Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (2024)

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (1)



Christopher Charles de Saxe

A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment,

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the

degree of Master of Science in Engineering.

Johannesburg, 2012

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (2)


I declare that this dissertation is my own unaided work. It is being submitted to the degree

of Master of Science in Engineering to the University of the Witwatersrand,

Johannesburg. It has not been submitted before for any degree or examination to any

other University.


Signature of Candidate

_____ day of _____________, year _______

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (3)



Until recently, car-carriers in South Africa operated under abnormal load permits

allowing a finite relaxation of legal height and length limits. This practice is being phased

out, and exemption will only be granted if a car-carrier complies with the Australian

Performance-Based Standards (PBS) scheme. A low-speed turning model was developed

in Matlab®, and used to benchmark the tail swing performance of the existing South

African car-carrier fleet. About 80 per cent of the fleet were shown to not comply with

the 0.30 m tail swing limit, due to South Africa’s inadequate rear overhang legislation

which permits tail swing of up to 1.25 m. TruckSim® was used to conduct detailed PBS

assessments of two car-carrier designs. Critical performance areas were identified; most

notably yaw damping and tail swing for the truck and tag-trailer combination, and

maximum of difference and difference of maxima for the tractor and semitrailer

combination. These were remedied through appropriate design modifications. The

Matlab® model was shown to be versatile, accurate and efficient, with potential for future

application. The TruckSim® assessments highlighted complexities unique to car-carriers

in a PBS context and showed how these may be addressed. This research has shown the

benefit of PBS for heavy vehicles, and has guided car-carrier design to improve safety.

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To Rachel and Mom,

for your patience and support.

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I would like to thank Dr. Frank Kienhöfer for supervising this work, for bringing the

CSIR Studentship opportunity to my attention, and for making my attendance at the

UMTRI Mechanics of Heavy Duty Truck Systems (MHDT) course possible.

I would like to thank Mr. Paul Nordengen for involving me in interesting and

challenging work at the CSIR. I would also like to thank the CSIR and the Transport

Systems and Operations competency area in particular for funding this work through the

Studentship programme, and for allowing me to gain valuable experience within the


I am indebted to Mr. Thomas Dessein (previously of the University of the

Witwatersrand) for helping me and working with me in interpreting the PBS assessment

rules and discussing how best to assess PBS performance using TruckSim®.

Much of this work relied upon the support of various OEMs in providing technical

data and permitting the publication thereof. Without this cooperation this work would not

be possible. I would like to thank: Unipower (Natal) and Mr. Andrew Colepeper; Volvo

Trucks South Africa and Mr. Malcolm Gush; Renault Trucks South Africa and Messrs.

Wouter Kotze and Patrick Bourin; BPW axles and Mr. Günther Heyman; Kässbohrer

Transport Technik; Lohr; and Vehicle Delivery Services (VDS). Mr. Andrew Colepeper

is emphasized in this acknowledgement for his participation and patience with respect to

the PBS assessments of Chapter 3.

I would like to thank Messrs. Chris Stretch and Shane Millward (KwaZulu-Natal

Department of Transport) and Prof. Peter Lyne (University of KwaZulu-Natal) as well as

the other members of the Smart Truck Review Panel and Smart Truck Steering

Committee for their guidance and reception.

I am grateful for the knowledge imparted to me by Mr. Chris Winkler, Dr. Thomas

Gillespie and Mr. Steve Karamihas of the University of Michigan Transportation

Research Institute through the MHDT course and through subsequent correspondence.

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The following individuals are acknowledged for their contributions in the form of

responding to queries and parting with valuable experience: Mr. Anthony Germanchev

(ARRB Group), Prof. David Cebon (University of Cambridge), Mr. Rob Di Cristoforo

(Advancia Transport Consulting), Messrs. Jose Arredondo and Marcus Coleman

(Australian National Transport Commission), Mr. Bob Woodward (Barkwood

Consulting), Mr. Phil Mather (TruckSim® technical support) and Prof. Schalk Els

(University of Pretoria).

Thanks are extended to Mr. David Reinecke of the Defence, Peace, Safety and

Security business unit of the CSIR for the use of the TruckSim® licence.

This research was partially supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF)

using the Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) and by

Eskom through the Tertiary Education Support Program (TESP).

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Table of Contents

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... ix

List of Tables .................................................................................................................. xiii

List of Symbols ............................................................................................................... xvi

Nomenclature ................................................................................................................. xix

Glossary .......................................................................................................................... xxi

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................... 2

1.2.1 The state of South African road freight transport................................... 2

1.2.2 Prescriptive vs. performance standards for heavy vehicles .................... 3

1.2.3 Performance-based standards development in South Africa .................. 6

1.2.4 Car-carriers ............................................................................................. 8

1.2.5 Tail swing ............................................................................................. 10

1.2.6 Low-speed turn modelling ................................................................... 11

1.2.7 Significance of this research ................................................................ 13

1.3 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 13

1.4 Methodology and Resources ............................................................................ 14

Chapter 2 Low-Speed Turning Model .......................................................................... 15

2.1 Preliminaries ..................................................................................................... 15

2.1.1 Low-speed turn manoeuvre and associated standards .......................... 15

2.1.2 Motivation to develop a new low-speed turning model ....................... 19

2.2 Development of a New Low-Speed Turning Model ........................................ 20

2.2.1 Tractrix method .................................................................................... 20

2.2.2 Steer-tyre path-following ..................................................................... 23

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2.2.3 Tyre scrub ............................................................................................ 25

2.2.4 Reference point tracking ...................................................................... 30

2.3 Validation ......................................................................................................... 35

2.4 Application: Tail Swing Performance of the South African Car-Carrier Fleet 40

2.4.1 Existing South African fleet ................................................................. 40

2.4.2 South African legislation ...................................................................... 43

2.4.3 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 48

2.5 Chapter Summary and Conclusions ................................................................. 49

Chapter 3 PBS Vehicle Assessments ............................................................................. 51

3.1 Vehicle Descriptions ........................................................................................ 52

3.2 Vehicle Modelling ............................................................................................ 53

3.3 Payload Modelling ............................................................................................ 57

3.4 Manoeuvre Descriptions and Modelling .......................................................... 62

3.4.1 Low-speed turn..................................................................................... 63

3.4.2 Rollover ................................................................................................ 64

3.4.3 Single lane-change ............................................................................... 65

3.4.4 Pulse steer ............................................................................................ 67

3.4.5 Longitudinal tracking ........................................................................... 69

3.5 Baseline Vehicle Assessments.......................................................................... 71

3.5.1 Maxiporter ............................................................................................ 71

3.5.2 Maxiporter observations and design considerations ............................ 79

3.5.3 Flexiporter ............................................................................................ 80

3.5.4 Flexiporter observations and design considerations ............................. 88

3.5.5 Tail swing reinterpretation ................................................................... 91

3.6 Revised Vehicle Assessments .......................................................................... 94

3.6.1 Maxiporter ............................................................................................ 94

3.6.2 Flexiporter .......................................................................................... 102

3.7 Chapter Summary and Conclusions ............................................................... 105

Chapter 4 Discussion and Conclusions ....................................................................... 107

4.1 Discussion....................................................................................................... 107

4.1.1 Low-speed turning model .................................................................. 107

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4.1.2 PBS assessments ................................................................................ 109

4.1.3 Shortcomings of incorporating the Australian standards directly into a

South African context ..................................................................................... 114

4.2 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 117

4.3 Recommendations for Further Work .............................................................. 118

References ...................................................................................................................... 120

Appendix A Supplementary Data ................................................................................ 127

Appendix B Implementing the Low-Speed Turning Model in Matlab® .................. 131

Appendix C Vehicle Modelling .................................................................................... 136

Appendix D Maxiporter Input Data............................................................................ 157

Appendix E Flexiporter Input Data ............................................................................ 162

Appendix F Vehicle Drawings ..................................................................................... 168

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List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Typical South African car-carriers: (a) tractor and semitrailer, (b) truck and

centre-axle tag-trailer .......................................................................................................... 9

Figure 2.1: Ninety-degree low-speed turn as prescribed by the NTC ............................... 16

Figure 2.2: Steer-tyre path-following ................................................................................ 17

Figure 2.3: Illustration of the low-speed manoeuvrability standards (example shown for a

tractor and semitrailer combination) ................................................................................. 17

Figure 2.4: Geometric estimation of the tractrix method .................................................. 21

Figure 2.5: The effect of offsetting the prescribed path by half the steer-tyre track width

(T/2) in a first attempt at achieving steer-tyre path-following .......................................... 24

Figure 2.6: Second path offset of e(i) to successfully achieve steer-tyre path-following . 25

Figure 2.7: Effect of multiple non-steering rear axles on the low-speed turning behaviour

of a rigid truck: (a) single rear axle, and (b) dual non-steering rear axles ........................ 26

Figure 2.8: Equivalent wheelbase principle illustrated for a three-axle rigid truck (adapted

from [31] for the specific case of low-speed turning) ....................................................... 27

Figure 2.9: Vehicle reference points and associated global coordinates ........................... 31

Figure 2.10: MoD calculation method .............................................................................. 33

Figure 2.11: LSSP solution method .................................................................................. 34

Figure 2.12: Validation results, low-speed swept path ..................................................... 37

Figure 2.13: Validation results, tail swing ........................................................................ 37

Figure 2.14: Validation results, frontal swing ................................................................... 38

Figure 2.15: Validation results, difference of maxima and maximum of difference ........ 38

Figure 2.16: Tail swing performance of the South African car-carrier fleet ..................... 41

Figure 2.17: Current fleet percentages excluded by various tail swing limits enforced ... 42

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Figure 2.18: Comparing NRTR-defined rear overhang to actual rear overhang .............. 43

Figure 2.19: Maximum practical rear overhang for a rigid truck within the NRTR ......... 45

Figure 2.20: Maximum practical rear overhang for a semitrailer within the NRTR ........ 45

Figure 2.21: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, rigid truck ............................ 46

Figure 2.22: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, tractor and semitrailer .......... 47

Figure 2.23: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, truck and tag-trailer ............. 47

Figure 3.1: Baseline vehicles: (a) Maxiporter and (b) Flexiporter (courtesy of Unipower)

.......................................................................................................................................... 52

Figure 3.2: 1998 Ford Expedition dimensions and location of centre of gravity ([41–43])

.......................................................................................................................................... 59

Figure 3.3: Load placement: (a) Maxiporter, (b) Flexiporter ............................................ 59

Figure 3.4: Post-processing to incorporate the corner radii of load projections ............... 62

Figure 3.5: Prescribed path for the single lane-change manoeuvre .................................. 66

Figure 3.6: Pulse steer input .............................................................................................. 67

Figure 3.7: Typical yaw damping response ...................................................................... 68

Figure 3.8: Centreline elevation profile for longitudinal tracking .................................... 70

Figure 3.9: Elevation profiles for the left and right wheel paths for longitudinal tracking

.......................................................................................................................................... 70

Figure 3.10: Three-dimensional road profile used for longitudinal tracking (not to scale)

.......................................................................................................................................... 70

Figure 3.11: Baseline Maxiporter, LSSP, laden ................................................................ 72

Figure 3.12: Baseline Maxiporter, TS, laden .................................................................... 73

Figure 3.13: Baseline Maxiporter, FS, laden .................................................................... 73

Figure 3.14: Baseline Maxiporter, STFD, unladen ........................................................... 74

Figure 3.15: Baseline Maxiporter, SRT, top laden ........................................................... 75

Figure 3.16: Baseline Maxiporter, RA, trailer laden ......................................................... 76

Figure 3.17: Baseline Maxiporter, HSTO, trailer laden .................................................... 76

Figure 3.18: Baseline Maxiporter, YDC, trailer top laden ................................................ 77

Figure 3.19: Baseline Maxiporter, TASP, laden ............................................................... 78

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Figure 3.20: Maxiporter trailer rear corner tapering to satisfy Level 1 tail swing criterion

.......................................................................................................................................... 80

Figure 3.21: Baseline Flexiporter, LSSP, unladen ............................................................ 81

Figure 3.22: Baseline Flexiporter, TS, laden .................................................................... 82

Figure 3.23: Baseline Flexiporter, FS, unladen ................................................................ 82

Figure 3.24: Baseline Flexiporter, DoM and MoD, laden ................................................ 83

Figure 3.25: Baseline Flexiporter, STFD, unladen ........................................................... 83

Figure 3.26: Baseline Flexiporter, SRT, laden .................................................................. 84

Figure 3.27: Baseline Flexiporter, RA, top laden ............................................................. 85

Figure 3.28: Baseline Flexiporter, HSTO, laden............................................................... 85

Figure 3.29: Baseline Flexiporter, YDC, top laden .......................................................... 86

Figure 3.30: Baseline Flexiporter, TASP, laden ............................................................... 87

Figure 3.31: Flexiporter modifications: nudge-bar and semitrailer load projection

restriction (vehicle drawing courtesy of Unipower) ......................................................... 89

Figure 3.32: Flexiporter semitrailer rear corner tapering dimensions to satisfy Level 1 tail

swing criterion .................................................................................................................. 90

Figure 3.33: Flexiporter semitrailer collapsing mechanism .............................................. 90

Figure 3.34: Illustration of tail swing as provided by the NTC [4] ................................... 91

Figure 3.35: Tail swing penalty incurred by vehicles with a narrow steer axle track width

.......................................................................................................................................... 93

Figure 3.36: Revised Maxiporter, LSSP, laden ................................................................ 95

Figure 3.37: Revised Maxiporter, TS, laden ..................................................................... 96

Figure 3.38: Revised Maxiporter, FS, laden ..................................................................... 96

Figure 3.39: Revised Maxiporter, STFD, unladen ............................................................ 97

Figure 3.40: Revised Maxiporter, SRT, laden .................................................................. 98

Figure 3.41: Revised Maxiporter, RA, trailer top laden ................................................... 99

Figure 3.42: Revised Maxiporter, HSTO, laden ............................................................... 99

Figure 3.43: Revised Maxiporter, YDC, truck laden ...................................................... 100

Figure 3.44: Revised Maxiporter, TASP, laden .............................................................. 101

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Figure 3.45: A Vehicle Delivery Services Volvo FM400+Maxiporter PBS car-carrier

combination (10 m wheelbase trailer) ............................................................................. 102

Figure 3.46: Revised Flexiporter, LSSP, unladen ........................................................... 103

Figure 3.47: Revised Flexiporter, FS, unladen ............................................................... 104

Figure 3.48: Revised Flexiporter, DoM and MoD, laden ............................................... 104

Figure B.1: Illustration of input data required for the geometric model ......................... 132

Figure B.2: Model input: (a) basic parameters and, (b) vehicle data. ............................. 133

Figure B.3: Example plot output from geometric model, LSSP ..................................... 134

Figure B.4: Example plot output from geometric model, TS ......................................... 135

Figure B.5: Example plot output from geometric model, FS, DoM, MoD ..................... 135

Figure C.1: Determining the mass and centre of gravity of the sprung mass ................. 137

Figure C.2: Roll centre height estimation using UMTRI methods and the effect of axle

load on roll centre height relative to axle centre ............................................................. 140

Figure C.3: Volvo RADT-AR rear bogie, illustration of spring concepts (a simplified

version of a drawing provided courtesy of Volvo Trucks SA) ....................................... 142

Figure C.4: Example of a spring model used in TruckSim® (Renault drive axle spring

shown) ............................................................................................................................. 143

Figure C.5: Anti-roll bar roll stiffness derivation ........................................................... 144

Figure C.6: Example damper behaviour (Maxiporter steer axle shown) ........................ 146

Figure C.7: Example “Coulomb damper” behaviour (Maxiporter drive/tag axle shown)

........................................................................................................................................ 147

Figure E.1: Spring plot, Flexiporter semitrailer axle (BPW 30K airbag) ....................... 164

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List of Tables

Table 1.1: The safety standards of the Australian PBS scheme [4] .................................... 5

Table 1.2: Road classification levels for the Australian PBS scheme [12] ......................... 6

Table 2.1: Vehicle parameters for model validation ......................................................... 36

Table 2.2: Validation scenario matrix ............................................................................... 36

Table 2.3: Vehicle 1 validation differences ...................................................................... 39

Table 2.4: Vehicle 2 validation differences ...................................................................... 39

Table 2.5: Current South African car-carrier fleet make-up [33] ..................................... 41

Table 2.6: Dimensional constraints governing rear overhang (NRTR [1]) ....................... 44

Table 2.7: Comparison of rear overhang legislation between Australia and South Africa46

Table 2.8: Theoretical tail swing performance allowable within the NRTR .................... 48

Table 3.1: Summarised inertial data, Maxiporter (unladen) ............................................. 54

Table 3.2: Summarised inertial data, Flexiporter (unladen) ............................................. 54

Table 3.3: Summarised axle and suspension data, Maxiporter ......................................... 56

Table 3.4: Summarised axle and suspension data, Flexiporter ......................................... 56

Table 3.5: Loading scenarios considered .......................................................................... 58

Table 3.6: 1998 Ford Expedition inertial properties [41] ................................................. 59

Table 3.7: Passenger vehicle centre of gravity locations .................................................. 60

Table 3.8: Maxiporter payload inertial properties............................................................. 61

Table 3.9: Flexiporter payload inertial properties ............................................................. 61

Table 3.10: Rounding conventions and criteria for compliance [4] .................................. 63

Table 3.11: Baseline Maxiporter results, not rounded, all loading scenarios ................... 79

Table 3.12: Baseline Maxiporter results, rounded, worst-case loading scenarios ............ 79

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Table 3.13: Baseline Flexiporter results: not rounded, all loading scenarios ................... 88

Table 3.14: Baseline Flexiporter results: rounded, worst-case loading scenario .............. 88

Table 3.15: Revised Maxiporter results .......................................................................... 102

Table 3.16: Revised Flexiporter results .......................................................................... 105

Table A.1: Vehicle 1 validation results ........................................................................... 127

Table A.2: Vehicle 2 validation results ........................................................................... 128

Table A.3: South African car-carrier dimensions, tractor-semitrailer configurations .... 129

Table A.4: South African car-carrier dimensions, truck-trailer configurations .............. 129

Table A.5: Legal vehicle assessment, vehicle parameters .............................................. 130

Table B.1: Input parameters required for each vehicle unit in the Matlab® geometric

model .............................................................................................................................. 132

Table C.1: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (385/65 R22.5) as per Uniroyal 15-22.5H [39]

........................................................................................................................................ 148

Table C.2: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (315/80 R22.5) as per Uniroyal 12.5-22.5G

[39] .................................................................................................................................. 148

Table C.3: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (295/80 R22.5) as per Michelin 12x22.5 [39]

........................................................................................................................................ 149

Table C.4: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (285/70 R19.5) as per Michelin 11.0R20H [39]

........................................................................................................................................ 149

Table C.5: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 2 000 kg rated tyre ......... 150

Table C.6: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 000 kg rated tyre ......... 151

Table C.7: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 500 kg rated tyre ......... 152

Table C.8: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 2 000 kg rated tyre . 153

Table C.9: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 000 kg rated tyre . 154

Table C.10: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3500 kg rated tyre 155

Table D.1: Sprung mass properties, Maxiporter ............................................................. 157

Table D.2: Additional sprung mass properties, Maxiporter ............................................ 157

Table D.3: Sprung mass properties of payloads, Maxiporter .......................................... 158

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Table D.4: Unsprung mass properties per axle, Maxiporter ........................................... 158

Table D.5: Suspension geometry, Maxiporter ................................................................ 158

Table D.6: Spring compliance, Maxiporter .................................................................... 159

Table D.7: Tandem suspension properties, Maxiporter .................................................. 159

Table D.8: Damper properties, Maxiporter ..................................................................... 159

Table D.9: Damper behaviour, Maxiporter steer axle ..................................................... 159

Table D.10: Coupling properties, Maxiporter ................................................................. 160

Table D.11: Tyre properties, Maxiporter ........................................................................ 160

Table D.12: Steering system properties, Maxiporter ...................................................... 161

Table E.1: Sprung mass properties, Flexiporter .............................................................. 162

Table E.2: Sprung mass properties of payloads, Flexiporter .......................................... 163

Table E.3: Unsprung mass properties per axle, Flexiporter ............................................ 163

Table E.4: Suspension geometry, Flexiporter ................................................................. 163

Table E.5: Spring compliance, Flexiporter ..................................................................... 164

Table E.6: Tandem suspension properties, Flexiporter ................................................... 164

Table E.7: Damper properties, Flexiporter ..................................................................... 165

Table E.8: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter steer axle ..................................................... 165

Table E.9: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter drive axle ..................................................... 165

Table E.10: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter semitrailer axle .......................................... 166

Table E.11: Coupling properties, Flexiporter ................................................................. 166

Table E.12: Tyre properties, Flexiporter ......................................................................... 167

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List of Symbols

Symbol Description Units

A Amplitude -

A Amplitude ratio -

AY Lateral acceleration m/s2

c Y axis intercept in the global reference frame m

Cα,f/r Sum of tyre cornering stiffnesses, front/rear N/°

d Spacing between adjacent axles within a non-steering axle group m

D Damping ratio -

Diff Difference between the frontal swing-out of adjacent vehicle units at a

given x coordinate


Dolly Binary identifier for a dolly unit (Dolly = 0,1) -

e Lateral offset between outer steer-tyre wall and prescribed path m

E Young’s modulus of elasticity GPa

f Frequency Hz

F General applied force kN

Fx/y/z Longitudinal/Lateral/Vertical tyre force N

FClong Longitudinal position of front corner (positive forward of the steer axle

or hitch point).


FCwid Vehicle width at front corner (= 2⋅FClat) m

g Acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 m/s


G Shear modulus of elasticity GPa

h Centre of gravity height above ground m

H Hitch point location (positive rearward of the steer axle or hitch point) m

i Incremental solution step (1 ≤ i ≤ ε) -

I Moment of area mm4

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Ixx/yy/zz Roll/Pitch/Yaw mass moment of inertia kg·m2

IEwid Vehicle width at inner edge (= 2⋅IElat) m

j Respective vehicle units within a vehicle combination (1 ≤ j ≤ N) -

J Polar moment of area mm4

Kr Anti-roll bar roll stiffness Nm/rad

l Beam segment length mm

m Mass kg

M Axle load kg

n Number of non-steering axles within an axle group -

N Number of vehicle units in a vehicle combination (including dollies) -

q Alternative incremental solution step (1 ≤ q ≤ ε) -

ri/o Inner/outer radius of anti-roll bar cross-section mm

Rcar Corner radius of passenger vehicle load projection mm

rcL/UL Roll centre height above axle centre (laden/unladen) mm

RClong Longitudinal position of rear corner (positive rearward of the steer axle

or hitch point)


RCwid Vehicle width at rear corner (= 2⋅RClat) m

Res Residual m

s Beam deflection per kN applied force mm

ΔsA Linear step size of steer axle or hitch point m

ΔsB Linear step size of rear axle m

SPW Swept path width m

T Steer-tyre track width (between outer steer-tyre walls) m

TF Tandem factor m2

v Velocity m/s

WB Geometric wheelbase m

WBEq Equivalent wheelbase m

x,y,z Coordinates in the global reference frame (z vertically upwards) m

x Longitudinal coordinate in the vehicle reference frame (behind steer



X,Y,Z The global reference frame (Z vertically upwards) -

z Vertical coordinate in the vehicle reference frame (above ground) m

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α Orientation of the displacement vector generated by an incremental

step of the steer axle/hitch point (relative to the global X axis)


β Characteristic deflection (spring hysteresis) mm

γ Gradient of a straight line in the global reference frame -

δ Roll-induced steer angle (positive steer to the left) °

Δ Distance between an axle within a non-steering axle group and the

geometric centre of that group


δ Tyre slip angle °

ε Total number of solution steps -

ζ Yaw angle relative to global X axis °

λ Inclination of equivalent axle locating link (positive angled down

towards the rear)


μpeak Peak road-tyre friction coefficient -

ρ Radius of gyration m

ζ Number of tyres on the steer axle/s -

η Beam angular deflection rad

θ Number of amplitudes before the 5% cut-off is reached (yaw damping) -

ψ Turn angle (0 ≤ ψ ≤ π/2) °

ω Sprung mass roll angle relative to unsprung mass (positive clockwise

when viewed from the rear)


Additional subscripts:

FC Front outer corner reference point

IE Inner edge reference point

P Prescribed path

RC Rear outer corner reference point

s Sprung mass

tot Total mass

us Unsprung mass

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ABS Anti-lock Braking System

ALTC (South African) Abnormal Loads Technical Committee

ARRB Australian Road Research Board (ARRB Group)

CAD Computer-Aided Design

CoG Centre of Gravity

CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

DoM Difference of Maxima

DoT Department of Transport

EBS Electronic Braking System

FS Frontal Swing

GCM Gross Combination Mass

GVM Gross Vehicle Mass

HSTO High-Speed Transient Offtracking

LAP Load Accreditation Programme

LSSP Low-Speed Swept Path

MoD Maximum of Difference

NHVAS National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme

NRTA (South African) National Road Traffic Act

NRTC (Australian) National Road Transport Commission (later to become NTC)

NRTR (South African) National Road Traffic Regulations

NTC (Australian) National Transport Commission (previously NTRC)

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

PBS Performance-Based Standards

RA Rearward Amplification

rcu/rrcu Roll-coupled unit/Rearmost roll-coupled unit

ROH Rear Overhang

RTMS Road Transport Management System

SMART Safer Management of Australian Road Transport

SRT Static Rollover Threshold

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STFD Steer-Tyre Friction Demand

SUV Sports Utility Vehicle

TASP Tracking Ability on a Straight Path

TRH Technical Recommendations for Highways

TS Tail Swing

UMTRI University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

YDC Yaw Damping Coefficient

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A-double A vehicle combination consisting of a truck-tractor drawing a

semitrailer, to which a full-trailer (or dolly and semitrailer) is

coupled via an A-type coupling.

A-type coupling A coupling that provides little or no resistance to relative roll

motion between coupled vehicles, e.g. a pintle hitch.



The time taken for a vehicle to cover a given distance, from rest.

anti-roll bar A U-shaped bar affixed between an axle and the chassis, the

purpose of which is to provide auxiliary roll stiffness.

auxiliary roll


Resistance to relative roll motion between sprung and unsprung

masses in excess of that provided by the springs.

B-double A vehicle combination consisting of a truck-tractor drawing a

“leader” semitrailer to which a “follower” semitrailer is coupled,

where both couplings are B-type couplings.

B-type coupling A coupling that provides significant resistance to relative roll

motion between coupled vehicles, e.g. a fifth wheel.

BAB-quad A long road-train combination consisting of a B-double drawing a

dolly and two semitrailers.

bump See “jounce”.

cornering stiffness The constant of proportionality between a tyre’s slip angle and the

resultant lateral force developed (in a linearized tyre model).

difference of


The difference between the maximum frontal swing of adjacent

vehicle units (at least one of which is a semitrailer, e.g. a tractor

and semitrailer) during the exit section of a low-speed ninety-

degree turn.

directional stability

under braking

The ability of a vehicle to maintain stability and control under

heavy braking.

dolly A small trailer pulled via a drawbar and fitted with a fifth wheel to

which a semitrailer may be coupled, forming a self-supporting

trailer with front and rear axles. The term is used here to include

the non-detachable front axle assembly of a full-trailer. (See

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Figure B.1 – the second vehicle unit is a dolly).

fifth wheel A vehicle coupling device that provides significant restraint to

relative roll motion between vehicles. A B-type coupling.

frontal swing The maximum swing-out of the outer front corner of a vehicle

during the exit section of a low-speed ninety-degree turn,

measured perpendicularly to the exit tangent.

gradeability A vehicle’s ability to maintain forward motion or attain a specific

speed on a given incline.




The maximum lateral deviation of the rearmost unit of a vehicle

combination during a high-speed lane-change manoeuvre,

measured at centre of the rearmost axle.

jounce The vertical, upward displacement of an axle or wheel assembly,

relative to the sprung mass (also known as “bump”).

lash (Suspension) The gap between the spring leaf and its retaining

pin, through which the spring travels unimpeded when spring load

is reduced to zero. (See Figure C.3).

(Fifth wheel) The angular displacement range through which a

fifth wheel will allow relative roll motion without significant

resistance (due to mechanical clearances).

low-speed swept


The maximum road space utilised by a vehicle during a low-speed

ninety-degree turn as its rear axles, and those of trailing units, “cut

in” to the inside of the turn, measured between the innermost and

outermost paths transcribed by the vehicle during the turn.

maximum of


The maximum difference between the trajectories of the front

outer corners of adjacent vehicle units (at least one of which is a

semitrailer, e.g. a tractor and semitrailer) during the exit section of

a low-speed ninety-degree turn and measured perpendicularly to

the exit tangent.



The “whipping” effect in which a lateral acceleration input at the

leading vehicle is amplified in trailing vehicles units, which can

lead to rollover of the rearmost vehicle unit.

rebound The vertical, downward displacement of an axle or wheel

assembly, relative to the sprung mass.

roll centre The imaginary point about which relative roll motion between the

sprung and unsprung masses occurs. Also defined as the point

through which the resultant of all lateral forces (or lateral

constraints) between sprung and unsprung masses acts.

roll-couple A B-type coupling. E.g. a truck-tractor and semitrailer coupled via

a fifth wheel are said to be “roll-coupled”.

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semitrailer A type of trailer with no front axles that couples to a leading

vehicle through a fifth wheel which supports a large portion of the

semitrailer’s mass.

slip angle The angle between a tyre’s direction of heading (the direction in

which it is pointed) and its direction of travel (its velocity vector).

This gives rise to lateral tyre forces.

sprung mass The portion of a vehicle’s total mass that is supported by the

suspension. This will typically include the chassis, payload and

suspension sub-frame, but will exclude the axles, wheel

assemblies and most suspension components.

startability A vehicle’s ability to start from rest on a given incline.

static rollover


The maximum steady-state lateral acceleration a vehicle can

withstand without rolling over.

steer-tyre friction


The maximum frictional force required by the steering tyres of the

hauling vehicle during a low-speed ninety-degree turn, as a

percentage of the maximum available friction.

tag-trailer A trailer with no front axles which is coupled to a leading vehicle

via an A-type coupling.

tail swing The maximum swing-out of the outer rear corner of a vehicle

during the entry section of a low-speed ninety-degree turn,

measured perpendicularly to the entry tangent.

tandem factor A measure used to quantify the effect of multiple non-steering

axles (i.e. in a tandem or tridem axle group) on vehicle turning.

track bar A usually V-shaped bar affixed between the chassis and the top of

an axle (usually to the top of the differential housing of a drive

axle), which provides the primary means of lateral constraint for

the axle.

tracking ability on

a straight path

The ability of the trailers in a vehicle combination to track the

same path as the hauling vehicle when subjected to a cross-

sloping and uneven road profile.

tyre scrub The deformation of tyres (causing lateral force generation) within

a multiple-axle non-steering axle set as slip angles are incurred

during low-speed turning.

unsprung mass The portion of a vehicle’s mass not supported by the suspension.

This will typically include axles, wheel assemblies, and most

suspension components.

yaw damping The tendency of yaw oscillations to decay in a vehicle

combination after being subjected a steering pulse input.

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Chapter 1


1.1 Background

Until recently, it has been standard practice for South African car-carriers to operate

under abnormal load permits, issued under Section 81 of the South African National Road

Traffic Act (NRTA) [1]. These permits allow the vehicles to exceed legislated height and

length limits by 300 mm and 500 mm respectively. Generally speaking, abnormal load

permits are granted for indivisible loads (e.g. large machinery components), and so the

granting of these permits to car-carrier operators has been under a special concession of

the TRH11 (Technical Recommendations for Highways: Dimensional and Mass

Limitations and Other Requirements for Abnormal Load Vehicles) [2]. This concession

was granted in response to requests from the car-carrier industry so as to improve

productivity and remain economically competitive.

In 2006, at a meeting of the South African Abnormal Loads Technical Committee

(ALTC), it was decided that this practice would be phased out due to concerns of vehicle

safety (due to increased height) and the definition of “indivisible load”. This decision is

currently enforced by the omission of any reference to car-carriers in the latest edition of

the TRH11 [3]. The granting of limited-period abnormal load permits will continue until

31 March 2013 for existing car-carriers registered before 1st April 2010; any car-carriers

registered after this date will not be granted permits (including new vehicles of the same

design as existing vehicles).

To maintain levels of productivity to which the industry is accustomed, the Committee

has proposed a replacement framework for over-length and over-height car carriers. The

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proposal suggests that if an operator wishes to operate a car-carrier that exceeds

prescribed height and length limits, two requirements must be met, namely:

1. the transport operator must be accredited with the Road Transport Management

System (RTMS), and

2. the vehicle design must comply with the Australian Performance-Based Standards

or “PBS” scheme, which is currently the basis for a PBS demonstration project in

South Africa [4].

As a result, a number of transport operators, in collaboration with associated car-

carrier body and trailer manufacturers, are pursuing PBS car-carrier projects. This work

aims to show the benefits of such a framework, and how it can be used to improve car-

carrier design and safety whilst maximising productivity. Compliance with the PBS

scheme is assessed through detailed computer simulation, the capacity for which exists

locally at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Wits University) and at the

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

1.2 Literature Review

The review of the literature begins with a look at the prevailing issues of South African

road freight transport. The concept of performance-based standards for heavy vehicles as

an alternative to prescriptive standards is introduced, with a focus on the established

Australian PBS scheme. The initiative to introduce a PBS framework to South Africa is

subsequently discussed, and pertinent local research conducted thus far is summarised.

Lastly, the specific context of car-carriers and the matters of tail swing and low-speed

turn modelling are discussed.

1.2.1 The state of South African road freight transport

South Africa’s economy, and that of most countries, relies heavily on freight transport

and on the ability of the road infrastructure to support it. Inland freight transport in South

Africa is achieved via rail or road and, due to an ageing rail infrastructure and lack of

investment in rail transport, an estimated 70 per cent of freight is transported by road [5].

Since 1970, the growth of goods vehicle traffic on South African roads has been three

times the growth of the road network [6]. This increase in heavy vehicles per kilometre of

road has led to accelerated road infrastructure deterioration and a higher risk of heavy

vehicle-related accidents.

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Furthermore, despite notable efforts by the provinces, overloading has for many years

been a significant problem in South Africa due to a number of factors, including

insufficient policing and deliberate overloading by operators [7]. The 20 to 25 per cent of

heavy vehicles that are overloaded (2000 study) contribute an estimated 60 per cent of the

annual road wear [8]. This is a disproportionately large figure and overloading has hence

been a topic of extensive study in South Africa, most notably at the CSIR. Not only does

overloading have a negative impact on the roads, but overloaded vehicles are less stable

and pose a higher safety risk.

In 2002, fatalities associated with heavy vehicle accidents in South Africa were

disproportionately higher than other countries at around thirteen fatalities per 100 million

kilometres compared to around two per 100 million kilometres for developed countries

[9]. Increased heavy vehicle traffic and overloading have been highlighted as contributing

factors to this statistic, but equally important factors include driver training, vehicle

maintenance, speeding, and vehicle design – the last contributor being pivotal to this


1.2.2 Prescriptive vs. performance standards for heavy vehicles

The purpose of heavy vehicle regulation is to address two primary issues: vehicle safety

and road infrastructure protection. In many countries including South Africa, this is

accomplished using prescriptive mass and dimension limits (for example, in South Africa,

the overall length of a vehicle combination may not exceed 22 m [1]). Prescriptive

standards make for straight-forward policing methods and universal application. In South

Africa, vehicle mass and dimensions are governed by the National Road Traffic

Regulations (NRTR), enforced under Section 75 of the NRTA [1].

Within the envelope of typical prescriptive constraints, one vehicle design could be

intrinsically safe in operation and cause minimal wear on the infrastructure, whereas

another (perfectly legal) vehicle design could be intrinsically unsafe and/or may cause

accelerated damage to the infrastructure. Furthermore, prescriptive requirements impose

constraints on productivity [10] (i.e. by limiting maximum vehicle mass and dimensions,

and hence payload) and innovation in design [11]. Design innovation might include the

use of actively-steered rear axles, which can allow longer vehicles to utilise the same road

space as a shorter vehicle during a turn. A prescriptive framework does not recognise this,

and the actively-steered vehicle will be illegal if it is over-length, regardless of its turning

capabilities. Productivity and innovation are important factors in improving the

efficiency, economy and safety of road freight transport. An alternative legislative

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framework, performance-based standards or “PBS”, proposes to address these

shortcomings of prescriptive standards.

The PBS approach serves to directly rather than indirectly regulate the desired

outcomes of vehicle safety and performance. It achieves this by specifying how the

vehicle should perform in operation rather than by specifying the means by which this

might be achieved. The safety benefit of a PBS approach is not exclusive and there are

significant spin-offs. By not constraining vehicle parameters and rather evaluating the

resultant safety and road wear performance, opportunity for innovation is created. PBS

designed vehicles might be longer and taller than prescriptively designed vehicles at no

expense of, or with improvement in, safety and/or road wear. Further benefits include

increased productivity, reduced fuel consumption per ton of freight per kilometre (with

reductions in associated costs and emissions), reduction in fleet size (and hence fewer

vehicles on the road) and an increase in awareness and understanding of vehicle safety.

In Australia, the National Transport Commission (NTC) has developed a well-

established PBS scheme. Vehicles operating within the scheme are known as “SMART”

trucks (Safer Management of Australian Road Transport). The most up-to-date Australian

PBS framework is contained in the document, “Performance Based Standards Scheme:

The Standards and Vehicle Assessment Rules,” (10 November 2008) [4]. The current

scheme is offered as an alternative to prescriptive regulations but not as a replacement –

involvement in the scheme is voluntary [10]. The scheme consists of a set of twenty

standards: sixteen safety standards and four infrastructure standards. If a vehicle is shown

to comply with all of these standards, it may be exempted from certain Australian vehicle

regulations pertaining to length, width, overhangs, drawbar length, gross combination

mass etc. Compliance of a vehicle with these standards is assessed either via physical

testing or computer simulation. This assessment process required to prove a vehicle’s

compliance with the various performance standards presents one disadvantage of a

performance-based approach. The process of design optimisation, testing or computer

simulation, and approval can be significantly more costly and time-consuming than for a

legal vehicle. However, depending on the application, tonnage and lead distances, the

improvements in productivity, safety, fuel savings, and emissions often outweigh these

disadvantages in the long term.

Thirteen of the sixteen safety standards are summarised in Table 1.1 with a description

of each standard and a description of the associated test or manoeuvre. The three

remaining standards – overtaking provision, ride quality and handling quality – are under

review and awaiting the results of further research before they are enforced as part of the

scheme. The four infrastructure standards are: pavement horizontal loading, pavement

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vertical loading, tyre contact pressure distribution and bridge loading. These standards are

predominantly prescriptive due to the nature of the vehicle-infrastructure interaction,

though research towards appropriate performance measures is underway. Standards 1 to 7

in Table 1.1 may be referred to as the “low-speed” standards and standards 8 to 13 may

be referred to as the “high-speed” or “dynamic” standards.

Table 1.1: The safety standards of the Australian PBS scheme [4]

Manoeuvre Safety Standard Description

Accelerate from rest on an incline

1. Startability (St) Self-explanatory.

Maintain speed on an incline

2. Gradeability (Gr) Self-explanatory.

Cover 100 m from rest 3. Acceleration capability (AC) Intersection/rail crossing clearance times.

Low-speed 90° turn

4. Low-speed swept path (LSSP) “Corner cutting” of long vehicles.

5. Frontal swing (FS) Swing-out of the vehicle’s front corner.

5a. Maximum of Difference (MoD) The difference in frontal swing-out of adjacent vehicle units where one of the units is a semitrailer. 5b. Difference of Maxima (DoM)

6. Tail swing (TS) Swing-out of the vehicle’s rear corner.

7. Steer-tyre friction demand (STFD)

The maximum friction utilised by the steer-tyres.

Straight road of specified roughness and cross-slope

8. Tracking ability on a straight path (TASP)

Total road width utilised by the vehicle as it responds to the uneven road at speed.

Constant radius turn (increasing speed) or tilt-table testing

9. Static rollover threshold (SRT) The maximum steady lateral acceleration a vehicle can withstand before rolling.

Single lane-change

10. Rearward amplification (RA) “Whipping” effect as lateral accelerations are amplified in trailing units.

11. High-speed transient offtracking (HSTO)

“Overshoot” of the rearmost trailing unit.

Pulse steer input 12. Yaw damping coefficient (YDC)

The rate at which yaw oscillations settle.

Brake from 60 km/h to rest

13. Directional stability under braking (DSB)

Directional stability and controllability of the vehicle under heavy braking.

For each of the standards there are quantitative criteria against which the vehicle must

be assessed. For example, to comply with the static rollover threshold (SRT) standard, the

vehicle must exhibit an SRT of at least 0.35·g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

In some of the standards, the criterion is not universal and its value depends on the type

of road access the vehicle will utilise. For this purpose, the PBS scheme has four defined

road access levels: Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Level 1 represents unrestricted access to the

Australian road network, with the most stringent performance criteria, and is restricted to

vehicles not greater than 20 m in length [12]. Levels 2, 3 and 4 represent subsets of the

road network, in increasing order of route restriction, that have been deemed fit for the

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operation of longer vehicle combinations that meet less stringent performance criteria.

Level 4 vehicles are typically “triple road trains” up to 60 m in length that operate on

remote cross-country routes. A summary of the road access levels and their descriptions

is given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2: Road classification levels for the Australian PBS scheme [12]

Road Access Level

Permitted Vehicle Length

Permitted Routes Performance


Level 1 ≤ 20 m Unrestricted road access Most stringent

Level 2 ≤ 30 m Significant freight routes ↑↓

Level 3 ≤ 42 m Major freight routes

Level 4 ≤ 60 m Remote areas Most lenient

Subject to minor adjustments, the Australian standards have been adopted for use in

the South African PBS demonstration project. The details of this are covered in the

following section.

1.2.3 Performance-based standards development in South Africa

Published in 2004, the South African National Overload Strategy [13] sought to address

the problem of overloading facing South Africa. The report identified the primary causes

and assessed the possible solutions to overloading. One of the proposed solutions was

self-regulation: a scheme by which initiatives are implemented by industry to establish

sound vehicle management practices. Such a scheme has materialised and is known as the

Road Transport Management Scheme (RTMS) (previously the Load Accreditation

Programme – LAP). The scheme is industry-led and accreditation is voluntary. It aims to

promote sound vehicle management systems that address issues of road infrastructure

protection, vehicle safety and logistics efficiency [9].

Because RTMS accreditation is voluntary, incentives are required to promote industry

participation. Currently, two such incentives exist, the first being the “weigh-less”

principle whereby accredited operators are subjected to fewer spot checks and weigh-ins

at weigh-bridges. The second incentive is that RTMS accredited operators will have the

opportunity to take advantage of the South African PBS demonstration project [14].

Compliance with PBS criteria is not as simple to assess in operation as prescriptive

criteria, and hence assurance is required that operators load and operate their vehicles

professionally so as to maintain PBS compliance. RTMS accreditation aids in providing

such assurance.

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For the implementation of the RTMS and PBS initiatives in South Africa, the

Australian National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) and PBS scheme

respectively were chosen as the foundations upon which to develop the South African

equivalents [14] [15]. The Australian PBS scheme is being closely followed with a few


1. All PBS vehicles require an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic

Braking System (EBS) in lieu of the directional stability under braking standard


2. In lieu of the four infrastructure standards, the South African abnormal load bridge

formula requirements must be met [15], and a road wear analysis is encouraged to

support the application for approval indicating, at the very least, improvement

over the baseline vehicle.

3. A speed limit of 80 km/h applies to all PBS vehicles, though lower limits may be

enforced for larger vehicles [15].

4. The length requirements of the road classification levels (Table 1.2) are altered so

as to be compatible with the South African prescriptive legislation. The allowable

vehicle length will be subject to the route and application in question as well as

the jurisdiction of the authorities. Level 2 vehicles and higher will require detailed

route assessments accompanying their applications for approval [15]. Level 1

vehicles will not typically be restrained to less than 22 m.

A South African Smart Truck Review Panel was formed which meets approximately

every three months to assess PBS applications and to regulate the implementation of PBS

in South Africa. A Smart Truck Steering Committee was also formed which comprises of

representatives from the industry, transport authorities and research entities.

Some relevant PBS research conducted in South Africa thus far includes the

development of an A-double for transporting steel pipes for Hall Longmore [16], the

development of a BAB-quad road train for Unitrans Freight and Logistics [17] and a PBS

analysis of current South African semitrailer combinations [18].

The Hall Longmore project involved the development of an innovative optimisation

model by Dessein et al. that optimises vehicle parameters (including payload) within the

envelope of the PBS requirements by making use of simple analytical/empirical

estimates. A number of performance standards were excluded from the optimisation

process, including yaw damping coefficient, frontal swing and tail swing. (These

excluded standards were not critical to the particular vehicle in question, and so were

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simply assessed post-optimisation to verify that their criteria were satisfied by the

optimised design.)

It should be noted that fundamental differences and conflicts exist between South

African and Australian heavy vehicle regulations: between certain features of the

Australian PBS scheme and South Africa’s NRTR, and also between Australia’s existing

prescriptive regulations (i.e. the Australian Design Rules) and South Africa’s NRTR.

Further, it is important to bear in mind that the selection of many of the pass/fail criteria

for the Australian performance standards has been a result of the characteristic

performance of the existing, non-PBS, Australian heavy vehicle fleet (see [19]), which

would have been designed within the confines of prescriptive Australian regulations.

An example of one such conflict is the fact that Level 1 PBS vehicles are limited to a

maximum length of 20 m in Australia, whereas the NRTR allow vehicles of up to 22 m to

operate unrestricted on South African roads. In addition, vehicles are limited to a

maximum width of 2.5 m in Australia [20], whereas widths of up to 2.6 m are permitted

within the NRTR. The result is that certain performance standards may prove more

restrictive for typical South African vehicle designs, presenting resistance to the adoption

of the scheme in its current guise. (For example, an operator may question the benefits of

a 20 m Level 1 PBS vehicle when a 22 m vehicle combination may be operated under

existing South African regulations.) These will be important factors to consider in this

work and in the future implementation of PBS in South Africa.

Car-carriers present a new and unique opportunity for the application of PBS, the

details of which are discussed in the next section.

1.2.4 Car-carriers

Car-carriers in South Africa typically exist in the form of one of two vehicle

combinations: tractor and semitrailer combinations and truck and tag-trailer

combinations. The term “tag-trailer” is adopted from Australian terminology and denotes

a trailer with no front axles and connected to the preceding vehicle through an A-type

coupling (as opposed to a B-type coupling or fifth wheel). The tag-trailer is

predominantly of the centre-axle type in which the trailer axle group is located

approximately beneath the trailer load centre. Illustrations of the two vehicle types are

shown in Figure 1.1. The vehicles are shown with the dimensions permitted by the

outgoing abnormal load concession. A characteristic feature of existing car-carrier

designs is their large rear overhangs which are commonly of the order of four to six


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Figure 1.1: Typical South African car-carriers: (a) tractor and semitrailer, (b) truck and

centre-axle tag-trailer

The additional 300 mm allowance in height (from 4.3 to 4.6 m) is crucial for increased

productivity. Without the allowance, the number of vehicles that may be carried is

reduced and the possibility of an upper deck of vehicles is unlikely except when

transporting low-profile vehicles. A similar point may be argued for the additional length

(from 18.5 to 19 m for semitrailer configurations and from 22 to 22.5 m for truck-trailer

configurations). Loading optimisation for car-carriers is complex and plays a critical role

in the operation of such a business (see for example [21]).

Of the two options presented to the South African car-carrier industry by the ALTC

(see Section 1.1), the option of adhering to the requirements of the NRTR was considered

uneconomical. Within the PBS framework, car-carriers up to 23 m in length (22 m

excluding load projections) and 4.6 m in height (4.3 m unladen) would be considered for

Level 1 applications.

In Australia, certain states such as South Australia, New South Wales and Northern

Territory have car-carrier-specific regulations (see [22–24]). In some cases the vehicles

operate under special permits and, depending on the routes used and vehicle

configuration, can be up to 23 m or 25 m in length. Rear overhangs are limited to 3.7 m

and, because the width of the load is significantly less than that of the vehicle body, the

load projection may exceed this up to a total rear overhang of 4.9 m. South Australia

limits the unladen length of car-carriers to 19 m and enforces that no multi-deck car-

carriers may operate at a height exceeding 4.3 m (up to 4.6 m) with vehicles on the upper







0.5 m

0.5 m

18.5 m

22 m

Maximum load envelope

Maximum load envelope

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deck unless the lower deck has been filled. South Australia limits car-carrier speed to 100


A review of the literature could find no documented research on the use of PBS to

evaluate car-carrier safety or to use a PBS framework to design car-carriers. In such a

context, the large rear overhangs of the typical car-carrier designs are a cause for concern

for tail swing. This is discussed in detail in the following section.

1.2.5 Tail swing

The current Australian Level 1 tail swing limit of 0.30 m originates from an extensive

analysis of the PBS performance of the existing Australian heavy vehicle fleet, conducted

by the National Road Transport Commission (the NRTC – later to become the NTC) [19].

At the time of the study, the tail swing limit was 0.50 m. In the study, the highest level of

tail swing observed was 0.333 m (this was a car-carrier) and hence a reduction in the tail

swing limit to 0.35 m was recommended. In 2003, the limit was further reduced to 0.30 m

in response to a proposal from the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority [25].

In Australia, heavy vehicle configurations and dimensions are governed by Australian

Design Rule (ADR) 43/04 [20], which governs vehicle rear overhang to a maximum of

3.7 m as measured from the centre of the rearmost axle unit. This limit is retained in the

car-carrier-specific regulations of South Australia and New South Wales. In contrast,

South African Regulations do not stipulate an overriding rear overhang limit, but only

govern it to a percentage of vehicle wheelbase or vehicle length. The result is that rear

overhangs of up to 7 m are possible (for an 11.3 m tridem-axle tag-trailer). Furthermore,

the Regulations allow for vehicle widths of up to 2.6 m whereas in Australia the limit is

2.5 m [20], and this also has an aggravating effect on tail swing performance. A tail swing

limit of 0.30 m, based on the performance of Australian vehicles with strictly limited rear

overhangs, is critical for South African vehicles which were designed within the

comparatively lenient confines of the NRTR.

As tail swing is a critical factor for the PBS compliance of car-carriers, it is desirable

to have a simplified model (i.e. not one developed in a complex multibody dynamics

software package) that can quickly and easily predict the tail swing performance of a

given vehicle or group of vehicles. The optimisation model developed by Dessein et al.

[16] did not evaluate tail swing performance and, in applications with large rear

overhangs, such an inclusion would be valuable. The following section reviews the

literature on low-speed turning models and the application thereof for calculating tail


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1.2.6 Low-speed turn modelling

The NTC’s low-speed turn manoeuvre used to assess tail swing is a ninety-degree

constant-radius turn, with straight entry and exit tangents. It is required that the path be

followed with respect to the outer tyre wall of the outer steer-tyre. The swing-out of the

rearmost outer corner of the vehicle is tracked and measured relative to the entry tangent

to determine tail swing. Other reference points on the vehicle are tracked during the

manoeuvre to determine LSSP, FS, DoM and MoD.

The “WHI formula” (developed by the Western Highway Institute in 1970) is a simple

geometric relationship for determining the low-speed swept path of an articulated vehicle

(see [19]). Although the formula has proven very useful, it has no means for predicting

tail swing behaviour, and relies on predetermined coefficients based on the prescribed

path in question. Furthermore, it does not take into account the effect of tandem and

tridem axle groups on turning behaviour (i.e. due to tyre scrub – see for example [26]).

Wang and Linnett [27] developed a kinematic model based on a rigid, four-wheeled

vehicle. The model is capable of determining the paths of any point on a vehicle or

vehicle combination as it follows a path with respect to any vehicle reference point. It is

hence possible to determine tail swing with this model. The model requires that the path

be mathematically described. Two such cases were analysed in the work, namely straight

and circular paths. Analytical solutions to these cases were derived and the solution

obtained via successive numerical solution of a first order differential equation. The

model simplifies multiple non-steering axles to a single axle located at the geometric

centre of the group, thereby neglecting the effects of tyre scrub.

Erkert et al. [28] used a bicycle model and the “tractrix” concept to determine vehicle

motion. As with Wang and Linnett, analytical relationships were determined for a

mathematically-defined path, requiring the solution of a differential equation for each

motion increment. The formulation was restricted to problems in which the centre of the

steer axle follows the required path. The model shares Wang and Linnett’s simplification

method for multiple non-steering axles. Vehicle overhangs were considered in developing

the model and hence it may be used to determine tail swing.

In 2003, McGovern [29] developed a spreadsheet for the calculation of required

articulated vehicle motion to turn within the constraints of a given entry gate and

confining walls (of a repair yard for example). The model calculates vehicle motion based

on meeting certain clearance requirements between vehicle extremities and confining

walls. The approach is similar to the tractrix approach of Erkert et al. [28] but solves the

problem using a step-wise geometric method. The model is limited in its application to

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turning within the restraints of a given geometry, and cannot (without modification) be

applied to problems in which a prescribed path is followed. As the model was developed

as a spreadsheet, the number of solution steps and hence step size is limited, thereby

restricting the accuracy of the model. Again, the model simplifies tandem and tridem axle

units to single axles located at the geometric centres of the respective axle groups.

All of the above models simplify multiple non-steering rear axle groups to a single

axle located at the geometric centre of each group – effectively neglecting tyre scrub. In

1972, Morrison [30] developed a low-speed turning model which included non-linear tyre

mechanics to incorporate tyre scrub. The model uses an “instantaneous centre” method

which advances the vehicle an incremental distance, and assumes rigid rotation about a

calculated instantaneous centre to determine the subsequent yaw angle.

The model uses a calculated “effective length” which equates to the location of an

effective single non-steering rear axle emulating the effects of tyre scrub or – it is

important to note – the effects of lateral hitch forces. Tyre scrub effects (due to slip angles

generated) need not be a result of multiple non-steering rear axles: the lateral component

of an applied hitch force will also result in slip angles being generated to balance

moments, even for a single rear axle. Morrison noted that the effect of towing forces on

offtracking are small, yielding an error of up to 2%. The model calculates effective length

via an iterative procedure at each incremental step. The model incorporates steer-tyre


Morrison’s model is extensive and the validation results show it to be reasonably

accurate. However, the iterative solution method required for yaw angle and effective

length calculation necessary at each incremental step means that the model is

computationally demanding. Furthermore, the incorporation of tyre mechanics modelling

necessitates the availability of tyre cornering stiffness properties.

In a 1998 study [31], Winkler and Aurell presented an “equivalent wheelbase”

principle, similar in concept to Morrison’s effective length, for the analysis of rigid truck

steady-state handling (i.e. not restricted to low-speed turning). The equivalent wheelbase

represents the wheelbase of an equivalent two-axle vehicle that would yield the same

steady-state handling behaviour as a vehicle with multiple rear axles. Whereas Morrison’s

effective length must be recalculated for each incremental step due to non-linear tyre

properties, Winkler and Aurell’s equivalent wheelbase is constant for a given vehicle

owing to the assumption of linear tyre stiffness properties.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (37)


1.2.7 Significance of this research

In the light of the published literature, the significance of this research lies in the

following areas:

1. A research gap exists to develop a low-speed turning model – which incorporates

the benefits of certain existing models (such as the versatility of McGovern’s

geometric approach to the tractrix problem) but omits the shortcomings of others

(such as the computational demands of Morrison’s model, and the lack of tyre

scrub modelling in others) – which can assess the tail swing performance of South

African car-carriers.

2. There is no published evidence of PBS assessments of car-carriers in South Africa

or elsewhere, and as a result the low- and high-speed safety performance of these

vehicles is unknown. Such assessments would further the application of PBS,

especially in South Africa where the initiative is still in its infancy, and address

concerns of the South African road transport authorities.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this work are to:

1. develop a mathematical model capable of assessing the low-speed turning

performance of car-carriers, which should

a. be accurate for a range of vehicle configurations,

b. be able to track the motion paths of any point of any vehicle unit and hence

determine LSSP, TS, FS, MoD and DoM,

c. be compatible with the steer-tyre path-following requirement of the Australian

PBS scheme, and

d. take into account the tyre scrub effect of multiple non-steering rear axles;

2. use the model to quantify and benchmark the tail swing performance of the

existing South African car-carrier fleet;

3. assess two proposed car-carrier designs (one tractor and semitrailer combination

and one truck and tag-trailer combination) against the requirements of the

Australian PBS scheme; and,

4. if necessary, address any shortcomings of the proposed designs.

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1.4 Methodology and Resources

Matlab® was used to develop the low-speed turning model and TruckSim

® was used as

the detailed multibody vehicle simulation package for the full PBS assessments. Matlab®

was also used for the post-processing of TruckSim® data. The versions of the software

packages used were as follows:

Matlab® (© The MathWorks Inc.) R2007a (V7.4)

TruckSim® (© Mechanical Simulation Corporation) V8.01

The South African car-carrier tail swing study was split into two components. The first

component quantitatively assessed the tail swing performance of the existing South

African car-carrier fleet. Basic dimensions of a representative sample of existing car-

carriers were obtained, and the car-carriers were assessed using the low-speed turning

model. The second component of the study was to compare this performance to what is

legally possible within the prescriptive framework of South African legislation. For this

purpose, the South African Regulations were consulted to establish a number of vehicles

with worst-case legal dimensions to determine the allowable tail swing.

The detailed PBS assessments included two vehicle designs – one tractor and

semitrailer and one truck and tag-trailer as required – as proposed by local car-carrier

body-builder, Unipower (Natal). Using TruckSim®, detailed models of these two vehicles

were developed and assessed in each of the five required manoeuvres: a low-speed turn, a

longitudinal tracking test, a rollover test, a single lane-change and a pulse steer (see Table

1.1). The input data required for the vehicle models were sourced from the relevant

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Where unavailable, suitable representative

data were sourced from the literature or suitable estimation techniques were used.

The vehicles were initially assessed as per the proposed designs. These are termed the

“baseline vehicles”. Through the baseline vehicle assessments, the shortcomings of the

vehicle designs in respect of meeting the PBS criteria were determined. Suitable design

modifications were made and the revised vehicles were assessed to confirm compliance.

The low-speed turning model and detailed PBS assessments are presented in the two

central chapters of this dissertation, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 respectively. Each chapter

contains the development, application and chapter-specific conclusions of the respective

studies. Chapter 4 serves to present the all-encompassing observations, conclusions and

recommendations of the work as applicable to the broader context of the PBS initiative in

South Africa.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (39)


Chapter 2

Low-Speed Turning Model

This chapter covers the development of a mathematical model which can predict the low-

speed manoeuvrability of a vehicle or vehicle combination given only its basic

dimensions. The term manoeuvrability is used here to mean the directional behaviour of a

vehicle as it follows a prescribed path at low speed. In the context of performance-based

standards, the model can predict LSSP, TS, FS, DoM and MoD. The chapter develops as


1. Preliminary concepts are formulated and discussed.

2. The mathematical foundations of the model are developed, including the

incorporation of steer-tyre path-following and the modelling of tyre scrub.

3. The model is validated against equivalent TruckSim® models for a number of

representative scenarios.

4. The validated model is used to quantify and benchmark the tail swing

performance of the existing South African car-carrier fleet.

2.1 Preliminaries

This section covers details of the low-speed turn manoeuvre and associated performance

standards, and summarises the concept development phase of the model.

2.1.1 Low-speed turn manoeuvre and associated standards

This section expands on the brief description of the low-speed turn manoeuvre given in

Chapter 1, giving the details required for the remainder of the current chapter.

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The manoeuvre required for the assessment of LSSP, TS, FS, DoM, MoD and STFD

is a ninety-degree turn of radius 12.5 m. This path is represented graphically in Figure 2.1

with entry and exit tangents aligned with the negative Y and positive X axes respectively.

X, Y and Z represent the global earth-fixed coordinate system (with Z defined as positive

upwards). This particular choice of axis orientation is recommended as any deviations

from the entry and exit tangents can be inferred directly from the global x and y

coordinates. This is useful when determining tail swing and frontal swing.

Figure 2.1: Ninety-degree low-speed turn as prescribed by the NTC

The path must be followed with respect to the vertical projection of the outermost

point on the left steer-tyre wall (see Figure 2.2). In this work, this is denoted “steer-tyre

path-following”. The NTC requires that a lateral offset of no more than 50 mm be

maintained between the steer-tyre wall and the path for the duration of the manoeuvre.

With reference to Figure 2.1, the vehicle begins the manoeuvre with the leftmost tyre wall

of the left steer-tyre aligned with the Y axis at point A and facing the positive Y direction.

The entire vehicle combination must be straight at this point. The vehicle follows the path

towards point B and continues along the exit tangent of the path until the point of

maximum offtracking has been reached (to be described shortly). The test is conducted at

a speed of no more than 5 km/h and the vehicle must be tested both laden and unladen.

Y (m)

X (m)

R = 12.5 m








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Figure 2.2: Steer-tyre path-following

Figure 2.3 shows an example tractor and semitrailer combination performing the

prescribed manoeuvre. The trajectories of various vehicle reference points are shown. A

discussion of the significance of these trajectories, and how they relate to the various low-

speed performance standards follows.

Figure 2.3: Illustration of the low-speed manoeuvrability standards (example shown for a

tractor and semitrailer combination)

Vertical projection of

outer steer tyre wall

Prescribed path







Front corner (tractor)

Front corner (semitrailer)

Rear corner (semitrailer)

Inner edge (semitrailer)

Prescribed path

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During the turn, the non-steering rear axles of a vehicle, or of any of the vehicles

within a combination, will always track inside of the path of the steer axle (or hitch point

for trailers) [32]. The longer the wheelbase of a particular vehicle, the more pronounced

this offtracking will be. In a ninety-degree turn, the offtracking increases to a maximum

and eventually reduces to zero as the vehicle straightens out along the exit tangent. This is

unlike a steady-state turn sometimes used in manoeuvrability tests, in which the vehicle

will settle into a constant slip angle relative to the prescribed path (usually circular),

resulting in constant steady-state offtracking.

The maximum offtracking is termed low-speed swept path or “LSSP”. It is defined as

the maximum perpendicular distance between the innermost and outermost trajectories of

the vehicle. Its magnitude is also affected by the amount of front corner swing-out and

not only the rear axle offtracking. Excessive offtracking or road width usage increases the

risk of collision with other vehicles, roadside furniture or pedestrians.

During the initial stage of the turn, the rear outer corner of the vehicle will typically

swing outwards as the yaw angle of the vehicle increases relative to the Y axis. This is

more pronounced on vehicles with large rear overhangs and is known as tail swing (TS).

The implications of tail swing are similar to those of LSSP: the tail can swing out into

adjacent lanes or into the vicinity of sidewalks and emergency lanes, posing a threat to

other vehicles, and to pedestrians and cyclists. For vehicles possessing actively-steered

trailers, tail swing may also occur during the exit of the turn. Tail swing is measured

relative to the entry tangent of the prescribed path (and to the exit tangent if there is

swing-out during exit). Figure 2.3 shows an enlarged view of the trajectory of the rear

outer corner of the semitrailer in the entry region of the turn, which describes how tail

swing is measured. Note that tail swing may occur in each of the vehicle units in a


In the region in which the steer-tyre approaches the exit tangent, the front corner of the

leading vehicle (truck or truck-tractor) will reach a point of maximum swing-out in the Y

direction. This maximum swing-out is known as frontal swing or “FS” and is measured

relative to the exit tangent of the prescribed path.

For vehicle combinations consisting of one or more semitrailers, the semitrailers will

also exhibit front corner swing-out in the exit region of the turn. It is important that a

semitrailer does not swing out significantly more than the preceding vehicle. A driver is

typically able to visually judge the swing-out of the front corner of the leading vehicle

and navigate a turn accordingly, whilst avoiding roadside obstacles or other vehicles. It is

more difficult however to judge or observe the swing-out of trailing units. If one of the

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (43)


trailing units were to swing out significantly more than the leading vehicle, collision with

one of the afore-mentioned obstacles may result. To address this risk, the NTC has

defined two standards, namely difference of maxima (DoM) and maximum of difference

(MoD). DoM is a measure of the difference in maximum frontal swing-out of adjacent

vehicle units (i.e. a truck and coupled semitrailer, or a leading semitrailer and coupled

following semitrailer), and MoD is a measure of the maximum difference between the

frontal swing-out trajectories of adjacent vehicle units at any point along the exit tangent.

Figure 2.3 shows an enlarged view of the front corner trajectories of the tractor and

semitrailer in the exit region of the turn which assists in the description of FS, DoM and


2.1.2 Motivation to develop a new low-speed turning model

A summary of existing low-speed turning models and their shortcomings follows:

1. The WHI formula [19] can only predict low-speed swept-path, requires

predetermined coefficients unique to the path geometry, does not include tyre

scrub effects and cannot incorporate steer-tyre path-following.

2. Wang and Linnet’s model [27] requires the path to be mathematically defined,

requires tyre cornering stiffness to be specified and does not model tyre scrub.

3. Erkert et al.’s method [28] uses a tractrix method, the path must be

mathematically defined, and steer-tyre path-following and tyre scrub are not

accounted for.

4. McGovern’s spreadsheet implementation of the tractrix method [29] solves the

problem geometrically which negates the need for mathematically-defined paths

and the solution of differential equations. However, the spreadsheet environment

limits the accuracy of the model, and tyre scrub effects and steer-tyre path-

following are not accounted for.

5. Morrison’s model [30] incorporates tyre scrub effects by deriving an “effective

length” parameter, is computationally inefficient and requires the availability of

tyre stiffness properties.

6. Winkler and Aurell’s [31] equivalent wheelbase concept is a useful and simpler

alternative to Morrison’s effective length.

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Considering the above points and recalling the objectives in Section 1.3, the geometric

tractrix method was redeveloped in Matlab® in this research, incorporating steer-tyre

path-following, tyre scrub and the ability to calculate LSSP, TS, FS, DoM and MoD.

2.2 Development of a New Low-Speed Turning Model

This section outlines the mathematical development of the model, beginning with the

geometric tractrix method, followed by the incorporation of steer-tyre path-following,

tyre scrub modelling, and reference point tracking.

2.2.1 Tractrix method

Predicting the motion of the rear axle of a vehicle as the front axle follows a set path, can

be formulated as a problem in which the leading edge of a rigid link is made to transcribe

a certain path while the trailing edge of the link follows passively (restrained to motion in

the direction of the link axis). The curve transcribed by the trailing point on the link, or

the rear axle of the vehicle, is called a “tractrix” curve [28]. The tractrix concept can be

used to build a low-speed vehicle turning model.

Figure 2.4 shows a bicycle model of a rigid vehicle following a prescribed path with

respect to the centre of the steering axle. The model assumes pure rolling motion of the

wheels (no tyre stiffness effects) and possesses only three degrees of freedom (yaw and

in-plane translation). The steering axle is represented by point A and the rear axle by

point B. The vehicle has wheelbase WB and the yaw angle of the vehicle relative to the

global X axis is denoted by ζ. Individual solution steps are recognised by the counter i

where 1 ≤ i ≤ ε. The vehicle advances a distance ΔsA along the path from point A(i–1) to

point A(i) and the rear axle advances ΔsB in the direction of A(i–1) from point B(i–1) to

point B(i). This movement of the rear axle is an approximation that approaches

theoretically exact behaviour as ΔsA tends towards zero.

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Figure 2.4: Geometric estimation of the tractrix method

The prescribed path is taken to be a given input, in discretised form, with ε denoting

the total number of straight-line segments into which the path is broken (i.e. the total

number of incremental steps, i). If (xP(i),yP(i)) represents a general point on the

discretised path, the requirement that point A follows the path can be described

mathematically as









For the ninety-degree turn, assuming the entry tangent to be aligned with the Y axis,




The advancement from point A(i–1) to A(i) can be characterised by a displacement, ΔsA,

and direction, α, as


iiyixis AAA













ζ(i) – α(i)





ζ(i–1) – ζ(i)


n of travel

Path of centre of

steer axle WB






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Geometry gives the yaw angle, ζ, and rear axle coordinates, (xB(i),yB(i)), at step i to be





iiisii A











In the case of a vehicle combination consisting of two or more vehicles (or “vehicle

units”), the same equations apply for each individual vehicle, except that for trailer units

the hitch point takes the place of the steer axle. Let j denote the individual vehicle unit,

and let N denote the total number of vehicle units in the combination (including dollies).

Assuming the hitch point to be aligned with the longitudinal axis of the preceding vehicle,

and denoting its location rearward of the steer axle (or preceding hitch point) as H, the

global coordinates of the hitch point Aj are described as















Thereafter, Equations (2.2) to (2.8) apply as before with the simple addition of the vehicle

subscript, j. Equations (2.9) to (2.16) represent the generalised solution of the basic

geometric model for a vehicle combination consisting of any number of vehicle units.1












)1( Njj
















iiyixis jAjAjA








1 Using these basic model equations, axle trajectories were found to converge to within 1 mm

using a constant step size of 5 mm to discretise the input path.

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2.2.2 Steer-tyre path-following

The preceding derivation of the tractrix method was based on the leading vehicle

following the path with respect to the centre of the steer axle. To achieve steer-tyre path-

following, some adjustments to the model must be made.

Whereas Morrison’s instantaneous centre method allows a choice of path-following

reference point, the tractrix method does not. An alternative method of obtaining steer-

tyre path-following was hence required. With reference to Figure 2.5, at the

commencement of the turn (location 1), by laterally offsetting the steer axle from the

prescribed path, A, by a distance T/2 (half the “steer-tyre track width” – defined here as

the distance between extreme tyre walls), the outer steer-tyre wall will be aligned with the

prescribed path as desired. As the vehicle follows path B into the turn however (general

location 2), the steer axle is no longer perpendicular to the prescribed path, and so the

steer-tyre wall will no longer be aligned with path A as intended. The lateral offset of T/2

is only applicable at the commencement of the turn. At all subsequent points, a non-

constant offset, e, between the outer steer-tyre wall and the prescribed path must be

accounted for as illustrated in the figure. This offset easily exceeds the NTC allowance of

50 mm.

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Figure 2.5: The effect of offsetting the prescribed path by half the steer-tyre track width

(T/2) in a first attempt at achieving steer-tyre path-following

The methodology employed to achieve steer-tyre path-following was as follows:

1. The prescribed path, A, is redefined as perpendicularly offset by half the steer-tyre

track width (T/2) towards the centre of the turn to give a new offset path, B.

2. A preliminary solution is found solving Equations (2.1) to (2.7) considering only

the leading vehicle following path B. (Solving for trailing vehicles at this stage is

irrelevant and would only increase computation time.)

3. Using this preliminary solution, the lateral offset, e, between the path of the steer-

tyre wall and the prescribed path is calculated using







where ψ is the turn angle (see Figure 2.5) and ranges from 0° to 90° during the

turn and remains constant at 90° during the exit tangent.

4. Path B is then redefined, subtracting e(i) from the original T/2 offset, to give path

C (see Figure 2.6).

















Steer axle at initial position, laterally

offset from prescribed path by T/2



on o

f tr


A: Prescribed path

(steer-tyre wall)

B: Offset path



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5. The final solution is found solving Equations (2.9) to (2.16) as the leading vehicle

follows path C, with the steer-tyre wall following path A as required.

Figure 2.6: Second path offset of e(i) to successfully achieve steer-tyre path-following

The above method does not take into account the fact that the steer angle would cause

the outermost point of the tyre to lie off the axle centreline. Furthermore, the method

assumes the kingpin is located a lateral distance T/2 from the axle centre when in reality

the kingpin is located inside of this point. For the NTC 12.5 m radius ninety-degree turn,

these effects were negligible.

2.2.3 Tyre scrub

Due to large payloads, trucks and trailers commonly utilise axle groups consisting of two

or more axles. Such axle groups are predominantly non-steering and result in slip angles

being generated which effect the vehicle’s turning behaviour.

Figure 2.7 (a) shows a bicycle model of a two-axle rigid truck in a low-speed turning

manoeuvre. The arrows indicate the direction of travel of the tyres. The perpendiculars to





Steer axle at initial position, laterally offset

from prescribed path by T/2 – e(1) = T/2



on o

f tr


A: Prescribed path

(steer-tyre wall)

B: Offset path




C: Final path



Steer axle at a general position, laterally

offset from prescribed path by T/2 – e(i)

Steer-tyre wall successfully

follows prescribed path

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (50)


the tyre directions of travel intersect at the centre of the turn and no slip angles or lateral

tyre forces are generated. The tyres experience pure rolling motion and this scenario is

denoted “Ackerman turning” [32]. Figure 2.7 (b) shows an identical vehicle but with two

non-steering rear axles. Because the two rear axles are parallel to each other,

perpendicular lines projected along their axes can never meet at the centre of the turn.

Slip angles δ2 and δ3 and lateral forces Fy,2 and Fy,3 are generated. The two lateral forces

act in opposing directions and generate a yaw moment. To counter this moment, a slip

angle δ1 and lateral force Fy,1 are developed at the steer axle.

Figure 2.7: Effect of multiple non-steering rear axles on the low-speed turning behaviour of a

rigid truck: (a) single rear axle, and (b) dual non-steering rear axles

To model these effects, Winkler and Aurell proposed the “equivalent wheelbase”

principle [31]. This is based upon the premise that a vehicle with multiple non-steering

axles with wheelbase WB may be reduced to an equivalent two-axle vehicle with

equivalent wheelbase WBEq, producing the same steady-state turning behaviour. The

principle is illustrated in Figure 2.8 (adapted from [31] for the specific case of low-speed

turning). The broken lines represent a bicycle model of a rigid truck with two non-

steering rear axles. The equivalent two-axle vehicle is depicted by the continuous lines.

The vehicle has geometric wheelbase WB and the distance to each non-steering axle from

the geometric centre of the axle group is denoted by Δ.

Fy,3 Fy,2 Fy,1

δ3 δ2



(a) (b)

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Figure 2.8: Equivalent wheelbase principle illustrated for a three-axle rigid truck (adapted

from [31] for the specific case of low-speed turning)

The wheelbase of the equivalent two axle vehicle may be defined as












where TF is denoted the “tandem factor” in m2, and Cα,f/r is the sum of the cornering

stiffnesses of the front/rear tyres in N/° (where cornering stiffness is, in a linearized tyre

model, the constant of proportionality between a tyre’s slip angle and the resultant lateral

force developed, i.e. Fy = Cα·δ). Equation (2.18) assumes the effects of dual tyres to be

negligible relative to the effect of multiple non-steering axles, and that each of the rear

axles is subjected to equal vertical loads and fitted with identical linear tyres. For a

vehicle with n non-steering rear axles, the tandem factor, TF, is defined as








The second term in Equation (2.18) may be interpreted as the position of the

equivalent rear axle rearward of the geometric centre of the original rear axle group, and

the third term may be interpreted as the position of the equivalent steer axle forward of its

original position. In the specific case of low-speed turning, this equivalent vehicle model

develops no slip angles or lateral forces and satisfies the Ackerman turning condition.




Fy,3 Fy,2 Fy,1












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Winkler and Aurell showed that Equation (2.18) addresses the effect of tyre scrub in

steady-state vehicle handling analyses of a rigid truck with multiple non-steering rear

axles. The study was concerned with the steady-state relationships between lateral

acceleration, steer angle, turn radius, velocity and wheelbase. No consideration was given

to the tracking of vehicle reference points. In the context of a low-speed geometric model,

it is necessary to disregard the third term in Equation (2.18) in increasing the trailing

distance of the rear axle from WB to WBEq. The second term addresses the effect of the

multiple non-steering axles on the trailing behaviour of the rear axle group, a necessary

requirement for the low-speed turning model. The third term addresses the change in steer

angle that the equivalent vehicle model incurs to achieve the same behaviour as the actual

vehicle when considering variables such as are associated with handing diagrams. This is

of no relevance here and can be ignored. A positive implication of this is that the

geometric model is insensitive to tyre cornering stiffness – although the model assumes

that all tyres exhibit identical and linear cornering stiffness properties.

The low-speed turn in question is a transient manoeuvre, in that the vehicle does not

stabilise to a fixed level of steady-state offtracking as it would do in a sustained circular

turn (see Section 2.1.1). It may seem, therefore, that Winkler and Aurell’s equivalent

wheelbase principle, derived using the assumption of steady-state turning, has been used

beyond its scope. In the context of Winkler and Aurell’s study however, steady-state is

taken to mean constant acceleration (e.g. constant lateral acceleration and constant

forward velocity). For example, steady-state “handling diagrams” are typically generated

by driving a vehicle along a circular path and incrementally increasing the vehicle’s speed

at a low rate of around 0.1·g [32]. Although the speed is increasing (and so therefore is

lateral acceleration), the rate at which it does so is small enough such that a pseudo-

steady-state is achieved and suitable steady-state data may be inferred at each of the

speed increments. In the context of the low-speed turn, the speed has been assumed low

enough such that acceleration is zero, i.e. constant. Furthermore, due to the low speed

during the turn, the rate at which changes in vehicle parameters such as slip angles occur

is low. The turn is therefore a pseudo-steady-state turn in the context of Winkler and

Aurell’s study, and the equivalent wheelbase principle may be used.

Although Winkler and Aurell’s argument was presented for the case of a rigid truck,

the same may be applied to trailers. The primary difference is that the hitch point of the

trailer effectively becomes the steer axle. However, another difference lies in the fact that

lateral hitch forces are not present in the case of a rigid truck. Adding trailers introduces

this complexity to each of the vehicle units in the combination – a complexity that is not

incorporated into the derivation of the equivalent wheelbase concept. The effects of hitch

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forces on the equivalent wheelbase were assumed negligible in line with the findings of

Morrison [30]. For larger turn radii (and hence smaller articulation angles) the effects of

this assumption would decrease. With the above considerations, Equation (2.18) becomes







Denoting the axle spacing (the distance between adjacent axles within an axle group)

as d, Equation (2.19) may be substituted into Equation (2.20) to yield the three common

cases of a single rear axle, tandem rear axle group and tridem rear axle group as shown in

Equations (2.21), (2.22) and (2.23) respectively.


jEqj WBWB ,



2 ,2 2,1, jjjj dd












jjjjj dd 3,2,1, ,0 ,









For the general case of n non-steering rear axles, the values for Δj,i to Δj,n may be

calculated according to whether the number of axles is odd or even. For example, if n is

an odd number, Δj,1 = 0, Δj,2 = Δj,3 = d, Δj,4 = Δj,5 = 2·d, Δj,6 = Δj,7 = 3·d etc. according to

a basic numerical pattern. If n is an even number, Δj,1 = Δj,2 = (1/2)·d, Δj,3 = Δj,4 = (3/2)·d,

Δj,5 = Δj,6 = (5/2)·d etc. These types of patterns are easily implementable in Matlab®. The

model therefore theoretically caters for any number of non-steering rear axles. WBj,Eq may

be substituted for WBj in Equations (2.9) to (2.16) to incorporate the effects of multiple

non-steering rear axles.

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2.2.4 Reference point tracking

Having derived the motion paths of the front and rear axle centres for all vehicles,

inferring the motions of any reference point on any vehicle reduces to a simple geometric

problem. For the purposes of calculating LSSP, TS, FS, DoM and MoD, three vehicle

reference points are required: a front outer corner, a rear outer corner, and the innermost

edge of the vehicle (the trajectory of which is used to deduce LSSP). The three points

may be described in the jth vehicle’s reference frame by the following parameters:

FClong,j: Front outer corner, longitudinal location forward of the steer axle/hitch.

FClat,j: Front outer corner, lateral location to the left of the vehicle axis.

RClong,j: Rear outer corner, longitudinal location rearward of the steer axle/hitch.

RClat,j: Rear outer corner, lateral location to the left of the vehicle axis.

IElat,j: Inner edge used for LSSP tracking, lateral location to the right of the

vehicle axis. The longitudinal location if this point rearward of the steer

axle/hitch is taken to be WBj,Eq.

Hereafter, unless otherwise stated, the terms “front corner”, “rear corner” and “inner

edge” will be taken to mean the “front outer corner giving rise to the maximum frontal

swing-out,” “rear outer corner giving rise to the maximum tail swing-out,” and “the

innermost edge relative to the curvature of the prescribed path giving rise to the

maximum swept path.” The global coordinates (xFC,j(i),yFC,j(i)), (xRC,j(i),yRC,j(i)) and

(xIE,j(i),yIE,j(i)), representing the trajectories of the front corner, rear corner and inner edge

respectively, are described by (for all 1 ≤ i ≤ ε and 1 ≤ j ≤ N)























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Figure 2.9 illustrates the three vehicle reference points (in the vehicle’s frame of

reference) and their associated coordinates (in the global frame of reference). Figure 2.3

illustrates the trajectories formed by the motion of these reference points (for the example

case of a tractor and semitrailer) and the associated measurement of LSSP, TS, FS, DoM

and MoD. The two figures should be used for reference in the following discussion.

Figure 2.9: Vehicle reference points and associated global coordinates

Due to the manner in which the prescribed path was described in the global reference

frame – with the entry and exit tangents aligned with the negative Y and positive X axes

respectively – tail swing and frontal swing may be deduced from minimum x and

maximum y values respectively over the extent of the manoeuvre. The tail swing for

individual vehicle units, TSj, is calculated using


1)(minTS ,


iix jRCj


The overall maximum tail swing, TS, is hence


FC long FC


RC long















Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (56)


.)1(TSmaxTS Njj


Frontal swing is defined as the maximum swing-out of the front corner of the first vehicle

unit and may be found using

.)1()(maxFS 1, iiyFC


Difference of maxima is simply the difference in frontal swing-out of adjacent

vehicles units where one of the vehicles is a semitrailer. Due to the manner in which

vehicle units were defined to include dollies, care must be taken to note when an adjacent

vehicle unit, i.e. vehicle unit (j+1), is a dolly. In such a case, the algorithm is made aware

of the fact and utilises the subsequent vehicle, (j+2), in the calculation instead. The

subsequent DoM calculation will start with vehicle unit (j+2) and not (j+1), and the value

of DoM for vehicle j (in front of the dolly) is simply set to zero. N–1 values of DoM will

be calculated. So, for the case of adjacent vehicles not incorporating a dolly (such as a

tractor and semitrailer), DoMj may be calculated according to

.)1()(max)(maxDoM 1,, iiyiy jFCjFCj


If the vehicle at position (j+1) is a dolly, as would be the case for a truck and full-trailer

combination, the equation becomes

.)1()(max)(maxDoM 2,, iiyiy jFCjFCj


The overall reportable result for DoMj is

.11DoMmaxDoM Njj


MoD and LSSP are not as straight forward to calculate as TS, FS and DoM, and

require additional data manipulation. The calculation of MoD will be described first.

The trajectory of the front corner of the leading vehicle in question, j, was arbitrarily

selected as the baseline trajectory from which to calculate MoDj. To save computation

time, it is unnecessary to consider values of yFC,j less than zero (see Figure 2.10 where X

and Y represent the global, “earth-fixed” coordinate system). Thereafter, for each

coordinate point (xFC,j(i),yFC,j(i)), the difference between the swing-out of the jth vehicle

unit and the vehicle unit in position (j+1) or (j+2) (as applicable) may be calculated.

Because the ith coordinate of yFC,j and the i

th coordinate of yFC,j+1 (or yFC,j+2) will not, in

general, share the same x coordinate, MoDj cannot be calculated as the difference

between yFC,j(i) and yFC,j+1(i) (or yFC,j(i) and yFC,j+2(i)). As an approximation, it can be

calculated by interpolating yFC,j+1(i) or yFC,j+2(i) at an x value of xFC,j(i).

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (57)


Figure 2.10: MoD calculation method

The variable Diffj, as described in Figure 2.10, is defined as










or, if vehicle unit (j+1) is a dolly,


, ixjFCjFCjjFC



In the interest of further reducing computation time, the steps after which Diffj(i) starts to

decline in magnitude may be disregarded as only one maximum will exist. MoDj may be

calculated using




iiDiff jj


and the overall reportable value of MoD will be

.11MoDmaxMoD Njj


LSSP is defined as the maximum swept path width between the trajectory of the front

corner of the leading vehicle unit and that of the inner edge of the rearmost vehicle unit.

The swept path width is a maximum at the point where the width is perpendicular to both

the inner and outer path trajectories. Therefore, if for each step a line was projected

perpendicularly from the first trajectory until it intersected the second, and the length of

this line was measured, the point at which this line reached its maximum length would be

the point that it was perpendicular to the second trajectory, and this length would be the


Stop when

Diff(i) < Diff(i-1) Start when

yFC,j(i) > 0





Front corner trajectory,

vehicle j+1

Front corner trajectory,

vehicle j

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (58)


maximum swept path width. The details of this approach are now discussed with the aid

of Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11: LSSP solution method

Taking (xFC,1,yFC,1) to be the outer trajectory, the gradient, γFC,1(i), of a line passing

through each point perpendicular to the path’s tangent at that point may be determined.

Matlab® contains built-in functions that were used for this purpose. The Y intercept of

this line, cFC,1(i), may be determined by substituting xFC,1(i), yFC,1(i) and γFC,1(i) into

.)1()()()()( 1,1,1,1, iixiiyic FCFCFCFC


The intercept of this line with the inner trajectory, (xIE,N,yIE,N) may be determined via

various means. An example is the “intersections.mat” m-file developed by Douglas M.

Schwarz, Copyright (c) 2008, which is freely available for public use and can calculate

the intersections of any two curves characterised by two sets of (x,y) coordinates.

However, such a method is computationally very expensive, especially for the size of data

arrays anticipated in the geometric model. A simplified method was derived in order to

reduce the computation time.

For each step, i, the perpendicular line y = γFC,1(i)·x + cFC,1(i) is constructed as

discussed above. For each of these steps in turn, for every qth point on the inner path, the

“residual”, Res, representing the ordinate distance from the line to the point (xIE,N(q),

yIE,N(q)), may be calculated. This is done by first substituting xIE,N(q) into








ith point on

outer path



qth point on

inner path

qth intersection


)()( 1,1, icixy FCFC


Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (59)



iicqxiqiy FCNIEFC


1)()()(),( 1,,1,int


and then calculating the residual according to


iqiyqyqiRes IE


1),()(),( int


to give an ε-by-ε Res matrix.

For each point i, the qth point at which Res(i,q) is a minimum, qminRes(i), represents the

point at which the perpendicular line projected from the first curve approximately

intersects the second. The length of this line segment is denoted SPW(i) and may be

determined according to



minRes,1, ))(()())(()()( iqyiyiqxixiSPW NIEFCNIEFC


for all 1 ≤ i ≤ ε, from which LSSP can be calculated according to

. )(maxLSSP iSPW


In order to further reduce computation time, because the magnitude of SPW(i) is typically

three orders of magnitude larger than the incremental step size, negligible accuracy is lost

by using a step size notably larger than that used in the original calculations. A step size

of 0.1 m proved suitable for the calculation of LSSP.

The mathematical foundations of the geometric model have been presented, and the

implementation of the model in Matlab® is covered in Appendix B.

2.3 Validation

The geometric model was validated using TruckSim®, a commercially available vehicle

dynamics software package. TruckSim® is a product of many years of heavy vehicle

research and experimental validation at the University of Michigan Transportation

Research Institute (UMTRI), and is deemed to be a suitably accurate simulation tool

against which to validate the geometric model. Two representative car-carrier

configurations were selected for model validation: a truck and tag-trailer combination or

“Vehicle 1”, and a tractor and semitrailer combination or “Vehicle 2”. Details of the two

vehicles are given in Table 2.1.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (60)


Table 2.1: Vehicle parameters for model validation

Parameter Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2

Truck Trailer Tractor Semitrailer

Steer-tyre track width (m) 2.494 - 2.277 -

Wheelbase (m) 4.083 9.000 3.800 9.600

No. of rear axles 2 3 1 2

Axle spacing (m) 1.365 1.360 - 1.350

Single/Dual tyres Dual Single Dual Single

Suspension Steel Steel Steel Air

Hitch location (m) 5.745 - 3.400 -

FClong (m) 1.300 - 1.200 1.700

FClat (m) 1.300 - 1.200 1.300

RClong (m) 7.000 14.500 - 13.700

RClat (m) 1.300 1.300 - 1.300

IElat (m) 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300

Additional vehicle configurations were introduced by increasing and decreasing each

trailer wheelbase by 1 m; increasing the number of validation cases to six. Furthermore,

single, tandem and tridem trailer axle groups were assessed for each trailer. To identify

the error introduced by variations in parameters to which the geometric model is not

sensitive, dual tyre and unladen trailer scenarios were also investigated. The effect of the

number of trailer axles was investigated using an unladen vehicle so as to reduce the

skewing of the results due to unrealistic load scenarios – i.e. it is unrealistic to support a

load designed to be supported by three axles with only one axle. A summary of the

scenarios considered for the two vehicles is shown in Table 2.2. Fourteen scenarios were

considered in total – one original and six variations of each vehicle configuration.

Table 2.2: Validation scenario matrix

Scenario Trailer axles Trailer

tyres Trailer

load Trailer

wheelbase Veh. 1 Veh. 2

1 3 2 Single Laden Original

2 3 2 Dual Laden Original

3 3 2 Single Laden Original + 1 m

4 3 2 Single Laden Original – 1 m

5 3 2 Single Unladen Original

6 2 1 Single Unladen Original

7 1 3 Single Unladen Original

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (61)


Validation results for LSSP, TS and FS are shown in Figure 2.12, Figure 2.13 and

Figure 2.14 respectively. DoM and MoD results for Vehicle 2 are shown in Figure 2.15.

The broken diagonal line in each figure represents equality between the geometric model

results and TruckSim® results – the nearer the data are to this line, the smaller the

discrepancy between models. The overall agreement of results between geometric and

TruckSim® models was good. Results for Vehicle 1 corroborated less well than those of

for Vehicle 2. For the cases considered, the geometric model marginally over-predicted

LSSP but under-predicted TS, DoM and MoD. Results for FS were mostly under-

predicted by the geometric model. An under-prediction is preferred as this yields

conservative estimates of vehicle performance.

Figure 2.12: Validation results, low-speed swept path

Figure 2.13: Validation results, tail swing






5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5






c m


el (


LSSP - TruckSim (m)

Vehicle 1

Vehicle 2







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





c m


el (


TS - TruckSim (m)

Vehicle 1 (truck)

Vehicle 1 (trailer)

Vehicle 2

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (62)


Figure 2.14: Validation results, frontal swing

Figure 2.15: Validation results, difference of maxima and maximum of difference

Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 contain the actual validation differences for Vehicles 1 and 2

respectively. Included in each table is the maximum lateral offset between the prescribed

path and the trajectory of the outer steer-tyre wall achieved by the TruckSim® simulation.

This offset is primarily a function of the driver controller settings, is largely

unpredictable, and varies with vehicle configuration and parameters such as tyre

properties. Obtaining an offset less than 15 mm is not often achievable, and some

vehicles can result in offsets much higher. The values achieved here are within the

prescribed 50 mm offset allowance [4], but comparable in magnitude to many of the

differences observed between the results of the model and those of TruckSim®. This






0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60





c m


el (


FS - TruckSim (m)

Vehicle 1

Vehicle 2










0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


, M





c m


el (


DoM, MoD - TruckSim (m)

DoM - Vehicle 2

MoD - Vehicle 2

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (63)


suggests that a portion of the calculated differences is attributable to TruckSim® and not

the geometric model.

Table 2.3: Vehicle 1 validation differences









+ 1



– 1

m Unladen

3 a



2 a



1 a


Scenario: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Difference (mm):

LSSP 91 128 68 156 47 22 –5

TS (truck) 7 6 8 5 10 11 11

TS (trailer) 12 11 5 25 7 4 4

FS 3 7 7 4 –8 –13 –16

Difference (%):

LSSP 1.4% 2.0% 1.0% 2.6% 0.7% 0.3% –0.1%

TS (truck) 3.3% 2.8% 3.9% 2.1% 4.7% 5.3% 5.5%

TS (trailer) 2.1% 1.9% 1.6% 2.8% 1.2% 0.6% 0.7%

FS 0.5% 1.3% 1.4% 0.8% –1.5% –2.3% –2.9%

TruckSim® offset (mm): 14 –12 11 18 24 29 32

Table 2.4: Vehicle 2 validation differences









+ 1



– 1

m Unladen

2 a



1 a


3 a


Scenario: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Difference (mm):

LSSP 22 19 19 27 13 9 27

TS –6 –2 –6 –5 –1 –3 0

FS 0 1 0 1 –4 –6 –2

DoM –14 –20 –13 –15 –6 4 –21

MoD –15 –21 –14 –18 –13 –2 –29

Difference (%):

LSSP 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%

TS –1.6% –0.4% –2.3% –0.8% –0.2% –0.9% –0.1%

FS 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% –0.9% –1.2% –0.3%

DoM –5.6% –8.0% –4.6% –7.8% –2.5% 1.9% –8.3%

MoD –2.8% –3.7% –2.3% –3.5% –2.3% –0.4% –5.1%

TruckSim® offset (mm): 8 –9 –9 10 10 12 –11

The model provides accurate predictions of low-speed turning behaviour with an

average absolute relative error of 2.0% over the full range of validation results. Actual

performance results are given in Table A.1 and Table A.2 in Appendix A.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (64)


Lastly, an important aspect of a computational model is the time required to obtain

results, particularly when conducting parametric studies. Solution speed improvements of

between 261% and 546% were observed when using the model, compared to equivalent

TruckSim® simulations.

The geometric model was shown to be accurate for a representative spread of

scenarios including various vehicle configurations, vehicle dimensions and loading cases;

and computationally efficient. In the next section, the geometric model is applied to

assess the tail swing performance of the South African car-carrier fleet.

2.4 Application: Tail Swing Performance of the South

African Car-Carrier Fleet

Chapter 1 highlighted that due to the leniency of South African legislation with respect to

rear overhang when compared with Australia, typical South African car-carrier designs

would perform poorly in the tail swing standard. In this section, the geometric low-speed

turning model is used to validate and quantify this. Two areas of interest exist: firstly, to

quantify the tail swing performance of the existing (non-PBS) car-carrier fleet, and

secondly, to evaluate the theoretical tail swing performance possible within the confines

of South African legislation. The tail swing limits imposed by the NTC are road access

level-specific and range from 0.30 m for Level 1 road access to 0.50 m for Level 4 road

access. Level 2 and Level 3 share a common limit of 0.35 m.

2.4.1 Existing South African fleet

The South African car-carrier fleet make-up was obtained from the Chairman of the

South African Car Transporters Association, Mr. Andrew Colepeper [33]. Dimensions of

individual vehicle designs were obtained directly from the applicable manufacturers. The

estimated South African car-carrier fleet make-up is outlined in Table 2.5. Vehicle

dimensions were obtained for the six most abundant designs on South African roads

amounting to 510 vehicles or 65% of the estimated total South African car-carrier fleet.

Five of these six are Unipower (Natal) vehicles representing an estimated 55% of the total

fleet. The sample consists of three truck and tag-trailer combinations and three tractor and

semitrailer combinations. It was assumed that the relative proportions of configurations

and dimensions of the remaining vehicles are similar to those of the sample group.

Vehicle dimensions are given in Table A.3 and Table A.4, Appendix A.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (65)


Table 2.5: Current South African car-carrier fleet make-up [33]

Vehicle Configuration Number of

vehicles Percentage of sample

“A” Tractor-semitrailer 90 17.6%

“B” Tractor-semitrailer 110 21.6%

“C” Tractor-semitrailer 30 5.9%

“X” Truck and tag-trailer 105 20.6%

“Y” Truck and tag-trailer 80 15.7%

“Z” Truck and tag-trailer 95 18.6%

The tail swing performance of the fleet is shown in Figure 2.16 as a function of

vehicle rear overhang (excluding load projection). The Level 1, Level 2/3 and Level 4

Australian tail swing limits are indicated by the broken horizontal lines. In the case of the

truck and tag-trailer combinations, the tail swing of the truck and trailer have been shown

separately. A high correlation between tail swing and rear overhang is clear. Only one

design (21.6% of the fleet) meets the Level 1 PBS requirement of 0.30 m and only two

designs (39.2% of the fleet) meet the common Level 2/3 requirement of 0.35 m. The

maximum tail swing obtained was 0.71 m for vehicle “Z”.

Figure 2.16: Tail swing performance of the South African car-carrier fleet

The Australian Design Rule 43/04 rear overhang limit of 3.7 m is indicated in the

figure, and the South African fleet results were inter-/extrapolated to this value. At this










2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5


il S


g (


Rear Overhang (m)




Australian rear overhang limit (3.7m)









Level 1

Level 2/3

Level 4


Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (66)


rear overhang, trailer and semitrailer results are shown to be safely within the 0.30 m

limit, but the truck results are approximately 30 mm in excess thereof (labelled “*” in the

figure). In Section 1.2.5, it was suggested that the 0.30 m tail swing limit is a direct result

of the 3.7 m rear overhang limit enforced on Australian vehicles, but the truck results

shown here (and hence truck-trailer results) seem to imply this may not be the case.

However, South African vehicles may have widths up to 2.6 m versus 2.5 m in Australia,

which equates to an additional 50 mm either side of the vehicle. With all other vehicle

parameters equal, and assuming maximum tail swing to occur at a yaw angle of about

45°, this translates into an additional 50⋅cos(45°) = 35 mm of tail swing. Subtract this

from the truck results and the relationship between a maximum rear overhang of 3.7 m

and a maximum tail swing of 0.30 m becomes clear.

The percentages of the current fleet that would not comply with a range of enforced

tail swing limits are presented in Figure 2.17. At the Level 1 criterion of 0.30 m, nearly

80% of the fleet would not comply. Strictly enforcing such a limit on the existing fleet

(and hence only allowing around 20% of the fleet to operate at full capacity) would have

a negative impact on the industry. The majority of the fleet (over 80%) would be included

at a limit of 0.45 m whilst at least one particularly unsafe design would be excluded.

Figure 2.17: Current fleet percentages excluded by various tail swing limits enforced

Given these results, it is unlikely that car-carriers based on existing designs would

comply with the requirements of the PBS scheme. The operators of existing vehicles

registered after the cut-off date for abnormal load permits, are therefore obliged to

operate them within legal dimensional constraints of the NRTR, limiting their height to












0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75






t ex



Tail swing limit enforced (m)

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (67)


4.3 m and their length to 18.5 m and 22 m for tractor-semitrailer and truck-trailer

combinations respectively. Such limitations will have an impact on the number and size

of vehicles able to be transported, with a direct impact on the productivity of such an

operator and on the industry at large.

The following section explores the extent of South Africa’s rear overhang legislation

and the implications for tail swing.

2.4.2 South African legislation

“Part III: Vehicle Dimensions” of the NRTR [1] governs the restrictions on vehicles such

as combination length, wheelbase, and front and rear overhangs. Within the envelope of

these restrictions, potentially worst-case scenario vehicles (in terms of tail swing

performance) were conceptualised and assessed using the geometric model.

The Regulations govern rear overhang to 50% of trailer length in the case of a tag-

trailer and 60% of the wheelbase in the case of a conventional rigid truck, semitrailer or

drawbar-trailer [1]. As tail swing performance is predominantly a function of rear

overhang, maximising this parameter yields maximum tail swing. NRTR rear overhang is

measured from the rearmost axle, and not from the geometric centre of the rearmost axle

group (as in ADR 43/04). The effective rear overhang, as defined in ADR 43/04, can

therefore be increased by increasing the number of axles within that axle group. This is

illustrated in Figure 2.18 for a tridem-axle semitrailer with 1.35 m axle spacing.

Figure 2.18: Comparing NRTR-defined rear overhang to actual rear overhang

Three cases were considered, namely a rigid truck (no trailer hitched), a tractor and

semitrailer combination, and a truck and tag-trailer combination (assessing trailer tail

swing in isolation). Drawbar-trailers were not considered. The rigid truck and both

trailers were assumed to have tridem axle groups. The truck in the truck-trailer

combination and the tractor in the tractor-semitrailer combination were specified with

single rear axles in order for the maximum dimensions of the trailer and semitrailer to be

realised. Some typical vehicle dimensions were assumed, namely:

1.35 m ROH (NRTR)

ROH (Actual)

ROH (Actual) = ROH (NRTR) + 1.35 m

ROH = Rear overhang

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (68)


1. a steer-tyre track width of 2.480 m,

2. a vehicle width of 2.6 m,

3. tractor/rigid truck front overhang of 1.4 m,

4. a minimum rigid truck/prime mover wheelbase of 3.5 m,

5. an axle spacing of 1.35 m where applicable, and

6. a hitch offset of 1 m behind/ahead of the rear axle of the prime mover


The dimensions of the vehicles are given in Table A.5, Appendix A.

In addition to the afore-mentioned restrictions on rear overhang as a function of

wheelbase or trailer length, these wheelbases and lengths as well as the overall vehicle

length are subject to their own constraints under the NRTR. The relevant constraints

affecting rear overhang are summarised in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6: Dimensional constraints governing rear overhang (NRTR [1])

Vehicle type Maximum dimensions

Rear overhang† Wheelbase/length Combination length

Rigid truck 60%·WB WB ≤ 8.5 m 12.5 m

Semitrailer 60%·WB WB ≤ 10 m 18.5 m

Tag-trailer 50%·Trailer length Trailer length ≤ 11.3 m 22.0 m

† Using the NRTR definition of rear overhang as measured relative to the rearmost axle

To determine the maximum allowable rear overhang dimensions, all three of the

above constraints were considered for each vehicle type. Maximum rear overhang as a

function of only wheelbase/trailer length may not be practically achievable due to the

overall length constraint. In the case of the tag-trailer, the maximum combination length

of 22 m does not constrain the achievable maximum rear overhang, and so the maximum

is simply 50%⋅11.3 + 1.35 = 7 m (50% of the maximum trailer length of 11.3 m, with a

further 1.35 m as per Figure 2.18). For the rigid truck and for the semitrailer, maximum

rear overhang was calculated using linear optimisation.

The results of the optimisation exercise are shown in Figure 2.19 and Figure 2.20 for

the rigid truck and semitrailer respectively. Adding 1.35 m to the points of maximum rear

overhang (to account for the tridem axle spacing) yields maximum practical rear

overhangs of 5.01 m for the rigid truck and 6.32 m for the semitrailer.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (69)


Figure 2.19: Maximum practical rear overhang for a rigid truck within the NRTR

Figure 2.20: Maximum practical rear overhang for a semitrailer within the NRTR

The results are summarised in Table 2.7 shown in comparison to the Australian rear

overhang limit. “Theoretical” maximum rear overhang pertains to the value obtained by

only considering the first two constraints of Table 2.6. The “practical” rear overhang

pertains to the value limited by overall length.











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


r o






Wheelbase (m)

Total length ≤ 12.5 m

ROH ≤ 0.6⋅WB

3.5 m ≤ WB ≤ 8.5 m

1.35 m5.01 m (actual)

3.65 m (NRTR)

6.09 m















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14





r o






Semitrailer wheelbase (m)

Total length ≤ 18.5 m

ROH ≤ 0.6⋅WB

3.5 m ≤ WB ≤ 10 m

1.35 m6.32 m (actual)

4.97 m (NRTR)

8.28 m

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (70)


Table 2.7: Comparison of rear overhang legislation between Australia and South Africa

Vehicle type

Maximum rear overhang

Australia (ADR 43/04)

South Africa (NRTR)

Theoretical Practical

Rigid truck 3.7 m 6.45 m 5.01 m

Semitrailer 3.7 m 7.35 m 6.32 m

Trailer 3.7 m 7.00 m 7.00 m

Having shown that rear overhangs well in excess of 3.7 m are possible, the

implications for tail swing were investigated. The geometric model was used to model a

range of vehicles up to the point of theoretically maximum tail swing. Figure 2.21 shows

the tail swing performance of the rigid truck. The three broken horizontal lines represent

the tail swing limits for Levels 1, 2/3 and 4. For every value of wheelbase, the associated

maximum rear overhang is used (= 60%⋅WB + 1.35 m). The maximum tail swing

obtained was 0.60 m at a wheelbase of 6.09 m and associated rear overhang of 5.01 m as

per the optimisation exercise. Even near the lower end of the wheelbase spectrum, if the

maximum allowable rear overhang is utilised, tail swing in excess of the Level 1 limit

will result.

Figure 2.21: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, rigid truck

The results for the tractor and semitrailer combination are shown in Figure 2.22 for a

range of semitrailer and tractor (or prime mover) wheelbases. A maximum tail swing of

0.87 m was calculated for a minimum prime mover wheelbase and a semitrailer

wheelbase of 8.28 m with an associated rear overhang of 6.32 m.









3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5


ck T






Truck Wheelbase (m)




= 6


m0.60 m


r o



g =


1 m

Level 1

Level 2/3

Level 4

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (71)


Figure 2.22: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, tractor and semitrailer

Tail swing performance of the truck and tag-trailer combination as a function of truck

wheelbase and trailer drawbar length is shown in Figure 2.23. Trailer length and rear

overhang are constant at the maximum 11.3 m and 7 m respectively. A maximum tail

swing of 1.25 m was calculated at the minimum truck wheelbase and minimum drawbar

length. In the NRTR, the “drawbar” of a tag-trailer refers to the portion of the trailer

ahead of the loading area and is excluded from the “length” of the trailer. Maximum tail

swing was observed for a drawbar length of 0 m as this gave the highest rear overhang-to-

wheelbase ratio.

Figure 2.23: Theoretical tail swing allowed by the NRTR, truck and tag-trailer












3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0





il S


g (


Semitrailer Wheelbase (m)

Prime mover wheelbase = 3.5 m

Prime mover wheelbase = 4.0 m

Prime mover wheelbase = 4.5 m Whee




8 m

0.87 m


r over


g =


2 m

Level 1

Level 2/3

Level 4















3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5




il S


g (


Truck Wheelbase (m)

Drawbar length = 0 m

Drawbar length = 1 m

Drawbar length = 2 m


ck w






1.25 m




r o



g =

7 m

Level 1

Level 2/3

Level 4

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (72)


A summary of the results is given in Table 2.8. The Level 4 tail swing limit is

exceeded in all three cases. The tag-trailer allows for the highest theoretical tail swing of

1.25 m, 417% of the Level 1 limit.

Table 2.8: Theoretical tail swing performance allowable within the NRTR

Vehicle type Australian PBS South African NRTR

Level 1 limit Maximum % of L1

Rigid truck 0.30 m 0.60 m 200%

Semitrailer 0.30 m 0.87 m 290%

Trailer 0.30 m 1.25 m 417%

The results indicate the ineffectiveness of the existing South African legislation to

adequately govern tail swing. This stems from a lack of a finite rear overhang limit and

from the definition of rear overhang used in the NRTR. Existing legislation allows for

vehicles exhibiting a tail swing of up to 1.25 m. In comparison, the worst tail swing from

the preceding study of the existing car-carrier fleet was 0.71 m.

2.4.3 Conclusions

Based on these findings, a proposal to relax the tail swing limit to 0.45 m was tabled at a

meeting of the Smart Truck Review Panel (26 September 2011, Kwazulu-Natal

Department of Transport, Pietermaritzburg). Although not as strict as the Australian limit,

it would still represent a significant improvement over the current legislation and would

eradicate one particularly poor-performing existing design. Such a relaxation would be

applicable during an “implementation phase” of the revised regulatory framework for car-

carriers, giving sufficient time for manufacturers to design a new generation of PBS-

compliant vehicles. To enforce a tail swing limit of 0.30 m on a fleet of vehicles designed

within a framework that allows up to 1.25 m of tail swing could negatively impact on the

success of the PBS car-carrier initiative.

The Panel rejected the proposal citing concerns over modifying the Australian

standards too early in the implementation of PBS in South Africa. The Panel suggested

that such calls for relaxation would compromise the support of the project from South

African transport authorities, which is crucial for the project’s success. As a result, a

number of vehicle combinations are currently operating without abnormal load permits

and at NRTR-confined dimensions with subsequent productivity losses.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (73)


Conclusions that are drawn from the tail swing study are as follows:

1. The existing South African car-carrier fleet exhibits poor tail swing performance.

Nearly 80% of the fleet does not comply with the 0.30 m Level 1 PBS limit, and

one individual vehicle design was calculated to have a tail swing of 0.71 m.

2. The 0.30 m tail swing criterion is shown to be representative of the Australian

Design Rule 43/04 rear overhang limit of 3.7 m. In comparison, South African

legislation allows rear overhangs of up to 7 m, and tail swing of up to 1.25 m. This

is shown to be due to the lack of a finite rear overhang limit and a misguided

definition of rear overhang.

3. It was proposed that a temporary relaxation of the tail swing limit from 0.30 m to

0.45 m be considered, which was turned down by the Smart Truck Review Panel.

2.5 Chapter Summary and Conclusions

This chapter outlined the development, validation and application of a geometric low-

speed turning model, implemented in Matlab®. The ninety-degree, 12.5 m radius turn

prescribed by the NTC was incorporated as the default path within the model, but the

model is compatible with any arbitrarily complex path defined by vectors of x and y

coordinates. The model incorporates the steer-tyre path-following method required by the

NTC and incorporates the tyre scrub effects of multiple non-steering rear axles. It is able

to calculate LSSP, TS, FS, DoM and MoD.

The model was validated against equivalent TruckSim® models for LSSP, TS, FS,

DoM and MoD and showed good agreement. The model offers the following advantages

over TruckSim®:

1. The model solves significantly quicker than TruckSim® and is hence better suited

to parametric studies of low-speed manoeuvrability.

2. The model can analyse any vehicle combination consisting of any number of

vehicle units and any number of axles, whereas TruckSim® is limited to vehicles

combinations not exceeding three vehicle units (except for one A-double

combination with single rear axles throughout) or three rear axles per vehicle unit.

3. The model exhibits repeatable and predictable path-following behaviour whereas

TruckSim® incurs non-repeatable and unpredictable lateral offset errors.

The model is able to analyse vehicle combinations possessing passively steered rear

axles as well as dual steer axles but cannot incorporate any active-steering characteristics.

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This may be possible if the model is developed further. The model can easily be

incorporated into a larger optimisation algorithm such as that of Dessein et al. [16].

The model was used to show that nearly 80% of the existing car-carriers in South

Africa do not meet the 0.30 m Level 1 tail swing requirement of the NTC. Within the

confines of the NRTR, legal vehicles with rear overhangs up to 7 m and exhibiting tail

swing of up to 1.25 m are allowable. This was shown to be a result of the leniency of

existing South African legislation with respect to rear overhang. The Australian Level 1

tail swing limit was shown to be a result of the 3.7 m rear overhang constraint enforced

by Australian Design Rule 43/03.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (75)


Chapter 3

PBS Vehicle Assessments

In this chapter, detailed models of two PBS car-carrier proposals are developed and

assessed in accordance with the Australian Performance-Based Standards scheme. The

car-carriers consist of one truck and tag-trailer combination and one tractor and

semitrailer combination, both of which are Unipower (Natal) designs. These assessments

are the first of their kind for car-carriers and the results are intended to offer insight into

the feasibility of implementing PBS as a requirement for over-size car-carriers. These

results form a mandatory component of the documentation required for the PBS approval

of the vehicles. This work is confined to the study of vehicle manoeuvrability and

stability; the driveability standards (i.e. startability, gradeability, and acceleration

capability) were not considered.

The chapter proceeds as follows:

1. The proposed baseline vehicles are described, highlighting significant features.

2. An overview of the vehicle modelling process is presented with a specific

discussion on payload modelling.

3. Pertinent aspects of the various manoeuvres and their modelling are discussed.

4. Results of the baseline vehicle assessments are presented, and used to identify and

address design shortcomings.

5. The revised vehicles are reassessed, and the results are presented and discussed.

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3.1 Vehicle Descriptions

Two Unipower (Natal) car-carriers were assessed: the MaxiporterTM

truck and tag-trailer

combination and FlexiporterTM

tractor and semitrailer combination. The two models fall

within the UniporterTM

series of designs and are based on existing designs. Under the

outgoing abnormal load permit scheme, the Flexiporter is 18.5 m and the Maxiporter is

22.0 m in length. Both have a maximum rear load projection of 0.5 m and a maximum

loaded height of 4.6 m. These designs are referred to as the “baseline” vehicles. The

vehicles are intended for general distribution vehicle transport and were assessed for

Level 1 PBS approval (unrestricted road access).

The baseline Maxiporter is shown in Figure 3.1 (a). It consists of a Volvo FM400 6x2

truck chassis with a three-car superstructure and a tridem-axle tag-trailer. The truck has a

single drive axle and a tag axle (both with dual tyres), mechanical suspension on all axles

and a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of 27 000 kg. The trailer has single-fitment tyres and

mechanical suspension. The Gross Combination Mass (GCM) is 45 000 kg. The baseline

Flexiporter is shown in Figure 3.1 (b). It consists of a Renault Midlum 280.18 DXi

Sleeper Cab truck-tractor and a semitrailer. The truck-tractor has a single drive axle with

dual tyres, mechanical suspension on all axles and a GVM of 18 000 kg. The trailer has

tandem axles with single tyres and air suspension. The GCM is 24 000 kg.

Figure 3.1: Baseline vehicles: (a) Maxiporter and (b) Flexiporter (courtesy of Unipower)





18 500 500

22 000




3 400

5 745 9 000 5 895

1 360 1 365 1 360

3 800


9 600 4 1551 345 1 350

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A number of design features are evident which give insight into the performance of

the vehicles in a PBS context. Common to both vehicles is an elevated payload height and

hence sprung mass centre of gravity, critical for standards such as static rollover threshold

and rearward amplification. However, the bulk density of the payload is relatively low

and so the overall implications are difficult to predict. The detailed assessments will

quantify this. Also common to both vehicles, though substantially more so on the

Maxiporter, is a large trailer rear overhang, which has a negative implication for tail

swing performance. With a rear overhang of nearly 6 m excluding load projection, it is

unlikely that the Maxiporter satisfies the tail swing requirement (see Section 2.4.1).

A characteristic design feature of the Maxiporter is the centre-axle configuration of the

trailer. This is a common feature of this type of car-carrier and aims to reduce the low-

speed offtracking of the vehicle, to maximise geometric loading capacity, and to

minimise the amount of trailer load supported by the hitch. Dynamically however, a short

trailer wheelbase has a significant negative effect on yaw damping, rearward

amplification and high-speed transient offtracking [19]. In comparison, the Flexiporter

should perform well dynamically owing to the stabilising effects of roll-coupling (through

the roll stiffness of the fifth wheel) and the high roll-stiffness characteristics of the air

suspension. However, the Flexiporter features a notable semitrailer front overhang, with

load projections in excess of this overhang. This typically results in poor performance in

the difference of maxima and maximum of difference performance standards.

The above assessment is qualitative, and a quantitative understanding of how the

vehicles perform requires detailed computer simulation, taking into account vehicle

parameters such as tyre properties, spring stiffness and inertial properties. The following

two sections outline aspects of the vehicle models as they were developed in TruckSim®.

3.2 Vehicle Modelling

TruckSim® is a multibody dynamics software package that focuses on heavy vehicle

combinations. Wits University previously conducted PBS assessments of (non-car-

carrier) vehicles using TruckSim® which were corroborated by ARRB Group in

Australia, showing good agreement. This supports the use of the software here. The

current section outlines some of the vehicle parameters required for the models and the

sources of these parameters.

Primary considerations for a vehicle model are the vehicle’s sprung mass, associated

centre of gravity location (height above ground and longitudinal location) and moments

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of inertia; as well as the unsprung masses and their associated centres of gravity and

moments of inertia. In the case of the Maxiporter trailer and Flexiporter semitrailer,

detailed CAD (Computer-Aided Design) models were provided by Unipower from which

all sprung mass inertial data were calculated. In the case of the prime movers, the relevant

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) made data available in the form of axle loads,

total mass (lumped sprung and unsprung masses), total centre of gravity height and, in

Volvo’s case, unsprung masses. Sprung mass and sprung mass centre of gravity were

calculated from total mass and unsprung mass data (see Section C.1.1, Appendix C).

Prime mover sprung mass moments of inertia were estimated using the work of Fancher

et al. at UMTRI [34]. Driver and fuel were modelled as additional sprung mass

components where necessary.

Unknown unsprung masses were estimated using generic UMTRI data [34], scaled

according to axle load rating. Other unsprung mass properties, such as the spin inertia of

wheel assemblies, were estimated according to the experimental measurements of

Winkler et al. [35], [36]. Details of unsprung mass modelling are given in Section C.1.2.

The sprung and unsprung mass inertial properties of the Maxiporter and Flexiporter are

summarised in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 respectively.

Table 3.1: Summarised inertial data, Maxiporter (unladen)

Vehicle Parameter Units Truck Trailer

Sprung mass kg 8 882† 7 355

Sprung mass centre of gravity height m 1 259† 1 311

Unsprung mass (all axles) kg 2 950 1 950

† Truck chassis and superstructure. Excludes driver and fuel.

Table 3.2: Summarised inertial data, Flexiporter (unladen)

Vehicle Parameter Units Tractor Semitrailer

Sprung mass kg 3 743† 7 367

Sprung mass centre of gravity height m 1 067† 1 334

Unsprung mass (all axles) kg 1 920 1 500

† Includes driver and fifth wheel. Excludes fuel.

Suspension characteristics such as spring stiffness, roll centre height and auxiliary roll

stiffness are important considerations for manoeuvres involving rollover or lateral load

transfer. Vertical spring stiffness characteristics were provided by the respective OEMs.

For the air suspension on the Flexiporter semitrailer, detailed loading curves were

provided by BPW. Roll centre heights were either provided by the relevant OEM or

deduced via the estimation techniques suggested by UMTRI [37]. Suspension lash was

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measured from detailed suspension drawings provided by the OEMs and modelled

accordingly. Details of suspension modelling are given in Sections C.2.1 and C.2.2.

For axles fitted with an anti-roll bar, auxiliary roll stiffness was calculated from first

principles (see Section C.2.3). For the air suspension, the work of Fu and Cebon [38] was

used to source a representative auxiliary roll stiffness value.

Damping originates from the viscous damping of dampers (or “shock absorbers”) or

from the Coulomb friction in leaf spring stacks. In the case of leaf spring Coulomb

friction, it also introduces hysteresis to the loading and unloading characteristics of the

springs. Where dampers were present, loading curves (force as a function of

compression/extension rate) were sourced from the relevant OEMs, and the damper was

assumed to be the only source of damping (excluding hysteresis effects). Where no

damper was present, a representative amount of Coulomb friction was modelled

according to the type of suspension. In all cases of mechanical suspension, hysteresis was

introduced to the loading and unloading curves of the springs according to the amount of

assumed Coulomb friction present. All representative Coulomb friction data were sourced

from Fancher et al. [34]. Damper modelling is discussed further in Section C.2.4.

Tyre compliance properties play a crucial role in determining the dynamic response

characteristics of a vehicle. The most critical tyre properties in the context of this work

are lateral and vertical stiffnesses. Vertical stiffnesses were obtained from Michelin® (as

these were readily available) and lateral stiffnesses, for which OEM data are not readily

available, were sourced from an extensive study conducted by UMTRI in the 1980s [39].

The study experimentally determined various compliance properties for a number of truck

and bus tyres of various sizes and manufacturers. Although the UMTRI study is dated, it

was assumed that any tyre technology advances giving rise to changes in general stiffness

properties of tyres since the 1980s, if any, would yield improved and not deteriorated

stiffness properties. The use of the UMTRI data was hence conservative.

Longitudinal tyre stiffness properties are only critical to acceleration or braking

manoeuvres. As none of the manoeuvres assessed in this work include any braking or

significant longitudinal acceleration, and because the UMTRI study did not provide

longitudinal stiffness data for all the tyre sizes considered in this work, it was deemed

suitable to use default TruckSim® data according to the load rating of the tyres. Detailed

tyre properties used in this work are given in Section C.3.

Summarised axle and suspension properties are given in Table 3.3 and Table 3.4 for

the Maxiporter and Flexiporter respectively.

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Table 3.3: Summarised axle and suspension data, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer axle Drive axle Tag axle Trailer axles

Designation Volvo FAL 8.0 Volvo RADT-AR BPW NHSFVBT 6410 Eco Maxx

Steel/air springs Steel Steel Steel

Load rating kg 8 000 19 000 6 400 (per axle)

Axle track mm 2 109 1 854 1 854 2 310

Roll centre (above axle) mm 85 –38 0 –80

Vertical spring stiffness N/mm 311 746 746 650

Auxiliary roll stiffness N·m/° 6 299 0 0

Dampers Yes No No

Tyres 385/65 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 (dual fitment) 285/70 R19.5

Table 3.4: Summarised axle and suspension data, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer axle Drive axle Semitrailer


Designation Renault M500 Volvo RAD-L80 BPW NHSFSLU 6410 Eco Maxx

Steel/air springs Steel Steel Air

Load rating kg 7 100 11 500 6 400 (per axle)

Axle track mm 1 982 1 834 2 310

Roll centre (above axle) mm 118 244 –99

Vertical spring stiffness N/mm 227 426/840 (2-stage) (Non-linear)

Auxiliary roll stiffness N·m/° 6 326 2 677 6 080

Dampers Yes Yes Yes

Tyres 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 (dual fitment)

285/70 R19.5

The hitch of the Maxiporter was modelled as a simple three degree-of-freedom

constraint in the translational directions. The hitch was assumed to have no roll, yaw or

pitch constraints. In the case of the Flexiporter’s fifth wheel, in addition to the three

translational constraints, roll stiffness was modelled to provide roll-coupling between the

two vehicle units. A representative roll stiffness was sourced from an NTC study [40].

Fifth wheel lash was excluded from the model.

Aerodynamics, tyre rolling resistance, suspension compliance effects (i.e. due to the

compliance of suspension members other than the spring itself) and axle dive,

longitudinal and lateral movement due to axle jounce were neglected.

In-depth descriptions, derivations and sources of vehicle parameter data are given in

Appendix C. Detailed vehicle-specific data for the Maxiporter and Flexiporter are given

in Appendix D and Appendix E respectively.

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For bulk material transport, payloads are of relatively repeatable density, shape and

volume, and hence have predictable and repeatable mass, centre of gravity location and

moment of inertia properties. The payloads for car-carrier vehicles are highly variable and

the next section is dedicated to this important aspect of the modelling process.

3.3 Payload Modelling

The type and size of the vehicles transported by car-carriers can range from large, heavy

Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) to small, light compact hatchbacks; and a typical payload

is often a combination of both. This presents a challenge in the modelling of the payload

for PBS assessments. Which loading scenario is least ideal for each of the performance

standards? What properties should be used to model the individual vehicles making up

the payload?

In a general sense, the NTC prescribes which load scenarios must be considered for

each manoeuvre. In the case of the low-speed turn, it is explicitly required that the test be

conducted with the vehicle fully laden and with the vehicle unladen. For the remaining

manoeuvres, it is required that the tests be conducted with the vehicle laden as well as

with the vehicle in its “least favourable load condition”. This condition could be a result

of load asymmetries or partial loading and cannot be universally prescribed as vehicles

may differ widely in this respect.

Increasing the centre of gravity height and/or increasing the mass of a payload has

been shown to have a negative influence on SRT, RA, HSTO, TASP and YDC (the

“dynamic” standards) [19]. But consider the common car-carrier scenario in which only

the upper loading platform is loaded but the lower is not. The sprung mass centre of

gravity is higher than when both platforms are loaded which would have a destabilising

effect, but its mass is reduced which has a stabilising effect. Which effect is dominant?

The answer will be a function of many parameters such as suspension properties,

relative heights of loading platforms to that of the car-carrier centre of gravity, the

relative numbers of vehicles which can be loaded onto each of the loading platforms and

the inertial properties of the unladen car-carrier. For this reason, a number of generic load

scenarios were conceptualised and the most appropriate subset for each manoeuvre was

chosen [19]. The loading scenario matrix is shown in Table 3.5. The laden, unladen and

“top laden” scenarios pertain to a loading condition of the entire vehicle. Where the

scenario name is preceded by “truck” or “trailer”, it pertains to the loading condition of

that unit, with the other unit unladen. “Laden” has the same meaning as “fully laden”.

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Table 3.5: Loading scenarios considered

Loading Scenario

Low-speed turn

Rollover Single lane-

change Pulse steer

Longitudinal tracking



Top laden

Truck laden

Trailer laden †

Truck top laden

Trailer top laden †

† Required for determining the lower limit criterion for RA if the rearmost vehicle is not first to roll.

Recall from Chapter 1 that South Australian car-carrier legislation requires that no

multi-deck car-carrier should operate at a height exceeding 4.3 m with vehicles on the

upper deck unless the lower deck has been filled. This is an indication of “least

favourable load scenario” considerations. This scenario is considered for all the

manoeuvres except the low-speed turn.

For a given loading configuration, with passenger vehicles located in exactly the same

positions on the truck and trailer or semitrailer, individual vehicles with a high mass and

high centre of gravity height will give rise to a more adverse loading condition than

vehicles with a lower mass and centre of gravity height. Assuming the vehicles to be

rigidly fixed to the car-carrier structure, the combined effect may be considered as the

product of the two variables, representing the inertial overturning moment generated by

the load as the car-carrier experiences lateral acceleration.

To identify the passenger vehicle with the least favourable combination of mass and

centre of gravity height, the database compiled by Heydinger et al. [41] was investigated.

The database contains inertial and dimensional data for a number of American vehicles

spanning the years 1971 to 1998, covering a vast span of vehicle types including SUVs,

compact hatches, four-door sedans and cabriolets. The data were ranked by the product of

mass and centre of gravity height, whilst removing any contributions of ballasts, drivers

and/or passengers used in the measurement of each datum. The vehicle that ranked

highest was a 1998 Ford Expedition SUV with a mass of 2 562 kg and a centre of gravity

777 mm above ground. A schematic of the vehicle is shown in Figure 3.2 indicating

overall dimensions and the location of the centre of gravity [41–43]. The Expedition’s

inertial properties are summarised in Table 3.6.

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Figure 3.2: 1998 Ford Expedition dimensions and location of centre of gravity ([41–43])

Table 3.6: 1998 Ford Expedition inertial properties [41]



CoG location (m) Moments of inertia (kg.m2)

Behind steer axle Above ground Roll Pitch Yaw

2 562 1.459 0.777 1 210 5 398 5 639

The passenger vehicles were arranged on the car-carriers by superimposing scaled

silhouettes of the Expedition on each car-carrier using AutoCAD®. Although there is no

prescriptive limit imposed on load projections within a PBS framework, the Smart Truck

Review Panel restricted projections to one metre at either the front or rear of the vehicle

(subject to a maximum total length of 23 m). Conservatively therefore, the vehicles were

arranged within a load envelope projecting one metre at the front and rear of the car-

carriers, and 4.6 m in height. The loading arrangements are shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: Load placement: (a) Maxiporter, (b) Flexiporter

5 197R 350

1 9


1 8


1 459




Veh 3

Veh 6Veh 1

Veh 5

Veh 2

Veh 4



18 500 1000

Veh 1

1000 22 000



Veh 9

Veh 2

Veh 3

Veh 4 Veh 5

Veh 7

Veh 6

Veh 8


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Some overlapping/interference of the Expeditions is suggested in Figure 3.3(a), and

this seems to imply that such a loading case is not realistic. It should be noted however

that the purpose of this payload model is to model a worst-case anticipated payload that is

suitably distributed on the vehicle (in terms of overall centre of gravity location and

moments of inertia). Although it is unlikely that six actual 1998 Ford Expeditions may be

loaded on the trailer, certain existing (or future) vehicle models may be of such shape and

dimensions (but similar mass), such that they can be loaded, and this eventuality must be

accounted for. The coordinates of each Expedition’s centre of gravity are shown in Table

3.7. Longitudinal locations are given relative to the steer axle or respective hitch,

whichever is applicable (positive rearwards). Vertical locations are given positive above

the ground. The vehicles are assumed to be aligned with the longitudinal axis of the car-


Table 3.7: Passenger vehicle centre of gravity locations


Maxiporter Flexiporter

Behind steer axle/hitch (m)

Above ground (m)

Behind steer axle/hitch (m)

Above ground (m)

1 –0.253 3.510 –0.066 3.614

2 4.760 3.495 1.947 2.276

3 3.393 1.840 6.414 1.350

4 4.772 3.231 6.841 3.485

5 9.463 3.313 11.600 1.521

6 13.261 3.522 11.982 3.459

7 3.754 1.258 - -

8 8.240 1.621 - -

9 13.354 1.360 - -

The overall inertial properties of the payload for the truck and trailer of the Maxiporter

are shown in Table 3.8. The cases of laden and “top laden” are included for each.

Equivalent data for the Flexiporter are given in Table 3.9.

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Table 3.8: Maxiporter payload inertial properties

Load Scenario Mass (kg)

Centre of gravity Moments of inertia (kg⋅m2)

Behind steer

axle/hitch (m)


ground (m) Roll Pitch Yaw


Laden (Veh 1-3) 7 686 2.633 2.948 9 783 55 322 51 541

Top laden (Veh 1-2) 5 124 2.254 3.503 5 426 45 298 44 424


Laden (Veh 4-9) 15 372 8.807 2.384 26 532 260 030 247 281

Top laden (Veh 4-6) 7 686 9.165 3.355 13 775 117 197 110 879

Table 3.9: Flexiporter payload inertial properties

Load Scenario Mass


Centre of gravity Moments of inertia (kg⋅m2)

Behind steer axle/hitch (m)

Above ground (m)

Roll Pitch Yaw

Laden (Veh 1-6) 15 372 6.453 2.618 23 401 353 648 341 643

Top laden (Veh 1,4,6) 7 686 6.251 3.519 11 145 210 064 204 629

Considering the geometric implications of projecting loads at the front and rear of the

car-carriers, the context of car-carriers is again unique and variable. A suitable worst case

scenario was once again used. The wider a projecting vehicle, the sharper its corner radii

and the further it is projected, the more likely it is that it will be a cause for concern in the

manoeuvrability standards such as frontal swing and tail swing. The dimensions of the

Expedition itself, with its maximum width of 1 996 mm and minimum corner radius of

350 mm (see Figure 3.2), were found to be appropriate. A maximum 1 m load projection

was used in accordance with the requirements of the Smart Truck Review Panel (and in

line with the findings of De Pont [44]).

To model the rounded corner of the projecting load, the apex of the corner (i.e.

assuming a radius of zero) was tracked in TruckSim® as a reference point. During post-

processing in Matlab®, this point was used to project ten points representing the rounded

corner using basic geometry and the vehicle’s position and yaw angle. This method is

illustrated in Figure 3.4, where Rcar refers to the corner radius of the Expedition. Further

details of the payload modelling process are given in Section C.1.1, Appendix C.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (86)


Figure 3.4: Post-processing to incorporate the corner radii of load projections

3.4 Manoeuvre Descriptions and Modelling

In this section, the various manoeuvres required for the assessment of the safety standards

will be described. Detailed descriptions of the manoeuvres are given in the NTC’s

“Performance Based Standards Scheme – The Standards and Vehicle Assessment Rules,”

[4] and only certain aspects of the manoeuvres are summarised here, outlining where

applicable: the standards associated with each manoeuvre and the purpose and safety

implications of each, the path description, the path-following criteria, the speed at which

the vehicle must complete the manoeuvre, and the load scenarios that must be considered.

A summary of the manoeuvres, associated standards, rounding conventions and

criteria for compliance is given in Table 3.10. The rounding convention prescribes the

nearest decimal up or down to which the result must be rounded. The rounding

conventions prescribe the levels of tolerance for each of the standards, and are always

rounded toward a less favourable result. This leads to conservative reporting (e.g. an FS

result of 0.51 m would be reported as 0.6 m and not to 0.5 m).












ω = 0, π/40, 2π/40, …, π/4

Point calculated

by TruckSim®

Points calculated within

geometric model

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Table 3.10: Rounding conventions and criteria for compliance [4]

Manoeuvre Standard Rounding convention

PBS criteria

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Low-speed turn

LSSP ↑ 0.1 m ≤ 7.4 m ≤ 8.7 m ≤ 10.6 m ≤ 13.7 m

TS ↑ 0.01 m ≤ 0.30 m ≤ 0.35 m ≤ 0.50 m

FS ↑ 0.1 m ≤ 0.7 m (rigid trucks, prime movers)

≤ 1.5 m (buses and coaches)

DoM ↑ 0.01 m ≤ 0.20 m

MoD ↑ 0.01 m ≤ 0.40 m

STFD ↑ 1% ≤ 80%

Rollover SRT ↓ 0.01·g ≥ 0.35·g

≥ 0.40·g (dangerous goods, buses and coaches)

Single lane-change RA ↑ 0.01 ≤ 5.7⋅SRTrrcu

HSTO ↑ 0.1 m ≤ 0.6 m ≤ 0.8 m ≤ 1.0 m ≤ 1.2 m

Pulse steer YDC ↓ 0.01 ≤ 0.15

Longitudinal tracking TASP ↑ 0.1 m ≤ 2.9 m ≤ 3.0 m ≤ 3.1 m ≤ 3.3 m

3.4.1 Low-speed turn

The low-speed turn manoeuvre was covered in depth in Section 2.1.1. From the paths

tracked by the respective reference points on the vehicle during the turn, LSSP, TS, FS,

DoM and MoD can be calculated. The NTC requires that rear-view mirrors and signalling

devices are ignored in these measurements. These standards address the road space

required for a low-speed turn and the associated risks to pedestrians, other road users and

roadside furniture.

The sixth standard assessed in the low-speed turn manoeuvre is steer-tyre friction

demand or “STFD”. This is quantified by the ratio of the friction level demanded by the

steer-tyres to that which is available, and addresses the risk of the steer-tyres losing

traction when steer axle loads are low and/or when surface friction is limited. This is

typically a concern for vehicles with a “tri-drive” truck or truck-tractor (which has three

drive axles at the rear, which support an additional portion of what would otherwise be

vertical load on the steer axle, reducing steer-tyre vertical forces and hence increasing the

chances of their losing friction and “ploughing ahead”). STFD is calculated as a

percentage according to













peak F



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where Fx, Fy and Fz are the longitudinal, lateral and vertical steer-tyre forces respectively

in N, μpeak is the coefficient of friction between the tyre and road, and ζ is the number of

tyres on the steer axle or steer axle group. The NTC prescribes that μpeak must not be more

than 0.80. (For simulation purposes μpeak is set to 0.80.)

For all of the low-speed standards, the manoeuvre must be conducted with the vehicle

fully laden and unladen. For the laden scenario, load projections were set to 1 m where

applicable and are based on the dimensions of the 1998 Ford Expedition.

The TruckSim® driver model is only able to follow a path with respect to the vehicle

datum, and as a result, in order to achieve steer-tyre path-following, an offset-adjustment

technique similar to that described in Section 2.2.2 was necessary. A preview time (which

is transformed into a preview distance using the vehicle’s speed) is used to determine

how far ahead the driver model must “look” to compare current and desired vehicle

motion paths. The objective of the driver model is to minimise this error. It was found

that for low preview times and realistic values of steer-tyre relaxation length (for lateral

force development) the driver model would become unstable with large and rapid steering

variations. A driver preview time of 0.2 s was found to give an acceptable compromise

between path-following accuracy and driver model stability.

In the measurement of frontal and tail swing, when reference is given to the entry and

exit tangents of the path, it is taken to mean the path actually transcribed by the outer

steer-tyre wall and not the prescribed path it is supposed to follow. This is to take account

of the offset incurred by TruckSim®. To illustrate, if the front corner swings out to a

maximum of y = 0.60 m at a certain x coordinate, and the offset between the steer-tyre

path and prescribed path at that x coordinate is +0.01 m (to the inside of the turn), the

resultant frontal swing will be 0.61 m.

3.4.2 Rollover

The maximum steady-state lateral acceleration a vehicle can withstand before rolling over

is known as the static rollover threshold and gives a good indication of the vehicle’s

rollover stability. A higher static rollover threshold indicates a more stable vehicle. This

standard directly addresses one of the concerns cited by the transport authorities

regarding the stability of car-carriers at the 4.6 m loaded height.

The NTC requires that the rollover test must be conducted either by means of a tilt-

table test or a constant radius quasi-steady turn at incrementally increasing speed. The

more representative constant radius turn was selected for simulation purposes and

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (89)


consists of a circular road of radius 100 m along which the vehicle is driven at increasing

speed. The initial speed was set at 50 km/h. After 15 s the speed was incrementally

increased at a rate of 0.5 km/h/s until the vehicle – or one of the vehicle units – rolled

over. The rate of 0.5 km/h/s is the maximum allowable speed increment prescribed by the

NTC such that the quasi-steady-state condition is satisfied. The lateral acceleration of the

sprung mass centre of gravity of the first vehicle unit – or roll-coupled unit – at rollover

was taken to be the static rollover threshold of the vehicle combination in units of g

where g = 9.81 m/s2. The test was conducted with the vehicle both fully laden and in its

least favourable load condition. Rollover is taken to occur when all vertical tyre forces on

one side of the vehicle have reduced to zero (excluding the steer-tyre on that side of the

vehicle, due to the steer axle’s softer springs which offer relatively little resistance to roll


The term “roll-coupled unit” is included in the definition to incorporate the stabilising

effect of roll-coupling between adjacent vehicle units. In the context of roll motion, when

two adjacent vehicle units are roll-coupled, they behave almost as a single unit. The NTC

provides detailed requirements for calculating the combined lateral acceleration of a roll-

coupled unit, AYrcu, which may be summarised as






where ms is the sprung mass in kg, hs is the sprung mass centre of gravity height in m, and

AYs is the lateral acceleration of the sprung mass centre of gravity in m/s2.

3.4.3 Single lane-change

For the single lane-change manoeuvre, the NTC prescribes the use of the “Single sine-

wave lateral acceleration input” test method as described in ISO 14791:2000(E) [45]. The

path is described by











where v is the velocity in m/s, f is the frequency of the manoeuvre in Hz, and AYmax is the

maximum lateral acceleration in m/s2. The manoeuvre is illustrated in Figure 3.5.

Maximum lateral acceleration and steer frequency must be 0.15⋅g and 0.40 Hz


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Figure 3.5: Prescribed path for the single lane-change manoeuvre

The path must be followed with respect to the centre of the steer axle with a maximum

lateral offset of 30 mm, or such that the afore-mentioned lateral acceleration and steer

frequency requirements are met. Vehicle speed must be 88 km/h throughout the

manoeuvre. The test must be conducted with the vehicle fully laden and at the least

favourable load condition.

The manoeuvre is used to assess two safety standards: rearward amplification and

high-speed transient offtracking. Rearward amplification pertains to the tendency of

articulated vehicles to experience an amplified lateral acceleration response in trailing

vehicle units when subjected to a lateral acceleration input at the leading vehicle unit. As

a result, the rearmost unit or units may experience a lateral acceleration in excess of their

rollover threshold and roll over. Quantitatively, rearward amplification is defined as the

ratio of the maximum absolute lateral acceleration experienced by the sprung mass centre

of gravity of the rearmost roll-coupled unit, |AYrrcu|max, to that of the centre of the steer

axle, |AYsteer axle|max, during the manoeuvre. This is expressed as




axle steer





TruckSim® does not track a variable associated with AYsteer axle. The nearest available

variables are the lateral acceleration of the total prime mover centre of gravity or that of

the sprung mass centre of gravity. To obtain the lateral acceleration of the steer axle, the

lateral acceleration of the total prime mover centre of gravity was combined with the yaw

rate, yaw acceleration and relative locations of centre of gravity and steer axle centre

according to the principles of planar rigid-body kinetics. Although the difference between

the lateral acceleration of the prime mover centre of gravity and that of the steer axle was

small, the calculated steer axle lateral acceleration was used in calculations.











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Y (


X (m)

90 m entry section

60 m exit section




61.1 m

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During the manoeuvre, the rearmost vehicle will swing laterally outwards relative to

the path followed by the steer axle. Depending on the extent of this “overshoot”, the

vehicle may encroach on other lanes or roadsides presenting a safety risk to other road

users or pedestrians. The NTC limits the amount by which the rearmost vehicle unit may

deviate from the prescribed path. This lateral displacement is measured at the centre of

the rearmost axle and is denoted “high-speed transient offtracking”.

3.4.4 Pulse steer

The pulse steer manoeuvre is intended to assess the yaw damping characteristics of a

vehicle or vehicle combination. Yaw damping refers to the rate at which yaw oscillations

decay after a severe steer input. The NTC requires a minimum rate of decay of the

oscillations when the vehicle is subjected to a prescribed steer input.

The required steering input is as per the “Steering pulse” of ISO 14791:2000(E) [45].

The standard requires that the amplitude of the steering input shall be such that it

generates a maximum lateral acceleration of at least 2 m/s2 and that the duration of the

pulse be no greater than 0.6 s. For numerical modelling purposes, the NTC prescribes the

equation governing the form of the steering pulse as one period of a haversine function.

The steering pulse with amplitude and duration used here is shown in Figure 3.6. The

steering amplitude is 300° which, with a steering ratio of 25-to-1, yields a steer input of

12° at the front wheels. The steer input duration is 0.1 s.

Figure 3.6: Pulse steer input

Once subjected to the steering pulse, the vehicle variables that must be recorded are

the articulation angle between adjacent vehicle units (°), the articulation rate between

adjacent vehicle units (°/s), and the yaw rate of each individual vehicle unit (°/s). The








0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15



g w


l an


( )

Time (s)

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yaw damping ratio must be calculated using each of these variables and the lowest ratio

must be reported. The yaw damping ratio is calculated according to


1 2






















where A and D are the amplitude ratio and damping ratio respectively. A1 to Aθ represent

the sequential amplitudes of the variable as illustrated in Figure 3.7. Aθ must be at least

5% of A1 and at least six amplitudes must be used in the calculation. θ represents the

number of amplitudes used in the calculation. If the 5% criterion is met before the sixth

amplitude, the following equations must be used instead:


1 1






















Figure 3.7: Typical yaw damping response

The speed at which the manoeuvre must be conducted is not explicitly provided by the

NTC. For PBS compliance, the yaw damping ratio must be, “not less than 0.15 at the

certified vehicle speed.” In the context of the South African PBS scheme, maximum

vehicle speed is limited to 80 km/h [15]. Further, the NRTR imposes an 80 km/h speed

limit on vehicles with a gross combination mass exceeding 9 000 kg [1]. However, as the




Time (s)A1





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South African scheme is still in its infancy, and because car-carriers are unique in a South

African PBS context, a conservative speed of 100 km/h was used for simulation purposes.

The NTC requires that the test be conducted with the vehicle fully laden and at the least

favourable load condition.

3.4.5 Longitudinal tracking

The ability of a vehicle to remain within its lane when travelling at high speed on an

uneven road surface is important; and deviation from the lane can present a significant

safety risk to other road users. The NTC manages this risk by prescribing a maximum

swept path utilisation of a vehicle when travelling along a straight road of defined cross-

slope and surface roughness. This is termed tracking ability on a straight path or “TASP”.

The specifications of the prescribed road are made available by the NTC for numerical

simulation purposes. The road is specified by the vertical displacement of the paths

tracked by the left and right wheels. TruckSim® requires a road profile to be specified

relative to a global reference frame and not the vehicle. Even if the wheel path profiles

are specified at a lateral offset from the road centre line equal to half the steer axle track

width, the prescribed road profile will not be followed by other axles due to the deviation

of the vehicle from the prescribed path. It is hence important to establish a suitable

interpolation between the known road profiles.

Assuming a linear cross-slope between left and right wheel paths for each incremental

distance travelled, a centreline road-profile can be established as the average of the left

and right elevation profiles provided by the NTC. Assuming that the left and right wheel

paths are separated laterally by 2.5 m, the NTC’s road profiles may be specified at lateral

coordinates of –1.25 m and +1.25 m relative to the centre line. TruckSim® interpolates

and extrapolates these data to establish a three-dimensional profile of the road. An

unavoidable implication of this method is that the further the vehicle deviates outward of

the 2.5 m path width, the more amplified road roughness variations become. This is

conservative and deemed suitable for application here. Figure 3.8, Figure 3.9 and Figure

3.10 depict the centreline elevation, “wheel-path elevations” and three-dimensional

visualisation of the path used in TruckSim®

respectively. 200 m feed-in and feed-out

sections were included. The average cross-slope is 1.85° (sloping down to the right).

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (94)


Figure 3.8: Centreline elevation profile for longitudinal tracking

Figure 3.9: Elevation profiles for the left and right wheel paths for longitudinal tracking

Figure 3.10: Three-dimensional road profile used for longitudinal tracking (not to scale)








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400









Station (m)









0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400




l el



n (


Station (m)

–1.25 m lateral position

+1.25 m lateral position

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (95)


A number of reference points representing the outermost extremities of the vehicle

must be tracked to determine the maximum swept width utilised during the manoeuvre.

Where more than one choice of reference point exists in a given vertical plane, the NTC

requires that the point nearest the ground be chosen. This is an important definition for

car-carriers. If a vehicle has outermost points in the same vertical plane that exist at both

the top of the vehicle and near the bottom, the choice of the lower reference point means

that roll motion will not significantly contribute to the swept width exhibited by the

vehicle. As the test road has an inherent cross slope, roll motion can contribute a

significant lateral displacement of reference points at or near the top of the vehicle. In the

cases of the Maxiporter and Flexiporter, the side profiles of the vehicle structures are

“flat” and so the reference points are typically situated near to the ground, aligned with

the lower loading platform.

The test must be conducted at 90 km/h and the vehicle must be tested under both laden

and least favourable loading conditions. In the case of numerical modelling, the NTC

deems the 99th percentile of the swept width acceptable to cater for differences between

computer models.

3.5 Baseline Vehicle Assessments

This section presents the assessment results for the baseline Maxiporter and baseline

Flexiporter as they were described in Section 3.1. These are the vehicles as they were

initially proposed with maximum one metre load projections. For each vehicle, the results

are presented followed by a section briefly summarising significant observations and

proposing design modifications required to address any non-compliances. A “Tail swing

reinterpretation” section discusses an important aspect of tail swing highlighted during

the assessments. Unless otherwise stated, results are quoted according to the rounding

convention required by the NTC.

3.5.1 Maxiporter

Figure 3.11 shows the LSSP for the Maxiporter which was calculated to be 6.7 m

(rounded from 6.629 m). This value is low for a 22 m-long vehicle and is mainly due to

the short trailer wheelbase. The Level 1 limit for this standard is 7.4 m. The figure depicts

the laden scenario as this exhibited the largest value of LSSP due to the additional swing-

out of the front corner as a result of the projecting load.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (96)


Figure 3.11: Baseline Maxiporter, LSSP, laden

Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 show isolated regions of Figure 3.11 highlighting tail

swing and frontal swing respectively. Both cases are shown as laden as this yielded the

maximum values of tail and frontal swing due to load projections. The multiple

trajectories represent selected reference points on the car-carrier as well as the reference

points representing the rounded corners of the load projections. The tail swing was

calculated to 0.66 m (rounded from 0.655 m) – well in excess of the Level 1 limit of 0.30

m. The limiting factor in this case was the projecting load of the trailer (Unit 2), though it

is noted that the trailer rear corner swung out in excess of 0.5 m – a simple reduction in

the rear load projection could therefore not address this issue. The truck (Unit 1)

exhibited very little tail swing due to its relatively short rear overhang. Frontal swing was

calculated to be 0.7 m (rounded from 0.636 m) – also dominated by the projecting load

but within the allowable limit.

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Figure 3.12: Baseline Maxiporter, TS, laden

Figure 3.13: Baseline Maxiporter, FS, laden

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Steer-tyre friction demand performance is shown in Figure 3.14. STFD was calculated

to be 34% – well below the Level 1 maximum of 80%. This result represents the unladen

scenario as this was shown to be the worst case due to reduced vertical steer-tyre forces,

Fz, in the denominator of Equation (3.1).

Figure 3.14: Baseline Maxiporter, STFD, unladen

A notable feature of Figure 3.14 is an isolated peak at around 25 seconds. This point

coincides with the transition from the curved section of the path to the straight exit

tangent. This peak is a result of the characteristics of the driver model and not truly

representative of vehicle performance. It was found that at the point of curve transition,

the steering rate of the driver model increased from a mean near zero just before the

transition to about 600 °/s, resulting in a sharp rise in lateral and vertical tyre forces, and

the sharp rise in calculated steer-tyre friction demand.

Figure 3.15 depicts the rollover results. The figure shows the increasing lateral

accelerations experienced by the truck and trailer sprung mass centres of gravity as the

speed of the vehicle is increased to the point of rollover. The truck was calculated to be

the critical vehicle unit in this respect as it rolled first with an SRT of 0.35⋅g (rounded

from 0.351⋅g). This is at the lower limit allowed for all road access levels. This result was

achieved with the “top laden” loading scenario. Oscillations in lateral acceleration

occurred after 38 seconds as a result of the truck suspension rolling through the region of

lash. Rollover occurs before the trailer enters its suspension lash region.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (99)


Figure 3.15: Baseline Maxiporter, SRT, top laden

The results for the single lane-change manoeuvre are shown in Figure 3.16 and Figure

3.17. Figure 3.16 depicts the lateral acceleration of the steer axle and of the sprung mass

centre of gravity of the trailer. The rearward amplification was calculated to be 1.82

(rounded from 1.814). The worst case scenario for rearward amplification was determined

to occur when the vehicle had a fully laden trailer but no load on the truck.

The maximum allowable value for RA is 5.7·SRTrrcu where SRTrrcu is the static

rollover threshold of the rearmost roll-coupled unit which, in this case, is the trailer. As

the truck was the limiting vehicle in the SRT simulation, the SRT of the trailer was

determined by conducting the SRT manoeuvre with the truck unladen such that the trailer

could be taken to its maximum sustainable lateral acceleration. SRTrrcu was calculated to

be 0.44·g and so the upper limit for RA in this case is 5.7·0.44·g = 2.508·g which is

rounded down to 2.5·g. The vehicle meets the RA requirement. The favourable SRT of

the trailer, and hence acceptable RA performance, may be attributed to its three single-

fitment axles, each with large track width, large lateral spring separation and high spring


Figure 3.17 depicts the motion of the rearmost trailer axle in the global coordinate

system during the lane-change. The high-speed transient offtracking of the vehicle was

calculated to be 0.7 m (rounded from 0.633 m) which is in excess of the 0.6 m Level 1

limit. The least favourable load condition was the same as that for rearward amplification.

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Figure 3.16: Baseline Maxiporter, RA, trailer laden

Figure 3.17: Baseline Maxiporter, HSTO, trailer laden

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The yaw response of the Maxiporter to the pulse steer input is given in Figure 3.18.

The variable shown is the hitch articulation rate. Due to the roll-steer properties of the

steer axle, the vehicle maintained a steady steer response after the pulse input. Although

not a concern for the test itself, this resulted in unfavourable response data for articulation

angle and vehicle yaw rate response (values did not return to zero but rather to a finite

steady-state value). The only variable in this case to converge to zero was the hitch

articulation rate and hence it was used for the calculation of YDC.

Figure 3.18: Baseline Maxiporter, YDC, trailer top laden

The yaw damping coefficient was calculated to be 0.09 (rounded from 0.095) –

significantly below the lower limit of 0.15. This is a poor result, with large oscillations

continuing after the initial input of the steering pulse. The worst-case scenario was an

unladen truck with a “top laden” trailer. A centre-axle trailer results in the lateral tyre

forces, which act to restore equilibrium, having a short moment arm and being less

effective as compared to a trailer with the axle or axle group placed further back.

The results for tracking ability on a straight path are depicted in Figure 3.19. The

trajectories of a number of critical reference points are shown in the figure and the

maximum lateral displacement between any two trajectories over the course of the 1 000

m road is indicated. The value calculated was 3.0 m (rounded from 2.928 m) for the laden

scenario, which fails to meet the 2.9 m requirement for Level 1 road access. The 99th

percentile result was 2.906 m which rounds to the same figure of 3 m. During the feed-

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (102)


out section the vehicle became unstable as is evident in the erratic trajectories after about

1 200 m. The calculation of TASP was restricted to the 1 000 m test section, however the

instability of the vehicle was noted. The road profile used for this test is demanding and

inherent vehicle instabilities are likely to be identified in such a test.

Figure 3.19: Baseline Maxiporter, TASP, laden

Results for the baseline Maxiporter are summarised in Table 3.11 for all simulated

loading scenarios. The least favourable load condition for each standard is emphasised.

Results as rounded according to the requirements of the NTC for all worst-case loading

scenarios are shown in Table 3.12. The TASP results shown in Table 3.11 represent the

actual and not 99th percentile results. The final figure given in Table 3.12 is based on the

99th percentile value of the worst-case scenario. The vehicle combination failed to meet

the Level 1 road access criteria for tail swing, high-speed transient offtracking, tracking

ability on a straight path and yaw damping. This is mostly attributable to the centre-axle

configuration of the trailer.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (103)


Table 3.11: Baseline Maxiporter results, not rounded, all loading scenarios

Standard Unladen Laden Top




Truck top




Trailer top


LSSP (m) 6.543 6.629 - - - - -

TS (m) 0.544 0.655 - - - - -

FS (m) 0.525 0.636 - - - - -

STFD (%) 33 31 - - - - -

SRT (g) - 0.353 0.351 - - 0.440 0.451

RA - 1.459 1.468 - - 1.814 1.640

HSTO (m) - 0.631 0.561 - - 0.633 0.523

YDC - 0.208 0.216 0.390 0.342 0.108 0.095

TASP (m) - 2.928 2.910 - - - -

Table 3.12: Baseline Maxiporter results, rounded, worst-case loading scenarios

Standard Level 1

criterion Result

PBS level achieved

Critical scenario

LSSP (m) ≤ 7.4 6.7 All Laden

TS (m) ≤ 0.3 0.66 None Laden

FS (m) ≤ 0.7 0.7 All Laden

STFD (%) ≤ 80 34 All Unladen

SRT (g) ≥ 0.35 0.35 All Top laden

RA ≤ 2.5 1.82 All Trailer laden

HSTO (m) ≤ 0.6 0.7 Level 2 Trailer laden

YDC ≥ 0.15 0.09 None Trailer top laden

TASP (m) ≤ 2.9 3.0 Level 2 Laden

3.5.2 Maxiporter observations and design considerations

The failure of the Maxiporter to comply with the TS, HSTO, TASP and YDC

performance standards was determined to be due to the short trailer wheelbase. A

parametric study of the effects of increasing the trailer wheelbase was therefore

conducted. Without changing any other vehicle parameters, an increase in the trailer

wheelbase of one metre improved the Maxiporter’s performance in the TS, HSTO, TASP

and YDC standards, but increased LSSP. However, the increase in LSSP was small

enough such that the upper limit of 7.4 m was not exceeded.

The increase trailer wheelbase was not sufficient to reduce the tail swing to below the

0.30 m Level 1 limit. However, it was found that the rearmost outer corner of the trailer

served no mechanical purpose, and could be tapered to meet the 0.30 m limit. A further

parametric study determined the dimensions to which this corner should be tapered. This

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (104)


design modification was a relatively simple addition to the manufacturing of the trailer

and was hence deemed a suitable means of attaining compliance. The dimensions of the

required tapering are shown in Figure 3.20.

Figure 3.20: Maxiporter trailer rear corner tapering to satisfy Level 1 tail swing criterion

Although SRT was shown to meet the PBS criteria of 0.35⋅g, it did so by the smallest

of margins. The increased trailer wheelbase was shown to improve the SRT of the

vehicle. Factors that directly influence SRT are sprung mass, sprung mass centre of

gravity height, suspension and tyre stiffness and auxiliary roll stiffness – none of which

were altered. The reason for improvement in SRT lies in the vertical load redistribution

caused by the change in trailer wheelbase. As rollover is approached, lateral load transfer

occurs from one side of the vehicle to the other. Rollover occurs when all vertical load

has been transferred from one side of the vehicle to the other (the vertical tyre loads on

one side of the vehicle reduce to zero). If the standing vertical load can be increased

without increasing the actual sprung mass of the vehicle, the amount of load transfer

required for rollover, and hence the rollover threshold, is increased. In the case of the

Maxiporter, the increased trailer wheelbase shifted a portion of the original trailer load

from the trailer axle group to the hitch and hence to the truck. This resulted in the

observed improvement in the rollover threshold of the truck and hence of the vehicle

combination overall (because the truck is the limiting vehicle unit).

3.5.3 Flexiporter

Figure 3.21 depicts the LSSP of the Flexiporter. A calculated maximum LSSP of 6.6 m

(rounded from 6.539 m) was achieved for the unladen scenario. Unlike the case of the

Maxiporter where the laden scenario introduced a frontal load projection which increased

frontal swing-out and hence LSSP, the Flexiporter experienced the greatest LSSP in the

Original corner



14355 (from hitch)

14151 (from hitch)


59 1



Vehicle centre line

Light box

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unladen scenario. This is dictated solely by the effect of axle loads (decreased axle loads

increase swept path except in rare exceptions [30]).

Figure 3.21: Baseline Flexiporter, LSSP, unladen

Swing-out of the semitrailer extremities exceeded the Level 1 tail swing limit with a

magnitude of 0.38 m (rounded from 0.377 m). This is shown in Figure 3.22. A large

portion of this result was due to the “lateral overhang” of the rearmost outer corner of the

trailer relative to the outer steer-tyre wall. This concept is discussed in Section 3.5.5. The

worst-case scenario was the laden condition: the vehicle tracks less to the inside of the

path due to the increased axle loads, causing the tail to swing out further.

The worst-case (unladen) frontal swing scenario is shown in Figure 3.23. The

calculated frontal swing was 0.4 m (rounded from 0.337 m) which is well under the upper

limit of 0.7 m. As the axle loads are reduced, the offtracking increases which yields an

increased yaw angle relative to the path tangent. This results in increased frontal swing as

a larger portion of the front overhang dimension is projected in the positive Y direction.

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Figure 3.22: Baseline Flexiporter, TS, laden

Figure 3.23: Baseline Flexiporter, FS, unladen

Although difference of maxima and maximum of difference are indicated in Figure

3.23, these do not represent the worst case scenarios. Due to the semitrailer front load

projection introduced, the laden scenario yields the highest DoM and MoD values as

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (107)


depicted in Figure 3.24. DoM was calculated to be 0.44 m (rounded from 0.440) and

MoD was calculated to be 0.65 m (rounded from 0.644 m), both of which fail to meet the

Level 1 upper limit criteria of 0.2 m and 0.4 m respectively. STFD is depicted in Figure

3.25 and was calculated to be 33% (unladen).

Figure 3.24: Baseline Flexiporter, DoM and MoD, laden

Figure 3.25: Baseline Flexiporter, STFD, unladen

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Rollover simulation results are shown in Figure 3.26. The calculated SRT was 0.42·g

(rounded from 0.422·g) for the laden scenario. The air suspension and roll-coupling of the

fifth wheel both contribute to the favourable performance in this standard.

Figure 3.26: Baseline Flexiporter, SRT, laden

The RA results from the single lane-change manoeuvre are shown in Figure 3.27. A

RA of 1.06 was calculated (rounded from 1.055) for the “top laden” condition, well under

the limit of 2.39. Values near 1.00 are typical for tractor and semitrailer combinations and

values below 1.00 are possible [19]. The fully laden HSTO results are shown in Figure

3.28. The calculated HSTO result was 0.4 m (rounded from 0.304 m) which is safely

within the upper limit of 0.6 m.

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Figure 3.27: Baseline Flexiporter, RA, top laden

Figure 3.28: Baseline Flexiporter, HSTO, laden

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The hitch articulation rate response to the pulse steer input is shown in Figure 3.29.

Hitch articulation rate was chosen for the same reason given for the Maxiporter. The

calculated yaw damping ratio was 0.32 (rounded from 0.328). This favourable yaw-

damping behaviour is typical of tractor-semitrailer combinations [19].

Figure 3.29: Baseline Flexiporter, YDC, top laden

The trajectories of pertinent reference points on the Flexiporter during the tracking

ability manoeuvre are shown in Figure 3.30. The maximum swept path exhibited was 2.9

m (rounded from 2.846 m) for the laden scenario. The 99th percentile value was 2.835 m

which is also rounded to 2.9 m. Very little deviation of the truck-tractor was calculated

and the maximum swept path was entirely dictated by motions of the semitrailer.

Although 2.9 m is on the upper limit for Level 1 road access, the Austrailan heavy vehicle

fleet from which the limits were derived is limited to a maximum width of 2.5 m [20],

whereas widths of up to 2.6 m are permitted in South Africa [1] (and the Flexiporter

semitrailer is 2.6 m wide). As a result, TASP results can be expected to be up to 100 mm

larger than an equivalent 2.5 m-wide Australian vehicle, resulting in the seemingly

borderline result. Unlike the case of the baseline Maxiporter, the vehicle behaviour in the

feed-out section is as expected. As in the case of rearward amplification, tracking ability

on a straight path is not generally critical for tractor and semitrailer combinations [19].

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Figure 3.30: Baseline Flexiporter, TASP, laden

The assessment results of the baseline Flexiporter are summarised in Table 3.13 for all

simulated loading scenarios. Results as rounded according to the requirements of the

NTC for all worst-case loading scenarios are shown in Table 3.14. The vehicle

combination failed to meet Level 1 road access criteria on three accounts: tail swing,

difference of maxima and maximum of difference. As before, the TASP results in Table

3.13 represent the actual values observed but the value reported in Table 3.14 is based on

the 99th percentile value (although these give the same result in this case).

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Table 3.13: Baseline Flexiporter results: not rounded, all loading scenarios

Standard Unladen Laden Top


LSSP (m) 6.539 6.531 -

TS (m) 0.372 0.377 -

FS (m) 0.337 0.333 -

DoM (m) 0.258 0.440 -

MoD (m) 0.529 0.644 -

STFD (%) 33 31 -

SRT (g) - 0.422 0.439

RA - 1.038 1.056

HSTO (m) - 0.304 0.261

YDC - 0.338 0.328

TASP (m) - 2.846 2.822

Table 3.14: Baseline Flexiporter results: rounded, worst-case loading scenario

Standard Level 1

criterion Result

PBS level




LSSP (m) ≤ 7.4 6.6 All Unladen

TS (m) ≤ 0.3 0.38 Level 4 Laden

FS (m) ≤ 0.7 0.4 All Unladen

DoM (m) ≤ 0.2 0.44 None Laden

MoD (m) ≤ 0.4 0.65 None Laden

STFD (%) ≤ 80 33 All Unladen

SRT (g) ≥ 0.35 0.42 All Laden

RA ≤ 2.39 1.06 All Top laden

HSTO (m) ≤ 0.6 0.4 All Laden

YDC ≥ 0.15 0.32 All Top laden

TASP (m) ≤ 2.9 2.9 All Laden

3.5.4 Flexiporter observations and design considerations

Performance of the Flexiporter was shown to be sound for the dynamic performance

standards due to factors such as roll-coupling and air suspension. However, the

unsatisfactory performance in three of the manoeuvrability standards needs addressing.

Due to the 1 m front load projection, the frontal swing-out of the semitrailer exceeded

that of the prime mover in two manners of interpretation: DoM and MoD. Not only does

the semitrailer frontal swing-out influence DoM and MoD, but also the frontal swing-out

of the prime mover itself. For a given semitrailer swing-out, a smaller prime mover

swing-out increases the difference between the two and hence increases DoM and MoD.

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The frontal swing of the Midlum was identified as being relatively low. Therefore, one

approach to address the issues of DoM and MoD with minimal design modifications was

to increase the frontal swing of the prime mover through the addition of a “nudge-bar”.

A parametric study of the size and location of the nudge-bar was conducted to find an

optimal solution which would meet MoD and DoM requirements whilst remaining within

the frontal swing limit and within practical limits. A near-optimal solution was found

which satisfied DoM, frontal swing and practical constraints, but could not fully satisfy

the MoD constraint. Therefore, the semitrailer front load projection was reduced until

MoD fell within the acceptable limit. A projection of 890 mm (2 375 mm ahead of the

kingpin) was found to be suitable. The dimensions of the nudge-bar and allowable load

projection are shown in Figure 3.31.

Figure 3.31: Flexiporter modifications: nudge-bar and semitrailer load projection restriction

(vehicle drawing courtesy of Unipower)

In a practical sense, the nudge-bar provides the driver with a visible vehicle extremity

which can be used to gauge obstacle clearance during low-speed turning. The swing-out

behaviour of this extremity is representative of the swing-out behaviour of the semitrailer

(within the acceptable tolerances prescribed by the NTC) such that there is a reduced

chance of the semitrailer colliding with an obstacle that the driver has avoided through

manoeuvring the prime mover. It provides the driver with increased surety regarding

semitrailer swing-out and reduces the risk of unexpected semitrailer swing-out collisions.

The nudge-bar addressed two of the three standards of concern for the Flexiporter. An

option for addressing the remaining tail swing concern was to taper the rear corner of the

semitrailer in a manner similar to the Maxiporter. The tapered dimensions which would










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satisfy the Level 1 tail swing criteria are shown in Figure 3.32. During the course of the

assessment process, the lower platform was revised resulting in a 100 mm reduction in

width – this lowered the tail swing of the lower platform to an acceptable limit. This

tapering would therefore only apply to the upper loading platform.

Figure 3.32: Flexiporter semitrailer rear corner tapering dimensions to satisfy Level 1 tail

swing criterion

The proposed tapering could not be practically implemented on the Flexiporter

because of the sliding linkage of the platform collapsing mechanism shown in Figure

3.33. During collapsing, the upright must slide rearward along a track that runs along the

lateral extremity of the upper platform. When fully collapsed, the top corner of the

upright is located at the rearmost point of the upper platform. The proposed tapering of

the platform would obstruct the required motion of the upright and is hence not feasible

without modification of the mechanism.

Figure 3.33: Flexiporter semitrailer collapsing mechanism

The other possible modification considered was to increase the wheelbase of the trailer

but this was also not possible due to the collapsing mechanism. A large portion of the

Original corner



13650 (from hitch)

13150 (from hitch)

1225 1


Vehicle centre line

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Flexiporter’s tail swing was shown to be due to the lateral overhang concept mentioned in

the preceding section. This concept is expanded in the following section.

3.5.5 Tail swing reinterpretation

Tail swing was a concern for both vehicles; though the Flexiporter in particular

highlighted an important point concerning the manner in which tail swing is measured.

The wording of the NTC’s vehicle assessment rules is, in some cases, unclear. A point in

question is the definition of “entry tangent” relative to which tail swing is measured, and

whether or not this definition refers to the tangent of the prescribed path or the tangent of

the trajectory of the reference point being tracked. The ambiguity is perhaps exacerbated

by the diagram provided for the purposes of illustration (reproduced in Figure 3.34). The

problem lies in the fact that, in the example illustrated, the entry tangents of both the

prescribed path and the reference point trajectory (outside rear corner) are collinear and

so it is unclear to which of the paths the “Entry Path Tangent” label refers.

Figure 3.34: Illustration of tail swing as provided by the NTC [4]

Considering all sections of the document pertaining to the low-speed manoeuvrability

standards relative to one another suggests that “entry tangent” and “exit tangent” refer to

the tangents of the prescribed path itself – i.e. the path which the outer steer-tyre is made

to follow. Hence, when the document prescribes that, “on the entry side of the turn, tail

swing is the length of the longest line segment perpendicular to the low-speed turn entry

tangent intersecting it and the path trajectory,” it suggests that the datum from which tail

swing is measured is in fact the entry tangent of the prescribed path. This is the

interpretation that was utilised in this work.

A similar question can be raised for the case of frontal swing. However, in this

instance the document leaves no room for misinterpretation. The NTC requires that

frontal swing, “must be determined from the path trajectories of: (a) the outermost path

scribed in the ground plane by the vertical projection of the furthest forward or outside

point, or points, on the vehicle on the outside of the turn; and (b) the path scribed in the

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ground plane of the outer most point on the outer tyre sidewall nearest to the ground, on

the forward most outside steered-wheel.” This clearer definition gives support to the

interpretation utilised for tail swing.

Having established that tail swing is measured relative to the tangent of the prescribed

path, an important implication of this definition can be deduced. The illustration in Figure

3.34 suggests that the width of the outside rear corner of the illustrated vehicle is equal to

the width between extreme tyre walls on the steer axle. This is a likely scenario for large

Australian trucks, especially the kind to be operated within a PBS scheme. In this case,

the entry tangents of the prescribed path and of the motion path of the reference point are

collinear as shown.

A problem arises when the steer-tyre track width is not the same as the maximum

vehicle width, an example being maximum width trailers (i.e. 2.6 m in South Africa)

being towed by narrow, light-duty prime movers. The Flexiporter is one such vehicle

combination: the maximum width of the trailer is 2.600 m and the width between extreme

steer-tyre walls is 2.277 m – a difference of 323 mm. This equates to 162 mm either side

of the vehicle – the “lateral overhang”. Applying the Australian definition of tail swing,

the vehicle has a tail swing of 162 mm before the prescribed manoeuvre has begun. Due

to its narrow steer axle track width, the vehicle has incurred a tail swing penalty of 162

mm and the effective PBS tail swing limit for the vehicle is 300 – 162 = 138 mm.

A narrower steer axle in no way increases the risk posed by the swing-out of the rear

corner of a vehicle and it is only in the defined measurement of the standard that this

predicament arises. Given a fixed maximum width limit (i.e. 2.6 m), the actual safety risk

posed by this vehicle characteristic is how much the rear of the vehicle deviates from its

original path. In fact, the NTC describes tail swing as being, “the maximum outward

lateral displacement of the outer rearmost point on a vehicle unit,” [4]. The term

“displacement” suggests it should be a measure of the lateral movement of the corner

from its original trajectory, not relative to the prescribed path.

Consider the two vehicles in Figure 3.35. Vehicles A and B are identical in every way,

except that Vehicle A has a steer-tyre track width narrower than the maximum vehicle

width, and Vehicle B has a steer-tyre track width equal to the maximum vehicle width.

The vehicles are made to follow the same prescribed path of identical radius with respect

to the outer steer-tyre wall. Vehicle A will give a higher tail swing measurement than

Vehicle B due to the initial “penalty” as shown in the figure. The amount by which the

tail has swung outward of its original path is the same in both cases (neglecting the

effects due to small changes in path curvature for all tyres except the path-following tyre)

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and yet the values for tail swing are different. The proposed tail swing measurement is

indicated on the figure and is equal for both vehicles. This is a logical consequence as the

vehicles are identical in every respect except steer axle dimensions. With such a revised

tail swing interpretation, steer-tyre track width sensitivity is removed from the

measurement of tail swing.

Figure 3.35: Tail swing penalty incurred by vehicles with a narrow steer axle track width

It was observed that affected industry members were willing to take drastic steps to

gain compliance of their vehicles in the tail swing standard. Examples of proposed steps

were: to fit spacers to each end of the steer axle (with associated negative impacts on

bearing loads); to replace side-dish rims with centre-dish rims on the steer axle to

increase track width (also with associated bearing load increases); to fit larger tyres to the

vehicle than is standard (presenting clearance issues with the bodywork during steering);

and to replace the truck or prime mover altogether with a larger, heavier-duty truck

simply for the gain in track width.

The above measures are drastic (especially the fourth measure) and are not aligned

with the ethos of the PBS initiative in South Africa. A vehicle with one or more of the

above modifications could comply with the PBS criteria but would be less safe (due to

Prescribed path

Path followed with

respect to outer steer-

tyre wall

Path of vehicle

rear corner

Tail swing (NTC) A Tail swing (NTC) B

Vehicle A

Steer-tyre track width narrower

than maximum vehicle width

Vehicle B

Steer-tyre track width equal

to maximum vehicle width


vehicle width


track width



track width


Tail swing




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increased risk of bearing failure) or less efficient (due to a prime mover with

specifications far in excess of the demand of the freight task).

Considering the above discussion, it was proposed that, in assessing South African

vehicles for PBS approval, tail swing should be measured relative to the maximum width

of the vehicle rather than relative to the prescribed path. The proposed method would

more accurately reflect the safety risk posed and would mitigate the need for drastic

measures being taken by industry to gain compliance. This proposal was accepted by the

South African Smart Truck Review Panel, and the Flexiporter tail swing result could

therefore be reduced by 162 mm. The vehicle hence meets the Level 1 tail swing

requirement without modification to the trailer or its collapsing mechanism. Because the

tapering of the Maxiporter trailer was implemented on manufactured vehicles before this

decision was made, the tapering was retained. In any case, the lateral overhang

adjustment for the Maxiporter would be insufficient to fully negate the need for tapering.

3.6 Revised Vehicle Assessments

In the preceding sections, various design modifications to the two vehicles were

suggested. The modifications addressed all the relevant shortcomings and produced PBS

Level 1-compliant vehicles. In this section, the PBS assessment results of the revised

vehicles are presented. In summary, the modifications are:

an increase in the Maxiporter trailer wheelbase from 9 m to 10 m,

modification to the Maxiporter trailer rear corner geometry in accordance with

Figure 3.20,

the addition of a nudge-bar to the Flexiporter in accordance with Figure 3.31,

a front load projection restriction of 890 mm (2 375 mm ahead of the kingpin) for

the Flexiporter semitrailer, and

the reinterpretation of the tail swing standard in accordance with the decision taken

by the Smart Truck Review Panel.

3.6.1 Maxiporter

This section presents the PBS assessment results for the revised Maxiporter design with a

10 m trailer wheelbase and refined trailer rear corner geometry as per Figure 3.20. The

final design of the vehicle is given in Appendix F.

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Figure 3.36 shows the low-speed swept path of the revised vehicle which has

increased from 6.7 m to 7.2 m (rounded from 7.187 m). The result is within the 7.4 m

Level 1 limit. Tail swing (using the original interpretation of its measurement) is shown

in Figure 3.37. The tail swing result is 0.30 m (rounded from 0.295 m). Frontal swing is

shown in Figure 3.38, calculated to be 0.7 m (rounded from 0.629 m). The frontal swing

decreased slightly over the original vehicle due to the change in axle load distributions. In

all of the above cases, the laden scenario produced the worst-case results. Figure 3.39

shows STFD, calculated to be only slightly higher than before at 33.5% over the original

33.3%. This increase was due to the increased pitching moment of the prime mover as a

result of increased hitch load. The rounded result is identical at 34%. The unladen

condition gave rise to this worst-case result.

Figure 3.36: Revised Maxiporter, LSSP, laden

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Figure 3.37: Revised Maxiporter, TS, laden

Figure 3.38: Revised Maxiporter, FS, laden

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Figure 3.39: Revised Maxiporter, STFD, unladen

The results of the rollover simulation are shown in Figure 3.40. The static rollover

threshold increased from 0.35⋅g to 0.38⋅g (rounded from 0.389⋅g) due to the increased

hitch load as discussed in Section 3.5.2. Lash in the truck’s suspension occurs at around

40 seconds or 0.30⋅g (slightly delayed compared to the baseline vehicle due to the

increased axle loads). Due to the delayed truck rollover, the trailer in this case was able to

enter into its suspension lash region at around 49 seconds or 0.35⋅g. Although not very

clear in the figure, these effects are evident in the TruckSim® animations. The least

favourable load condition was the fully laden scenario. This was different from the

baseline vehicle for which the “top laden” scenario proved least favourable. The

increased hitch load (due to the increased trailer wheelbase and the fact that the trailer is

fully laden) has not only affected the overall SRT, but has had an effect on the critical

load scenario of the truck as well. This suggests that there exists some critical

combination of hitch load, sprung mass and sprung mass centre of gravity height for a

given vehicle either side of which one load scenario is least favourable and another not. A

quantitative parametric study of this assertion would highlight interesting aspects of this

concept and is suggested for further work.

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Figure 3.40: Revised Maxiporter, SRT, laden

Results for the single lane-change are given in Figure 3.41 and Figure 3.42. Rearward

amplification has improved from 1.82 to 1.24 and high-speed transient offtracking

improved from a non-compliant value of 0.7 m to a compliant value of 0.6 m (rounded

from 0.529 m). These improvements were a direct result of the increased trailer

wheelbase. Unlike the original design where the worst case scenario for both these

standards was a fully laden trailer, the worst-case scenarios were “trailer top laden” and

fully laden for rearward amplification and high-speed transient offtracking respectively.

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Figure 3.41: Revised Maxiporter, RA, trailer top laden

Figure 3.42: Revised Maxiporter, HSTO, laden

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Yaw damping results are given in Figure 3.43. The result obtained was 0.29 (rounded

from 0.299) for the “truck laden” condition. A significant improvement in yaw response

of the vehicle is clear as a direct result of the increased trailer wheelbase.

Figure 3.43: Revised Maxiporter, YDC, truck laden

The reason the “truck laden” scenario as opposed to the “top laden” scenario yielded

the lowest yaw damping result was purely a consequence of calculation formalities. In the

calculation of the amplitude ratio ,A An must be at least 5% of the magnitude of A1 (see

Equation (3.5)). If this limit is reached before the sixth amplitude, only amplitudes up to

and excluding the amplitude at which this criterion is first met must be considered. In the

“truck laden” case, the amplitudes were 3.337, 1.247, and 0.142 °/s, where the third

amplitude was less than 5% of the first. Therefore, only the first two amplitudes were

used in the calculation. The load scenario that yielded the next lowest value of yaw

damping was the “top laden” scenario with amplitudes 3.336, 1.447 and 0.290 °/s. These

amplitudes clearly decayed at a slower rate than for the “truck laden” scenario suggesting

poorer yaw damping response. Yet, because the third value was not within the 5% cut-off

limit, it was included in the calculation giving a yaw damping coefficient of 0.381 which

suggests improved yaw damping response. If only the first two magnitudes were used in

this case, a yaw damping ratio of 0.25 (rounded from 0.257) would have been calculated

– a poorer result than the “truck laden” scenario as should be the case. The calculation

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method required for yaw damping is flawed in this respect and can lead to misleading

results. Further investigation is suggested for future work.

Tracking ability on a straight path results are shown in Figure 3.44. The calculated

result was 2.9 m (fully laden). The unrounded result was 2.873 m and the 99th percentile

result was calculated to be 2.861 m, both of which were rounded to 2.9 m. This

improvement over the original vehicle’s TASP is due to the overall improvement in the

stability of the vehicle as discussed in Section 3.5.2, and which is evident in the improved

behaviour of the vehicle in the 200 m feed-out section of the manoeuvre.

Figure 3.44: Revised Maxiporter, TASP, laden

A summary of the results of the PBS assessment for the revised Maxiporter design is

given in Table 3.15. The vehicle was shown to meet all the safety criteria for Level 1 PBS

approval. Performance was improved over the baseline vehicle in six of the nine

standards at the expense of only low-speed swept path. The performance standards in

which the vehicle exhibited the most significant improvements were tail swing, rearward

amplification and yaw damping.

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Table 3.15: Revised Maxiporter results

Standard Level 1

criterion Baseline vehicle

Revised vehicle

PBS level achieved

Critical load scenario

LSSP (m) ≤ 7.4 6.7 7.2 All Laden

TS (m) ≤ 0.30 0.66 0.30 All Laden

FS (m) ≤ 0.7 0.7 0.7 All Laden

STFD (%) ≤ 80 34 34 All Unladen

SRT (g) ≥ 0.35 0.35 0.38 All Laden

RA ≤ 5.7·SRTrrcu 1.82 1.27 All Trailer top laden

HSTO (m) ≤ 0.6 0.7 0.6 All Laden

YDC ≥ 0.15 0.09 0.29 All Truck laden

TASP (m) ≤ 2.9 3.0 2.9 All Laden

At the time of publication, a number of units of the revised Maxiporter had been built

and commissioned, and are to be operated by Vehicle Delivery Services. A photograph of

one such unit is shown in Figure 3.45, with the design modifications as per the findings

and recommendations of this work.

Figure 3.45: A Vehicle Delivery Services Volvo FM400+Maxiporter PBS car-carrier

combination (10 m wheelbase trailer)

3.6.2 Flexiporter

This section presents the PBS assessment results for the revised Flexiporter design with

the addition of a nudge-bar to the truck-tractor, a reduction in the semitrailer front load

projection, and incorporating the revised tail swing interpretation. The final design of the

vehicle is given in Appendix F. As no significant changes to the inertial properties of the

vehicle were incurred with the addition of a nudge-bar, there was no change to the

dynamic performance of the vehicle. The modifications were assumed to be purely

geometric and so the only performance standards affected were those pertaining to low-

speed turning (excluding steer-tyre friction demand).

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Figure 3.46 depicts the low-speed swept path which increased from 6.6 m to 6.9 m

(rounded from 6.894 m). This increase was due to the increased prime mover frontal

swing-out as a direct result of the nudge-bar. The unladen scenario yielded the least

favourable results as a result of reduced axle loads.

Figure 3.46: Revised Flexiporter, LSSP, unladen

Using the revised interpretation of tail swing, an adjustment of 0.162 m (the lateral

overhang) was made to the Flexiporter’s tail swing result, giving 0.377 m – 0.162 m =

0.215 m (the actual trajectories are unchanged). The least favourable loading scenario for

tail swing was laden due to increased axle loads and the fact that the semitrailer and not

the projecting load was the limiting case.

Frontal swing performance is depicted in Figure 3.47 for the worst-case unladen load

condition. Frontal swing was optimised to the allowable limit to address the difference of

maxima and maximum of difference results. The resulting value was calculated to be 0.7

m (rounded from 0.700 m). The unladen scenario was again least favourable due to axle

load effects described previously. When the vehicle was laden, MoD and DoM were

calculated to be 0.40 m and 0.02 m respectively (see Figure 3.48). MoD was optimised by

limiting the front load projection to 890 mm.

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Figure 3.47: Revised Flexiporter, FS, unladen

Figure 3.48: Revised Flexiporter, DoM and MoD, laden

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A summary of the results of the revised Flexiporter assessment is given in Table 3.15.

The vehicle passed all the safety criteria for Level 1 PBS approval with performance

improvements in three of the nine standards at the expense of increases in low-speed

swept path and frontal swing.

Table 3.16: Revised Flexiporter results

Standard Level 1

criterion Baseline vehicle

Revised vehicle

PBS level achieved

Critical load scenario

LSSP (m) ≤ 7.4 6.6 6.9 All Unladen

TS (m) ≤ 0.3 0.38 0.22 All Laden

FS (m) ≤ 0.7 0.4 0.7 All Unladen

DoM (m) ≤ 0.2 0.45 0.02 All Laden

MoD (m) ≤ 0.4 0.65 0.40 All Laden

STFD (%) ≤ 80 33 33 All Unladen

SRT (g) ≥ 0.35 0.42 0.42 All Laden

RA ≤ 5.7·SRTrrcu 1.06 1.06 All Top laden

HSTO (m) ≤ 0.6 0.4 0.4 All Laden

YDC ≥ 0.15 0.32 0.32 All Top laden

TASP (m) ≤ 2.9 2.9 2.9 All Laden

3.7 Chapter Summary and Conclusions

The results of the detailed assessment of two Level 1 PBS car-carrier proposals were

presented and discussed. The baseline vehicles were assessed and shown not to comply

with certain performance standards. Specific aspects of each vehicle design were

identified to be the primary causes of these non-compliances, and the vehicle designs

were modified accordingly. The modified designs were assessed and shown to meet all

the requirements for Level 1 road access.

The baseline Maxiporter truck and tag-trailer combination proposal exhibited very

poor performance in the yaw damping and tail swing standards and also failed to meet the

Level 1 requirements for tracking ability on a straight path and high-speed transient

offtracking. The poor results in these standards were shown to be a direct result of the

centre-axle configuration of the trailer. Increasing the trailer wheelbase from 9 m to 10 m

yielded greatly improved performance in all these standards and resulted in Level 1

compliance in all standards except tail swing. The remaining excess tail swing was

addressed by appropriately tapering the rear corners of the trailer.

The Flexiporter tractor and semitrailer combination proposal showed good

performance in all the dynamic standards but failed to meet Level 1 criteria for the tail

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swing, maximum of difference and difference of maxima standards. The poor

performance in the MoD and DoM standards was shown to be a result of large semitrailer

front overhang and load projection relative to the narrow dimensions of the truck-tractor.

These shortcomings were addressed with the addition of a nudge-bar to the truck-tractor,

a reduction in semitrailer front load projection, and a revised interpretation of tail swing

measurement (now incorporated by the Smart Truck Review Panel).

Through the assessments, it was highlighted that the manner in which tail swing is

determined according to the requirements of the NTC [4] is not representative of the

safety risk being managed by the standard. Furthermore, the definition does not cater well

for vehicle combinations with wide trailers and narrow prime movers. Such vehicles

suffer a significant penalty in this regard that is not representative of any increased safety

risk posed by these vehicles. It was proposed that the interpretation of the standard for the

South African context address the above issue and hence close the gap between the

definition and the actual safety risk being managed. This proposal was accepted by the

Smart Truck Review Panel and tail swing is now measured relative to the maximum

width of the vehicle and not relative to the prescribed path.

These PBS assessments are the first of their kind for car-carriers to be published and

have highlighted a number of unique aspects of the vehicles. Payload variability was

shown to have a significant effect on performance and identifying the least favourable

load condition formed a critical aspect of the assessments. There is significant scope for

further work on this topic in analytically predicting critical load scenarios for a given set

of vehicle parameters. The assessments have shown how car-carrier safety may be

improved through informed design decisions, whilst increasing productivity at the same


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Chapter 4

Discussion and Conclusions

The structure of this dissertation is such that chapter-specific discussions and conclusions

have, to a large extent, been included in the respective chapters. This chapter summarises

these discussion points and discusses the all-encompassing observations and conclusions.

The chapter is structured as follows:

1. Discussions pertaining specifically to the two main sections of this work – the

low-speed turning model and the PBS assessments – are presented.

2. A discussion concerning the shortcomings of the Australian standards and factors

specific to the South African context is presented.

3. The overall conclusions of this work are stated.

4. Recommendations for further work are suggested.

4.1 Discussion

4.1.1 Low-speed turning model

The low-speed turning model developed in Chapter 2 proved to be an accurate means of

assessing the low-speed manoeuvrability of a range of vehicle combinations given only

basic dimensions. The model is computationally very efficient and can determine the low-

speed swept path, tail swing, frontal swing, difference of maxima and maximum of

difference for a typical vehicle combination within a few seconds. The model is useful for

preliminary proof-of-concept analyses for prospective PBS design proposals, and

parametric studies of the low-speed manoeuvrability of a large sample of vehicle

combinations (see for example Section 2.4). The model builds upon the work of others,

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selecting and combining the advantages and remedying the disadvantages of previous

work. The model was validated against more complex TruckSim® simulations and the

results compared favourably with acceptable levels of error.

Through the development of the model, computational methods were developed to

maximise the computational efficiency in calculating low-speed swept path and

maximum of difference. These methods were shown to be effective without

compromising accuracy and may prove useful for future studies. The “offset-adjustment”

method for achieving steer-tyre path-following was shown to be effective, but there is

room for improvement. Ideally, the model equations should be derived such that any

reference point on the vehicle may be selected, relative to which the vehicle can follow

the prescribed path.

The model could benefit from a number of additional improvements. Firstly, the

formulation of the model equations is such that any prescribed path may be specified, no

matter how complex. This is a very useful characteristic of the model. For this work,

where only one particular prescribed path was required, the path was defined within the

Matlab® m-file itself. For future work, the generification of the model such that any

external input file (i.e. .txt or .xls) of suitably defined path coordinates may be selected

and used in the model would prove useful.

The assumption that contributions of lateral hitch forces to low-speed turning

behaviour are negligible is subject to further investigation. Morrison stated that the

contributions observed in his work were small (up to a maximum of around 2%).

Although overall errors for the Flexiporter were favourable (mostly within 1% for LSSP,

FS and TS), those for the Maxiporter were slightly less favourable with the most notable

being an absolute error of 156 mm for one case of LSSP. This equates to 2.6% and it is

possible that a large portion of this error can be attributed to lateral hitch force effects.

Including such effects in the model would require a more detailed method of

incorporating tyre scrub effects (as opposed to the simple and computationally efficient

“equivalent wheelbase” principle) and the addition of tyre properties to the required input

data. For the anticipated application of the model, it was deemed suitable to forego some

accuracy for the benefit of simplicity and computational efficiency.

The user-friendliness of inputting vehicle data could be improved, potentially

benefitting from the capability of reading an external file with predefined vehicle data.

Potentially, the model could be provided with the geometric constraints of a road

intersection (along with the steering constraints of the prime-mover) and output a feasible

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path for the driver to follow and determine whether the turn is possible or not (similar to

the work of McGovern [29]).

Through the application of the model, the tail swing of the South African car-carrier

fleet was identified as a significant concern, shown to be a result of the ineffectiveness of

the National Road Traffic Regulations in limiting vehicle rear overhang. By comparison,

the Australian rear overhang requirements are very strict and are the reason the NTC’s

tail swing criteria are seemingly so restrictive. The Australian tail swing limit of 0.30 m

was shown to be a direct result of the 3.7 m rear overhang limit imposed by ADR 43/04 –

a limit to which the South African fleet has not been constrained.

The model is under constant development within the CSIR and is being used in

conjunction with TruckSim® as a preliminary PBS assessment tool. The afore-mentioned

improvements may, in time, be incorporated into the model, enlarging its scope such that

it may be applied to a variety of future research topics. In future, an assessment using the

model may, along with bridge-loading and road wear analyses, form part of the

encouraged application documentation for preliminary approval of South African PBS

vehicles. It could also be combined with Dessein et al.’s optimisation model [16] to

address the excluded standards of tail swing, frontal swing, difference of maxima and

maximum of difference.

4.1.2 PBS assessments

The detailed PBS assessments of the Maxiporter and Flexiporter car-carrier vehicles are

pivotal to this work and to the recently introduced car-carrier regulatory framework in

South Africa. The motivation for these assessments was the decision made by the

Abnormal Loads Technical Committee to discontinue the issuing of abnormal load

permits to car-carriers due to concerns of rollover stability and over the definition of

“indivisible load”. Car-carriers operators are now required to gain RTMS and PBS

approval before they are permitted to operate vehicles in excess of the height and length

constraints of the National Road Traffic Regulations. Should they not gain approval, they

will be restricted to operate within the full constraints of the NRTR and incur the

subsequent productivity losses.

Due to uncertainty around the implications of the ALTC’s decision and the associated

time-frames, vehicle transport companies were initially reluctant to pursue the costly and

time-consuming exercise of full PBS assessments required for approval. Also, the first

organisation to participate in such an exercise would take on the risk of incurring the

inevitable teething problems. Fortunately, Unipower (Natal), together with associated

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transport operators, was willing to take on this risk and proposed the first two vehicle

combinations for local PBS assessment. Fortunately again, the two proposed vehicle

combinations consisted of two of the most typical car-carrier configurations in operation

on South African roads today. Therefore, results of the assessments of these two vehicles

gave a good indication of the general characteristics to be expected from similar

proposals in future. Most notably, it is anticipated that longer trailer wheelbases will be

required for car-carriers if the PBS criteria are to be met.

The most time-consuming aspect of the modelling process was obtaining vehicle and

vehicle component data from relevant OEMs and suppliers. As this type of assessment is

not common in South Africa, the necessary data were often not immediately available

through local channels. Where data were unavailable, either generic data were sourced

from the literature, appropriate calculations made, or the specific vehicle property

excluded from the model. The use of generic data for certain vehicle parameters will

always be necessary to some degree due to time constraints on important projects.

In some cases, where established empirical methods exist to determine certain vehicle

properties, it is advisable to use such methods while taking note of their limitations.

However in other cases, where no established methods exist, and one has to rely on first

principles to derive a certain vehicle property, it may be best to ignore the contribution of

that property altogether or to assume a generic or worst-case conservative value for it.

Non-established methods may inaccurately model a vehicle property which could yield

inaccurate results. Depending on the property in question and the methods used to

estimate it, whether or not the estimate yields improved or diminished performance over

the actual vehicle is uncertain. This uncertainty is to be avoided in such assessments and

instead a conservative estimate should be used (even though it may be less accurate).

In the case of anti-roll bars, first principle methods were used to calculate roll stiffness

and some OEM data were made available against which the method could be

corroborated. In this case, the corroboration showed the method to be sound and it was

hence deemed suitable for use (see Section C.2.3, Appendix C).

Conversely, first-principle methods were attempted for tandem load-sharing properties

such as load transfer due to brake (or drive) torque and dynamic load transfer. These

properties are not readily available and are typically obtainable only through experiment.

Although first principles were able to derive seemingly acceptable predictions, these were

subject to significant uncertainties and assumptions, and the use of generic properties was

deemed preferable. In addition, varying values of load transfer due to brake torque

resulted in unwanted effects on the SRT simulation of the Maxiporter. As the drive torque

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increased on the drive axle at the higher speed region of the manoeuvre, significant load

transfer was observed between the drive and tag axles having unpredictable effects on the

SRT observed. In reality, vehicles can attain rollover speed without any drive torque (i.e.

due to gravity), and so this effect should not be a deciding factor in the SRT result. In this

instance, a tilt-table test would more accurately model rollover behaviour as it is in no

way affected by load transfer due to brake torque. In this particular case, it was deemed

more suitable to ignore the effect of load transfer due to brake torque rather than use

unverified methods to estimate it. Similarly for dynamic load transfer, it was deemed

more suitable to assume “perfect load-sharing” than to attempt to estimate the property

via first principles. Deviation from the ideal “perfect load-sharing” is generally minimal

[37] with subsequent minor effects on the respective PBS manoeuvres.

This raises the point of the accuracy of the data provided by OEMs. In some cases it

may be that data provided are subject to a number of assumptions and estimations which

are not necessarily made clear in the issuing of the data. The source of the data may be far

removed from the point from which it is ultimately obtained, and it is hence difficult to

establish the estimates used or assumptions made. At this stage of the South African PBS

initiative, it can only be assumed that the data provided are correct, and conservative

judgement must be applied in the interpretation of results. The NTC requires that where

the values of vehicle properties are uncertain, a sensitivity analysis should be conducted,

establishing the relative effects of varying the parameter in question on the overall vehicle

performance. If done accurately, such an exercise would require an immense effort. In

some cases it may be justifiable, but at this stage of the PBS demonstration project it was

deemed unnecessary. Conservative judgement was used throughout.

TruckSim® proved to be a powerful and relatively simple heavy vehicle simulation

tool. The fact that TruckSim® is a tailored heavy vehicle dynamics software package

removes many of the lower-level modelling requirements typical of a generic multibody

simulation package. From a PBS point-of-view however, a significant drawback of the

software is its path-following behaviour, both in its lack of accuracy and stability at low-

speed and its inability to follow a prescribed path with respect to a point other than a set

datum point on the prime mover. Addressing this would be of significant benefit to future

PBS work. Also, lateral acceleration of the steer axle should be included as an available

variable for the accurate calculation of rearward amplification.

Turning attention to the particular PBS assessments conducted for this work, a number

of informative observations were made. One of the initial concerns pertaining to car-

carriers was their rollover stability as a result of their 4.6 m allowable laden height.

Through this work it was shown that static rollover threshold performance of these

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vehicles, although borderline in one case, is of less significance than other safety-related

performance areas. The short trailer wheelbase of the truck and tag-trailer configuration

was shown to be far more of a concern, resulting in poor performance in standards such

as yaw damping, tracking ability on a straight path and tail swing. Increasing the trailer

wheelbase improved performance in these standards at the expense of some additional

road usage during low-speed turning. It is likely that future PBS car-carrier designs will

have to incur similar modifications in order to meet the required PBS criteria.

It is interesting that a feasibility study of increased-capacity car-carriers in North

America (conducted by UMTRI [46]) recommended that wheelbases should be made as

small as possible. The study considered only low-speed offtracking performance. Full

PBS considerations reveal short wheelbase trailers to yield poor dynamic performance,

and so in a PBS context this recommendation would be subject to limitations. This

highlights how a PBS framework can lead to better-informed design decisions.

An important aspect of this work observed in the context of car-carriers, but possibly

of consequence to other vehicles, is that of payload variability. For most of the

performance standards assessed, the NTC requires that the “least favourable load

condition” be considered. For vehicles with a highly variable payload, identifying this

condition is not a trivial matter. For most of the standards, both a high payload mass and a

high payload centre of gravity have detrimental effects on vehicle performance. However,

the combined effect of these properties is subject to other vehicle parameters and the

distribution of the payload. Therefore, it cannot easily be ascertained whether a higher

mass payload with lower centre of gravity is less favourable than a lower mass payload

with a higher centre of gravity. A limited number of representative worst-case loading

scenarios were considered in this work, though these scenarios were not exhaustive.

The concept of payload variability can have indirect implications such as was

observed in the case of the Maxiporter. In the case of truck and tag-trailer combinations

where a portion of the trailer load is supported by the truck, a payload variation on the

trailer will yield a variation in axle loads on the preceding vehicle unit. Such axle load

variations can result in variations in the rollover threshold of that vehicle unit, and

possibly in other performance areas as well. This highlights an aspect of vehicles such as

car-carriers that must be given consideration in PBS-type assessments: the “least

favourable load condition” for the truck in a truck and tag-trailer combination could be

the result of a particular trailer payload scenario. There is extensive scope for further

study in this area either through parametric or analytical investigations.

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The payload was in all cases assumed rigid, with a centre of gravity location fixed

relative to the sprung mass of the unladen vehicle. However, due to the manner in which

passenger vehicles are typically fastened to car-carriers – by securing the vehicles by the

wheels (see for example the South African National Standard: Load Securement on

Vehicles, Part 7 Abnormal Loads [47]) – the vehicles are free to roll on their suspension.

The effect of this would be similar to the effect of liquid slosh in tankers though perhaps

not as significant, and certainly in a different frequency domain. Significant work has

been conducted on the effects of liquid slosh on heavy vehicle performance (see for

example [48–51]) and similar (though less extensive) work has been conducted on the

shifting load problem of hanging meat and livestock (see [50], [52], [53]). However, no

published research exists for similar work on car-carriers.

The effect of passenger vehicle roll-compliance is two-fold. Firstly, the lateral

displacement of the centre of gravity due to steady lateral acceleration would have an

adverse effect on rollover-sensitive manoeuvres (for example, static rollover threshold

and rearward amplification). Secondly, the frequency response of the passenger vehicles

could have dynamic implications for dynamic manoeuvres such as rearward amplification

and yaw damping. The frequency domain in which typical passenger vehicles can be

excited would need to be determined and compared with the typical exciting frequencies

of the PBS manoeuvres as has been done for studies of liquid slosh. If these frequencies

are similar, resonance effects could be observed. There is extensive scope for these

effects to be analysed. Initially, roll-plane models incorporating the roll motion and

compliance of passenger vehicles could be developed to predict whether or not these

effects would be of concern to car-carriers. At a later stage, the effects of vehicle roll-

compliance could be modelled in TruckSim® (with the use of Simulink

®) for a number of

realistic scenarios and the results compared with analytical predictions.

The inherent variability of car-carriers presents a difficulty in applying a PBS

framework to the regulation of these vehicles. One of the benefits of a prescriptive

approach to heavy vehicle regulation is that it is simple and universally applicable to an

extensive heavy vehicle fleet. The current situation in which the car-carrier industry has

found itself is unique, and presents a unique problem: regulating a fleet of hundreds of

highly variable vehicles through a framework designed for specialist-application vehicle

fleets of a few dozen vehicles at most. Ideally therefore, the long-reaching goals of the

PBS initiative for car-carriers in South Africa should be to establish, through an

accumulation of PBS assessment results for a number of vehicle designs, a prescriptive

framework within which car-carriers must operate. A set of special prescriptive

constraints, founded on thorough PBS assessment data, could apply to South African car-

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carriers in a manner similar to the practice in South Australia [22]. For example, for a

given configuration – consider the case of a truck and tag-trailer combination – there

could be a minimum trailer wheelbase imposed to address dynamic performance

concerns. Similarly, there may be rear overhang limits enforced to address tail swing

concerns. In fact, limiting rear overhang (to 3.7 m for example) will indirectly result in

longer-wheelbase trailers. The establishment of such a prescriptive framework would

require the collection of sufficient representative data and is suggested for future work.

4.1.3 Shortcomings of incorporating the Australian standards directly

into a South African context

For the purposes of the PBS demonstration project in South Africa, the Australian PBS

framework was adopted almost in its entirety. The methods of assessment and the cut-off

criteria were incorporated without modification. The reasons for adopting the NTC’s PBS

framework are justified – it is arguably the most established framework of its kind in the

world and based on a vast expanse of expertise. However, through the course of this work

some aspects of the Australian standards – as applied within a South African context –

were shown to exhibit certain undesirable attributes.

A point in question was discussed in depth in Chapter 3: the datum relative to which

tail swing is measured. The NTC’s rules require that tail swing is measured relative to the

entry tangent of the prescribed path. Because the prescribed path is followed with respect

to the outer steer-tyre wall, this definition introduces a sensitivity of tail swing to the steer

axle track width and steer-tyre width. A variation in either of these two parameters is not

representative of a variation in the safety risk posed by the swing-out behaviour of the

vehicle. A revised interpretation of the measurement was proposed in which the datum is

moved to the maximum vehicle width. The standard would hence govern the

displacement of the vehicle rear corner beyond its original trajectory – with no sensitivity

to steer axle dimensions or steer-tyre size. The proposal was accepted by the Smart Truck

Review Panel the revised interpretation has been henceforth adopted for future PBS

assessments in South Africa. This is a positive step towards fine-tuning the Australian

standards to develop a robust South African PBS scheme.

Another point on which contentions may arise is the inherent differences in country-

specific legislation. Tail swing, frontal swing, low-speed swept path and tracking ability

on a straight path are all sensitive to vehicle width. The legal maximum vehicle width for

Australian vehicles is 2.5 m and the criteria for these standards are based on vehicles of

such width. In South Africa, where vehicle widths of up to 2.6 m are permitted, the

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existing criteria are more constraining than they would be for Australian vehicles of

similar configuration. The difference in rear overhang legislation and the implications for

tail swing are another case in question, and this has been discussed in depth. For the

sustainability of the South African PBS scheme, the criteria should be tailored to South

African conditions while maintaining sound judgement in respect of safety risk and

differences in road design standards.

The tracking ability on a straight path standard presents a point of contention in

relation to vehicle length. The Level 1 Australian criterion is based upon a maximum

vehicle length of 20 m. In South Africa, Level 1 PBS vehicles are permitted to have

unladen lengths of up to 22 m (the maximum length allowed by the NRTR). So again the

Australian standard is more constraining on South African vehicles than on Australian

vehicles. Tracking ability on a straight path is hence effected by differences in both

vehicle length and vehicle width between Australia and South Africa, and may as a result

prove to be a particularly constrictive standard for South African PBS vehicles in future.

The 20 m overall length constraint presents a similar case for the low-speed swept

path standard. A case in question is the B-double or “interlink” configuration. Of the

vehicle types that could be classified under Level 1 road access, B-doubles have the

poorest low-speed swept path behaviour [19]. It is unlikely therefore that a 22 m B-

double (which would be considered for Level 1 road access in South Africa by virtue of

its length) would meet the Australian Level 1 LSSP criteria. However, 22 m B-doubles

are commonplace in South Africa and are allowed within normal South African

legislation. One of the purposes of PBS is to increase productivity over that of legal

vehicles, not to further constrain it. This is hence an area warranting further attention.

Returning to the subject of tracking ability on a straight path, two more shortcomings

of the Australian standards were identified through this work: ambiguity concerning the

definition of the road profile, and inconsistencies pertaining to the choice of reference

points. The NTC provides assessors with a defined road profile in the form of left and

right wheel path elevation profiles. This gives no indication of the road profile within or

without these paths – road area that will certainly be covered by the wheels of offtracking

trailing units. Individual assessors make varying assumptions regarding this road area

which could lead to inconsistent results. A more suitable description for numerical

modelling purposes therefore would be a three-dimensional description of the surface in a

manner that is reproducible in all modern vehicle simulation software packages.

The choice of reference point is critical to the tracking ability result recorded for a

vehicle. The higher the reference point above ground, the larger the lateral displacement

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of the reference point due to roll motion, and the higher the subsequent tracking ability on

a straight path. The NTC requires that where there is a choice of more than one point

along a given vertical plane, the lowest point is to be selected. In the case of the car-

carriers assessed in this work, their side profiles were such that the selected reference

points are low relative to the ground and hence significant roll effects were excluded. An

identical vehicle with identical roll motion and tracking behaviour but a side profile such

that the top of the vehicle represents its widest point, would incur a large lateral

displacement due to roll motion and could yield exaggerated results relative to the first

vehicle. The choice of reference point should be made more consistent to avoid such

discrepancies between similar vehicles.

The single lane-change test also presents some matters for consideration. Firstly, it is

required that the test be conducted at 88 km/h whereas South African PBS vehicles are

restricted to 80 km/h. It could be worth studying the effect of this difference but for now

at least, it is conservative to use the higher speed. Secondly, the purpose of the high-speed

transient offtracking standard is to address the lateral displacement of vehicles/trailers

into adjacent lanes during an evasive manoeuvre. However, the variable of concern to the

measurement is the lateral displacement of the rearmost axle, which is not necessarily

representative of actual vehicle deviation. One vehicle, identical to another but with a

longer rear overhang, would deviate further into an adjacent lane than the other during the

manoeuvre depending on the yaw angle of the vehicle at the point of maximum deviation.

The lateral deviation recorded at the rearmost axle however, would be identical. It is

therefore suggested that vehicle reference points be used in this standard similar to those

required for the low-speed turning standards or tracking ability on a straight path (subject

to the amendments discussed above).

Lastly, the equations for determining yaw damping ratio were shown to exhibit certain

undesirable properties due to the 5% cut-off requirement. The inclusion or exclusion of

additional terms in the calculation of amplitude ratio will have an effect on the

subsequent yaw damping ratio calculated. Such a difference can be misleading in

favouring one vehicle’s response over another.

Addressing all of the above points would lead to a more robust, less-restrictive South

African PBS scheme that is more attractive to potential participants. Although the

Australian scheme is founded on sound knowledge and many years of experience, it is

inevitable that its direct application in a country with significantly different existing

heavy vehicle legislation would result in complications. More participants in the South

African scheme will yield more PBS assessment results and increased local expertise,

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making a stronger case for the above recommendations and ensuring the overall

sustainability and success of the PBS scheme in South Africa.

4.2 Conclusions

1. A geometric low-speed turning model for articulated and combination vehicles

was developed. The model is loosely based upon the tractrix concept and utilises a

discretised geometric solution method. The model was implemented in the form of

a Matlab® m-file and exhibits the following characteristics:

a. The model was verified against equivalent TruckSim® models for two

common car-carrier configurations and a number of variations of each

(fourteen in total). An average relative error of 2.0% was obtained. Some of

the error was attributable to inherent inaccuracies in the TruckSim®

simulations. The model is theoretically compatible with any vehicle

combination consisting of any number of vehicle units.

b. The model is able to calculate low-speed swept path, tail swing, frontal swing,

difference of maxima and maximum of difference.

c. The model is compatible with the steer-tyre path-following requirement of the

NTC through the use of a suitable “offset-adjustment” technique. The model

uses the NTC ninety-degree turn manoeuvre by default but is compatible with

any arbitrarily complex motion path.

d. The tyre scrub effect of non-steering tandem and tridem axle groups was

incorporated through the application of Winkler et al.’s equivalent wheelbase

principle. The model can theoretically incorporate the effects of non-steering

axle groups of any number of axles.

2. The model was successfully used to benchmark the tail swing performance of the

existing South African car-carrier fleet. Compliance with the Level 1 criterion of

0.30 m was shown to be about 20% due to the large rear overhangs of the vehicles.

Such rear overhangs are allowable within the confines of the South African

National Road Traffic Regulations, which were shown to theoretically permit rear

overhangs of up to 7 m and tail swing of up to 1.25 m. In comparison, Australian

regulations impose a strict 3.7 m constraint on vehicle rear overhang, which was

shown to effectively constrain tail swing of Australian vehicles to 0.30 m.

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3. Two proposed PBS Level 1 car-carrier combinations – one truck and tag-trailer

and one tractor and semitrailer combination – were assessed in accordance with

the Australian PBS scheme. The vehicles were found to exhibit a number of

shortcomings in respect of PBS compliance: the truck and tag-trailer combination

exhibited non-compliant performance in the tail swing, high-speed transient

offtracking, tracking ability on a straight path and yaw damping standards; and the

tractor and semitrailer combination in the tail swing, difference of maxima and

maximum of difference standards.

4. The shortcomings of the proposed vehicles were addressed through a number of

design modifications. An increase of one metre to the trailer wheelbase of the

truck and tag-trailer combination along with a minor refinement of the trailer rear

corner geometry addressed all the relevant shortcomings. The addition of a

“nudge-bar” to the prime mover, a reduction in semitrailer front load projection,

and a revision to the interpretation of the tail swing standard addressed the

shortcomings of the tractor and semitrailer combination. The revised tail swing

interpretation better reflects the safety risk concerned with the standard and has

been formally adopted by the Smart Truck Review Panel.

4.3 Recommendations for Further Work

1. A number of improvements to the geometric low-speed turning model are

suggested, including:

a. an option to expand the equivalent wheelbase principle to include dual tyre

effects and lateral hitch forces (though this would require tyre data),

b. deriving the principle equations of the model such that the vehicle can

follow a prescribed path with respect to any reference point, and

c. developing a utility for incorporating actively steered axles or axle groups.

2. The implications of an additional 100 mm in permissible maximum vehicle width

(2.6 m in South Africa compared to 2.5 m in Australia) on low-speed swept path,

frontal swing, tail swing and tracking ability on a straight path should be

quantified. The findings should be used to justify revisions to these standards for

the South African PBS scheme. A similar study should evaluate the implications

of the Level 1 maximum length difference (22 m in South Africa and 20 m in

Australia) on the affected performance standards. The geometric low-speed

turning model would be a useful in respect of the low-speed standards.

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3. The high-speed transient offtracking standard should be revised to assess the

actual lateral deviation of the vehicle into adjacent lanes and not only the lateral

deviation of the rearmost axle. The use of vehicle reference points similar to

those used for tracking ability on a straight path or tail swing is recommended.

4. The effect of an 8 km/h speed reduction on rearward amplification and high-

speed transient offtracking should be investigated to assess the implications of

South Africa’s 80 km/h speed limit for PBS vehicles.

5. The yaw damping ratio calculations should be revised to remove unrepresentative

sensitivities to the number of amplitudes used in the calculation.

6. The requirements for reference point selection in the tracking ability on a straight

path should be reconsidered such that roll motion contributions are consistently

included or excluded for all vehicles.

7. An in-depth analysis of each of the Australian performance standards should be

conducted to identify any additional shortcomings, especially in applying them in

a South African context. The shortcomings should be addressed through

appropriate modification of definitions, descriptions, interpretations, compliance

criteria or through the removal or addition of complete standards.

8. The steady-state and dynamic effects of the roll-compliance of passenger vehicles

(constituting the payload of car-carriers) should be investigated through suitable

analytical/parametric studies.

9. An extensive study of the effects of payload variations on the performance of car-

carriers (and perhaps other vehicles) should be conducted to identify the

relationships that determine the least favourable load condition for a given

vehicle or vehicle combination.

10. An extensive PBS-based parametric study of various car-carrier configurations

should be conducted to establish a prescriptive framework within which future

car-carriers could be operated.

11. Limitations concerning the loading of vehicles on the upper platform of a car-

carrier when the lower platform is empty should be enforced, giving cognisance

to the practical implications of such a restriction. Requirement 12.1.1 of South

Australia’s “Code of Practice for Car Carriers” is as a good example of this [22].

12. If possible, and with the support of participating manufacturers and operators, full

scale tests of one or both of the car-carriers should be conducted to give

additional insight into their behaviour and the modelling process.

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[1] DoT, National Road Traffic Act No. 93 of 1996 (as updated up to the National

Road Traffic Amendment Act, No. 20 of 2003 and Government Gazzette 25541,

2003). National Department of Transport, Republic of South Africa, 2003.

[2] TRH11: Draft guidelines for granting of exemption permits for the conveyance of

abnormal loads and for other events on public roads, 7th ed. Committee of State

Road Authorities, Republic of South Africa, 2000.

[3] TRH11: Dimensional and mass limitations and other requirements for abnormal

load vehicles, 8th ed. Department of Transport, Republic of South Africa, 2010.

[4] NTC, “Performance based standards scheme – The standards and vehicle

assessment rules,” National Transport Commission, Melbourne, 2008.

[5] J. Bosman, “Traffic loading characteristics of South African heavy vehicles,” in

8th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Weights and Dimensions, 2004.

[6] P. Perkins, J. Fedderke, and J. Luiz, “An analysis of economic infrastructure

investment in South Africa,” South African Journal of Economics, vol. 73, no. 2,

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Appendix A

Supplementary Data

A.1 Low-Speed Turning Model: Validation

The results of the low-speed turning model validation (Section 2.3) are given in Table

A.1 and Table A.2 for Vehicles 1 and 2 respectively.

Table A.1: Vehicle 1 validation results









+ 1



– 1

m Unladen

3 a



2 a



1 a


Scenario: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Geom. Model (m)

LSSP 6.659 6.659 7.179 6.161 6.659 6.615 6.589

TS (truck) 0.221 0.221 0.221 0.221 0.221 0.221 0.221

TS (trailer) 0.586 0.586 0.338 0.931 0.586 0.612 0.628

FS 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.545

TruckSim (m)

LSSP 6.569 6.531 7.111 6.006 6.613 6.593 6.594

TS (truck) 0.213 0.214 0.212 0.216 0.211 0.210 0.209

TS (trailer) 0.573 0.575 0.332 0.906 0.579 0.608 0.624

FS 0.542 0.537 0.537 0.540 0.553 0.557 0.561

TruckSim max. offset (m): 0.014 –0.012 0.011 0.018 0.024 0.029 0.032

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Table A.2: Vehicle 2 validation results









+ 1



– 1

m Unladen

2 a



1 a


3 a



Scenario: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Geom. Model (m)

LSSP 6.702 6.702 7.236 6.187 6.702 6.677 6.744

TS 0.372 0.372 0.242 0.593 0.372 0.380 0.359

FS 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475

DoM 0.226 0.226 0.266 0.179 0.226 0.224 0.229

MoD 0.539 0.539 0.588 0.484 0.539 0.537 0.543

TruckSim (m)

LSSP 6.680 6.683 7.217 6.160 6.689 6.669 6.718

TS 0.378 0.374 0.248 0.597 0.373 0.384 0.359

FS 0.475 0.474 0.474 0.474 0.479 0.481 0.476

DoM 0.239 0.245 0.279 0.194 0.232 0.220 0.250

MoD 0.554 0.560 0.602 0.501 0.552 0.539 0.572

TruckSim offset (m): 0.008 –0.009 –0.009 0.010 0.010 0.012 –0.011

A.2 Low-Speed Turning Model: Application

The dimensions of the car-carriers used in the tail swing assessment of the existing South

African fleet (Section 2.4.1) are given in Table A.3 and Table A.4 for the tractor and

semitrailer, and truck and trailer combinations respectively. Front overhang is measured

forward of the steer axle or kingpin (whichever is applicable), rear overhang is measured

rearward of the geometric centre of the rearmost axle group, and load projections are

measured in excess of these overhangs. Dimensions taken as constant for all vehicles

were: a steer-tyre track width (between extreme tyre walls) of 2.480 m, a vehicle width of

2.6 m and a load projection width of 1.8 m.

The vehicle dimensions used for the study of tail swing within the National Road

Traffic Regulations (Section 2.4.2) are given in Table A.5.

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Table A.3: South African car-carrier dimensions, tractor-semitrailer configurations

Vehicle: “A” “B” “C”

Prime mover

Front overhang (m) 1.440 1.440 1.440

Wheelbase (m) 4.650 3.900 3.600

Number of rear axles (m) 1 1 1

Hitch location (m) 3.650 3.300 2.700


Front overhang (m) 1.911 1.400 1.050

Front load projections (m) 0.430 0.500 0.955

Wheelbase (m) 9.000 9.600 9.750

Number of axles (m) 1 2 2

Axle spacing (m) N/A 1.350 1.300

Rear overhang (m) 4.400 4.160 4.555

Rear load projection (m) 0.500 0.500 0

Table A.4: South African car-carrier dimensions, truck-trailer configurations

Vehicle: “X” “Y” “Z”


Front overhang (m) 1.440 1.440 1.360

Front load projection (m) 0.500 0 0.800

Wheelbase (m) 5.775 6.075 4.080

Number of rear axles (m) 2 2 2

Axle spacing (m) 1.350 1.350 1.365

Rear overhang (m) 4.137 4.005 2.697

Rear load projection (m) 0.241 0.350 0.077

Hitch location (m) 7.405 7.600 5.742


Wheelbase (m) 9.200 7.440 9.000

Number of axles (m) 2 2 3

Axle spacing (m) 1.360 1.310 1.360

Rear overhang (m) 3.940 4.820 5.900

Rear load projection (m) 1.000 0.690 0.500

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Table A.5: Legal vehicle assessment, vehicle parameters

Vehicle type Vehicle Parameters

Rigid truck

Drive axles: Three, 1.35 m axle spacing

Wheelbase: Varied from 3.5 to 6 m (maximum of 8.5 m permitted)

Rear overhang: 60%⋅Wheelbase (varies accordingly with wheelbase)

Notes: Maximum length of 12.5 m not exceeded


Truck: Drive axles: one

Wheelbase: varied from 3.5 to 6 m

Hitch location: 1 m behind drive axle (fixed)

Axles: Three, 1.35 m axle spacing

Drawbar length: Varied from 0 to 2 m

Length: 11.3 m (maximum permitted) (fixed)

Rear overhang: 5.65 m (maximum permitted) (fixed)

Wheelbase: 11.3 - 5.65 - 1.35 + drawbar length = 4.3 to 6.3 m

Notes: Maximum total combination length of 22 m not exceeded


Tractor: Drive axles: one

Wheelbase: varied from 3.5 to 4.5 m (typical values)

Hitch location: 1 m forward of drive axle (fixed)

Axles: Three, 1.35 m axle spacing

Wheelbase: Varied between 4 and 8 m (up to 10 m permitted)

Rear overhang: 60%·wheelbase (varies accordingly with wheelbase)

Notes: Maximum articulated vehicle length of 18.5 m not exceeded

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Appendix B

Implementing the Low-Speed

Turning Model in Matlab®

Matlab® is well-suited to the manipulation of large matrices of numbers and is hence

well-suited for the implementation of the geometric model. A brief overview of some

aspects of the Matlab® model such as input data structure and input data manipulation are

discussed in this section.

The model was implemented in the form of an m-file. To initiate the model, the m-file

must be in the current working directory and the function must be called by entering the

following into the command window:

[SPW_max,TS,FS_1,DoM,MoD] = GeoLSSP()

The m-file will execute and the first dialog box will appear requesting input data. The

first set of information requested is T, the steer-tyre track width, N, the number of vehicle

units in the vehicle combination, the incremental step size, and whether or not results

should be plotted. The default step size is 5 mm.

For each vehicle unit in the vehicle combination being assessed, a total of eleven

additional parameters need to be specified. Most of these parameters have been

introduced in one form or another, but for clarity all required input variables are listed

and described in Table B.1. Figure B.1 gives an example of a truck and drawbar-trailer

combination to illustrate these parameters. In cases where the parameter is irrelevant such

as FClong for a dolly or H for the rearmost trailer, the parameter may simply be set to zero

and will not interfere with the results of the model. The binary identifier, Dollyj, is

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required in order for the model to determine which vehicles to use in the calculation of

MoD and DoM as well as aiding in the presentation of result plots.

Table B.1: Input parameters required for each vehicle unit in the Matlab® geometric model

Parameter Description

WBj Geometric wheelbase (m)

FClong,j Longitudinal position of front corner (positive forward of the steer axle/hitch) (m)

FCwid,j Vehicle width at front corner (= FClat·2) (m)

RClong,j Longitudinal position of rear corner (positive rearward of the steer axle/hitch) (m)

RCwid,j Vehicle width at rear corner (= RClat·2) (m)

nj Number of non-steering rear axles

dj Axle spacing between non-steering rear axles (m)

IEwid,j Vehicle width at inner edge (= IElat·2) (m)

Hj Hitch point location (positive rearward of the steer axle/hitch) (m)

ζj(1) Initial yaw angle (positive from the positive X axis to the positive Y axis) (rad)

Dollyj Binary identifier denoting the vehicle unit to be a dolly (= 1) or not (= 0)

Figure B.1: Illustration of input data required for the geometric model

There are two methods of providing the model with these data. One is to input the

values individually upon being requested to do so via the input dialog box pop-ups at the

beginning of each run. The other is to set the data as default within the m-file itself. In the

input dialog boxes, default values from the m-file are presented and the user can change

all values as applicable. However, if the vehicle or vehicle combination being analysed is

to undergo a parametric study or an optimisation process, and most of the values used in

subsequent runs of the model will be the same, it is useful for the user to simply set the

default values to those of the scenario in question. This way, only the parameters to be














n2=2 n3=3

Dolly2=1 Dolly3=0

d2 d3

H2 WB3


FCwid,3 IEwid,2 IEwid,3




FClong,3 RClong,3

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parameterised or optimised require editing before running the model. Specifying default

input data is the recommended method even where this is not the case. An example of

user-specified default data for a vehicle combination such as the one in Figure B.1 is:

% WB FClong FCwid RClong RCwid n d IEwid H th(1) Dolly

Data(:,1)=[5.2; 1.26; 2.2; 6.9; 2.59; 2; 1.40; 2.6; 7.16; pi/2; 0];

Data(:,2)=[4.2; 0 ; 0; 0; 0; 2; 1.36; 2.6; 4.23; pi/2; 1];

Data(:,3)=[9.0; 2.47; 2.3; 12.5; 2.59; 3; 1.36; 0; 0: pi/2; 0];

Examples of the input dialog boxes presented to the user are shown in Figure B.2.

Figure B.2 (a) shows the first input dialog box requesting fundamental model parameters

such as steer-tyre track width and the incremental step size. Figure B.2 (b) shows an

example of the dialog boxes requesting all the required dimensions of each vehicle unit.

This dialog box will appear N times – once for each vehicle in the combination.

Figure B.2: Model input: (a) basic parameters and, (b) vehicle data.



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Once the input data have been provided by the user, the main body of the m-file will

execute. Once complete, results are displayed in the command window as singular values

in the case of LSSP and FS, as a vector of length N in the case of TS and as vectors of

length N–1 in the cases of DoM and MoD. If “y” was selected for the “Plot?” request,

plots of LSSP, TS and FS, as well as DoM and MoD if applicable, will be displayed and

saved as .emf files in the active working directory. Example result plots for a truck and

drawbar-trailer combination (similar to the example shown in Figure B.1) are shown in

Figure B.3 to Figure B.5.

Figure B.3: Example plot output from geometric model, LSSP

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Figure B.4: Example plot output from geometric model, TS

Figure B.5: Example plot output from geometric model, FS, DoM, MoD

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Appendix C

Vehicle Modelling

In this section, the general methods, calculations and sources from which relevant vehicle

data have been obtained are described. The vehicle-specific data for each of the two

vehicles assessed are given in Appendix D and Appendix E.

C.1 Inertial Properties

C.1.1 Sprung mass

For the Volvo and Renault prime movers, inertial data were provided in the form of total

mass, total centre of gravity height and axle loads. In some instances, unsprung masses

were also supplied. Sprung mass, sprung mass centre of gravity height and longitudinal

location, moments of inertia, and unknown unsprung masses were either calculated or


Taking the unsprung masses and unsprung mass centre of gravity locations to be

known (see Section C.1.2), and assuming the vehicle centre of gravity to have no lateral

offset, the sprung mass and sprung mass centre of gravity location were calculated using

(refer to Figure C.1 for illustration)

, ustots mmm












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where m is mass in kg; M is axle load in kg; x and z are the longitudinal and vertical

locations of the centre of gravity in m; and the subscripts s, us and tot refer to the sprung,

unsprung and total masses respectively.

Figure C.1: Determining the mass and centre of gravity of the sprung mass

Roll, pitch and yaw moments of inertia of the sprung mass were estimated using the

techniques suggested by UMTRI [34] which may be summarised as

,2sxx mI




xWBmm s





xmm s




srsrfyyzz xWBmxmmII


where Ixx, Iyy and Izz are the roll, pitch and yaw mass moments of inertia respectively in

kg·m2; and ρ is the radius of gyration in m (assumed to be a constant value of 29'' = 0.737


In the case of the Volvo FM400, the total mass and centre of gravity height data

provided did not include driver or fuel. In the case of the Renault Midlum, the quoted

data included a driver and the fifth wheel but it was not clear whether fuel was included

(it was hence assumed to have been excluded). Where not included, these additional



mus,1 mus,3mus,2



sz totz1,usz2,usz



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components were modelled separately and added as additional payloads on the vehicle.

Driver inertial data were sourced from [54] and scaled for a typical 75 kg adult. Fuel was

modelled according to the size and location of fuel tanks (derived from the supplied

drawings), assuming maximum volumetric capacity and a diesel specific gravity of 0.84


The inertial properties of the truck superstructure and trailer of the Maxiporter, as well

as the semitrailer of the Flexiporter, were derived from detailed three-dimensional CAD

models of the assemblies as provided by Unipower. These data were corroborated against

known mass data where this was available, and scaled if necessary, to take into account

additional load contributions of spare wheels, tools etc.

The principles of modelling the actual payload consisting of a number of 1998 Ford

Expeditions were discussed in sufficient detail in Section 3.3 and need not be repeated

here. It should be clarified however that certain data from Heydinger et al.’s database

were excluded from consideration. Data that was not considered included the following:

Vehicles tested with more than one occupant. If a vehicle had only one occupant,

the mass was removed from the overall mass and the effects on the centre of

gravity location and moments of inertia were assumed small. An occupant mass of

75 kg was assumed where required.

Any vehicles with missing mass or centre of gravity location data.

Vehicles with ballasts to simulate load and/or additional occupants.

Vehicles with any additional loads such as measuring equipment or outriggers.

Any vehicle models dating from before 1990.

Lastly, TruckSim® requires vehicle inertial data to be specified for vehicles in their

unladen condition. As payload is added, the sprung mass will lower according to spring

and tyre stiffness properties (or just tyre stiffness properties in the case of air suspension).

Therefore, where it was known that data were provided for the vehicle in its laden

condition, full-load spring and tyre deflections were added to respective centres of gravity

heights to give the appropriate unladen values.

C.1.2 Unsprung Mass

Data for unsprung mass were provided by BPW for the trailer and semitrailer axles,

provided to a certain extent for the Volvo FM400 (rear bogie mass was given as a total,

not for individual axles) and not available for the Renault Midlum. The mass of the rear

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bogie of the FM400 was given to be 2 200 kg and it was assumed that the drive axle

accounted for 1 200 kg of this and the tag axle the remaining 1 000 kg. Renault Midlum

unsprung masses were estimated from UMTRI data [34] and scaled according to axle

load rating. This method was corroborated using the Volvo axles – where the unsprung

masses were known – and shown to be suitably accurate.

The centres of gravity of respective unsprung masses were assumed to be located at

the height of the wheel centre. This is reasonably accurate for most cases though least

accurate for steer axles where the wheel centres are typically above the axle centre.

Unsprung mass yaw/roll moments of inertia were estimated by scaling UMTRI data [36]

according to unsprung mass. The effects of these small inaccuracies on overall vehicle

performance were deemed negligible.

The spin inertias of rotating components of the axle assemblies (i.e. brake discs, brake

drums, half shafts etc.) were estimated from UMTRI data [35] to be 2 kg⋅m2 where

applicable. Similarly, wheel and tyre assembly spin moment of inertia data were derived

from UMTRI work [35], [36]. Two values were derived: 10 kg⋅m2 for 19.5” wheels

(based on data for 20” wheels [35]) and 12 kg⋅m2 for 22.5” wheels (based on 22.5”

wheels [36]).

Where unsprung mass values were derived via indirect means for a prime mover (i.e.

the Renault Midlum) these values directly affect the derived sprung mass of the vehicle

according to Equations (C.1) to (C.4). If the unsprung mass is over-estimated, it will

result in an underestimated sprung mass. However, the estimation methods used to derive

unsprung masses yielded acceptable predictions compared with other known data and so

the subsequent sprung mass estimation is deemed suitable as well.

C.2 Suspension

C.2.1 Spring kinematics

For all axle and suspension assemblies, detailed drawings were provided by the relevant

OEMs. From these drawings, the track width, wheel centre height and lateral spring

spacing could be deduced. Roll centre heights were provided by BPW for the trailer axles

but required estimation for the FM400 and Midlum. UMTRI estimation methods were

used for this purpose [37]. An example of this is illustrated in Figure C.2 (a) depicting a

typical front suspension with a shackle connection at the rear. Lines connecting the front

eye of the leaf spring to both eyes of the shackle are projected and the roll centre is taken

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to be midway between these lines where these lines cross the axle plane. Where no

shackle is present, the same method is used except that only one line is projected between

the front leaf spring eye and the point of slipper contact at the rear. A similar method was

used for the air suspension depending on the configuration and the inclination of the

trailing arms.

Figure C.2: Roll centre height estimation using UMTRI methods and the effect of axle load

on roll centre height relative to axle centre

The roll-steer characteristics of the axle are derived from the angle of the line joining

the front eye (or pivot point) and the roll centre. This line is taken to represent an

equivalent “axle locating link” (see [40]). Three-dimensional geometric considerations

can be shown to yield



where δ is the roll-induced steer angle in ° (positive steer to the left), ω is the sprung mass

roll angle relative to the unsprung mass in ° (positive clockwise when viewed from the

rear), and λ is the inclination of an equivalent axle locating link in ° (positive angled

down at the rear).

As with the height of the sprung mass, the roll centre height (and to a lesser extent, the

equivalent axle locating link inclination) are dependent on whether the measurement is

taken with the vehicle laden or unladen. This effect is illustrated in Figure C.2 (a) and (b).

Where applicable, the lower (conservative), laden roll centre height was used (making

suspension deflection adjustments as necessary).

Other lateral constraints on an axle will affect the location of the roll centre. One

example is a “track bar” connecting the top of the axle or differential to the chassis to

provide additional (and dominant) lateral constraint [37]. In this case the location of this

track bar would determine the location of the roll centre, but none of the axles considered

Loaded Unloaded


rcUL > rcL

Estimated roll


(a) (b)

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here had such mechanisms. In a similar manner however, the presence of an anti-roll bar

could influence the location of the roll centre if both the axle and chassis connections of

the bar were laterally constrained. It was assumed that this was not the case and that the

presence of an anti-roll bar had no effect on the location of the roll centre.

The effects of other kinematic properties of the axles such as lateral, longitudinal and

dive motions as a function of axle jounce were assumed negligible relative to the effect of

roll centre height.

The location of bump and rebound stops were deduced from suspension drawings

provided and/or damper extension/compression limits. Where such data were not

available, the allowable wheel travel was overestimated. Bump and rebound stop stiffness

was assumed to be 7 000 N/mm as per the default TruckSim® value.

C.2.2 Spring compliance

Spring compliance properties were made available by the relevant OEMs. Spring data for

the FM400 were provided in the form of loading curves of total vehicle deflection versus

applied load at the steer axle and rear bogie respectively. The contribution of tyre

deflection was removed from these data to deduce the individual spring stiffnesses. It was

assumed that the total spring stiffness of the bogie was shared equally between the two

axles with each possessing one half of the total spring stiffness. The drive axle suspension

of the Midlum consists of two-stage leaf springs with a higher stiffness at higher axle


For the Flexiporter semitrailer airbags, BPW made detailed airbag loading curves

available (for the BPW 30K airbag). The plot data were reprocessed to account for the

trailing-arm lever ratio between airbag and axle.

An important factor in heavy vehicle suspensions is lash [37]. This refers to the gap

between the spring leaf and the retaining pin below it. The effect of this lash on vehicle

performance is that during roll motion, when the spring load on one side of the axle is

reduced to zero, the sprung mass will roll a finite angle through the lash region with no

additional increase in lateral acceleration. The results in a plateau in a plot of lateral

acceleration versus roll angle. Depending on when the vehicle enters into this lash region

before rollover (a function of static axle loads, sprung mass inertial properties and

suspension stiffness), it may result in significant enough load transfer to roll the vehicle,

or it may simply result in a higher roll angle in post-lash lateral acceleration.

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The degree of lash was determined directly from suspension drawings. The actual lash

experienced at the axle however was scaled according to the ratio of distances from the

pivot point (i.e. the front eye of the leaf spring) to the axle and to the point of lash

respectively. For the rear bogie of the FM400, it was assumed that the lash would be

taken up in equal portions by each axle. The different “lash lever arm ratio” of each axle

was used to infer the actual lash experienced at each axle. In all applicable cases, lash was

incorporated by introducing a plateau region of each spring curve at zero load. Figure C.3

illustrates some of the spring compliance and kinematic concepts discussed. The example

shown is for the rear suspension of the Volvo FM400 which has a unique load

apportioning configuration.

Figure C.3: Volvo RADT-AR rear bogie, illustration of spring concepts (a simplified version

of a drawing provided courtesy of Volvo Trucks SA)

Another important feature of heavy vehicle suspensions is hysteresis. For leaf spring

suspensions, the difference in force between the loading and unloading curves is equal to

twice the amount of Coulomb friction present in the spring assembly. Where applicable,

this was incorporated into the spring deflection curves as a vertical offset between loading

and unloading curves. In TruckSim®, the rate of transition between loading and unloading

curves is characterised by the parameter β, the “characteristic deflection”. For lack of

available data, the default TruckSim® β value of 2 mm was used.

Typical values for Coulomb friction were sourced from UMTRI data [34] according to

axle type and suspension configuration. An annotated example of a two-stage spring

model is shown in Figure C.4 (Renault drive axle spring shown).


Locating link

inclination angle

Roll centre

Roll centre

Locating link

inclination angle


Bumps stops



Lash lever ratio = a/b ab

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Figure C.4: Example of a spring model used in TruckSim® (Renault drive axle spring shown)

All suspension components besides the springs were assumed rigid and therefore all

“compliance effects” were set to zero.

C.2.3 Auxiliary roll stiffness

For all cases of leaf-spring suspension, auxiliary roll stiffness was assumed to be limited

to the anti-roll bar. Where no such bar was present, zero auxiliary roll stiffness was

assumed. Where applicable, detailed dimensions of the anti-roll bar were obtained from

OEM drawings and the roll stiffness calculated from first principles. In calculating the

roll stiffness of the bar, one end was assumed fixed in the vertical direction and a vertical

force, F, was applied to the other. Pin joint constraints were applied to the chassis/axle

mounts as applicable. The overall deflection of the one end relative to the other was

calculated as a superposition of a number of individual beam deflections within

respective regions of the bar.

Consider Figure C.5. The bar is divided into five regions, A, B, C, D and E as

depicted. The individual deflections of the free end of the bar per kN of applied force are

denoted “s” with subscripts “b” or “t” to denote whether the deflection is a result of beam

bending or beam torsion respectively, and a second subscript is used to denote the region

of the bar in which this respective bending or torsion occurs. η denotes an angular

deflection due to torsion. The individual components of the deflection are:

sb,D, the deflection of the cantilevered beam segment D in the transverse plane in











-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80




Jounce (mm)





2nd stage1st stage



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ηt,BCD , the angular deflection in beam segment BCD in radians about the transverse

axis as a result of force F applied at a moment arm equal to the length of E,

st,BCD, the deflection at the point of force application as a result of ηt,BCD in mm,

ηb,A , the angular deflection of beam segment A in radians about the transverse axis

as a result of the moment applied at the effective pin joint joining A and B due to

moment arm of length E,

sb,A, the deflection at the point of force application as a result of ηb,A in mm, and

sb,E, the deflection of cantilevered beam segment E in the longitudinal plane in mm.

Figure C.5: Anti-roll bar roll stiffness derivation

Using simple beam deflection equations for each of the loading scenarios listed above,

and assuming a constant cross section, the roll stiffness of the anti-roll bar was calculated.

A Young’s Modulus, E, of 207 GPa and a shear modulus, G, of 79 GPa were used (mild

steel) [56].

Polar and bending moments of area, J and I respectively (in mm4), were calculated




io rrJ




io rrI


where ri and ro are the inner and outer radii of the anti-roll bar cross-section respectively

in mm. The individual beam deflections per kN applied force were calculated using [57]:














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ls D






,,, ABCDtBCDt ls





ls A








,,, AAbAb ls


where l is the length of the respective beam segments in mm. Finally, the overall roll

stiffness of the anti-roll bar, Kr (in Nm/rad), was calculated using
















The stiffness of some anti-roll bars was available against which the above method was

verified. Renault quoted the drive axle anti-roll bar to have a roll stiffness of 2 548 Nm/°.

The above method yielded a value of 2 718 Nm/° – an error of 7%. However, the stiffness

of the bushings of the bar was known to be 20 N/m. Including the effect of the bushings

yielded a roll stiffness of 2 677 Nm/° – an error of 5%.

In addition, another car-carrier manufacturer made available the results of some finite

element analyses of selected anti-roll bars. In the one instance, the finite element analysis

yielded 6 588 Nm/° and the above method yielded 6 720 Nm/° – an error of 2%. In the

other instance, the finite element analysis yielded a roll stiffness of 14 835 Nm/° and the

above method predicted 14 719 Nm/° – an error of less than 1%. The method described in

this section was hence deemed accurate for use.

For the air suspension, auxiliary roll stiffness was estimated using the data of Fu and

Cebon [38]. The auxiliary roll stiffness for a typical underslung air suspension was

selected (6 080 Nm/°).

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C.2.4 Dampers

Force versus compression rate data for the dampers were sourced from the respective

OEMs. The lateral spacing between dampers and the inclination of the dampers with

respect to the horizontal (i.e. 90° represents vertical) were deduced from suspension

assembly drawings. Where damper inclination was less than 90°, the velocity was scaled

up and the force scaled down by the sine of the angle relative to the horizontal. This

implies a lower damper rate effectively scaled down by the square of the sine of the

inclination angle. In all cases the dampers were located at or near the axle and so no lever

arm effects were included. A typical damper curve is shown in Figure C.6.

Figure C.6: Example damper behaviour (Maxiporter steer axle shown)

For leaf spring suspensions without dampers, damping is present in the form of

Coulomb damping as opposed to the viscous damping of a traditional damper. Whereas

viscous damping is a function of compression rate, Coulomb damping has a constant

magnitude. In TruckSim®, specifying Coulomb friction within the spring model only has

the effect of introducing hysteresis to the spring behaviour. It does not model Coulomb

damping effects. This must be modelled separately as what may be termed a “Coulomb

damper”. Where applicable, this was achieved by specifying a damper with behaviour as

illustrated in Figure C.7. The example shown has 1140 N of Coulomb friction and is

defined so as to always oppose motion. The magnitude of Coulomb friction is equal to the

value sourced for spring hysteresis.








-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500




Compression rate (mm/s)

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Figure C.7: Example “Coulomb damper” behaviour (Maxiporter drive/tag axle shown)

C.2.5 Inter-axle load transfer

The distribution of static load between adjacent axles was either provided by the relevant

OEM or assumed to be equal (i.e. a ratio of 0.5). Dynamic load transfer was taken to be

0.5 in all cases (i.e. perfect load-sharing). This is a reasonable assumption for most

shared-spring and 4- and 6-spring cases [37]. For the air springs of the Flexiporter, the

airbags are longitudinally inter-connected and so perfect load-sharing is closely


Load transfer due to brake torque was assumed zero in all cases. This is an accurate

assertion for the air suspension though such effects could be significant in the FM400

bogie and the Maxiporter trailer axles. As none of the manoeuvres involve braking or

significant acceleration, the effects of this assumption are deemed negligible

(notwithstanding the indirect effect on SRT discussed on Section 4.1.2).

C.3 Tyres

For each tyre size of the Maxiporter and Flexiporter, rated load, vertical stiffness,

effective rolling radius and unloaded radius data were obtained from the 2011 “Michelin®

Truck Tire Data Book” [58]. Where data for more than one model of tyre were available

for the same tyre size, data were selected for the model that best fit the description of


Data for lateral stiffness, the most critical of tyre properties in dynamic manoeuvres,

were sourced from extensive work conducted by UMTRI in the 1980s [39]. It was







-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400




Velocity (mm/s)

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assumed that because the tyres assessed in the study represent out-dated technology, the

properties will be conservative for all possible makes and model of tyre (for a given size)

that could be fitted to the car-carriers today. This is in line with the NTC’s requirement

that, “If generic, non-descript tyres were used in the analysis these should have cornering

characteristics that are consistent with worst-case performing tyres of the same size to

ensure that any tyre of the same size can be used.”

Although lateral stiffness data were only available for slip angles up to 15°,

preliminary assessments showed that none of the manoeuvres approached this limit. For

the four tyre sizes used in this work, the lateral stiffness properties are provided in Table

C.1 to Table C.4. The data have been converted from imperial units.

Table C.1: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (385/65 R22.5) as per Uniroyal 15-22.5H [39]

Vertical load (N) 11 121 22 241 33 362 44 482

Slip angle (°) Lateral force (N)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 729 3 270 4 739 5 720

2 2 858 5 577 8 020 9 911

4 4 752 9 221 13 430 16 933

8 7 256 14 160 20 561 26 055

12 8 497 16 670 23 272 29 500

16 8 482 16 789 24 298 30 906

Table C.2: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (315/80 R22.5) as per Uniroyal 12.5-22.5G [39]

Vertical load (N) 8 896 17 793 26 689 35 586

Slip angle (°) Lateral force (N)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 353 2 266 2 924 3 307

2 2 227 3 947 5 158 5 919

4 3 761 6 888 9 135 10 591

8 5 865 10 754 14 487 17 117

12 6 594 12 522 17 192 20 916

16 7 114 13 311 18 474 22 741

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Table C.3: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (295/80 R22.5) as per Michelin 12x22.5 [39]

Vertical load (N) 8 896 17 793 26 689 35 586

Slip angle (°) Lateral force (N)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 388 2 563 3 332 3 692

2 2 547 4 831 6 501 7 425

4 4 397 8 618 11 751 13 747

8 7 083 12 978 17 772 21 332

12 7 976 14 781 20 044 24 043

16 8 229 14 888 20 306 24 180

Table C.4: Tyre lateral stiffness properties (285/70 R19.5) as per Michelin 11.0R20H [39]

Vertical load (N) 8 896 17 793 26 689 35 586

Slip angle (°) Lateral force (N)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 432 2 588 3 306 3 664

2 2 532 4 821 6 475 7 513

4 4 397 8 511 11 699 13 851

8 6 851 12 813 17 575 20 871

12 7 868 14 763 19 906 24 016

16 8 501 15 715 20 973 25 212

Although the UMTRI study did also feature longitudinal stiffness and aligning

moment data, such data were not available for all required tyre sizes. Therefore, and

because these properties do not have a significant effect on the manoeuvres assessed in

this work, default TruckSim® data were used. TruckSim

® has default data available for

tyre load ratings of 2 000 kg, 3 000 kg and 3 500 kg. Using Michelin® load ratings [58],

TruckSim® data for the nearest load rating were selected for each tyre. TruckSim


longitudinal stiffness and aligning moment properties for the three load ratings are given

in Table C.5 to Table C.10.

Due to a lack of data, and the relative insensitivity of the simulations to the data,

relaxation lengths were calculated as recommended by TruckSim®. The relaxation length

for longitudinal force generation was calculated as 10% of the unloaded radius and the

relaxation length for lateral force and aligning moment generation was calculated as twice

the unloaded radius. Where the tyre was fitted to a steer axle, a relaxation length of 100

mm was specified to avoid the instabilities described in Section 3.4.1.

Tyre rolling resistance data, wheel toe and camber, and camber thrust properties were

set to zero.

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Table C.5: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 2 000 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 4 905 9 810 19 620 29 430 39 240

Slip ratio Longitudinal force (N)

0.025 1 518 2 927 5 421 7 480 9 215

0.050 2 718 5 241 9 706 13 395 16 501

0.075 3 509 6 767 12 532 17 295 21 305

0.100 3 973 7 662 14 189 19 581 24 121

0.125 4 223 8 144 15 082 20 813 25 639

0.150 4 344 8 378 15 515 21 411 26 376

0.175 4 390 8 466 15 679 21 637 26 654

0.200 4 391 8 469 15 683 21 643 26 662

0.225 4 366 8 421 15 594 21 519 26 509

0.250 4 325 8 342 15 448 21 318 26 261

0.300 4 220 8 138 15 070 20 797 25 619

0.350 4 102 7 910 14 649 20 215 24 903

0.400 3 983 7 681 14 224 19 630 24 181

0.450 3 868 7 459 13 814 19 063 23 483

0.500 3 759 7 249 13 424 18 525 22 820

0.550 3 656 7 051 13 057 18 019 22 197

0.600 3 560 6 866 12 714 17 546 21 614

0.650 3 470 6 693 12 394 17 104 21 071

0.700 3 387 6 532 12 096 16 693 20 563

0.750 3 309 6 382 11 818 16 309 20 090

0.800 3 236 6 241 11 558 15 950 19 649

0.850 3 168 6 110 11 316 15 615 19 236

0.900 3 105 5 988 11 089 15 302 18 851

0.950 3 045 5 873 10 876 15 009 18 489

1.000 3 045 5 873 10 876 15 009 18 489

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Table C.6: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 000 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 7 358 14 715 29 430 44 145 58 860

Slip ratio Longitudinal force (N)

0.025 2 277 4 391 8 131 11 221 13 822

0.050 4 077 7 862 14 559 20 092 24 751

0.075 5 264 10 151 18 798 25 942 31 957

0.100 5 959 11 493 21 283 29 371 36 181

0.125 6 334 12 216 22 622 31 219 38 458

0.150 6 516 12 567 23 273 32 116 39 563

0.175 6 585 12 700 23 518 32 455 39 980

0.200 6 587 12 704 23 525 32 464 39 992

0.225 6 549 12 631 23 391 32 279 39 764

0.250 6 488 12 513 23 172 31 977 39 392

0.300 6 329 12 207 22 605 31 195 38 429

0.350 6 153 11 866 21 973 30 323 37 355

0.400 5 974 11 522 21 336 29 444 36 272

0.450 5 802 11 189 20 720 28 594 35 224

0.500 5 638 10 873 20 135 27 787 34 230

0.550 5 484 10 576 19 586 27 028 33 296

0.600 5 340 10 299 19 072 26 319 32 422

0.650 5 206 10 040 18 592 25 657 31 606

0.700 5 080 9 798 18 144 25 039 30 845

0.750 4 964 9 572 17 727 24 463 30 136

0.800 4 854 9 362 17 337 23 925 29 473

0.850 4 753 9 166 16 973 23 423 28 855

0.900 4 657 8 982 16 633 22 953 28 276

0.950 4 568 8 810 16 314 22 513 27 734

1.000 4 568 8 810 16 314 22 513 27 734

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Table C.7: Tyre longitudinal stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 500 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 8 584 17 168 34 335 51 503 68 670

Slip ratio Longitudinal force (N)

0.025 2 656 5 122 9 486 13 091 16 126

0.050 4 756 9 172 16 986 23 441 28 876

0.075 6 141 11 843 21 932 30 265 37 284

0.100 6 953 13 408 24 830 34 266 42 212

0.125 7 390 14 252 26 393 36 422 44 867

0.150 7 602 14 662 27 151 37 469 46 157

0.175 7 683 14 816 27 438 37 864 46 644

0.200 7 685 14 821 27 446 37 875 46 658

0.225 7 641 14 736 27 289 37 659 46 391

0.250 7 569 14 598 27 033 37 306 45 957

0.300 7 384 14 241 26 373 36 394 44 833

0.350 7 178 13 843 25 635 35 377 43 580

0.400 6 970 13 442 24 893 34 352 42 317

0.450 6 769 13 054 24 174 33 360 41 095

0.500 6 578 12 685 23 491 32 418 39 935

0.550 6 398 12 339 22 850 31 533 38 845

0.600 6 230 12 015 22 250 30 705 37 825

0.650 6 073 11 713 21 690 29 933 36 873

0.700 5 927 11 431 21 168 29 212 35 986

0.750 5 791 11 168 20 681 28 540 35 158

0.800 5 664 10 922 20 227 27 913 34 386

0.850 5 545 10 693 19 802 27 327 33 664

0.900 5 433 10 479 19 405 26 779 32 989

0.950 5 329 10 278 19 033 26 266 32 356

1.000 5 329 10 278 19 033 26 266 32 356

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Table C.8: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 2 000 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 4 905 9 810 19 620 29 430 39 240

Slip angle (°) Aligning moment (Nm)

1 38.2 148.4 512.7 975.0 1 733.3

2 50.5 202.1 766.7 1 384.2 2 460.8

3 45.0 188.8 808.4 1 818.9 3 233.5

4 29.9 133.9 706.6 1 721.0 3 059.5

6 –5.0 –19.9 315.1 1 078.4 1 917.1

8 –24.9 –138.1 –68.1 336.1 597.5

10 –26.1 –164.7 –284.5 –186.4 –331.4

12 –18.3 –104.9 –325.3 –432.1 –745.8

14 –11.1 –26.5 –267.9 –443.9 –789.2

16 –7.2 –2.4 –191.1 –375.2 –667.1

18 –4.4 –8.5 –130.9 –290.3 –516.1

20 –3.4 –8.5 –90.8 –218.6 –388.7

25 –1.6 0.0 –42.2 –111.3 –197.9

30 –1.1 0.0 –23.6 –62.8 –111.6

35 –0.6 0.0 –14.8 –39.5 –70.3

40 0.0 0.0 –10.0 –26.6 –47.3

45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Table C.9: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3 000 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 7 358 14 715 29 430 44 145 58 860

Slip angle (°) Aligning moment (Nm)

1 86.0 333.9 1 153.5 2 193.7 3 899.9

2 113.7 454.7 1 725.2 3 114.4 5 536.7

3 101.1 424.9 1 818.9 4 092.4 7 275.4

4 67.4 301.3 1 589.8 3 872.2 6 884.0

6 –11.3 –44.7 709.0 2 426.4 4 313.6

8 –56.1 –310.8 –153.2 756.2 1 344.3

10 –58.7 –370.5 –640.1 –419.5 –745.7

12 –41.2 –236.1 –731.9 –972.2 –1 678.2

14 –24.9 –59.6 –602.8 –998.8 –1 775.7

16 –16.2 –5.4 –429.9 –844.2 –1 500.9

18 –10.0 –19.0 –294.5 –653.1 –1 161.1

20 –7.6 –19.0 –204.3 –491.9 –874.5

25 –3.7 0.0 –95.0 –250.4 –445.2

30 –2.6 0.0 –53.1 –141.3 –251.1

35 –1.3 0.0 –33.3 –88.9 –158.1

40 0.0 0.0 –22.6 –59.8 –106.4

45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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Table C.10: Tyre aligning moment stiffness properties, TruckSim® 3500 kg rated tyre

Vertical load (N) 8 584 17 168 34 335 51 503 68 670

Slip angle (°) Aligning moment (Nm)

1 117.1 454.5 1 570.1 2 985.9 5 308.2

2 154.7 618.9 2 348.1 4 239.1 7 536.1

3 137.7 578.3 2 475.7 5 570.3 9 902.7

4 91.7 410.1 2 163.9 5 270.5 9 369.9

6 –15.3 –60.9 965.1 3 302.6 5 871.2

8 –76.4 –423.0 –208.5 1 029.2 1 829.7

10 –79.9 –504.3 –871.3 –570.9 –1 015.0

12 –56.0 –321.4 –996.3 –1 323.3 –2 284.2

14 –33.9 –81.1 –820.5 –1 359.5 –2 416.9

16 –22.1 –7.4 –585.2 –1 149.1 –2 042.9

18 –13.6 –25.9 –400.9 –889.0 –1 580.4

20 –10.3 –25.9 –278.0 –669.6 –1 190.3

25 –5.0 0.0 –129.3 –340.9 –606.0

30 –3.5 0.0 –72.3 –192.3 –341.8

35 –1.7 0.0 –45.3 –121.0 –215.1

40 0.0 0.0 –30.7 –81.4 –144.8

45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

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C.4 Couplings

The hitches were assumed to perfectly constrain translational motion in all three principle

directions. Roll, pitch and yaw constraints were assumed zero in the case of the

Maxiporter, and zero pitch and yaw constraint was assumed for the Flexiporter.

Fifth wheel roll stiffness was taken to be 56 500 Nm/°. This value was sourced from

the NTC [40] after obtaining a number of representative values from previous work [40],

[59–65]. Due to the large variation between values, the most conservative lowest value as

offered by the NTC’s report was chosen. Much of the work cited took into account lash in

the fifth wheel assembly. The effects of this are reasonably well documented (see for

example [48], [65], [66]) but representative values used in previous work varied

immensely. A number of representative values were used in preliminary simulations

resulting in a negligible effect on the PBS results but a significant effect on the volatility

of resultant data. As a result, a decision was taken to exclude lash from the fifth wheel

and to use only a conservative linear roll stiffness of 56 500 Nm/°.

Chassis compliance effects have not been included in this work due to a lack of data

and a lack of the modelling capabilities required to model these effects. This assumption

is reasonable for the Maxiporter truck and trailer and the Flexiporter semitrailer where the

car-carrying superstructures may contribute some stiffness to the vehicles (relative to a

flatbed trailer for example).

C.5 Steering

All steering compliances and kinematic effects were assumed negligible. The premise for

this is that the simulations in question are to assess vehicle performance as the vehicle is

made to follow certain paths, and should not be dependent on the steering behaviour

required to do so. The only steering property that was defined was the steering wheel to

road wheel gear ratio which was taken to be 25-to-1.

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (181)


Appendix D

Maxiporter Input Data

D.1 Inertial properties

D.1.1 Sprung mass

Table D.1: Sprung mass properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Truck Trailer

Sprung mass kg 5 430 7 355

CoG height above ground mm 1 124 1 311

CoG distance behind steer axle/hitch mm 936 8 133

CoG lateral coordinate (positive left) mm 0 0

Roll moment of inertia kg⋅m2 2 946 14 722

Pitch moment of inertia kg⋅m2 11 492 121 808

Yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 11 492 120 019

Table D.2: Additional sprung mass properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Truck

superstructure Fuel and


Sprung mass kg 3 452 831

CoG height above ground mm 2 058 813

CoG distance behind steer axle/hitch mm 3 254 1 525

CoG lateral coordinate (positive left) mm 0 –474

Roll moment of inertia kg⋅m2 6 372 561

Pitch moment of inertia kg⋅m2 16 692 555

Yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 16 989 852

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (182)


Table D.3: Sprung mass properties of payloads, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Truck Trailer

Full Top only Full Top only

Number of passenger vehicles - 3 2 6 3

Sprung mass kg 7 686 5 124 15 372 7 686

CoG height above ground mm 2 948 3 503 2 384 3 355

CoG distance behind steer axle/hitch mm 2 633 2 254 8 807 9 165

CoG lateral coordinate (positive left) mm 0 0 0 0

Roll moment of inertia kg⋅m2 9 783 5 426 26 532 13 775

Pitch moment of inertia kg⋅m2 55 322 45 298 260 030 117 197

Yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 51 541 44 424 247 281 110 879

D.1.2 Unsprung mass

Table D.4: Unsprung mass properties per axle, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Tag Trailer

Unsprung mass kg 750 1 200† 1 000† 650

CoG height above ground mm 513 535 536 432

Axle assembly roll/yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 526 572 477 525

Axle components spin moment of inertia (per side)

kg⋅m2 2 2 2 2

Wheel assembly spin moment of inertia (per wheel)

kg⋅m2 12 12 12 10

† Total bogie mass given as 2200 kg. Individual unsprung masses weighted towards drive axle

D.2 Suspension

D.2.1 Springs

Table D.5: Suspension geometry, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Tag Trailer

Track width mm 2 109 1 854 1 854 2 310

Wheel centre height mm 513 535 536 432

Roll centre height above axle CoG mm 85 –38 0 –80

Roll steer locating link angle ° –2.8 2.6 5.2 2.7

Axle lateral movement vs. jounce mm/mm 0 0 0 0

Axle longitudinal movement vs. jounce mm/mm 0 0 0 0

Axle dive vs. jounce °/mm 0 0 0 0

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (183)


Table D.6: Spring compliance, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Tag Trailer

Spring stiffness N/mm 311 746 746 650

Spring track mm 825 988 988 1 600

Lash at spring connection mm 0 20 20 44

Lash lever arm ratio N/A 0.51 0.61 0.51

Lash at wheel mm N/A 10.1 12.4 22.4

Coulomb friction N 887 1 140 1 140 1 752

β mm 2 2 2 2

Compliance effects (various) 0 0 0 0

Auxiliary roll moment Nm/° 6 299 0 0 0

Wheel-to-spring jounce ratio - 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1

Table D.7: Tandem suspension properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Drive/Tag Trailer

Static load ratio supported by rear axle of each two-axle pair

- 0.44 0.5

Dynamic load transfer coefficient - 0.5 0.5

Load transfer due to brake torque 1/m 0 0

D.2.2 Dampers

Table D.8: Damper properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Tag Trailer

Damper model - Sachs

20769819 - - -

Damper angle relative to horizontal ° 90 - - -

Damper track mm 1 130 - - -

Damper rate (including inclination effect) N/(mm/s) Table D.9 - - -

Auxiliary roll damping Nm-s/° 0 0 0 0

Table D.9: Damper behaviour, Maxiporter steer axle

Velocity (mm/s)

Force (N)

Jounce Rebound

0 0 0

50 570 1 790

132 620 3 250

257 680 4 030

395 650 4 580

508 750 5 080

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (184)


D.3 Couplings

Table D.10: Coupling properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Hitch

Distance behind steer axle mm 5 745

Height above ground mm 595

Lateral offset mm 0

Roll stiffness Nm/° 0

Pitch stiffness Nm/° 0

Yaw stiffness Nm/° 0

D.4 Tyres

Table D.11: Tyre properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive/Tag Trailer

Size - 385/65 R22.5 315/80 R22.5 285/70 R19.5

Single/Dual - Single Dual Single

UMTRI tyre used for lateral stiffness data [39] - Uniroyal

15.0-22.5H Uniroyal

12.5-22.5G Michelin


Michelin tyre used for rated load, vertical stiffness, effective rolling radius, unloaded radius data [58]


Widebase XZA2 Energy XZE2+

Rated load kg 4 500 4 125 2 900

Effective rolling radius mm 521 521 433

Unloaded radius mm 536 537 448

Vertical stiffness N/mm 1 193 987 801

Dual tyre spacing mm N/A 352 N/A

Rolling resistance % 0 0 0

Relaxation length for Fy and Mz mm 100† 1 074 896

Relaxation length for Fx mm 54 54 45

Load rating for TruckSim® longitudinal and aligning moment stiffness properties

kg 3 500 3 500 3 000

Wheel toe ° 0 0 0

Wheel camber ° 0 0 0

† Value chosen for steer-tyres to avoid erratic steering motion whilst maintaining acceptable path-following behaviour

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (185)


D.5 Steering

Table D.12: Steering system properties, Maxiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Value

Steering wheel to road wheel gear ratio °/° 25-to-1

Parking torque (each side) Nm 0

Axle wrap compliance °/Nm 0

Steer-to-wrap ratio °/° 0

Wheel steer vs. axle jounce °/mm 0

Steering assembly compliances (various) 0

Kingpin offset mm 0

Lateral inclination ° 0

Caster angle ° 0

Kingpin centre ahead of wheel centre mm 0

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (186)


Appendix E

Flexiporter Input Data

E.1 Inertial properties

E.1.1 Sprung mass

Table E.1: Sprung mass properties, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Tractor Semitrailer

Sprung mass kg 3 743† 7 367

CoG height above ground mm 1 067 1 334

CoG distance behind steer axle/hitch mm 863 6 512

CoG lateral coordinate (positive left) mm 0 0

Roll moment of inertia kg⋅m2 2 031 12 421

Pitch moment of inertia kg⋅m2 6 808 157 231

Yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 6 808 157 733

† Includes driver and fifth wheel

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (187)


Table E.2: Sprung mass properties of payloads, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Semitrailer

Full Top only

Number of passenger vehicles - 6 3

Sprung mass kg 15 372 7 686

CoG height above ground mm 2 618 3 519

CoG distance behind steer axle/hitch mm 6 453 6 252

CoG lateral coordinate (positive left) mm 0 0

Roll moment of inertia kg⋅m2 23 401 11 145

Pitch moment of inertia kg⋅m2 353 648 210 064

Yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 341 643 204 629

E.1.2 Unsprung mass

Table E.3: Unsprung mass properties per axle, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Trailer

Unsprung mass kg 710 1 210 750

CoG height above ground mm 505 519 429

Axle assembly roll/yaw moment of inertia kg⋅m2 498 577 606

Axle components spin moment of inertia (per side)

kg⋅m2 2 2 2

Wheel assembly spin moment of inertia (per wheel)

kg⋅m2 12 12 10

E.2 Suspension

E.2.1 Springs

Table E.4: Suspension geometry, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Trailer

Track width mm 1 982 1 834 2 310

Wheel centre height mm 505 519 429

Roll centre height above axle CoG mm 118 244 –99

Roll steer locating link angle ° –1.6 0 4.2

Axle lateral movement vs. jounce mm/mm 0 0 0

Axle longitudinal movement vs. jounce mm/mm 0 0 0

Axle dive vs. jounce °/mm 0 0 0

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (188)


Table E.5: Spring compliance, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Trailer

Spring stiffness N/mm 227 426/840 Figure E.1

Spring track mm 820 1 000 1 500

Lash at spring connection mm 0 16 0

Lash lever arm ratio - N/A 0.5 N/A

Lash at wheel mm N/A 8 N/A

Coulomb friction N 887 2 169 N/A

β mm 2 2 2

Compliance effects (various) 0 0 0

Auxiliary roll moment Nm/° 6 326 2 677 6 080

Wheel-to-spring jounce ratio - 1:1 1:1 1.76:1

Table E.6: Tandem suspension properties, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Trailer

Static load ratio supported by rear axle of each two-axle pair

- 0.5

Dynamic load transfer coefficient - 0.5

Load transfer due to brake torque 1/m 0

Figure E.1: Spring plot, Flexiporter semitrailer axle (BPW 30K airbag)











-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60


e (N


Jounce (mm)

Static load = 3337Static load = 6675 N

Static load = 20025 N

Static load = 33375 N

Static load = 46725 N



Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (189)


E.2.2 Dampers

Table E.7: Damper properties, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Trailer

Damper model - Monroe

E530240A Tenneco

E5304601 BPW


Damper angle relative to horizontal ° 90 60 56

Damper track mm 1 013 780 1 258

Damper rate (including inclination effect) N/(mm/s) Table E.8 Table E.9 Table E.10

Auxiliary roll damping Nm-s/° 0 0 0

Table E.8: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter steer axle



Force (N)

Jounce Rebound

0 0 0

50 370 3 020

130 830 4 230

260 1 010 4 310

390 1 110 4 420

520 1 190 4 520

1 040 1 480 4 810

1 560 1 730 5 210

Table E.9: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter drive axle

Actual damper properties Equivalent vertical damper

Velocity (mm/s)

Force (N) Velocity (mm/s)

Force (N)

Jounce Rebound Jounce Rebound

0 0 0 0 0 0

10 270 540 12 234 468

26 350 1 950 30 303 1 689

52 580 5 350 60 502 4 633

130 1 300 6 500 150 1 126 5 629

260 1 450 6 800 300 1 256 5 889

390 1 550 7 000 450 1 342 6 062

520 1 650 7 150 600 1 429 6 192

1 040 1 900 7 700 1 201 1 645 6 668

1 560 2 200 8 350 1 801 1 905 7 231

3 000 2 550 10 550 3 464 2 208 9 137

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (190)


Table E.10: Damper behaviour, Flexiporter semitrailer axle

Actual damper properties Equivalent vertical damper

Velocity (mm/s)

Force (N) Velocity (mm/s)

Force (N)

Jounce Rebound Jounce Rebound

0 0 0 0 0 0

52 1 800 8 600 63 1 492 7 130

130 2 800 13 100 157 2 321 10 860

260 3 800 14 200 314 3 150 11 772

390 4 400 14 700 470 3 648 12 187

520 5 000 15 200 627 4 145 12 601

650 5 600 15 600 784 4 643 12 933

780 6 200 16 100 941 5 140 13 348

910 6 800 16 600 1 098 5 637 13 762

1 040 7 400 17 100 1 254 6 135 14 177

E.3 Couplings

Table E.11: Coupling properties, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Fifth wheel

Distance behind steer axle mm 3 400

Height above ground mm 1 221

Lateral offset mm 0

Roll stiffness Nm/° 56 500

Pitch stiffness Nm/° 0

Yaw stiffness Nm/° 0

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (191)


E.4 Tyres

Table E.12: Tyre properties, Flexiporter

Vehicle Parameter Units Steer Drive Trailer

Size 295/80 R22.5 295/80 R22.5 285/70 R19.5

Single/Dual Single Dual Single

UMTRI tyre used for lateral stiffness data [39] Michelin 12x22.5

Michelin 12x22.5

Michelin 11.0R20H

Michelin tyre used for rated load, vertical stiffness, effective rolling radius, unloaded radius data [58]

XZA2 Energy XZA2 Energy XZE2+

Rated load kg 3 550 3 550 2 725

Dual tyre spacing mm N/A 352 N/A

Rolling resistance 0 0 0

Effective rolling radius mm 509 509 433

Unloaded radius mm 524 524 448

Vertical spring rate N/mm 916 916 801

Relaxation length for Fy and Mz mm 100† 1 048 896

Relaxation length for Fx mm 52 52 45

Load rating for TruckSim® longitudinal and aligning moment stiffness properties

kg 3 500 3 500 3 000

Wheel toe ° 0 0 0

Wheel camber ° 0 0 0

† Value chosen for steer-tyres to avoid erratic steering motion whilst maintaining acceptable path-following behaviour

E.5 Steering

(See Table D.12.)

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (192)


Appendix F

Vehicle Drawings

The drawings that appear on the following pages were created by – and appear here

courtesy of – Mr. Andrew Colepeper and Unipower (Natal).

Drawing No. Description

409-600-PBS001 Maxiporter (final design): Dimensions

409-600-PBS002 Maxiporter (final design): Example maximum payloads

407-100-PBS001 Flexiporter (final design): Dimensions

407-100-PBS002 Flexiporter (final design): Example maximum payload

Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (193)


Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (194)


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Christopher Charles de Saxe - CORE - [PDF Document] (2024)
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