Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (2024)

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Related Story Most Popular Thomas and Douglas Return — and Sheila Threatens Tom, Who Has a Connection to [Spoiler] Brooke Extracts a Promise From Hope — and Tom Shares His Concerns About Sheila With Deacon <p>Don’t be fooled by the smile. The year 2011 was a toughie for Hope Logan (then Kim Matula). Though she was madly in love with Liam Spencer and vice-versa, he was also madly in love with her stepsister, Steffy Forrester. (The only kind of love Liam is ever in is madly.) And thanks to the machinations of Steffy’s old flame — Liam’s father, Bill Spencer — hers was the finger on which the waffling bachelor slipped a wedding band.</p> <p>While Hope was doing her damnedest to Scotch-tape her broken heart back together, Thomas (then Adam Gregory) was focused on seeing that his Taboo fashion line at Forrester Creations outsold her Hope For the Future designs. His winning strategy? He shocked a gaggle of reporters along with stepmother Brooke Logan by planting a kiss on her during a press conference.</p> <p>Putting aside his attraction to Hope’s mother — for the best, heaven knows! — Thomas turned his attentions toward Hope. She was pretty. She was nice. She was vulnerable. And, in time, he was sure that she would forget all about Liam and fall for him. But being Ridge’s son, Thomas couldn’t be bothered to wait, much less wait long enough, so he proposed to Hope during a vacation in Cabo. Big mistake. She said no.</p> <p>… love the one you’re with. That was Thomas’ motto following his split from Hope. And since Bill’s niece Caroline Spencer shared a lot of the qualities that Thomas had liked in Hope — blonde, pretty, breathing —he began pursuing <em>her</em>. Although, it bears mentioning, not so ardently that he didn’t let himself by manipulated by stepbrother Rick Forrester into stealing a kiss from Hope.</p> <p>By 2019, we were dealing with a whole new Hope and Thomas (literally, since by then it was Annika Noelle and Matthew Atkinson playing the parts). He’d moved to New York with Caroline and their son, Douglas, but returned to L.A. with only Douglas. Caroline, conveniently enough, had croaked. In no time, Thomas was circling Hope anew, and since she was mourning the “death” of daughter Beth, it was…</p> <p>Despite the fact that Hope was grief-stricken and married to Liam, Thomas chased after the object of his affections… or obsession, some would (rightly) say. After becoming Hope For the Future’s head designer, Ridge and Taylor’s son “weaponized” Douglas, using his fondness for Hope to reel her in, and kept from her the fact that her “ill-fated” baby was alive and well — <em>and</em> had been adopted by an unwitting Steffy.</p> <p>By the summer of 2019, Thomas had done such a number on Hope and Liam’s marriage that the schemer was ready to pop the question. This time, to ensure an answer of yes, he had Douglas do the asking. But when Thomas wanted to celebrate his and Hope’s engagement horizontally, she took a hard pass. Maybe it wasn’t too late to book <em>two</em> rooms for the honeymoon.</p> <p>After Douglas learned that Steffy’s adopted infant was really Hope and Liam’s “deceased” child, he naturally wanted to tell the former marrieds. “Don’t you dare,” said Thomas, threatening to abandon his little boy if he blabbed. (Eesh.) Undaunted, Douglas, perhaps the most honorable character on the show, filled in Liam, who immediately reunited with Hope and baby Beth.</p> <p>Thomas, bristling at being declared persona non grata everywhere, convinced himself that Hope would forgive his whopper of a deception if only he could get her alone to explain. Too late, he realized that a cliff might not have been the best spot for this conversation, as during it, he was “helped” over the edge by a protective Brooke.</p> <p>Though Hope had zero interest in being with Thomas, she <em>did</em> still want to be a part of Douglas’ life. This was fine and also dandy as far as Thomas was concerned;in his warped mind, he believed that he could trade joint custody for sex. When he found out that nookie wasn’t on the table, not now or (cough) ever, he confronted Hope, who sent him tumbling into a vat of what she thought was acid.</p> <p>In an effort to con everyone into believing that he was over Hope, Thomas became engaged to model Zoe Buckingham. Little did he suspect that, by the time their wedding day rolled around, she was in cahoots with Hope, Liam and Steffy to expose his continued obsession. When he dumped Zoe at the altar, thinking that Hope wanted to tie the knot — as if! — the jig was up, and he was renamed L.A.’s Worst Person Ever.</p> <p>Chagrinned at not being welcomed back to Hope For the Future — imagine that! — Thomas sulked with “Fauxpe,” a mannequin that looked just like Hope. A mannequin that looked just like Hope and, um, sometimes talked to him. And that he sometimes made out with. And… Yeah, Thomas was not doing well. Eventually, he underwent surgery to remedy the bleeding in his brain that was making him crazy extra.</p> <p>Weirdly determined to give Thomas another chance with Hope, his pal Vinny Walker threw himself in front of a car in which Liam was driving Bill home. Rather than tell the truth, Bill staged a coverup that got both him and Liam put in prison. When Thomas finally received Vinny’s suicide text — better late than never? — he was caged by Bill’s treacherous henchman Justin Barber before he could go to the police. Which he actually wanted to — so he <em>is</em> at least capable of doing the right thing, Hope had to acknowledge.</p> <p>After framing Brooke for calling Child Protective Services on him — what better way to reunite his and Steffy’s Mommy and Daddy? — Thomas was ousted from Forrester Creations. For about five minutes. As soon as Hope For the Future’s sales declined — and how fast could that happen, anyway? — he was allowed to return to work. Could he possibly behave himself, though? <em>That</em> was the question.</p> <p>Finally, Thomas seemed to have moved past his fixation with Hope…just in time for her to develop one with <em>him</em>. As Liam grew ever more suspicious of the tag team’s collaboration, Hope’s desire, outta nowhere, increased exponentially. She admitted to Thomas that she found him hot and began having fantasies about the two of them hooking up. Eventually, “it” happened.</p> <p>On a business trip to Rome, Hope surrendered to passion and pulled in Thomas for a searing smooch. As coincidence would have it, Liam just happened to have followed her overseas and was on hand to get an eyeful. Ever the master of the measured response, he immediately kissed Steffy — never mind her marriage to Finn Finnegan — and told Hope that he wanted a divorce.</p> <p>Hope begged Liam to forgive her lapse the same way that she’d forgiven him for sleeping with Steffy when, not that long ago, he’d thought he’d seen her kissing Thomas. (It was “Fauxpe” with whom he’d actually been locking lips.) But as her pleas fell on deaf ears, she concluded that there was no reason not to act on her impulse to jump into bed with Thomas.</p> <p>At Beth’s birthday party, Liam seized the opportunity to remind Hope that Thomas had let them believe that their daughter was dead. In response, she immediately cut her new lover loose and implored Liam to give their marriage another go. Instead of jump at the chance to not be the biggest [bleep]hole ever, he reminded viewers, if not Hope, why she should consider herself well-rid of him.</p> <p>Rejected by Liam, Hope explained to Thomas that she wasn’t as in love with him as he was with her. Or, really, in love with him at all. She <em>was</em>, however, keenly interested in resuming their clothing-optional play dates. “No problemo,” he replied, “I’ll just chuck my self-respect in the corner next to my pants.”</p> <p>As Thomas and Hope doubled and even tripled down on their relationship, the queen bee’s granddaughter Steffy did exactly what she would’ve. In other words, she inserted herself in an affair that was none of her beeswax!</p> <p>Undaunted by the naysayers, Thomas proposed to Hope but couldn’t be sure whether he was bursting his own bubble by popping the question. Not until he got his answer, anyway.</p> <p>At the same time as Thomas was performing his bended-knee workout, Steffy’s husband Finn Finnegan was getting an earful from Xander Avant about the starring role that the reformed schemer had played in the death of Emma Barber.</p> <p>After Thomas confessed to Hope, she made the grievous mistake of expressing her concerns to his biggest destractor, Brooke. You can well imagine how <em>that</em> went. Would Hope ever wear Thomas’ engagement ring on anything but her neck?</p> <p>Already on Team “Thope,” Thomas’ dad Ridge Forrester managed to sway Brooke. “Who among us <em>hasn’t</em> hastened someone’s demise?” So Hope’s favorite designer was pretty sure that he’d get a yes the next time he asked her to marry him.</p> <p>Being a Forrester and therefore used to marriages taking place every other week, Thomas was as shocked as horrified when Hope said that after her split from Liam, she wasn’t ready for another long-term commitment so soon. Hissy fit commencing in three, two…</p> <p>With Steffy egging him on every step of the way, Thomas ended his relationship with Hope, packed up Thomas and said au revoir to L.A. as the two them embarked on a father/son trip to Paris. Which begs the question: Can escargot <em>really</em> mend a broken heart?</p>
  • The Bold and the Beautiful
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Dustin Cushman

Sunday, July 9th, 2023

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (1)

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI

In the latest The Bold and the Beautiful preview for July 10 – 14, Hope and Thomas go way past kissing! Read on and watch the preview below.

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After confronting Hope about the kiss in Rome with Thomas, she finally admitted her mistake and begged him for forgiveness. However, Liam saw what Hope did as the ultimate betrayal because she knew how he felt about Thomas and the threat he posed to their marriage and family. He declared he wanted a divorce and walked out!

Not only did Liam walk out, but he bolted straight to Steffy and kissed her again! She told him that he had to respect her marriage, but couldn’t stop dwelling on his kiss. Hope meanwhile cried to Thomas that her marriage was over, and Liam was back to waffling between her and Steffy. She wanted a man who only wanted her, and pulled Thomas into a kiss!

Coming up, Hope and Thomas take a second after their kiss to think and absorb what happened. Thomas again asks, “What about Liam?” She says he walked out on her, our marriage is over. It doesn’t them much time to hit the sheets and make love!

Meanwhile, Wyatt continues to push his brother to fight for Hope. He urges Liam not to let one mistake destroy his entire marriage. He pushes him to go to Hope immediately before it’s too late. Unfortunately, it may already be!

Back in her bed, Hope asks Thomas to keep what happened between them, when Brooke bursts in, and Hope looks horrified! However is this a red herring? Is it Brooke that finds them together… or Liam?

Read the to learn who Deacon takes a walk down memory lane with.

If you’re a fan of Thomas and Hope — or perhaps new to their story — check out the gallery below in which we chart their often-rocky road to romance!

Video: Bold & Beautiful/Instagram

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Thomas and Douglas Return — and Sheila Threatens Tom, Who Has a Connection to [Spoiler]

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Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (8)

Image: Sean Smith/JPI


<p>Don’t be fooled by the smile. The year 2011 was a toughie for Hope Logan (then Kim Matula). Though she was madly in love with Liam Spencer and vice-versa, he was also madly in love with her stepsister, Steffy Forrester. (The only kind of love Liam is ever in is madly.) And thanks to the machinations of Steffy’s old flame — Liam’s father, Bill Spencer — hers was the finger on which the waffling bachelor slipped a wedding band.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (9)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>While Hope was doing her damnedest to Scotch-tape her broken heart back together, Thomas (then Adam Gregory) was focused on seeing that his Taboo fashion line at Forrester Creations outsold her Hope For the Future designs. His winning strategy? He shocked a gaggle of reporters along with stepmother Brooke Logan by planting a kiss on her during a press conference.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (10)

Image: Sean Smith/JPI


<p>Putting aside his attraction to Hope’s mother — for the best, heaven knows! — Thomas turned his attentions toward Hope. She was pretty. She was nice. She was vulnerable. And, in time, he was sure that she would forget all about Liam and fall for him. But being Ridge’s son, Thomas couldn’t be bothered to wait, much less wait long enough, so he proposed to Hope during a vacation in Cabo. Big mistake. She said no.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (11)

Image: Sean Smith/JPI


<p>… love the one you’re with. That was Thomas’ motto following his split from Hope. And since Bill’s niece Caroline Spencer shared a lot of the qualities that Thomas had liked in Hope — blonde, pretty, breathing —he began pursuing <em>her</em>. Although, it bears mentioning, not so ardently that he didn’t let himself by manipulated by stepbrother Rick Forrester into stealing a kiss from Hope.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (12)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>By 2019, we were dealing with a whole new Hope and Thomas (literally, since by then it was Annika Noelle and Matthew Atkinson playing the parts). He’d moved to New York with Caroline and their son, Douglas, but returned to L.A. with only Douglas. Caroline, conveniently enough, had croaked. In no time, Thomas was circling Hope anew, and since she was mourning the “death” of daughter Beth, it was…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (13)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Despite the fact that Hope was grief-stricken and married to Liam, Thomas chased after the object of his affections… or obsession, some would (rightly) say. After becoming Hope For the Future’s head designer, Ridge and Taylor’s son “weaponized” Douglas, using his fondness for Hope to reel her in, and kept from her the fact that her “ill-fated” baby was alive and well — <em>and</em> had been adopted by an unwitting Steffy.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (14)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>By the summer of 2019, Thomas had done such a number on Hope and Liam’s marriage that the schemer was ready to pop the question. This time, to ensure an answer of yes, he had Douglas do the asking. But when Thomas wanted to celebrate his and Hope’s engagement horizontally, she took a hard pass. Maybe it wasn’t too late to book <em>two</em> rooms for the honeymoon.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (15)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>After Douglas learned that Steffy’s adopted infant was really Hope and Liam’s “deceased” child, he naturally wanted to tell the former marrieds. “Don’t you dare,” said Thomas, threatening to abandon his little boy if he blabbed. (Eesh.) Undaunted, Douglas, perhaps the most honorable character on the show, filled in Liam, who immediately reunited with Hope and baby Beth.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (16)


<p>Thomas, bristling at being declared persona non grata everywhere, convinced himself that Hope would forgive his whopper of a deception if only he could get her alone to explain. Too late, he realized that a cliff might not have been the best spot for this conversation, as during it, he was “helped” over the edge by a protective Brooke.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (17)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI (3)


<p>Though Hope had zero interest in being with Thomas, she <em>did</em> still want to be a part of Douglas’ life. This was fine and also dandy as far as Thomas was concerned;in his warped mind, he believed that he could trade joint custody for sex. When he found out that nookie wasn’t on the table, not now or (cough) ever, he confronted Hope, who sent him tumbling into a vat of what she thought was acid.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (18)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>In an effort to con everyone into believing that he was over Hope, Thomas became engaged to model Zoe Buckingham. Little did he suspect that, by the time their wedding day rolled around, she was in cahoots with Hope, Liam and Steffy to expose his continued obsession. When he dumped Zoe at the altar, thinking that Hope wanted to tie the knot — as if! — the jig was up, and he was renamed L.A.’s Worst Person Ever.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (19)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Chagrinned at not being welcomed back to Hope For the Future — imagine that! — Thomas sulked with “Fauxpe,” a mannequin that looked just like Hope. A mannequin that looked just like Hope and, um, sometimes talked to him. And that he sometimes made out with. And… Yeah, Thomas was not doing well. Eventually, he underwent surgery to remedy the bleeding in his brain that was making him crazy extra.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (20)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Weirdly determined to give Thomas another chance with Hope, his pal Vinny Walker threw himself in front of a car in which Liam was driving Bill home. Rather than tell the truth, Bill staged a coverup that got both him and Liam put in prison. When Thomas finally received Vinny’s suicide text — better late than never? — he was caged by Bill’s treacherous henchman Justin Barber before he could go to the police. Which he actually wanted to — so he <em>is</em> at least capable of doing the right thing, Hope had to acknowledge.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (21)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>After framing Brooke for calling Child Protective Services on him — what better way to reunite his and Steffy’s Mommy and Daddy? — Thomas was ousted from Forrester Creations. For about five minutes. As soon as Hope For the Future’s sales declined — and how fast could that happen, anyway? — he was allowed to return to work. Could he possibly behave himself, though? <em>That</em> was the question.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (22)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>Finally, Thomas seemed to have moved past his fixation with Hope…just in time for her to develop one with <em>him</em>. As Liam grew ever more suspicious of the tag team’s collaboration, Hope’s desire, outta nowhere, increased exponentially. She admitted to Thomas that she found him hot and began having fantasies about the two of them hooking up. Eventually, “it” happened.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (23)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>On a business trip to Rome, Hope surrendered to passion and pulled in Thomas for a searing smooch. As coincidence would have it, Liam just happened to have followed her overseas and was on hand to get an eyeful. Ever the master of the measured response, he immediately kissed Steffy — never mind her marriage to Finn Finnegan — and told Hope that he wanted a divorce.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (24)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Hope begged Liam to forgive her lapse the same way that she’d forgiven him for sleeping with Steffy when, not that long ago, he’d thought he’d seen her kissing Thomas. (It was “Fauxpe” with whom he’d actually been locking lips.) But as her pleas fell on deaf ears, she concluded that there was no reason not to act on her impulse to jump into bed with Thomas.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (25)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>At Beth’s birthday party, Liam seized the opportunity to remind Hope that Thomas had let them believe that their daughter was dead. In response, she immediately cut her new lover loose and implored Liam to give their marriage another go. Instead of jump at the chance to not be the biggest [bleep]hole ever, he reminded viewers, if not Hope, why she should consider herself well-rid of him.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (26)

Image: CBS screenshot


<p>Rejected by Liam, Hope explained to Thomas that she wasn’t as in love with him as he was with her. Or, really, in love with him at all. She <em>was</em>, however, keenly interested in resuming their clothing-optional play dates. “No problemo,” he replied, “I’ll just chuck my self-respect in the corner next to my pants.”</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (27)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>As Thomas and Hope doubled and even tripled down on their relationship, the queen bee’s granddaughter Steffy did exactly what she would’ve. In other words, she inserted herself in an affair that was none of her beeswax!</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (28)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Undaunted by the naysayers, Thomas proposed to Hope but couldn’t be sure whether he was bursting his own bubble by popping the question. Not until he got his answer, anyway.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (29)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>At the same time as Thomas was performing his bended-knee workout, Steffy’s husband Finn Finnegan was getting an earful from Xander Avant about the starring role that the reformed schemer had played in the death of Emma Barber.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (30)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>After Thomas confessed to Hope, she made the grievous mistake of expressing her concerns to his biggest destractor, Brooke. You can well imagine how <em>that</em> went. Would Hope ever wear Thomas’ engagement ring on anything but her neck?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (31)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Already on Team “Thope,” Thomas’ dad Ridge Forrester managed to sway Brooke. “Who among us <em>hasn’t</em> hastened someone’s demise?” So Hope’s favorite designer was pretty sure that he’d get a yes the next time he asked her to marry him.</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (32)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>Being a Forrester and therefore used to marriages taking place every other week, Thomas was as shocked as horrified when Hope said that after her split from Liam, she wasn’t ready for another long-term commitment so soon. Hissy fit commencing in three, two…</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (33)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p>With Steffy egging him on every step of the way, Thomas ended his relationship with Hope, packed up Thomas and said au revoir to L.A. as the two them embarked on a father/son trip to Paris. Which begs the question: Can escargot <em>really</em> mend a broken heart?</p>

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Thomas Hit the Sheets — and Are Caught in Bed by [Spoiler] (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.