How To Get Back Into Ketosis After Cheating? The Fastest Way (2024)

The Ketogenic diet has become a trendy lifestyle, with several visible success stories circulated around social media.

However, unlike other health-related social media trends, the keto diet has been rigorously supported by a plethora of studies from nutritionists and doctors as a sure-shot way to lose the extra pounds.

The low-carb, high-fat diet has helped many lose weight with tweaks to their regular eating habits and help them both feel more confident while looking and feeling much better.

At first glance, the keto diet can sound deceptively simple: cut carbs, eat fat. However, undertakers make several mistakes that can prevent them from seeing any progress on this diet. The Keto diet may sound easy, but it can be quite a mountain to climb!

The rigid and strict keto diet can be tough to follow for long periods and can create plenty of cravings for carbs and regular diet foods. Many have begun to wonder if it’s possible to have a cheat day on the keto diet and the potential effects of doing so are. A cheat day will force your body out of ketosis- and many are wondering how to get back into the state as quickly as possible.

In this blog post, we will be covering in detail how you can reenter keto after cheating.

Disadvantages of Cheating on Keto

Though a quick cheat meal on keto may be incredibly tempting at times, there are several disadvantages that can occur - even if your daily net carb limit is only slightly over! The following disadvantages are the main reasons you should try and avoid any type of cheat meal that isn't keto-friendly.

Throws Your Body Out of Ketosis:

Ketosis is the state when your body switches from burning carbs for energy to burning your body's fat content. As soon as you introduce more carbs, your body will make the switchback.

This will immediately stop you from being in the desired state of ketosis, meaning that you will no longer be in a fat-burning mode. As you come out of ketosis, your body will not be usingketones as fuel anymore and this will prevent you from being able to lose weight fast.

What is more, if you have a cheat day whilst on the keto diet, your body will actually store any sugar that it hasn't immediately burned. These stored glucose and glycogen stores will then have to be burned off before your body will even start the process of going back into ketosis again. Initially, this may not seem like a big deal if you have only had one small cheat meal.

However, if you have a cheat week or have gone over your net carb limit by quite a lot, then this will massively impact the time it takes for your body to regain a state of ketosis.

Blood Sugar Spike:

Many diabetics and health-conscious individuals transition to the keto lifestyle due to its stabilization of blood sugar levels. A sudden cheat day can cause these levels to spike dangerously high; even more so for someone diabetic.

This happens also immediately after you consume any carb or sugary treat that puts you over the keto daily net carbs limit.

The science behind it is startling: your pancreas will automatically release an increased amount of insulin to cope with the new abundance of glucose.

These increased levels of insulin and glucose may actually cause a dangerous response from your body, especially if you are diabetic, andmay require medical attention.

Significantly Reduced-Fat Burning:

Cheat days will hinder your body's ability to burn fat intake and can lead to some weight gain. This is because as you are in ketosis, your body learns to use fat as fuel. As soon as carbs re-enter the body, your body's natural response is to use the carbs for fuel rather than your existing bodily fat.

This will dramatically decrease your fat and weight loss as your body will retain the excess fat rather than burn it - putting your body out of the ketosis state

Increased Cravings:

Carbs and sugar can be highly addictive, and cheating once can strengthen your cravings to eat more carbs and sugar again. Experiencing cravings whilst trying to get back into ketosis will make it a lot harder mentally to remain on a keto diet.

As a result of this, it may take you longer to stick to the keto diet rigorously enough for ketosis to occur. It's important to remember that the longer you are out of ketosis, the less weight you are going to lose.

Repeat Symptoms of Keto Flu:

Exiting and reentering ketosis can lead to one experiencing the keto flu symptoms. This flu-like experience usually occurs within the first week after you've started keto and is the result of your body becoming fat-adapted - meaning it turns to fat sources for fuel instead of carbs.

Thesymptoms often include feeling tired, irritated, difficulty sleeping, constipation, and headache. Due to this, people often describe this flu as a troubling experience that hinders their motivation to keep up the diet.

Guilt and Mood Swings:

Unplanned binges or experiencing the sudden desire to cheat on the keto diet can leave you feeling guilty with emotional mood swings as well. It is important to remember that the basis of the keto diet isn't to make you feel guilty about eating the wrong foods, it's to make you feel motivated to eat the right ones!

You may experience feelings of guilt after a carb binge or cheat meal, and the immediate bloating you are likely to have will often make this guilty feeling worse. However, you can use this guilty feeling as your incentive for getting back into ketosis.

How To Get Back Into Ketosis After Cheating

If you have cheated on the Keto diet, reentering the ketosis state can seem difficult. Despite this, there are several methods, tricks, and ideas that you can employ to speed up this process!

1. Intermittent Fasting:

Intermittent fasting is the process of reducing your calorie intake to just-drinks or, if you can, to just water for a period of time. This will help to reset your body, especially after a carb-heavy binge.

Eating within a set window of time, such as during 4 or 6 hours of the day, and then only drinking water for the rest of the day will help you to do this! Intermittent fasting burns a lot of glycogen, reduces inflammation, and can help work your way back into ketosis.

2. Start a Workout/Exercise Routine:

High-intensity training workouts burn a lot of energy and can aid in your body returning to ketosis quickly. By burning off the excess glucose and carbs in your body, you are more likely to remove these carb levels from your body.

This means that you will be able to get back to burning fat as fuel, rather than carbohydrates, more quickly! The most efficient form of exercise to get back into ketosis is weight training, such as lifting or squatting with weights.

3. Increase Healthy Fat Consumption:

Another great way to get back into ketosis is by eating foods rich in healthy fats. For example, try incorporating avocado into breakfast meals and snack on nuts throughout the day! 70 to 80% of your diet and calorie requirements on keto should come from healthy fat sources, and these will help to suppress your appetite, as well as reduce any sugar and carb cravings.

4. Minimize Carb Consumption:

Consuming a low-carb diet is vital to successfully reenter a state of ketosis. We recommend eating typically just under 25-30 grams of daily carb intake. This will force your body to use ketones instead of glycogen as an energy source, allowing your body to burn more fat.

Getting rid of the excess levels of carbs and glucose in your body is fundamental to achieving optimal levels of fat weight loss within the ketogenic diet.

5. Increase Your Water and Electrolytes Intake:

It is likely that as you attempt to get back into ketosis, that you will begin experiencingsymptoms of the keto flu.

Giving in to these flu symptoms will only lower your motivation levels, and you will not have the physical strength and mental clarity to work out and intermittent fast. As a result, it is important that you know how to prevent the onset of these symptoms.

The best thing that you can do to prevent them is to increase your water intake, as well as your electrolyte consumption. As your body starts to expend glycogen, it will flush out a lot of water and retain very little, causing dehydrated symptoms like fatigue and headaches.

Electrolytes and water will not only prevent and remedy this, but they will also provide your body with extra health benefits from digestive help to the appearance of your skin!

6. Consume Adequate Levels of MCT Oil and Protein:

To truly get back into ketosis, you will need to make sure you are consuming adequate levels of protein as well as MCT oil. MCT oil is commonly found in animal fats, coconut oil, and butter, which can be easily incorporated into keto-friendly foods and recipes.

The top benefits of MCT oil include the fact that it is rich in ketones, meaning that it will help your body to increase ketone production.

Adequate, but not excessive, levels of protein should also be consumed in order to retain muscle mass. This is especially important when your carb intake is very low. Protein in the keto diet will also help to support liver health.

7. Attempt a Zero Calorie Fast:

Attempting a zero-calorie fast is one of the best ways to reset your body to get back into ketosis quickly. Despite this, it is also incredibly mentally tough to go through several hours on nothing but water and black coffee.

We recommend only attempting a zero-calorie fast if you are not doing anything particularly active during the fasting time period, such as exercising or working. A 12 to 24 hour fast can kickstart your body into re-entering ketosis very quickly!

If you feel like this would be too hard for you, another option that you can always try is extended periods of zero-calorie intermittent fasting.

As you get used to zero-calorie intermittent fasting, you can even incorporate it as part of your daily keto lifestyle.

How Long Will It Take to Re-Enter Ketosis?

Typically, it can take anywhere between 2-7 days in order to successfully reenter a state of nutritional ketosis. However, the pace at which you get back into ketosis is also dependent on a variety of factors. These factors include:

  • How long you were in ketosis before cheating
  • Whether you partake in regular exercise
  • What the cheat meal was
  • Whether you consumed alcohol

If you were in ketosis for four or more weeks before cheating and are on a regular exercise regimen, then it will be easier for your body to re-enter ketosis.

If you have consumed alcohol as part of your cheat meal, then your body will try to get rid of that first before it tackles the excess glycogen.


In summary, cheating whilst on the keto diet is not recommended. Not only will a simple cheat meal or two ruin most of your fat-burning progress, but it will also make it increasingly difficult for you to get back into ketosis in the future.

However, if you have cheated or given in to temptation, do not worry! Our handy tips and tricks will help you to get back into ketosis quickly whilst avoiding common keto mistakes.

Ultimately, the time in which it takes you to resume a state of ketosis depends on your cheat meal, as your body must first burn off all this excess glucose and glycogen before it can begin to burn your body fat again.

Instead of feeling guilty about your cheat meal or day, we recommend using this experience as a tool of motivation to strive for a healthier and better life in ketosis.

For easier keto-friendly meal plans, check outProper Good for an array of ready-made, simple and convenient keto meals. These deliciously nutritious pouches are assured to keep you satisfied whilst on the keto diet, without compromising on any macros or net carb values!

How To Get Back Into Ketosis After Cheating? The Fastest Way (2024)


How To Get Back Into Ketosis After Cheating? The Fastest Way? ›

Your 24- or 60-hour keto reboot should include drinking plenty of water, increasing your exercise regimen, drastically increasing your fat intake, and trying an intermittent fast. During this time, be sure to get enough electrolytes, get enough sleep, and don't exercise too much.

How to get into ketosis fast after cheating? ›

7 tips for reaching ketosis faster
  1. Significantly reducing the carbohydrate intake. ...
  2. Increasing physical activity. ...
  3. Fasting for short periods. ...
  4. Increasing healthful fat intake. ...
  5. Testing ketone levels. ...
  6. Checking protein intake. ...
  7. Consuming more MCT oil.

How to get back into ketosis in 24 hours? ›

Your 24- or 60-hour keto reboot should include drinking plenty of water, increasing your exercise regimen, drastically increasing your fat intake, and trying an intermittent fast. During this time, be sure to get enough electrolytes, get enough sleep, and don't exercise too much.

How to recover from a cheat day keto? ›

To get back into ketosis after a keto cheat day all you have to do is to start eating proper meals according to your macros, drink plenty of water and mind your electrolytes. If you feel up to it do some light exercise to help deplete glycogen stores.

Does cheating one day ruin ketosis? ›

A full cheat day of consuming sugar, bread and pasta will take your body out of ketosis, which may take days to recover from. That's why Carrico suggests a cheat meal every now and then instead. You'll likely consume a lower number of carbs than you would on a full cheat day.

What foods get you into ketosis fast? ›

The following is a list of the best healthy food options for a keto diet.
  • Fish and seafood. Fish and shellfish are good choices if you're following a keto diet. ...
  • Meat and poultry. ...
  • Non-starchy vegetables. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Nuts and seeds. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • High-fat dairy products.
Mar 24, 2024

Will a 24 hour fast put me in ketosis? ›

However, you can actually enter ketosis thanks to the power of fasting! Going on a 24-hour fast before you start the keto diet can actually put your body in a state of ketosis. During that period, your body will burn through its glucose reserves, which will set you up to begin burning body fat and dietary fat for fuel.

How long does it take to get back on keto after cheating? ›

If you've cheated on keto, you're likely out of ketosis. Once out, you'll need to strictly follow the keto diet to reenter ketosis. This process takes several days to 1 week, depending on your carb intake, metabolism, and activity levels ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Should I fast after a cheat day? ›

Oftentimes after a cheat day or a binge, people think that they need a “reset” so they decide to restrict food the next day. However, fasting after a binge can backfire and perpetuate the binge-restrict cycle. It can lead to intense cravings and an obsession with food.

How many carbs will break ketosis? ›

Eating more than 50 grams of carbs may disrupt ketosis.

Some people can eat more and still stay in ketosis, whereas others may need to restrict their carb intake more in order to stay in ketosis.

How do you reset your body after a cheat day? ›

What to do after a cheat day
  1. Be kind to yourself. ...
  2. Remind yourself of other healthy behaviors your practicing. ...
  3. Don't turn a cheat day into a cheat week or month. ...
  4. Eat foods you crave most days. ...
  5. Stay consistent with exercise. ...
  6. Have a balanced meal. ...
  7. Practice tuning into your hunger and fullness.
Jun 28, 2021

How to restart ketosis? ›

How to Get Back into Ketosis Quickly
  1. Stay strong. Eating carbs and sugar may incite cravings for more. ...
  2. Strictly follow the keto diet. ...
  3. Try intermittent fasting. ...
  4. Consider adding exogenous ketones, such as MCT oil.
Mar 10, 2022

Will one cheat day ruin my progress? ›

While your metabolism may go up in the immediate aftermath of a splurge, it doesn't stay that way for long enough to make a significant difference. “Cheat day calories can add up fast and bring your weight loss progress to a screeching halt — or even reverse it,” Taylor warns.

How do you stay in ketosis after cheating? ›

How To Get Back Into Ketosis After Cheating
  1. Intermittent Fasting: ...
  2. Start a Workout/Exercise Routine: ...
  3. Increase Healthy Fat Consumption: ...
  4. Minimize Carb Consumption: ...
  5. Increase Your Water and Electrolytes Intake: ...
  6. Consume Adequate Levels of MCT Oil and Protein: ...
  7. Attempt a Zero Calorie Fast:
Jul 1, 2021

How to get back in ketosis in 24 hours? ›

You can make several diet changes to reach ketosis in 24 hours, including:
  1. Increasing your fat intake.
  2. Cutting out added sugars and processed snacks.
  3. Eating moderate amounts of protein.
  4. Consuming an abundance of non-starchy vegetables.
  5. Taking supplements such as exogenous ketones.
Jan 31, 2023

Can I have pizza on keto cheat day? ›

For keto dieters, a cheat day can mean indulging in actual pasta, pizza, and other high-carb meals. While many dieters think of cheat day as a well-deserved reward, nutritionists say there are downsides to it.

How long does it take to get into ketosis after a binge? ›

Overall, you can get back into ketosis as soon as 12-16 hours after your last cheat meal (with the help of fasting and exercise) or it can take as long as it did when you first started keto. If you'd like to get a better understanding of ketosis, check out our recent article on the topic.

Can you get keto flu after a cheat day? ›

A significant cheat, even for one meal, can stall your weight loss, make you feel sluggish, experience significant brain fog, and if you're somewhat new to keto, perhaps cause you go through keto flu symptoms all over again.

Does fasting after a cheat day help? ›

Oftentimes after a cheat day or a binge, people think that they need a “reset” so they decide to restrict food the next day. However, fasting after a binge can backfire and perpetuate the binge-restrict cycle. It can lead to intense cravings and an obsession with food.

How long do I need to fast to get into ketosis? ›

Your body may go into ketosis after just 12 hours of not eating, which many people do overnight before they "break fast" with a morning meal. (A midnight snack obviously sabotages this process.) A keto diet keeps you in ketosis for much longer time periods because you avoid carbohydrates, which supply glucose.

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