ACBL Administration (2024)


See the divisions and responsibilities of ACBL administration and governing bodies, the policies they support and other official documents.

  • Prices & Fees
  • Board of Directors
  • Advisory Council
  • ACBL Committees
  • Foundations

ACBL Units & Districts

ACBL Districts

Currently, there are 25 geographically defined districts as shown on the map on the left. The 25 districts have been combined into 13 regions (district boundaries remain unchanged). By 2024, the 13 regions will have one representative on the ACBL Board of Directors, and the districts will no longer be individually represented. During the transition period, regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 11 have elected a regional representative while the other remaining districts continue to have a representative on the Board.

ACBL Administration (1) ACBL Regions

ACBL Units

Our 300+ units supervise and promote bridge within their boundaries. They have the exclusive right to host sectionals in their territory and may conduct other special games such as unit championships. Each unit receives a share of ACBL membership fees via the 5/5/5 Program. We encourage units to use these fees for programs to increase membership and enhance the enjoyment of the game for all members.5/5/5 Success Scale.

When applying for a charter and to remain a unit in good standing, a unit must agree to comply with ACBL Bylaws, rules and regulations.

ACBL Administration (2) District/Unit Officers List

ACBL Administration (3) District and Unit Insurance

ACBL Administration (4) Order Mini-McKenney Medallions

District and Unit Websites

(Unit websites are listed under their corresponding district)

  • District 1
  • District 2
  • District 3
  • District 4
  • District 5
  • District 6
  • District 7
  • District 8
  • District 9
  • District 10
  • District 11
  • District 12
  • District 13
  • District 14
  • District 15
  • District 16
  • District 17
  • District 18
  • District 19
  • District 20
  • District 21
  • District 22
  • District 23
  • District 24
  • District 25

District/Unit Websites

Support for Units

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ACBL Board of Directors

    • Meeting Motions and Minutes
    • Board Committees
    • BOD Email List
    • Election Chart

ACBL’s Board of Directors supervises and regulates the business, property, and affairs of the ACBL, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the Certificate of Incorporation, or the ACBL Bylaws. The Board is the ACBL’s legislative body with responsibility for approving an overall budget, determining strategy and policy for the ACBL, and establishing the regulations for tournaments and play.

The Board employs an executive director to manage and conduct ACBL business in accordance with the budget, strategy, policies, and regulations established by the Board of Directors.

Regional Directors

Region 1

Jonathan Steinberg

D1, D2

Region 2

Mark Aquino

D24, D25

Region 3

Joann Glasson

D3, D4

Region 4

Margot Hennings

ACBL Board President - D5, D6

Region 5

Dennis Carman

D12, D13, D14

Region 6

Barbara Heller


Region 8

Jeff Overby


Region 9

Paul Cuneo

D15, D16

Region 10

Cindy Shoemaker


Region 11

David Lodge

D22, D23

Region 12

Jackie Zayac

D20, D21

Region 13

Tim White

D18, D19

ACBL Administration (9)

Region 1

Jonathan Steinberg

D1, D2


From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Board Committees: Bridge, ByLaws, Governance, Hall of Fame Liaison

Bridge Experience: Platinum LM

Volunteer Service: ACBL Board of Governors 1990-1993, ACBL Board of Directors 1994-2008, ACBL Educational Foundation 1998-2002, Non-playing captain (NPC) of several Canadian junior teams between 1999-2005 including 10th World Youth Bridge Championships, Sydney, Australia, 2005 (Silver Medal)

Career/professional Activities: Retired Investor

Education: B.A. McGill University, 1973; M.B.A. University of Western Ontario, 1982

Hobbies & Interests: Photography, Swimming, Travelling

Family: Two senior cats, Scooter & Prince

ACBL Administration (10)

Region 2

Mark Aquino

D24, D25


From: Jamaica Plain (Boston), MA

Board Committees: Strategic, Bridge, ByLaws, Committees and Communications Task Force

Bridge Experience: ACBL member since 1969. Grand Life Master

Volunteer Service: US Bridge Federation (USBF) Director – Jan 2019 to present
District 25 Director – Jan 2016 to Dec 2018
District 25 President – Jan 2014 to Dec 2015
District 25 Vice President – Jan 2012 – Dec 2013
D25 GNT/NAP Coordinator – Jan 2001-Dec 2012
Chairman, ACBL-wide NAP/GNT Coordinators Forum 2011 – 2015
Unit 108 (EMBA) President – Jan 2007- Dec 2008
Unit 108 (EMBA) Board Member – Jan 1983- Dec 2008

Career/professional Activities: Procter & Gamble /Gillette/Polaroid – Retired 2014
25 yrs Manufacturing and Technical Operations
Global Best Practices and Re-Organizational Optimization Committees
Twice Chosen to be Dean of P&G’s Technical Engineering School (2011 & 2013)
PlyGems – >7 yrs Marketing – Programs upped sales 42% without lowering prices
US Army – 5 years active duty as a junior officer. Diversified international leadership experience.

Education: B.S., Chemistry, MIT, M.S., Engineering Management, Northeastern University

Hobbies: Swimming, singing, reading, most sports

Family: Married to Silver Life Master Susan, who I met at the bridge table in 1980! 3 adult children, and 3 grandchildren, ages 5, 4, and 2.

ACBL Administration (11)

Region 3

Joann Glasson

D3, D4


From: Pennington, NJ

Board Committees: ACBL Treasurer, Finance (Chair), Governance/Board Operations, Tournament Taskforce

Bridge Experience: I joined the ACBL in 1976. My proudest achievements are eight NABC wins and three world medals. Enjoying a busy bridge teaching career. Proud to have been nominated for the 2016 ABTA Teacher of the Year.

Volunteer Service: Unit 141 and District 4 board member for more years than I can remember, serving as Unit 141 treasurer, Unit 141 President and District 4 President. Webmaster and Publicity Chair for District 4.Fast Results bulletins and slide shows for all District 4 Regional tournaments. Entertainment chair of 1996 Philadelphia NABC. Co-chair of 2010 WBF tournament in Philadelphia. Co-Chair of 2012 Philadelphia NABC and 2018 Philadelphia NABC.

Career/professional Activities: President of Spirit Financial, a non-profit organization for 30+ years before retiring in 2010.

Education: B.A. Villanova University.

Hobbies & Interests: Travel, wine, food, theater, puzzles, British mysteries and teaching on bridge cruises.

Family: Married for 35 years to husband and bridge partner, Bob. Four sons, four daughter-in-laws and ten grandchildren.

ACBL Administration (12)

Region 4

Margot Hennings

ACBL Board President - D5, D6


From: Annandale, Virginia

Board Committees: Appeals and Charges, Governance/Board Operations, Executive Director Review, Transition Taskforce, Tournament Taskforce

Bridge Experience: I have been playing for 35 years. My proudest achievements include three top ten finishes in NABC+/NABC Events (Open BAM, Mixed Pairs, and 10k Swiss), two with my husband and favorite partner.

Volunteer Service: Unit Board Member, 12 years; Unit Vice President, six years; Unit President, 1999-2001; District Vice President 2005; District President, 2005-06; District 6 Representative to the MABC, 1998-2006; District Director since 2011; Co-Chair of D.C. NABC, 1993; Chair of D.C. NABCs, 2002, 2009 and 2016; Regional TC 1989-2010; Sectional TC 1989-Current; Managing Editor, D6 TableTALK publication, 2002-Current.

Career/professional Activities: Systems analyst for 33 years with a not-for-profit company working for the federal government. Requirements, workflow, best practices analysis; acquisition training, support; budget reporting.

Education: BA, American Univ; Russian Lang Certification, Univ of Toronto; MA & Russian Inst Certification, Indiana University; SW Eng Certification, GWU; Project Mgt Professional (PMP) from ’05.

Hobbies & Interests: Wine, cooking, fine and fun dining with friends, offering wine and food tastings for auction through not-for-profit organizations, reading, working in support of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

Family: Widowed. Stepson, daughter-in-law and granddaughter living on the West Coast.

ACBL Administration (13)

Region 5

Dennis Carman

D12, D13, D14


From: Plainwell, Michigan

Board Committees: Appeals and Charges, Bridge, Masterpoints

Bridge Experience: I learned bridge while watching my parents play rubber bridge with other bridge playing couples. I have been a member of the ACBL since 1973. My proudest achievement is making the finals in the Blue Ribbon pairs during the Providence NABC.

Volunteer Service: Western Michigan Unit Board President, 1986-present; District 12 Board Member, 1986-present (three terms as President; four terms as Vice President); District 12 First Alternate, one term; member, National Goodwill and Charity Committees and elected trustee to the ACBL Educational Foundation; co-chair of seven ACBL regional tournaments.

Other: Active in unit mentoring programs, bridge teacher in private group sessions. Directed bridge games in the late 1970s, early 1980s.

Career/professional Activities: I have work experience in the auto service industry and in retail book sales. However, my career was in the steel industry, working 25 years at Hascall Steel.

Education: B.A. inBusiness Administration, Western Michigan University.

Hobbies & Interests: Golf and board games (especially Dune and Settlers of Catan).

Family: I met my wife, Susan, in 1977 at the Lansing, MI Sectional held Thanksgiving weekend. We were married in March 1978. Our son, Taylor, was born in December 1979. We had a daughter in October 1981, who is deceased. My mother, Darlene (former secretary of Unit 195), continues to play bridge now in Oklahoma City, where she moved from Florida to live with my brother, Bob. A sister in Florida has returned to bridge after a long absence, and a brother in California is trying to increase and improve his bridge playing. I have two other non-bridge playing siblings.

ACBL Administration (14)

Region 6

Barbara Heller



Board Committees: Bridge, Bylaws and Governance

Bridge Experience: Joined the league in 1980. Member Goodwill Committee since 1988 and Charity Committee Since 1995

Volunteer Service: From 1983-present in bridge. Co-Chair of Gatlinburg, Co -Chair two Atlanta NABCs
ACBL Educational Foundation 2012-2022 past president
Numerous Sectionals, numerous district offices and committees and presidency

Career/professional Activities: Southern Association Evaluator of Middle School Curriculums, Technology Librarian Taught K-12 as well as Jr. College and Public Librarian

Education: M.S Library Science

Hobbies & Interests: Love games of all types especially word games such as Words with Friends and Boogle and travel

Family: My husband, Bob, former President of the ACBL, 2 children, 9 grandchildren

ACBL Administration (15)

Region 7

Larry Sealy

D8, D10, D11


Bridge Experience: Joined ACBL in 1975, when in college. Represented University of Alabama-Huntsville in National Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament (1978). Played professionally (part-time) in 1980s. Took 1990s off while coaching youth baseball, softball, basketball, and soccer. Played sporadically in 2000s. Began playing more again after retiring (2013). Won 2013 NABC+ Fast Pairs; 2 NABC+ 2nds; 15+ top 5s; WBF World Master.

Volunteer Service: Unit 232 Rep to District 10; District 10 Recorder (4 years); Vice-President (4 years); President (2019-present); BoG (2016-2021); First Alternate District 10 Director (2018-2021)

Other: Retired Missile Defense Scientist/Manager. Participated in several national defense expert panels.

Career/professional Activities:Retired Missile Defense Scientist/Manager. Participated in several national defense expert panels.

Education: B.S. Mathematics, UAH (1977); Graduate work in Math and Operations Research, UAH, (1977-78)

Hobbies & Interests: Fantasy baseball and football, trivia (esp., sports, rock ‘n’ roll, and history), traveling, cooking, walking.

Family: Wife, Cindy (Diamond Life Master), 2 children, 1 grandchild, 2 cats: Muggsy and Romeo.

ACBL Administration (16)

Region 8

Jeff Overby



From: Boynton Beach, Florida

Board Committees: Governance, Transition Taskforce, Tournament Taskforce

Bridge Experience: I started playing bridge while attending Vanderbilt University, representing Vanderbilt in the Inter-collegiate competition.

Volunteer Service: Served in every capacity in District 9 and Florida Unit 128, including President, Vice President, and Secretary. I have volunteered around duplicate bridge since 1971. I previously served on the National Disciplinary Committee (Chair), Goodwill Committee. Volunteer of the Year- District 9, First Alternate District 9 Director, Member- Board of Governors District 9.

Career/professional Activities: Member of the Florida Bar (since 1979). Former Chief Circuit Judge, Chief Assistant State’s Attorney, Chief Assistant Public Defender. Former: Special Magistrate for Monroe County and The City of Key West. Mediator. I was a licensed Real Estate Broker.

Education: BA – Cum Laude, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, JD- University of Florida College of Law, Gainesville, FL.

Hobbies & Interests: Travel, Movies, and Foodie

Family: Married to Bryan Armstrong, 2 dogs- Cooper and Dash

ACBL Administration (17)

Region 9

Paul Cuneo

D15, D16


From: Houston, Texas

Board Committees: Governance, Strategic, Honorary Member, and Minutes

Bridge Experience: Joined ACBL in October 2005 and currently a Ruby Life Master with over 2000 masterpoints.

Volunteer Service: Served on the Unit 174 Board from April 2008 thru April 2014 with two years as President and two years as Vice-President. Serving as Education Chair for D16 since 2010 and served as D16 President in 2015. Member of the National Goodwill Committee since 2010. Volunteer as Club Manager for Apple DBC in Houston and the Unit 174 Club.

Other: Volunteer with Executive Service Corps Houston since 2005 as a management consultant to nonprofits in the greater Houston area. Practice areas include Strategic Planning, Business Planning, Executive Leadership Coaching and Organizational Development. Served on many businesses, government and nonprofit boards over the past 35 years.

Career/professional Activities: Employed by Shell Oil Company for 33 years starting as a Chemical Engineer. Served in management for 23 years and named Vice-President – Technology in 1998 and retired as Chief Information Officer for Shell Oil Products in 2002.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering from Colorado School of Mines in 1969.

Hobbies & Interests: Avid reader, love to travel and to cook.

Family: Divorced, two children and two grandchildren who also live in Houston.

ACBL Administration (18)

Region 10

Cindy Shoemaker



From: Tucson, AZ

Board Committees: Governance, Strategic, Executive Director Review

Bridge Experience: Joined the ACBL in 2011. Life master, 2019.

Inspirational Bridge Moment: While playing in my first NLM regional, the then local unit president stated that we were the future of bridge. I thought, “yes we are and yes I can.” Years later as Unit 356 president, I had that the opportunity to inspire new players with those very words.

Volunteer Service: Unit 356 president, publicity chair and NLM representative. Editor, D17 electronic newsletter, The Buzz.

Career/professional Activities: Financial editor, marketing manager/director, marketing consultant specializing in 501(c)(3) organizations. Public relations coordinator, American Cancer Society.

Education: Bachelor of Science, Journalism, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Arizona State University.

Hobbies & Interests: off the bridge table, an avid reader organizing and participating in a neighborhood book club. Exercise, cooking and entertaining.

Family: Married to Jack, a recent IBM retiree. Two children, Matt and Bob.

ACBL Administration (19)

Region 11

David Lodge

D22, D23


From: Rancho Mirage CA

Board Committees: Finance, Governance, Audit, Bylaws, Credentials

Bridge Experience: Played in clubs and a few tournaments from 1980 to 1985 after learning in college in the early 60’s. Got back to club/tournament play in early part of 2,000s. Favorite memory-winning our district flight B GNT in a 56 final board match and winning by 1 imp.

Volunteer Service: Bridge-District Board since 2011; District Treasurer since 2013; District President 2014 and 2015; along with my wife Nance and help from our local unit, created and managed the Palm Springs NLM Regional in 2015 and 2016, managed the Palm Springs Regional in 2015 and 2016. Non Bridge-volunteer pilot for LIGA, Doctors of Mercy, flying doctors, nurses, other volunteers and medical supplies into Mexican township to provide basic medical care to thousands of non insured Mexicans; WBC (Los Angeles childrens fundraising group), Vail Jazz Festival (supports youth musical achievements).

Career/professional Activities: Career-founder of an office furniture dealership in Southern California; CPA; CFO for a regional public company; Contract CFO, CEO for a variety of companies.

Education: BS UCLA,1965; alumni UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Hobbies & Interests: Fishing, flying, golf, travel.

Family: Nance, 4 kids, 2 grandkids.

ACBL Administration (20)

Region 12

Jackie Zayac

D20, D21


From: Lafayette, California

Board Committees: Appeals & Charges, Governance/Board Operations, Strategic and NABC Review

Bridge Experience: I joined the ACBL on September 9, 2009. I didn’t play in a duplicate game until 2010. My proudest moment was earning Life Master in 2013.

Volunteer Service: I have been Tournament Chair for four sectionals and served as the Membership Chair, Vice President and President of Unit 499. I have served as a District Representative on the District 21 Board. I was the Prize Chair for the 2016 Reno NABC.

Career/professional Activities: Spent 8+ years working for County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County in accounting, human resources and grants management. Spent 22+ years working for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in grants management and community relations.

Education: Bachelors in English; Masters in Public Administration

Hobbies & Interests: Travel, puzzles, computer games, visiting museums, and enjoying our condo at Lake Tahoe

Family: Married to Jim Zayac for 33 years. One son, Michael, is 26.

ACBL Administration (21)

Region 13

Tim White

D18, D19


Board Committees: Appeals and Charges, Strategic, Codification work group, Communications work group

Bridge Experience: Joined ACBL in 2004. Played social bridge until retirement in 2008; club and tournament play since. Enjoy playing at least one NABC every year.

Volunteer Service: Seattle U446 board member (6 years), Treasurer, President, and Tournament Sites Committee Chair; District 19 board member (6 years), NAP Coordinator, and GNT Coordinator; D19 2nd and 1st Alternate.

Other: United Way of King County (WA), Junior Achievement Project Business, other community activities.

Career/professional Activities: Engineer, manager, and executive management during 32-year career with The Boeing Company.

Education: Undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech, graduate degrees from Univ. of Southern California and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Hobbies & Interests: Bridge, travel, gardening, reading.

Family: Wife Renae, daughter, three grandchildren

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Advisory Council

The Advisory Council (AC), formerly known as the Board of Governors, composed primarily of three members from each district, reviews reports of actions taken by the Board of Directors.

Advisory Council Chair

Doug Couchman

ACBL Administration (22)

Advisory Council Chair

Doug Couchman


Residence: Tucson AZ (District 17)

ACBL Positions: Advisory Council (Chair), Masterpoint Committee (Chair), Laws Commission

Bridge Experience: I read Goren’s Bridge Complete when I was nine but didn’t start playing until about twenty years later. I took up the game seriously in 1998; I also soon became a part-time club tournament director and club manager. After taking more than a decade off for work I returned to the game in 2015. Currently a ruby life master. No great highlights yet but I have represented my district in the Grand National Teams in flights C, B, and A.

Volunteer Service: I joined my unit and then district boards in 2017; soon thereafter I was elected 2nd alternate from District 21. When I moved to Tucson I became 2nd, then 1st, alternate from District 17. Elected Board of Governors (now Advisory Council) Chair in 2020. Also a member of the Board of the NABF.

Career/professional Activities: I’ve held more jobs than I can count including management consultant, director of training and education, census taker, field operations supervisor, tax preparer, wildlife surveyor, poker player, and waiter. Now in addition to teaching bridge lessons I run my own tutoring business focused on graduate admission exams (LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and GRE).

Education: Math and economics at University of Michigan; law at UC Berkeley.

Hobbies and Interests: Birding, travel (I’ve been to every US state, every Canadian province, and 70 countries), and far too much bridge.

Family: One son; single.

Advisory Council Committees

ACBL Administration (23) Teachers and Club managers CommitteeACBL Administration (24) Anti-Cheating CommitteeACBL Administration (25) Bridge CommitteeACBL Administration (26) Membership Growth and Retention

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ACBL Administration (27)

ACBL Committees

Committees assist ACBL by recommending policy, actions or alternatives for Board deliberations. There are five types of committees: Committees of the Board, Committees of the Corporation, Special Committees, Management Committees, and Other ACBL Bodies.

ACBL Laws Commission

The ACBL Laws Commission, in cooperation with the laws committee of the World Bridge Federation, prepares the laws under which both duplicate and rubber bridge games are governed. The commission consists of between nine and 15 members appointed by the president of ACBL with the approval of the Board of Directors.

ACBL Administration (28) Laws Commission MembersACBL Administration (29) Laws Commission Minutes

Competition and Conventions Committee

  • Defense Database

The ACBL Competition and Conventions Committee reviews conventions, convention charts, the alert procedure, convention cards, conditions of contest and any other competitive aspect of bridge. Recommended proposals for change are forwarded to the ACBL Board of Directors for approval.

ACBL Administration (30) C & C Committee MembersACBL Administration (31) C & C MinutesACBL Administration (32) C & C Procedures

ACBL Disciplinary Committee

The committee will hear cases regarding matters specified in the ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations (CDR) or other original cases when so instructed by the ACBL Board of Directors.

The committee will consist of 12 members appointed by the President for three-year terms.

ACBL Administration (33) ACBL Disciplinary Committee Members

Ethical Oversight Committee

The Ethical Oversight Committee acts upon charges brought by ACBL Management as the ACBL disciplinary body in cases of alleged cheating by the use of signals, other unauthorized information, other forms of cheating, or serious breaches of ethics, in accordance with the ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations. League Counsel, the ACBL President and the District Director (for the district of the person charged) are to be notified of a decision to hold an ethical oversight hearing.

ACBL Administration (34) Ethical Oversight Committee MembersACBL Administration (35) Online Ethical Oversight Committee Members

Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee

The ACBL Goodwill Committee was organized in 1955 with John E. Simon as chair and Louise Durham as co-chair. Aileen Osofsky became chair in 1985 and has expanded the committee’s endeavors, taking on the promotion of active ethics, awareness of those with disabilities such as hearing loss, support for junior programs and naming of a goodwill member of the year.

ACBL Administration (36) Goodwill Committee Members

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ACBL Policies and Governing Documents

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Privacy Policy

Jordan Chodorow- Chair2025
Cheri Bjerkan2025
Jon Brissman2026
David Caprera2024
Ira Chorush2025
Phil Clayton2024
Alex Kolesnik2024
Jan Martel2026
Marjorie Michelin2026
Chris Moll2024
Richard Popper2025
Rick Rowland2025
Karen Walker2026
Pam Wittes2024
ACBL Administration (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.