Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1929 December 12 (2024)







MARKET | enh





As I have said before in these columns, there is a great deal

of dissatisfaction in Georgia on the grades of cotton seed.

The mills are now buying cotton seed by grades.

-On all cars of seed shipped to the mills the Department of
Agriculture will take samples and have them analyzed for the
protection of the shippers. However, I would make this sug-
gestion to any gin house people or farmers who have as much
as a carload of seed to sellsell them at home, F. O. B. ship-
ping point, grades and weights F. O. B. shipping point.

The oil mills have their agents out and are buying th seed.
If you have the seed let them grade them before they make
you a price on them. When they make you a price weigh
them and load them and get your pay for them before they
leave your shipping point.

If you do not do this the Department of Agriculture will
take a sample of the seed when they reach their destination

and will report as to the results of the. map rtiigs of the State

_ There are a great many damaged sou in Georgia. The
damaged seed ought to be kept at home and used as fertilizer.
When you ship damaged seed to the oil mills you are going to
find that your pay check in some instances will only total about
$18.00 per ton. They are worth more than this for fertilizer.

More pains should be taken in the care of the cotton seed


7 MARKET REPORT Poultry:.For Sale 224.202. 200, Ont |
OF GEORGIA PRODUCTS | Foultry, Waited us 7
: Live Stock For Sale ____________ 3-4
Prevailing Wholagale Bites: December 9, 1929. Always Subject to Variation. Live Stock Wanted <= jo ae Soe
Atlanta Macon Augusta Savannah Columbus Vaidosta Flowers and Seed For Sale __._ 4
- Sweet Potatoes, (New), 100 Ibs. $1.25 $1.25 $1.37 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 Georgia Products For Sale _.7, 8. 10
Cabbage, (green) crated, 100 Ibs 2.25 3.50 3.00 2.25 2.75 5.00 dies & ae
Eggs, Ga., Extra, doz. ---------. 03 62 50 53 55 A5 ee ee ee .
Eggs, Ga., Standard, doz. ...... SBE 50 ag 51 53 43 Route POE Gale oe 9-10
| Eggs, Ga., Trade, doz, _....--- 49 48 46 49 51 Al Plants Wanted
'Eges, Yard Run, doz. ----.- pee Be er 80 48 51 ss
Stags; Ib. ..2-. pen ae 22 5726 25 235 20.5.
Pens, We 2 Sacer a aa + 8 25 25 23 20 Farms For Rent
Rovsters, Ih: 2 eo 12% 15 4 1a 15 10"
Friers, Ib. ---------------------- 28 30: 33 33 32 * 26
PAD UCKS IE oes wn 0 25 26 .26 24 23 Positions Wanted
Geeks ib. ee a Ae a5 18 1 16 18 as Seed For Sale
- Turkeys, Jb. -.---------+--- 7 Se 2780 382% 29 .30 .30 Seed Wanted
Field Peas, mixed, bu. ------ Lies Hew Sales to Guetd Rabbits For Sale
Field Peas, not mixed, bu. ---- f See Rabbits Wanted
eee Butter, best table, lb. > .40 35 40 45 45 40 Car Lots
_ Country Butter, cooking, Ib. --- 30 30 .30 35 35 35

- in order for their peanuts to make well.

Basis No. 1, Hogs Brought From i to 8.55 ae Week Beginning December 2

which contain an excessive amount of moisture. If you bulk
them they are going to heat. When they heat it damages the
oil content. This is the basis of their value.

For a great many years, nearly everyone in South Georgia
thought that they had to buy North Carolina runner peanuts
Recent years have
demonstrated the fact that Georgia grown runner peanuts
make more peanuts and less pops to the vine than the North |
Carolina runner peanuts.

At present there is a large quantity of Georgia runner pea-
nuts in the hands of the farmers. The merchants are now
contracting their supply of peanuts for next spring sale. Why,

- not purchase these peanuts from the Georgia farmers? They

are better than the North Carolina peanuts and can be bought

I would suggest that all farmers who have Georgia runner
peanuts for sale, list them in the Market Bulletin at the price
they will take for them in even weight bags. I.also wish to
request, that the Georgia merchants watch out for these ad-
vertisem*nts in the Bulletin and secure their stock in our Own
native State.

The present price of the Georgia runner peanuts is about
four cents per pound in earload lots.

Dec. 10, 1929. EUGENE TALMADGE

2, 1929.

2: lb,, size, 35 lb. FOB.

tested, B. BR.

- | Day old

pr Ga Rt:

e@a., 2 mixed co*ckerels,

_ Poultry For Sale
. 20 pure bred, 19 mos., old Ancona

hens, direct as baby chicks from Shinns |

_ Hatcheries, Greentop, Mo., $21 for lot.
_ FOB. Mrs. R. N. Elder, Cornelia, Ga.


Crystal White strain White Minorcas,
baby chicks, eggs, etc. Write for prices
and descriptions. R. W. Wiggers, At-

Janta, Ga., 804 Silvey Bldg.

Booking orders for - January and
_. February del., pure bred Tancred W. L.,
baby chicks. Write: for price. M. W.
_Kantala, Elberton, Ga. : :
_ High. powered chicks from heavy.
' laying flocks of pure blood: R. I. Reds,
and Barred Rocks, $14 a 100; W. Leg=

-.- horns, $12; White Wyandottes, $15. All
_. del., prices. 100-per cent live del., guar-
_ anteed. Less than 100 lots, add 1c per

a Sie D. F. Thomas, Odum, Ga. Box

Good chicks popularly priced; B. R.,
R. I. Reds, $14 a 100; Heavy mixed,
$13 postpaid. 100 per cent live del. R.

_-# Fetchel, Waycross, Ga.

... Booking orders for, April del., pure
' Tancred W. L., chicks, from .254 to
- 312 egg record stock, second direct;

$15 a 100; $12 if 500 or more is wanted.

_ Mrs. F. Cowart, Summit, Ga., Rt. 2.
- . Better baby chicks, all breeds

- Choose from at moderate prices. H. R.
_ Gaskins, Americus, Ga., Hill St.

__ Bred to lay and win breeding stock
baby chicks, hatching eggs, and mature
stock. Write for description and prices.
E.R. Gaskins, Americus, Ga., Box 469.

_ Baby chicks from State Accredited

_ flocks, bred for high egg production.

-< Vrite fo rice ki =F
ue ee ee March hatch, Reg., permit, 29-C-246. |

_ Chas. F. Howe, Ft. Valley, Ga. \
_. Day old chicks: W-. Leghorns, $15 a

100; R. I. Reds and Barred Rocks, $16: |.

_ Custom hatching: 100 eggs, $4; $30 per
-M. Eustace J. McKinney, Jr., Black-
shear, Ga. gee oot

Custom hatching through season, 3c
an egg, also mixed heavy breed fryers,
J. A. Richard-
son, Thomaston, Ga. ?

Rocks and Red baby chicks from

_. trapnested stock of good type and col-

or, $15 a 100, 100 per cent live del..}
ae guaranteed. L. H. Rawls, Zebulon, Ga.

_ Heavy asst. chicks: Reds, Rocks, Orp.
and White Wyandottes, $13 a 100 pre-
_ paid, live del., Del., any time. F. B.
_ Flanders, Rockledge, Ga. :
About 100 ea., Thompson strain, blood
; and R. I, Red baby
Be: chicks, ea., week, 15 ea., $15 a 100,
. ee N. Dell, Waycross, Ga:, 1641 State

| pure bred W. L., or mixed
breed chicks, to be del., any time after
steed a D. F. Ogden, Odum,
Q Booking orders for Tom Cochran

- Big Ege Line and Quisenberry Quality.

$C. W. L, chicks and eggs: day old

chicks, $15 a 100: eggs, $1.50 per 15
Postpaid. O. L. McClellan, LaGrange,

br Gas Rt. 3.


. _ Young W. L. Bantams, also Speck=
led ones mixed with Sebrights, $1 ance
- $1.25 pr., $1.75 trio. Clarence Brown,

eo Helena. Ga.-::

Pure bred Black Tail Jap. bantams
_ April hatch co*ckerels, $2.50: trios, $8.
_ J. W. Martin, Columbus, Ga., Box 36.

Partridge Bantams: 1 rooster and 3

hens (color of _ Partridge
slightly larger), e: :
4. not del. Miss
ille, Ga. : :
Several black bantam roosters, $1 ea.

or exch., for hens, :
Vo ee. any large breed.

wes Maxwell Washington, Ga.
2 full bred Buff Cochin

and only
extra stock, $2 for the
Mary Lee Dowdy, Ella-



co*ckerels, BC
and -4- mixe
ae hatch, 50c. ea. ron.
Cash with order. I. S. T : -
dele. oe oe ee
W. L. Bantam hens, 50c ea.. ani

= Brown L. co*ckerels, 75c ea. C. H. One

D. Brock, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 8
1 rooster and 5 now laying pullets,
Bantams: white and golden shade on
breast and neck. $5; also 1 rooster and

a pullets, R. I. Reds, $5. Del., at depot
here. Chas. A. Pierce, Tallapoosa, Ga..,
52 Head Ave. ;

Pure bred Golden Sebrights: 2 trios, |

$4 ea., and 2 prs., at $2 ea., FOB. Bur-
ney B. Parks, Gainesville,




hatch, $1.75 FOB., Lula, Ga. W.

Ga: T8p.




1 rooster, April-hatch, Prize winners,
$10.50; 4 pullets and 1 rooster, 6 mos.

Fold, $7.50, Leo. Russell, Rome, Ga. :

Prize. Winning Golden Sebrights, $5 |
pr., co*ckerels, $1.25 ea. Mrs. R. Q. Mil-
ler; Aeworth,Ga,, Rt. 2.- .-

Thoroughbred Japanese ~-bantams,
$2.50 ea.,- trios, $10. Mrs. J. W. Mar-
tin, Columbus, Ga. P. O. Box. 36.


Thoroughbred B. R. Thompson, Ring-
let. April hatched pullets.. Mrs. C. R.
Sorrels,- Monroe, Ga., Rt. J. - s

4 pure bred Thompson Imp. Ringlet
April hatched co*ckerels, $2 ea.,. FOB.,
or lot, $7.50. Mrs. 'R. L. Mabry, Canor,
Ga et c2s eS

Several pure bred B.*ckerels at
$2 ea: Feb., hatched and May hatched.
Mrs. J. W. Trammel, Moreland, Ga.

Trio of 2 pullets and 1 co*ckerel, B.
R. $5; co*ckerels $2 ea., pullets $1.50,
Thompson, Park and Aristocrat strains.
Mrs. J. D. Coston, Parish, Ga. * s

Pure B. R/ chickens, 4 hens, 20 April

hatched pullets, 1 co*ck 18 mos. old.
Heavy layers; Lot delivered $44. Money
order with order. Reg. Permit 29-D1-44.
Mrs, W. A. Miller, Leo, Ga.
.B. R. grown pullets $1.25 ea.,. pure
B.-R. ready to Jay. Will exch.,.- for
Bronze turkeys at 30c per Ib., or for
2 or 3 mos. old pigs. Prefer money.
Mrs. N. L. Shealy, Oglethorpe, Ga.

10 Thompsons strain B. R. hens,
$1.75 ea., 1 co*ckerel, $1.25 or $18 for
the lot. Mrs. P. B. Stephens, Austell,
Ga, Rt 1. : :

8 pure bred B. R. hens, 2 roosters, 19
mos. old; 20 pullets and 1 rooster $
mos. old, $2 ea.; 9 pullets and: rooster
9 mos., old all pure bred but not re-
lated $2.50 ea., or $7.50 for lot. Money
back if not satisfied. Mrs. W. A. Hand,
Brookfield, Ga. See

Pure Parks strain B. R. co*ckerels,

$3 ea. O. E. Martin, Reeves, Ga.
Thompson Ringlet B. R. co*ckerels,
$2.50 ea., pullets, $2ea., 1928 hens, $1.50
ea. Mrs. J. B. Gaines, Cave, Ga.
-Fat B. R. hens, 30 per Ib. Mrs. W. C.
Norris, Zebulon, Ga. Be

B. R.: 4 hens, 20 March and April
hatch pullets and 1 co*ck 18 mos.. old.
Heavy layers, pure Park strain, Reg.,
per. 29-D1-44, $44 for lot del., M. O.,
with order. Mrs. W. A. Miller, Leo, Ga.
3 pure bred Thompson Ringlet B. R.
co*ckerels, $1.50 ea., nice yellow. legs.
Mrs. J. P. Mabry, Canon, Ga.
2 Park strain B..R. co*ckerels from
reg. stock $1.75 ea, 4 pullets same
strain $1.50 ea., all ril hatch $9 for
ot. Mrs. Perry. Fitzgerald, Forest Glen;
Ga. :
2 pure B. R. co*ckerels, April hatch
$5 cash with order. Mrs. J. P. Willard,
Jackson, Ga., Rt. 4.
~ 10 pure bred B. R. young hens Thom-
oson strain April hatch $12 for lot.
Mrs. H. Tench, Cornelia, Ga.

10 B. R. for sale, Thompson strain
dullets and 1 co*ckerel 5 mos. old, $1.59
oa., or $15 for lot. Cash with order,

jot prepaid. Mrs. D. E. McArthur,

Blakely, Ga.
Full stock of B. R.- co*ckerels April

Miller, Lula, Ga., Rt. 2. - et wee

2 Thompson Ringlet B. R. March coc-
kerels, $2 ea., 1, 18 mos., old co*ck same
strain $3 FOB. Mrs. N. R. Wilson, Can-
Or Cra Fab Qe es :

B. R. co*ckerels, $2 ea., R. I. Red coc-
kerels, for sale, $2. D. M. Lamb, St.
Charles, Ga.

srel $1.75 FOB Lula,
ula, Ga. Re 2: : s

Several nice pure bred Parks strain
-B. R. co*ckerels permit and No. 29-D1i-
40 reg., stock March hatch, $3 ea., also
April hatch $2.50 ea. send P. O. money
order, crate to be returned. Mrs. John
A. Watson, Metter, Ga., Rt: 1.

Pure bred B. R. cqckerels, hatched
April 1st, $1.25 ea., and $1.50 ea. Mrs.
W. H. Amis. Newnan, Ga. .

9 pullets. and 1 co*ckerel Thompson
strain B. R. March hatched $1.50 ea.,

Ga. W. F. Miller,

;}or $14 for lot FOB Baldwin, Ga. R. E.

Rhodes, Baldwin, Ga.-
10 pure Aristocrat B. R. hens hatch-
ed March 1, 1928; also 2 pullets hatch-

-|ed in March 1929 and 1 nice rooster

for $18. Mrs. C. L. Britton, Jackson,
Gawtbe te

1 thoroughbred B. R. rooster 8 mos.
old, $2; 2 pullets $1.50 ea. Mrs. Rosie
Crow, Cumming, Ga,, Rte 4.

26 April hatched B. R. Thompson
strain pullets now laying, $1.50, 1 co*ck-
erel, $2; 1 rooster, $1.50; or all for $40.

_A. C. Towe, Adairsville, Ga.

2 B. R. co*ckerels for sale or exch.
Mrs. S. J. Belcher, Adairsville, Ga.,


"OuS; - Ga

-and 1 co*ckerel,
Summit, Ga.

1 pure bred B..R. April hatch co*ck-|~

A do

s, and | Mar

Rt3 es Se
aa Thompson. strain,

| yn strain, | best of Pit_Games. C. C, Phillips, Roy-
hatched, $1.50 FOB., ston, Ga, Rt.1. =


Nicholls, Ga. Mrs. C. C. McGee, Nich-

2 Park strain B. R. co*ckerels, April
hatch; ea reg., stock; $2. ea. No checks.
Mrs. Perry Fitzgerald, Forest Glen,-Ga.

Thompson B. R. April co*ckerel, $1.50
ea.,. cash with order, FOB.,. Lavonia,
Ga. Will exch. for seed. of Spanish
peanuts, must be sound and not N. C.

runners. O. C. Chitwood, Martin, Ga.

Reg. stock Parks -strain. B: R: reg.,

per No, 29-D1-40. co*ckerels from 6 to|

10 -mos., old, from. $2 to $3.50 ea., also
4 hens of 1928 March hatch fine heavy
and nice color, $2.25 ea. Send P. O.
money order. Coops to be returned.
Mrs. John A. Watson, Metter, Ga., Rt.

. 15* pure:bred BR. hens last yrs.
hatch and 15 this yrs. March and Apr.,
hatch pullets, now beginning to lay.

\'The lot for $1.50 ea., also 3 co*ckerels,

os ea. Mrs. D. C. Anglin, Blakely, Ga..
Ries: oes :


- 2 more nice Brahmas, roosters, Mar.,
hatch, $3.50 ea., or $6 for: both. Mrs.

W.. R. Vickery, Martin, Ga. Rt. 1.

I very fine Scott strain Brahma co*ck
and 8 hens, same strain and: same breed
all at $2.50 ea, Mrs: Etta Harrison,
Kathleen, Ga.

2 light Brahma young hens and a

co*ck, $6. Bonnie View Orchard, Dem-
orest, Ga. as

Giant strain light Brahma roosters.

$2 ea., pullets. $1.50 ea. Mrs. W. G.
Walker, Lumber City; Ga... - :

1 Giant strain light Brahma, rooster |

20 mos. old, weighing 10 Ibs., $2.50 or
will. exch. for 2 hens any pure breed
except W. L. Mrs. Lettie Drawdy, Haz-
lehurst, Ga., Rt. A. - 5 Ree

1 light. Brahma co*ck and 2 pullets
hatched April 1 ready for service, $5
for lot. Cash with order. Mrs.- Jose-
phine Spear, Mitchell, Ga.
- Light Brahma co*cks, $2.50, pure bred.
M. F. Merriam,.Demorest, Ga,

20 pure bred light Brahma this year
hens and one co*ck, $20. Mrs. W. G.
Blythe, Buena Vista, Ga., RFD 3.

2 thoroughbred light Brahma pullets

i FOR. SALE. 2 _
_1l Plymouth Rock 6 mos. old. rooster,
$1. C. D. Fianagan, Cornelia, Rt. 1:
Bunch Partridge Rocks, March and
April hatch, $2 ea. Mrs. R. J. Rod-
denberry, Hazelhurst, Ga., Box 25,
5 Buff Rock 1928 hens and 10 April
and May 1929 pullets and April co*ck~-

/erels, $1.50 ea., if all are taken. M. B.

Boykin, Bellville, Gav... Es
. 8 Buff Rock, pure bred, April co*ck-
erels, $2 ea. Cash with order, Mrs. J. A.
Kelly, Tennille, Ga., RFD F. Box 72.
10 White Rock co*ckerels, pure bred
Fischel strain, $1.50 ea., FOB. 2 for
$2.50. Mrs. J. L. Kilgore, Stone Mtn.,
Ga. Rie 1
Pure bred Fischel strain White Rock
April co*ckerels, $1.25 a. Mrs. W. H.
Walters, Lavonia, Ga. Rt. 3.
2 yr., old thoroughbred Buff Rock

co*ckerel, of the Selzner strain, $3: 2}

sure bred Buff. Orpington March co*ck-

| crels, $2.50 ea., also 1 drake and duck.

Exch, for\ Barred Rock or W. lL. 4 mos.
old pullets. Miss Mamie Fletcher, Clim-

25 pure bred Buff Rocks, now laying.
April 15th hatch, $2 ea. Mrs. J. W.
Ford, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 1. eee

Pit Game co*ckere!s, Blues and Reds
April 1929 hatched, weight from4 to
> Ibs., $1.50ea. W.-A: Holsonback, Ran-
Fer Gade = ee SE :
Pure bred dark Cornish Games, $2
ea., or trio for $5 FOB. Arabi, Ga: Mrs.
TS: Kinnett, Arabi, Gas
5 hens and 1 co*ck Red Cuban Games,
$6 for the lot. 5. young stags: of the
same strain. at $1 ea, L. R. Martin,
Lawrenceville, Ga. es fe
1 dark Cornish Game co*ckerel and

3 pullets, Berry strain, $1.50 ea. Mrs.

B.-L. Brown, Ball. Ground,Ga., Rt. 1.
1 pure bred Game co*ckerel March

hatched Weber strain to exch. for a.

pure bred Columbian Wyandotte or
3uff Minorca co*ckerel, same age. Mrs.

| Gee Weldon, Mitchell, Ga. Rt. 1.

Pure-bred Cornish Game co*ckerels,
$2 ea. Mrs. L. M. Kennedy; -Collins, Ga.
3 pure bred dark Cornish Game pul-
lets and 1 co*ckerel May hatch, $5 FOB.
John Turner, LaFayette, Ga., Rt. 3.
4 Cornish Game hens 2 yrs. old, 2 1
yr. old, all thoroughbred co*ck, $9 for
the lot. Del. D. M. Brand, Tucker, Ga.,
Pure Ginn Greys, Reds, Blues, co*cks
and hens, stags, pullets. These are the

as E = we Z a a

| Ruff, Griffin, Ga., Rt. C.

$5. Mrs. W. L. Turner, | 2

eee :

Thursday, December 12,

4 Dark Cornish Games, co*ckerels,
March and April hatched, $1.75 ea. J.
D. Ruff, Griffin, Ga., Rt. Ce S eee
* Pure bred White Cornish Indian
co*cks 1928 ao Nes $2.50 in yard
R,. A.Bakes,Almo,..Gaiv 2
1 Game hen, Allen Roundhead. direct
from Judge Wood, 2 yrs. old. $2; also
1 yr., old Mt. Eagle, Roundhead pullet,
$1.25 FOB, J. H. Lambright, 2329 Glou
cester, St.,<Brunswick, Ga. =, 7
One pair Blue Pit Games, $5; also
trio Red this yr., hatch,*ckerel and
2 pullets, $6; also 3 red Game hens, Rie
yrs. old, $8; 1 brown and red Game hen,
$2. All pure Games and true to name.
All cash with the orders. No checks
Mr. B. P. Weaver, Royston, Ga., RFD ~

- Pure Pitt Game pullets, $1 ea., Stags,
$1.50 ea. A. M. Borders, Marshalville,
Ga. Gece

- Dark Cornish Game co*ckerels, $1.7
ea. Berry strain, March hatched. J. D.

9 dark Cornish Game, 1 yr., old roos-
ters, $2 ea. Mrs. C. A. Patterson, Ty Ty
rGa- Rt 1. Box 19. ts
Pure bred dark Cornish Game co*ck-
erels, $1.25 ea. Miss Kate Lancaster,
Sylvester, Ga. Ce
"Judge Dan Gordon hens, $1.50 a.,
co*cks, $4 ea., stags, $2 ea. Ginn Grey |
Hens, $2.50 ea., stags, $4 ea. Cross breed |
Games, hens $1.50 ea., co*cks, $3 ea.,
stags, $1.50 ea. Guaranteed to be dead >
game. Aubie Lee Steele, Eastman, Ga.
One pair dark Cornish Games, no

1kin, $1.75; also 2 dark Cornish pullets,

layers, $2,75. P. C. Barnes,
: FD 8. ae eS = oe Le ea
eure Red Guill Pit Game co*cks, $7.50,
stags, $5; hens $2.50 ea. Tom Richard-
son, Palmetto, Ga. Bg Ee

6 pure bred dark Cornish Games, 1
rooster, 4 hens, 2 yrs. old, 1 Apri
hatch pullet, $8 for the lot FOB Greens~
boro, Ga. Mrs. J. T. Lewis, White
Plains, Ga, - . : ee

Dublin, Ga.,


Pure Marcy J. B. Giants, ready for
service co*ckerels, 8 to 10 Ib., $2.50 ea.

Mrs. Nancy Smith, Soperton, Ga. Rt

Pure. bred, ready for service J. B.
Giant co*ckerels, Marcy strain, $2.50 ea.
Coop returned collect. Do not send
checks. Mrs. Bell Joiner, Soperton, Ga. |
Several J. B. Giant. 6 to 10 Ibs. hens,
25c 1b. Moline M. Landrum, Adairs-
Villeo Ga oRt.3. 5 Wes ae
May hatch J. B. Giant co*ckerels,
$1.50 ea. Clara V. Trimble, Adairs-
ville Gao. = s ee
6 J. B. Giant April pullets and one
no-akin co*ckerel. Sell or exch. for Du-
roc or Berkshire 2 or 3 mos old pigs
Mrs. G. R. Sorrells, Monroe, Ga. =~
_J. B. Giant hens and. pullets, $1.50
ea., roosters, $2 ea. Pure bred Marcy _
strain. Mrs. B. C. Bynum, Shellman,
Ga. : FS Ae tte
J. B. Giant co*ckerels about 9 Ibs.,
7 mos. old, $5 ea. Guaranteed. W. R.
Davis; ;Conyers, Gae.28 45
March and April hatch J. B. Giant
co*ckerels, $2 ea. Parent stock direct.
Nonnie Garner, Cedartown, Ga. Rt. 1.
15 J. B. Giant Spring pullets, ready
to lay, and 2 young roosters, $1.50 ea.,
$25 for lot.. Mrs. C. J. Phillips, So- |
perton, Ga. Rt. 3. 3 2 oe eaee
10 pullets and 2 roosters, pure J. B.
Giants, very early Spring hatch, se-
lected, $30 for lot. Exch. for pork, or
good corn. B. T. M. Cauthen, Milner,

Ga.- Css ee ;
J. B. Giant 7 or 8 lb. co*ckerel, 1 1-2

| yr. old,.pure bred, $3. Mrs. E. L. Smith

Wadley, Ga. oh a eae ae
- to 15 J. B. Giant pullets, $1.50 ea.,
or trade for velvet beans in pod, or
Bourbon Red turkey hens, J. P. Will-
lame, Griffin, Ga. RisO; = 2-505
Limited number J. B. Giant roosters,
April first hatch, direct from Purple
|Ribbon stock. $5. ea, Certified check,
or money order with order. E. . Fokes

LaGrange, Ga.

8 fine Tancred March roosters, $1.50
oe Exp. col. W. Hale, Jr., Summit,

- pee
_ Pen of 6 S.C. W. L. hens, official
Ga., Third Natn'l. Egg laying contest:
205 to 257 record in 51 weeks; mated
to pure Tancred Ped., co*ckerel from
275 egg record hen, Also several high
ped. co*ckerels from 275 and better rec-
ord. Write for prices. M, W. Kantala,
elberton, Gee 3) 20 * ee ee

3 pure bred second direct, Tancred

April hatch 300 egg record W. L. co*ck-

erels, $2 ea., or the 3 for $5. No-per- |
sonal checks. Cleon Cowart, Sum-_

-|mit, Ga., Rt. 2, Box 89.

10 Tancred strain, April hatched w.
L. co*ckerels. Make best offer. W.

Shepherd, Hawkinsvilie
ae ntinued on

Thursday, December 12, 1929.

" Live Stock For Sale

_ 6 yr.,-old fresh milch cow, now giving
2 1-2 gal. per day, $60 cash, without
calf, at my home. Mrs, A. E. Richard-
son, Ivey, Ga.

- Thoroughbred Jersey 2 1-2 yrs. old
heifer, subject to reg., freshen in April,
from 4 1-2 gal., 2 ib., butter cow, $90,
erated for shipping. Money order, or
cashiers check. R. J. Fossett, Baxley,

Ga. |
Poune cow, fresh in with second
calf, a few days old; 1 to freshen in
a few days with second calf; 1 tw
freshen in January, with first calf, $55
to $75 ea. J. W. Cochran, Rupert, Ga.,

Jersey bulls, 10 days to 2 wks. old,
reg., $15 ea., or $10 ea., without papers.
W. C. McCommons, Thomson, Ga.

1 black Jersey cow, giving milk now,
$40. Miss Julia Boynton, Griffin, Ga.,
- eare Gen. del.

Pure bred Guernsey bull calf, 6 mos.
old, not reg., $50. Sol Oden, Black-
shear, Ga.

Jersey bull calves, from reg., bull
sires and high grade Jersey COWS, but

not entitled to reg., 1 calf solid color,

J yr. old, $35; 2 calves, about 3 mos.,

old, $15 ea. T. W. Bruner, Coleman,
Ga., Rt. 2. :
"Heifer, to freshen in Spring with

2nd calf; 2 heifers, freshen with 1st
ealf; 1 1-2 yr. old male calf. All good
grade Jerseys and good stock. $130
for all. Mrs. L. Stallings, Smarrs, Ga.
7 mos., old Jersey bull, $10 cash at
my barn. Robt. R. Shubert, Lula, Ga.,
RFD 1. :
~ Butt-Head, cream color Jersey cow,
$40; also 1 red mare, 12 yrs., wt., 900
-lbs., first class cond., work anywhere,
$65. George W. Poppell, Screven, Ga.
A good milch cow, secon calf, for
gale. A. M. Wilson, Jonesboro, Ga.
-Reg., Guernsey bull, 3 yrs.
old; sure breeder, fine laze calves
$200; 1 grade Jersey cow, 16 qts.
when fresh, $60; 18 mos., old grade
heifer, from grade Holstein and Jer-
sey cow, giving 16 qts., when fresh,
$20. Mrs. G. M. Tucker, Darien, Ga.
"Reg., Jersey bull, 4 years old, a son
of Xenia Sparkling Sultan; 1 reg..
Jersey 9 mos., old heifer, by -he above
pull. J. W. Simmans, Gaincsville, Ga

6 milch cows, milking; 2 wry; and ay

them, or

few ings. Call and see
a few yearling Dae.

_ write for prices. Gordon Hal,
aa., Rt. 2. :
oo yr., old fawn color Jerse bull, $75.

J. J. Outen, Manassas, Ga., Rt, 2.

1 red Jersey 2 mos. old heifer, (can
eat meal and hulls now). Sell, or exch.,
for 8 pure bred hens of any heavy
strain, and 1 rooster. Mrs. Belle Mur-

-phey, Winder, Ga. :

AP Short Horn and Holstein 11 1-2
mos. old bull, fat and gentle, deep
-eream and white color, $38. FOB crat-
ed, or exch., for good blood pigs, at
12c Ib. No runts. Rufus R. Duffy, Car-
rollton, Ga., Rt. 3. Box 87.

8 Jersey heifers, 28 and-7 (1) mos.
old; all from 4 and 3 gal.. Grade Jer-
seys; 2 are from reg. Grand-Sire. Can

not be reg. $55 ea., FOB, or $50 at
barn. Mrs. 8. P. Jones, Luis, Ga., Rt. 3.
6 mos old reg Jersey he.fcr, $40. Z. L.
Scott, Concord, Ga. ;

12 mos. old reg., Jerscy bull, from

pest blood on both sides, crated and
del., any point in Ga., $5. Henderson
Hopkins, Chipley, Ga., Rt. 1. :
~ % milch cows, second ca:ves due in
March and April. Full blood Jersey, not

reg. 800 lbs., $100. 7-8 Guernsey, 700 lbs
$75; Milking now. Qua.iiies perfect.

Gan be seen at my residence. D. A
Bagley, Atlanta, Ga.,.1724 Bankhead
Highway. rs
~ About 20 head cattle, on velvet beans.

for sale. C. A. Hodges, Cogdell, Ga.
$-4 Jersey milch cow, fresh in with

second heifer calf; will give 8 or 4

gal., milk, also fine butter cow; also 3-4
Jersey cow, freshen in February with
8rd calf, $100 ea., at home. J. D, Mc-

Cay, Gibson,\Ga., Rt. B.

Fresh, 4 gal., milch cow, $75. A. C.

Meadows, Weston, Ga. :

- Full blood, matured, Butt-Head Jer-

sey me 2 yrs. old, good cond., $40.

J. &. Glawson, Bradley, Ga.
Dairy cows for sale; 8 Jersey calves.
Write. C. E. Atkinson, Thomson, Ga.

1 dark color, reg., Jersey 18 mos.

old heifer, bred October 16, 1929, to

Grandson of Sybil Successor. Sell, or

-exch., for 6 to 8 wks. cld pigs. Jas.

-. Gardner, Covington, Ga. \

_ Butt-Head young milch cow, first

calf, 3 mos. old, gives 1 1-2 gals., $35.

-P. B. Lanpp, Scott, Ga.

20 mos. oid heifer: Eng., and Jersey
cross, freshen February 15th and Mar.
Ist; in good cond., $25 FOB. Mrs. J. G.
Gattis, Monroe, Ga., Rt. 1.

2 bred to freshen ist of March, pure
bred, but not reg... Red and Lemon
Jersey heifers; also 12 mos., old lemon
Jersey heifer, same stock; not brea.
$90 for the 35 at barn, or $100 crated
=e del. RR. R. D. Giles, Winston, Ga.,
Rt kL.

2 milch cows, with young calves,
ceasonable. S. W. Clements, Rochelle,
Ga ule:

2 good grade Jersey cows, both t.
freshen in January. 2 1-2) gals., per
jay. 6 and 8 yrs. old, $60 at my barn.
&. C. Tyler, Monticello, Ga., Rt. 6. .

14 reg., and grade Jerseys. See them
at Tivoia, near Perry, Ga. Mrs. H. N.
Stipe, Perry, Ga., Rt. 1.

1 good milch cow, freshen last of
Jecember. W. D. Bearden, Palmetto,
Gare Rt. 2: &

Reg., Jersey heifer calf, from heavy
niiking strain of cows; sired by great
Raleigh bull. E. J. Bailey, Raymond.
aes ;

Hereford cattle for sale.*Both sex.
J. J. Cumming, Donalsonville, Ga.

6 yr. old reg., Jersey cow, sired by
Jiolas Oxford Gamboge; bred (to
reshen December 24th) to reg., bull
das given 4 gals. day when fresh
oriced to sell at bargain. A. C. Zach-
-y, Madison, Ga.

5 Jersey young milch cows, freshen
ist of January, with 2nd and 3rd _cal-
yes; give 3 and 4 gals., milk day. Mrs
W. G. Blythe, Buena Vista, Ga., RFL

5 or 6 dairy cows, fresh in, als
3pringers. Sell, or exch. for yearlings.
or dry cattle. Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bre-
nen, Ga.

3 yr. old reg., Guernsey bull, gentle.
nother produced 590 ibs., butter per

tear; wt:, about 1250. Ibs., $150, reg.

n buyers name. C. M. Cason, Sanders-
ille, Ga.

Pure bred Guernsey bull, 6 mos. old
alf, for sale. Dr. N. C. Alston, Rich-
cand, Ga.

2 full blood Jersey heifers, solid
ream, color: 1 three yrs. old and wil!
nilk early in spring, $40; 1 two yrs.
ld, $25. J. J. Dixon, Bainbridge, Ga.

1 fine young cow,'2 1-2 yrs. old, 3-4}.

Jolstein and 1-4 Jersey; giving 2 1-2
zal., milk and 1 1-2 Iibs., butter per
tay. $80 at my home. Mrs. P. P. Wood,
Atianta, Ga., Rt. 5.Center Hill.

75 to 100 good breeding Angus cows
3. to 5 yrs. old. All good breeders an
nost of them pasture bred to reg
Angus pulls. Some are pure bred
ythers, 7-8. Priced to sell. De F. Hun
zerford, County Agt., Newnan, Ga.

5 yr. old cow, freshen December
rood milker; good qualitiess also twc
Jersey heifers, to freshen in Decembe?
vith first calf. From gocd, 4 gal., stock
Sheap. Mrs. A. O. Dorman, Fayette-
ville, Ga.

7 high grade Jersey milch cows, now
yesh, calves, 6 and 8 wks. old, $500
or lot. A. J. Baglie, Avera, Ga.

A few good cows forssale or rent
uring the winter., Hampton Grant,
Jesena, Ga. oe

milch cow, $40. Mrs. G. L Wilson,


2 pure bred Duroc Jersey, 2 yr., old

OWS, Wt., about 275 lbs., ea., will farrow }:

7ebruary 20th; also 8 pigs, same breed,
16 to $12 ea. Write for prices on sows.
ixch. for seed oats, good Jersey heifer
alves, 1 to 6 mos. old. C. C. Deal, Pat-
serson, Ga.

1 pure bred P. C., male, subject to
eg.,. $15 at Dawson. Eugene Colley,
Jawson, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 29.

Durocs: ist, 2nd, 3rd. and 4th prize
T., sows, at Columbus, Macon, and
tlanta Fairs; 225 to 300 lbs., bred for

March 1930 litters, to 1st prize Junior

roar. $45 and $50 ea., Reg., Immune,
pd Jr., boar, 250 lb., $50; 1st prize, Jr..
t Atlanta, 300 lbs., $75; also 2 mos.,
digs, $12.50 ea., reg. All FOB. Henry
t, Lunsden, Talbotton, Ga. :

1 pure -brd SP; O;2.-yr old, wt.
yver 200 lbs., good brood sow. Life time
mmune; fine cond.. ready to breed.
325 cash. FOB. No personal checks.
fete: Cowart, Summit, Ga., Rt. 2. Box

Thoroughbred Duroc Jersey pigs.
Jer, Or exch, or BR: of Rak Red
dens or pullets, or for new feathers.
Vrs. L. E.- Deal, Bristol, Ga.

Pure bred Duroc J. hogs: boar is
Setter Fancy Col. 5th of the famous
tilts family; sows, Sensation and
Yrion breeding. Can furnish breeding
stock of any age. In the last 2 yrs. our
ows have farrowed over 10 pigs to
he litter, and have av.. more than 8
o litter raised up. J. Henry Walker,
President, Ga., Vocational and Trades
School, Walker Park, Ga.

. 4 pigs, 9 wks. old,

af Gh


{ 200 lbs.,


| Mitchell, Ga. Rt. 1.


Bone Guinea (1-2 ea.), wt., 25 or 30 Ibs.,
ea., $5 ea. 9 pigs; 7 wks. old, Duroc and
B. B .Guinea crossed, good cond.,, $4
ea. Cash with order. H. H. Hawkins,
Gibson, Ga.

Reg., Duroc 2 yr. old male, Scissors
strain, cholera immune, $25 not crated
E. Maynard, Newton, Ga.

Duroc shoats, 40 to 60 lbs., 18c lb.,
60 to 100 Ibs., 12c lb. FOB. Money order
or cashiers check. L. E. Phillips, Col-
quitt, Ga.

10 Duroc and P, C. crossed 8 wks. old
es: 89 1k. Gr oh5e ter lots Is bred
WP. C, and Duroc crossed) sow, la.row
about: December 20th, wt., about 30u
Ibs. No bad habits, $35. E. C. Tyler.
Monticello, Ga., Rt. 6. ,,

9 Bo Pi OC pigs. 6 wks. old, pure
stock, ent. to reg., satisfaction guaran-
seed, $5'ea., FOB. Cash with order.
amet Humphrey, Mitchell, Ga.

Subjest to reg., Duroc Jersey pigs.
both sex, 3 mos. old, wt., 70 to 80 lbs.
310 ea. Cleon Brown, Alamo, Ga.

6 mos. old Duroe service males, $20;
10 wks. old pigs, $8 and $10 ea. All
eg., Sensation breeding. Z. L. Scott,
Soncord, Ga.

-Pure bred Duroc J. 14 wks. old pigs.
rom prize winning stock, ent., to reg.,
310 ea. Gordon Collins, Cobbtown, Ga..,
2b. 2.

Thoroughbred, not reg., Hampshire 2
nos old pigs, $12.50 by pr., or $13.00
a. Exch. for 2 mos. old Jersey calf.
NV, H. Ahl, Alma, Ga.

Big Bone Black P. C. pigs, from
eg. stock, 3 mos. old, $10 ea., or exch.
or hay,*geese, or calves. R. E. Barnes,
raymont, Ga.

13 mos. old Duroc Jersey male, chol-
ra immune, subject to reg., $20, or
exch. for Jersey heifer, or 2 calves.
or fattening shoats. T. L: Adams, Doug-
as, Ga., Rt. 3. Box 142. :

Duroc Jersey boar pig, 3 mos., old,
vt., 60 to 75 lbs., reg., in buyers name,
51850 FOB my shipping point. L. M.
&ennedy, Collins, Ga. |

1S: 2. Ce boar, wt., about 250 Ibs.;
reg., $50. , Cy Ivy; Porterdale, Ga.

4H Ciub boy, thoroughbred Berkshire
nale pig, about 9 mos. old. Won first
srize at Ben Hill Community Fair in
Fulton county, $50 FOB. Nick Ferrant,
Ir, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 1, Box. 114-B.

2 reg., Duroc J. male; 3 mos. old, 60
b., pigs, from prize winning stock (out
of litter of 12), $12 ea., reg., in buyers
name. J. Car: Daughtry, Metter, Ga.

20 shoats and 9 pigs for sale. Frank
Wilscn, Forsyth, Ga.

4 September Hampshire, choice gilts,
ybout 60 Ibs., ea., $10 ea. withour
yapers, or $1 extra with papers: C. W.
franklin, Midville, Ga. 3

S. P. C. gilts, 75 lbs., reg., in buyers
qame, $15 ea.; also 1 reg... S. P. C., 3
r., old sow, wt., about 300 llbs., $40.
2. L. Brown, McRae, Ga. f

5 mixed B. C., Duroc and Essex, 30
oO 35 lb., pigs. Ea, will be treated from
tholera before shipping, $6 ea. Cash
vith order. D. L. Miller, Denton, Ga,
Box 66.

Duroc Jerseys: young boars and gilts
10 to 90 lbs., 17 1-2c Ib., service boars
00 to 150 lbs., same price; bred sows
$40 ea. or exch. for good
speckled peas, especially Brabhams. All
hogs will be reg., in buyers name. L.
H. Edenfield, Stillmore, Ga., Rt.

8 Big Type P. C. pigs, not reg., but

my place. C. C. Southern, Talking Rock.
Ga., Rt. 1. aS

P. C. boar, farrowed August 31, 1927:
Sires: Monarch and Armistice ances-
Dams, Hamiltons Demonstrated
Maid. $50, or exch. for meat hogs, on
foot.. or dressed. Wm. Campbell, Sugar
Valley, Ga. :

Big Bone P. C. boar, Grand Cham-
pion at Chattahoochee Fair, $75; young
boars, ready for service, $20; open an.
bred gilts, $20 and $25. All sirea by
Grand Champion. J. W. Lynch, car2
Woolridge Poultry Farm, Hamilton
pare Columbus, Ga., PO Midiand.


old, $5 ea. at my lot, or $8 pa. reg
inoculated and crated for shinping
T. H. Crowder, Newnan, Ga., Rt. 1

1 Big Bone Black Guinea, and 4
S. P. C. gilts, all wt., about 75 Ibs., and
4 1-2 mos. old ea., $10. ea. Miss Bonnie
Brown, Summit, Ga., Rt. 2.-

18 mos. old, P. C. brood sow (has
had 1 litter of. pigs); wt. nearly 400
Ibs., Reg., pure stock, $100. Mrs. Anna
L. Wall, Madison, Ga.

7 yr. old Shetland pony, good and
gentle, white and brown spotted, good
.cond.,. $75. cash.

3 mules, cheap for cash. J. S. Smith,
Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 2. - bake

Duroc and: Big

1 good plug mule, sound and gentle,

(Ga Rt 3)

good stock, 6 wks. old, $5 to $6 ea., ac |

nut 8115, or write H. G)

17 -pure bred 8. Po 2G. + pigs, 8iwks.

Everett Humphrey,| B

burg and 3 White Swiss, $5 ea..
barn. A, N. Poore, Dahlonega, G

work anywhere, good cond., $25 for

quick sale, or exch for equal value. H.
W. Graham, Statham, Ga. Rt. 2.

Good mule, wt. about 900 Ibs., 10
yrs. old, work anywhere, $100. W. R.
Plemmons, Hidgon Store, Ga.

Gentle, sound horse, work anywhere
$100 cash. Floyd Brantley, Brooklet,
Gao Roe 2; e

3 good farm mules, wt., 1200 Ibs., ea.,
cheap for cash. G. M. Parks, Jesup,

1. bay mare, good cond, work eny-
WHELG, Goi eG el a Oe he TE OL
wt., <1 M.. Ibs.; 3 $80, Ho oH. Wiliams;
Woodland, Ga. pos

Black saddie horse. Perfect beauty. e
Sell or exch. for good fresh milch cow. oS
H. C. Waldrep, Forsyth, Ga., Rt. 1. ,

2 plug mules, wt., about 800 lbs. ea.,
$35 and $50 ea. Exch. for goats, cows
or hogs. W. J. Morgan, Stillmore, Ga.,

Rt. 3. Box 46. ye

1 gray horse, about 11 yrs., old, pull
like a mule to wagon, plow mate;
about 900 lbs., little thin, $40 or exch.,
for hogs, Jersey heifer, 3 yrs. old: R.

A. Smith, Leslie, Ga. ; leit

1 good saddle horse, with all saddle |
gaits. Write for prices. Dr. N. . Al-
ston, -Riehland, Ga.

1 black horse mule, about 12 yrs. old,
wt. 1M Ibs., quick and fine worker
$125 cash. J. E, Glawson, Bradley, Ga

1 gentle work horse, wt. 1M lbs., $56,

1 good mule, $90. Mrs. G. I. Wilson,

her wz

Moreland, Ga. ae

Good, gentle mare, 10 yrs. old, work
anywhere, wt. about 1M lbs., good
shape, $60 or exch. for milch cow,
from 3 to 6 yrs. old. Maron Thorn-


ton, Ringgold, Ga., Rt. 1.

Good farm horse, work anywhere,
saddle or buggy, wt., 1125 lbs., $85. Ri- -
ley C. Couch, Turin, Ga. (

Shetland pony, brown with white.
patches, 565 lbs. all gaits, $75. M.
Simonton, Greenville, Ga., Box 122.

Stallion colt, born May 1928, from
reg., 5 gaited stock. Wt., about 1M., lb. u
Full description and price on request. ae
C. H. Mulloch, Savannah, Ga., 1909 oy
Habersham St. \

Good plug mule. Sell or exch., for
cow, shoats, or turkeys. T. W. Hill, |
Tignall, Ga.

1 pr., good mules, 10 and 11 yrs. old.
$100 for the pr.,; or exch. for cows or
ea Mis. L. Stallings, Smarrs,


10 yr. old black horse mule, good
cond., 900 or 1M., lbs., gentle, work anys
where, $75; also black mare mule, 900
lbs. 12 yrs., old, good worker, $50. Exch.
either or both for cows. Mrs. Mary D.
Strand, Egypt, Ga., Rt. 2. ae ha

11 yr. old, 850 lb., bay horse, $30: 1
black horse mute, 1050 lbs., 12 yis. old
$50. Both sound in good cond., and
work anywhere. Dennis Rich, Byron,

6 yr..old bay horse, wt. abo 1M
lbs. Work anywhere, and is good sad- Rs
dle horse. $100 cash oy exch. for cat-
tle. J. C. Peek, Atlanta, Ga., 267 Rich- ae
ardson St., SW. ee.

Toggenburg billy, 4 inos. old, good
cond., $8; Exch. for R. L Red hens,
Ribbon cane syrup or seed oats J. Bi. ae
Smith, Douglasville, Ga., Rt. 4. _ a
5 goats, $10. Mrs. G. J. Wilson, :
Moreland, Ga.
1 pr. Angora goats, also 1 doe kid,

|4 wks. old, full stock, not reg., $12.50
crated, FOB. / C.. Lewis Palmer,

Vernon, Ga., Box 152, :
100 head goats: 80: nannies; 8 billies |
and 12 kids. E. O. Williams, Lyons, Ga.
Several kid goats, also park geese. FE.
iat agan | Blackshear, Ga,, Rt. 1, Box

Several Nubian goats, reg. Call Wal-
ester, At-

lanta, Ga., 580 Decatur St.

11 mos. old_Toggenburg doe, from _
heavy milker, large to age, and nicely
marked. $40 FOB. Crated, or exch. for
good blooded pigs, at 12c lb. No runts
Rufus R. Duffy, Carrollton, Ga. Rt. 3
Box 87.

I Reg. Nubian milk goat,
middie of March;
day when fresh.

0 freshen
gives 5 qts. milk per
Sell but prefer to
exch. for 1 of same breed, now milking.) <
Mrs. G. G. Moore, Jonesboro, Ga ti(iS
ee one ei 2 rams, sell cheap. Sam- .
ass, Stonewall, d

oe ) AO ras Campbeli

Reg. Toggenburg milk goat ee
thoroughbred kid, 8 mos. old, $25 FOB .
for both. Exch. for Bird Bros. tur-
keys, or pure bred heavy breed chicken:
ens, Giants or Rocks preferred. N. A
Ferrant, Atlanta, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 114-


4 milk type goats, all bred. Toxgen-

at the-



PAGE FOUR . MARKET IBULLETIN Thursday, December 12, 1929

hogs, at 10c lb., gross, also 8 wks. old| per lb del. Mrs. R. B. Summer, 202] fruit cake $1 per lb; Lady Baltimore
he Sheep and Goats For Sale Duroc pigs at 15c lb. No runts, nor| Burke St., Americus. Ga. 75c per lb; old fashioned pound cake
* oung, 3-4 Nubian doe, never been| stunts wanted. Exch. good, young, 1 M., Ground. oyster shells for small and|and snow cake 65c per lb. Mrs. Scott
oo Believed te be bred ao ouar,,| lb sound true farm horse, or 900 lb.,|jarge chickens, $1 per 100 lbs. FOB| Davis, Hogansville, Ga. e
Re Pee Pee tees 0 rt mules for same. R. D. Giles, Winston, | Savannah, Ga. Mr. W. A. Smith, 102] Cakes baked for Christmas, all va-
ee (1-2 pogeas Bie ae Bae Ga., Rt. 1. Bay St., East, Savannah, Ga. rieties. The very best fruit cake 80c per
fresh: tase Fitle oe 1 pint. | ./ant 1 Big Type, straight nose Berk-| tome made fruit cakes 50c per 1b.|\b.; others 50c per Ib. Postage 15 per
eee 8 Mee Over + Dnt.) shine boar, . inder 6) ims. oldu: Clive plus postage. Several years experience|7zake. Miss Ella Trimble, Adairsville,

B j e . j j : . * : \
/ atl Syke Getiabece geo anh breeding and price. H. R. Ingram, Cole-| in making. Orders filled in both larg=| Ga. :

; : man, Ga. itie r
nish papers. E. A. Pierce, Chamblee, ; and small quantities. Mrs. R. Van] Fresh water ground graham flou
Ga. Rt 1. Smith, Cork, Ga. /_ from select recleaned wheat, $4 per 100

: aoe AND MULES WANTED oe Ibs. sens aN Se mi FOB. M. F. Lewis, Adamsville, Ga.
. ant to r ( rs. Ida Buchanan, Chula, Ga. cy ;
Live Stock Wanted _|s. A. Richardson Thomaston, Ga. | Box 12 : : Home made preserves, pear, peach
; Want 1 Pided Shetland pony, not too} Japanese fruit cake, any size up to mein rind 60c per gt. Mrs. Z. M
* CATTLE WANTED old, gentle and in good cond. State] 6 Ibs. 40c per lb. Lady Baltimore cake Story Thomson, Ga. : ee

Want reg., Jersey heifer calf, Ox-|St cash price and describe fully. Mrs. | weight 4 to 5 Ibs., $1.50 each del. Mrs. rti s 4 qt. capacity also 2
ford Raleigh type, not under 2 mos.|#.C. Hodges, Ludowici, Ga. Ee Weediace, avev ie, On. ae ee ie eeurdinie: 40"
old. Write price, how much butter per |, Want pr. mules. Exch. value for same| 6 Ibs. new clean goose feathers, will | and 3 ats. YB. Titomas, Thomasboro.
day, and how long milk. Quinton|J- B- Birk. Madison, Ga. Rt. 2. exchange feather at 90c per pound. Ea. | Size. Mrs. T. B, Thomas, ie

to pay del. charges. Mrs. Nora Trawell, | Ga. ca wa
Paulk (4H Club boy), Wray, Ga. :

Want 6 reg, Guemeny os Jersey SHEEP AND GOATS WANTED Broxton, Ga. Rt. 1. . 20 50-lb. flour and. ee
cows, first and second calves. 1 male.| Want 1 large billy goat for breed-| Fresh dried 1929 black walnuts, 75 | Mrs. Alice oa a A ces ahha
Must be of very best strain. T. B.|ing purposes. Give description and| Pe" PU. FOB my station. Mrs. S. W | Pure geese feathers and dow ro earage
Raines, Dawson, Ga price in first letter. Chas. G. Swindell, | Purse, Glennville, Ga., Box 154. 8 or more pounds, per Ib., 50c. Cas.
- Want milch cow with 2nd calf, that|Ludowici,Ga. RFD B. ] panes prenitooms i net des Mert a .Holoma

: price, any ki . rona Standard, Zula, Ga. ofkee, Ga. ie eee
ey fre nee a ee ah Ge Bon ne Cate Te 5 white 10 lb. feed sacks and 5 50-Ib.| Old fashioned home made pouna
value in milch cows. J. A. Crumley,| Want 25 to 50 ewes. Pay: cash for feed sacks, good condition. 75c post-|;cake and caramel cake, very best fresh

same. ; paid. Mrs. F. R. Willams, 1533 Mon-| material used for fine grained cake
oo cathy lathe too ae breed ee Sonne Hands, Oa. treal Place, Atlanta, Ga. Pound cake iced $2.50 each; Caramel
: ; Brooms made of broom corn, wire | $2. Postage extra. Mrs. Ria, A. Hodge

bd 3 gal., cow, 5 yrs. or. younger, now: |; \ E eee y
milking. Write first. R. L. Denison. F lowers And Seed wrapped, long handle, 2, $1, add pos-| Springfield, Ga. Bee:
iy - Screven, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 41. tage. Mrs. L. M. Aderhold, Lavonia New, white downy feathers, 65c per

| : : Ga. lb. del. Send for sample. Mrs. Mar
Bey Cea wee Cucmiowe Halt: __For Sale _ White and black fruit cakes, 85 per | Collins, Cordele, Ga. Rt. D. a

i i re lb. Only first class ingredients used.}| Black walnuts 1929 crop four cent
ao H. H. Lake, Wrightsville, Ga., ie aeelsion a orange ard Te ee Mrs. J. D. Peaco*ck;. a, Ga. Rt. 2. | per pound, or will exch. oes he
Prat Oa ebb red cannas, single white al- Fruit cake containing 31 ingredients |namaker Cotton seed, pure Ribbor
oo eet tees en eae ao | theas, 6 in. to 2 ft, 10 to 35c ea..\g1 per Ib; 5 lbs. $450; old fashioned |Cane Syrup, Nest onions or cabba
thay es S Rene Atlanta Ga Ret Weeping Mary, purple perennial, 10 to| pound cake made without baking pow- | plants. Early Owens, Zebulon, Ga.
7 Hie 79. Ys pee MN) 290 ea, Fire-in-the-bush, 20 ea., pur-|der, light and fine grained 4 Ib. cake| About 50 lbs. of Mt. or Chestnut |
TURAGS Sepeiue! cai Hetheta: and dale ple wisteria, 25 ea., 10 kinds monthly | $2.50; Send orders early, cakes also!Oak Acorns. Sell or exchange for any-
ves. Must ee he and cheap. Mrs. T.| qa. and silver moon rose cut., all 20c| delivered when wanted. All hom made|thing that I can use. C. C. Southern
J. Biggers, Bremen, Ga. : ce sks hee cnr no 8 to 10 ft.,| of purest ingredients large order chea-| Talking Rock, Ga. Rt. 1. Hee
Want 1 pure bred Hereford bull calf, | malaya blackberry, 3c ea.,| per. Mrs. W. S. Bostwick, Atlanta, Ga

et plus postage. Exch., for dried fruit i ie pee ce
ee ne 8 mos. old. J. A. Whitley, Tifton, pions, or anything of vane t dou He ri36. ee eee ee Georgia P roducts oe
Wabi *ts excels: (100 bi. Poriackican ee Bee Satterfield, White, Ga.,| 8 qts. fig preserves 50c per qt. FOB. |. ee \ Wanted :

potatoes for Ea neta on 6] Spirea, Anthony Waterer, Billiardi, a W. R. Chasteen, Locust aere 7 eer
es 7 sa Pheinevite Jone me Van Houtti, Billiardi Albia, 50c ea., or} Canned peaches, pears and black- BEANS AND PEAS WANTED |
ee re cen nace aa hs aN salvia, Hib tegesa | berries; also peach, pear, cucumber| Want all vanietrs cow re ane Soy
ek ; - , + tiowering almonds, and | comatoes and mixed pickles; also chili} beans. High cash price paid. Mail sam-
2 baat fe ate aut cat Oy Gee golden bells, 50c ea., Japan honeysuckle, | sauce. Will exchange for white leghorr | ples, stating quantity and shipping
ect rice ie fireh vetter, GT. Webb 35c; Rose of Sharon, dbl., white, and|pullets ready to lay; no culls, free] voint. Settle and Robinson, Jackson.

Springfield Ga - Le lilac and crepe myrtle, all 50c ea., pink,| from disease, insects, etc., at reason- | Ga. is ies fe
Want reg Jersey heifer calf. about hardy phlox, 6 plants for $1. Mrs. S. able price. Would consider B. L. State} Want all kinds cow peas, Lady peas,
4 mos. old. State best price (including W. Sloan, Auburn, Ga. ; price in first letter. Mrs. G. H. Horne, }and Sugar Crowders; also Otootan, Bi-
papers) del, R. W. Pennington, Cov- Hollyhocks, Dorothy Perkins, crepe| Chester, Ga. Rt. 2. loxi and Laredo Soy, and Mung bean:
ington, Ga Suen : myrtles, dbl., white and Tose altheas 6 qts. pickled green pepper at 20c:{ Send samples, stating quantity _ and
Want 1 or 2 Jersey or Guernsey heif- splreas, pink almonds, wisteriam yel-|green pepper hot will sell-off the bush | lowest price. Everett Seed Co., Atlanta
Sf low thornless rose, pink moss rose, for-]| at 15c per qt; cleaned dried sage, 5c }|Ga. \ BS Make


au a Geek eo re the | sythea, yellow star jasmine, rose jus-|per cup full. also dried red hot pep-| Want mixed peas. W. W. Williams,
"Want 8 or 10 calves any breed, to ticia, 10c ea., violets, $1 a 100; iris,| per 10c qt. Miss Omie Farmer, Mi-| Quitman, Ga. tee
ee on hates Oa NO ant eo tides binks, sweet williams, and correopsis. | lan, Ga., Rt. 2. | Want 2 lbs. smooth, seeded, bunch

3 a., in-curved purple lacender, and| Several hundred lbs. this year croy {and prolific Eng. peas for seed. Pay
\ Pay ao ote Hil Arrieta ag white and yellow chrysanthemums, all| black walnuts, make best offer. Mrs | cash, or exch. small white bunch, but-
if . W. M. i 2 "9 mee oS ope Se ie are: 5c ea. en Milan; Ga. Rt. 2, P. O | ter beans. Write aoe Mrs. eee Dan-
eet : ; ers lor spring del. Add pos- | Box 14. iel, Dawson, Ga. Rt. 1, Box eh
ae ees TY tee nee Hieodan: tage. Mrs. Belle Godard, Coggins, Ga. | Sheep wool washed clean, $1 per Ib | Want dry, sound early speckled vel-
Held, entite year. Mrs. Bedia Smith Rt. 2. a ropa aa , |Add postage. Miss Leila Rahn, Rin- | vets in pod, cow peas, and Soy beans.
Boon Ga Rie : ? All kinds flowering shrubbery, 1 yr.| con, Ga. Rt. 2. Quote best price in first letter. Murphy
Poe awant 8 or i0. oF leks. heifer: calves old, 25c ea., 5 for $1; 2 and 3 yr., 40c Genuine home made fruit cake made |and Palmer, Sandersville, Ga. aoe
ee De dtc on aaives ta 40 ays fane ea., oF fOr. ie dbl. white and single|of best ingredients, 75c per Ib. del Want sound, new crop cow peas, any
ee Dl taanty tard: und: post of ears Mrs. rose altheas, pink almonds, butterfly | Ship when wanted. Exchange some for | variety, mixed, or straight. Pay $2.50 bu.
Gy Pinbiry, Resistor, Ce . >| Dush, weeping buddelea, bridal wreath, | dried apples or something useful. Mrs | Ship us order, notify or write us, and

rf want reat y ours Masich woe ad hare Van Houtti, rose plume, and crimson|#H. G. Brown, Stone Mountain, Ga.,| will mail you check for amt. you have

gain for cash. G. D. Rice, Madison, eee ce spirea, pink, rose and | Rt. 1. |to offer. Buy from 5 bu. up; also want

~~ Ga., Rt. 2 elas, winter blooming bush] Black walnuts not hulled, $1 per bu | velvet and Sey beans. United Farmers.
Ps Want calves to raise on halves.| 2cUcysuckle, purple lilac, white Eng.,|G. M. Mills, Surrency, Ga. | a Brunson, S.C. | 28 oe

Plenty of feed and good pasture. Good logwood, Philadelphus, mock orange,| Cotton feed sacks, 100 Ib. size, 5c ea.| Want peas, any amt., anywhere. Send

Vet: J.T. Moseley, Lyons, Ga. | 5now balls, forsythia, golden bells, yel- | FOB. W R. Davis, Conyers, Ga. -}sample and state best price in first

: ow Kerria japonicas, cape jasmine. Fruit cake at 75c per lb., out of best | etter. J, EZ. Caudell, Athens, Ga. P.
ee ee et eee Fe eee wisteria, white star jasmine, pink ram- | fruit and nuts; white or dark from | Box 668. ae -
Menlich: and not less than 1 ib. butter oler and crimson rambler, dark red,|rize winning recipe. Mrs. C. A. Black Want cow peas. Will give Wanna-

and bright yellow spring rose, 25c ea,,| The Rock, Ga. Rt. 1. maker cotton seed and Piedmont 2 ear

- Pe ees be | ee ee onquils, dbl., daffodils, narcissi, and Small dark fruit cakes, weight about |seed corn in exch. Only first clase
cet , : et, blue Ayacinths, 25 doz., and| 2 - ae oe os each. pias ad ata a Rhett Steinheimer, Wool-
ms iy other flowers. Mrs. . H. pala. Mrs. Ben R. Tanner, Sanders- | sey. Ga. Rt. 1. Wiles eee
ti a ee ae, heifer | Adairsville, Ga. ot lea. | | Want to exch. hand thrashed Vel
Peart. Raldsvilie. Ga. so | . Butterfly bushes, pink, red and wht.|, Used white geese feathers. Make of-|vet beans for field peas, any variet
ie Ret teoaies Gla hekfer, ane. breed Spirea, pink and variegated weigelas,| fer. Mrs. T. E. Peterman, Jakin, Ga | Pk. for pk. Mrs. M. O. Myers, Dento
Peg tart vata fon same (c. B anit oink and white Jap. honeysuckle, 20c}_ 2 peafowl tails. State price. Mrs |Ga._ hie (es
ee a ee ee *} 2a, purple lilac, weeping linden, gold. | Luke Deadwyler, Elberton, Ga. Want cow peas, any variety, any
ie rant la bath welue for milich ows on_belis, forsythia, white Star jas-| _ 100 lbs. black walnuts, hulled and | quantity, also Otootan and Laredo Sov
eee ise aus ae oH ine Con gee. mine, 4 for 25c; iris, 10, all dif., $1; | dried, 4 lbs. 25c; 9 lbs. 50c; 20 Ibs. $1; | beans. Send sample and quote price.
, corn, y "| [ablias, 10 dif, $1; 12 mixed, $1; sword| 100 ibs. $4. R. R. Driskell, Juliette.| Vernon Brabham, Moultrie, Ga,


e J. R. Birk, Madison, Ga., Rt. 2. lilies, 2 for 15c. Shasta daisies and har-| Ga. Rt. 1, Box 79. Want cow peas, any kind and qua
oa HOGS WANTED dy verbena, 25c doz. Mrs. Henry El-| 1-2 bu. scaley bark hickory nuts to|tity; pigeon peas, Clay peas, also pea-
hat eee ili ; er, Ellijay, Ga., RFD 3. exch. for peanuts. Will give 1-2 bu. for} nuts, pecans and syrup. W. H. Davis,
Want 1 Big Bone Black Essex male 2 gal. of peanuts. E. A. Borders, Dever- | Savannah, Ga. o ae
Ble, bist . me old. W. C. Pope, Nay- Misc. ll ae eux, Ga. RFD 1. F _ Want all varieties ead . Velvet and

. Want 1 eit Feiila ante: ke paiee Iscelianeous For Sale Fruit cake with several different | soy beans. Send sample and best pric

from. on halves; 1 that will find pigs 2 See bee is sab oe sth te a ac Bonded Whse., Eastman

or 3 times yr., and 10 or 12 in a litter.| Old fashioned pound cake, 85c per|Cafel, Molena, Ga Want peas, especially set
_W. J. Edenfield, Graymont, Ga. b. del. any size order. Mrs. E. W. Moon.| 225 Ibs. Japan walnuts suited to nur- samples, and sate ker, "Bue peat fais
>, Want to communicate with parties | Holland, Ga. ata sery planting, 15c per Ib. FOB my|in first letter. Athens Seed Co. Ath-
having pure bred Big Bone P. C. pigs 700 Ibs. nice barn cured leaf tobacco, shipping point. L. M. Kennedy, Col-| ens, Ga. He Serv
for breeders, for sale. W. D. Lee, Bow-|25c per Ib. FOB. Nathan Weatherby, lins, Ga. ; Want beans and peas, any variety,
don, Ga., Rt. 5. : a. 4 | ball Ground, Ga., Rt. 4, Dark fruit cake containing 21 ingre-| any size lots. Name lowest price, C.
,, Want 2 Little Bone Guinea gilts: 1| Ground oyster shells for young and |dients; old fashioned pound cake, with | A. Rowland, Athens, Ga 2
_ Big Bone Guinea male. Write what you | old chickens, 80c per 100 Ibs. Mrs. J. A.| fruits added 90c per lb prepaid; old} Want 1 bu. Sugar Crowder . pea
_ have and give prices. Geo. Smith, Mil-| LaRoche, Crescent, Ga. +44 9, | .ashioned pound cake 60c per pound | Must be pure and this yrs. crop. Send
fard, Ga, RFD 1. _ Black walnuts hulled and dried, 2c| prepaid; peanuts 40c per lb., with pe-|sample. W. RB. Davis, Conyers, Ga
__ Want 1 pure bred Black Essex gilt,|per lb. Mr. J. T. Monfort, Buena Vis-|cans 60c per lb. Prepaid. Mrs. C. H. Want sound field peas, size
also 1 Berkshire male pig; immune|ta,Ga. > 1, 4... |Cofer, Louisvile, Ga. RFD 5. ~sif also. sound, shelled Velvet
from cholera, reg, in my name. Quote) Vinegar white and red in 50 gal. bbls.|_ Genuine home made fruit cake, best | samples ard lowest pri
ou have and best price. Milo} at 15 per gal FOB. Dublin, Ga. Cash | ingredients, 75c per Ib. Mrs. W. M.| ter. Farmers Exch. Gitic
on ith order. L. E. Harrison lin, Ga. | Hill, Marietta, G rs

= (Continued from page ho
- Dark Brown co*ckerels, Ped. Everlay
strain Leghorns. . Write for special
rices. W. T. Eason, College Park, Ga.
it. 2, Phone Fairfax 1195-R. $

40 S. C. W. L. English strain pure
bred 5 1-2 mos. old (should begin iay-
ing soon) $37 for the lot; less lots, $1
se R. L. Baird, Grovania, Ga.

10 pure bred W. L. hens. and pull-.
ets, $1.50 ea., or exch for pure bred

1928, not later than April 1929 hatch.
No culls accepted. Mrs. G. T. Maxwell,
Washington, Ga. Rt.-3. .
15 Tancred W. L. March . pullets,
some laying, $16 for the yard and one
_ co*ckerel; 5 Tancred pullets, March
hatch, fine layers, $6.50. Mrs. M. is.
Shealey, Oglethorpe, Ga.
1 pr. W. L. young hen and-old co*ck,
$3 or a eg for Silver Spangled Ham-
RED . Pe Weaver, Royston, Ga.,
Patcred: strain W. L., 75 yearling
hens, $1 ea., co*ckerels, from. 250 to 300
egg hens. Write for prices. T. W. Mor-
rison, Winterville, Ga. - :
tee W. L. co*ckerels, $1.50 ea., FOB.
W. R. Davis, Conyers, Ga.
15 B. L. hen one yr. old $1.25 ea.;
FOB; 8 pullets March hatch, . $1 50

erel $2 1 18 month old co*ck $1.50. all
-FOB. Bowden. Entire lot for. $39 FOB.
Mrs. L. O. Stapler, Bowdon, Ga., Rt. 4)

$1.50 ea., or $87.50 for lot. FOB. Bur-.
ney B. Parks, 180 Green St. Gaines-
Ville, Ga.
. 500 S. C. W. L. -pullets Feb. and
March hatch now in full production
$i. 65. ea. Frank Smith, Statesboro,
Ga. Rt. 4
a 2W. Pncred strain LL. roosters and
2 pullets May hatch $1 ea.. or $3 for
or oe E. E. G Gillespie, Calhoun, Ga.
isi20 S.-C. Wel. Johnson's big egg
strain, now laying. For immediate de-
livery $2 ea. Lewis Beers, 15 Robinson
s St. Newnan, Ga.
oo ae ril 1928 hatched Tancred st.
* ens and one rooster all thru
= otic for $2. Mrs. C. L. Britton,
Jackson, Ga., RFD 7.
_ April, May. hatch S. C. R. L. roost-
ers $1.50 ea. or $2. a pr, leavy comb
and fine plumage. L. iE Edenfield,
_ Stillmore, Ga, Rt.

L. May hatch pulets $1 ea.

Oss, Talking Rock, Ga. Rt. 3.

: Few. W. L. co*ckerels from high egg
producing hens. Will make fine bree-
ders. H. R. Gaskins, Americus, Ga.


or: price. C. C. Morris, Bowden, Ga.
1 pure bred B.'L. rooster, last. yr.
hatch, $1.50, will exch for 1 R I Roost-
er! this yr: hatch. Donaldson strain.
_G. Brock, Carrollton, Ga. Rt: 7. _
= 20 one yr. old white leghorn hens
_ and 10 pure bred Ancona hens, $1 ea
. Mrs. Wesley re: Lithonia, Ga.
= +10S. CGC. WwW. L; puilets Tancred St.,
- May 2nd hatch, $1.50 ea. J. O. King,
Augusta, Ga. RFD No. 1.
2 pure Ferris strain W. L.. co*cks, 18
month old $1.25 ea.. or exch. for two
pure bred B. R. spring hatched pull-
ets or young hens. Mrs. J. W. Altman,

3 Alma, aS
: W. L. pullets, Wycoff. st.


all are taken at once. 25S C WL pul-
lets Tancred strain $32.50 first money
order rec. get them all. Shipment
made by. first exp. R.. J. Fassett, Bax-
ey, Ga.
~15 young hens and April hatch pull-
ts and 1 rooster everlay strain B. L.

ze 2 young:

- $2, 50 for batch FOB. Mrs. D.. Reid,
Bremen, Ga. Rt: 1. >

20 Tancred strain W. L. Herik: and
a co*cks 14 mos. old, no culls, $1.25 ea.,
cS now gee Wt

= One. thoroughbred Ww. ao rooster.
gag W. A. Hartley, - Ft. Valley, Ga.
S23 pure bred Tancred 5 mo, co*ckerels
: W L $1.25 ea.. or exch for eating or

ao Mrs. J. EB. Sikes, Chester, Ga.,

egg hens, $5 each, FP, F. Denham, Eat-
: onton, Ga

one rooster, finest breeds, Ferris st.,
$1 ea. Gash with order, no checks. A.
J. Bailey, Hartwell, Ga. |

= "600 Leghorns, 7 wks: old, direct from
-Booths hatchery. Pure Tancred strain |.

ee 2g Exch 200 foe 7001 bu, Teed sound |
| eorn, if: party will bring corn and get

B. B or R. I. Red hens, not older than |

FOB. July pullets $1 ea. 1 March co*ck- |

_ 60 W. L. hens mostly Feb. 1929 hatch |

400 April hatch W. L. pv lets. Write | for jaying, the lot-for $12.50. Mrs.

pure ome beginning to lay, $32.50. Tf |

ee fOr lot. C. M. Lane, Colquitt, Ga.
> eas roosters, $1.50 ea. or}

Butler, Quitman,

dried fruit. Sell for $2 cash if both are

* 4 pure bred Tancred. strain W. L.
roosters, 18 mos. old from 265 to 305.

W. 1. 6 March hatched pullets and.

combined with the Official R. O. P.,
stock from British Columbia; co*cker- |

chickens at my home, 3 mi. west of
Carnesville. Ref. if. desired. Mrs. EVM...
Rowland, Carnesville, Ga. Rt. 1. -

Drumms Bred-to- lay: Ge Be. 22.
young hens and one co*ck $25; will sell

ters same breed, $2. Thoroughbred
stock. Drumms bred-to- lay: G. B.-L.
hens, a in lots 6 up to 25. Money or-
ls Merriam, Demorest, Ga.


: FOR SALE: =~
Nice, frying chickens, 1 1-2 to Q Ibs.
e4.; 35 db. MYSs. aes. Greene, Cuth-

pert, Ga., Rt. 4.

6 pure bred co*ckerels, March: 1929
hatch, . $1.50..ea.: Mrs. Lemuel | Alt-

man, "Baxley, Ga,

10 or 20 or more fat hens. several
different breeds, $1 ea. Cash with or-
der. Mrs. Sarah- Edenfield, Graymont,
Ga:=Rt.. 7; Box 9.

Several Red. Speckled Hamburg. May
hatch roosters, 75c ea. Money with or-
der. Miss Lelia Crosby, Coffee, Ga.

Australorps (the great layer) co*ck-
erels, $5 to $10; pullets, $3 to $5; day
old chicks, 35c e@2., ones 20c :ea. Prize
winners. Dr. W. E. Rouse, - Valdosta,

Buff Minorcas, June hatch co*ckerels,
_ ea. Clara V.- Trimble, Adairsville,
1 very fine Black Minorca, early
hatch co*ckerel, and 13 hens, 2 zs old,
$1.50 ea. or trade. for corn. T. . West.
Cuthbert, Ga.
~ April hatch, B. M. co*ckerels, $i. 50

63.2 AMrs,. ds A, Wilson, Martin, Ga
Rte 28 :
April . hatch thoroughbred, goor

cond., Lakenvelder co*ckerel: and pull:
et and 1 hen,-2 yrs. old, $3.25 for the
Be Che Allen, Royston, Ga. :

12 Golden Buff Orp.:co*ckerels 7 mos

old fine specimens $1.50 ea. J. BE. Glaw-
}son, Bradley, Ga.

2S. C. Buff Orp. co*cks $2.50 ea: ote
S. C. Buff Orp. co*ckerels, $2.50 ea.
Se Je GC. Young, LaFayette, Ga. Rt.

Sb of Buff Orp. nice 12 mos anc
2 yr. old rooster and.2 pullets, healthy,
nice to age or Speckle Sussex fine bred

rooster and pullets. Mrs. C. R. OFLU

Monroe, Ga. Rt. 1. |

_ Buff Orpingtons, co*ckerels.

Coleman, Whigham, Ga.
Buff. Orpingtons: 6 pullets and one

eockerel of March hatched S. GC. Gol-

den Buff Orp. pure breed pullets ready


M. Hall, Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 5.
5 pure bred Golden Buff Orp. hens
1928 hatch; 2 co*ckerels .same strain,

1929 hatch, at $1.50 ea. or lot for $10.

Owens strain. Mrs. Ee Se Shannon,
Lenox, Ga...

4 Buff Orpitietons: 4 White Orpine-
tons, co*ckerels and 4 Buff -pullets

hatched in August from eggs. Direct

from C.S. Byers of Hazelrigg, 2nd, prize

winner at New York and Chicago.
Weight 3 Ibs. $1 ea. FOB Tallapoosa,
Ga. Mrs. J. J. Mann, Tallapoosa, Ga.

5 Buff Orpingtons Capons, about 8
Ibs.. average, 30c per lb.: FOB here.

| Mrs. J. W. Fanning, Washington, Ga.

2 Golden Buff Orp. co*ckerels, Mch.
hatched $2>ea. or exch. for 35 white
feed sacks, 100 lb. size. Mrs. W. A.
Moon, Waco, (Gan. .

2 pure pred Buff Orpington co*ck-

-erels, March. hatched, $1.50 ea. Mrs.

James Kelley, Warrenton, Ga.
825..0. Built = Ory: pullets
hatched, $1 ea. Mrs. C.
Pitts, Ga.
2 fine pure. Sood G. Buff Orp. co*ck-

di Harney,

ers Champion Exhibition Mating, $5
ea., age 5 1-2 mos. Miss Margaret. Pus-
sell, Rhine, Ga.

2 pure = Golden Buff -Orp. co*ckerels,
$2 ea: April hatched, P. Ay Gooper,
Monroe, -Ga. Box 175, a3

4 Peafowl hens for sale. S. M. Well-
born, Columbus, Ga. -

Young- Golden pheasants, $12 pr.,
full plumage Goldens, extra fine, $22


juvenile plumage, $21 pr. By permission
of State Board Game and Fish. L. J.
-Barrow, West Point, Ga.

-15 pure bred M. White Pekin ducks;
45 drakes and 10 ducks, Spring hatch,

Jimproved. Eastern strain, $24 for lot.

Miss Alice Joiner, Soperton, Ga. Rt. 2:

6 hens and one co*ck $14; Young roos--

-80c ea.


erels, eggs were direct from C. S. By-|

pr., also a few prs. Amherst pheasants _

White Kings, $2 pr. J. W. Beddell,

els and ass 75 e&. OF aoe wd the 3

AMADIS, | ae, ae oe St.

Exch. for 15 B. R., or R. I. Red, or 16

|W. L., hens, no culls. ie ere Oliver,
Meansville, Ga., RFD 1...

20 W: K. youngsters, hase: 4 Flying
Homers, about ready to mate. Extra

good stock. $1 ea. Geo. Austin, Atlanta,

Ga., 356 Moreland. Ave., N. E.

2 prs., Carneaux, mated, banded and
working, $4 for lot, or exch., OLrpr.;
Chinchillas.. J. M. Marsh, LaFayette,


~ 12 prs., White Kings, and 81 young-

|sters, $125. Miss Sara Fields, Macon,

Ga, 856 Orange St.

Several -prs., mined Homers and \Car-
neaux, well mated and working, $1.50
pre ' Cy Overby, Columbus, es 22
11th Street.


10-or 15. R. I. Red pure bred. pullets
and 1 co*ckerel, March hatch, $1.50 ea.,
or $20 for lot. Money order. Sylvester
Riddle, Athens, Ga., 225 Peter St:

1 May hatch, Donaldson strain R. Tf.
Red co*ckerel, $1. 25, Paul Clark, . Baxley,

3 healthy 1928 and 1929 hatch dark
Red Donaldson strain Bene ready to
lay, $1.75 ea. Mrs. Mack D. Teague.
Adairsville, Ga., Box 256. -
16 pullets; 1 or 2 roosters, 7 1-2 mos.
old, R. I. Reds, Donaldson strain; well
developed and healthy, $1.50 ea. Pre-
fer to sell entire lot; also 3 pullets,
same strain and breed, 3 1-2 mos. old,
Mrs. L. B. Heath, Decatur,
Ga. 208 4th Ave.

3 Dark S C RI Red co*cks, 2 yr. old.
1 extra fine, $10, $5 and $3. 50; 5 choice
co*ckerels, $5 ea., 8: pullets, 4 mos old,
$2 ea., few faded hens and light col-

rom Mahood prize stock, and heavy
ayers. Also hatching eggs, $2 per 15.
Miss Belle Timmerman, Bronwood, Ga.
6 pure bred R I Red roosters about
}.mos old, $2. C. D. Flanagan, Cor-
delia, Ga..

R.. I. Ry pure bred co*ck and pullets
April hatched. Good color. $1.50 ea

| Mrs.. W. H. Amis, Newnan, Ga.

~4 college strain S..C. R. I. R. hens
ibe 4 pullets same strain $1. 50 ea. K.

. Price, Cleveland, Ga. :

90 Ri hens; 40 pullets. Hens $1.50
2a; pullets $1. 25 ea., FOB. Cash only.
wm. M. White, Care Pelvis Farm, Cal-
noun, Ga.

c Donaldson R. I. R.. 10 mos. old
co*ckerel at $10 ea., just won Ast prize
at Fair. The 2 for $15. 4 rich red dark
1 yr. old hens and 1 first class red 10
mos old co*ckerel for $10. Other 6
mos old rich red Donaldson co*ckerel
at $1.75 ea. and-$2 ea. Mrs. R. Jd.
Fleming, Lincolnton, Ga.

Owens strain, dark red, $2 ea. Will

exch one. for value in cream crowder

peas or sell both for $3.50. Mrs. J. Y.

Patillo, LaGrange, Ga. Rt. 6, Box 60.
R. I. R. trio from Shinns quality

ehicke April hatch, $5 per trio;-or $20

fOr trios. Mrs. a: L. Clark, Wiley,


for $75. In small lots $1 15 ea. E.. J.
Williams, Ty Ty, Ga.
: Donaldson Strain S. C. R. I. R. co*cks
and co*ckerels, March hatch $2:50 ea.
R. H. Kent, Care Dawson Poultry
Yards, Dawson, Ga.
S.C. R. I. :1-extra fine dark red
Donaldson strain 22 mos old co*ck ig
Mrs. J. M. Hall, Calhoun, Ga. Rt:
50 March and April hatch erie

bred R. I, R. pullets; 15 hens about 18

mos old; 2 fine co*ckerels same age of
pullets; one fine co*ck, 18 mos _ old;

S. C. W. lL. pullets. J. N. Dell, 1641
State St., Waycross, Ga.

Donaldson strain kL. - RX two uae
ets and 1 co*ckerel March hatch $5
per trio, also 7 W. L. pullets and one
co*ckerel about 3 mos. old,.75c ea. Mrs.
Fred Atkinson, Ray City, Ga. Rt 2:

yr. and one-half old $2. Will exch one
ille, Ga.

2 thoroughbred. single comb: R. J. R.
1 yr. old co*cks for sale, Dark red $1.50

-lea. Mrs. William Lowe, Roberta, Ga.
00:8.-C. Rl. pullets. from offi-_
cial Record hens 247 to 282 just be-

ginning to lay $2 ea. Also10SCRIR
co*ckerels from. official record Hen 282
eges $5 ea., while they last, cash with
the order. P. V. Ryals, Cornelia, Ga.

1 rooster $20 for lot. A.
Warrenton, Ga.

. Anchors,

Pure bred S C R I white co*ckerels,

$2.25-ea., del. Cash with order. F. C.
Woody, Nashville, Ga.

10 S. C. R,
large and just Keeunine to lay, $1.75


Bins ince Ga. Rly 1

26 ite Kin ; 15 for ot, FOB.
a a : gs & 1997- 28 fetch $1.50 ea. co*ckerels, $2.-

Joe Baker, Norman Park, Ga. Rt. 1.

wed pullets, March hatch, $2 ea. All|:

Nashville, Ga.

}deep dark rich red. Cash with order.
Will Hart, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.

R. I. R. co*ckerels from excellent lay-_
ing stock: $2 ea. Mrs. D. C. Buffing- 3

2 pure bred 10 mos old co*ckerels, :
hatch roosters; $2 ea.,-or exchange for.

Mrs. John Faircloth, AEELESE Ga, Re
50 choice R I R 6 mos Old pullets |-

/10 Ib., $10 for the pr.,

J. M. Gilstrop, Murrayville, Ga. Rt.

and 2 hens, 1 yr. old, $50. Mrs. Henry
would like ta exch. for a good strain

3 8. C. R. I. R. 2 April hatched 1
for pure dark Indian Game Rose comb |

one yr old. Mrs. huey . Tyson,'Tenn- |
}Sander) $1.50 ea., FOB. Prefer to sell

| April: hatch toms, about 20 lbs., ea,
15 thoroughbred R. I. R. bullets and

R. April hatch very.

ae q. hoe Donaldson's elvaill .

50 ea. Clara V. Trimble, Adairsville,
Ga. ;
1 Donaldson. strain RI R 8 mos. old
co*ckerel of high quality stock, $5 or
exch. for 2 W. L. Feb. hatch pullets
and one co*ckerel of any pure strain.
R. P. Lowe, Warrenton, Ga. Rt.

; Thoroughbred R IR chickens, co*cks,
co*ckerels, hens and pullets. Write for
price on what you want. Sell for cash ;
only. Donaldson Strain dark red W. D. a
tested. Mrs. W.'H. Ahl, Alma, Ga. oy

10:8; .C-B; T pullets and co*ckerel,
$1.50 ea. H.-G.*Smith, Jesup, Ga. - A

*Pure bred R. a R. co*ckerels, March . 3
hatch, Donaldson strain $1.50 ea., FOB.
Madison, Ga. Mrs. L. H. Walker, "Mad-
ison, Ga.

One extra fine dark R. y R. rooster,
year and half old from), Donaldson
prize pen, $2. Mrs. W. E. Gillespie, =
Calhoun; Ga, Rts

R. I. R. hens for breeders 1928. heh,
rich dark red color. Donaldson strain
$1.50 ea., in lots of 1 doz., $1.40- eee
Send M. O. when ordering. No checks.
Clara Trimble, Adairsville, Ga.

4 April hatch R. I. R. from blood
tested flock $1 ea., FOB. Edison, Ga,
L. G. Sanders, Edison, Gaohiewds ws

Selected R. I. R. pullets; also ten
roosters, March hatch, $1. 25 ea, Mrs.

.38 pure. bred. Donaldson strain R.. . es
R. roosters, June hatch, $2. ea., or ae

3 in bunch for $5. Mrs. Jide Ferrell,

Cairo, Ga. Rt. 3.

15 Donaldsons strain Rit. R. March
1929 hatch pullets at $1.50 ea. Also 1
co*ckerel same strain and breed at. $2.
Mrs. btte- S.- Es arrison, Kathleen, Ga.

1015S, CoB As: June hatch puliets, +2
Owen strain $1.75- ea. =. Maynard,
Newton, Ga.

- CR. I. white sonkerel: $2.25. ea.
del. Cash. with order. F. *G, Woody,

~ We have a few R. TI. e co*ckrels for.
breeding, will make fine birds for your ~~
pens. H. R. Gaskins, Hill St., Ameri- spt
cus, Ga.

R. I. -R. co*ckerels for sale $1 a5 .
they weigh about 3 lb. September heh,

5 March hatch BR. =i; 7R: co*ckerels,
Donaldson strain, $1-ea., or 5 for $4. 50.
Mrs. S. W. Clements, Rochelle, Ga.

Large spring hatched. dark red S. Ca

ton, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 5.

4 pure bred dark R. I. R. pullet and
one co*ckerel, March 31st hatch. Heavy
breed, no culls, $7 for the lot. Mrs. Joe
Allen Flanders, Swainsboro, Ga., Rt. 2.
2 pure bred a: R. Feb. and "March

R. roosters same age. Nothing lighter -
noe 7 Ibs. T. BE: Kitchens, Macon, Ga.

3 nice pure pred dark rea 5 CORT.
co*ckerels $1.25 ea. Cash with orders. |


1 pr. young M. ee toms, 12 lbs. hens
FOB Clear-
nee or exch for 5 young: B. E. hens
and 1 rooster. Ea. to pay chgs. Mrs.

1, Box 104.

8 turkeys: 2 toms and 6 hens, cross
Big Bone and Little Bone Bronze, May
hatch, $3.75 ea., also 7- July hatch,
$14. All. COD. 'C..H. Grier, Alto, Ga.

5. peafowls: 1 pr. 4 yrs. old; 1 male.

Solomon, Jeffersonville, Ga.

1 Toulouse goose and 3 penderd $2. -
50 ea. Money order. Mrs. John IGe
Johnston, Hoganville, Ga., Rt. 2. ~
see pig. cies Toulouse geese, ene

Ss ea om R
ee Ga. ieherdeta,
at; young Toulouse geese, Spring
hatch, $2.50 ea. To sell locally. ne
P.-E. Thomas, Cordele, Ga., Care P
Dockweiler, Rt. AD, Box 47. It:
4 Spring hatch Toulouse eieee ees

all together. No. checks. Mrs. J. ug
Park, Ringgold, Ga. Rt. 2. :

. B. turkeys, Bird strain; hens; $10
toms, $15 ea., also large white Pekin |
ducks and drakes, Perdue strain, $3.-
ae R. R. Caraway, Waverly "Hall,

2 1-2 yr. old, about 30 Ib. tom; 2

2c yr. old hen (splendid mother, lays
3 times per yr., 16 to 25 eggs per lit-
ter) 40c lb., or $40 for entire lot. G.
A. Chambers, Bowdon, Ga. ;

Pure bred Bird Bros. M. B. April
toms, $10; hens, $7; Prize winners for
6 yrs. at our county fair; 18 mos old

tom, $11. Mrs. Linton G. aa
Statesboro, Ga foe



~ Market Bulletin

Published Weekly By The
: Arthur D. Jones, Director

Department Of

Talmadge, Commissioner

ae. -Bugene

Entered as second class matter Feb-
| ruary 15, 1922, at the Post Office
lat Atlanta Georgia, under the act
of June 6, 1900. Accepted for mail-
ing at special rate of postage pro-
vided for in section 1103. Act of
October 3, 1917.

Notices of farm produce and ap-
purtenances, admissible under pos-
tat regulations, inserted one time
on each request and repeated only
when request is accompanied by
new copy of notice.

Limited space will not permit in-
sertion of unimportant notices. Un-
der Legislative act the Market Bul-
letin does not assume any respon-
sibility for any notice appearing in
the Bulletin or transaction result-

ling therefrom.


M. B. Goldbank turkeys from unre-
lated stock; toms, $10; hens, $6.50;
trio, tom and 2 hens, $20. Miss Non-
nie Garner, Cedartown, Ga. Rt. 1.

8 Indian Runner and 2 white young

_. Pekin ducks, $1 ea., or exch. for 9 B.-R.

-. . I. Red full stock hens. Mrs. E. L.
Bishop, Lyerly, Ga. Rt. 3. :

21 turkeys, all March and_ April
hatch, except two hens, last yrs. hch.,
30c lb. Mrs. Lee Walden, Mitchell, Ga.
Pub. e.

Several Giant M. B. April toms, $7
and. $8 ea., also 2 1-2 yr. old tom, 30
to 35 lbs., $15; turkeys for Xmas, 35c
lb. Mrs. Fred L. White, Buckhead,

L 2 pr. Big Bone Giant Bronze Ellis

S strain, $25 per pr. Mrs. Joe Hx Tiller,

. Suwanee, Ga., Rt.-2.

10 turkeys; 7 toms and 3 hens, wt. 7
pa to 14 lbs., 30c lb, FOB.. Mrs. B. F.
inf Baker, Omega, Ga.

"14 to 25 lb. M. B. Bird Bros. turkeys,
er both hens and gobblers, unrelated, 1929
ty) hatch, 40c lb., FOB. Mrs. Arthur

- Owen, Barnesville, Ga.
ra. 2 young toms, May hatch, wt. be-
ole tween 12 and 15 lbs., $5 ea. Cash with
gocorder. No checks. Mrs. A. B. Mobley,
Rt. Whigham, Ga., Rt. 3.

W 4 young M. B. toms, 17 to 20 Ibs., last
on, of. April hatch, wt., 55 Ibs., . when
fielgrewn (mother of these turkeys laid
Cocg0 eggs in 84 days.) Mrs. J. G. Wal-

:\. Warop, Tifton; Ga. Rt. 4. ie
to. Bourbon reds, 1 tom and 2 hens, $15.
old. L. Cheanes, Cochran, Ga. Middle
G. Ga. College.
| %_ April hatch M. B. toms, $6 ea. Mrs.
g Lewis Howard, Huching, Ga.

{ _M. B. toms: 2 wt. 25 to 30 Ibs., and
_ 3 wt. 12 to 15 Ib., Raised this year.

Ag pi W. A. Biggers, Temple, Ga., RFD
i 3.

_ _2 guaranteed thoroughbred M. B.,
-f Bird Bros. 2 yr. old toms, 40 or 45 Ibs.
T, ea., $18 ea., or $25 for both, also young
k turkeys for Xmas, 35c lb., FOB. Mrs.
E J. P. Mabry, Canon, Ga.

5, 2 Big Bone Giant Bronze April toms

_. $8 or both for $15. Mrs. W: F. Miles,
y: Baxley, Ga.

- M. B. tom, April hatch, coop fattened

: $8.50. Mrs. J. T. Cooper; Graham, Ga.

a Several trios pure M. B. raised for
Suhreeding, $15 for trio. Cash. H. J. Me-

- Collum, Canon, Ga. Rt. 3.

Ey Pure bred White Holland turkeys: 3
_. /2 yrs. old toms, $10 ea., young toms, $6
iN a., young. hens, $6 ea., $11 per. pr.,

WY $15 trio. Mrs. Jas) B: McCravy, Thun-

jee er, Ga.

Thoroughbred M. B. Goldbank strain
1 turkeys; toms 22 to 25 lbs., $10; hens,

/ 12 to 14 lbs., $6; 15 Ibs., and up, $7.60.

_ Satisfaction guaranteed. B. M. Holl-

and, Bowersville, Ga.

_ _ 4M. B., Bronze April toms, $6 ea.,
5 hens, same age, $5 ea., also 2 M. B.

12g Ps. Lutie Christmas, Vienna, Ga.
9 turkey) wt. from 9 to 15 Ibs. ea.,
about 110 lbs. in all, 30c lb., FOB. Mrs.
Ralph Hatcher, Adrian, Ga.

lay, and 2 drakes, 8 mos old, $5 pr.,
$6 for lot. Miss Margaret Fussell,
Rhine, Ga. =

Trio of fine turkeys. Sell or exch for
20 mixed large breed, chicken hens, or
for 18 pure bred B. R. or White Rock,
or White, or Silver Lace Wyandottes.
Mrs. Clovis T. Chandler, Athens, Ga.
Rt. 1, Danielsville Road.

15 pure bred M. White Pekins, last
spring hatch; 5 drakes and 10 ducks.
Improved Eastern strain, $6 trio, $25
for lot, also some pure bred Bird Bros.
M. B. 20 lb. turkey toms, $8 ea. Money
order or cashiers check. Mrs. Belle
Joiner, Soperton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Pure Bourbon Red April hatch; toms
$6 hens, $5; trio, $15. Mrs. J. A. Wil-
son, Martin, Ga., Rt. 2. f

1 last yrs. hatch Big Bone, full stock
M. B. tom, about 27 lbs., 40c lb., 7 fine
1929 toms, 17 to 19 Ibs., ea., $8 ea.
Mrs. J. C. Young, LaFayette, Ga. Rt. 3.

Fine May hatch turkey gobblers, $5
ea., or exch for shoat, wt. 50 or more
lbs. Mrs. C. M. Medley, Knoxville, Ga.

April 1929 M. B. Goldbank strain
turkeys, parent stock direct, 22 tc 24
sb tOmMSs; $105.25. :to 30: bs.; $12.50:
hens, 12 to 14 lb. hens, $6; 15 to 18
a $7.50. F. T. Hoiland, Bowersville,

a. : :

Pure bred Narragansets; toms, $7;
hens, $5. W. J. Bargeron, Sardis, Ga.

M. B. Goldbank, direct from Bird
Bros. April hatch, hens and toms, $6
and $8 ea., also large, pure bred Mam-
moth White Pekin ducks, May hatch,
$1.50 ea. Mrs. H. I. Moor, White
Pains, Ga.

Pure Bourbon Reds; toms, $7; hens
ne ot R. L. Green, Cuthbert, Ga.,

Pure bred Giant Big Bone M. B.,
Bird Bros, strain May hatch: 18 1-2
ib, toms, $9 ea., 13 lb. hens, $7 ea., $16
pr., or trio $22.50 or 3 hens and-1 tom,
$28. Exch 1 pr, for 15 March hatch
Leghorn pullets. L, E. Powell, Wrights-
ville, Ga.

85 M. B. Goldbank strain for breed-
ers, guaranteed thoroughbred: hens $6
to $12 ea., toms, $10 to $12 ea., FOB.
Crates to be ret. Dorothy Cannon,
Bowersville, Ga.

Limited number May and June hch.
Big Bone Giant Bronze: toms $30 and
up. L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Ga., Rt. 5.

Bronze turkeys: State prize winners
at leading shows. Finest of breeders.
Prices cheaper than in Spring. Money
refunded if not satisfied. W. S. Fricks,
Pendergrass, Ga.

4 toms and I hen, 7 mos old, 10 Jb.
ea., $4 ea. or lot for $18. All FOB.
J. N. Kerley, Tiger, Ga.

2 Big Bone Bronze toms, April hch.,
$8 ea., FOB. Mrs. J. E. Herndon, Bax-
ey, Ga. .
Turkeys at $12 pr: He-t. Pitman,
Gillsville, Ga. Rt. 1.

6 Bronze turkeys, 70 lbs., on peanuts
and gaining wt. every day, $21 for im-
mediate sale. 20c lb., FOB. Money or-
der or cashiers check. L. E. Phillips,
Colquitt, Ga.
Pure bred Jet Black turkeys for
breeders. April hatch; 3 toms, $5 ea.,
2 hens, $3.50 ea., or $11 for trio, or $20
for lot; also pr. June hatch, tom and
hen, $5. Money order. Mrs. Jno. A.
Watson, Metter, Ga. Rt. 1. .

6 Black Bronze gobblers, April hatch,
$4 ea., 4 1 1-2 yrs. old hens, now laying
$4 ea., 140 lbs. nice fat turkeys, 35c Ib.
Mrs. H. B. Ford, Lavonia, Ga.
Thoroughbred B. B. M. B. 28 lb. tom,
$15; young toms, May hatch, 15 or
18 lbs.,-$8 and $10 ea., also 17 mos.
old tom. All FOB. Money order with
order. Satisfaction guaranteed, or mon-
ey_back. Will Hart, Alto, Ga. Rt. 1.
Small number fat turkeys, for Xmas
5 mi. below Stone Mtn. on Ga. RR,
also several prs. unrelated stock; 20 to
25 Ibs. toms, 10 to 15 Ib. toms, $15 per
r., also 18 mos old 35 Ib. tom, $15.
ll nicely marked Bronze. Mrs. E. E.
Jackson, Lithonia, Ga. Rt. 2.

13 large white Pekin ducks, 5 drakes\
and 8 ducks, $1.50 ea. also 3. dark
brown Leghorn (chickens) co*ckerels of
heavy laying strain, $1.25 ea. Mrs. B.
L. Brown, Ball Ground, Ga., Rt. 1.
5 head little English ducks: 3 hens
and 2 drakes, March hatch, $1.25 ea.,
also 1 small R. I. Red (chicken) April
co*ckerel, $1. Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Ho-
boken, Ga. *
'4 Toulouse geese; 2 ganders and 2
geese, $5 pr. Mrs. C. A. Black, The
Rock, Ga. Rt. 1.

Blue Speckled guinea roosters, 1929
hatch, 50c ea. or exch for same age.
Guinea hens. Miss Leona Simpson, |

December 10, 1929.

o8 ss MARKET BULLETIN ___Thursday, December_12,
3 M. B. White Pekins; 1 duck ready to | _____ ess ce Se Aoi 7


_And Sweet Potatoes

It is generally known that South Georgia made an exceptionally

Market Outlook Regarding Corn, Poultry,

good corn crop this year. It is also an accepted fact. that sections ent
North Georgia will be compelled to buy at least part of their corn for

"next year. The Bureau of Markets has exerted every effort possible

to hold the price of corn up. The majority of the distressed corn
has been disposed of. Every bushel of good, sound, ear corn in the
state is worth $1.00 per bushel. At this price, there would be very
little if any profit in it for the grower. We are taking this means to
ask you who have corn for sale not to force it on the market at an

unsatisfactory price.

The sweet potato market this fall has been anything but satis-
factory. During September and October there were as many as thir-
teen states moving sweet potatoes in competition with Georgia. Some

of the Eastern markets have been quoted as low as 75 per bushel. a
The outlook for better prices} is considerably better than two weeks os
The Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey supply is about ex-


hausted. The information we have received from the East is that
they will be in a position to handle Georgia sweet potatoes to an ad-

vantage after January the first. :
The poultry situation has also been very unsatisfactory this fall

First: the tonnage has been unusually light, which was just cause

for complaint from the buyers.

Second: the prices have been compar-

atively cheap, especially when compared with those received in the
spring. From the information we have received, we are of the opin-

ion that poultry will bring higher prices after the New Year.


are very cheap indeed. Texas is selling as low as 16c per pound de-

livered cars.

There is yet more than fifty per cent of this years

turkeys to be sold. North and South Carolina only shipped one Car
each before Thanksgiving. Alabama has yet fully fifty per cent of
hers to be sold, and Georgia. has equally as many. Not within the
past several years, if ever before, have colored hens and turkeys sold

at the same price.
the South bid more for colored hens than for turkeys.
e State Bureau of Markets,

ADJ:ds A. D. JONES, Director.

Only today one of the largest poultry buyers in


If you are at present recelv-

ing the Market Bulletin regularly E

there is nu need to request us to

mail it to you during 1930.

_ The Bulletin is mailed to all a

subscribers until they request us

to discontinue it.

In case you change your ad- |
dress during the coming year,

advise us in order that we can
forward your Bulletin. In doing

this, always include your old ad-


dress, as well as your new ad-

dress, as this will aid us in for-



Culverton, Ga. Rt. 1. :

warding your Bulletin promptly

Thursday, December 12, 1929. _

Pure Bourbon Red Turkeys, April
hatch, $5 ea. Mrs. Love Joiner, Shell-
man, Ga. 5 vee
16 mos old M. B. tom wt. 20 Ibs.
$10; 7 hens $6 ea. Cash with order,
2 Mrs. Eletha Dodd, Alto,. Ga.,
Rt. t..
7 mixed 1929 turkeys, April hatch
toms, $5.25 ea., or 30c per lb. or 1 hen
the same as the toms, $4. Mrs. John
Fairchild, Metter, Ga. Rt. 1.
2 pure bred M. B. toms, May hatch,
$5 ea.,. or exch for pure bred M. B.
ens not later than May hatch. W. A.
Johnson, Alto, Ga.
1 tom. 2 1-2 yrs. old; wt. 30 to 35
Ibs. $12; also 5 young hens 35c per lb.
Mrs. T. M. Allen, The Rock, Ga. Rt. 1.
5 pure bred M. B. toms, April hatch-
ed, wt. 12 lbs $6.50 del. or $5.50 not
del. 1 2 1-2 yrs. old, $8.50 or 40c per
lb for Christmas. Mrs. B. Y. Morrison,
Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 8.
1 M2. Turkey tom, this year hatch
wt. about 14 lbs.. Will exch for trio of
Thompsons - Ringlet Barred Rock
chickens, 2 hers and 1 co*ck, last years
hatch. Wanted for breeding purposes.
Mrs. R. S. Kimberly, Empire, Ga.
_ 8 June hatched Bourbon red Tur-
keys, 1 tom and 2 hens fine real ex-
tra large to age, fat and healthy, $15
for the trio FOB. Mrs. E. R. Surren-
cy, Screven, Ga., Rt. 1.
1 mixed turkey hen, good layer, $2
FOB Union City, personal check not
accepted. P. O. Money order. W. M.
Gibson, Union City, Ga. :
Fine 3-4 Big Bone Giant M. B.
urkey, Apr. hatch, $6 ea., FOB. 2 M.
B. turkey hens, $5 ea., FOB. Mrs. A. M.
Lewis, Rydal, Ga., Rt. 2.
8 young turkey hens mixed Bronze
and Reds, $8 for the lot. Mrs. D. F.
Eckles, Summit, Ga.
_ Pure bred Big Bone Giant M. B
Turkeys from unrelated stock, April
atch toms, $10 May hatch $8; hens
4.50- All orders FOB Cornelia, Ga.
rs. Earl Ferguson,. Cornelia, Ga.
_ Pure bred White Holland turkeys, 3,
2 yr. old toms $10 ea; young toms $6
ea; young hens $6 ea; $11 per pair;
15 trio. Mrs. Jas. B. McCrary, Thun-
er, Ga. ~
1 April 1929 M. B. tom about 20 lbs.
$10; hens $7; $6; $5 from fine healthy
stock. Ida Morgan, Vienna, Ga.
_ Pure Bourbon Red Turkeys, Toms,
pe oe $4. Mrs. C. Brown, Alamo,

ra es

_ Trio of pure bred Bronze Apr hatch-
ed turkeys; 1 tom and 2 hens for stock
11. Healthy and in fine condition.
Mrs. Ida Court, Summit, Ga.

) 2 large turkeys, toms $10 ea; 2 large
turkey hens, $7.50 ea; 2 young toms,
a ea Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bremen,
Pure bred Big Bone Giant M. -B.
coms from unrelated stock, April
atch $10; May hatch, $8, hen $4.50.
These turkeys are well developed and
healthy. Mrs. Ed Ferguson, Cornelia,
Gs. :

Thoroughbred M. B. Goldbank strain
urkey toms, 22 to 25 lbs., $10. Hens
12 to 14 lbs., $6 ea; 15 lbs and up, $7.-
50 ea. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. A.
Johnson, Bowersville, Ga.

5 nice young turkey toms, wt. 12 to
16 Ibs. 30c per lb. Would like to sell
n\ lot, will take $20 for the lot. Mrs.
*. L. York, Cadwell, Ga.


ms $6 ea. Young hens $6 ea. $11 per
air or $15 per trio. Mrs. J. B. Mc-
rary, Thunder, Ga. :
1 two yr, M B. gobbler $10. 1 M. B.
obbler, $6, 1 two mos old M. B. hen
a fine mother, $5 and Hen and gob-
blers unrelated. Mrs. K. M. Hall, Rt.
5, Calhoun, Ga.
2 guaranteed thoroughbred M. B.
-Goldbank Bros. 2 yr. old toms, wt. 40
to 45 lbs. $18 ea or $35 for both. Also
booking orders for Christmas for young
1929 hatch, half M. B.. and Bourbon
ed, toms and hens 35c per lb. FOB.
Also young 1929 hatch M.-B. Tom 18
r 20 lbs., $10 ea. Guaranteed pure
bred. Mrs. J. P. Mabry, Canon, Ga. Rt.

Bird Bros. Strain, April 25 hatch,
large to age, Big Bone, toms $9 and
-$10-ea. Hens of same $7 and $8, now
weigh 15 lbs. Toms 22 lbs. Mature 40
lb hens 20 lbs. Will exch one tom for
one equal value and stock for breeder.
Mrs. J. E. Sikes, Chester, Ga. Rt. 2.
- Full blood Mammoth Bronze turkey
toms, April hatch 25 Ibs. $10. each,
FOB Whigham, Ga. Satisfaction. guar-
anteed. E. P. Trulock, Whigham, Ga.
Have a trio of fine turkeys, will ex-
hhange for 20 mixed large breed of
fhicken hens, or will exch for 18 pure
red Barred Rock or White P. Rock or
White S. L. Wyandottes, or will sell
he trio for cash. Mrs. Clovis Chand-

8 two yr. old toms, $10 ea. Young


ler, Athens: Ga. Rt. 1, Danielsville Rd.

4 Giant Bronze turkey toms, hatch
April 1. Came from laying strain, lays
80 eggs in 84 days. Grows to weight
45 lbs., $10 ea. Mrs J. G. Waldrop,
Tifton, Ga. Rt. 4.

1 April 1929 M. B. tom about 20 Ibs.
Price $10; hens $7, $6 and $5, All
from healthy unrelated stock. Ida
Morgan, Vienna, Ga.

15 head of fat turkeys from 8 to 14
Ibs. Could fill. order for 50 head at
35c per lb, FOB. Please give me your
order at once. Cash only. Mrs. Lula
Lampp, Scott, Ga. Rt. 1. :

60 turkeys, 25 toms, 35 hens, April
hatch M. B. Bronze toms, weight 14 to
16, hens 9 to 11 lbs; trio $11 or 30c
per lb. FOB. Cashiers check or mon-
ey order. Mary Burgarny, Rt. 2, War-
then, Ga. ;

1 trio M. B. turkeys, 1929 hatch, trio
$13.50. E. Maynard, Newton, Ga.

1 Mammoth Bronze tom 18 mos old,
25 or 30 lbs. 35c per lb. 4 young toms,
same strain, wt., 15 to 16 lbs., 35c per
lb. Few fat Jersey B. Giant hens, 25c
per lb. Mrs. L. B. Landrum, Adairs-
ville, Ga., Rt. 3.

12 to 18 turkeys for Christmas. Hens
mostly, make best offer. Mrs. Pearl
McDaniel, Stapleton, Ga. Rt. 1.

20 nice fat turkeys, 35 per lb. at
my home. Mrs. M. T. Gaskins, Nash-
ville, Ga. Box 175.

6 M. B. Bronze turkey hens and LE
tom 14 mos old, some of hens are from
35 lb. toms. Tom is unrelated to hen.
ae ZO Mrs. Ethel Jones, Lula, Ga.

Narragansett Turkeys, 1929 hatched
toms, $8 ea; hens $6 ea. Pair $12; Trio
$16 FOB Sardis, Ga. Cash-with order.
Mrs. J. L. Ellison, Sardis, Ga.

Finest stock Bourbon Red turkeys,
33 lb. tom, $12.50; 5 hens weighing
12-15 lbs. 35c per lb. Jas. W. Nash,
Smyrna, Ga. : :

15 head nice peanut fattened young
turkeys weighing about 10 or 12 Ibs.
30c per lb. Mrs. Joe Harrison, Rocking-
ham, Ga. : {

2 pure bred Bourbon red toms, $5
ea. Fine for breeding, could sell 1. hen
eg $4, Mrs. L. I. Roberts, Ft. Gaines,


200 lbs nice fat turkeys, 1929 hatch,
30c per lb. M. B. Toms for breeding
purposes, 15 to 18 lbs., $4.50 ea; hens
10 Ibs., $3.50 ea, FOB Washington,
Ga. Mrs. W. M. Mansfield, Washing-
ton, Ga. Rt. 2, Box 28-B.

2 nice turkeys, April hatch, wt. 19
to 20 lbs. Mash fed $6.50 ea., or $12
for both. Crated good, ship any day.
J.:T. Tilley, Ellijay, Ga. Rt. 3.

Pure bred Bourbon red turkey toms,
April hatched, wt. 18 to 20 Ibs. $8.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Noah D. Hen-
dricks, Metter, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 87.


4 April hatch pure bred Silver Lace
pullets, $1.50 ea; 1 Big Bone black
Bronze Turkey hen, pure bred April
hatch, $6. Money order no checks.
Mrs. D. C. Anglin, Blakely, Ga. Rt. 3.

20 White Wyandotte hens and 15
pullets. Hens $1.50 ea; pullets $1.25 ea.
FOB Cash only. Mr. Wm. M. White,
Peters Farm, Calhoun, Ga. Rt. 1,

8 two yr. old Silver Laced Wyan-
dotte hens, Tarbox strain $2 ea. or
$15 for the lot. Cash with order, A.
J. Bailey, Hartwell, Ga.

1 pure bred Silver Laced: Wyandotte
18 mos old co*ck $2. Mrs. V. M. Lard,
Chauncey, Ga. Rt. 2. =

Wyandotte hens at 25c per lb. R.
A. Smith, Leslie, Ga.

_1 pure Silver Laced Wyandotte, Ap-
ril hatched co*ckerel, $1.35 FOB; will
exch for 2 pullets of any good breed
or 2 young guinea hens. A. J. Pope,
Buchanan, Ga.
_ White Wyandotte hens, $1.50 ea;
1 White Wyandotte co*ckerel, March
hatched, good stock and fine to age,
$2. Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Hoboken, Ga.

A pen of. 4 Wyandotte pullets and
1 co*ckerel Columbian strain, pure bred
$6 for, the lot. Mrs. J. T, Owens, Cov-
ington, Ga. Rt. 2.

25 pure bred S. L. Wyandottes, hens
and pullets now laying: $2 ea. Also
several nice co*ckerels, $1.50 ea. R. B.
Williams, Milan, Ga. Rt. 3. 0

14 Feb. hatched S. L. Wyandotte
pullets, now laying $1.50 ea., also 2
Feb, hatched co*ckerels $1.50 ea. or $20
ne ee lot. R. B. Williams, Milan, Ga.

2 Martins Regal Dorcas co*ckerels, 6
mos old, from pure bred blood tested
flock, $2 ea. Mrs. A. D. Brinson, Cai-
ro, Ga. Rts 2:

6 young hens and 1 co*ck, Tarbox
strain, Silver Laced Wyandottes, the

choice of a flock, $10 for the pen. W.
R. Mooney, Quill, Ga.


0 9 ou eR eet BOLLE PEN


Poultry Wanted


Want 100 baby chicks, any heavy
breed to raise on halves. Mrs. C. J.
Harvey, Pitts, Ga.

Want 100 chicks, any kind, to raise
on halves. L. N. Reed, Metcalf, Ga.,
Rt. 1. Box 68.
~ Want 50 to 100 mixed, or any good
breed chicks to raise on halves to 8
or 10 wks. old. Mrs. J. S. Watson, Bron-
wood, Ga.

Want 500 chicks to raise on halves
to 10 wks. Best of care, feed, and good
equipment, and range. 5 yrs. exp. Any
breed. Lonnie Rundles, Gainesville, Ga.,
Rt. 1; 4

Want W.L., B. R., R. I. Reds, or any
other large strain chicks to raise on
halves. Experienced. References. Mrs.
H. G. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., 1693 Hardee
St., N._H: :

Want best price on 3 to 500 pure bred
Donaldson R. I. Red baby chicks for
January and February del. Geo. W. Al-
lison, Jackson, Fla.,. Rt. 5. Box 8:00.

Want 100 or 200 dark Cornish Game
chicks for December or January del.
Pay cash, or exch. S. C. Black Minorca
eggs. E. Maynard, Newton, Ga-

Want 200 Barred Rock chicks, to raise
on halves to 9 or 10 wks. Life time
exp. January, or soon as can get theni,
del. Mrs. J. E. Hayslip, Cordele, Ga.,,
RFD A. Box 67.

Want 3 Golden Sebright bantam
young hens or pullets, cheap for cash.
me Milton, Sumner, Sylvester, Ga.,


2 pure bred Aristocrat B. R., co*ck-

erels, at reasonable price. Walter Cow-
art, Summit, Ga., Rt. 2.


2 thoroughbred Cornish Indian game
March or April hatch roosters. State
lowest price in first letter. Mrs. Mat-
tie Calhoun, Hawkinsville, Ga. Rt. 3.

Exch. Wannamaker cotton seed for
or will pay reasonable price for a few
White Cornish games and a few Par-
tridge Cochins. Write what you have
and best price. J. M. Stokes, Cochran,
Gas Rt.23:


200 hens, March or April, 1929 hch.
Ferris strain W. L. T. B. Raines,
Dawson, Ga.

15 S. . W. L. hens, not over 2 yrs.
old. Exch. value far same. E. H. Smith
Lavonia, Ga.

10 pure bred English strain W. L.
co*ckerels. No fancy prices. F. A. Rovers,
Washington, Ga. Rt; 1, Box 261.

25 R. I. Red or B. R. broilers, 1 1-4
to 1 1-2 lb. ea., also same amt. ready
to lay, same breed pullets. State price
a lb. F. I. Baker, Columbus, Ga.,
Rt. 2. : .

1 doz. Brown L. Spring hatch, rea-
dy to lay pullets, reasonable price. W.
B. McKinsley, Jr., Savannah, Ga. 509
East 41st St. oe

20 pure bred S. C. Brown L. March
hatch, now laying pullets and 1 co*ck-
erel. Exch. value for same. Mrs. J. N.
Carson, Griffin, Ga. .

Pure S. C. W. L. March or April
hatch pullets, no culls. State strain
and price. J. P. McDonald, Ooltewah,

10 Brown L. hens, not over 2 yrs.
old, cheap for cash, or will give mar-
ket price. R. L. Fouts, Villanow, Ga.

100 to 300 Tancred W. L. pullets.
February, March and April hatch, no
culls. State prices. K. S. Price, Cleve-
land, Ga.

Want to hear from party who will

contract to furnish 500 8 wks. old W.
L. pullets to be hatched about Mar.
15th, and del. May 15th, 1930. State
price in first letter. W. R. Mitchem,
Monroe, Ga.
_ Exch. corn or sweet potatoes or will
buy any amt. up to 200, March or Ap-
ril hatch W. L. or R. I. Red pullets.
No culls. J. P. Hornsby, Ivey, Ga.

15 pure bred W. L., beginning to lay
pullets. No culls. Pay $1 ea. J. H. Har-
ris, Notasulga, Ala., Rt. 2, Box 87.

50 W. L. to keep on halves. Feed and
,care for them, and giveowner 1-2 of
eggs ea. week, or sell eggs for cash,
and send owner half the money. Pre-
fer March or April 1929 pullets. W. P.
Clayton, Quill, Ga.

Pay $1 ea. for any number good lay-
ing White or Brown Leghorns, or An-
conas, hens or pullets. State number
and where they may be seen. S. P.


Howe, Hapeville, Ga. :
to 150 White L. now laying

| Berryhill, Lakeland,


pullets, or young hens. Pay $75 a 100;
also 500 W. lL. baby chicks from Jan-
uary to the first of February. Pay $10 .
per 100 del. by P. P. R. D.. Giles,
Winston, Ga. Rt. 1. \

Exch. 1 pr. prize winning Buff Or-
pingtons, 1 1-2 yrs. old for 4 Leghorn |
hens. ae Bedia Smith, Cochran, Ga.
RFD 3.

100 Brown L. March or April hens.
Make: best cash price. J. S. Ward, Fay-
etteville, Ga., Rt. 1.

40 or 50 Tancred S. L., ready to lay,
free of disease, and heavy laying strain


pullets. Write. Jewel Davenport, Cul-

berson, N. C., Rt. 1.


Exch. 20 or 25 gal. Ga. Cane syrup
for 20 or 25 grown hens; also will pay
$10 cash for 10 grown hens and one
co*ckerel. I. P. Porter, Sylvester, Ga.,
Rt .4, Box 45.

Exch. heifer yearlings, for March or

April pullets, any good laying strain.
W. I. Thompson, Acworth, Ga. i

100 to 500 any good breed chickens

to raise on halves. Let party hear once
a week regarding same. Mrs. W. M.
Hill, Marietta, Ga. Rt. 3.

25 to 100 pure bred hens to raise on
halves. Give half of chicks raised, also
1-2 of eggs, until hatching season. Mrs.
A. L. Hudgins, Bremen, Ga. Rt. 2, Box
95-A. ;

Exch. value for 24 young, any pure
bred hens. Mrs. J. R. Birk, Madison,
Ga. Rt. 2.

Exch. Porto Rico sweet potatoes for
10 or 12 young hens, any mixed breeds
good layers, no culls. Mrs. L. H. Hill,
Pavo, Ga. Rt. 3. =

Offer following prices per lb., del.
Perry: friers, 35c; hens, 23c; roosters,
18c; ducks 25c, and turkeys 30c. New
Perry Hotel, Perry, Ga.

25 or 50 pure bred chickens to keep
on halves. Feed and good care for 1-2
of eggs and send 1-2 the money ey-
ery week, or eggs if preferred. Chick-

fens must be healthy and in good cond

every way. J. E. Barger, Bremen, Ga.
Rt. 1, Box 139.

- Exch. 24 hu. good, nice sweet po-
tatoes for 16 Buff Orpirigton young.
hens or pullets, or 12 bu. potatoes for
8 hens. At once. No culls. Mrs. Verlie
Gay, Dublin, Ga. Rt. 9.

Exch. 6 bu. nice size for eating
sweet potatoes for 4 hens and 1 roos-
ter, Golden Buff Orpingtons. Mrs. Ur-
iah Beckworth, Baxley, Ga. Rt. 2.


50 each, R. I. Red and W. L. pullets,
laying, or ready to lay. Joe E. Hill,
Maysville, Ga.

Donaldson dark strain S. C. R. I.


Reds: 10 hens and 1 co*ck, at reason- Ago

able price. Mrs. C. M. Bailey, Auburn,
Ga. Rt. 1.

12 or 15 thoroughbred R. I. Reds,
March or April 1929 hatch, cheap for
cash, no culls. J. J. Mashburn, Tun-
nel Hill; Ga.

10 to 100 Spring 1929 hatch, pure
bred Donaldson dark R. I. Red pullets.
State age and best FOB price. Geo.
W. Allison, Jacksonville, Fla, Rt. 5,
Box 800.

1-pure bred Donaldson R. I. Red

(dark red to skin) co*ckerel, ready for

service. State best price for cash. Mrs.
P. W. Hyatt, Bowdon, Ga. Rt. 4.

Exch. Guernsey and Jersey,. cross, 8
mos old small bull calf and 60 or 75
lb., thrifty shoats, mixed P. C. and

Duroc, for S. C. R. I. Red (no culls)

March and April, hatch pullets; Bull
for 12; 1 shoat for 10, and 2 shoats
for 20 pullets. Ea. to pay shipping
chgs. On exchange. B. T-. Turner, Au-
gusta, Ga., 717 Greene St.

Silver Lace Wyandottes, 3 pullets
and 1 male, hatched not later than ist
week in April. Prefer March hatch.
Reasonable. Mrs. J. W. Speer, Senoia,
Ga., Rt. 38.
Exch. 3 J. B: Giants pullets and 2-
co*ckerels, May hatch, for same num-
ber of white Wyandottes. Will sell

ena Mrs..E. F. Gunn, Vienna, Ga.

Fancy comb, in 16 0Z., jars, 24 to cs.,

$4.50; Fancy Ext., in 10 ib., pails, 6 to

cs., $8.25; 5 lb. 12 to cs. $8.50: in 3

lb., jars, 12 to cs., $6.50; No. 1 Ext., in

10 lb., 6 to cs., $6 cs. FOB; single 5_

Ib., Fey., del., by mail, $1; 10 Tb., $1.85;

single 10 1b., No. Ms $1.20. John W.

Meee ones


+ Gas

he Os


i s

Kar a

Thursday, December 12, 1929.

Gia manT > WAR EST 5 Ut L. ee : a
> PAGE EIGH | i oe neg ewe RE Te ES To oalecs $1 WD Or
se iD : aS Red Spanish peanuts, $2.50 bu., FOB; | 10 bu., sweet potatoes si : a
Ea er TOR SALE. es 12 Ib., At smalter tots, ee and Bun Sanus ae Driskell, Juliette, =
ee ee nee a rete | . Mrs. H. W. Law, Eastman,|Ga,, Rt. 1. 1 es ee
Georgia Products Country veal pork sausage, 30 Ib., ecg zones H. W as St ng aie eee pom a5
at Quitman COD, or cash with order.;Ga. = 70 lbs., first ; H:
F S le Zz. J. Powers, Quitman, Ga. About 150 bu., imp. Spanish peanuts, | David Anderson, Nicholls, Ga.
or 5a oe ; , and 50 or 75 bu., small Spanish. Make| 159 py. No. 1 Porto Ricans, 75 bu.,
GRAIN FOR SALE best offer. C. B. Miller, Shiloh, Ga.| on Grown from vine cuttings. J. M.
= BEANS AND PEAS FOR SALE _ Bearded barley, $1.50 bu., extra fine N. C. Runners, about 40 bu., $1 bu., Chapman, Chula, Ga. > eee
S 3 bu., yellow and black crowders, $3 for grazing. F. B. Rawlings, Sanders-/ also 1 ton peanut hay, $17.50 a ton. 100 hs. Porto Ricans Fancy No. 1
bu., $9 lot. FOB station. Mrs. W. J-| vine Ga. a C. R. Bowen, Byronville, Ga, RFD 1,| 100 Ibs. Fore si pu, FOB. R. S.
McCain, Haylow, Ga., Box 7. Good bean and clover hay, mixed, $16 | Box 13. = ae ne Pe anriie Gao
40 bu., genuine Bunch Velvets. Make/,.. pop station. S. C. Browning,| Hand picked, small white Spanish, | Burgess, + Mt ne oe We
offer for lot, or less. E, M. Smith, Vien-| ajaino, Ga. Rt. -A. for seed, gathered before storms, 6c| Porto Ricans, We PS a
na, Ga. Pure ~Appler seed oats, free fromany}lb., FOB. H. B. Brady, Davisboro, Ga. | for particulars... En re eae
~ Pole butter-beans in small quanti-|+oreign grain or grass seed, $1 bu., or ville, Ga. Rt. 4.

ties, 20c lb. W. D. Brown, Ellabell, Ga.
~ 50 bu., mixed Brabhams, Irons, about
50 per cent of ea., $3 bu., 20 bu., ea.,
-Trons, and Brabhams, unmixed, $3.25
_pbu., ea. T. L. Cagle, Oglethorpe, Ga.
- 1 ton Velvets, in pod, $20. E. L. Dix-
on, Blackshear, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 104.
About 50 lbs., white bunch and 30
lbs., Jackson wonder butter-beans, nice,
sound, good for eating, or planting,
20c lb. ea. Mrs. G. W. Hamm, Ray
City, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 80.

Nice table butter, 45c lb., del. Martha
Cochran, Pisgah, Ga.
~ Jersey butter, 50c Jb, in 1-2 -Ih.,
moulds. Can furnish 5 lbs., per week.
Mrs: H. G. Fraser, Gainesville,
Rt. 7,

Bak og

-. in 1 Ib., brick cartons, '50c lb., del. Can
ship same day churned. Mrs. P. W.
- Hyatt, Bowden, Ga., Rt. 4.

8. Or 4 Ibs., fresh Jersey. butter, ea.,

-wk., in 1 lb., bricks, 50c lb. Satisfaction j.

Bees G. P. Murphy, Ranger, Ga.,

he ae
Nice country butter, 45c lb., del. Mrs.
Robt. J- Pullen, Bowden, Ga.

_ Few lbs., fresh Jersey butter ea., wk.,
in lb., cartons, 50c 1b. Guaranteed qual-
ity. Mrs. L. B. Landrum, Adairsville,
Ga., Rt. 3.


Old fashioned yellow Flint seed corn,

$1. pk., del., or $3 bu., FOB. Milton
- Sumner, Sylvester, Ga., Rt. 3. |
Extra quality seed pop corn, yellow,
15c lb. Add postage. Durand Cleveland,
Hartwell, Ga., Rt. 2.

60 bu., Tooles imp. Wilt Resistant,
.. pure and sound, $1 bu., FOB. H. C.


Burnsed, Sr., Ellabelle, Ga., Rt. 1. Box |

22. Z
- Ruekers, 1 yr. from Ruckers farm,
$1. bu., FOB. P. M. Holcomb, Adairs-
ville, Ga., Rt. 2.
-. True to name Half and Half cotton
- seed, $4 per 100, FOB. W. D. Byrant,
Coffee, Ga. - ,
_ Pure Piedmont Cleveland, $5 per 100
Ibs., or exch. for 1 Jersey, or Guernsey
milch cow, fresh in with 2nd or 38rd
_ calf, in November, or first of December,
- and a good producer. D. F. Ogden,
Odum, Ga.
| Half and Half, 1st yr., from origina-
tor, gathered without being damaged,
$1.25 bu., $4 per 100 lbs., also a few
Gin mixed, Half and Half, $75c bu.,
Heavy Fruiter, 1st yr. from originator,
--- $3.50 ver 100 lbs. L..C. Prigden, Rhine,
Ga. Rt. 2. * ;
20 bu., Neelys field selected staple,

- $1.85 bu. Sample on request. I. J. Cleve- |:

land, Hartwell, Ga., Rt. 2..

-. Cooks Chappell, No. 2, $1 bu. W. Ss.
_ Norton, Edison, Ga.

Pure Ruckers, 45 to 48 per cent lint, |

$1 bu., FOB. Mrs. Grace B. Murphy,
Jasper, Ga., Rt. 2.
-Wannamaker Cleveland and Pettys
_ Toole, 1st yr., from originators. Ginned
before storms; pure, recleaned seed.
$1.25 per bu., for 20 or more bu., lots;
less, $1.40 bu., FOB. Limited supply.
H. B. Brady, Davisboro, Ga.
. _ A few more imp., Ruckers, $3 per 100:
FOB. Cash with order. Will Hart, Alto,

-.. Or $1 bu., in 10 bu., lots. J. R. Lanier,
_, Summit, Ga., Rt. 3. ;

. Half and Half, carefully ginned, pure

. and sound, $1.25 bu., or exch. for peas,

1 bu., seed for 3 bu., seed, or exch. for

~ pecans, pecan trees, or pure bred chick-

~. ens. W. L. English, Ambrose, Ga., Rt. 1.

' About 50 lbs., bright, dried Elberta
_ peaches, free of worms, 20c lb., FOB.
_ W. F, Miller, Lula, Ga., Rt. 2. - :
_. Yates apples, tree run, truck loads,
$1.25 bu., packed in 4 1-2 bu., bbls.
; $1.50; C grade in bu., baskets, $1.50;
Fancy Grade in bu., baskets, $2 bu.

All FOB. M. N. Crow, Cornelia, Ga.
Nice dried peaches, free from worms,


15 Ib. Exch. for white nest onions.|

_ Add postage. Mrs. John L. Phillips,

_ Flowery Branch, Ga., RFD.

Ga., |.

5 or 6 lbs., fresh, firm Jersey butter |

Ga. :
-.. . 40 bu., Manleys sure crop, $1.25 bu.,]

exch., for Marcy strain J. B. Giant

pullets and co*ckerel. S. W. Morgan,/

Vienna, Ga. - |

Bright Bancroft seed oats, $1 bu.,
W. H. Holt, Fayetteville, Ga., RFD 3.

Good seed oats, $1 bu., or exch. for
speckled peas. 2 bu. oats for 1 of peas,
or exch a few for pure bred R. I. Red
pullets, at 75c ea. Mrs. E. Wright,
Yatesville, Ga. \

Pure Bancroft seed oats, free of any
foreign grain or grass seed, 90c bu.
Riley C. Couch, Turin, Ga. oe

co*kers Red Heart wheat, $2 bu. C.
G. Byington, . Bolingbroke, Ga.

Pure, sound, clean Blue Stem seed
wheat, $2 bu., FOB. W. M. Wright, Ft
Valley, Ga.


About 40 Ibs., first class selected |
large size paper shell Stuart pecans,
50c lb., in 5 to 20 lb., lots postpaid in
first and second zones. Mrs. T. C. Floyd,
Chipley, Ga., Rt. 2. Box 74.

Large Valencia peanuts, 12 1-2c Ilb.,
del., or exch: 10 1b. for 10 lb., good
dried apples. H. W. Thurmond, Gres-
hamville, Ga. - :

Imp., White Spanish peanuts, larger
than original Spanish, $5 per 100 Ilbs.,
$95 ton, FOB. Clean, shipped in good
100 lb., bags. P. G. Tucker, Pinehurst,
Gao 24. .

Stuart, Russell. and Vanderman_pe-
cans, 35 del., or 30c FOB. S. B. Tom-
berlin, Forest Glenn, Ga.

1 ton left, N. C. Flat Runner peanuts.
18 yrs. improvements, 1 ton to acre and
ton hay per acre. $1.25 bu., FOB. Cash
with order. W. U; J. Draughn, Whig-
ham, Ga. , : :

100 lbs., Stuart pecans, 30c lb., 200
lbs., Money-Makers, 25c; 150 Ibs., Del-
mars, 30c; Sell 50 Ibs. up at. these
prices. Cash with order.- J. C. Lewis,
Eastman, Ga.

Stuart and Money-Maker pecans, a.,
35c Ib., FOB. Send postage for sample.
L. P. Strange, Swainsboro, Ga., Rt. 5.

70 lbs., good seedling pecans, from |.

papershells, 20c lb., FOB. C. E. Reiser,
Olyo, Gass. : ais ;
* 15 bu., large white Spanish Jumbo
peanuts, $1.50 bu., Sound and clean
for seed. Cecil Jones; Dawson, Ga. ~
Good Runner peanut seed, 4c lb.,
FOB. Z. D. Story, Sparks, Ga.
Large paper shell pecans,

C. Malone, Dexter, Ga., Rt. 3. -

Imp., big white Spanish, clean and
sound seed, 7c lb., FOB. H. C. Burnsed,
Sr., Ellabelle, Ga., Rt. 1, Box 22.

saved and thrashed without wetting,
6c lb., 250 lbs., or more 5 1-2c lb. Other
party pay Exp., chgs. Ed. G. Wright,
Chauncey, Ga., Rt. 2..
About 175 Ibs., paper shell Delmas
pecans, new crop, 35c lb., FOB. Ship

in lots of 20 lbs., and up. Mrs. A. B.|;

Echols, Stevens Pottery, Ga.
20 bu., peanut seed, $1.50 bu. Mrs.
C. M. Medley, Knoxville, Ga., Rt. 1.
N- C. Runner peanuts, nice and sound
4 lb; FOB Edison.
Bluffton, Ga. _ =
Large Jumbo. Spanish peanuts, hand
picked, 10c Ib., limited. amount only.
-Cash with order. J. W. Flanagan, Haz-
elhurst, Ga. os
Good, sound running peanuts, 7c Ib.
Cash with order: Have 2 or 3 bu. Arthur
Kirkland, Cobbtown, Ga.; Rt. 1.
Large. red peanuts, 75c peck. Cash
fl order. Daisy Willis, Talking Rock,
a. 2 z , > ~) .
. 15 tons small 'N. C. Runner seed pea-
nuts, $1 bu. FOB here. No order for
less than 10 bu. Send samples to par-
ties desiring big lots. W. L. Miller,
Lakeland, Ga. 5 :

for B. R., or Red: hens, or pullets, or
for new feathers, Mrs. L. E. Deal, Bris-
tol.-Ga, => ae
25 Ibs., nice well filled Schleys, 50c
lb., 40 Ibs., fine Stuarts, 40c lb. Cash
with order. G. T. Hadden, Avera, Ga.
Jumbo Spanish, 5 1-2c lb., Ga., Run-

Cash with order. L. C. Prigden, Rhine,
Ga,, Rt. 2. : ear eee
Imp., White Spanish, Benthal pick-

Pinehurst, Gas

ed, $5 per 100 lbs., FOB. P. G. Tucker,

ville, Ga. . >

Schley, | |
Stuarts, and Froscher, 35c lb., FOB. A. |

~ Ga., Runner peanuts, free from pops, ;

A. S. Collins,. i

N. C. Flat vine pinders, $1.50 bu.,exch. |

ners, 4 1-2c in 100 lb., lots, or more.


2 yr. old cherry tree 10c ea., or $1

per doz., old fashioned quince trees, 15c

ea., 1 yr. Old white scuppernong vines, |

25c ea. Mrs. J. C. Eades, Gainesville,
Ga Rt: 7. 3

2 yr., pear trees, Keiffer 4 to 5 ft.,
50c ea., 1 yr. apple trees, 2 to 3 ft.,
10c ea., all leading varieties, 1 yr., grape
vines, Concord Blue, Niagara White,
8c ea., 2 yr., No. 1 12 1-2c_ea., or $10
per 100, all state insp. Del. C. M. Alex-
ander, Leaf, Ga. Rt. 1. Box 13.

Black raspberry briars, $1 per doz.,
Blueberry bushes, 30c per doz. Jap.,
persimmons, and crabapple sprouts,
25c ea. Add postage. John Wilson, Lov-
ing, Ga. ae?

Schley, Stuart and Money-Maker
pecan trees for sale or will exch. for
shelled corn or shelled velvet beans.
S. K. Simon, Albany, Ga.

Gov., insp., paper shell pecan trees,
20 to 50c ea., Stuarts, Schleys, Success,
and Money-Maker varieties. L. C. Ben-
ton, Monticello, Ga. Z

Peach, apple, pear, plum, cherry,
grapes, scuppernongs, figs, and pecans:
Complete line of fruit, nut and other
trees, etc. 10 per cent off here at home.
H. M. Dudley, (No address given) -

Japan walnut 3 yr. old bush, $1; 50
Jap., Walnut, 2 yrs., old; Japan paper
shell pecan. Low prices for cash, or
exch. for R. I. Red young hens, or
what. have you to exchange? H. M.
Elder, Quitman, Ga., Brooks county.

Groves of high grade budded paper
shell Pecan trees, Write for price list.
W. L. Harrell, Fitzgerald, Ga.

State insp., true to name fruit trees:
peach trees all leading varieties, $45.
per thousand; apple, grape, fig, cherry,
pear, plum, black walnut, at right
prices. E. B. Travis, Riverdale, Ga.

- Budded Schley pecan trees, 2 to 8
ft. tall in lots of 1 doz.,or more at 25c

to 60c ea. Larger lots at a lower price.

L. M. Kennedy, Collins, Ga.
Camphor trees, 3; 25c; Japanese pink
vines, 3, 25c; commercial ginger, 25c
ea., flowering pomegranate trees, 25c
ea. Please send postage. Mrs. George
Sampson, 407 N, Madison St., Thomas-
Large size red and white fig bushes.
Well rooted, 25c ea., small ones 15e and.
20c ea. Mrs. E. L. Wright, Yatesville,
600 budded Stuart and 400 Schley
pecan trees from.6 to 10 ft. tall, will
exch. for corn, velvet hay, hogs, cows
or anything to use on farm. J. C. Rush-
in, Norsyth, Ga. >
Cra :
_ Two each; June, St. July, horse,
Winesap, Kinards choice, delicious,
yates, stayman, from early until late.
One yr. trees, 16, $2; two yr. trees,
$3.75. All del., state inspected. T. M.
Webb, Ellijay, Ga. es
Budded pecan trees, Stuart and Sch-
ley, 2 to 3 ft., 25c; 3 to 4 ft., 30c 4 to
5 ft., 40c; 5 to 6 ft., 50c; 6 to'7 ft., 70c;
8 to 9-ft., 80c; 9 to 10 ft., 90c: 10 to
12 -ft., $1. 25 or more trees, 10 per cent
off. Idus Johnson, Shellman, Ga., Rt.

Fine assortment of pecan: trees for
Sale, 20c to 50c ea. All varieties. H. A.
Bailey, Supt., Sunnyland Farm, Albany,

Ga., Rt. A. via Pecan -City.

:30 or 40. bu., pure Porto Ricans, 75c|

bu. Mrs. W.
1 Box 8 |. :
_ 600 Ibs., sweet potatoes, 1c lb., FOB.
or Dykes, Uvalda, Ga. Rt. A. Box
Porta Ricans, 75c bu., FOB. John
Daniel, Baxley, Ga. :
Porto Ricans, U. S. Grade, No. 1.
sweet potatoes, 60c bu., by truck load,
or more bulk, 75c per bu., in packs,
FOB. Paul Clark, Baxley, Ga. - -
100 bu., sound sweet potatoes, 60c
bu., or exch. for. syrup. Bu., for gal.,
or exch. for corn, bu., for bu., or for
hogs, at market price. V. T. Chears,
Millen, Ga., Rt. 4. Box 234,
Fine sweet potatoes, 75c bu., 65c bu.,
in 25 or more bu. Come in truck. W. J.
Clark, Gay, Ga. -
=5100bu.,. Porto -Ricans,:1c. Ib.,1 1-2

Pz Page, Barnett, Ga., Rt.

| Screven, Ga.

mi., south Screven. Geo. W. _Poppell,.

_on large lots. Lee Patrick, Quitman, Ga.


Ist Class Ga., cane syrup, made to
satisfy, $1 gal., in gal., cans; $1.50 per
doz., in capped at., battles. Nicely lab- |
eled. Paul Clark, Baxley, Ga. - pi ;
Pure new crop Ribbon Cane syrup
in new 35 gal., bbls. 55 per gal., In
cases, six 1 gal., cans, $4.40 Cs. twelve
1-2 gal., cans, $4.65 cs. FOB. C.. 5B.
Harrell, Whigham, Ga., Rt. 1 BOF,

Uae Sugar Cane. evaporated syr 1p,
new made on my farm, A-1 quality,
$3.80 per cs., of 6, 10 lb. cans, $4. 0.
per cs., of 12, 5 Ib., Cans, No. 1 new
crop syrup in new bbls., approximately
35 gal., to-bbl., $17.50. FOB. W. L, Mil-
ler, Lakeland, Ga. 2 ee ee
8 bbls., good thick 35 test sugar ee
syrup, cooked in kettle in cypress bb S.
5c gal. FOB Recovery, Ga. Bill of
lading attached. J. W. Wylie, Resident
of Ga., but PO address, Chattahoochee,
Fla, Rt. 1.Box 85. =. Sy ee
Best grade pure Sugar cane syrup,
in new cypress bblis., 35 gal. ea., 75-
gal., freight paid. W. W. Williams,
Quitman; Oia Ae os eee
A-1 new Sugar cane syrup in new
35 gal., bbls. $21; cs., 6 No. 12 cans,
$4.70 cs., 12 No. 5. $5; Frt. paid on bbls.
and lots of 2 or more cs., for check
with order, to Ga., points. Special prices


- Strictly A-1 pure Ga., cane syrup; in
new wood bbls., 60c gal., del., Ga. In
cases, 6,-1 gal., cans, $4.50; cs., or 12
1-2 gal. $4.75. J. T. Ponders, Whigham,
Ga oe eee

25 gal., new Ga., Cane syrup. 70c gal.
FOB. B. J. Dykes, Uvalda, Ga., Rt. A.
Box 119. ae ee ee

Very best grade Sugar cane syrup,
in 5 and 10 1b., cans, $5 and $5.50 per -
cs. P. A. Jones, West Green, Ga.

250, 1 Ib., buckets, new Ga. Sugar -
cane syrup, 75c per can, in lots of not.
less than 50 cans. FOB. J.W. Jordoi


TVOUS Gas. ava
Ga., Cane syrup, guaranteed, 6 gals..
$5.40. David Anderson, Nicholls, Ga..
Best grade pure Ga. cane syrup, in
gal., cans, $1 gal, FOB. John W. Mase-
ley, Soperton, Ga., Rt. 2. ake
New crop, sugar cane syrup, best
quality, 10 lb., buckets, $1.25 per. bucket,
also. new crop sorghum syrup, 10 Ib.,
buckets, best quality, $1 bucket. John
H. Gibson, Roverdale, Ga.

1929 Ga. cane syrup in new 35 gal.,
cypress _bbls.,. $17.50 per bbl. FOB. R.
Ls Baxter, Ludowitij Gas. 3

-Good Ribbon cane syrup. Sell, or
exch. for good Jersey heifer calf, or
yearling, or for bbl., good apples. R. S.

Canady, Surrency, Ga. :

1929 crop: 100: per cent pure sugar

cane, A-1 grade syrup, in cypress bbls.,
del., Ga., or Ala., 70c gal. Guaranteed.

Stock. limited. J. W. Martin, Jr., Cuth-
bert, Ga.,-235 Villa Nova St. On
Pure Ga. cane syrup, about 35 gal.,
FOB. J. C. Zipperer,

bbis., 60c gal.,
ae Ga. s :
ew Ga.- cane syrup, prepaid for
table use, in.10 1b., cans, ica 64.80
per cs. Exp., or Frt., collect. C. R. Pat-
rick, Omega, Ga.. Dees Ga:
Good: grade sugar cane syrup, 1929
crop, in 35 gal.,-new cypress bbls., $20
pet SOs. D. 8S. Parker, Ludowici, Ga.,

Artichokes for pickles or. spring

| planting, 12 and 15c jb. Not less than

5 Ibs., sold. Book orders for sprin i
aibe ail oe 10c pkg. Add eee
. N. B. Burden, El mn, Ga. Rt.
fet a em seen, Bae
lbs:, dry Hot pepper, $1.65 del. or
35 Ib., also good, dry sage, 25 te
packed. Money order only. Mrs. T. H. ~
McCurley, Hartwell, Ga., Rt. 2. __ we
Nice, clean dried sage, this yrs. crop,
we wet order only. Mrs, J.
; Milan, a <2 OF PSO:
Box es n, Ga 7 2:01 P. oO.
everal gal., dry Hot pepper, 50c gal.
or exch. for dried fruit, same amount
ea., to pay postage. Mrs. Howard Mid-
dleton, Colquitt, Ga, RFD 1.
1 M., head collards, and Savoy cab-
bage, ready for table use, for sale.

Copeland, Hamilton, Ga., Rt. 4

Write for prices on part, or all. Dennis

Thursday, December 12, 1929.

- fi Plants For Sale

_. Frost proof collard and cabbage
_ plants, collard plants 500, 60c; 1M $1,
postpaid; 1M 60c; Cabbage plants, 500
7c; 1M $1.25 postpaid; 1M 5c: All
Plants shipped COD. Lee wWaldrip,
_ Gainesville, Ga.
_ * Cabbage plants now ready: Postpaid
1M, $1.10 by express; not delivered,

5M, $3.50; 10M, $6.50; Bermuda onion | @

Nants any quantity, 1M $1 delivered
Wy express or parcel post. Bob Lindsey,
Lenox, Ga.
E. J. & Chas. Wakefield cabbage
plants 500 60c; 1M $1 del; 1M 70c col-
lect; Klondike strawberry plants 506
$1; 1M $1.75 del. W. . Waldrip,
Flowery Branch, Ga. |
_E. J. cabbage plants nice size, quick
Shipment 500, 70c; 1M $1.15: 5M or
over 1M 5c express collect. C. R.
mith, Flowery Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.
Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants, well
rooted and good size, ready to ship now
IM, $1; 5M or more 1M 95c. R.. J.
Boatright, Coffee, Ga.
_ Klondike strawberry plants, 100 30c;
1M $1.75; Lady Thompson plants 106
50c; 1M $3; Cabbage plants IM 5c.
Ethel Crow, Gainesville, Ga. Route 2.
__&. J. and Chas. Wakefield cabbage
_ Plants, 500 60c; 1M $1. G. H. Mathis,
Gainesville, Ga. Rt. 9:
_ Improved Lady Thompson, Klondike
and Missionary strawberry plants, 100
40c; 1M, $3.50; Progressive everbear-
ing 100, $1, 1M, $7. All Gov't insp. Del.
I. V. Head, Cleveland, Ga.
Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants 500
65c; 1M 95c; delivered 10M 5c col
Klondike strawberry plants, 500 $1;
1M $1.75 delivered. Guy Waldrip, Flow-
ery Branch, Ga. .
Nice well rooted frost proof Early
Jersey and Chas. Wakefield cabbage
_ plants 100 25c; 1M, $1: 500 60c del.
_ 8000 lots, 1M 75 collect. W. C. Wal-
_ drip, Flowery Branch, Ga.
Himalaya blackberry pes 20c per
doz., $1.50 per 100. General variety of
black and red raspberry plants, 60c
per doz. Will exchange for eating ap-
bles, chickens and other things 1
pret Mrs. Willie Hill, Marietta, Ga.

_ | Fifteen thousand Georgia Mammoth
blackberry plants 1M $2.50. Cash with
_ order. J. W. Walker, 79 South Cen-
tral Ave., Hapeville, Ga,
__ Frost proof cabbage plants,, Fy J.,
(Chas. Wakefield and Succession 1M
$1.25 delivered. Bermuda onions, 1M
$1.25. Can ship 100M a day. B. F. Mal-
ard, Oliver, Ga.
__ Klondike strawberry plants, 100 30c:
Himalaya blackberry plants 100 50c.
he W. H. Walters, Lavonia, Ga., Rt.

_ Kudzu plants, well rooted, 100 $2 or
would exchange for turkeys. Mrs. Mack
Mercer, Graymont, Ga. i
_ Cabbage and collard plants, 1M 5c.
Bill Crow, Gainesville, Ga.
__Everbearing strawberry plants 100
_ 25; or exchange for dried fruit or
_ white feed sacks, 100 Ib. size. Mrs. A.
oe oe Bremen, Ga. Route 2, Box
Sage plants 3c each, 30c per dozen
6 or more delivered; raspberry, 5c ea.
_ 50c per doz., also large catnip, 25c per
_ doz. delivered, all well rooted. Mrs. W
. Moon, Waco, Ga. Route 2.
600 Lucretia dewberry plants, $5: 1M
Kudzu rooted plants, $9; 400 clingstone
peach trees 1 to 3 ft. high, $5; 600
crabapple sprouts 1 to 3 feet high, $5.
All prepaid. Maude Hamby, Greenville
Ga. Rt: 3.
' Cultivated bunch blackberry

_ 100 $3; Red St. Regis raspberry plants
_ 100 $3, 1M $15 collect. W. G. Kelley
Forest Park, Ga.
_. Good variety strawberry plants, ri-
pen very early, 100 25c; Sage plants.
10c ea,, 3 for 26c. L. J. Vollrath, Win-
. ston, Ga.
_ Lucretia Dewberry plants, 400 plants
rooted for $350 delivered. Lois Wood-
ruff, Greenville; Ga. Route 1.
Cabbage plants, Charleston, Jersey.
- Copenhagen, Flat Dutch, Prepaid 1M
_ $1.25; collect 1M $1; 10M $7.50. Onion
plants 1M $1. Missionary strawberry
plants, 1M $2. C. M. Sims, Pembroke,
_ Lucretia Dewberry plants, 100 $1 del.
Mrs. B. S. Robinson, Greenville, Ga.
_ Frostproof cabbage plants, J. & C.
Wakefield, Succession, Early Flat
Dutch and Mixed. 250 50c! 500 75c; 1M
$1.50. By express 10M $7.50. Walter
ae atae oo : ee
$2 per M Lady Thompson strawber-
a tients Lear Missionary strawberry
ts, IM $2, eee et

Wea ge



berry plants, 100 25c; 1M $2. Hoyt An-
derson, Gainesville, Ga. Rt. oS i
Very large and early variety o
strawberry plants, 100 25c; 1M $2 del-
ivered. Mrs. L. E. Mobley, Glenville,
Ga. , :
Last Call10 to 20 thousand fine
strawberry plants 1M $2.50 Express J.
P. Garrison, Homeland, Ga.

__ Fine everbearing strawberries, plants
for sale, 100, 50c; 200 75; 300 $1 all
postpaid. Mrs. J. S. Hammock, Scott,


Frost proof Early Flat Dutch, Early
Jersey Wakefield and Charleston
Wakefield cabbage. plants, 500 50c; 1M
90c; add 3 cents per hundred for
/postage. Prompt shipment. R. S. Bur-
gess, Pembroke, Ga.
Everbearing Red Raspberry plants,
1 dozen plants 50c. J. W. Bedell, 79
Forsyth St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga.
Klondike and Lady Thompson straw-
berry plants, 100 25c; Bertha Beasley,
Dublin, Ga. Route 6.
Charleston Wakefield Cabbage plants
500 65c; 1M $1 postpaid. Miss R. Lee
May, Lewiston, Ga.
Everbearing strawberry plants 100
25; White Blackberry plants 1 dozen,
25; Asparagus roots, 1 dozen 25c. Add
postage. Mrs. L. P. Smith, Helena, Ga.
Frost .proof Cabbage, Early Jerseys,
Charleston Wakefield, Succession. Ear-
ly Flat Dutch. Bermuda and Prizeta-
ker onions; Collard plants; 500 65c;
1M 90c; 5M $3.75; 10M $7.50. Well root-
ed, Stocky. G. W. Coleman, Tifton.

Well rooted frost proof cabbage
plants, E. J. and Charleston Wakefield
cabbage. 1M, $1; 500 55c; Prompt ship-
ment, postpaid. R. W. Mays, Fitzger-.
ald, Ga. Route, 4. io

Wakefield and Early Flat Dutch cab-
bage plants, 100 20c; 300 40c; 1M $1.
Five thousand or over 70c per thous-
and. Lee Crow, Oakwood, Ga. Route 1.

Charleston Wakefield Flat Dutch
cabbage plants, all frost proof. 100,
20c; 500 75c; 1M $1.25. Five thousand
or more $1 per M. Add postage. J. C.
Chambers, Flowery Branch, Ga. Route
1-C, -

Strawberry plants 1M $1.75; Hima-
aya blackberry plants 1 dozen 50c, all
stocky, well rooted and thrifty. Exch.
for cabbage plants or value. Mrs. H. G.
Brown, Stone Mountain, Ga. Route 1.

Frost proof cabbage plants, BE. J. and
Charleston Wakefield, grown from
Long Island seed; open field grown:
full count; no delay; now ready, 200
30c; 1M $1. delivered by Prepaid Par-
sel Post. J. O. Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga
Route 3.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants,
100, 25c; Black raspberry and yellow
ones, 10c each. Gordon Gooseberry
bushes same price. Mrs. Mollie Hender-
son, Ellijay, Ga. RFD 3. .

Frost proof E. J. and Charleston
Wakefield cabbage plants, large stal-
ky plants 500 60c; 1M $1 delivered. S.
C. Rowe, Fitzgerald, Ga. Route 2.

Progressive everbearing strawberry
plants, 100 25c. Mrs. R. L. Greene,
Cuthbert, Ga., Route 4.

Early Jersey, Flat Dutch, Charleston
Wakefield Frost proof cabbage plants,
oostpaid, 500 60c; IM 90c; 2M $1.75.
Bermuda onion plants postpaid, 500
5c; 1M $1.25. John B. Pope, Fitzger-
ald, Ga. Coat

Early Charleston Wakefield Frost
oroof cabbage plants, nice plants from
Long Island, prompt shipment, correct
sount. 500 60c; 1M $1 del. 500 45c; 1M
7e COD. H. F. Rowe, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Route 2.

Guaranteed, well rooted, 7 in. frost
oroof cabbage plants, Extra E J Wake-
field. Correctly packed in well venti-
ated boxes. 300 60c; 700 $1, 1M $1.25
dostpaid. 1M $1 FOB. Exchange plants
or Globe Turnip, Texas Ribbon or
Honey Drip cane seed. C. F. Maddox,
Flowery Branch, Ga.

Collard plants, 500 plants 90c; 1000
Dlants 90c postpaid. Mrs. N. L. Pal-
mer, Leesburg, Ga. Route 3. :

Early Jersey cabbage plants, 1000,
$1.15; 500, 75c; 100 15 delivered. J. D.
Vann, Blackshear, Ga. Route 3.

Harly Jersey frost proof cabbage
dlants; now ready 500 65c; 1M $s pos-
tage paid. Prompt shipment. R. Chan-
dor, Seville, Ga. ea

BH. J. Wakefield, Chas. Wakefield and
Early Flat Dutch cabbage plants, open
field grown, 100 15c; 500 75c; $1.25 per
M, Golden Acre cabbage plants, 250
50c; 500 $1; $1.75 per M. Iceberg Let-
tuce plants, 250 50c; 500 85c; $1.50 M.
All delivered by parcel post. Mrs. W.
N. Lott, Braselton, Ga. RFD 1.

E. J. and Chas. Wakefield capes
plants, field grown, 100 15c; 1M $1.25:

repaid. No checks. Mrs. Perry Fitz-
gerald, Forest Gi Ga eae

|cabbage plants, field prown, 1M a

60c; 1M $1 Parcel post paid. I. L.
Stokes, Fitzgerald, Ga.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants, |
100, 25c; 300 60c; Garden Gooseberry
bushes 10c each. Mr. Henry Eller, El-
lijay, Ga. RFD 3.

Winter Heading cabbage and collard
plants, 500 65c; 1M $1. Klondike straw-
berry plants, 100, 50c; 500 $1.25, 1M,
$2. All del Mrs Gertrude Branan,
Lewiston, Ga. ag

Strong and well rooted Mastodon
everbearing strawberry plants, $2.50 per

100 postpaid. L. Hattaway, Blakely, Ga. 5

Crystal Wax White Bermuda onion
plants, $1 per M, FOB. H. F. Siair,
Valdosta, Ga.

Extra fine, everbearing strawberry
plants, 25c per 100; $2! per M. Deliv-
ered. Mrs. J. G. Broome, Tifton, Ga.
Route L.

Frost. proof cabbage and_ onion
plants, Prizetaker and Bermuda onion.
Early Jersey and Chas. Wakefield and
Copen. Market Cabbage. 500 75c; 1M
$1.25 del. Roy McRee, Meigs, Ga. _

Everbearing Klondike strawberry
plants, $1.50 per M del. Now ready.
Money order. Miss Lena Norris, Sparks
Ga. RFD 2.

Extra fine Everbearing strawberry
plants, 25c a 100; $2 M, or exch. for
Sorghum syrup, pecans, peanuts, dried
fruit, onions, irish potatoes or honey
Mrs. Bertha McMichael, Covington, Ga.
Rt. 5, 819 Washington St.

Giant Never-Stop strawberry plants
40c a 100; heading collards, 20c: also
quince, figs (4 kinds) pomegranates.
}and pecan trees. Mrs..R. S. Simpson.
Waverly Hall, Ga.

Mammoth Everbearing strawberry
plants 30c a 100, $2.50 M, Sage plants
10c ea., sweet and sour pomegranates,
24c ea. All FOB. Exch. for seed wheat
or rye, pay chgs., 1 way. E. L. Corley.
Mauk, Ga. Rt. 1. is

Red everbearing St. Regis raspberry.
well rooted plants, 10c ea., 3 for 25e;
June berry bushes (resembles huckle-
berry, in flavor and looks) very pro-
lific, 15 ea., 4 for 50c. Mrs. V. E. Mc-
Cook, McIntyre, Ga. Rt. 2.

E. J. cabbage plants, $1.10 per M pre-
paid, or for extra large plants, party
pay postage. A. A. Faqua, Jackson, Ga

Himalaya berry plants, 4 for 25c.
Mrs. H. F. Jarrell, Butler, Ga. Rt. 2.
Box 44. : ;

Frost proof cabbage plants, E. Wake-
field, ready, any quantity, 1M up, 80c
i 6M up, 60c M. Ola Williams, Alma.

a \

Wakefield & Dutch cabbage plants.
100 20c; 1M 90c del. New Klondike &
Lady Thompson strawberry plants 100.
25c; 1M, $1.50. Del. Write for larger
lots. C. Garrett, Oakwood, Ga.
_Everbearing strawberries the ve
finest. variety, very large, 100, 20c; 1M.
$2. Also any quantity of yellow scup-
pernongs well rooted, will bear 1st or.
2nd yr. Well rooted, 50c each. Add
postage. R. M. Fillingand, Morris Sta-
tion, Ga.

Lady Thompson strawberry plants
pure, not mixed, 100 35c; 1M $2.50
Postpaid money order only. John 8B.
Nix, Dahlonega, Ga. Rt. 1.

Well rooted frost proof
plants EB. J. Chas. Wakefield, 1M, 90c:
500, 55; postpaid. Prompt shipment.
Roscoe Mays, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 4.


oo vey improved Klondike
Strawberry plants 30 per 100, 50 ~
25; $2 per 1M re ee

del. All well rooted young
plants. Also Blue Damson plum sprouts
3 for 35; 1-2 doz., 70c del. Mrs. J. S.
Crowe, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4,

"ssa oe, and Chas.
plants shipped by mail express
COD. 500 50c: 1M 75c; Bermuda aiion
blants 500 60c, 1M $1. Millions to of-
fer, immediate shipment. F. F. Stokes
Fitzgerald, Ga. :

Extra, early Jersey and Charleston
Wakefield nice large and fresh 500 50c;
1M 80c del. postpaid. White Bermuda
onion plants 500 60c; 1M $1 per post-
paid. Millions ready, prompt shipment
Robert McCook, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 4

Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants 100
25; 1M $1.25 del. N. W. Daniel,
Ty, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 122.

E. J. Wakefield cabbage plants from
Hastings seed, 500 60c; 1M $1 del. Cry-
stal Wax Bermuda onions at same
price. Order may be mixed to make
desired amount. Open grown Iceberg
lettuce well rooted 200, 50c; 500 $1. E.
L. Durham, Dublin, Ga. Rt. 5.

Frost proof cabbage plants well root-
os ee bi d: Cas Wakefield

ady to ship an uantity, 1M 85c.
J..H. Williams, Pies Ga, 3 He ;

Harly Jersey and Chas. Wakefiela
b egh i oy. Se bara sa
foe or IM %5c; ee col.
. Summer, Omega, Ga. Ri. 1.
th 7a ) an fs

| Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.

W. cabbage |

Cabbage plants 1M,
1M, tc; cash with order.


only. Full count, quick shipment, fresh
plants guaranteed. 250, 50c; 600 90c;
1M $1.25 postpaid. 1M $1 not prepaid.
E. A. Hayes, Buford. Ga. Rt. 2. |
E. J. and Chas. Wakefield, Success-
ion and Flat Dutch cabbage and head-
ing collard plants, good size, well grown

plants 100, 25c; 1M $1.25 postpaid five .
to ten thousand 1M 90c COD. Send.

P. O. Money order. J. M. Nix, Flowery
Rooted plants of Holts Mammotk
sage, 3 plants 25c or 75c per dozen.
Mrs. Ida M. Allen, Carrollton, Ga. Rt.
Everbearing strawberry plants

W. E. Goodwin, Wadley, Ga.

Cabbage and collard plants 1M 75c.

Guy Crow, Gainesville, Ga.

Missionary strawberry plants 100 30c,.

1M $1.75; del. Burr Clover plants 100
60c; 1M $5 del. Mrs, T. H.
Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 2. /

Early Jersey Wakefield Succession
cabbage and heading collards, 1M $1.- |

15; del. 500, 75c; 30c, 100. Will make
delivery quick, money back if not sat-

isfied. 5M or more 1M, 75c. Shipped

the same day. B.

R. Woodliff, Flow-
ery Branch, Ga. ;

Extra Jersey Chas. Wakefield, Flat

Dutch, Succession strong well rooted
and frostproof; 500, 65c; 1M $1; 5M

$4.50 all del. E. Y, Stokes, Macon, Ga.

Rt. 3.

Well rooted brandywine strawberry
vlants, 100 25c; 1M $2; McDonald and ~
early wonder blackberry plants 100, $1.

Burbanks thornless blackberry plants

$1 per doz. or $6, 100. B. J. Pike, Mauk, |
Ga. i se N
Early Jersey, Early Copenhagen, Flat

Dutch, Chas. Wakefield, Frost proof

cabbage plants, postpaid, 500 60c; 1M a
90c; 2M $1.75. J. R. Pope, Fitzgerald, Mi

Want to exchange everbearing straw
berry plants for cabbage plants and

onion sets. Each to pay postage. Miss ;

Ruby Morrison, Hillsboro, Ga.
Chas. and Jersey Wakefield
Flat Dutc
ed, shipped in ventilated boxes. 1M,
$1.25; del. five thousand and more, i
Ae ee : ol. Clyde Parker, Gainesville,
a. ap

Misisonary Everbearing strawberry
plants, 100, 25c; or exch. for cabbage.
olants, Bermuda onion plants or large
pecans. Mrs. D: F.. Arnold, Axson, Ga.

Box 24.

Extra Early Jersey Chas. Wakefield

all season and sure head 1M, $1 post-

paid, 75c per M express. C. W. Stokes,

Macon, Ga. Rt. 3.

One million Flat Dutch cabbage

plants to go for next 30 days, VE Foes
10M $5; 20M $10 cash with order. Exp,
ry | COl, satisfaction guaranteed good plants

and full count. J. G. Turner, Lenox,
Ga. Rt. 2.

Chas. Wakefield cabbage plants 100

25c; 1M $1.25; postpaid. Mrs. O.'E.
Browning, Doerun, Ga. Rt. 4.

Frost proof cabbage and prize ta-

ker onion plants, grown from L. TI.
seed; Early Jersey, Chas. Wakefield,
Henderson, Succession, 300 50c; 500.

75e; IM $1.25 del. by Parcel Post. Exp _

col. 5M or more, 1M 5c. W. H. Ellis, |
Redland, Ga. 1
Strawberry plants, 100 50c, Verona

Standard, Zuta, Ga.

Chas. Wakefield, FE. J. cabbage and

collard plants, 200 50c: 700 $1; 1M, $1.-
25. Rush Postpaid; 5
Klondike strawberry plants,

1M $1.75. Cader Stephens,
Branch, Ga.

500. $1;

1M $1 postpaid.

man, Ga.
Cabbage plants,

grown from first

f class seed. Variety.
Chas. and Jersey z

Wakefield, also Suc-

cession and Flat Dutch, 500 75c; 1M

$1.25; 5M $5. All plants prepaid. Mrs.
Nina Welch, Sylvester, Ga. :

Early Jersey cabbage plants iM $1. ;
J.D. Varna 4

15; 500 75ce; 100 16 del.
Blackshear, Ga. Rt. 3. ; .

Frost proof E. J. and Chas. W. cab-
bage plants, grown from Long Island
seed. Good size, full count. Now rea-
dy. 200, 30c: 500 60c; $1 M del. by pre-


and G
cabbage plants, well root-

and 10M, 95c,

genuine frost proof,

$1.25; as much as 10M $1 per thousand.

Cabbage, onion and collard plants, :
W. W. Williams, Quit-

paid P. P. J. O. Stokes, Fitzgerald.

Ga. Rt. 3;
A few extra heavy bearing straw-
berry plants 50c 100;
a pee plants,
well rooted. R. L. Denison, Scre-
yen, Gao Rt. Box 41. oe
Chas. Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch
$1; 5M or more

_1 2 Hermon
Boatright, Alma, Ga.

* Lady Thompson strawberr lants, _
100 30c; 1 i Eke oten:

1y plants 100 260; 1M as TE ee
y plants 100 25c; $2 delivered. W.
1D. By clang, Flowe anch, Ga,

also any amount |
100, 40c; IM $3.

ch, Ga, Rt

z Gs




Earliest variety Klondike strawberry
plants, 100 25c; 500 $1.25; 1M $2 post-
paid. Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage
plants frost proof 100, 20c; well root-
ed prompt delivery. Mrs. W. B. Crow,
Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4, Box 78.

Iceberg and Big Boston lettuce plants
100, 25 FOB Dublin, Ga. Cash with
order. L. E. Harrison, Dublin, Ga.

Early Jersey cabbage plants, well
rooted and guaranteed to please, 300,
500, 65c; 1M $1 postpaid, moss
packed. T. D. Rycroft, Cordele, Ga.

es Rt. 4. .

F Early . Jersey

Wakefield cabbage
plants; crystal Wax Bermuda onions,
100, 25c; 500 75c; 1M $1.25, postpaid.
Now ready. J. E. Hudspeth, Cedar
Springs, Ga.

Correction in issue Nov. 21, Burr clov-

ct er was put 100, $1, should have been


1M, $1. Add postage. Mrs. Belle God-
ard, Goggins, Ga, Rt. 2.

Improved large Klondike strawberry
plants, 100 30c; everbearing strawber-
ry plants 100, 40c. E. J. Wakefield cab-
bage plants 100 20c. Major Crowe,
Cumming, Ga. Rt. 4

Scullion plants from this years but-
tons 100, 25c. Mrs. J. Y. Patillo, La-
Grange, Ga. Rt. 6, Box 60.

Extra early Jersey and Chas. Wake-
field cabbage plants 500 50c; 1M 75c;

5M $3.50; Bermuda onion plants 500
60c; 1M $1 now ready. Immediate ship-
ment. Sent COD. J. P. McCook, Fitz-
gerald, Ga.

Strawberry bushes each 15c; 1 doz.
_erabapples 15c each. Mr. C. L. Chas-
' tain, Loving, Ga.

_.. Nice washed yellow roots 30c per lb.

\ $1.10 per 4 Ib. Del; Comfrey roots nice
for transplanting, 10c each 3 for 25c
or 75c per doz. postpaid. Cash with
order. Mrs. Nora Bell Nix, Dahlonega,
Ga. Rt. 11.


eo Want

Want age and price of Rhubarb
clumps.: Mrs. J. E. Kennedy, Menlo,

Want to exch 1 doz. white scupper-
nong vines for 1M cabbage plants: 500
ea., E. Jersey and Chas. Wakefield. W.
A. Moon, Waco, Ga.
few thornless blackberry
plants. R. M. Matthews, Thomaston,
Ga. Care Martha Mills.

Want to exch Himalaya blackberr

vines for Bermuda onion, or strawber-

ry plants. George W. Roberts, Ayers-
ville, Ga. Rt. 1. :

Georgia Products

a For Sale

Velvet beans in pod, sound and dry,
~ $18 per ton, car lots or crushed and
sacked, $27 per ton, lots. Mixed
half and half with ear corn, same
price. C. R. Patrick, Omega, Ga.

1 car early speckled velvets in pod,
grown, on my farm, $16 ton, FOB. B.
\ F. Murphy, Sandersville, Ga. Rt. A.

Johnsons winter bean seed, sound
and clean, 15c lb., $1 gal. Add postage.
J. M. Godwin, Washington, Ga. Rt. 4.

Bunch Thomas cold-proof Eng. pea
seed, 25c lb., plus postage. J. J. Ed-

. -mondson, Valdosta, Ga. Rt. 1.

60 lbs. white, black-eyed Calif. peas
15c lb. in good cond. Buyer to pay
postage. C. L. Brooks, Monroe, Ga., Rt.

_ Genuine Bunch velvets, for seed
shelled and sacked, $4 bu. Running
velvets, in hull, any amount, $23 ton.
Customers to furnish sacks, N._ T.
Beasley, Kite, Ga.

5 bu. Texas Brab peas, new crop,
sound $6 bu. Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Bre-
men, Ga.

3 or 4 bu. imp. red hull speckled
peas, slightly mixed, $3.50 bu. at my
home, $3.75 FOB Covena. E. H. Hol-

: ton, Covena, Ga. Rt. 1, Box 17.
: No. 1 stock of large running velvets

; $2.50 bu., Otootans, $6.50; and Lare-
dos, $5 bu., W. H. Holt, Fayetteville,
Ga. RFD 3.

Several kinds Biloxis del. $2.10. C. E.
Atkinson, Thomson, Ga.

1 ton running velvets, in pod, $23
ton, sacked. Cash with order. Arthur
Kirkland, Cobbtown, Ga., Rt. 1.
Frost proof early Eng. peas 25c Ib.,
del. Mrs. Maurice Edwards, Lavonia,
Ga, Rt. 2.

4 bu. running speckled peas, slightly
mixed with Unknowns and Red Rip-
pers, $2 bu. F. M. Carr, Vienna, Ga.
RFD 6. -

1200 lbs. Calif Black-eyed peas, 8c

Ib., for lot, FOB. Sample on request.

, A. G. Oliver, Meansville, Ga. RFD 1.


er seed peas, unmixed and recleaned

_ Hastings large cream sugar crowd-


6 lbs. $1 postpaid; few white crowd-
ers, same price. C. F. Maddox, Flow-
ery Branch, Ga.

5 lbs. willow leaf running butter bean
seed, 35c lb., 5 lbs. Bunch Limas, 25c lb.
Mrs. D. V. Giddens, (no address given.)

Speckled field peas, sound, 1929 crop
$4.50 bu., also 16 lbs. sound white but-
ter beans, for eating or planting, $2.50
eet wt. Mrs. Verlie Gay, Dublin, Ga.
Rb. 9.

Speckled crowders and white Calif.
black-eyed peas, 25c lb. or in 5 lb. lots
$1; also large red peanuts, $1 peck. B.
L. Brown, Ball Ground, Ga. Rt. 1._

Red or purple hull speckled peas,
$1.25 per peck, del., $4 bu., FOB; also
small yellow peas, known here as Gib-
son peas, free of weevils, same price
as above. John W. Moseley, Soperton,
Ga., Rt. 2.

50 bu. or more, Otootans, $5.35 FOB
Mesena, also some yelvets and peas.
Hampton Grant, Mesena, Ga.

3 bu. sound, clean black and white
peas for table and planting, 10c lb.,
$17.50 for lot; also 6 bu. black peas,
clean, but few damaged, $4.50 bu. in
entire lot, $26.50. All FOB. Cash with
order. Geo. L. Green, Jasper, Ga.

13 lbs. colored running butterbeans,
mixed with white willow, $3.50; 2 lbs.
brown crowders, 55; 1 lb. black crow-
der, 30c; 3 lbs. white willow running
butter beans, 90c; 3 lbs. common white
running butterbeans, mixed with wil-
low, 85c; 2 lbs., bunch Eng. peas, 75c;
1 1-4 lb. McCarsler beans, 40c; 1-2 lb.
Musk melon seed, large variety. All
del. Mrs. A. S. Paulk, Ocilla, Ga.

,Mung beans, 10c lb., exch. for Otoo-
tan beans, also Brabham or black
peas, $3.50 bu., exch. for 2 good stock
ane hogs. T. W. Bunch, Blaine, Ga.

1-2 gal. colored cornfield beans 20c
a Mrs. E. D. Neal, Ranger, Ga.
RG; 2;

5 or 6 lbs. Willets Wonder peas, 20c
lb. or exch for dried peaches: Lb for
lb. or for good cooking apples, Ea. to
pay postage. Mrs. E. W. Anderson,
Thomasville, Ga. Rt. 5.

6 bu. mixed peas, Clays and Whipps,
$4.50 bu. Sell not less than 1 bu. lots.
Lae Harlie M. Davis, Ringgold, Ga.
Rt; 2. \

Several lbs. nice, yellow Jersey but-
ter, 45 lb., del. Mrs. W. V. Robbs,
Flowery Branch, Ga. Rt. 1.

5 or 6 lbs. creamy Jersey. butter per
week, 40c lb. del. Subject to approval.
ee R. A. Montgomery, Bowdon, Ga.
3 Ibs. Jersey butter per week, 50c
lb., prepaid. Mrs. J. T. Clifton, Millen,
Ga., Box 57. , :
Fresh Jersey butter, 50c lb. del. Mrs.
Lizzie Waldrip, Gainesville, Ga., Rt. 8.

4 lbs. fresh Country butter ea. week
45c lb. Cash with order. Mrs. Mary
Hardie, Avalon, Ga., Rt. 1, Box 57.

4 lbs. fresh butter ea. week, 45c Ib.,
postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed.
aa M. M: Womack, Dallas, Ga., Rt.

Good, fresh, Jersey butter, 40c |b.,
in 1-lb. moulds. Mrs. Bertha Bunch,
Blain, Ga. Rt. 3...

Pure Jersey butter, fresh and firm.
7 to 10 lb. per week, 40c lb. Shipped.
subject to approval. Mrs. E. D. Eason,
Bowdon, Ga., Rt. 6.

5 to 6 lbs. nice, free from coloring,
country butter, per week, 40c lb. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Return cartons.
Mrs. E. D. Neal, Conyers, Ga. Rt. 2.


200 bu. Douthits Prolific seed corn,
in new bags, 1 to 21-2 \bu., $2.50 bu.
This is hard corn, small stalk, and a
heavy producer, and best prolific corn
for So. Ga. Max L. McRae, McRae, Ga.

Piedmont 2 ear seed corn and Wan-
namaker cotton seed. Sell or exch. for
syrup, or cow peas. Write. Rhett Stein-
heimer, Woolsey, Ga. RFD 1. -

Hastings prolific seed corn, in ear
or shelled, $2 bu., FOB. Specially se-
lected and absolutely pure. No per-
sonal checks. Geo. T. Trawick. Spar-
ta, Ga. Rt. 1.

White headed chicken corn (for baby
chicks especially) 1st yr. from Hast-
ings 40c lb., or 3 lbs. $1. Exch for B.
R. pullets. Mrs. W. P. Page, Barnett,
Ga. Rt, Box &.

Now booking orders for Whatleys
prolific seed corn, hand shelled and
nubbed, 90c peck, del. Ga. T. A. Dixon,
Macon, Ga. RFD 5.

Slipped shuck corn, 80 lbs. to bu.,
a es FOB. O. H. Scott, Jesup, Ga.

Yellow pop corn, shelled, 6c lb... or
exch. for mixed chickens. H. G. At-
kinson, Rupert, Ga. Rt. 1.

corn, 95c bu. and shelled corn, $1.10
bu. All FOB. G. B. Ham, Cobbtown,

Hastings prolific seed corn. Ist yr.
from originator, 45 bu. per acre 192%
crop. $2.50 bu., FOB. Mrs. Ruby Hol-
land, Hazlehurst, Ga. Rt. 3.

Yellow pop corn, shelled, 8c lb. Add
postage. J. C. Chambers, Flowery
Branch, Ga. Rt.' 1. ; :

Several hundred Ibs. 1929 crop white
shelled pop corn, 9c lb. del. Exch. for
white field peas. Lb. for lb. G. Y. Yeo-
mans, Vidalia, Ga.

100 bu. white milling corn, $1.50 bu.
in ear at crib, if taken by January
lst. Geo. L. Green, Jasper, Ga. Rt. 3.

Good, sound corn, suitable for meal,
$1 bu, FOB. John Daniel, Baxley, Ga.

Large quantities Golden Queen pop-
corn, in ear, $2 bu. Whatleys prolific
seed corn, in ear, $2 bu. All FOB. Mrs
C. O. Sikes, Sylvester, Ga. :

30M lbs. Shorts Golden Queen seed
pop corn; 1M bu. Whatleys imp. seed
corn. Write for prices. Member of Ga.
Crop Improvement Association. Frank
L. Short, Sylvester, Ga.

Nice, new crop pop corn, shelled, 3
lbs., 30c; 6 lbs., 50c. Postpaid. L. J.
Vollrath, Winston, Ga.

10 bu. shelled corn, $1.10 bu., FOB.
J. F. Dykes, Uvalda, Ga., Rt. A, Box

"119. ;

Batts 4 ear prolific seed corn, 1st
yr. for breeder. Wonder corn for poor
land; 35 bu. an acre with showers; 1-2
peck, 70c; $1.25 peck, $4 bu., postpaid
in Ga. No checks. J. H. Davis, Mill-
edgeville, Ga. Rt. 5, Box 126. :

Hard, flinty yellow corn, shelled,
$1.25 bu., in 5 bu. lots in Ga. Limited
iar paves B. J. Outen, Manassas, Ga.
Buus ee :

Yellow seed corn, hand selected, $3
bu., del. in Ga. J. J. Outen, Manassas,
Ga. Rt. 2:

_ Old fashioned yellow flint field corn,

ner, Sylvester, Ga., Rt. 3.


Summer and Addisons cotton seed,:
$1 bu., Exch. for wheat, or speckled
peas. Mrs. E. L. Wright, Yatesville, Ga.

Fresh Ruckers, $1 bu. T. M. Bunch,
Blaine, Ga.

Pure Wannamakers, recleaned seed,
90c bu. R. C. Couch, Turin, Ga.

250 bu. Cleveland Big Boll, 85c bu.
or exch. for feed oats, bu. for bu., also
will take 3 tons bright baled shucks,
or oat straw, at $10 ton. R. D. Giles.
Winston, Ga. Rt. 1. j

90 bu. co*kers No. 5 Long Staples,
Ist yr. from breeder, culled and re-
cleaned. Write for full information and
price. J. F. Rivers, Cadwell, Ga. .

Pure Cooks 306-7 Black Root Resist-
ant. cotton seed, $1 bu. Cleon Brown.
Alamo, Ga. :

150 bu. College No. 1, 2nd yr. from
State college, $1 bu., FOB. Calvin L.
Thrash, Gay, Ga.

Imp. Wannamakers, 43 per cent lint,
a De Neal J. White, Hartwell, Ga.

1M lbs. co*kers Lightning Express,
$5 per 100. lbs., $2 bu. Earliest Long
Staple, wilt resistant cotton known
M. S. Hicks, Yatesville, Ga.

Ruckers and Manleys heavy fruit-
er, $1.50 bu., del. $1.25 bu. FOB. H. W.
Thurmond, Greshamville, Ga.

Ruckers 1 yr. from Rucker farm, 47
per cent lint, $1 bu. cash with order.
W. F. Striplier, Adairsville, Ga.

Wannamaker, new crop and sound.
$2 bu., 75c bu., for lot, FOB. C. B.
Batton, Fitzgerald, Ga. Rt. 1.

Wilsons imp. direct for Arkansas,
$1.50 bu., FOB. About 100 bu. in all.
Mrs. A. W. Atkinson, Madison, Ga.

Pure college No. 1, $1 bu., or exch.

Ga. \

co*kers No. 5, 1 and 1-16 in. staple,

$1.25 bu., or exch. for good sound corn
R. H. Hambrick, Lavonia, Ga.
_ 250 bu. cotton seed, 1 and 1 1-16 in.
lint, and over 40 per cent Big Boll, $1
bu. W. C/ Langham, Stapleton, Ga.
RED f :

Wilson Big Boll, $6 per 100 lbs., 1st
yr. from originator. 2 bales this yr.
L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Ga. Rt. 5.

Addison Early Prolific, 1st yr. from
originator, $1.50 bu., not less than 5
bu. in lot. FOB. Hurlie M. Davis,
Ringgold, Ga. Rt. 2. ;

2500 bu..Piedmont Cleveland and
co*kers No; 5. Attractive price for lot.
Miles Collier, Colbert, Ga.

co*kers imp. 1st yr. from originator,
No. 8-84 long staple, A-1 seed, about
40 bu., $1 bu., for lot, or $1.10 for
small lots. H. T. Anglin, Wadley, Ga.

Ruckers 46 per cent lint, $1 bu.,
FOB, also Broad Leaf tobacco seed, 20c
0z., $3 Ib., postpaid. C. Garrett, Oak-
wood, Ga. See

_ 250 bu. each, slipped shuck ear, white

Pure Piedmont Cleveland, bale to

acre, this yr., $5 per 100 Ibs. or exch

$1 peck, del., $3 bu., FOB. Milton Sum- }

| Cornelia, Ga.

pelo Gum honey: 6 ten Ib. to cs., $6.50

for P. C. pigs. Joe H. Hopper, Ranger, |

Thursday, December 12, 1929.

for young Jersey or Guernsey COW,
trest in, with 2nd or 3rd_calf. Good
milk and butter producer. D. F. Ogden,
Odum, Ga.
Pure Wannamaker, Cleveland, .gin-
ned prior to storm, Cleveland sound,
$1 bu., FOB. G. P. McCrimmon, Lin-
colnton, Ga. Coe
Summerours Half and Half, careful-
ly ginned, pure and sound, $1.25 bu., or
exch. for Fulghum seed oats. Bu. for
bus. or for good hay peas; 3 bu. for
1 bu. peas. W. L. English, Ambrose,
Ga. - oie
90 bu. Wannamakers resistant, $1.25,
bu. FOB; Manleys heavy fruiter, 25
bu., $1.50 bu. O. S. Williams, Scot-
land, Ga.
200 bu. genuine, recleaned Wanna-
maker, privately ginned, and in good
bags at reasonable prices. B. F. fa*gan,
Martin, Ga. eet
_ 50 bu. Tooles imp. wilt resistant,
pure and sound, $1 bu. FOB. H. ae
Burnsed, Ellabelle, Ga. Rt, 1, Box 22.
50 bu. co*kers No. 5, staple, 1 and
1-16 in., $1.50 bu., or exch; for good
dry corn. W. T. Adams, Lavonia, Ga.
Wilson Big Boll, 1st yr. from breed-_
er, $1 bu., in 100 Ib. bags. T. L. Gra-
ham, Chauncey, Ga. ,
Pure, heavy fruiter cotton seed for.
planting, for sale, or exch for sound,
shelled corn, white or yellow, or a few
bu., or good sound peanuts. C. C. Phil-
lips, Royston, Ga. :
Imp. King Early, sound, cotton see
sell or exch. for Reg. calves, or heif-
ers, any breed. Satisfaction guaran-_
teed. F. H. Bunn, Midville, Ga. 16
Piedmont Cleveland, 1st yr. from
grower, grown and ginned by, self, $1.-
25 bu. J. E. Chandler, Browns Cross
ing, Ga. : 7
150 bu. Ruckers, recleaned, $1 bu., for
10 bu. or more; less, $1.10 bu. J. E. -
Huff, Philomath, Ga. a
Good Wannamaker cotton seed. Sel
or exch. for oats, wheat, or rye. R. P.
Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga. | TS ee
Ruckers, 1st yr. from Ruckers Farm,
$1 bu., FOB. D. F. Holcomb, Adairs-
ville, Ga. Rt. 2. : Les
Pure Lee Wilson type cotton seed,
$1 bu. Write for prices on 25 or more
ou, Geo. T. Trawick, Sparta, Ga. Rt. 1,

Extra Fancy Yates 150s and 176s,
Pai) RON FOB. C. M. Miller, Cornelia,
a. Ge
Yates and Terry apples, $1.50 bu.
tree run, in 5 bu. bags, $220) Cr
grade, in bu. boxes, $2.25; Fancy, $2.-
50 bu. - Fuller ,Demorest, Ga. =
Sundried apples, 18 lb., 6 Ibs. $1 del.
T. C. Mooney, Quill, Ga. slg
_ Sour oranges for preserves (direct-
ions for making if desired), 50c a 100,
aoe Mrs. D. G. Caldwell, Kingsland,
a. Tk pa
Nice dried apples, 18c 1b. Mrs. J. AL
Wilson, Martin, Ga. Rt. 2. E Boats
Yate apples, tree run, $1.50 in 4 1-2
bu. bbls. C grade, in bu. baskets,
$1.50; Fancy, $2; tree run by truck
load del. at orchard, $1.25, M. N. Crow,

Pure Ext. honey, almost pure Tu-

FOB; one 10 lb. $1.60; two 10 Ib., $3.10;
three 10 lb., $4.50.. Postpaid and in-

sured. Securely crated, shipped
promptly. Jno. A. Crummey, Doctor-
town, Ga.

_ Water white perfect flavorede honey
in sections of 1 lb., to be shipped in
cs. lots of 24 pounds to cs., $4.80 cs.
FOB. Cash with order. Service guar-
es G. W. Hare, Mount Pleasant,
_ 20 Ibs. beeswax, 30c lb. Tom Richard-
son, Palmetto, Ga.
Bees and bee supplies for sale in
any shape hives, ete. Write for prices _
and state what you want. J. E. Sha- _
lor, Thomasville, Ga. :
Fancy comb honey, in 16 oz. jars>24_
to cs., $4.50 cs., Fancy Ext., in 10 Ib.
pails, 6 to cs., $8.25 cs. in 5 Ib. pails,
12-to cs, $8.50 ea. in 3 Ib. jars, 12 to
cs., $6.50; No. 1 Ext. in 10 ib. pails,
to s., $6 cs., FOB; single 5 Ib. pail
FCY, del. by mail, $1; single 10 Ib.
fcy., $1.85. Single 10 Ib. No. 1, $1.20. _
John W. Berryhill, Lakeland, Ga. a
_ 20 hives yellow and black bees, heat- _
thy and fair cond. mostly old styie _
hive, with 6 and 8 frame supers, most. _
ly 1928 and 1929 swarms. $40 at my _
home, 2 mi. north of Marietta, on the

| Canton highway. J. W. Clavton. Ma.
[rietta; Ga. y. J. W. Clayton, Ma-



Thursday, December 12, 1929. _

: Fox Rent | :

Farm for rent, tobacco land. C. E,
Atkinson, Thomson, Ga.

_ Farms


2 horse farm, 3 mi. Godfrey in Put--

mam county; good land, plenty wood,
- pasture, creek bottoms;

ns box
house and barn. Will give rent 1 yr.
to party who can furnish good ref,
and finance themselves. Mrs. Eugenia
Park, Atlanta, Ga., 200 Laurel Ave.,

- For rent on. shares or for part of
erops for 1930, 25 to 500 acres .good
-Jand with 10 houses. Near Toccoa and
* Martin, Ga. Mrs. Flora Yow Williams,
Atlanta, Ga., 3104. Piedmont Road.
Good 2 horse, 148 acres with plenty
cleared land for 2 horses, good dwell-
ing and comfortable house. 15 acres
good dry bottoms and a good Bermuda
pasture; also a 25 cap. dairy barn on
the place. 15 mi. northeast Atlanta,

and is near good schools and church-.

es. O. E.. Horton, Atlanta, Ga., 140
Peachtree St., Walnut 3845.

10 horse farm, 25 mi. S. E. Atlanta,
mostly chocolate loam soil; 2. pas-
tures; 2 branches, with good bottoms;
main house; 3 tenant houses, barns,
etc., 3 mi. county seat; 1 mi. schools,
_ stores, churches. All or part to ac-
~ ceptable tenant (who must furnish
- self, stock; feed, etc) for $40 per plow.

- Prefer man with tractor, Possession at.

once. . Leo Grossman, Atlanta,
1150- Hast No. Ave; Apt. 1... a
4 horse farm, 2 settlements, 6 mi.
RR station; plenty water, pastures,
orchards, wood; near school bus line.
Renter to furnish self. Write or come
see. J. D. Giles, Sr., Winston, Ga. Rt.
1 a coun


"9 horseand a 3 horse farm for rent
on halves, 3rd or 4th. Fine Jand, near
school and church. Mrs. E. M. Travis

Fayetteville, Ga.

18 acre farm, 2 houses and barn on

paved road, State highway, 42.4 mi.
Atlanta. Known as John Kuglars
Place. See or write. Annie Manson,
Conley, Ga. : ee

_2 horse farm; cheap for Standing
rent, or 1-4. Fresh land, 2 and 3rd yr.
Good house, out-bldgs., pasture, and
plenty water. Near school and, church.
- J. D. Stratton, Point. Peter, Ga. Rt. 2.
_- 157 acre farm in Jefferson county,
near Matthews. $250 a yr. rent. Write
for further information. H L. Eason,
Hahira, Ga. . : :
2 horse farm, 1 mi. Lovett; 1-4 mi.
Jeff Davis highway; good b]dgs., cov-

- ered with metal roofing. $150 or 2 bales

cotton. H.

a. Rt. 4.

good pny H. . Lake,

~~ Wrightsville,

500 acres, 1-2 mi. frontage on Cen--

tral of Ga. RR, Atlanta to Columbus
at Junction of 2 paved highways; near
school, churches, stores, etc. No loan.
4 room house. Land will produce any-
thing. Write for full particulars. Mrs.
EH. L. Wimbish, Atlanta, Ga., 1052 Wa-
sh*ta Ave., NE. Ree

- 2 horse and 1 horse farms. Colored
tenants preferred. Share croppers.
good house, 3 mi. No. Jonesboro on

pie Highway. O. J. Heely, Jonesboro,

_ 158 acre farm with 65 A cleared land
under wire fence, under high
cultivation, suitable for tobacco, or
any other crop. 6 room house, with
all necessary barns, including tobac-
co barn. 6 mi. Claxton; convenient to
school and churches. Healthy and de-
Sirable community. 50-50 basis to de-

state |.

sirable party. A. Gordon Cassels, Sa-

vannah, Ga. Care The Cassels Co. -

_ 163 acres*farm with fairly good house
and out houses. For dairying, Bermu-
da grass pasture, partly wired in; 2
1-2 mi., Greensboro. $100 to party who
can furnish self.
Penfield, Ga. :


Mrs. E. L. Leach,

4 horse farm, 2 1-2 mi. west Cor-

dele, Crisp county, on old Coney road.
2. tenant houses, barns, etc., $250
standing rent, or 3rd and 4th. Tenant
must furnish self: Dr. E. D. Richard~
son, Atlanta, Ga: 179 15th St. NE.

35 acres of bale to acre brown
pebble loam, not cultivated this year,

tnd well built up, to reliable, sober,

honest and exp. farmer with. stock,
feed and seed on 50-50 basis. Located
I mi. Garfield; 3 churches and 1 ac-
credited school. 4 room house, good
water, fire wood, and garden patch
furnished. _Mrs. J. W. Kimball, Gar-
field, Ga., RFD 1. =f
- 8 or 4: horse farm (480 acres) on Co-
lumbus highway, paved road, to with-
in 3-4 mi. farm. 8 good tenant hous-
es, 8 room dwelling, newly covered;
barns on ea. settlements, with other
ut. houses; good pasture. All in good:
11-4 RR station a urch,

and church, ,
ceptable | yr.




|tenants, who must. furnish self, with |

a small amount of help. Possession at
once. Mrs. T. F. Smith, Talbotton,
Ga. : ; iy es
2 to 8 horse farm on Barrett Place,
about 1 1-2 mi. from. town of Waynes-
boro. Good house. Good school and
road. Apply. Dr. V. D. Barbot, Augus-
ta, Ga. 519 Leonard Bldg. or on
farm. . ee

3 horse farm, for $130 for the 3 farms.
Av.. land; near church and school, on
rural route, good bus line, and very
good bldg. Mrs. T. J. Williams, Mat-
thews, Ga. Rt. 1. =

Wanted to Rent F arms

Roberts, Collins, Ga. Rt. 2.

RFR en ee

f Bue Goer rN

~ Want someone to finance in poultry
and rabbit business. 50-50 basis. Have
new 650 cap. incubator, and 1M cap.
brooder. Years of exp. Have 250 acres
of well-located land. References. B. R.

Want party to finance chicken and
turkey ranch, also the raising of rab-
bits. 50-50 basis. Will require a small
capital. Have 100 acres very fine
land; plenty of woods; pasture and
running water. Will devote all my
time to the business,. be absolutely
square, and I want a good honest par-
ty for a partner. Best of ref. fur-
nished and required. A. E. Cavin,
Menlo, Ga.

Want good 1 horse farm on halves.
Am + married; 2 children and father.
Have to be moved. Like to raise chick-
ens, truck, hogs, etc., on 50-50. basis.
F. B: Herring, Porterdale, Ga.

' A-l1 farmer wants a good 2 horse

room house, near school and church.
Plenty (11 in family) of force.. Need
financial help. Life time exp. on
farm. J. L. McDowell; Stone Mtn.,
Ga Rie 1 %

Party to help move me. Can move
any time .after gathering corn. Want
a good poultry house, and other out-
bldgs., and water, wood, etc., and par-
ty must furnish 1: mule, wagon and
buggy. $50 or $75 more or less to make
-and gather crop. J. R. Thrasher, Win-
ston, Ga., Rt. 1.

- Want dairy, poultry and hog farm
on 50-50 basis. Well exp., also 2 sons
who are exp., truck and car drivers.
Can start at once. J. H. Milligan, Li-
thonia, Ga. Rt. 4 =<

Want. 1 horse farm on 50-50 basis.
Have plenty of labor. Exp. in gen.
farming, also tobacco cultivation. Can
do carpenter work. Want to hear from
parties in Free Range counties. Ref.
furnished. Give full information in
answering: J. A. Stripling, Rebecca,
Ga. Rt. 2: :

and a walking cultivator furnished.
Must be good farm and good man to
deal with. 33 yrs. old, wife and. seven
children. Can run most any kind farm

er. Must ~be moved...Would. consider
wages. W. J. B. Gibson, Talbotton,
Ga. RFD 5, Box 43. .
crop within 25 mi. Atlanta, with good
man, good land, and house and work
to do until crop time. Party to fur-
nish cow and reasonable amount to
make crop, or part crop; also work
for party part time and run myself.
Life time exp. in all kind farming and
poultry and hogs. Honest, sober, wil-
ling worker and ref. B. B. Conner,
Atlanta, Ga., 767 Ashby St., NW.
Want. good 1 horse crop for 1930 and
work to do when not in crop. Family
of honest, sober and good workers.
Life time exp. and 3% yrs. exp. raising
tobacco. Party to move and finance
to make crop. H. J. Higgins, Hosch-
ton, Ga., Rt. 1. So eS
Want 2 or 3 horse farm, small dai-
ty and poultry, all. on 50-50 basis.
Life time exp. in farming. Need fi-
nancial advancement to make crop.
Have plenty of help. E. B. Adams,
Thomaston, Ga. 143 G. C. Papee
_ Want to rent small farm, suitable
for dairy-and poultry farm, near good
market, etc. State terms. Mrs. W. R.
erkins, West Point, Ga. Rt. 4.
Want good 3 mule farm on 50-50
basis; good land; godd mules, good
tools. Near church and good schools
in Hall county. Grow cotton and
ae J. W. Stansel, Gainesville, Ga.
Want 4 horse farm with at least. 1
cultivator, 2 houses, stock, and tools,

or Evans county. H. M. Hendricks,
Claxton, Ga. Rt. 2.

Want 1 horse farm to work on halves
Prefer South Ga. Party must furnish
stock and finance making of crop. E.
B. Meadows, Hazlehurst, Ga., RFD 1.

Want 2 mule share crop, or will
consider Standing rent. A. C. Whis-
nant, Lenox, Ga. Rt. 2. ad

Want large 2 horse farm on: halves,
Owner to furnish mules, feed and -tools
on 50-50 basis. Near good schools,
church and good market. Prefer mid-
dle Ga. Have 4 grown sons, wife. a:
2 small boys. Am 44 years old. All able
to work. Can also look after some cows

time on farm:

Can move by
Write Hyder, Lila,

farm on 50-50 basis with good 4 or 5

Want good 1 horse crop on halves.

Want 2 horse farm on 50-50 basis

machinery. Sober, and a hard work-

Want place on 50-50 basis. 1 horse

in Tatnall, Toombs, Bulloch, Candler,

and hogs if desired. Exch: ref. Must
have good, at least 6 room House, Life |

Older, assist chickeris,
first of | 2


- Farm Help Wanted

middle-aged couple to live in family,

help with farm work on profit sharing

basis. Good ref., wanted. Mrs. R. 8.

Simpson, Waverly Hall, Ga.

Want settled, middle-aged couple __

pie Ss

without children (do not qualify unless s_|

you qualify in this), to garden, milk 4
or 5 cows, raise fowls, particularly tur-
keys, do carpentering, care for shrub-
bery, greenhouse, look after incubating
chicks, and be generally useful. Nice
furnished 4: room cottage with water

and electric lights (the latter you pay

for service). $70 for couple.. Both ex-_
pected to work. Do not want city
people. Give ref., when applying. Mrs.

John. D., Little, Atlanta, Ga., Biltmore

Apts. E

Positions Wanted

Want 2 or 3 croppers, who can fur-
nish stock, labor and tools to culti-
vate farm on 3rd and 4th, or for Stan-
ding Rent. On Canton Road. Near.
sehool and church. 8 mi. Marietta.
William Gresham, Kennesaw, Ga.

Want single white man of good
character, 20 to 55 yrs., unincumbered,
to live as one of family, and help with
farm work. Good home. Lee Joyner,
Allenhurst, Ga.

Want man or boy to help at small}

dairy. Begin now, and for 1930. W. I.
Thompson, Acworth, Ga. Rt. 2. ~

Want single man, beginning Janu--
ary. 1st, to: make crop. $20 mo. and
board and washing. Good land: Must
be willing worker, good hustler, and
os W. C. Hamby, Valdosta, Ga.,

Want. 1.good work hand to work on
farm. Steady work by the month, also

-a good woman to live as one of fam-

ily, to raise poultry and turkeys on
50-50 basis. J. T. Mordey, Lyons, Ga.

Want farmer for 1 horse crop. Good
worker, also 15-20 yr. boy of good ref.

to stay with family and farm on 50-

50, or for salary. Located 2 mi. north
Abbeville, on Dixie Highway. L. D.
Pittman, Abbeville, Ga. aes

_ Want 1. .wage hand. from now and
in 1930,-and 1 beginning in February
or March for work the rest of the year.
Will furnish house and pay $1.25 per
day. D. P. Martin, Cobbtown, Ga.

~ Want white boy, 12 or 14 yrs. old,
to assist in farming, 1930. $10 mo. and
board. Begin December 15th. N. Ww.
Haddock, Oconee, Ga. RFD 2. _

Want middle-aged man and wife to
help with chores about the farm, and
take 1 horse crop next year. Every-
thing furnished. K. D. Williams, Col-
Park, Ga. Rt. 2, Riverside Vicin-

Want several farm hands, married
or single men. State age, exp. and
pric you would expect to be paid. S.
C. Lovelace, West Point, Ga.

Want family of workers, children
above School age. Have proposition to
Suitable family on partnership _ basis.
Propose to raise chickens, pigs, early
Sweet potatoes. and vegetables. Good
house and barn. Healthy location, 3
mi. from RR and Post office. Write
or call. E. L. Bergstrom, Isle of Wight,
Dorchester, Ga. Liberty County.

Want hand for 1930; Single, sober
and honest. Will furnish board and

washing. Write best offer. R. D. Hold-.

~-brook, Waco, Ga., Rt. 2.

~Want good, sober, young, single man
to: work my farm on 50-50 basis. Will
have work through the winter. Lo-
cated 5 mi. Carrollton. M. M. Mellay,
Carrollton, Ga. Rt. 2.
_ Want good man to run 2 horse crop
on 50-50 basis. Honest, sober, and re-
djiable. Good house; good land and
water, near school and: church, near
road; 4 mi. Stone Mtn., and 2, mi. Re-

dan. 5 H. Hardeman, Stone Mtn., Ga. |.

- z me a y >
--Want man with-plenty force to

work 15 or 20 acres in. cotton, 50-50.
hasis.. Will furnish $7 or $8 worth guano
to acre; pene corn to feed mules;
other party to furnish his own gro-
ceries and put on-poison if needed;
also want young sober, honest. man, to
live in house with me and work crop,.
50-50 basis. F. E. Walton, Powder
Springs, Ga. : po ;

Want steady, honest, industrious,
strong and healthy man and. grown
Single son, with lots of experience with
riding cultivators, and in raising hogs,
for small 2 horse crop; plant feed crop;

8 room. unceiled. house. Moderate sal-
nd jary. Give ref., of parties: worked with
for. past 2 yrs. Can use 2 small families, |G epee es Boats
_ Want first class farmer, __

pe grower, cotton and corn. Must _

also strong healthy girl, 18 yrs. or
is, garden, milk, |
etc. jer wk. and board

3 at $2 50 to $2.75


Want. small 1 horse crop on 50-50


basis with garden and potato patch,

or small crop, and work by day some
Do any kind of farm work, drive truck,

car, use cultivators, and other mach-

inery. 25 yrs. old, married, 2:children.
Good willing worker and easy to get
along with. Would accept wages and

my own garden, potato and corn patch-

es. Ref. Ranson: Stubbs, Charing, Ga.,
Rt. 2. Box 72.

Exp., man wants job in Creamery

for 1930. A-1 ref. State wages. Curtis _

L. Langford, Canon, Ga., Rt. 3.

Want job working small crop, for a

old couple, or widow. Good worker.
Would. expect to work small crop by
myself, Consider wages or share basis.
Prefer No. Atlanta. Begin now. Write


best offer and full details in first let-

ter. C. J. Moseley, Stockbridge, Ga.,
Rt. 2.

Man with large family wants good
2 horse farm on 50-50 basis., Have to

be furnished to make crop. If can't

move me, dont answer this ad. J. C.
McLeod, Milan, Ga. Rt. 1.

Want good 2 or 3 horse farm on

50-50. Take some cows, hogs and poul-

try on 50-50, also. Moved, and furnish-

ed to make crop. L. B. McLeod, Milan,
Ga., Rt. 1. g

Want job on farm and dairy for

wages, or 50-50 basis. Have 3 grown
boys. Dont mind work. Understand
growing feed stuff for cattle. 25 yrs.
exp. Do not* wish to grow cotton. M. L.
Bray, Cochran, Ga., Rt. 4.

Want job as hog raiser and attending

to cows. Life time-exp. 51 yrs. old. J. H.
De Loach, Abbeville, Ga., RFD 2.

Single man wants job on a poultry ee
or a gen., farm. Some exp., andiref.

if repuired. C. J. Holloway, Millen, Ga.
Want 1 horse farm with good land,

and have to furnished $15 or $20 per
mo., until crops are gathered. 55 yrs.

old, with wife, baby and grown son and

daughter. Exp., sober, honest, steady
and hard worker, Prefer within 75 or
100 mi., Atlanta. Robt. Butler, Brook-.
haven, Ga., Box 154.
Want. job on farm as overseer. Can
manage 15 or 20 plows, or will accept

|stock and tools on 50-50 basis. Need =
good 3 or 4 room house, garden spot

small 1 horse crop on 50-50 basis. Like =

to raise lots of chickens, a few hogs,
and some vegetables for market. Just
wife and self, both 60 yrs. of age. Move

at once. J. K. Fuller, Meansville, Ga., a

RFD 1. 7

-. Want job on poultry farm, or dairy, 2

for wages, or on 50-50 basis. At once.

48 yrs., old, with 3 girls. W. A. Higgins,
Hoschton, Ga., RFD 1. FESS

Family of 6, 4 able to work, with
life time exp., on farm wants job on
farm with good man who can move |

us. Wages, or on halves. At once. M. J.
Higgins, Hoschton, Ga., Rt. 1...

- Want. job on gen., or poultry farm
for ee Pat Sheridan, Maysville, Ga.,

contract with owner of poultry farm on

_ Man and wife, exp. in poultry rais-
ing and marketing same, make



50-50 basis, or salary. Ref. H.G. Jones,

Atlanta, Ga., 1698 Hardee St., N. E.
Want home on farm. with good, re-

ligious. people. Can milk cow and work | s

poultry and do gen., work. Party to.

move me. Have girl, 14, and boy, 12
yrs., old. (would like to keep them in
|school)..Move any time. State what :

you have to offer in first letter. Mrs.
W. P. Tomlin, Clarkesville, Ga., Rt. 2.
Want. job. near Atlanta running
dairy, poultry and truck farm for wag-
es, Exp., in truck and dairy. Wife, well
exp., in poultry. Best of ref. Plenty of
pails Geo. A. Nobles, Mountain. View,

be. w

th good man who can ahd will
Inance. Can furnish v-t--t. A.

es io ag




Want job on general, dairy or poul-

try farm at once. Can drive any kind

of truck; some experience with trac-
tor. Thirty-three years old, married,
three in family. Raised on farm.
State what you have and wages paid
in first letter. J. T. Kitchens, Lyons,
Ga., Rt. 3. Pe ala

Want job on large farm as black-
smith and to do carpenter work and
keeping up machinery. Also exp., as
farm overseer and truck farming. R. M.
Bonner, Eatonton, Ga., Rt. 3.

Young girl wants job on farm with
middle-aged couple, and help with
poultry and assist with other work.
Best of ref. Willie Wilbanks, Suwanee,

48 yr., old man wants to run farm on
50-50 basis, or any way to suit owner,
and 1 horse farm for family on 50-50.
Write. J. C. Higgins, Hoschton, Ga.,
Rt. 1.

Want job looking after 6 or 8 horse
farm for 1930. Life time exp., in working
labor. 31 yrs. old, wife and self. Want
to get with good people in good com-
munity. Expect to be moved. State
salary and. all particulars in first letter.
Prefer not over 100 mi., below Macon.
R. F. Ross, Chester, Ga., Rt. 1. Dodge

Seed For Sale :

Mixed field peas, $3 bu., butter-pea,
20c pt., long green pod okra, 25c Ib.,
So. Curled mustard seed, 40c lb., also
pop corn, 10c lb., red dry pepper, 4
Ibs., make offer. All new, good crop.
Exch. for fruit or onions, or what have
you? Mrs. S. G. Rogers, Hagan, Ga.

Stone Mtn., seed, 75c Ib., 10 lbs., $7.
Postage extra. Edw. G. Wright, Chaun-
cey, Ga., Rt. 2.

Pride of Ga., melon seed, 75c Ib.,
del., or exch. for peas. Geo. W. Jack-
son, Fayetteville, Ga., Rt. 3.

-5 lbs., Seven Top turnip seed, 20c
Ib., or exch. for equal value. C. C.

Southern, Talking Rock, Ga., Rt. 1.

' Large, white multiplying nest onions,
65c gal. del. Roy D. Tankersley, Ap-
pling, Ga.
~ Onion sets, Danver, Austrian brown,
dark red, 85c gal. $1.50 peck, $4 bu.,
mailed; 2 or more bu., $4 bu. Exp.

C. Stephens, Flowery Branch, Ga.

\ White Globe Purple Top turnip seed,
35c lb., Cabbage seed, $1 lb., postpaid.
_W. W. Williams, Quitman, Ga,

1 lb., High Bush Hickory Pryor to-
bacco seed, 10c thls., or $5 for 1-2 lb.
Cash with order. Arthur Kirkland,
Cobbtown, Ga.

Hardys imp., Ice-Cream watermelon
seed, $2 lb. Can be produced 2 weeks
earlier than any other variety. C. N.

Hardy, Philomath, Ga.

Large white nest onions, 60c gal. $4
-bu. Mrs. B. L. Robinson,. Greenville,


Okra seed, 5c tbls. Garnett DeHart,
Mineral Bluff, Ga.

A few lbs., Tate melon seed, Ist yr.,
from originator, $2 1b. Miss Ruth Roper
Canon, Ga. ap ed

Dales imp., Bonanza tobacco seed,
from choice stalks and crows foot
(yield this yr., 1060-1bs., per acre, with
av., price of 24 and 11-100 per lb.,) 45c
oz., 1-2 lb., $2.50; $4.50 1b. postpaid.
B. J. Futch, Stilson, Ga., Rt. 2.

Lifsey and Stone Mtn., melon seed,
field selected, $1 lb. Special price on
100 Jb., lots. B. F. Peaco*ck, Rebecca,

Red multiplying onion and buttons,
from same, and red globe sets, and
white nest onions, 65c gal. All del.
ae B. L. Brown, Ball Ground, Ga.,
Rt, st. ;

Irish Grey watermelon seed, 60c lb.,
or exch. H. G. Albritton, Rupert, Ga.

- Austrian Winter pea seed, new crop, |

12 1-2c Ib.,.in 25 Ib, quantities. Sol
Oden, Blackshear, Cra.
15. Ibs., white velvet okra seed, 10c
Ib., in lot, by Ib., or exch. for garden
seed. Mrs. J.
Rt. 1. Box 61.
10 lbs., Ga., collard seed, 30c lb., FOB.
W. R. Davis, Conyers, Ga.
1 lb, Stone Mtn., melon seed, 75c;
1 bu., mixed peas, $3; 50 lbs., running
peanuts, 6c lb., mustard seed, Sc tbis.,
and 3 lbs., red Hot pepper, 25c lb. Mrs.
V. M. Lard, Chauncey, Ga., Rt. 2.
White nest onions for sale. Mrs. Eva
* Hefner, Talking Rock, Ga, Rt. 2.
Texas seeding Ribbon Cane seed, 1 Ib.
20c; 3 lbs., 50c; 7 Ibs., $1. Postpaid in
Ga. No checks. J. H. Davis, dge-
ville, Ga., Rt. 5. Box 126. |
Hickory Pe tobacco
fine stalks, 1929 crop, 50

Gordon Collins, Cobbtown,

per ol

R. Bell, Ellabelle, Ga.,|.

seed from:



Clean, dried nest onions, 60c gal.,
white lady peas, 10c lb., and sundried
apples, 20c Ib., postpaid. Cash with or-
der. Mrs. S. Cousins, Greenville, Ga.,
Rt. 3. Box 40.

cup full; also Grandiflora phlox seed,
10c tbls., postpaid. Mrs. Ida Buchanan,
Chula, Ga., Rt. 1. Box 122.

White nest onions, 60c gal. Mrs. J.
A. Wilson, Martin, Ga., Rt. 2.

30 lbs., pure Dixie Bell melon seed,
40c lb., Cash with order. Preston Adams
Gordon, Ga., Rt. 3.

Collard and pumpkin seed, 35c cup
ea., also a few more bu., Summerours
cotton, seed, sound, and clean, $1.50
bu., or xch. P. C., or Hampshire shoats
or pigs, or for seed oats. A. J, Pope,
Buchanan, Ga. :

Texas Honey Drip syrup cane seed,
pure, clean and sound, 6c lb., $3 bu.,
also some Unknown peas, $3.50 bu.,
Brabhams, $4 bu., and some imp., Span-
ish peanuts, $2 bu., All FOB. Emmett
Chandler, Tallapoosa, Ga., Rt. 3.

1 M., lbs., ea.. Thurmond Grey and
Stone Mtn., melon seed, ea., 50c Ib.,
FOB. P. E. Ivey, Pinehurst, Ga.

1 bu., Hastings and Whatley pure
prolific seed corn, field selected, nubb-
ed and shelled, 75c pk., $2.50 bu., Cat~-
tail millet, 10c lb., in pod; Coffee bean
seed, 10c for 25, or 30c lb., winter wat-
ermelon, 25c per 100 seed; Sage, 10c
E. L. Corley, Mauk, Ga., Rt. 1.

Beat the Bee syrup cane seed, sell
or exch., for Hastings or Whatleys
prolific seed corn, not more than 1 yr.
from originator. D. L. White, Villa-
now, Ga., Rt. 2.

Long green pod okra seed, 25c pt,
selected canteloupe seed, 50c Ib., Broad
Leaf tobacco, from original stalks, 50c
oz., of 3 thlis., 100 large, old time yellow.
plum stone peach seed, 50c; 25 Ilbs.,
large size hickory nuts, $1 here. Mon-
ey order only. Mrs. T. H. McCurley,
Hartwell, Ga. Rt. 2.

White mustard seed for sale, or exch.
for other garden or flower seed. Mrs.
L. A. Edwards, Meigs, Ga., Rt. 1.

Seed Wanted

Want 1 peck or more of Bermuda
onion sets, could use a few Ibs. onion
seed. Quote best price. Would like to
exch. Concord grape cut., and vines,
cr Klondike and Lady Thompson straw-
berry plants, for same. Paul Clark,
Baxley, Ga. :

Wannamaker cotton seed for same. B.
F. fa*gan, Martin, Ga. /

Want 2 bu., scullion onion buttons.
J. C.. Cox, Lawrenceville, Ga., Rt. 1.
Box 32.

Want 1 to 2 lbs. clean seedling cherry,
1 to 2 lbs., ea., of 2 good varieties
Blue plum seedling seed. Send samples
and quote lowest price. J. B. Howard,
Decatur, Ga.,.PO Box 33,

Want to hear from parties having
chufas and artichokes and prices of ea.
Miss Ella Trimble, Adairsville, Ga.

Want 3 Ibs., frost proof Eng., pea
seed. Prefer kind that suckers out like
oats, and are bunch. Pay .reasonable
price. At once. Mrs. E. R. Surrency,
Screven, Ga., Rt, 1.

Want to exch. good, frost proof extra
E. J. W. cabbage plants for P. T., or
White Globe turnip seed, bush, or pole
Lima butter beans, tender garden
beans, Lady peas, Crowders, or black-
eye peas. C. F. Maddox, Flowery
Branch, Ga. /


Chinchillas, direct from Stahls Gold |

Cer., stock bucks; 2 mos., old, $1; 3
mos., old, $1.50 ea., does, 2 and 3 mos.,
old, $2 and $3 ea. Walter Parks, Dar-
ien, Ga. Pie 7 ee ;

Pure White N. Z., pink-eyed rabbits:
1 yr. old bucks; five 8 wks., and five 1
mo. old, $10 eash for trio. Send by
Exp. No personal checks. Rhea E. Pad-
gett, Beppe Cla

New Zealands and Chinchillas. Sell,
or exch: for >, RR. . Reds) or
Ancona pullets.. No culls. Mrs. A. E.
Richardson Ivey, Ga. ae

1 Belgium Hare buck, $2. David An-
derson, Nicholls, Ga.

1 pr., wt., about 10 Ibs., Belgium
hares, now grown and ready to breed.
Extra good stock, not reg., $5 FOB.
Geo. Austin, Atlanta, Ga.,. 356. More-
land Ave., N. E, ;

_4 pure bred Chinchillas, $5 pr. De Los
Turner, Concord, Ga. _ ee
_ Heavy wt., and Standard Chinchillas

and Silver Fox Giants. Write for prices

3.{and full information. L. C. Rhodes,
| Graysville, Ga. oe
~ Chinchillas: 2

New crop velvet okra seed, 25c tea- |.

dry sage 50c lb. All FOB.

$10 for lot, FOB. J. A. Smith, Bowman,
Gay, RED: 2;

2 pink-eyed white bucks for sale.
ees W. A. Hartley, Ft. Valley, Ga.,
Rt. 4.

1 pr., reg., and ped., Silver Certifi-
cate stock, Chinchillas, 1 yr., old, dir-
ect from Stahls, $10 pr., FOB, or exch.
for W. or B. Leghorn pullets, oats, or
corn meal of equal value. Mrs. L. S.
Hill, Dalton, Ga., RFD 6.

Standard wt., Chinchillas, 10 mos.,
old, buck, $2.50 ea. Wooten Fanning,
Washington, Ga.

3 Chinchillas, 2 does and 1 buck.
Stahls out-door strain. Have pedigrees.
Dixon McCarvey, Valdosta, Ga., 105 E.
College St.

10 mos., cld pure bred, but not reg.,
Chinchilla buck, $5 cash. Exch. for
equal value. J. R. Bowen, Blackshear,
Gas Rt, 2.

Ped., Almonds N. Z. Whites, 1 buck

and 6 does, 9 mos., old, $2.50 ea., 6 m0s.,
old, $1.75; if entire lot is taken, 50c less
ea., Stahls ped., N. Z. Reds; 8 bucks.
9 mos., old, $2 ea., 2 large bucks, 14
and 20 mos., old, direct, and 2 does,
14 and 20 mos. old, 1 direct, $3 and
$4 ea. Half price. Chas. Breedlove,
Gray, Ga.
25 Chinchillas, reg.,. $12.50 ea., 18
ped., Chinchillas, $7.50 ea., 3 to 4 mos.,
old, $5 pr., 2 mos., old, $1.25 ea. Mrs.
W. C. Watkins, Savannah, Ga., 1208
East Henry St.

Ped. Chinchillas: 5 does, (2 already
bred, others almost tready to breed),
also 2 bucks, $5 ea., for bred does and
bucks; $3 for unbred, or $25 for lot.
Exch. for .Bourbon Red turkeys, or

Want orange cane seed. Exch.,.pure |

Reg., Jersey heifer calf. Tom Richard-
son, Palmetto, Ga.

1 Grey Flemish Giant buck, 2 yrs.,
old, Ped., $3.50 FOB. H. P. Holley, Pal-
metto, Ga.

1 pr., Belgium Hares, and 5 young,
3 wks. old, $6; 6, 1 pure bred Chinchilla
doe and 5 young, $4; also young Bel-
giums, 50c to 75c ea. C. H. Overby,
Columbus, Ga., 22 l1ith St. :

White, pink-eyed: buck. Sell, or trade
for 2 any breed (chicken) pullets. Hom-
er Martin, Talking Rock, Ga., Rt. 3.

Chinchillas: 2 bucks, 8 mos., old,
$2 ea., 1 buck, 4 mos., old, $1.50; All.
good cond., from ped., stock. Exch.,
for 2 same breed does, for 1 pr., white
Flemish Giants, pure bred, not under
6 mos. old. Ea., to pay chgs. Mrs. M.

Sudderth, Buford, Ga. 7 Garnett St.

Now booking orders for 7 and 10 Ib.,
Chinchillas sub., to reg., $4 and $5 ea.
Miss Mae Pope, Monticello, Ga., RFD

Chinchillas, Flemish Giants, and N,
Zealands: Chinchillas and Giants ped.,
some reg., Red, pure bred, but not ped.
$1 up. De F. Hungerford, County Agt.,
Newnan, Ga.

Want to exch. strawberry plants for
young reg., rabbits; pure bred pigeons,
and 2 yr. old grape vines, etc. Write.
O. L. McClellan, LaGrange, Ga., Rt: 3.
Want 5 or 10 White does, also bred
oo ome eae = to 14 mos. old, in
e y cond., cheap. F, I, ;

Columbus, Ga, Ri. 2. ee
Want trio Chinchillas. Exch. chick-
ens for same. Mrs. Mollie McCain
ee Ga.
ant a few Stahls Gold Certificat
rabbits to raise on halves. Cicero Free-
a Zpues, Ga, Ri-1;
.Want several pure bred Chinchillas,
with Ped., and Reg., papers. State ex-
ae Bie i ie and best price in
etter. - B. Gilbert, Charlott

N. C., 313 Walnut St. a

Miscellaneous For Sale

Long broom sage. brooms, 10c ea.,
$1 doz., also broiler chickens, 30c Ib.
Add postage. Mrs. John Tinsley, Ar-
lington, Ga:, Rt. 2.

_70 strong white chicken feed 100 Ib.,
Size sacks, $7 cash. Miss Belle Timmer-
man, Bronwood, Ga., Box 83.

1 Peaco*ck plumage, $2. Mrs. Henry
Solomon, Jeffersonville, Ga.

White chicken feed sacks, $1 doz.
C. G. Morris, (no address given).

Genuine home-made fruit cake, of
best ingredients, 75c lb., sent to any
address (as gift if reguested). Any size
furnished. Exch. for value can use. Mrs.
H. G. Brown, Stone Mtn., Ga., Rt. 1.

Home canned tomatoes, peaches, and
berries, 45c qt., also 1 pk.,; Bush lima
beans, Hastings seed, 40c lb., or $4 for
pk. Mrs. Hugh McCollum, Atlanta, Ga;
380 Jones Ave. SS

70 lbs., black walnuts, hulled and
dried, 4 Ibs., 25c; 9 Ibs. 50c; 20 Ibs.,

ee | oes | and :

$1; '70 lbs., $2.75 del. R. R. Drikell

Atatoes. Will exch. value $15. Mrs. C.

several cars Velvet beahs in pod. Mak

- Thursday, December 12, 1929.

Miscellaneous Wanted

ant an old fashioned blowing horn,
mene out of a large cow horn, at reas-
onable price. Aaron Dixon, Blackshear,
Ga. Rt. 1. Box 104. care E, L, Dixon,
100 lbs., white feed sacks in goo
condition, will exch. 100 Lady Thom
son strawberry plants for 3 sacks, 100
Ib., size; 500 plants for 15 sacks an
so on; or will exch. one gal, hot red
pepper well dried for8 sacks and 8
on Each party to pay postage on goods
sent. Mrs. Nora Belle Nix, Dahlonega,
Ga., Rt. 1. < ie
Chickens, meat, eggs, fruit and po-

Edwards, 539 Crew St., Atlanta, C
Syrup bbls., any quantity. W. J
Davis, 312 Montgomery St., Savannah.
Ga. % coe
About 40 Ibs., new clean geese f
thers, Tom Thomspon, Eatonton, Ga.
15 lbs., goose or duck feathers, must
be new never used; will pay 75 per
lb. Mrs. R. J. E. Dalgo, Jenkinsbur
Ga., Rt. 1. oes
Wanted used empty sacks. Farme
Gin Co., Kite, Ga. : Des
Good dry sifted black walnut kerneis.
Write for prices and shipping instruc
tions. Catawba Creamery Co., Hickor
N. C. : : Ss
Fried pork sausage grease, also hog
jaws, cut off at neck, will pay 8c; also
unpressed fresh cracklings at 5c per
lb. Mrs. L. K. Lampp, Scott, Ga.
Lowest price FOB shipping point o
50 to 100 lbs., of No. 1 heavy sun cure
tobacco in hand. J. F. Harris, Cur
reta, Ga. ON ery ee

Car tots

see (Car Lots) oA

1 car bright baled shucks, $10 tor
FOB. J. H. Rowland, Wrightsville, G

(Car Lots)

Want 90-day running velvets, in pod,
car lots. Advise what you have and
lowest price. Jay Nix Brunson, S. C
Want several. cars velvet beans
pod, del., Monticello. Wire lowest pric
Prompt shipment. L. O. Benton, Mo!
ticello, Ga. hore
Want 1 car velvets, shelled, in em
wt., bags for February shipment. Als

best price your point. Bennetts Bond
ed Whse., Eastman, Ga. See ae
Want several cars Velvet beans
$15 ton del., here. L. O. Benton, Mon
ticello, Ga. se

(Car Lots)
Car sound, slipped shuck ear
also 1 M., bu., shelled corn, bulk,
sacks, 80c and $1 FOB here. F. L. Beas
ly, Reidsville, Ga, ce


| potatoes. Can ship any time. Wire, c


(Car Lots) ee
Want_slipped shuck and shelled whit:
Ga., corn, car lots, or less. L. C. Aver
ae & Co., (F..H, Bland, Jr.;) Cordele
a. =
Want several cars ear corn. Make
best price your pOint. Bennets Bond-
ed Whse., Eastman, Ga. i
Want. several cars corn in shuc
at $20 per ton, del., here. L. O. Benton
Monticello, Ga. Ee
Want several cars slipped shuck corr
del.; Monticello. Wire lowest pric
prompt shipment. L. O. Benton, Monti
cello, Ga. ee

4, (Car: Lots). 4
Peavine hay, car lots or less, $18 to
Chas. F. Howe, Ft. Valley, Ga. . _ M .

(Car Lots) fee
Want car peanut hay, Quote _be
price, del., Lavonia. E. S. Manley Ce 5
nesville, Ga. eee

"(Car Lots) =

2 cars genuine Porto Rico pink ski

write best phice offered. C. C. Dea
Patterson, Ga. eee

(Car Lots)
_ Want car load rye straw.
. Dan Go rr

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1929 December 12 (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.