more noise, but they will also removedetail from an image.
Image Processing with Python: Blurring Images (2024)


How do you blur an image in Python? ›

How to Blur an Image in Python. The GaussianBlur function smooths the image by averaging pixel values with a Gaussian function, creating a natural-looking blur effect.

What causes blurring in image processing? ›

Applying a low-pass filter, which removes detail occurring at high spatial frequencies, is perceived as a blurring effect. A Gaussian blur is a filter that makes use of a Gaussian kernel.

How to blur an image in image processing? ›

How to blur an image. We can blur an image using different low-pass blurring filters. These low-pass filters decrease the unevenness between the pixels by averaging nearby pixels. They tend to retain low-frequency information while decreasing high-frequency information in an image.

How to unblur images in Python? ›

You can always add '--gpu=<gpu_id>' to specify GPU ID, the default ID is 0.
  1. For deblurring an image: python --apply --file-path='</testpath/test.png>'
  2. For deblurring all images in a folder: python --apply --dir-path='</testpath/testDir>' ...
  3. For testing the model: ...
  4. For training a new model:

What is the formula for blurring image? ›

As with all mathematical calculations, the units of measure must be the same. Image blur is calculated with the basic formula: b = dwScos0 .

How do I blur my images? ›

Blur images with a brush or directional tool.

Soften certain areas and draw focus to your subject by applying blur with your favorite brush. Select the Blur tool in Photoshop, choose a brush tip and strength, and drag it over the spots you want to blur. You can do the same in Lightroom.

How to blur an image using numpy? ›

a simplistic python program to blur images with numpy :
  1. reads the image With the help of the matplotlib library and saved it as an numpy array (matric) and displayed the image.
  2. applies an average filter.
  3. padds the image on all sides.
  4. applies the blur filter by convolution.

What is the process of blurring? ›

Roughly speaking, blurring an image is make the image less sharp. This can be done by smoothing the color transition between the pixels. To accomplish this target, we need to apply a convolution operation of a specialized matrix, called kernel, to the image's matrix.

What is the main purpose of blurring? ›

Blurring is a great option if you're trying to maintain the aesthetic of an image. It de-emphasizes the private or unnecessary information, yet doesn't completely obscure it — people can tell that something was there and can see how it fits into the larger picture.

What are the advantages of blurring? ›

Advantages of blurring:

It helps in smoothing the image. Low intensity edges are removed. It helps in hiding the details when necessary. For e.g. in many cases police deliberately want to hide the face of the victim, in such cases blurring is required.

What is the median blur in Python? ›

Median Blurring

Here, the function cv.medianBlur() takes the median of all the pixels under the kernel area and the central element is replaced with this median value. This is highly effective against salt-and-pepper noise in an image.

What is gaussian filter in image processing in Python? ›

A Gaussian Filter is a low pass filter used for reducing noise (high frequency components) and blurring regions of an image. The filter is implemented as an Odd sized Symmetric Kernel (DIP version of a Matrix) which is passed through each pixel of the Region of Interest to get the desired effect.

How to detect blur image Python? ›

By applying the Laplacian filter, we can obtain an image that highlights edges and discontinuities. If an image has a low variance of the Laplacian, it suggests that the image may be blurry or lacks sharpness.

How to improve blur image in Python? ›

Sharpening can be used to correct blur or softness in an image and can be applied using a variety of techniques. One common method for sharpening images using OpenCV and Python is to use the cv2. filter2D() function, which convolves the image with a kernel.

How do you blur an image in OpenCV Python? ›

To make an image blurry, you can use the GaussianBlur() method of OpenCV. The GaussianBlur() uses the Gaussian kernel. The height and width of the kernel should be a positive and an odd number. Then you have to specify the X and Y direction that is sigmaX and sigmaY respectively.

How do you blur an image in code? ›

The syntax of the CSS backdrop-filter property is similar to filter , which we can apply a blurry effect using blur() function: backdrop-filter: blur(degree-of-blur);

What does blur () do? ›

The blur() method removes focus from an element.

How do you blur a face in Python? ›

  1. Import module.
  2. Reading an image using OpenCV.
  3. Plotting it.
  4. Detect face.
  5. Draw a rectangle on the detected face.
  6. Blur the rectangle.
  7. Display output.
Jan 3, 2023

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