Ambrosia apples | Fresh From the Orchard to your Door (2024)

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Ambrosia Apples

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Ambrosia Apples

  • Ambrosia was discovered in the 1990's in British Columbia at the Orchard of Wilfrid Mennell.
  • A unique sweet flavor, with a crisp & juicy white flesh and a yellow base skin color with a red blush
  • Excellent both for eating fresh and for cooking and is slow to brown when sliced
  • Have you tried Ambrosia? Get one fresh from the Orchard to your Door!
  • Some people describe a floral - honey flavor

Expanded Information about Ambrosia Apples

Origin and History:Ambrosia apples, renowned for their sweet, honeyed flavor and crisp texture,originated in British Columbia, Canada. Discovered as a chance seedling in theearly 1990s, Ambrosia apples quickly gained popularity for their exceptionaltaste and distinctive appearance. They are the result of a natural crossbetween the Jonagold and Golden Delicious apple varieties, combining the bestqualities of both parents to create a truly remarkable apple.

Growing Conditions:Ambrosia apple trees thrive in regions with temperate climates, particularly inareas with well-drained soil and ample sunlight. They are relativelylow-maintenance trees, requiring regular pruning and thinning to promoteoptimal fruit production and tree health. Ambrosia trees are known for theirmoderate vigor and adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions, makingthem suitable for cultivation in various apple-growing regions around theworld.

Tree Characteristics:Ambrosia apple trees are characterized by their moderate growth habit andrelatively small to medium size compared to other apple tree varieties. Theytypically reach heights of 12 to 15 feet at maturity, with a spreading growthhabit that may require occasional pruning to maintain shape and structure.Ambrosia trees are relatively precocious, often bearing fruit at a young ageand producing consistent yields with proper care and management.

Physical Appearance:Ambrosia apples are medium to large-sized fruits with a round to slightlyconical shape. They have a smooth, glossy skin that is predominantly yellowwith vibrant red striping and occasional patches of orange blush. The skin isoften speckled with small white lenticels, adding to the apple's visual appeal.Ambrosia apples are known for their crisp, juicy flesh and creamy-white color,making them a striking addition to fruit baskets and displays.

Flavor and Aroma Profile: Ambrosiaapples are prized for their sweet, honeyed flavor with subtle hints of pear andmelon. They offer a satisfying crunch and a refreshing juiciness that makesthem enjoyable for fresh eating and culinary use. The aroma is aromatic andmildly fragrant, with floral and fruity notes that enhance the overall sensoryexperience. Ambrosia apples are often described as having a"juicy-sweet" flavor profile, making them a favorite among appleenthusiasts.

Harvesting and Storage:Harvesting of Ambrosia apples typically occurs in the fall, usually from lateSeptember to early October, depending on the specific growing region andclimate. It's essential to pick Ambrosia apples at the peak of ripeness toensure optimal flavor, texture, and sweetness. Proper storage is crucial tomaintain their quality and extend their shelf life. Ambrosia apples should bestored in cool, humid conditions, such as refrigeration or controlledatmosphere storage, to preserve their crispness and flavor. With properhandling and storage, Ambrosia apples can be kept fresh for several months,allowing consumers to enjoy them throughout the harvest season and beyond.

Versatility in Culinary Use:Ambrosia apples are highly versatile and excel in various culinaryapplications, including fresh eating, salads, baking, and desserts. They arefavored for making pies, crisps, and cobblers, as well as for use in salads andfruit platters due to their exceptional sweetness and texture. Their ability tohold their shape when cooked makes them ideal for baking and cookingapplications. Ambrosia apples are also popular for making applesauce, applecider, and juice, as their naturally sweet flavor adds depth and complexity tothese preparations.

Nutritional Value:Ambrosia apples offer nutritional benefits, including vitamins, minerals,dietary fiber, and antioxidants. They are a good source of vitamin C,potassium, and dietary fiber, contributing to overall health and well-being.Ambrosia apples are low in calories and fat, making them a nutritious snackoption for those watching their weight or following a healthy diet.Incorporating Ambrosia apples into a balanced diet can help support immunefunction, promote digestive health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseasessuch as heart disease and cancer.

Market Presence and Availability:Ambrosia apples are increasingly available in supermarkets, farmers' markets,and orchards throughout the fall harvest season. However, sourcing them ensures the highest level of freshness and quality. By orderingAmbrosia apples "From the Farm To Your Door" through,consumers can enjoy the convenience of having premium quality apples delivereddirectly to their doorstep, preserving their crispness and flavor.Additionally, purchasing Ambrosia apples from supportssustainable farming practices and promotes the preservation of this belovedapple variety for future generations to enjoy.

Popularity and Recognition:Ambrosia apples have gained recognition and popularity among consumers fortheir exceptional flavor and texture. They have garnered praise from appleenthusiasts and culinary professionals alike, earning accolades for theirsuperior taste and quality. Ambrosia apples are often featured in taste testsand apple evaluations, consistently impressing with their sweet-tart flavor andcrisp texture. Their growing popularity has led to increased demand andavailability, making them a sought-after choice for fresh eating and culinaryuse. In summary, Ambrosia apples from offer a taste of sweetnessand quality, embodying the perfect combination of flavor, texture, andfreshness that apple lovers cherish. Whether enjoyed fresh, baked into pies, orsliced for snacks, Ambrosia apples deliver a delightful taste experience thatcelebrates the best of autumn's bounty, straight from the orchard to yourdoorstep.

From The Apple Crunchers of

Where is the best placeto buy Ambrosia apples?

    • is an excellent choice for purchasing Ambrosiaapples. They offer farm-fresh apples delivered directly to your door,ensuring you receive the highest quality fruit.

What distinguishesAmbrosia apples from other varieties?

    • Ambrosia apples are known for their naturally sweet flavor, which isreminiscent of pear and honey. They have a fine, crisp texture and abeautiful, glossy, yellow and red skin. They are also low in acidity anddo not brown quickly when cut, making them ideal for fresh preparations.

How do Ambrosia applestaste?

    • They offer a delightful sweetness balanced with a subtle tartness,providing a complex flavor profile that's not overpowering. Their crispand juicy texture enhances the eating experience.

When are Ambrosia applesin season?

    • Ambrosia apples are typically harvested in the fall but areavailable for purchase through well into the winter andspring due to their excellent storage capabilities.

Are Ambrosia apples goodfor baking?

    • While they are exceptional for fresh eating due to their sweetnessand texture, Ambrosia apples can also be used in baking. Their loweracidity and sweet flavor can reduce the need for added sugar in recipes.

Can Ambrosia apples beeaten raw?

    • Yes, they are particularly delightful when eaten fresh. Their crisptexture and sweet flavor make them a popular snack or addition to saladsand cheese boards.

What makes Ambrosiaapples popular for snacking?

    • Their natural sweetness, crisp texture, and the fact that they don'tbrown as quickly as other varieties when cut make them a preferred choicefor snacking and fresh applications.

How should Ambrosiaapples be stored?

    • To maintain their freshness and crispness, store Ambrosia apples inthe refrigerator. They have good storage life and can retain their qualityfor several months when stored properly.

Where did Ambrosiaapples originate?

    • Ambrosia apples were discovered as a chance seedling in BritishColumbia, Canada, in the early 1990s. They are believed to be a naturalcross between Golden Delicious and Jonagold apples.

Can Ambrosia apples beused for making applesauce?

    • Yes, their inherent sweetness and low acidity make them an excellentchoice for applesauce, often requiring little to no additional sugar.

Do Ambrosia apples havehealth benefits?

    • Like all apples, Ambrosia apples are a good source of dietary fiber,vitamin C, and various antioxidants, contributing to overall health andwellness.

Why are Ambrosia applesfavored for fruit salads?

    • Their slow browning trait makes them perfect for fruit salads,keeping the presentation fresh and appealing for longer periods.

Can Ambrosia apples befrozen?

    • While fresh consumption is recommended to enjoy their unique textureand flavor fully, Ambrosia apples can be prepared and frozen for use incooked dishes.

How do Ambrosia applescompare to Honeycrisp apples?

    • Ambrosia apples are sweeter and have a finer texture compared toHoneycrisp apples, which are known for their juicy crunch and balancedsweet-tart flavor.

What's the best use forAmbrosia apples in the kitchen?

    • Ambrosia apples excel in fresh preparations such as salads,snacking, and charcuterie boards. They can also be used in baking andcooking where their sweetness can be highlighted.

Can Ambrosia apples beused in salads?

    • Yes, their crisp texture, sweet flavor, and resistance to browningmake them an excellent addition to salads.

How do you know whenAmbrosia apples are ripe?

    • Ripe Ambrosia apples have a firm texture, a glossy skin featuringtheir characteristic yellow and red coloring, and emit a subtly sweetaroma.

Are Ambrosia apples goodfor juicing?

    • Yes, they can produce a sweet, flavorful juice, though they areoften prized more for their fresh eating qualities.

Can I grow Ambrosiaapples in my garden?

    • Ambrosia apple trees can be grown in zones 5-8, provided theyreceive appropriate care and are planted in a suitable location withwell-draining soil.

What are the challengesof growing Ambrosia apples?

    • Like any apple variety, they may require attention to manage pestsand diseases. Ambrosia trees also need regular pruning and properpollination to produce fruit.

How long does it takefor an Ambrosia apple tree to bear fruit?

    • Generally, Ambrosia apple trees begin to produce fruit within 3 to 5years after planting, depending on care and growing conditions.

Are there any specialtips for cooking with Ambrosia apples?

    • Their sweetness can enhance desserts and savory dishes alike.Consider using them in recipes that call for a touch of natural sugar.

Can Ambrosia apples beused for cider?

    • While not a traditional cider apple, Ambrosia apples can contributea sweet, aromatic quality to cider blends.

What makes Ambrosiaapples a favorite among apple varieties?

    • Their unique flavor, beautiful appearance, and versatility in usehave made them a beloved choice for both consumers and growers.

How can you select thebest Ambrosia apples at the store?

    • Choose apples that are firm, vibrant in color without any bruises,and feel heavy for their size to ensure freshness and quality.

Can Ambrosia apples bepart of a healthy diet?

    • Absolutely, their nutritional content supports a balanced andhealthy diet, offering a tasty way to consume essential vitamins andminerals.

Are there differenttypes of Ambrosia apples?

    • Ambrosia refers to a specific apple cultivar, though there may beminor variations in flavor and appearance based on growing conditions andharvest timing.

How do Ambrosia applesimpact the flavor of apple crisps?

    • They can add a delightful sweetness to apple crisps and otherdesserts, reducing the need for additional sugar.

What's the historybehind Ambrosia apples?

    • Discovered as a chance seedling, Ambrosia apples have quickly gainedpopularity since their introduction, valued for their taste, beauty, andgrowing characteristics.

Are Ambrosia applessuitable for diabetic diets?

    • When consumed as part of a balanced diet, their natural sugars andhigh fiber content can be managed within a diabetic meal plan.

How does the texture ofAmbrosia apples influence their use in recipes?

    • Their firm yet fine texture makes them suitable for a wide range ofuses, maintaining integrity in both raw and cooked applications.

Can Ambrosia apples begrilled?

    • Grilling can highlight their natural sweetness, making them adelicious addition to desserts or savory dishes.

What are some creativeways to use Ambrosia apples?

    • Explore their use in innovative recipes such as baked goods, savorysauces, or simply enjoy them raw for a refreshing treat.

How do Ambrosia applesfare in cold storage?

    • They exhibit excellent storage capabilities, maintaining theirquality and flavor for several months when stored properly.

Can Ambrosia apples beshipped without losing quality?

    • Yes, their sturdy nature allows for effective shipping, ensuringthey reach consumers in excellent condition.

What makes Ambrosiaapples so popular among diverse apple varieties?

    • Their appealing sweetness, attractive appearance, and good keepingqualities have quickly made Ambrosia apples a favored choice for manyapple lovers.

How should Ambrosiaapples be prepared for kids?

    • Slicing them into wedges or sticks makes for an easy, appealingsnack that kids can enjoy, offering a nutritious alternative to processedsnacks.

If I have more questionsabout Ambrosia Apples, who do I ask?

    • For any inquiries about Ambrosia apples or to place an order,contact at 518-695-4517 or email at [emailprotected].

This list aims to provide a thoroughunderstanding of Ambrosia apples, from their taste and culinary uses to storagetips and how to best enjoy them.

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Ambrosia apples | Fresh From the Orchard to your Door (2024)


What is the meaning of Ambrosia apples? ›

This variety has a low acid content, which is easier for some people to digest. Also, Ambrosia apples do not oxidize as rapidly as other varieties, thus making it a good choice for salads and other fresh dishes. Ambrosia means "food of the gods" as described in ancient Greek mythology.

What are some fun facts about Ambrosia apples? ›

Ambrosia means “Food of the Gods” and this delicately sweet apple is quite the treat. Ambrosia apples were discovered in 1987 as a chance seedling growing on the Mennell family's orchard in Cawston, British Columbia, Canada. Because it just appeared growing in nature, the apple's parentage is unknown.

Are Ambrosia apples any good? ›

Frist Time Buying and Eating the Ambrosia Apples is the Best 100% Delicious and Crunchy. I would recommend other people to buy this Apple Ambrosia. I have purchased this variety from more than 3 stores and always find it juicy, aromatic, somewhat sweet, crisp, and wonderful. It is juicy and my husband likes it, too.

How long do Ambrosia apples last? ›

Whole, unwashed Ambrosia apples will keep for several weeks when stored in the refrigerator's crisper drawer. In professional cold storage, the apples can last 4 to 6 months.

What is the spiritual meaning of ambrosia? ›

In the ancient Greek myths, ambrosia (/æmˈbroʊziə, -ʒə/, Ancient Greek: ἀμβροσία 'immortality') is the food or drink of the Greek gods, and is often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon whoever consumed it.

What is the literal meaning of ambrosia? ›

"Ambrosia" literally means "immortality" in Greek; it is derived from the Greek word "ambrotos" ("immortal"), which combines the prefix "a-" (meaning "not") with "mbrotos" ("mortal"). In Greek and Roman mythology, only the immortals-gods and goddesses-could eat ambrosia.

Are Ambrosia apples good for eating raw? ›

Ambrosia apples can be enjoyed raw or cooked. They can be added to salads, used as a topping for yogurt or oatmeal, juiced for a refreshing drink, baked in pies and crumbles, or poached with sugar and spices. For an even sweeter treat, try dipping them in caramel sauce!

Which apple is sweeter Fuji or Ambrosia? ›

Fuji: Sweet and juicy, Fujis are a great variety that adds sweetness to your juice. Ambrosia: This apple has low acidity, they are sweet but not as sweet as a Fuji, making the Ambrosia a healthier option. Granny Smith: This apple will not make a sweet juice, it will be sour and low in natural sugars.

Are Ambrosia apples the same as Honeycrisp? ›

How do Ambrosia apples compare to Honeycrisp apples? Ambrosia apples are sweeter and have a finer texture compared to Honeycrisp apples, which are known for their juicy crunch and balanced sweet-tart flavor.

Can diabetics eat Ambrosia apples? ›

Apples have a minimal effect on blood sugar levels and are unlikely to cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, even in those with diabetes.

How long does it take for an ambrosia apple tree to bear fruit? ›

Soil CompositionLoamy
TextureFirm, Crisp
Years to Bear2 - 5
Zone Range4 - 8
2 more rows

Why do Ambrosia apples not turn brown? ›

But Ambrosias are described as being low in acidity. Ambrosias could contain other chemicals that keep the reaction from occurring. Phenols: Ambrosias might be low in phenolic substrates.

What is the best use of Ambrosia apple? ›

Best uses. The Ambrosia is a spectacular fresh eating apple and can be kept fresh if you store them in the crisper of your refrigerator to help the apples maintain their flavour and texture. This apple does not oxidize or turn brown quickly, which makes it a great ingredient for fruit salads.

Where do Ambrosia apples grow best? ›

Ambrosia is most common in British Columbia, where it was discovered, and is the third most-produced apple in the province. It is also being produced in Ontario and Nova Scotia, as well as many other places around the world.

What apple is the healthiest? ›

Red Delicious Apples

They've got more polyphenolic compounds than most other apples, with most of the nutrition in the skin – so be sure not to peel them before chowing down. Red Delicious apples contain more anthocyanidins that provide their color and powerful antioxidants.

What is the Ambrosia apple in mythology? ›

In the early 1990's, this tree had its first fruit. In Greek mythology, 'Ambrosia' means 'food of the gods'. Ambrosia are now grown all over the world and available in stores worldwide.

What does the Greek apple symbolize? ›

An obvious symbol they represent is immortality because it is the power they grant when eaten.

What is ambrosia in the Bible? ›

(1) the name of the food of the deities, which gave eternal youth and immortality. This was conceived of as something material; and ambrosia is not only the food of the gods, but also the drink of the gods, as later writers have it.

What is the slang ambrosia? ›

Some scholars have identified ambrosia as honey while others feel that a type of hallucinogenic mushroom was meant in the myths. Regardless of all this confusion, the word is now used metaphorically to mean anything so fragrant, so delicious that it seems divine — including a popular orange-and-coconut confection.

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