Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (2024)

Table of Contents
Home Coffee Consumption Statistics vs Coffee Shop Consumption Statistics in the US Home Coffee Consumption Coffee Shop Consumption Annual Coffee Consumption in the US Consumption Statistics Important Trends in Coffee Consumption Average Coffee Consumption per Person per Year in the US Breakdown of Coffee Consumption in Different Regions or Major Cities in the US Coffee Consumption by Age Groups in the US Gender-Based Coffee Consumption Statistics in the US Statistics on Coffee Consumption At Home Compared To Coffee Shops in the US How Much Coffee is Consumed in the US? Total Consumption Per Capita Consumption What Percentage Of American People drink coffee? Breakdown by Demographics What Age Group Buys the Most Coffee in the US? Which Gender Consumes The Most Coffee in the US? Most Popular Coffee Drinks in the US and Their Consumption Patterns Trends in Consumption of Different Coffee Drinks in the US (2010 to 2023) Bonus 1: Coffee vs Tea Consumption Statistics in the US Bonus 2: Urban vs. Rural Coffee Consumption Patterns in the US Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): What Is the Average Coffee Consumption Per Person Per Year in the US? How Has Coffee Consumption in the US Changed Over the Past Decade? What Percentage of the US Population Drinks Coffee Daily? Which Age Group in the US Consumes the Most Coffee? Is There a Difference in Coffee Consumption Patterns Between Urban and Rural Areas in the US? What Are the Most Popular Types of Coffee Drinks in the US? How Does Home Coffee Consumption in the US Compare to Coffee Shop Visits? What Is the Gender-Based Breakdown of Coffee Consumption in the US? How Does the US's Coffee Consumption Per Capita Compare to Other Countries? Conclusion:

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the US runs on coffee. Just look at the numbers: Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee daily.

In fact, coffee is not just a morning ritual in the United States; it’s become a cultural and business powerhouse. Yet, understanding the depth of America's love affair with coffee can be as complex as the drink itself.

But for us entrepreneurs, coffee enthusiasts, and marketers alike, grasping the nuances of coffee consumption in the US is quite important.

And it’s not just about numbers; it's about understanding the trends and insights hidden under them.

How does the average American relate to coffee? Are we moving towards sustainability, or is convenience still king?

These are questions businesses, marketers, and even health professionals are asking. So, whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or researcher, this guide on coffee consumption statistics in the US will give you everything you need.

Home Coffee Consumption Statistics vs Coffee Shop Consumption Statistics in the US

Nearly 80% of Americans consume at least one cup of coffee at home. More and more coffee enthusiasts in the U.S. are interested in purchasing coffee machines to mimic the coffee house experience in their homes.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (1)

Other interesting statistics on coffee consumption in the US show the difference between at-home and in-coffee shop consumption.

Let’s break it down:

Home Coffee Consumption

  • Prevalence: A significant portion of Americans brew coffee at home. As of 2023, surveys indicated that approximately 79% of American adults drink coffee at home.
  • Spending Trends: The average American household spends about $75 on coffee for home consumption annually. This figure has been steadily increasing due to the rising popularity of premium coffee and speciality brewing methods.
  • Preferred Brewing Methods: The drip coffee maker remains the most common brewing method at home, used by nearly 45% of coffee drinkers.

However, there has been a notable rise in using single-cup brewers and espresso machines. This reflects a trend towards more specialised coffee experiences at home.

Coffee Shop Consumption

  • Frequency of Visits: About 36% of Americans visit a coffee shop at least once a week, with a smaller yet significant portion (12%) visiting daily.
  • Expenditure: On average, Americans spending on coffee shop purchases was approximately $21.32 per week. This indicates a higher per-visit spend compared to home brewing.
  • Popular Chains and Independent Shops: While chains like Starbucks dominate the market, there's a growing trend towards local and independent coffee shops, especially among younger demographics.

If you find this interesting, you might also be interested in knowing that I’ve done a complete guide on coffee consumption statistics over the globe.

Annual Coffee Consumption in the US

The annual coffee consumption in the US is 146 billion cups of coffee. The US coffee-drinking statistics show that coffee is more than just a drink for the nation.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (2)

In fact, the U.S. ranks among the top coffee-consuming countries globally.

Consumption Statistics

  • Volume of Coffee Consumed: As of the latest data, the United States consumes approximately 400 million cups of coffee daily.This translates to 146 billion cups of coffee consumed per year.
  • Per Capita Consumption: On average, an American coffee drinker consumes about 3 cups of coffee per day. This rate places the U.S. among the leading per capita coffee consumption countries.

However, some European nations surpass it.

  • Total Expenditure: The total expenditure on coffee in the U.S. is significant, reflecting the nation's love for this beverage. Americans spend billions of dollars on coffee yearly, including home consumption and purchases made at coffee shops and cafes.

Simply put, coffee-drinking stats in the US show a deeply ingrained coffee culture.

Below, you can see the per capita consumption of coffee in the US over the years.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (3)

Source: Statista

Important Trends in Coffee Consumption

Here are a few important trends in coffee consumption in the US:

Types of CoffeeDiverse mix with traditional drip coffee, espresso-based drinks, and growing interest in speciality and artisanal coffees
Sources of CoffeeMajor source from Latin America, with growing interest in African and Asian coffees for their unique flavours
Demographic PreferencesVary by age group; younger demographics prefer speciality coffees and ready-to-drink coffee beverages

Average Coffee Consumption per Person per Year in the US

The average coffee consumption per person per year in the United States is approximately 1,095 cups.This estimate is based on the average coffee consumption per person in the US of 3 cups per day.

Here is a graph showing the average coffee consumption per person based on the latest coffee consumption statistics in the US:

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (4)

You can draw the following insights from the chart above:

  • The chart shows a relatively stable consumption pattern with a slight increase over time.
  • Notably, there's an indicated spike around 2020, which aligns with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shift to more home coffee consumption.
  • Following 2020, the trend returned to near-normal levels.

Breakdown of Coffee Consumption in Different Regions or Major Cities in the US

To really understand American coffee consumption statistics, you need to know the state-wise breakdown.

In this section, we will look at the states in the USA with the highest and lowest coffee consumption, measured in cups per day.

These statistics are based on three key metrics:

  • The average number of cups of coffee drunk in each state daily
  • The percentage of residents who drink soda/sugary juices daily
  • The number of Google searches in each state for ‘coffee near me.’

States with Highest Coffee Consumption in The USA

Michigan, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas, South Carolina, Maine, and Louisiana are the top 10 states with the highest average daily coffee consumption.The average coffee consumption for these states is 2.5 cups per day.

Here is a simple image representation:

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (5)

Here is a table representation of the sam information:

Latest RankingStatesCups Per Day
1Michigan2.52 cups
2Delaware2.44 cups
3West Virginia2.34 cups
4Ohio2.16 cups
5Nebraska2.13 cups
6Arkansas2.12 cups
7South Carolina2.12 cups
8Kansas2.07 cups
9Maine2.05 cups
10Louisiana2.03 cups

States with Lowest Coffee Consumption in The USA

Utah, Arizona, Minnesota, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Georgia, Maryland, and Mississippi are the top 10 states with the lowest average daily coffee consumption.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (6)

Their average consumption of coffee is 1.3 cups per day. Here is the above data in an easily digestible form:

Latest RankingStatesCups Per Day
1Utah1.29 cups
2Arizona1.30 cups
3Minnesota1.32 cups
4New Jersey1.45 cups
5Massachusetts1.51 cups
6Wisconsin1.52 cups
7Hawaii1.52 cups
8Georgia1.54 cups
9Maryland1.57 cups
10Mississippi1.58 cups


Here are a few more interesting state-wise statistics and insights:

  • Hawaii boasts the highest number of coffee shops per capita, with one for every 2,559 residents.
  • Regarding regional consumption, the Northeast leads with an average daily intake of 1.97 cups of coffee per person.

If you’re interested in regional coffee consumption patterns, my guide on UK coffee consumption statistics is useful.

Coffee Consumption by Age Groups in the US

According to coffee consumption age statistics in the US, the beverage is the most popular among the 60-year-old and older age group.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (7)

Here’s the breakdown by age group:

  • 37% of individuals aged 13-18 years old drink coffee.
  • 47% of those aged 18-24 years old drink coffee.
  • 63% of the 25-39 age group drink coffee.
  • 64% of the 40-59 age group drink coffee.

Here’s a US coffee consumption data visualisation for this data:

Source: Coffeenatics

Gender-Based Coffee Consumption Statistics in the US

Gender-based statistics indicate some differences in coffee consumption and spending habits.

Women, on average, spend more annually on coffee than men, with figures estimated at $2,327 for women and $1,934 for men.

However, regarding the volume of coffee consumed, men in the U.S. reported drinking about 1.93 cups daily, while women's coffee intake was slightly lower at 1.82 cups a day in 2020.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (8)

Here’s what these coffee consumption rates in the US look like for both genders:

Statistics on Coffee Consumption At Home Compared To Coffee Shops in the US

Based on the most recent coffee consumption data set US available, here are some key statistics regarding coffee consumption at home compared to coffee shops:

  • Increase in At-Home Coffee Consumption: There was an 85% increase in at-home coffee drinking since the onset of the pandemic.

Moreover, there has been an overall 8% increase in at-home coffee consumption since the pandemic began, marking a 10% increase since 2017​​.

  • Reduction in Coffee Shop Visits: The pandemic caused a considerable reduction in coffee sales across various public settings.

For example, there was a 55% reduction in coffee sales in workspaces, 20% in convenience stores and gas stations, 33% in fast-food restaurants, 50% in full-service restaurants, and 33% in cafés and coffee shops​​.

  • Shift to Home Brewing: Many Americans have started buying new coffee machines for their homes since the pandemic. This reflects a shift towards home brewing.

Popular brewing methods include drip coffee makers (used by 42% of American coffee drinkers) and single-cup systems (preferred by 24%)​​.

  • Exploration of New Coffee Types at Home: During the pandemic, 41% of Americans reported trying a new type of coffee, and 27% attempted to recreate popular coffee shop drinks at home​​.
  • Gradual Recovery of Out-of-Home Consumption: The latest home coffee consumption statistics in the US suggest that America's out-of-home coffee consumption is recovering from the post-pandemic dip.

However, specific statistics on this recovery rate are not provided in the immediate sources​​.

How Much Coffee is Consumed in the US?

146 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the USA annually. Let’s look at some more coffee beverage consumption statistics in the US to get a clearer picture.

Total Consumption

Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee daily.

The total coffee consumption in the United States is substantial. In fact, it shows its status as one of the largest coffee-consuming countries globally.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (9)

Per Capita Consumption

The average coffee consumption per person in the U.S. was approximately 9.26 pounds (about 4.2 kg) per year.This figure places the U.S. at the 25th position globally regarding coffee consumption per capita​​.

An average person in the United States drinks nearly 3 cups of coffee.​

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (10)

What Percentage Of American People drink coffee?

Almost half of the U.S. adult population, equivalent to approximately 150 million people, drink coffee.This indicates that coffee is a major beverage choice for most people.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (11)

Breakdown by Demographics

The coffee consumption in the U.S. varies across different demographic groups. Some key trends include:

Age Groups: Coffee consumption is prevalent across various age groups, with the highest consumption among older adults.

Coffee drink consumption statistics in the US by age group are as follows:

  • Ages 13-18: 37% consume coffee.
  • Ages 18-24: 47% consume coffee.
  • Ages 25-39: 63% consume coffee.
  • Ages 40-59: 64% consume coffee.
  • Ages 60 and above: 72% consume coffee.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (12)

Ethnicity: Coffee consumption also varies among different ethnic groups in the U.S.

For instance, the highest consumption was reported among Hispanic Americans at 44%, followed by White Americans at 64%, Asian Americans at 60%, and Black Americans at 54%​​.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (13)

Household Status: Almost 60% of the coffee drinkers interviewed did not have kids in their homes. This could indicate different consumption patterns based on household composition.

What Age Group Buys the Most Coffee in the US?

The age group of 60 and above consumes the most coffee in the US.

Here are some insights about the age brackets:

  • Older Adults (Aged 60 and Above): While this age group has a high rate of coffee consumption (72% of those aged 60 and above drink coffee), their purchasing patterns might differ.

They lean more towards traditional, home-brewed coffee than speciality coffee shop purchases.

  • Adults Aged 40-59: This age group typically shows the highest coffee consumption and purchasing levels.

They are often in a stage of life with a stable income, which allows for regular coffee purchases.

  • Younger Adults (Aged 25-39): This demographic also significantly contributes to coffee sales.

This age group includes young professionals who often see coffee as a beverage and a social or work-related activity.

Also, they are likely to frequent coffee shops and have a growing interest in speciality coffees.

  • Young Adults (Aged 18-24): While this group increasingly embraces coffee culture, their purchasing power and frequency are generally lower than the 25-59 age groups.

Which Gender Consumes The Most Coffee in the US?

The statistics on the consumption of coffee in the US show that men consume more coffee than women.

Here’s a quick comparison:

  • Men: A 2020 survey indicated that men in the U.S. drink about 1.93 cups of coffee daily.
  • Women: Women's coffee intake was reported to be a bit lower, at around 1.82 cups a day in the same year.

It's important to note that while men may consume slightly more coffee in volume, women tend to spend more on coffee annually.

This difference in spending could be due to various factors, including preferences for speciality coffees or more frequent purchases from coffee shops.

Most Popular Coffee Drinks in the US and Their Consumption Patterns

Over half of American coffee enthusiasts (51%) "love" regular coffee. Another 37% "like" it, usually with milk, sugar, or creamer.

79% choose brown, golden, or cream-coloured coffee when shown nine coffee cups of various colours. Only 20% prefer their coffee black.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (14)

Most U.S. coffee drinkers prefer cappuccino by 55%, latte and mocha by 44%, frappuccino by 41%, iced coffee by 38%, espresso and macchiato by 30%, Americano by 26%, and cold brew by 17% more than they dislike them.

Below, you can see this data in an easy-to-digest format:

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (15)

Source: YouGov

Trends in Consumption of Different Coffee Drinks in the US (2010 to 2023)

  • Rise of Specialty Coffee (2010-2023): Over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in the popularity of speciality coffee drinks, including lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas.

This trend aligns with the growth of third-wave coffee culture, emphasizing quality and artisanal preparation.

  • Growth of Cold Brew (Mid-2010s Onwards): Cold brew coffee has seen a significant rise in popularity, especially among younger generations who appreciate its smooth taste and the convenience of ready-to-drink options.
  • Steady Popularity of Iced Coffee: The iced coffee consumption statistics in the US have maintained a consistently high level of popularity, particularly during the summer.
  • Increase in Home Brewing of Specialty Drinks (Post-2020): The COVID-19 pandemic led to increased home brewing, with more people experimenting with making their favourite coffee shop drinks at home.
  • Evolving Preferences for Milk Alternatives: Coffee drinks have an increased preference for non-dairy milk alternatives (like almond, soy, and oat milk).

Bonus 1: Coffee vs Tea Consumption Statistics in the US

Do Americans Drink More Tea or Coffee? Comparative Analysis

The coffee consumption statistics in the US show that coffee is more popular than tea. Let’s do a comparative analysis for both:

  • Coffee Consumption: Coffee is the more dominant drink in the U.S. It's a morning staple for many Americans and a significant part of the work culture.

The majority of Americans, about 58%, prefer coffee over other beverages, making it the most popular drink in the country.

Coffee consumption statistics per capita in the US show that an average American drinks nearly 3 cups daily.

  • Tea Consumption: While tea is also a popular beverage in the U.S., it trails behind coffee in terms of overall consumption.

About 47% of Americans drink tea, making it the third most popular beverage after coffee and tap water.

Tea consumption in the U.S. includes a variety of forms, including iced tea, which is particularly popular, especially in the southern states, and hot tea, which has a more traditional and health-oriented consumer base.

Here’s what this data looks like:

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (16)

Bonus 2: Urban vs. Rural Coffee Consumption Patterns in the US

Urban areas have higher consumption patterns than rural areas in the US. Here are the differences in consumption patterns and trends:

Urban Coffee HabitsRural Coffee Habits
Urban residents often visit coffee shops more due to the abundance of cafes.Country residents usually like classic, homemade coffee.
They prefer fancy coffee drinks because they're exposed to various coffee cultures.They drink less fancy coffee because it's less available.
Urbanites like artisanal coffee from the third-wave coffee movement.Local traditions shape their simpler coffee preferences.
The busy city life makes quick coffee options like ready-to-drink beverages popular.Cost influences rural folks to choose more affordable coffee options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What Is the Average Coffee Consumption Per Person Per Year in the US?

The average coffee consumption per person per year in the United States is approximately 1,095 cups, indicative of the strong coffee culture prevalent in the country.

How Has Coffee Consumption in the US Changed Over the Past Decade?

Over the past decade, there's been a significant rise in speciality and artisanal coffee consumption, reflecting evolving preferences and the influence of third-wave coffee culture.

What Percentage of the US Population Drinks Coffee Daily?

Approximately 58% of the U.S. population drinks coffee daily, clearly showing coffee's role as a staple beverage in American daily life.

Which Age Group in the US Consumes the Most Coffee?

Adults aged 40-59 and 60 and above consume the most coffee in the US, aligning with their lifestyle and stable income and facilitating regular purchases.

Is There a Difference in Coffee Consumption Patterns Between Urban and Rural Areas in the US?

Yes, there is a difference in coffee consumption patterns between urban and rural areas in the US. Urban areas prefer speciality coffees and coffee shop visits, while rural areas prefer traditional, home-brewed coffee.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Coffee Drinks in the US?

The most popular coffee drinks in the US include espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, mocha, iced lattes, Americanos, and the increasingly favoured cold brew coffee.

How Does Home Coffee Consumption in the US Compare to Coffee Shop Visits?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly boosted home coffee consumption, though coffee shop visits remain popular, especially in urban areas.

What Is the Gender-Based Breakdown of Coffee Consumption in the US?

Men in the US slightly edge out women in terms of coffee consumption volume, drinking about 1.93 cups per day compared to 1.82 cups for women.

How Does the US's Coffee Consumption Per Capita Compare to Other Countries?

The US ranks 25th globally in coffee consumption per capita, with an average of 9.26 pounds per person per year, trailing behind countries like Finland.


There you have it! A complete guide on the coffee consumption statistics for the US.

This guide has everything from US coffee consumption statistics per region to age breakdown.

You can use these numbers and insights to guide your next steps.

Whether you’re planning on opening a coffee business in the US, or just want to know the latest trends, this guide will be handy.

Coffee Consumption Statistics US (Charts & Infographics) (2024)
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