Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (2024)

Last month I introduced concepts of the blood type diet and delved into the Type O Blood-type. Here is a refresh and of a breakdown of the evolutionary anthropology relating to blood types:

  • Type O: our hunter-gatherers, based on survival. Our oldest blood type, most robust and currently comprises approximately 45% of our population. Type O (Rh negative) is the “universal donor” blood type, since it has no markers on it for bodies to reject. Type O blood types were susceptible to the Bubonic plague, and led to a drastic drop-off in this blood type proportion during the Middle Ages

  • Type A: the first adaptors to an agrarian and domesticated society; a blood type that disappeared and then reappeared 300k years ago. Represents approximately 34% of the population. Resistant to infection in urban regions.

  • Type B: migrated north in cold/harsh environments, which was a mutation of Type O. In total, Type B comprises about 11% of the population.

  • Type AB: modern adaptation 1-2000 years ago. Type A and B adaptations are codominant. Type AB (Rh positive) is the “universal acceptor” blood type since it has both markers present and therefore no blood would be rejected. The least susceptible to allergies and autoimmune diseases; however, increased predisposition to certain cancers. Type AB is the rarest blood type, totaling 4% of the population.

For this post, I will delve into Blood-types A, B and AB.

Type A: The Cultivator

People with these blood types have a more sensitive digestive tract, tolerant immune system adapting to environmental conditions. According to Dr. Lam, those with Type A are predisposed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. They respond best to stress with calming actions. An agrarian diet is best to stay lean.

Type A thrives on plant-based diets – it is important that these foods are fresh, organic, and pure. They do not thrive on a Paleo diet and should eliminate all meat as they lack digestive enzymes for animal protein. In making this sort of transition, Dr. D’Adamo recommends substituting meats with fish and lean chemical free poultry. Type A individuals with a family history of heart disease should be very careful. Processed meats should be completely avoided, as nitrites promote stomach cancer. Seafood can be enjoyed 3-4 times a week, especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They highly recommend carp, cod, mackerel, monkfish, snapper, salmon, sardine, trout. Snails can be protective against cancers as well. One should avoid bass, bluefish and eel, shellfishes.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (2)

Type A manages fermented dairy, such as yogurt, kefir, and raw goat’s milk. Eggs should be limited. Best cheeses are pecorino and urda. Monounsaturated fats are best in terms of oils, including black currant seed oil, camelina, flaxseed, olive and walnut oils. Dr. D’Adamo recommends to avoid corn and peanut oils; however, peanuts themselves are beneficial. Nuts and seeds are important supplements in Type A diets since they eat very little animal protein. Type A types also thrive on vegetable proteins in the form of beans and legumes; black beans, lentils, soybeans are best. Tofu is your friend!

Type A blood types do well with grains and cereals; however, make sure these goods are not packaged or processed. Wheat (unless 100% sprouted) should be limited, especially if one has asthma or infections as wheat increases mucus production.

Vegetables are elemental and should be eaten in a raw or steamed state to maintain the most nutrients. The authors recommend avoiding peppers and tomatoes as they can upset the stomach, and Type A’s may be sensitive to fermented olives, potatoes, yams and cabbage. Broccoli is highly recommended, as well as carrots, collard greens, pumpkin and spinach. Garlic will support the immune system and benefits all blood types, but will benefit Type A the most. Fruits should also be eaten frequently, and in particular those that are digested as alkaline (versus acidic). The best fruits comprise apricots, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, pineapple, lemons and lime. Vitamin-C rich foods are very important to assist with stomach cancer prevention. Meanwhile bananas, honeydew, oranges should be avoided. The authors recommend starting the day with warm water with lemon squeezed each morning to help reduce mucus that accumulates overnight.

Sugars should be kept at a minimum, as they will shut down the immune system. Meanwhile spices and herbs can boost, especially parsley, ginger, garlic and turmeric.

In terms of supplements, Vitamin B12 is important especially since the Type A diet is low on animal proteins. As mentioned before, Vitamin C as well as E is important in protecting against stomach cancer and heart disease. Calcium, iron and small amount of zinc are helpful supplements.

Type A blood types have elevated levels of cortisol. Quieting techniques such as yoga and meditation are helpful in nullifying negative stressors that may aggravate heart disease or cancers. Tai chi, hiking, swimming and biking (mental-focusing physical activities) are favorable moderate exercises.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (3)

Blood Type B: The Nomad

Type B’s are balanced with strong immune systems, and exhibit the most flexible dietary repertoire. They have a tolerant digestive tract and can eat dairy. They need to balance physical and mental activity. Type B blood type’s diet may be considered a refined/adapted version of Type O’s diet. These people are the most resistant to modern-day diseases such as cancer and heart disease. However, they are more prone to neuro-immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Type B’s diet is the “balance” between type O and A. When feeling fatigued, read meats such as lamb or rabbit will best. Chicken is not digested well in these blood types, and turkey is a poultry alternative. Fish such as cod, salmon and whitefish are best. All shellfish should be avoided as they are poorly digested.

Type B’s can enjoy dairy because the Type B antigen is made up of galactose (aka the same sugar in milk). The best cheeses are cottage cheese, kefir, pecorino and urda. Olive oil is best for healthy digestion; avoid sesame, sunflower and corn oils. While most nuts are neutral, the authors recommend avoiding peanuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, which can produce inflammation. Walnuts are neuro-protective. Beans can also cause inflammation, and kidney, lima and navy beans are the best if eaten. Type B’s are more susceptible to slow-moving viral disease and rare neurological ailments, including MS. Foods such as chicken and corn can exacerbate these conditions.

Similarly, wheat is not well-tolerated in general. Rye, corn and buckwheat should be avoided, as they will cause Type B’s to be sluggish and aggravate the cardiovascular system. Spelt, rice and oats are best options.

In terms of vegetables, almost all are recommended, including potatoes and cabbage. Tomatoes and corn should be eliminated from Type B’s diets. Similarly, most fruits are recommended. Pineapple helps with digestion and bloating; bananas, cranberries and grapes are highly beneficial as well. The authors advise to avoid persimmon, pomegranate and loquats.

Type B type’s best beverages include herbal/green teas, water and juice. Warming spices such as ginger, curry and cayenne pepper are best (note- avoid black pepper). Condiments should generally be avoided for all blood types, although Type B can handle them best, with the exception of those that are corn-based.

Supplements may be utilized to boost immunity, improve metabolism, and improve mental clarity/focus. The best supplements include magnesium, licorice, and modified citrus pectin (MCP). Digestive enzymes may be helpful if one is reintroducing themselves to meat or dairy. Gingseng and ginkgo biloba help with concentration and memory.

The best exercises for Type B are moderate activities such as hiking, biking, non-aggressive martial arts, tennis, and aerobics. Again, Type B is about balance – between intense physical activity and relaxation exercises throughout the week. Relaxation techniques, as earlier mentioned, may include tai chi, yoga, and meditation/breath-work.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (5)
Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (6)

Type AB: “The Enigma”

Type AB is considered the merging of Types A and B blood-types, as both antigens are co-dominant. The authors call this blood-type the “chameleon’s response” to changing environmental and dietary conditions, as it is the most modern of all blood types. AP blood types have sensitive digestive tracts and tolerant immune systems. They respond best to stress with spirituality and creativity.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (7)

People with Type AB can tolerate certain lectins called “panhemagglutinins.” I know this is a bit complicated to explain, but an example of what this means is that Type AB can tolerate the lectins present in tomatoes, while Type A and B cannot digest tomatoes. Type AB’s are stronger than Type A’s.

In terms of meats, Type AB have a small amount of stomach acids and therefore are recommended to eat meats in small quantities. Similar to B, the best meats are lamb, rabbit and turkey instead of beef. Chicken and cured meats (similar to Type A) should also be avoided. Fish is highly beneficial, especially cod, mackerel, snapper, salmon and sardines. Like Type A, shellfish and whitefish such as sole or flounder should be avoided as they are difficult to digest. Snails can be protective in some cancers.

AB Types can benefit from dairy, similar to Type B – especially those that are cultured like yogurt and kefir. However Type AB, similar to Type A, is prone to mucus production. If one develops respiratory problems or ear infections, then they should cut back on dairy products. Saturated fats should also be minimized.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (8)

Regarding oils, Type AB should use olive oil over animal fats or hydrogenated vegetable oils. Walnut oil is also cleansing for the brain and nervous system. Corn products/oils should be avoided. Nuts and seeds should be eaten in small quantities; chestnuts, peanuts and walnuts are most beneficial. Meanwhile sesame and sunflower products should be avoided. Legumes are also to be monitored carefully; tofu and pinto beans are the most beneficial.

Grains are tolerated, and wheat should be limited, especially if one is trying to lose weight or keep mucus production at bay. Sprouted breads are most nutritious, and oat, rice and spelt are healthy options.

Vegetables are a focal point in Type AB diets and should be eaten throughout the day. The best veggies include broccoli, cucumber, mushrooms, mustard greens, kale, sea vegetables and eggplant. Corn, artichoke, avocado and peppers should be avoided. Type AB follows Type A’s preferences for fruits. Alkaline fruits are best: grapes, plums, berries. Tropical fruits should generally be avoided (such as mango/guava) with the exception of pineapple which helps in digestion for Type AP blood types. Oranges and bananas should be avoided, as they interfere with digestion and can be substituted with grapefruit, apricots and figs. Similar to Type A, Type AB’s should start their days with warm water and lemon to cleanse any mucus produced overnight. Red wine has positive cardiovascular effects. Green tea is especially beneficial for Type AB, and should replace coffee.

In terms of spices and herbs, all pepper/pepper flakes and vinegars should be avoided as they unbalance the digestive tract. Lemon juice may be used as an alternative. Garlic is your best friend! Oregano and parsley also fare well. Condiments should generally be avoided, especially corn-based products.

Supplements should target immunity, cancer-fighting antioxidants, blunting stress and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Type AB has higher rates of stomach cancer and should take additional supplements of Vitamin C. However, be careful to not overdue it as high amounts are not well-tolerated. Small amounts of Zinc and Echinacea are protective against infections. Hawthorn and Quercetin (found also in yellow onions) are powerful antioxidants. Calming herbs such as chamomile and valerian root help improve mood and performance. Bromelain (pineapple enzymes) help if Type AB’s suffer from bloating or poor absorption.

Type AB has a mixed stress response between Types A and B blood types. Quieting techniques relying of focus/relaxation such as yoga and meditation are key to nullifying increased levels of cortisol. In addition, Tai Chi, hiking, swimming and biking are mentally-engaging physical activities that don’t overdo it. Practicing abdominal breathing exercises and allowing for deep relaxation is fundamental.

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (9)

To conclude this sequence, we will summarize how each blood type group best responds to different conditions or diseases.

#bloodtype #antigen #typeo #typea #typeb #typeab #diet #weightloss #healthy #vegetarian #healthylifestyle

Exploring the Blood-Type Diet: Part Two (2024)


Does a blood type diet really work? ›

There's no scientific evidence to support the benefits of the Blood Type Diet. In 2013, researchers reviewed all of the existing medical literature on the subject (1,415 references in total) and found no studies showing that the Blood Type Diet works. D'Adamo's idea about ancestral blood types has also been questioned.

What foods should O+ blood type avoid? ›

Those with type O blood should choose high-protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided.

Can I eat eggs on a blood type A diet? ›

What diet is best for people with A+ blood type? The diet recommends eating protein at the start of the day. Canned sardines or a smoothie made with silken tofu and goat milk may be a good option. Limited amounts of animal protein, such as turkey and eggs, are allowed on this diet plan.

What is the healthiest blood type? ›

Of the eight main blood types, people with Type O have the lowest risk for heart attacks and blood clots in the legs and lungs. This may be because people with other blood types have higher levels of certain clotting factors, which are proteins that cause blood to coagulate (solidify).

What is the oldest blood type? ›

Blood Type O

The oldest blood type, Type O's make up 40% of the population. Dating back as far as we can track, Blood Type O shows up in both ancient tribes and current members of isolated tribes. Part of what made the Black Plague so deadly was the susceptibility of Type O's.

Are bananas good for type A blood? ›

Blood Group: A

You shouldn't eat dairy products, fish, red meat and organ meat, banana, coconut, papaya, cashew, pistachios and beer.

Which blood type is hard to gain weight? ›

People with B+ blood group have a higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is why they never gain too much weight, adds Dr. Seema. Speaking about the A blood type, Dr. Seema says, "For them their weight gain or weight loss depends on their genetics".

What is blood type O allergic to? ›

Type O reacted most to dairy, eggs, gluten grains, and nightshades. Type AB reacted most to nuts and beans, seafood, eggs, and dairy; while A2B also reacted to gluten grains. Type Rh-negative was most reactive to eggs, dairy, nuts and beans, and gluten grains. The highest IgE scores were among types B and Rh-negative.

What diseases are blood type O prone to? ›

Diseases more common in people with type O were:
  • familial Mediterranean fever.
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • systemic sclerosis.
  • Sjögren's syndrome.
Jun 10, 2021

What is the best snack for type O blood? ›

Nuts & Seeds

(Beneficial): Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts. (Neutral): Almonds, Almond butter, Chestnuts, Filbert, Hickory, Macadamia, Pecans, Pignola (pine), Sesame butter (tahini), Sesame seeds, Sunflower (butter, seeds).

Can blood type O drink coffee? ›

People with type O blood should avoid drinking the following, according to the diet plan: beer. coffee. distilled liquor.

Should blood type O eat potatoes? ›

Although vegetables and fruit make up an essential part of most diets, some of them are not suitable for people with blood type diet O positive. Those to avoid include eggplant, potatoes, corn, avocado, strawberries, and blackberries.

What vitamins does blood type O need? ›

Vitamin K assists in the normal clotting of blood, which is beneficial for people with blood type O, since they have fewer clotting factors in their blood.

What foods should an A+ blood type avoid? ›

Although many vegetables are well-tolerated by people with type A blood according to the diet, it recommends that these should be avoided:
  • peppers.
  • olives.
  • potatoes.
  • sweet potatoes.
  • yams.
  • cabbages.
  • tomatoes.
  • lima beans.

What is special about A+ blood? ›

You Have the Power To Save Lives

Your platelets are the most powerful part of your A+ blood. Platelets can be donated as often as every seven days, recommended every 14, and up to 24 times a year. Platelets are in high demand by hospitals and help cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

What exercises are good for blood type A? ›

Type A – The Intellectual

People within this blood group function mostly on nervous energy. They have an inclination to utilize more psychological energy in their workout. The best exercises for this group are calisthenics, yoga jogging, tai chi, light swimming, gymnastics and hiking.

What is the best breakfast for blood type A? ›

On the blood type diet, a good breakfast if you're type A is whole-grain cereal, such as steel-cut oatmeal, along with fresh mixed fruit. Typical snacks for type A are foods such as fruit, nuts, seeds, rice cakes and peanut butter. For lunch, it's typical to have a large, hearty salad with lots of fresh vegetables.

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